TNWS | AUGUST | 2016

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The New

Club of Woodend


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Blanket drive to help the needy keep warm

Winter is really starting to bite, and the most vulnerable members of the community are feeling it most. When Woodend Rotary put the call out seeking blankets to assists Victoria’s homeless the response was truly amazing! Donations were received from across the Macedon Ranges and beyond, for delivery directly to those in need via Rotary’s Donation in Kind program. R E A D M O R E O N PAG E 2

Rotary’s Cooking Demonstations a hit

Book now for a fantastic introduction to the art of making artisan cheeses at home. PAGE 25

Macedon Ranges Running Club The ever poular Start Run Program begins on August 29 in Woodend. Get fit, and active in a friendly social environment. PAGE 26

Junior Netball in Woodend in Summer!

The Woodend District Netball Club is running its Term 4 Junior Netball Competition again in 2016 PAGE 26

Woodend-Hesket Masters’ fourth game

With a TV camera there to film a story on the club for Off The Bench TV, a great game unraveled with The Hawks drawing forst blood. PAGE 27

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