The New Woodend Star | December | 2014

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The New Woodend Star Circulation of 3500 throughout Woodend postal district, Newham, Hesket, Ashbourne, North Woodend, Hanging Rock, Carlsruhe, Cobaw.

AN INITIATIVE OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF WOODEND A popular family event, Woodend Lions Club Carols by Candlelight promises an array of vibrant talent of all ages. The magic of Christmas will be celebrated in song with acts by entertainers and local performers as well as a special performance by local primary school students. Lion’s Club president Barry McDonald said the night is filled with the spirit of Christmas. “This event is magical night of the year for families in Woodend,” he said. “Carols by Candlelight is a really friendly and relaxed evening, celebrating Christmas and the easy lifestyle of living in such a great community.” Santa will be paying a visit to say hello so pack your own picnic and a blanket, enjoy the free sausage sizzle kicking off the evening from 5.30pm. Drinks, coffee, candles and song books will be available for purchase. This is a smoke & alcohol free event, please no fireworks, sparklers or glass. Sunday December 21, Buffalo Stadium, Forrest Street Woodend.

Send a letter to Santa Claus!

With less than a month to go until Christmas, it’s time for Woodend’s children to write their letters to Santa. Father Christmas has once again appointed The Lions Club of Woodend to be one of his agents in Australia. Your children will have their personal letters to Santa answered by sending to Santa, C/- Lions Club of Woodend, PO Box 25 Woodend 3442. Imagine their excitement when they get a letter from Santa Claus and he knows all about them! Father Christmas would appreciate to receive your letters before Monday 18th December allowing him to reply before Christmas Day. Please enclose a self addressed envelope, so Santa can send a personalised return letter. Be assured that the letter will deal only with generalities and will be non-committal in its promises. The intention is to bring joy – without committing parents to any specific purchases. Letters to Santa are a great way to get kids writing – it is one activity most kids will be happy to take part in, It’s a task that comes with an immeasurable amount of significance to a child – after all, how else is Santa going to know what they are expecting Christmas morning. The New Woodend Star • December 2014

Take the time to sit down with your little one and show them the way when it comes to the letter writing process, it may be the first lesson on letter writing they get. Work out the message and have them practice the wording before starting on the good copy. Once everything is sorted and all parties are happy with the letter, it’s time to write the final draft in their neatest handwriting. Get them to decorate, colour and draw to make things a bit more interesting and then it’ll finally be ready to sign, seal and post! page 1

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