The New Woodend Star | June | 2015

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T’ang Quartet Ensemble Liaison

Circulation of 3500 throughout Woodend postal district, Newham, Hetty Kate Hesket, Ashbourne, North Woodend, Hanging Rock, Carlsruhe, Cobaw. Don Watson Nikolai Demidenko Accademia Arcadia

Club of Woodend

Ensemble Gombert

Sally Wilson

5–8 June 2015 Gareth Evans

Jacqueline Porter

Featuring international artists from Singapore, UK and Italy.

Hans and Petra Henkell


Macedon Spa

music • literary • visual arts Hazel Edwards

Ensemble Liaison

Jacqueline Ogeil Artistic Director

Festival filled with freebies and fireworks this Queen’s Birthday 5–8 June 2015

this wonderful volunteer-run event. Please note that many A stunning lantern parade with music-themed lanterns free events are very popular and bookings are required to made and carried by children from primary schools around avoid disappointment. the Macedon Ranges, and a giant cello lantern carried by six What’s on for free? people will be the centrepiece of the public free fireworks to orter • The Salon Goes Regional – with Deb Westbury and Kate mark the opening the Woodend Winter Arts Festival on Hettyof Kate Larsen, Writers Victoria. Village Larder (7pm, Friday) Friday 5 June at Buffalo Stadium. The lanterns are the creative concept of Public Mischief, • Aussie Heroes in Books – with Hazel Edwards, a session Accademia Arcadia Malmsbury-based festival artists Janine Hilder and for kids 6+ at Woodend Library (10.30am, Saturday 6 Catherine Woodger, who have worked with the groups of June). Please arrive 15 minutes before session begins Ensemble Gombert • The Romantic Rejection of Modern Science - with Pub children and adults in the weeks leading up to the Festival. The 11th annual Festival opening night will attract Philosopher Roger Sworder. Holgates Hotel (6pm – 7pm, Sunday 7 June). thousands of residents for the stunningly beautiful – and Featuring international • Small Exhibition – Botanical artist Craig stunningly loud – fireworks display. Locals who have artists Wonders from Singapore, UK Lidgerwood. Black Anther Gallery (10am – 4pm, Friday attended previously know the importance of the warmest of and Italy. – Monday) jackets, coats and beanies – and some cash to buy from the array of food vans and stalls serving hot food and drinks • Macedon Ranges Art Exhibition – Macedon Ranges Following the fireworks, many will move to opening Art Group and Kyneton Art Group. Woodend Bowling Hans and Henkell night concerts – the Jazz with Hetty Kate atPetra the Club (10am – 4pm, Saturday – Monday) Victoria Hotel (sold out)1and the Simon Tedeschi piano Macedon • Spa Pottery Exhibition – Macedon Ranges Potters. Woodend performance at Ensemble St Ambrose Hall. In addition, a free event CommunityJacqueline Hub (10am – 4pm, Saturday – Monday) Gombert Ogeil Artistic Director – the Salon Goes Regional at music the Village Larder marks • literary • visual arts The full Festival program and tickets are available online the launch of the Season 2 program for Writers Victoria, at and via the Featuring internationaland Kate Larsen. featuring Deb Westbury Festival Box Office at St Ambrose Primary School Office Hazel Edwards artists from Singapore, Other free events ensureUKeveryone can experience the over the Festival weekend. Italy. festivaland over the weekend, and locals are urged to support Submitted by A. Patterson for Woodend Winter Arts Festival.

Photos at top: L)Woodend Library event – free for kids – with Hazel Edwards. M) Fireworks. Picture by Bruce Hedge. R) Public Mischief – in charge of the lantern parade on opening night:

Macedon Spa

ual arts

Thrilling new Arena Development Jacqueline Ogeil

TheArtistic excitement is building at Woodend Director Pony Club with commencement of works on their new arena imminent. With a current membership of 52 riders, and a waiting list, WPC has secured government funding for the construction of a new arena. This new arena will provide not only extended and improved facilities for current riders, but will also enable us to accommodate additional riders.

The New Woodend Star • June 2015

The development will also weather proof the grounds through improved drainage to better accommodate WPC rallies, and other equine user groups throughout the year. “The new arena will also notably enhance our ability to host large events, which we do on a minimum of twice a year; the WPC Combined Training Day and the WPC Australia Day Weekend Show. Both events are very well attended by riders and their families, from as far afield as Swan Hill and Warrnambool, but clearly with strong attendance from within the wider Macedon Ranges,” said Glen Rivers, WPC President.

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