The New
Club of Woodend
Opening Night Extravaganza! Start your long weekend with a BANG! Thanks to Woodend Winter Arts Festival, skies over Woodend will explode with a colourful display of fireworks that the whole family will enjoy! The fun begins from 5.30pm on Friday June 10 and includes food stalls and entertainment. R E A D M O R E O N P A G E S 2, 3 & 10 in Relay For Life
Relay For Life
team fundraiser
Hope Lives in <my team name here> Join us and the thousands of Australians who take part in Cancer Council’s Relay For Life. This fun and moving overnight experience raises vital funds for research, prevention and support services.
Thank you for your support! Hope Lives in < insert team name here > Newcastle/Macquarie Relay For Life
From wastage to lunches
Woodend Primary rescues surplus food from Coles, providing healthy lunches for hungry school kids. PAGE 4
Area to add in <description the work event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit another line of editible text can fit in here to Your moneyofat allow for extra text another line of editible text can fit in here to allow for extra text Cum sociis natoque penatibus$et magnis> Area to addCan in help <description of the event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit another line of editible text can fit in here to us give a newly diagnosed allow for extra text another line of editible text can fit in here to allow for extra text Cum sociis natoque cancer patient important support and information resources to help them penatibus et magnis>Area to add in <description of the event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit another line of editible through their cancer journey. text can fit in here to allow for extra text another line of editible text can fit in here to allow for extra text Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis> Area to add $ in <description of the event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit another line of editible text can fit in here to allow for extra text another line of editible text can fit in here to allow for extra text Cum sociis natoque Can help offer free exercise penatibus et magnis> programs to help cancer patients
Relay for Life rakes5 in Fundraising the 10 Kitcash
Big-hearted locals have raised over $80,00025 for Cancer Council of Victoria 50 at this year’s Relay for Life. Everything you need to know to kick-start your fundraising and help make a difference in the fight against cancer.
Woodend-Hesket Masters’ first home game
“We’re grey, we’re bald, they all say we’re too old, but we still get a kick out of footy!”
build strength and fitness during and after treatment.
Area for <RSVP date> Area for <contact name> Area for <email address> $ number> Area for <phone Area for <mobile number> Can help transport cancer patients to and from hospital for treatment.
Thanks for $ supporting Cancer Council
Can on help Council As a charity, we rely theCancer goodwill of thousands of donors, 13 11 20 provide free and confidential fundraisers and dedicated supporters to help us fund information and support prevention on all aspects talented researchers, community-based programs of So, the more you raise the and world class support more we can keep up the good work and save lives!
Visit for more information about how you are making a difference.
Can help provide free accommodation for canc carers dur tment
Can help pay an overdue electricity, phone, gas or rates bill for a cancer patient who has not been able to work.
Area to add in <date details> Area to add in <location details> Area to add in <date details> Area to add in <location details>
Register. Participate. Donate. 1300 65 65 85
CAN3906 07/13
12th Winter Arts Festival Another extraordinary program of music, arts, literary and so much more over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend.
Relay For Life