The New Woodend Star | September | 2014

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The New Woodend Star Circulation of 3500 throughout Woodend postal district, Newham, Hesket, Ashbourne, North Woodend, Hanging Rock, Carlsruhe, Cobaw.


Investment that delivers with heart! Woodend Neighbourhood House is proud to support the Show Your Love for Neighbourhood Houses campaign. Woodend is a growing population in a rural area and we’d like to see the Neighbourhood House funding grow to support this diverse and changing community. State elections only come around once every four years. The 2014 election is set to be a closely run race. The perfect environment for some local action! Show your love for Neighbourhood Houses and get involved in the 2014 state election campaign. In the lead-up to the 2014 Victorian state election we are calling on our candidates for the seat of Macedon and the current members from the major and minor political parties to commit to adopting three funding reforms for Neighbourhood Houses:

1. More funding that is better aligned with community demand and need 2. Establish a growth component in funding for NHs not yet receiving funds (up to five new and emerging NHs annually) 3. Invest new funding in strengthening community governance through the provision of additional support for the existing 16 NH Networks across the state. 10 of these are in rural Victoria. Networks provide invaluable support for individual NHs and their governance — well functioning networks that receive appropriate funding are both cost efficient and effective. Each Neighbourhood House and Learning Centre across Victoria has been asked by our peak body, the Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres (ANHLC), to coordinate the signing of a pledge by their local politicians and candidates and

Art Show Revival

‘We’ve got the brains and the talent’ Woodend Lions Club will again host a major art show next March in a new partnership with Macedon Ranges Art Trail working to reinvigorate a 40-year tradition. The two groups have begun organising the milestone event to be held over Labour Day Weekend, following the cancellation of the 2014 Woodend Lions Art Show due to insufficient entries. Woodend Lions president Barry McDonald says the club remains enthusiastically committed to hosting the long standing show as the major fundraiser for projects in the community and is pleased to be partnered with MRAT. The New Woodend Star • September 2014

Just few of the many events we host – Felting for juniors, Mini Master Chefs, Voluneteer training and more! to collect 200 signatures on 100 petition postcards. The Woodend Neighbourhood House will host a morning tea at 10.30am on Friday, 5 September, 2014 during which local candidates and politicians will be asked to pledge their support for the Show Your Love campaign. Come and Show Your Love too, all of our precious volunteers, committee members, tutors, students, hub partners and members of the Woodend community are invited to attend this event and sign the petition postcards to show their support. Submitted by Jill Scanlon – Coordinator

Art Trail founding co-ordinator Nadine Hartnett says Woodend is well placed to have an annual art show that captures the enormous creative talent in the area and attracts artists and visitors from across Victoria. “There are at least 40 artists, galleries and art groups registered with the Art Trail so we have a tremendous depth of knowledge and skills combined with abundant exhibiting experience to offer. “We’ve got the brains and the talent to make this an ongoing opportunity for visual artists to sell their work and raise their profiles particularly within the local community. This is an exciting time for both artists and those working to promote them, and a yearly art show offers another drawcard for visitors to the Macedon Ranges.”

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