The New
Club of Woodend
Woodend readies for Whole Town Garage Sale Woodend’s Whole Town Garage Sale returns on Saturday March 19, it’s a bargain hunters paradise and a great opportunity to clear out the house, recycle, reuse and turn your unwanted goods into cash. RE A D M O RE O N PAG E 2
It’s roses, roses, all the way … The gardens at Bupa Woodend will be opened on Sunday April 3 for a mini “Harvest Festival” plant and produce sale. PAGE 4
The Annual Tylden Primary School Fair An exciting successful annual event with something to offer everyone: plants, crafts, produce & more. PAGE 2
Can you see yourself in orange? SES volunteers are ‘ordinary people doing extraordinary things’. Woodend SES is recruiting for new members. PAGE 6
Top line up for Woodend Lions Art Show Come and see the amazing 400+ art works on display and for sale incorporating all types of medium. PAGE 5
PUBLISHER: The Rotary Club of Woodend ABN 32 685 225 |No. A0021518E PO Box 387 Woodend 3442
Published on or about the first week of the month (except January). Next edition published on April 4. All news articles & advertising submissions due by March 15. | view back issues via
RATES: Business card 55 x 90mm: $60 Trade directory 40 x 60mm: $43 Quarter page 134 x 90mm: $121 Half page 277 x 90mm/134 x 190mm: $224 Full page 277mm x 190mm: $370 Insert of your printed brochure: $340 Preferential position: 20%, nominated pages by discussion. Prices for advertising 2016 only. Rates are NOT subject to GST. Placement: All adverts are placed at random then rotated through subsequent editions.
Whole Town Garage Sale Join in the fun, meet new people, support the House and make some money It’s time for the Whole Town Garage Sale for Woodend. It’s all happening from 8am until whenever you can stay open until on Saturday, 19 March. We will take your name and address and advertise your garage sale on our map. You pay $5 to be registered; we sell the maps to avid garage sale goers. We will give you a little garage sale pack before the event so that you can put up balloons and signage to let people know exactly where you are. Please register with us by Tuesday, 15 March to get your address on the map. Drop in and see our friendly volunteers, give us a call on 5427 1845 or sign up on line at Our staff and volunteers will be at the House selling the maps from 8am until about 2pm. You can keep your garage sale going longer or close up then too. Don’t forget there will be quite a few households on the map and you will want to let everyone have a go at getting around you all. This is one of the Woodend Neighbourhood House’s main fundraising events for the year and we are so excited that it can be one of your main fundraisers too. These funds will help us keep on running the courses, activities, projects and events that you love us for and we all get to recycle and repurpose things along the way. Last year other garage sale participants reported that they had a flood of visitors and made money to help them with their own personal funding targets too. If you have a project that you want to do around your house then maybe this can help you find the start-up funds. Submitted by Angela Van Dam - Coordinator
See more from Woodend Neighbourhood House on page 17
Prepay 6 editions save 5% Prepay 11 editions save 10%.
MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Claudia Green, Grant Hocking, Barry Napthine, Jane Watters, Daniel Rigoni & Alexia Downie
PRODUCTION: Collier Office & Business Assist
Articles and comments published in this newspaper are the result of contributions and relevant news articles pertinent to the Woodend district. Neither the Rotary Club of Woodend Inc., The New Woodend Star nor the editorial team are liable for any mistakes, omissions, or misprints. It prints and makes no representation as to the truth or accuracy of any description and accepts no liability for any loss suffered by any person who relies on any statement contained herein. The committee reserves the right to omit, reject, cut, alter or otherwise re-work submitted articles to make them suitable. Persons or organisations submitting material for publication in The New Woodend Star do so on the condition that The New Woodend Star has the right to reproduce this material in any format. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editorial team. Submission does not guarantee Club of Woodend | ABN 32 685 225 161 publication. x 387 Woodend 3442 E: Claudia Green, Grant Hocking, Barry Napthine, goni & Alexia Downie NT@NEWWOODENDSTAR.ORG.AU | 5427 1287 S@NEWWOODENDSTAR.ORG.AU | 5427 1287
New woodeNd STar | view back issues page 2 via NG: Collier Office & Business Assist, 5/130 High Street Woodend he first week of the month (except January).
Calling all contributors!
Our story is your story! If you like what we’re all about, why don’t you write for The New Woodend Star? Is there an event you’d like to tell others about? Are you passionate about our community and seek to share its high points and features? We’d love to hear from you!
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Tylden Primary School Country Fair Save the date! The annual Tylden Primary School Country Fair is on again, Saturday March 19 from 10am till 3pm. ow in its 19th year this exciting community event has something for everyone; from arts and crafts, gourmet preserves, local produce and music, plus a variety of delicious food stalls and great entertainment. For the kids the amusement is endless. New rides and old favourites will entertain the troops all day. With the purchase of a ride wristband the kids will be able to enjoy Probungee Trampolines, Giant slide, Rock Climbing, Trackless Train, Jumping Castle, Mini Golf, Animal Farm and Pony Rides as many times as they like throughout the day. While the kids are happily playing in the games zone on the oval, enjoy the splendour of delicious home baked goods or Devonshire Tea, as well as other delectable delights including sour dough donuts, curries and sausage sizzle. There is also a fantastic range of goods up for bid in the Silent Auction. The school library will be filled to the brim with many items up for grabs from kids clothing, kitchenware, tools, hampers, vouchers, wine and so much more.
This is the premier event on the Tylden calendar and we invite you to come along for a fantastic family day out to support a lovely local school that has been educating kids for 150 years. The money raised from the fair is used for a wide variety of programs in the school, such as an intensive school swimming program, grounds development and on-going costs of the renowned Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. It is the fantastic effort of the whole community that makes the event successful each year. For more information about the fair or to purchase ride wristbands contact the school on 5424 8244 or follow us on Facebook. Submitted by Sally Steinkrug, Fair PR co-ordinator
W OODEND H EARING C ENTRE WOODEND Did you know 1 out of 6 Australians HEARING CENTRE suffer from hearing loss? • Are you having problems understanding what people say? • Do you have problems hearing in background noise? • Have you worked in a noisy environment?
Woodend Rainfall 2016 Each month we add the rainfall details and year to date total. Our rainfall report shows 2010, 2011 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Please note that your own rainfall readings may not exactly match these. 5 year aver.
Month January
2010 54.0
2011 227.5
2012 31.0
2013 3.9
2014 19.2
Year total:
If you answered yes to any of the above, you may have a hearing loss.
Woodend Hearing Centre Located in the Brooke Street Medical Centre Cnr Brooke St & Templeton St, Woodend
Woodend Hearing Centre
the Brooke M: Street Medical Centre P: Located 5427 in1002 0425 238 109
Cnr Brooke St. and Templeton St., Woodend Government and worksafe practice. Ph: 5427 1002 accredited Ph: 0400 220Latest 482 digital (*Conditions apply)
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
page 3
Good Friday Appeal
Harvest Festival
Woodend CFA is proud to support the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal, Friday March 25.
You don’t have to garden to enjoy the newlydeveloped gardens at Bupa Aged Care in Woodend.
Woodend CFA volunteers will begin collecting at around 9am and will cover as much of the Woodend area as we possibly can during the day. Hopefully there won’t be any fires, as there were last year, which cut our collecting time short. The Hesket-Kerrie and Newham CFA brigades will also be collecting at the same time. The Macedon Ranges community is normally very generous and we’re sure this will continue. If you are not going to be home on Good Friday, you can drop donations off at the CFA stations on any Sunday morning.
Resident Alma Ward finds gardening difficult but has a new role: florist to the residents of Magnolia wing. Alma ensures that all tables in the dining room have fresh flowers as do the public areas. Roses, a feature of the Bupa Gardens, are a favourite but Alma also enjoys the new picking garden developed as part of the kitchen garden. Here raised wooden troughs ensure that flowers are easy to pick. Alstroemeria, daisies, gladioli, dahlias and carnations are planted, with iris and daffodils for spring. The gardens at Bupa Woodend will be opened on Sunday April 3 for a mini “Harvest Festival”. Plants and produce from the garden will be on sale plus the opportunity to enjoy tea or coffee in the garden. Garden volunteer Ruth Pollard will be on hand to talk about garden design and plants. Bupa Aged Care is located at 2 Sullivans Rd, Woodend with the event open to all on April 3 from 2 till 4pm Contact Ruth Pollard on 0419 892 505
Submitted by Val Pollard
Submitted by M. Dornau
Are you aware of your Fringe Benefit Tax obligations?
LEARN KARATE The art of Zen Do Kai is a form of Karate that was founded over 45 years ago. Its modern day
principles with traditional values make it the most popular martial arts in Australia today
St Ambrose Parish Hall 18 Templeton Street, Woodend Vic 3442
Juniors (5-14) 6.00pm to 7.00pm Seniors (15+) 7.00pm to 8.00pm
For more information please phone Tracy: 0411399493
First lesson Free Training fee: $10.00 per lesson Annual membership: $60.00 Instructor: Ray Musgrove
Probationary 5th Degree Black Belt
Consider Diane’s case Diane runs a company with a staff of twelve. Bill is her general manager and receives use of a company car as part of his remuneration. Diane throws a large Christmas party each year to which she invites all her staff, as well as other meal benefits during the year. Diane is concerned that the 49% FBT rate may apply to these benefits. Motor Vehicle Whether there is a Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) obligation depends on the following: Availability to Bill for private use. Does Bill have access to the car outside work hours? If Bill only uses the car during work hours generally no FBT applies, however if Bill garages the car at his house FBT may apply. Where private use is minor or infrequent FBT may be minimised. Whether or not Bill makes contributions to the running costs of the vehicle. Personal contributions may reduce any FBT obligations. Meal Entertainment Entertainment is a complex area of FBT. Some aspects to consider are: If the entertainment is of a minor and infrequent nature, such as a Christmas party that costs less than $300 per employee, then the entertainment is exempt from FBT. Diane providing sandwiches during board meetings is less likely to be classified as entertainment as it is for sustenance during work hours. Alternatively a monthly restaurant dinner for staff on a Friday night would be subject to FBT as it is after hours, offsite and a social nature. Should you wish to discuss your FBT obligations please feel free to contact Andrew Marshall or Janine Orpwood on 5427 8100 for an initial consultation.
page 4
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Art on show
World Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer is an international ecumenical Christian lay women’s initiative. It is run under the motto “Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action,” and is celebrated annually in over 170 countries on the first Friday in March. The movement aims to bring together women of various races, cultures and traditions in a yearly common Day of Prayer, as well as in closer fellowship, understanding and action throughout the year In Woodend this year our World Day Of Prayer Service will be held 11am on Friday March 4 at St . Ambrose Catholic Church, Templeton Street Woodend. Everyone is most welcome. Submitted by A. Killoh
0418 183 360 0401 499 898 Construction of New Homes, Extentions and Renovations in the Macedon Ranges. B.P. No: DB - U25693
ABN: 38 610 904 398
BAV No: 058678
Woodend Lions Art Show over the long weekend is an excellent opportunity to purchase original, affordable artwork and support community projects. Organisers expect over 400 entr ies across all categories of painting, mixed media, photography and !! GET SOLD !! 3D work $$$ CASH TODAY $$$ such as sculpture, pottery, textiles and glass art. Three main prizes will be awarded to junior entrants under 16, with every entry for sale as per the overall show categories. All entries will be eligible for the $1500 Best in Show prize. Judges are Maldon painter John Howley, Lyonville photographer Je f f Mo o r f o o t a n d Kyneton artist Maxine McKee. T he a r t i s t who s e work receives the most votes cast by visitors to the show in the People’s Choice competition will win a hamper of goods and vouchers donated by local businesses. Renowned Gisborne artist Helen Cottle has again generously donated a painting to be raffled.
Leadlight By Ettore is offering a fused glass workshop for six people, whilst bird life/fauna artist, William Ritchie, has donated one of his meticulous prints. I t ’s w e l l w o r t h at te nd i n g t he G a l a Opening night on Friday, March 11 for the first chance to see the show and stake your claim on any favourites. Tickets are $25 and include finger food and beverages.
The 41st Woodend Lions Art Show – hosted by Lions in partnership with the Macedon Ranges Art Trail - will be at St Ambrose Hall from March 12 to 14, 10am to 4pm daily. Enquiries and bookings for the Opening:; 0438 363 242 or 0409 414 4 35. Submitted by N. Hartnett
FAIRHURST CONVEYANCING and Secretarial Services For all your
Property Transfers Ring Sue Fairhurst on
5427 2382
27 Urquhart Street, Woodend MVCA & AIC
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
page 5
Woodend SES wants you! In 2015, Woodend’s SES Unit received 180 calls for assistance including road rescue, floodings and land searches.
through the gate & up the path…
Victoria State HOURS Emergen
This would not have been possible without the commitment of a small number of volunteers from ——————————————— the Macedon Ranges who give DAYS + NIGHTS freely of their time and skills. Can monday - saturday 8.30am - 4pm you help? thursday - friday - saturday 6pm - close Victoria State Emergency Service’s (SES) Woodend sunday… resting Unit is recruiting for new members to assist them in keeping the community safe. SES is Victoria’s response agency for flood, storm, earthquake and tsunami emergency, as well as road crash rescue. Volunteers who wish to undertake an Operational role receive accredited, recognised training which may include rescue skills, chainsaw operation or securing a roof in a storm. SES units also assist other emergency agencies at incidents such as searches and 1 Supply of Goods rescues. instagram @ mrscolenso There is also an associate membership (a)forThe Supplier must supply the Goods to the Authority in ac those interested in helping with fund raising andin accordance with these 5427 2007 Conditions. community events. (b) The Supplier must deliver the Goods to the Delivery Point As well as emergency response, SES volunteers engage with the community to help them prepare fortaken to have occurred until delivery is acknowledged in w disasters. Woodend SES Controller Kevin McNairoccurred. said volunteering was a rewarding way of helping the BUSINESS CARD PRINTING 2 Acceptance or rejection of Goods community. “The SES is a great place to meet people from (a)theIf the Goods conform with the Specification or sample, the local area and the unit always welcomes newcomers.writing. If the Goods do not conform, the Authority may re The Unit is also looking forward to the permanent giving reasons. If the Authority does not accept or reject t garaging of a response vehicle at the Kyneton CFA to help improve response times to that area” he said. will be deemed to have then occurred. The Woodend Unit is located at 26 Urquhart (b)St,The Supplier must at its cost collect and remove any Goo Woodend and hosts evening training sessions everypracticable or the Authority may return the Goods to the S Monday at 7:30pm.
! ! Conditions for t General ! Provision of Goods (Sing ! ! Provision Goods (sing … so much of more than just great coffee.
To learn more, contact Kevin McNair, Unit Controller 3 Invoicing on 0450 467 882 or email
and payment (a) The Unit Price is fixed and includes all packaging, trans Submitted by G. Thompson costs and any other costs incurred by the Supplier.
hair room
(b) The Supplier must submit to the Authority a tax invoice fo Goods Starting which contains the our information necessary to be from just $40 Business Cards togetherare with such other information as the Authority ma anything but expensive. sent to the address specified in the Purchase Order. Next Day Service Available! (c) The Authority will pay the invoiced amount within 30 day the Authority disputes the invoiced amount it must pay Supplier of the amount in dispute. The parties will endeav
(d) Payment of an invoice is not to be taken as evidence tha with the Agreement but must be taken only as payment on
FIND US AT SHOP 5, 130 HIGH STREET WOODEND 36 Urquhart Street Woodend (e) The Authority will, on demand by the Supplier, pay sim 3092 / PRINT@COLLIEROFFICE.COM.AU - next to Woodend Nursery Amount, at 5427 the rate for the time being fixed under the Pen
page 6
Title and risk
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Red Cross Calling March is our annual community driven fundraising event “Red Cross Calling” Red Cross is calling on the generous support of our members, volunteers and donors to get behind Red Cross this month and raise funds to help people in need.
kit with all the necessary tools for a successful event. Something the caught my attention while I was reading the Humanitarian (a magazine issued by Red Cross monthly) was that on any given night in Australia 1 in 200 people will be homeless, and that a quarter of them are under the age of 18. Gives you something to think about and realise how lucky we are. March in Woodend for our local members will be busy and exciting with a fabulous sausage sizzle outside Coles on Saturday morning, March 12, come along and savour the best cooked snags in Woodend. In breaking news Woodend Newsagency has made available to Red Cross precious space outside their store so that we can have an Easter Stall with lots and lots of goodies for the whole family, don’t miss that one on Saturday morning, March 19. All our members of the Red Cross wish you and your loved ones a happy Easter and be safe and healthy over the Easter break, (PS: enjoy the chocolate.)
“Red Cross Ca lling” is a fun and social way to get involved in the local community and whether you are a branch, school, workplace of individual there is a fundraising activity for everyone. Hold a public coin collection at a shopping centre, train station or high profile location. Go door to door knocking with a friend in your local area or host event among your friends and neighbours. Simply register and Red Cross will provide you with a fundraising
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Submitted by C. Barker
Subscribe to
Do you live outside our distribution area? Now you can receive each edition delivered to you door. A yearly subscription of 11 issues is just $41.80. Call 5427 1287 or email
page 7
Join Woodend Winter Arts Festival on March 19 to launch the 2016 Festival Program with a feature concert by “Violin for 2” with Anne Harvey-Nagl & Susannah Ng.
iolin for 2 is the collaboration of two talented performers exploring the joys of the violin duo repertoire. From the charm of Boccherini to the strange allure of Honnegger, take a musical journey culminating in Prokofiev’s Sonata in C for 2 Violins. This special concert ion March 19, commencing at 7pm, will be performed in two halves, with sparkling wine and canapés served during interval. It will launch the 2016 program of the Woodend Winter Arts Festival.
The venue for this event is the Norma Richardson Hall in Buckland Street. Tickets are $40 each (including refreshments) and can be purchased through Duneira’s website. www.duneira. or phone 5426 1490. Supported by Duneira Mt Macedon and Cope-Williams Winery. Submitted by I. O’Duffy
Adult Cooking classes Feb /March Street food 23rd Feb / April 26th Seafood Essentials 8th March Pressure Cooking 22nd March Vietnamese cooking March 19th BOOKED OUT / April 16th 6 places left 2016 Kids Cooking classes � Advanced MMC 4.00- 5.30pm 2 places left � Teenage Tuesdays 4.30 - 6.00pm � Enrol now for 2nd Term Beginners COPORATE TEAM CLASSES - SPECIALIZED CATERING SERVICES.
| 30 years experience • • • •
Muscle realign & stretch techniques Gentle spine adjustments Elbows, wrists, kness, shoulders Headaches, migraines & athsma
Upstairs at Westpac Bank, 75 High St 0458 440 733
Woodend Self Storage
We have 110 storage units in 5 different sizes to meet your needs. Trailer hire available. Affordable prices. 7 day accesses. Insurance available. Contact Leonie Barker on 0413 869 583 or for a quote. page 8
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Supporting a fairer Australia As I wrote in February, 2016 is going to bring some challenges to the way Council currently operates. Macedon Ranges Shire Council has chosen not to apply to increase the cap of the average rate, set by the State Government, at 2.5%. This does not mean that your rates will not change, as the 2.5% is the so-called “average” rate cap, so some may be more, some less. I will explain this more in future articles. Council continues to look at ways it can save money in our preparation of the budget for public comment. As this will occur in just under 2 months, it is important you continue to tell us of your long-term goals and aspirations for the Shire. We welcome any input prior to endorsing the proposed budget, but even if you have already contacted us it is important that you consider writing a formal submission after the proposed budget is released. As there will be no “Meet your Mayor and Councillors” sessions in this final year of the current council, please call me or email if you have anything you would like to discuss. |0408 273 670
While the arguments for and against settling refugees in Australia continues to go back and forth in the both public and private forums, the plight of children and others trapped in detention is striking a chord with the people of the Macedon Ranges. Pete Walsh, a member of the Macedon Ranges Rural Australians for Refugees (MRRAR) said that the recent sausage sizzle held in the 19th Hole car park in Woodend was one of the most successful in the 8 years they have been active in this area. He said in addition to the generous cash donations and some $5,000 of groceries and supplies, the discussion and interest of the shoppers was at an all time high. He said that while the primary purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness of the humanitarian issue, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in Melbourne has praised the MRR AR for their significant contributions of money, food and personal supplies. The MRRAR, in addition to its two Sizzles each year conducts regular film nights and meets monthly to undertake actions directed at raising Australia’s humanitarian assistance to those men women and children who have asked Australians for help. For more information on the group, contact Rural Australians for Refugees – a grassroots movement striving to return compassion and humanity to Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers
Poultry, Stock & Horse Feeds, Hay, Grain, Chaff, Pet Food, Fencing, Pine Sleepers & Poles, Concrete, Electric Fencing, Tanks, Oils & Lubes Irrigation, Garden Tools, Potting Mix, Pea Straw, Fertilizer, Herbicides & Much More! Elgas LPG Deliveries We fill BBQ Gas Bottles
Come in and see what we’ve got!
Open 7 days
Monday- Friday 8.30 - 5.30 Saturday 8.30 - 4.00 Sunday 9.30 -2.00
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Full range of plants, seedlings & gardening accessories open 7 days
ON TIME!!! Tired of being late for your appointments?
Sun-Ranges Hire Cars can look after all your travel needs, with Prompt & Personal door to door service for less than you think Airport Transfers - Business & Corporate Travel - Weddings & Special Occasions - Sporting Events & Theatre Nights - Medical Visits
Phone 0468 347742 page 9
March 2016 Mail boxes for Medicare cheques here at the practice
Our Aged Care services Since 2007, Brooke St Medical Centre has offered a unique model of care to residents in local aged care facilities. We now provide these services in the name of our sister company: “New Aged Care (NAC)”.
Just a reminder - we have three mail boxes so you can drop off your Medicare cheques. The NAC Team of GPs & Nurses, supported by BSMC Allied Health Professionals has always and will continue to regularly visit: • BUPA in Woodend • Ray M Begg in Kyneton. • Gisborne Oaks • Arcare facilities in Sydenham. We can also assist with arranging visits from various medical specialists, including a Geriatrician and Cardiologist, as required. For further information, please call our dedicated Aged Care nurses on 5427 2002.
Scripts reminder
These are situated at the right hand side of the drive-way entrance to the new building and just outside each patient entry door into the building.
We love your feedback… & to be able to respond to you We welcome your feedback. As we continually strive to improve and provide best quality services, your feedback is most valued. Serious concerns should always be directed to our Practice Manager Deb Stidwell. You can put this in writing or phone Deb. Other comments can be written on one of our feedback forms and placed in the box at our reception desk. We really appreciate you leaving your name and contact details too – this enables us to provide you with follow-up.
Public Holiday hours Forgotten to get your script renewed and don’t need an appointment for anything else? You could just ask to book into our Swift Clinic. This will tide you over until your next consultation. The patient co-payment for a Swift Clinic appointment is $20 (pensioners and health care card holders are bulk billed). The Swift clinic isn’t for repeated and ongoing use though. You are best served by regular GP consultations to ensure continuing medications are most suitable for your ongoing health needs. But if you get caught short - ask for a Swift clinic appointment to tide you over until your next regular appointment. Brooke St. Medical Centre – tel. (03) 5427 1002 page 10
The Practice hours for public holidays in March and April are: • • • • • •
Labour Day – 10-12 midday Good Friday – closed Easter Saturday – 9am-1pm Easter Sunday – 10-12 midday Easter Monday – 10-12 midday ANZAC Day – closed
Weekend hours For urgent use, our weekend hours from Saturday 2nd April will be: Saturdays: 9.00am – 1.00pm Sundays: 10.00am – 12.00 midday After hours GP Helpline - tel. 1800 022 222 The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Youth Mental Health First Aid Get the tools you need to help teens in crisis
Beautiful furniture Elegant home wares Fine gifts & linens
Workshops and lessons- book now! Stockist of Chalk PaintTM decorative paint by Annie Sloan
15 Hamilton Street Gisborne next to the Telegraph Hotel
0487 364 989
AVAILABLE FOR LEASE IN WOODEND Shop space available in 19th Hole Shopping Centre Shop 8 - 217 sqm
Suit a variety of uses in this busy shopping precinct.
Prime office space available 75 High St Woodend - ‘The Bank’ Building Office 9 - 14 sqm
Natural light and air conditioning. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ivor Johnson 5427 4089 or 0407 273 961 75 High St Woodend The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Woodend Rotary is proudly supporting Macedon Ranges Shire Council (MRSC) by sponsoring two courses covering Youth Mental Health First Aid in Woodend over the next few months. The course teaches adults how to assist adolescents who are developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. Course participants learn about adolescent development, the signs and symptoms of the common and disabling mental health problems in young people, where and how to get help when a young person is developing a mental illness, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide first aid in a crisis situation. “Woodend Rotary is pleased to be able to support the provision of these courses to the Woodend community”, said Rotary President Grant Hocking “Youth Mental Health is an areas of focus for the club this year with funding coming from the fundraising luncheon held last year. I encourage community members to book into one of these courses said Grant. More details of the courses are available on the MRSC website. The program of dates for 2016’s Youth Mental Health First Aid courses are below:
●● Woodend: 2, 9, 16 and 23 March, 6pm–9.30pm. Leadlight Room, Holgates, High Street ●● Romsey: 7 and 14 May, 9am–4.30pm at Romsey Community Hub, 96–100 Main Street ●● Woodend: 13, 20, 27 July and 3 August, 6pm–9.30pm at Leadlight Room, Holgates, High Street ●● Gisborne: 13 and 20 August, 9am–4.30pm at Gisborne Administration Centre, 40 Robertson Street ●● Kyneton: 5, 12, 19 and 26 October, 6pm–9.30pm at Newman Room, Kyneton Town Hall, 129 Mollison Street Courses are free to parents/carers with a child at school in the Macedon Ranges, and teachers and service providers within the Macedon Ranges that have involvement with a Live4Life school/students. To find out more information or book your place, visit, phone Lauren Proudfoot on 5422 0275 or Submitted by Jenny Zimmerman
page 11
‘Konichiwa!’ There’s more to Japanese culture than sumo, sushi and samurai, as you’ll find out during Macedon Ranges’ Cultural Diversity Week. This state-wide celebration is aimed at promoting harmony, understanding and acceptance of a multicultural community and, seeing as the Macedon Ranges has a Sister City Agreement with Tokai City Council, we are focussing this year’s events around Japanese culture. Events include:
●● A Culture Bunka Exhibition at Kyneton Museum celebrating Japan’s unique culture, including colourful kimonos, traditional and contemporary ceramics and kitsch from Japanese pop-culture ●● An exhibition of traditional Japanese items from the Japanese Foundation in Sydney ●● A multicultural film festival ●● Taikoz drumming and dance performance ●● Tokai Culture Association, Tokai International Association and Tokai Dance Preservation Society showcase of calligraphy, sword dance, folk songs, a kimono wearing experience, paper cutouts and Tsumami-zaiku (making traditional Japanese crafts). For further information visit cultural-diversity or call 5422 0333.
Cultural Diversity Week Immerse yourself in Japanese culture and learn more about our Sister City at one of the many events held from 16-18 March. Details: Phone: 5422 0333
Submitted by L Manton for M.R.S.C.
PALMER, STEVENS & RENNICK Barristers & Solicitors
• Property and Conveyancing • Criminal Law • Family Law • Wills and Estates • Commercial Law • Employment Law • Registered Migration Agent
Please contact us on 5422 6500
8 Jennings St, Kyneton page 12
email: The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Clean up Australia Day Macedon Ranges Shire Council is calling on local residents, community groups, schools and businesses to roll up their sleeves and join in this year’s Clean up Australia campaign. There will be three clean up days held throughout the Macedon Ranges, including: ●● Business Clean Up Day–Tuesday 1 March ●● School Clean Up Day–Friday 4 March ●● Community Clean Up Day–Sunday 6 March Macedon Ranges Shire Council Mayor, Cr Graham Hackett is encouraging everyone to do their bit in protecting our local environment and improving its appearance. “You can join an existing site clean-up, or register your own, and Clean Up Australia will send you a kit that includes rubbish bags and gloves,” he said. Council will support Clean Up Australia Day activities by assisting with the collection of litter and rubbish from designated sites, and will also provide a free disposal service at all Transfer Stations in the shire for all waste collected as part of Clean Up Australia Day events. To organise collection from a designated site or to access the free disposal service, contact Council’s Operations team on 5422 0333 by Friday 26 February. For more information about Clean Up Australia Day or to register a site, visit au or call 1800 CUA DAY (282 329). Submitted by L. Manton, M.R.S.C.
Landcare marches on A flying start for Woodend Landcare in 2016 delightful twilight working bee in January was closely followed by a busy weekend at the Sustainable Living Festival and our ‘willow attack’ working bee at the Five Mile Creek weir in February. The Thursday Crew are also back in action on their various sites around Woodend.
The Thursday Crew now have around 20 volunteers who meet weekly to undertake a variety of projects on public land around town. They clear weeds, maintain paths, plant, mow and have even re-discovered Lake Earnshaw for us all to enjoy. We are very lucky to have this dedicated crew active in our town and we thank them for their efforts. New crew members are always welcome too – please get in touch if you are keen. There has been a small change of office bearers for Woodend Landcare. Both Kate Daniel and Jo Clancy decided to step down from their respective roles as President and Vice-President, but the good news is that they remain on the committee. Krista PattersonMajoor has taken on the president role and Dave Bower will be Vice-President. Kate is now our Treasurer until the July AGM. On behalf of Woodend Landcare we'd like to share our huge thanks to both Kate and Jo for their fine leadership of the group. Kate has been president for around two and a half years and has overseen over $35,000 worth of great projects undertaken along the Five Mile Creek and in the Woodend area. Her delightful manner has been a pleasure to work with and our landcare group is going strong as a result. Jo has been either president or vice-president of the group for as long as most of us can remember. She is a passionate advocate for our local environment and is a very dedicated member of the team. We thank Jo for all she has given to the group and look forward to many more of her 'cooeee' morning tea calls and delightful biannual newsletter. Last, but not least, our proposed March 27 working bee clashes with Easter so it was decided to change the date to April 3. You can find out more about us at or contact Krista on 5427 2140 or
Submitted by Krista Patterson-Majoor
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
page 13
Wine Reviews
•Wine •
with Patrick Eckel
2013 Lane’s End Pinot Noir
A light but youthful red in the glass, classic nose of dark
cherry mixed with wild strawberry and rosemary. The wine really opens up with time in the glass, there is a density of dark cherry and plum that is given life and texture by racy acidity and fine yet chalky tannins. The wine has an underlying savoury forest floor character with french oak giving spice and a touch of richness to finish. Drinking beautifully now, but will reward time in the cellar. Rated: 95 Alcohol: 13%
Eating Out Guide
Rated: 96 Drink: 2016 - 2022 Price: $44 Alcohol: 13.5% Website:
Good Taste
intage is fast approaching, with many green leafed vistas in the region now interrupted by netting to protect the grapes from the birds as they get closer to ripeness. The 2016 vintage is looking very good from all accounts, so fingers crossed for temperate and considered weather over the next few months. The two wines featured this month are amongst the most iconic of producers in the region, Curly Flat and Lane’s End, both are of exceptional quality and deliver well beyond their price point. 2013 Curly Flat Chardonnay Curly Flat have a consistency of style that can be seen over the years with their Chardonnay, it is highlighted by oak and lees induced richness that is held in suspension by piercing acidity and pristine varietal fruit, the 2013 is no exception. The 2013 sees a high proportion of new oak (52%) and has a portion that goes through malolactic fermentation (20%). The wine is matured in oak for 18 months prior to bottling, a luxury not afforded to many Australian Chardonnays. A light yellow in colour, the nose has stone fruit, pear and understated butterscotch richness that leads to a palate that pairs citrus acidity against brioche, nectarine and wood spice. This is a complete and complex wine that is imminently approachable in its youth, but will cellar for many years to come.
Come and Relax in our revamped Courtyard we are open Everyday over Easter Meat tray raffle is back on Friday night along with Happy Hour Pots 5.30 - 6.30 Locals Lunches all week Monday - Friday and Dinner on Tuesday $19.50 with glass of house wine or beer
Drink: 2016 - 2023 Price: $38 Website:
Kind Regards, Pat PI/4 = 1/1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ...
1. |–a| = |a|
cone = (1/3) b h = 1/3 pi r 2 h
gamma = - integral(0-inf) e^-x ln x dx |−23|+|4|
Woodend Tutoring ABSOLUTE VALUE 2. |a| ≥ 0
(n 0)B0 + (n 1)B1 + (n 2)B2
Mathematics Tuition Years 9 - 12
(4/3) pi r1 r2 r3
pyramid = (1/3) b h
99 = XCIX
4 × π × r2
a+b =c
Gamma(x+1) = x Gamma(x)
|a – b| ≥ |a| – |b
P = C e rt
B = A (1 + r/n)NT - P
V=5,000 1. |–a| = |a| 2. |a| ≥ 0
page 14
-(x+2) = 9 -x -2 = 9 -x = 11 x = -11
(½) d1d2
Gamma(x) = r x(integral)(0 to inf) e -rt t (x-1) dt
CallP =Stephen 5427 1861 C (1 + r) t
Food made with love real wood fired, hand crafted Italian style pizza & slow food
16 Victoria Street, Macedon PH: 5426 4888 For opening hours:
2/PI = sqrt2/2 * sqrt( 2 + sqrt2 )/2 * sqrt(2 + ( sqrt( 2 + sqrt2) ) )/2 * ...c
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Located at the top of Mount Macedon, next to the magnificent Memorial Cross. Come up and explore the Macedon Regional Park, take in the view from the Camel’s Hump, go for a refreshing walk on more than 30km of walking trails and finish up with a nice lunch or afternoon tea. ...and we are only a 10 minute drive from Woodend!
Open 7 days from 10am Lunch, morning + afternoon tea Group bookings (up to 110 people) Weddings, receptions + functions Catering Giftshop + souvenirs
Events @ The Pig & Whistle
Top of the Range 415 Cameron Drive, Mount Macedon Phone 5427 3466 Web
Good Taste
Thursday 17th March - Live Music TRENTHAM EAST th Sunday 20 March in the true Irish spirit celebrate
St Patrick's Family Day
2 0 15
Award winning Bread, Pies & Cakes
try our Award Winning
Vanilla Slice
Shop 1 & 2, 115 High St, Woodend Great Australian Vanilla Slice Triumph Open daily from 7am
Traditional Irish music, dancing, food, entertainment and plenty of Guinness on tap. St Paddy's Day procession at 11am from the Old Sacred Heart Church. Book now for lunch.
Sunday 3rd April @ 2:30pm Traditional Irish Music Session All musicians welcome!
Open5427 daily2486 from 7am
Friendly hospitality with fantastic food, great local wines, beer garden, live music and a courtesy bus. Catering for all functions, events, groups and special occasions. Call to book on 5424 1213.
Shop 1-3 115 High Street Woodend
TRENTHAM EAST 5427 2486 The New Woodend Star / March 2016
page 15
Macedon Ranges Chauffeur Cars Locally owned & operated since 1991, our Chauffeur car operations began because of the need for people in the area to have an alternative mode of transport. In those days trains were few and far between and there were limited ways to organise transport to and from the airport, suburbs or even Station Pier so from our taxi service we expanded to up market cars that were clean and tidy with drivers who knew the area well and drove appropriately. We joined up with other companies to form ( ) and (www. Our services now include sedans, classic cars, stretch limousines, mini buses and coaches and is focussed on high quality services at all times with customer satisfaction. We accept all major credit cards as well as Cabcharge and for businesses we can offer accounts and/or tax invoices and deal with PayPal and eft. All services must be pre booked especially for airport transfers. We recognise the need to be prepared and guarantee that if you book no later than the day before transport is required your sedan will always be on time.
Obviously weddings and larger vehicles need to be booked well in advance. Travelling with a baby? No problem! Just let us know when your booking, There are no extra charges for baby seats or if you wish to use your own, we are more than happy to hold onto it until your return if this assists with your planning. Group travel to various events is also a cheap way to avoid traffic issues such as parking and tolls as well as the stress. The Macedon Ranges area is well known for its historic buildings, magnificent wineries, art galleries, Hanging Rock and the Cross on Mt Macedon. We support the New Woodend Star because this magazine brings good news to all within its area. We are proud to operate in this wonderful area where people can aspire to inspire and use their talents freely. We hope you will support us and all advertisers as we intend to support you You can pre book on 1300 85 35 75, 1300 13 9740 or 0412 181 896 or info@ (All emails are responded to within 12 hours.) Submitted by Phil, Rowan
Meta Massage
All Types of Cars for All Occassions We offer pick-up & drop offs* ◆ wedding ◆ debutante ball ◆ ◆ to & from work ◆ airport ◆ ◆ sporting event ◆ shopping trip ◆ Looking after the Macedon Ranges *baby seats available
Pre-bookings essential to ensure prompt service
1300 85 35 75
safe – reliable – friendly prompt – polite – clean
0438 062 143
30 min Organicspa AHA Facial $35 SAVE $25 1/2 Leg $20 Standard Bikini $20 Extended Bikini $25 Lip, Chin or Brow $10
Underarm $15 G-string $35 Brazilian $45
Pedicure with Polish $50 Pedicure "Shellac" $60 Vaild for March with Brooke Wednesdays &Thursdays
Telephone 0411 268 336 for an appointment
25 years experience • Chronic and acute conditions Sports injuries • Rehab work page 16
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Library News Woodend has so many great primary school students
reading a lot of books! Over the summer holidays more than 100 students read over 1200 books. Everyone entered the lucky prize draw and 5 winners now have a voucher donated by Friends of Macedon Ranges Libraries or New Leaves Book store. Cultural diversity week is in March. There will be many events, with Origami in the libraries and on Wednesday March 16 Colourfest; a series of short films celebrating the migrant experience will be shown at 7.30pm at Woodend Community Centre. Later in March we will be getting ready for Easter School Holiday Program. Have a look at 'what's on' and book in to an activity at any one of our Libraries. There will be a Friends Book Sale next market day on Saturday March 5, come along for a bargain. Submitted by Lulu Cockram
Neighbourhood House AGM
A key date for 2016 is our AGM which will be held Monday, 21 March at the House from 7.30pm. We’re looking for new committee to help govern and steer the strategic direction of the House. All members are very welcome - come along and see how we fared this last year and exercise your membership rights to elect the committee that will take this place forward into the years ahead.
Story Door
Submitted by Angela Van Dam - Coordinator
Ian Templeton
Ph: 0419 556 140 Email:
dl ig
oo m, H
ol ga
True tales told live
Servicing Business and Home IT needs
From PC’s to Home & Business Networking Hardware sourcing and support Audio visual home set up 20+ years of experience in all facets of technology
Clarity Integrated Technology Services
Open the door. Step into a story. Tell your true tale or lean in and listen. Be entertained. Be moved. Be heard. First Friday of month, 7:30 for 8pm Holgates. Open mic, 5 mins, no notes, it happened to you. March 4 Theme: Missing. A Story Wise initiative The New Woodend Star / March 2016
...the quality of being clear, pure or transparent
Woodend Paediatric Speech Pathology Rhonda Hill | Sarah Timms Jacqui Atkins | Lisa Armitage 03 5427 3309 81g High Street, Woodend |
page 17
page 18
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Family planning: get up-to-date advice Family Planning Victoria estimates that there are 200,000 unplanned pregnancies in Australia each year. Based on the limited data available regarding terminations, approximately half of Australian births are unplanned.
‘We often associate unplanned pregnancies with careless teenagers, but in fact teenage pregnancy rates have declined over the past two decades,’ says Dr Anne Peterson, from Ranges Medical in New Gisborne, who holds a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. ‘So it seems that people over 18 need help with fertility management, as much as younger people do. ‘Currently, the median age of firsttime mothers is around 30, while for fathers it’s 32. Most people learn about contraception at school, but most new parents left school over a decade ago, so the information on which they base their family planning can be out-of-date.
‘Often people turn to the Internet for an update, but information available online can be unreliable, leading to disastrous consequences,’ Dr Peterson says. ‘A trustworthy doctor will guide you safely through the maze of current contraceptive options, including: oral medications, injections, implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs), condoms, male and female sterilisation, and natural methods of contraception. ‘At Ranges Medical, we consider all the options to find the right one for each individual, or couple. For example, we might propose implantation of Mirena – a 21st century IUD that is highly effective at preventing pregnancy, for up to five years. It is inserted by your doctor - under light sedation, if desired - and may be removed by your doctor at any time. ‘We can also perform vasectomies in our dedicated procedure room, using the latest surgical technology, under local anaesthetic, with
optional light sedation. Male sterilisation through vasectomy should be considered a permanent form of contraception, but it does not affect sexual ability or normal function,’ explains Dr Peterson. ‘Medical termination using oral medication is also available for women under 9 weeks pregnant. It is a safe and effective treatment, completed in the comfort and privacy of your own home, with the support of your doctor. ‘The experienced doctors I work with approach family planning holistically: we base our advice on the patient’s physical and mental wellbeing, stage of life, values and lifestyle. We believe holistic health care empowers the patient to make better choices and take charge of their wellbeing.’ More information: or (Family Planning Victoria)
Now also doing
Mowing & Handyman jobs! Care Maintenance Design Planting Landscaping
Pruning Hedging Weeding Green Removal
HIGH QUALITY, RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE with 9 years experience in the Macedon Ranges, fully insured, available for regular or one off. The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Do you have a business in the Macedon Ranges that provides a visitor experience? Sign up today to the new, redeveloped In 2015, the current site received 1.2 million page views and over 420,000 visits. The new upgraded website launches soon and is a must for your business!
Sign up: Phone: 5421 9616 page 19
Rotary Club News & Events Woodend Rotary held the first Macedon Ranges Cooking demo and lunch on Saturday February 13 with a group of 14 attending to learn about making passata and bread dough.
embers of Woodend Rotary Josephine Falzarano and Daniel Rigoni, lead the demonstration which was followed by lunch of pasta, pizza, salad and sweets, all served with Italian wine. Notes were provided to participants to ensure they could repeat what they had learnt at home. Daniel said “the RSL was the perfect venue as the room, along with the veranda space outside allowed for a terrific blend for the presentation and meal, whilst the fully equipped kitchen meant the cooking team could prepare without impacting on the presentation’. The feedback was excellent with everyone saying what great value it was and that they would return for the next sessions. Thanks must also go to Bridie Flynn, Melissa Hocking and Woodend President Grant Hocking for working in the kitchen to prepare all the wonderful food. This format will be repeated at the upcoming sessions with Sausage and Salami on June 4 and Cheese on October 8. “We hope to see more people turn up for these events”, said Daniel.
Woodend Rotary will be celebrating its 29 th Club of Woodend anniversary in April and a special event will be held to recognise the significant date on Thursday April 7th at the Victoria Hotel. Contact us via the webpage if you are interested in attending. All meetings are on Thursday nights from 6.45 pm and occur upstairs at the Victoria Hotel Woodend unless otherwise specified on the webpage. We always welcome visitors and people interested in supporting the community. Upcoming Activities for March
●● Thursday 3 - Nick D’inglese (Non Rotarian) Paul Harris Fellow ●● Thursday 10th - Peter Byrne from Wendouree Rotary on mock interviews to support young job seekers ●● 12-13th March- District Conference Bendigo ●● Thursday 17th -Howard Bradfield just back from supporting disaster aid in Nepal ●● Thursday 31st - Member talks –behind the badge ●● April 7– Woodend Rotary 29th Anniversary If you would like more information visit our webpage or social media sites below, or contact President Grant Hocking on 0429802722. Webpage: Facebook: Walking Group Facebook: Submitted by Grant Hocking
Bookings can be made through
interiors of woodend complete design specialists stunning furniture pieces, fabrics, blinds, upholstery, enormous range of clocks, lighting & giftware 4a Cnr Anslow & Collier Street Woodend ex Natures Garden
page 20
5427 4605 The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Top Hat Productions * 8 mm / 16 mm Film to DVD * VHS/Mini DV/ Hi 8 to DVD * Filming/Editing Services * Corporate & Special Events Productions AVPA Multi -Award Winners Accredited Producers
PH: 03 5422 3930
Macedon Ranges Cycling Club Women’s Ride - Saturday March 6 Cycling in the Macedon Ranges has never been better. Our Shire offers some of Victoria’s best cycling routes – both off and on road - and the Macedon Ranges Cycling Club is keen for more riders to enjoy this terrific activity. The club has been encouraged by a doubling of its membership in the last year but is doing its best to encourage more riders. Recently it organised a “soft-start” ride for new riders and for those interested in easing back into cycling. A gentle ride from Woodend to Hanging Rock was undertaken and the same route is planned for The Women’s Ride on Sunday 6th March. Under the auspices of Cycling Victoria, the Amy Gillet Foundation and VicHealth, there are a variety of rides planned across the state on the same day to celebrate women’s cycling. The aim is to encourage more women to take up riding. Our local ride is from Woodend to Hanging Rock and back, totalling 25 kms, with a coffee break planned at the cafe within the grounds of the Rock. Starting at 9 am from the clock tower in Woodend, experienced riders will ride with those less experienced, on quiet sealed roads to the Rock and back. Register online at: or learn more about Macedon Ranges Cycling Cub website at
Therapeutic Massage
Submitted by J. Stewart
Truck & Bobcat Hire
• • • • •
Paving Turfing Rockeries Paling & Colourbond Fencing Watering Systems Retaining Walls All of your garden and driveway construction catered for
CD & MC Muir Pty Ltd 0417 331 085 5427 3095
Julian Acquisto Julian Acquisto Specialising in Deep Tissue, Remedial, Specific Ailment treatments, Masseur for over 20 years. Pregnancy, Sciatica, Migraines and Sports injuries. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
Specialising in Deep Tissue, Remedial, Specific Ailment treatments, Pregnancy, Sciatica, Migraines and Sports injuries.
Masseur forWoodend over 20 years. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - Woodend For Appointments call- 0418 372844 For Appointments call - 0418 372 844 The New Woodend Star / March 2016
O’Callaghan Bros Firewood Supplies Redgum Block & Split Firewood Semi & Smaller Loads Available Bagged Firewood - 15 & 20 kgs Wholesale Orders Taken • FREE DELIVERY • OPEN 7 DAYS 28 Sauer Rd New Gisborne 5428 1955 0488 957 090 page 21
FRIDAY NIGHT TASTINGS ARE BACK! We are kicking off the tasting season with a spectacular range of beverages for our Friday nights, from biodynamic producers to ready made cocktails. Our free tastings run every Friday from 4pm to approx 8pm Visit our Facebook or website for “What’s on Tasting”
THE LOUNGE Hidden inside the Woodend Wine Store is The Lounge, a place where you can unwind at any time of the day. Open every night till 8pm and later on Friday & Saturday evenings. We serve a spectacular range of wines by the glass and have a full fridge of craft beer. Complement your wine or beer with our selection of nibbles. Monday to Thursday 11am - 8pm Friday and Saturday 10am—late Sunday & Public Holidays 11am – 6pm 42e Anslow Street, Woodend. 03 5427 2228 / (03)5427 2228 - phone orders welcome
page 22
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Volunteering doesn’t necessarily mean you have to sizzle sausages, blow a whistle or wade through Five Mile Creek collecting rubbish. ADFAS (Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society) is an Australia wide group with a strong local presence, and their promotion of the arts in our area is continuing to gain momentum. With approximately 150 members, and meeting monthly at the Kyneton Town Hall, our local ADFAS society will be celebrating its 10th Birthday this year. Through the promotion of the arts, the society provides its members the opportunity to enjoy the arts through friendship and camaraderie. They have also been involved in a Young Arts Programme to encourage young local artists through grants and other activities. Eight monthly lectures are held each year, from March to October, featuring world class experts on a diverse range of subjects. The 2016 program will include everything from Chinese Qing Emperors; the history of famous trees such as the ‘Dig Tree’; and the reasons why the south of France lured so many influential artists. In April,
Jane Clark the Senior Research Curator at MONA in Hobart will be speaking about the museum’s collection and ‘the bold experiment’ of its somewhat controversial founder David Walsh. Maureen Hoerner (Chairman) and Norma Aplin (Vice Chairman) both came to live in Woodend about 5-6 years ago. Both ladies were familiar with the areas stunning scenery and cultural attributes, and agreed that events such as the Woodend Winter Arts Festival were factors in their decisions to relocate from Melbourne. Maureen, a retired psychologist, has built a new home in Woodend on a block chosen because of its two mature backyard oak trees. Norma, a retired English and Social Studies teacher, has also worked in communications and said she has “always been attracted to living in cold places”. Volunteering for the society involves many hours of dedication: sourcing and organising some of the lecture topics; co-ordinating the guest speakers with transport, home-stays etc; and organisation of other social events for the group. Throughout the year some members take turns to organise trips to
current exhibitions/events that interest the group. This doesn’t just involve art or music, but also has a strong landscape and architectural influence as well. If you would like a 2016 program brochure or more information about membership, please visit the website or contact Maureen on 0408 517485. Did you know? You can attend an individual lecture to sample ADFAS. The cost is $30, which includes a generous supper and a glass of wine. All lectures are held at 7.30pm at the Kyneton Town Hall. The next lecture is on Thursday March 3 featuring Lars Tharp from UK TV program ‘Antiques Road Show’. Jane Clark’s lecture on MONA founder David Walsh will be held on Thursday April 14. Written by Marion Coulson
Exciting new stock arriving fresh from the trade fair!
live in a home you love M 0439 360 896 The New Woodend Star / March 2016
page 23
Autumn’s events at Duneira More than just wonderful colours!
Enjoy the wonders of a Mt Macedon Autumnal display, be uplifted by music and learn some helpful parenting tips during March at Duneira. Autumn Garden Tours are a wonderful opportunity to get up close and personal with Duneira’s centuryold garden and hear first-hand what it’s like to see the form and colour change with the seasons. House Tours explore the history of Duneira and its colourful owners over the past 100 or so years. On a different note, parents who are dealing with some of the difficult aspects of teenage development will benefit from the special lecture “She’s just a moody teenager: Depression and its management in adolescents” with Emeritus Professor Bruce Tonge. This afternoon session on Sunday March 20 is designed for an adult audience, with afternoon tea and a chance to ask questions to help you and your teens prevent the long-term consequences that depression may bring. For information about these events or to purchase tickets, visit
Submitted by I. O’Duffy
Specialising in Australian Made Homewares, Clothing and Giftware
The Ark brand of clothing has arrived at Endangered. Come in and view their beautiful Autumn-Winter range along with Vigorella's new season. Ministry of Chocolate Easter Eggs arriving soon! Support Australian Made & Owned this Easter.
If buying Australian Made, Australian Owned is important to you visit
Endangered - 97a High Street, Woodend | 5427 1198
8-12 BEAUCHAMP ST PHONE (03) 5422 2311 KYNETON VIC 3444 FAX (03) 5422 2930 Email: website:
Quality Blinds at factory direct prices
• Sunscreen/Blockout Blind • Latest Styles/Fabrics/Colours • Automated Blinds • Roller/Roman Blinds/Venetians • Exterior Awnings • Professional Installation Team Ring Now for a Free In House Consultation/Quotation Mark 0437 759013 Simon 0458 338995
Contemporary Blinds Where Style is Affordable
page 24
Our local Team are all Macedon Ranges residents and are available at our Woodend Office from 8.00am to 5.30pm all weekdays
Family Law Children & Financial, Estates & Probate Conveyancing & Subdivisions Business Sale & Purchase Private & Commercial Agreements, Leasing Wills & Powers of Attorney 03 5427 2477 74 High Street WOODEND The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Maiaveda Open Day Holistic Health Wellness & Beauty | Saturday 12 March from 9.00am - 4.00pm Following the success of Maiaveda Holistic Health & Day Spa, founder Marye O’Brien has now extended her services and together with Gen Lishenko, Women’s Health Nurse Consultant, established The Maiaveda Wellbeing Centre. As a highly qualified and experienced Ayurvedic practitioner, massage therapist and yoga teacher Marye has offered a unique suite of holistic services that have been well sort after. Gen brings many years of nursing experience in a range of healthcare streams such as Women’s Health and Cancer services and has a sincere love of working with and empowering women. Open Day
Meet and greet our family of practitioners, plus experience a number of events on the day such as an Ayurvedic cooking class, Bollywood dance class, yoga and Pilates classes, harp meditation, sound healing and a therapeutic clay demonstration, plus healthcare prevention talks and much more. All welcome Submitted by Gen Lishenko
In time for summer Bradley’s welcome the latest innovation from Verosol - CrystalScreen.
William Morris & Sandersons Rugs Now Available
PVC-free metallised screen designed to give an unparalleled view from every angle with high-reflective backing to reduce glare and increase comfort.
Come in and see the team to arrange a measure and quote.
! ! !
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
page 25
cut out this calendar & stick on your fridge!
4 World Prayer Day – St Ambrose Church 4-5 Lancefield/Macedon Ranges Relay for Life 5 Relay for Life Lancefield 6 Heritage Walk Ceremony 12-14 Lions Art Show 12 St Mary’s Street Stall: 9am -12noon 13 Buttlejjork Artists exhibition 15 The New Woodend Star submissions due 15-18 Macedon Ranges’ cultural diversity week 16 Colourfest – Woodend community centre 7.30pm 18 Community Lunch @ W.N.H. 19 Whole town garage sale 19 Tylden Primary School Fair 19 Duneira/WWAF program launch 20 Duneira - lecture on teenage depression 20 Woodend Lions Market 20 Gathering for Refugees – St Mary’s 25 Good Friday Appeal 21 AGM Woodend Neighborhood House
April 3 3 3 7 9 15 16 17 17 27
Duneira Rosalie Ham writers master class Duneira Comic Opera “Le 66” Bupa Woodend – Harvest Festival Woodend Rotary – 29th anniversary celebration St Mary’s Street Stall: 9am -12noon The New Woodend Star submissions due Duneira Julian Burnside in conversation Woodend Lions Market Duneira Open Garden Draft Council budget released
May 8 8 14 15 15
Tree’s for Mum Mother’s Day St Mary’s Street Stall: 9am -12noon The New Woodend Star submissions due Woodend Lions Market
4 Cooking Demonstration 11 St Mary’s Street Stall: 9am -12noon¬ 10-13 Woodend Winter Arts Festival 15 The New Woodend Star submissions due
9 St Mary’s Street Stall: 9am – 12noon 15 The New Woodend Star submissions due
13 St Mary’s Street Stall: 9am – 12noon 15 The New Woodend Star submissions due
10 St Mary’s Street Stall: 9am – 12noon 15 The New Woodend Star submissions due
8 St Mary’s Street Stall: 9am – 12noon 15 The New Woodend Star submissions due
12 St Mary’s Street Stall: 9am – 12noon 15 The New Woodend Star submissions due
page 26
COMMUNITY GROUPS CONTACT DETAILS Alcoholics Anonymous, Friday night, Cobaw Community Centre, 0409 131 144 Australian Breastfeeding Association, Heather, 5427 2398 Cobaw Thursday Walking Group 5427 3340 Daylight Masonic Lodge, 5427 2480 1st Woodend Scout Group, 5427 2848, Leisa 0429 331 695 Friends of Macedon Ranges Library, Sheila/Don 5427 3644 Garden Club, 5422 6062 / 5427 3340 Kyneton Municipal Band, PO Box 57 Kyneton, 3444 Lancefield–Macedon Ranges, Relay For Life, Kathy 0419 644 688 Living Word Christian Church, 5429 6327 Historical Society, Courthouse, 5427 2523 Macedon Ranges Art Trail Nadine 0439 399 838 Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club, 10 Webb Cres, New Gisborne 1st Wednesday each month 8pm Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club Graeme 0418 838 300 Macedon Ranges Animal Aid, Buffalo Sports Stadium, 5427 1752 Macedon Ranges Bridge Club, 5427 1884 Macedon Ranges Families of Children with Disabilities Support Group, 5427 3365 Macedon Ranges Residents Assc., 5427 1481 or 5427 2651 Macedon Ranges Photographic Society, Ron Mathews, 5427 3284 Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group Parent Support 4 LD, Kerrie 0414 432 158 R.S.L., Anslow Street, 5427 3122 Red Cross, 5427 1260 Rotary Club of Woodend, meetings weekly at Vic Hotel Thurs 6.45pm, 0409 439 046 St. Mary’s Guild, 11am, 4th Wednesday of month 5422 2942 St. Mary’s Street Stall, 9–12 noon (2nd Sat of the month) Woodend & District Probus, 5427 2003 or 5427 2483 Woodend Art Group, Railway Station, 5427 1659 Woodend Bee Friendly Society, 3rd Sunday, 0408 578 032 Woodend Business & Tourism Group Woodend Landcare: Meetings and weekend working bees – Jo 5427 1909 Thursday Crew – morning – Stewart 5427 4615 Woodend Hanging Rock Petanque Club, Hanging Rock Reserve, 5420 7595 Woodend Lions Club, Meetings 2nd/4th Wednesday each month, Barry McDonald, 5427 1272 Woodend Neighbourhood House, 47 Forest St, 5427 1845 Woodend Playgroup 0467 093 878 Woodend Pony Club, 5427 2793 Woodend Senior Citizens Club, Comm. Centre Woodend SES Training Nights Monday, Urquhart St Woodend Tennis Club Laura 0408 881 763 Woodend Winter Arts Festival Inc.,
Ian Marks Liquor 8554 0540 Mort & Pestle 5427 4500 Woodend Pizza & Pasta 5427 3777 Coles Supermarket 5427 2377 Collier Office & Business Assist and Woodend Copy Centre 5427 3092 Pets Haven 5427 3603 Mitre—10 Woodend Hardware 5427 2314 Noodle Dynasty 5427 4880 BP Woodend 5427 2248 Target Country 5427 8500 Macedon Ranges Travel Services 5427 4777 Kosmac & Clemens: optometrists 5427 4577 Alissa Kate Skin. Body. Beauty. Hair. 5427 3822 Salvation Army Family Store 5427 4421 Loose Change Bargains 5427 4466 Shop 19 — For lease 0407 273 961 Australia Post 5427 2600 Feeling Framed 5427 4455 HIGH STREET SHOPS Color Me Cooper 5427 1454 Chelleon For Hair 5427 3246 RT Edgar Real Estate
5427 1222 Woodend Bakery Cafe 5427 3434
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Campaign for NBN coverage
Since January, I have been in touch with NBN Co, Vision Stream (the company allocated for NBN Fixed Wireless Pole Construction), Telstra Countrywide and our local council. To date, it appears that NBN Co are close to site selection for the Woodend South pole location, which is good news for those living around Spencer Rd in that the poles are generally ahead of FTTN (Fibre To The Node) construction. Newham too is close to being finalised including Nth Woodend. The final map for FTTN in Woodend is still being discussed and I will get information to all interested
parties as it comes in. A ll plans must clear council for final approvals. For Benloch, Ashbourne and the areas north of Newham and Cobaw, it’s likely that this will fall under the new Satellite NBN structure due to the topology of the landscape. The new satellite is currently in testing now and should not be compared to the existing service some people already have. Satellite will also give you up to 25 MB download speeds but may be affected by adverse weather conditions more so than FTTN or fixed wireless.
Buttlejorrk Artists
The 40th anniversary exhibition will be held at the Black Anther Gallery, 42 Anslow Street, Woodend and will run from March 10 to 28. “Meet the Artists” will be held on Sunday March 13 from 1.30pm.
The Buttlejorrk Artists is a group of local artisans who create and exhibit their work in the Macedon Ranges. The group creates a diversity of artwork including pottery, paintings, jewellery, turned wood and textiles.
Submitted by Ian Templeton | 0419 556 140
Submitted by Pat Beasley
Juliana Smith
Barrister & Solicitor
appointments available in Woodend or Bendigo
First appointment - no obligation free advice. Time limited to 20 minutes - please quote Woodend Star advertisement when booking appointment.
t: 5444 1181 e: Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Holistic Funeral Directors Call 5427 3112 or visit page 27
Anglican Parish of Woodend Gathering for Refugees | Palm Sunday, March 20 | 2pm The congregations of Woodend’s Uniting, Catholic and Anglican churches will gather for prayer and sharing of information in support of refugees on Palm Sunday afternoon at the rotunda on High Street. Please bring a chair and come along. ‘Knit and Natter’ Our first ‘Knit and Natter’ will be held on Wednesday March 16 at the Norma Richardson Hall from 11am. Come along with your knitting to make some squares for the blankets we donate to The Salvation Army. We have made 500 to date, which have been given to the needy in the community. There will be soup, crusty bread, slices, door prize and a raffle, as well as friendly fellow knitters. Compliments Congratulations to Norma Richardson as resigning President of 42 years of St Mary’s Guild. Norma will continue on as a valuable member of the guild and is adding on to her 51 years of service, to date. What an extraordinary achievement, Norma. Thank you on behalf of everyone in the community and St Mary’s Parish. Congratulations to Lilla Officer as newly elected President. Submitted: Sylvia Mathews Guild Secretary
COST: $10 PER CLASS - mats and props provided At the Bentinck – enter through the Romsey Road gate. MONDAY *1.45pm Spiritual Yoga with Jahne 5.30pm Restorative Yoga 6.30pm General Yoga TUESDAY 9am Restorative Yoga with Jahne 7.30 General Yoga WEDNESDAY 12.30pm General Yoga 6.30pm Yin Yoga FRIDAY 6.30pm General Yoga SATURDAY 8am General Yoga 9am Restorative Yoga 10am General Yoga 12.30pm Restorative Yoga SUNDAY 4.30 Restorative Yoga Director: Jahne Hope-Williams Email:
page 28
Shout out for women’s basketball and netball players! Ladies: if you’re looking to get involved in a team activity that’s sociable and will help keep you active, register your interest now for ladies midweek netball and basketball games, to be played at The Stadium in Gisborne and Buffalo Stadium in Woodend. Midweek netball is played at the Buffalo Stadium in Woodend on Monday mornings from 9.30am, with days for midweek basketball at The Stadium in Gisborne flexible depending upon interest. For more information on midweek netball, phone Buffalo Stadium on 54273411. To find out more about midweek basketball, phone The Stadium on 5428 1619 or visit mrsc. or visit Submitted by L Manton for M.R.S.C.
Feel sensational at The Spa Our team of professional and passionate therapists can assist you with all of your needs... With microdermabrasion, IPL, peels, facials, massages, waxing and more, we are open 6 days a week.
The Spa
Beauty Therapy Centre
Gisborne | 3/31 Brantome St Gisborne | 5428 8800
Our environment, our future Tell us what you think about Council’s draft Environment Strategy.
Have your say View the draft strategy at one of Council’s service centres in Gisborne, Kyneton, Romsey and Woodend during opening hours and complete a short survey to tell us what you think. The draft Environment Strategy and survey are also available online at Submissions close Thursday 24 March 2016.
Find out more: phone 5421 9659 or visit The New Woodend Star / March 2016
33 years since Ash Wednesday On February 16 it was 33 years since the devastating Ash Wednesday bushfires destroyed over 425 houses and claimed seven lives in the Macedon and Mt Macedon areas. A lso marking 7 years since Black Saturday on February 7, these events remind us we not become complacent. Even though summer is officially over, there is still some warm weather ahead and our forests and grasslands are well and truly baked from the long hot and dry summer. The month of March remains a ver y dangerous, w ith history showing that most grass and bush fires in the Macedon Ranges occur in February and March.
Woodend CFA volunteers fight more big fires Over the summer period, CFA Brigades from the Macedon Ranges have been involved in fighting all of the major fires in our region, and also neighbouring areas. Woodend, Newham, HesketKer r ie, Bullengarook, Gisborne, Macedon, Mt Mac edon a nd R iddel ls Creek brigades have all been involved, often working 24/7 on a range of tasks. Woodend CFA is a 100% volunteer brigade, as are all brigades in the Macedon Ranges area, with members who give up their own time and energy. In fact, more than 20 individual volunteers from t he Wo o dend Br igade alone worked in dangerous conditions, each on a 12 hour
shift, with some members going two or three times. We are very proud of the work of our members, as we are sure is our community. Well done team! Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours! One of the valuable lessons we learn from difficult times is the importance of being aware of those who live in our neighbourhood, so that we can all work together. One of the great lessons to come out of the recent fires, and especially Ash We d ne s d ay a nd Bl ac k Saturday is the amazing sense of community that ex ists. A s well as t he importance of developing a strong neighbourhood network. Now is the time you should work with your neig hbou r s, BE FOR E a not her f i r e or e vent threatens our area. Here are a few helpful ideas:
●● Get to know your own neighbours and share your Fire Plans ●● See if there are any elderly or disabled people in your area so that you can help them ●● Start a phone tree so that people know who is home and who has gone ●● S t a r t a C om mu n it y Fireguard group with the help of the CFA. For further information contact Captain Mick Christie on 0419 870 601 or 1st Lieutenant Mike Dornau on 0409 093 935, call the Woodend CFA on 5427 2356, or visit the station in Urquhart Street or our website: The Woodend CFA is a volunteer emergency service, committed to Creating a Safer Community. Submitted by 1st Lieutenant Mike Dornau, Woodend CFA
No time... Too much to do... Call the crew...
Conveyancing Business Sales + Leasing Wills + Estates Commercial Agreements 5426 3500 or 5422 1615 19 High St Kyneton 202/370 St Kilda Rd Melbourne
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
page 29
Macedon Ranges Running Club’s two groups, Autumn Start Running Group (SRG) and Intermediate Running Group (IRG) programs began well, with a strong number of members present. The SRG begins gently with three walk/run each week, working towards achieving a non-stop 5km run after 8 weeks, ending with a celebration run on April 10. Meanwhile, the IRG are working on completing their 12km program in preparation for Solemotive’s 12km ‘Run the Rock’ event held on April 16 at Hanging Rock. Want to get involved? Macedon Ranges Running Club may be what you are looking for to improve your health and fitness or meet similar people. Membership is great value at only $10 individuals or $15 per family. Members have access to club
programs, events, Facebook page and will receive a monthly club newsletter. The Woodend branch meets three times a week every Monday & Wednesday at 6.30pm and Saturday at 7am at Gilbert Gordon Oval. Contact Janine, the Woodend Co-ordinator, on 0400 727 474, for further details on joining. On the social front, a group of 53 club members recently went to the annual meet at Lyonville, to enjoy a picturesque run along the old railway line with a meal afterwards. More information about Macedon Ranges Running Club and how to join can be found by visiting the club’s website or contacting the club directly using
Midland Carpet Cleaning
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Domestic & commercial carpets Mats of any size & office chairs Lounge suites, car interiors Duct cleaning from $15 Per Point
Decks, Pergolas Bathrooms, Renovations & all your carpentry needs, throughout the Macedon Ranges
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The quiet countr y roads and picturesque surrounds of Hanging Rock provide the perfect setting for a morning run or walk!
Choose from a 2km kids run, 5km run/walk, 12km run and 20km run. Proudly working with Beyond Blue, MIND, Australian Cancer Research Foundation and Foodbank. For further information visit www. or phone 9285 0600. Submitted by L May
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Submitted by Stephen Ingram
Saturday 16 April 2016
Call Barry for a free quote & advice: M: 0400 817 048 P: 5422 6493
HOME MAINTENANCE CARPENTRY decking shelving pergolas etc PAINTING internal & external TILING bathrooms & kitchen REPAIRS general maintenance call Stuart: 0409 150 629 ah: 5427 2465
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HOME MAINTENANCE & RENOVATIONS SPECIALISING IN KITCHENS, BATHROOMS, PERGOLAS & DECKS • Extensions • General Maintenance • Preparation for Sale Call Mark now to arrange a free quote Reliable |Local | Professional 0411 555 925
Call Steven 0402 079 482 page 30
The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Have you ever wondered how our country came to be named Australia?
he notion of Terra Australis wa s int roduced by Aristotle, who simply declared that “..there must be a region bearing the same relation to the southern pole as the place we live in bears to our pole...”. P tolemy, a n Eg y pt ia n astronomer, mathematician, and geographer of Greek descent in 1st century AD believed that the Indian Ocean was enclosed on the south by land, and that the lands of the Northern Hemisphere should be balanced by land in the
Your Local Taxi Service Bookings: 9310 5422
south. For m a ny c e nt u r ie s Europeans believed there must be a vast land in the southern hemisphere, which they referred to as ‘Terra Australis Incognita’ or ‘Unknown South Land’. During the 17 th Century mainly Dutch navigators charted the northern, western and southern coasts so this continent became known as ‘New Holland’, but it was the English Matthew Flinders, the first to circumnavigate the continent in 1803, who used the name "Australis" on a map in 1804, although he preferred the simpler "Australia". His book and map were
Not enough hours in your day? Need help managing your home? Stephen Farrell Personal Services Very reasonable rates Through out the Macedon Ranges Phone 0419 526 275
were advertised in the local papers and of course while beer (and no doubt a tot or two of whisky) were available from the Publican's stalls, it was the women who cooked for days beforehand in the summer heat to provide the picnic delicacies. Submitted by J. Williams
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published in 1814 and by 1817 Governor Macquarie recommended that “New Ho l l a n d” b e r e n a m e d "Australia". In 1818 the Anniversary of the Colony's founding was celebrated on January 26. In Victoria it was known as Foundation Day and in our district Hanging Rock was the favourite venue. Not only horse racing and sports featured but music and dancing were high on the agenda with a dance floor being put down and a piano as well as more easily transported musical instruments featured. T he s t r ong S c ot t i sh influence of the many settlers from that country featured with Highland dances and Roderick the Piper (pictured) taking the f loor. Various methods of transport to the Hanging Rock Celebrations
Sam’s Mowing
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The New Woodend Star / March 2016
Lawn mowing Whipper snipping Ride on mowing Hedge trimming Garden clean ups – Great Rates – average lawn size $45
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Call Anthony 0417
059 969 page 31
If you’re looking to spice up your toy collection head to Woodend’s Toy Library.
Woodend’s Rotary Club presented the first of three cooking lessons
10 to 11am every Thursday and Saturday @ Forest Street, behind the Library.
(see p20)
Saturday March 5
Get into cycling with Macedon Ranges Cycling Club (see page 21) page 32
The New Woodend Star / March 2016