The New Woodend Star Circulation of 3500 throughout Woodend postal district, Newham, Hesket, Ashbourne, North Woodend, Hanging Rock, Carlsruhe, Cobaw.
Investment that delivers with heart! Woodend Neighbourhood House is proud to support the Show Your Love for Neighbourhood Houses campaign. Woodend is a growing population in a rural area and we’d like to see the Neighbourhood House funding grow to support this diverse and changing community. State elections only come around once every four years. The 2014 election is set to be a closely run race. The perfect environment for some local action! Show your love for Neighbourhood Houses and get involved in the 2014 state election campaign. In the lead-up to the 2014 Victorian state election we are calling on our candidates for the seat of Macedon and the current members from the major and minor political parties to commit to adopting three funding reforms for Neighbourhood Houses:
1. More funding that is better aligned with community demand and need 2. Establish a growth component in funding for NHs not yet receiving funds (up to five new and emerging NHs annually) 3. Invest new funding in strengthening community governance through the provision of additional support for the existing 16 NH Networks across the state. 10 of these are in rural Victoria. Networks provide invaluable support for individual NHs and their governance — well functioning networks that receive appropriate funding are both cost efficient and effective. Each Neighbourhood House and Learning Centre across Victoria has been asked by our peak body, the Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres (ANHLC), to coordinate the signing of a pledge by their local politicians and candidates and
Art Show Revival
‘We’ve got the brains and the talent’ Woodend Lions Club will again host a major art show next March in a new partnership with Macedon Ranges Art Trail working to reinvigorate a 40-year tradition. The two groups have begun organising the milestone event to be held over Labour Day Weekend, following the cancellation of the 2014 Woodend Lions Art Show due to insufficient entries. Woodend Lions president Barry McDonald says the club remains enthusiastically committed to hosting the long standing show as the major fundraiser for projects in the community and is pleased to be partnered with MRAT. The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Just few of the many events we host – Felting for juniors, Mini Master Chefs, Voluneteer training and more! to collect 200 signatures on 100 petition postcards. The Woodend Neighbourhood House will host a morning tea at 10.30am on Friday, 5 September, 2014 during which local candidates and politicians will be asked to pledge their support for the Show Your Love campaign. Come and Show Your Love too, all of our precious volunteers, committee members, tutors, students, hub partners and members of the Woodend community are invited to attend this event and sign the petition postcards to show their support. Submitted by Jill Scanlon – Coordinator
Art Trail founding co-ordinator Nadine Hartnett says Woodend is well placed to have an annual art show that captures the enormous creative talent in the area and attracts artists and visitors from across Victoria. “There are at least 40 artists, galleries and art groups registered with the Art Trail so we have a tremendous depth of knowledge and skills combined with abundant exhibiting experience to offer. “We’ve got the brains and the talent to make this an ongoing opportunity for visual artists to sell their work and raise their profiles particularly within the local community. This is an exciting time for both artists and those working to promote them, and a yearly art show offers another drawcard for visitors to the Macedon Ranges.”
continued on page 2
page 1
Massage – Bowen Reiki – Ear Candling – Facials
Please call us to make an appointment
Art Show Revivial Details will not be finalised until later this year however organisers say an opening night is planned to create a buzz similar to shows held in the past when Woodend residents and business people packed the event and returned each year, often collecting artworks for their homes and offices. It is hoped that two venues will be used, with 3D and photographic work to be featured strongly and promoted as prominently as the various painting categories. More than 400 entries are anticipated and a highlight will be the People’s Choice Award judged according to votes across all entries by visitors of all ages. This is one of the awards for which sponsorship is being sought. Submitted by Nadine Hartnett 0439 399 838
Proudly supporting The New Woodend Star
The New Woodend StarPlan—Strategic Framework Map Draft Woodend Town Structure An initiative of the Rotary Club of Woodend Inc. ABN 32 685 225 161 No. A0021518E
For the Articles full colour mappublished with legend, Disclaimer: and comments in this newspaper the result of contributions from local groups and relevant news articles pertinent to the Woodend district. Neither the Rotary Club of Woodend Inc.,The New Woodend Star nor the editorial team are liable for any mistakes, omissions, or misprints. It prints and makes no representation as to the truth or accuracy of any description, and accepts no liability for any loss suffered by any person who relies on any statement contained herein. Persons or organisations submitting material for publication in The New Woodend Star do so on the condition that The New Woodend Star has the right to reproduce this material in electronic format, which the public may access on The New Woodend Star web page. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editorial team. The committee reserves the right to omit, reject, cut, alter or otherwise re-work submitted articles to make them suitable. Committee: Alexia Downie, Claudia Green, Grant Hocking, Barry Napthine, Jane Watters & Gordon Whyte Layout & printing by Collier Office & Business Assist
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All bookings, cancellations artwork & content must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication.
Publication dates
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GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS We are now the Premium Stockist of
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HAS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 100 High Street Woodend 3442 5427 3766
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Circulation: 3500 copies throughout Woodend & district Subscribe to the New Woodend Star Do you live outside the New Woodend Star distribution area? Be sure to receive your copy every month by subscribing. A yearly subscription of 11 issues is just $36.00 Post to New Woodend Star, C/- P.O Box 387 Woodend, 3442. Name:__________________________________________________________
The draft plan is also available to inspect at each of Council’s service Address: ________________________________________________________ centres at Woodend, Gisborne, RomseyOrder andforKyneton. Phone:________________________ Enclosed: Cheque/Money $36.00 Written page 2 submissions in response to the draft plan are being accepted until 10 December via or post to
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
way that implies an endorsement of a product or service without the express per
Spirit of Rhythm
Girl GuidesThe Girl Guides Australia logo is
three The first two parts are Girl Guides Victoria has parts. commenced Presented by Resonance String Orchestra and the words GIRL GUIDES und a new partnership with Rotary which Woodend-based Resonance String Orchestra has been on the top line and AUSTRALIA u collaborating with Melbourne Symphony Orchestra will provide a significant opportunity underneath. These parts are esse the State identity, is op percussionist and composer Rob Cossom, in preparation for on many fronts forthird bothpart, organisations. is included a third line beneath Woodend Girl Guides and theonRotary their upcoming “Spirit of Rhythm” concert, which will be GUIDES AUSTRALIA wording. Club of Woodend will be developing the held at the Mary Maloney Theatre at Sacred Heart College on a local to explore on Sunday September 14th, at 3pm. The horizontal version alsorelationship consists of three parts,level the Trefoil, the words GIRL G The event will celebrate the theme of rhythm, with what and programs and activities can be shared to enhance both AUSTRALIA the optional State identity. an exploration of dazzling rhythmic features in a range of organizations’ service to our communities. works, including Rossini’s William Tell Overture, the famous Czardas by Monti and selections from Grieg’s Holberg Suite. Also featured will be a number of Cossom’s original compositions, including the Nocturne for String Orchestra, vibraphone and xylophone. “Spirit of Rhythm” will include performances by The Trefoil consists of a stylised T a seven-pointed star which repre the Resonance Senior Strings, Quartet Conspirito and Commonwealth Star on the Austr Resonance String Orchestra, as well as solo works by The Trefoil is the worldwide symb Cossom. Book early to avoid disappointment! Guides and Girl Scouts with the t Tickets $20/$15 available at representing the three-fold promi Or phone Jenn on 0402 329 300 Submitted by Samanth White
Rotarian Grant with Guide leader Nicole and guides; L to R) Mary, Ilise, Lily, Sophie, and Guide of leader Wendy, sitting, Kayleigh, Sophie, Isabella •Tasmania instead Australia •Regional name instead of Sta
Contact The New Woodend Star via
Woodend Rainfall Report 2014 Each month we add the rainfall details and the year to date total. Our rainfall report shows 2009, 2010, 2011 2012, 2013 and 2014 comparisons. Please note that your own rainfall readings may not exactly match these.
Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 January 0.08 54.0 227.5 31.0 3.9 19.2 Jan February 2.5 71.5 115.0 133.0 97.4 11.2 Feb March 42.5 121.0 35.0 84.0 53.0 49 Mar April 51.0 45.0 63.5 35.5 20.5 84.1 April May 30.5 39.0 73.5 54.4 47.2 46.0 May June 66.5 98.5 69.0 126.8 147.8 122.3 June July 76.5 87.5 82.5 102.0 101.8 79.3 July August 107.5 148.5 56.0 113.7 116.4 Aug September 88.5 97.0 98.5 54.6 85.0 Sept October 46.0 154.5 86.0 39.0 75.6 Oct November 99.0 193.0 82.0 31.4 67.2 Nov December 60.0 93.0 120.0 21.4 35.2 Dec YTD: 670.5 1202.5 1108.5 826.8 851 405.7 mm Total rainfall in 2013 = 851 mm. Total for year to date: 209.5 1 inch = 25.4 mm therefore the total in year to date is 15.97 inches
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
For over 100 years Guides have been providing fantastic opportunities for girls and women to meet personal challenges, learn team building, develop confidence, self-reliance, leadership skills and make new friends. As volunteers they share their knowledge and experience with girls and young women. In turn, girls will share their experiences with each other. Girl Guides Victoria is connected at a global level through Girl Guides Australia to over 10 million members in 145 countries. Through this partnership between Rotary and Guiding it is envisioned more service can be provided. Earlier this year Rotary sponsored the training of Girl Guide Leaders in Myanmar by sending Australian leaders to Myanmar to train local leaders for the Girl Guides in that country. A number of Rotary Youth programs will be particularly appealing to both guides and younger leaders at no cost to their participants in most cases as Rotary picks up the costs of these programs. To start discussions Rotarian Grant Hocking attended recent Girl Guide meetings to discuss community service and Rotary youth programs that would benefit the guides. Guides and leaders assisted Rotarians at the recent fundraising luncheon gaining understanding about community service and earning credit for a Community Service Badge. For information on Woodend Rotary Projects or membership please visit our new website http://portal. For more information on Woodend Girl Guides contact Nicole 0409 808 193 Submitted by Nicole Carracher
page 3
Gilbert Gordon upgrades
Macedon Ranges Shire Council has commenced works on Gilbert Gordon Oval to improve drainage, irrigation, playing surfaces and fencing at this facility. These works, which are funded by the Victorian Government ($622,000) and Council ($142,000), will improve the playability of the oval, particularly during winter months. Works commenced in early August and are expected to continue until just before Christmas. The oval will be unavailable for the entire 2014/15 cricket season and 2015 football season, to allow the new grass to be properly established. Council has been working with the Woodend Cricket Club and Woodend Hesket Football Club to make alternative arrangements for their respective seasons. This is major project that will cause some inconvenience to sporting clubs, surrounding residents and casual users of the reserve, however the works will significantly improve this facility for future generations. During construction, works traffic will be entering and exiting the construction site via Owen Street where it intersects High Street, opposite Woodend Primary School. To ensure the safety of all pedestrians, motorists and school students, the following measures will be in force during the construction period: • Motorists and pedestrians must obey the directions of traffic wardens employed to manage traffic on days of heavy construction traffic and the directions of designated construction personnel on other days. • Council will notify the school in advance of days of heavy construction traffic and the school will advise members of the school community to take extra care on these days. • Council will endeavour to restrict deliveries to times outside of school drop-off and pick-up times. • The construction zone will be declared ‘Out of Bounds’ to pupils and the school will enforce this rule. • Access to the construction zone is to be restricted to construction workers who have been properly inducted to the work site and to authorised visitors who must sign in and be accompanied by the project supervisor. • All construction workers must hold a current ‘Working with Children’ certificate. Council thanks Woodend residents, users of the oval and Woodend Primary School for their patience during the construction period. For more information on the project, contact Thomas Ryan from Council’s Project Management team on 5421 9645. Submitted by G Gamble for M.R.S.C.
“for all your water needs”
Heritage Walk
Applications are now being accepted for places along the Heritage Walk. The next ceremony will be held in March 2015 when up to six trees and plaques will be dedicated. Anyone who would like to record or honor an individual, family or organization with a connection to the Woodend / Newham district may apply. For further information please contact the Woodend & District Heritage Society via or phone the Resource Centre (Wed. only) 5427 3361 or Rosemary on 5427 1893 at other times. Submitted by J Hawkins
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page 4
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Dabblers Delight
Woodend Art Group’s Dabblers Delight classes are such a success with as many as 11 participants, coming each Wednesday morning, we are therefore going to do our utmost to continue this creative event into next term, giving others the opportunity to experiment with paint and colour. If you are interested in trying your hand at working with watercolour, pastels or oils, come along to Woodend Art Group (WAG) rooms at the Woodend train station or indicate your interest by phoning John on 5427 3809 and reserve a place for next term commencing after the school holidays, early October. It is not a structured class that we offer and we are not teaching a particular style of painting, but trying our hand at various media in order to have fun and explore what is possible with paint and brushes. We received funding for this event from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council and offer it to the public free, until the funding runs out. Next term will run again for nine weeks on a Wednesday morning from 10 to 12 noon, commencing on Wednesday October 1. We provide warm rooms and offer morning tea. If you are tempted to come and try our event, feel free to enrol. Submitted by J Vander Reest
now open Specialists in prestige, Euro and late model vehicles
PH: 5427 1060
WWW.THE-GARAGE.BIZ The New Woodend Star • September 2014
What happens when you call 000 with a mental illness emergency?
PSMFM Community Forum to take place on 10th September – World Suicide Prevention Day. The 10th of September is World Suicide Prevention Day. Events to show support for this day will be taking place around Victoria. Newly formed, not for profit, PS [Parents and Siblings] My Family Matters will be hosting a Community Forum on the evening of the 10th to acknowledge the day and to discuss an issue of critical importance for those caring for a family member with a mental illness. ‘Feedback during our strategic consultation process over the last few months has consistently highlighted concern about issues when calling 000. This is seen as a highly sensitive and emotive topic, especially as calls are normally being placed to the 000 line as a result of a traumatic and confrontational situation.’ PS My Family Matters president Tamara Wilson said that for those calling 000 for the first time, it is a real step into the unknown. ‘What will happen when they come to my house? Who will come to the house? Should I ask for a CAT [Crisis Assessment and Treatment] team? What does a CAT team actually do?’ ‘Uncertainty surrounding these issues heightens the stress and anxiety load on both carers and the mentally ill, and can elevate the distress that making a 000 call of this nature would normally create.’ The Community forum will be attended by members of the local Emergency Services, Social Services and by Bending Triage. They will each address the forum to outline their individual perspectives on this matter. This will be followed by a facilitated panel discussion, where members of the community will have their opportunity to share their experiences, outline their needs and discuss this issue first hand, with professionals working in this area in our community. ‘We intend to use this forum to air some of the concerns the caring community may hold’ said Tamara. ’We hope that this will give the emergency services and the social services sector direct feedback that will assist them in the delivery of their services, in a positive and supportive manner.’ ‘We would expect that the outcomes of this forum will be presented as a fact sheet for carers and distributed to doctors’ surgeries, schools and other relevant contact points throughout the Macedon Ranges.’ The Forum will take place at 7pm on 10th September at the Gisborne Football and Netball Club Rooms. All interested people are welcome. For further details. contact: Mike Hamer, Vice President on 0411 549 432. PSMFM recognises and supports the vital responsibility of Parents/Carers and Siblings living with a family member with mental illness. No family needs to suffer through the impact of mental illness alone. We work to inspire moments of strength, optimism and happiness.
Submitted by M Hamer
page 5
Woodend’s Start Run Group– Spring program starts now! Start running now with Macedon Ranges Running Club’s Start Running Group program. Our unique program begins this week, so you could be fit and running 10kms in just 13 weeks’ time.
The SRG is designed for non-runners, it’s a gradual and very achievable program that will improve your fitness in a comfortable, controlled and social environment. The program consists of three sessions per week, Monday and Wednesday from 6.30pm and 7.00am on Saturday morning, meeting at Woodend’s Children’s Park. Along with the benefits of being a part of this fun, social gathering of members, there are many running options to choose from. Some of our members prefer off-road trail running, others love the long distance road runs. We have some members currently training for a full marathon in October and others who have participated in the Northface 100k in the Blue Mountains. There are members who like to run no further than 5k, those who are trying to improve their
times and those who will run anywhere and any distance as long as their buddies are with them. If you are interested in running with the club, either the SRG program or as an experienced runner please visit our website or come along to the Woodend Children’s Park Monday, Wednesday 6.30pm, Saturday 7am. Submitted by S Franzen
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Amanda Millar MP Member for Northern No Victoria
e c i o v l a c o l r You s e g n a R n o d e c a in the M
“For assistance with any issue affecting our local community, please contact my office here in Woodend.” Tenancy 3, 80 High Street Woodend VIC 3442 (03) 5427 2444
@ Authorised by Amanda Millar MP, Tenancy 3, 80 High Street Woodend, VIC 3442.
page 6
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Spring into the Macedon Ranges
Time to get out and invite your neighbours, or family and friends from further afield to celebrate spring at all the wonderful parks in the Macedon Ranges. BBQ under the rotunda at Stanley Park and visit the waterfall, or play ball and picnic at Sanatorium Lake, Mt. Macedon. Each town in the Macedon Ranges is blessed with picturesque parks, most with free BBQ facilities which makes entertaining easy – no mess in your house. Let the good times roll.
we can do any print job!
Flowers and gardens are what spring is all about so don’t forget to visit Forest Glade, Mt. Macedon a see floral beauty en mass, rhododendrons, camellias, new leaves on the deciduous trees. A photographer’s delight. Spring is celebrated from the 4th to 14th of September in Kyneton with so many events as part of their daffodil festival. There is something for everyone from art to the parade featuring the festival’s King and Queen. Please visit their website for details. Submitted by Helen Relph
We can Do Any Printing Job!
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for FAST printing 5427 3092 The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Holistic Funeral Directors Natural choices in after death and funeral care
‘The Sanctuary’
a beautiful, sacred home for the living and the dead
is now open
drop in for a visit 65 Urquhart Street Woodend 1300 008 037 page 7
Visit Duneira September 2014
Guided House & Garden Tours Lecture: What Makes Rare Books Valuable? Concert: Elysium Ensemble Lecture: Words, Music & Action in Opera Book Club: Agatha Christie Midweek Chinese, Italian & meditation classes available
Private Tour bookings welcome . . . Call us to discuss a private tour, meeting space, special event or wedding. Stay in touch . . . • • Monthly e-newsletter • Twice-yearly mailing list
page 8
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Western Water offers grants
Western Water urges community and environmental groups in Woodend to apply for up to $2000 in funding under its grants program. There are three types of grants available – Sammy’s community garden and school garden grants, and Frances’ environment grants for projects to improve biodiversity and liveability. Past grant recipients have included Woodend Landcare, which received $1750 in 2013 for the Bringing Back Lake Earnshaw project. Sammy grants, named for Western Water’s slithering mascot Sammy Snake, are aimed at garden projects with education and health benefits for students or the community. Schools and not-for-profit groups can apply for a grant to pay for plants, equipment or watering systems. In-kind support such as labour is also on offer. Environment groups applying for Frances grants must demonstrate that their project will enhance biodiversity, protect flora and fauna or provide educational benefits. All projects must take place within Western Water’s service area. The grants are part of Western Water’s Corporate Social Responsibility program, which aims to give back to the community. For more information and eligibility criteria, go to or call 9218 5455. Entries must be in by Friday September 19 and winners will be announced in October. Submitted by K Smith for Western Water
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BE LOCAL | BUY LOCAL support you community by shopping locally
Waste Strategies
Reduction in waste, from the start point of generating less during production, through maximising product life and utility, to reusing and then recycling spent products, are principles we should put into practice every day. Cr. Jennifer Anderson, Macedon Ranges Shire Councillor Macedon Ranges Shire can be an example to the rest of Australia, and the world, of how a local government area can work with its businesses and residents, to gain benefit for the environment and local communities, and enjoyment of future generations, by investing money wisely on initiatives that will provide maximal long-term reduction in waste production. All residents and businesses pay, as part of their rates, for the management and removal of waste. It is important that this money is spent wisely and that it benefits those who have paid for it, Every year we send tonnes of rubbish to landfills located outside of our Shire. This costs us not only in terms of money spent, but also in costs to the long-term health of our Shire. Council has, over the last few years, come up with some initiatives to help reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. This has included the introduction of green waste bins, and increased recycling services, but there is so much more we can do. Ideas include encouraging people to compost their organic wastes, or have some form of community collection point for this where people are not in a position to do this them selves. The promotion of hard waste recycling, via a local “Tip Shop” is something other shires do successfully. Obviously we do not have the financial capacity to do all things that everyone would like, but as part of a waste management forum, linked with other councils in the region, we may be able to achieve some things with a joint initiative. In the coming months council will be reviewing our current waste management strategy, and I would value your early input. Please feel free to call me or email me any ideas. Best Wishes, Jennifer | 0408 273 670
Teddy bears returning | 30 years experience • • • •
Muscle realign & stretch techniques Gentle spine adjustments Elbows, wrists, kness, shoulders Headaches, migraines & athsma
Upstairs at Westpac Bank, 75 High St
Victoria’s premier teddy event is returning to Woodend on Sunday, October 26. It’s a date that all teddy bear lovers would be silly to miss. Bring the family or come alone to the Woodend Teddy Bear Show – a warm and fuzzy welcome is assured at St Ambrose Hall from 10am to 4pm. Buy, browse and vote for your favourite bear or furry friend in the competition. Look out for more details and a colouring contest in the next edition. Submitted by Nadine Hartnett
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
page 9
Kyneton Theatre Company, October 10–25th KTC’s production has an exquisite group of actors to perform this wonderful show. Set in Baltimore in 1962, Tracey Turnblad, an overweight teenager with all the right moves, is obsessed with the Corny Collins Show. Each day after school her and her best friend Penny run home from school to watch the show and drool after the hot Link Larkin, much to the dismay of her mother Edna. After one of stars of the show leaves, Corny Collins holds auditions to see who will be the next person to join the show. Tracey wins the role and becomes a celebrity overnight, and meets a colorful array of characters. She then launches a campaign to integrate the show. “Hairspray is a social commentary on the injustices of parts of American Society in the 60s. The music includes “downtown” rhythm and blues. Jarrod Catt who gave an extraordinary performance as Judd Fry in Oklahoma plays the role of Edna Turnblad! Eve Lynch is playing the role of Tracey, Justin Press plays the wonderful role of Velma Von Tussle. The cast has been working very hard on this wonderful production, which shows promise of being KTC’s best production to date. The cast is rehearsing three days a week under extremely difficult circumstances due to venue space; however this does not dampen the cast’s excitement in bringing this wonderful show to fruition for the enjoyment of all locals and visitors. The production will be held at Kyneton Secondary College, Epping Street, Kyneton. Tickets are available from Cost is Children under 12 $10, Concessions $15, Adults $20. Submitted by O Kelly
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Marriage Celebrant Patsy Buckland m: 0437 179 078 Located in Woodend page 10
Two Reasons to Celebrate!
The Woodend Girl Guides have two reasons to celebrate after successfully applying for two grants. The first grant for $2300 is from the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria’s ‘Equip Grants Program’ which provides financial support to help young people in rural and regional Victoria to get geared up and more involved in their community. This money will go towards the purchase of tents and camping equipment for the Girl Guides to enable them to go on camps, including overnight hikes. The second grant is from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council’s Community Funding scheme for $900 which will go towards the purchase of shelving and storage units in the Hall where the girls meet. The Guides are also contributing funds raised from the sale of Girl Guides Cookies and the Woodend Farmers Market BBQ which will be held on the 6th of September, if you are at the market, please come along and say hello! We are thrilled to be successful in obtaining these grants as they will help to grow the Guides Group and make the guiding experience more enjoyable for all involved. There are 3 units of Girl Guides in Woodend, grades 1–3, grades 4–6, and year 7+, they meet at the Woodend Scout Hall on Monday nights and Thursday nights, please contact Lynne Maughan on 0419 245 302 if your daughter is interested in joining Guides. Submitted by Emma Tuck
LAWYERS business sales + leases • conveyancing • wills + estates • commercial agreements Macedon Ranges & Melbourne
Noy Legal Services 5426 3500 The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Is your business overcharging EFTPOS?
Kyneton Antique Fair
Kyneton Town Hall, Mollison St. Kyneton, Sptember 5-7 Join us on opening night, Friday 5th September and enjoy live music with a glass of Hanging Rock Wine! The 18th consecutive year of the Kyneton Antique Fair will include an eclectic range of collectables: antique furniture, militaria, fine chinaware, glassware, vintage clothing, jewelry, home wares, silverware and more. Light lunches and refreshments will be provided by the Rotary Country Kitchen. Kyneton Antique Fair is the major fundraiser for the Friends of the Kyneton Museum. All funds raised aid the conservation of the Kyneton Museum collection as well as assisting with the development of Museum projects. Further Details:, Entry is $7 per adult. No charge for children accompanied by an adult! Contact Hanne Juul, Fair Coordinator 0428 87 8048 or for more infomation Also, on Sunday 7th September at 2:00pm, there will be “A Walk, Talk & Tea” visit to the Zetland and Kyneton Lodges to discover some of the mystery and history of these Lodges. Refreshments will be provided at the Kyneton Museum following the walk and talk. Tickets: $10. This Friends of the Kyneton Museum project is held during the Kyneton Daffodil & Arts Festival see the full program at
A timely reminder to Woodend business owners: there are actually two different ways to treat ‘rounding up’ or ‘rounding down’ at the checkout when finalising a sale. When using cash, the final amount is rounded up or down to the nearest multiple of 5c. An example would be that $29.98 goes up to $30 at the checkout when you pay cash. $29.97 goes down to $29.95 when you pay cash. But when you use EFTPOS or credit card, the total charged MUST be, for example, $29.98 (not $30). There should be no rounding up or down when using electronic payments or even cheques. A few cents might not seem like much, but the ACCC takes these issues seriously, and businesses could face accusations of not making products available for sale at the price marked. If you have a business and are unsure, please read the ACCC press release on this issue here: media-release/rounding-and-eftpos-transactions. You may simply need to remind staff or put a small sign at the checkout about the issue. Customers, please remind businesses when you use your credit card or eftpos card, the total amount you should pay is the actual amount, without any rounding up or down. If your total sale is $29.98 that is what you should be charged on your credit card. Woodend shoppers value their local businesses but also want businesses to do the right thing. The ACCC website has a wealth of information about a range of issues to assist businesses in fair dealing with customers.
Submitted by Doug McIvor
Submitted by a local shopper
ADVANCED TREE & SCREENS Trees grown in air pruning pots, 2-3m high 100 + species available
• Weekends 2014 at SPRING HILL•
Sovereign Financial is a family business built on built the values of Trust, Sovereign Financial isisaafamily business on Sovereign Financial family business built onthe the Sovereign Financial is Relationships. a family business built on the values of Trust, Insight, Expertise and values valuesofofTrust, Trust,Insight, Insight,Expertise Expertiseand andRelationships. Relationships. Insight, Expertise and Relationships. We advisory firm Weare are an independently ownedfinancial financialadvisory advisory firmthat We arean anindependently independently owned owned financial firm We are independently owned financial including: advisory firm that that specialise ofofservices thatan specialise inaarange range services including: specialise in a range ofin services including: specialise in a range of services including: • RetiPlanning rement Planning Retirement • Retirement Planning Retirement Planning • Wealth Wealth Creation Creation • Wealth Creation Wealth • Creation Investment andManagement Portfolio Management Investment and Portfolio • Investment and Portfolio Management Investment and Portfolio Management • Taxati on Advice Taxation Advice • Taxation Advice Taxation AdvicePlanning • Planning Estate Estate • Estate Planning Estate Planning • Centrelink Centrelink Advice Advice • Centrelink Advice Centrelink Advice Protecti • Personal on Insurance Personal Protection Insurance • Personal Protection Insurance Personal Protection Insurance
August 2nd – November 30th Saturday 9-5 & Sunday 9-2 or by appointment 609 Spring Hill-Tylden Road, Spring Hill Melways Ref: X909 E9 (Between Woodend & Daylesford) Nick & Carrie: 0422 736 165 Delivery & EFTPOS available See website for list & directions
Please contact Jerome Smith or Sarah Connolly
Servicing Mount Alexander and Macedon Ranges Shires and surrounds E:
on Please 9629 9223 to arrange aSmith ti me to speak to03 one of 9223 our to Please contact Jerome Smith or Sarah Connolly 9629 contact Jerome or Sarahon Connolly Please Jerome Connolly onadvisers. 03 experienced arrange a time9223 to speak to oneorofSarah our experienced on 03 contact 9629 toSmith arrange aadvisers. time to speak to9629 one 9223 of to arrange time toour speak to one of our experienced advisers. Offi ce locatiaons: experienced advisers. Office Locations: Ballarat Melbourne Kew Office Locations: 88 Mair Street East Suite 1 Level 6 5 Wellington St Woodend Office Bakery Suite 5, 75Hill High St Woodend Office Woodend 5333 Suite 5, 7088 75 High St 0419 996 690 Woodend 0419 996 690
Ballarat Office Melbourne Office 470 Collins St 88 Mair Street 470 Collins St Ballarat Office East 2/11 Melbourne Office Melbourne Bakery Melbourne 88 MairHill Street East 2/11 470 Collins St 03 5333Hill 70889629 9223 03 9629 9223 Bakery Melbourne
03 5333 7088
03 9629 9223
Kew Office
Kew 5 Wellington St Kew Office 9855 05 78 Kew 5 Wellington St
03 Kew9855 0578 03 9855 0578
Sovereign Financial Group Pty Ltd AFSL 383416
Sovereign Financial Group Sovereign Financial GroupPty PtyLtd LtdAFSL AFSL 383416 383416
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
page 11
Newham bargain plant sale
PLUS Celebrity Gnomes November 8th The Newham Garden Club is once again holding its renowned plant sale to raise funds for Newham, Woodend & local community projects. This year we have expanded the plant range on offer as well as added some beautiful garden related goods; handmade cards, unique gifts & locally made preserves and celebrity gnomes. Plants are locally propagated and all products are made by a hardworking group of volunteers. There will be a “gnome grotto” set up in Wesley Park next to the Newham Hall for our younger gardeners as well as a gnome and toadstool painting work shop on the day.
So if you are after a special Christmas gift (a unique garden gnome!) or just some bargain-priced flowering plants, vegetables and herbs or potted peonies come along and join the fun. Tea /coffee/cool drinks & scrumptious scones will also be available at the Garden Café. Saturday 8th November 2014 at Newham Mechanics Institute Hall, Rochford Road Newham. (Near Hanging Rock Winery) 9.00-3.00pm. For further details (and to book for gnome & toadstool painting workshop), contact Fran Spain Newham Garden Club Member on 5427 0661.
Macedon Ranges Farmers Markets in September All markets are held on Saturdays • 6th – Woodend Community Farmers’ Market – cnr High & Forest Sts – 0487 744 090 • 3th – Kyneton Farmers’ Market – St Pauls Park, Piper Street – 5422 1025 • 20th- Riddells Creek Farmers’ Market – Primary School – 0419 523 324 • 27th – Lancefield & District Farmers' Market – High Street – 0407 860 320 Victorian farmers’ markets provide an opportunity for our farmers to sell direct and take full credit for their efforts. By shopping at farmers’ markets customers are guaranteed access to quality, freshly harvested produce whilst supporting local farmers and directly putting money back into the local community. Bring your own bags, baskets & trolleys! Friendly dogs are welcome on a leash. Free face-paint for the kids. Buskers welcome. Submitted by Meggs Hannes
The New Woodend Star the voice of the community
Submitted by F Spain
8-12 BEAUCHAMP ST PHONE (03) 5422 2311 KYNETON VIC 3444 FAX (03) 5422 2930 Email: website:
Plant Nursery Function Hire Talks & Tours Exhibitions Events Tel: 03) 5472-1032
page 12
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Need an injury lawyer? Adviceline Injury Lawyers are now in Melton and can help you - no win, no charge - with: • • • • •
Work injury compensation – physical and psychological injury Hearing loss caused by work Road and transport accident injury compensation Crimes compensation claims Asbestos injuries
Melton 83 - 85 Unitt Street Melton VIC 3337 T (03) 9321 9988 or 1300 MY INJURY F (03) 9321 9900 Melbourne Ground Floor, 555 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 T (03) 9321 9988 Springvale 369C Springvale Road Springvale VIC 3171 T (03) 9321 9886
Michael Lombard Partner
Lisa Paul Special Counsel
Genna Angelowitsch Lawyer The New Woodend Star • September 2014
page 13
Welcome Spring
at the Mt Macedon Plant Lovers’ Market This year the Mt Macedon and District Horticultural Society will be holding its 14th annual Plant Lovers’ Market at Bolobek. Located at 370 Mt Macedon Road Macedon, Bolobek is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register and noted for its garden. The weekend of Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 September, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, will be a great opportunity to see and shop for a wide range of seeds, and plants. You can also talk to the growers and nursery owners and make use of their expertise. Gardening books, from one of Australia’s finest stockists, quality garden tools and accessories and onsite tool sharpening will also be available. A complimentary ‘plant crèche’ is provided – perhaps while you enjoy a wine or coffee and something to eat from the Bolobek kitchen! Homemade preserves, biscuits and cakes will also be on sale from the produce stall. Entry to the market is $5 (adults) and combined market and garden entry $15. There is ample onsite parking. Please visit for further information. Submitted by Janet Sherry
Thinking of subdividing your Main Residence? At Langley McKimmie we are often asked to advise people who are thinking of subdividing their main residence in order to access the equity in their investment. The act of subdivision itself will not result in any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) as long as you continue to own the subdivided land. Once you do sell the subdivided land the tax consequences may vary depending on the circumstances. 1.
Main residence exemption is removed from the subdivided block based on a split of value at the time of original purchase. The land is deemed to be held on capital account, entitling you to a 50% discount on the Capital Gain where held greater than twelve months overall; or The land is deemed to be held on revenue account which re-characterises the land as either trading stock or part of an isolated profit making transaction, whereby the profit will be taxed at your marginal tax rates.
There are various factors that have a role to play in determining if the sale is on capital or revenue account.
Global warming – Thwaites issues challenge
Recent reverses in sustainability policy can be overcome with community action, according to Professor John Thwaites, the Chair of ClimateWorks and the Monash Sustainability Institute. Professor Thwaites was speaking at the Annual General Meeting of the Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group, attended by more than 60 people in Woodend last week. He said that despite the dismantling of policies and organisations at a state and federal level geared to dealing with global warming, the success of those policies in the few years they were in existence shows it is possible for excessive CO2 levels to be arrested and abated. Since 2009 demand for electricity had reduced by nine percent and emissions by eighteen percent he said. Coal generated power had reduced fourteen percent over the last decade, particularly in the last couple of years during a price on carbon, and renewable energy production had increased by more than sixty percent. Ominously, investment in renewable energy has plummeted in the last six months, and the antipathy shown to the Renewable Energy Targets by the Federal Government has cast a pall over the renewable energy industry, he said. Professor Thwaites encouraged people to get involved in local groups like Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group to try local initiatives. He supported the proposed community owned small scale wind farm, and said that the C3 green energy scheme of MRSG was an ingenious initiative. Professor Thwaites said that in future there would be more localised energy supply systems based on renewable energy and battery storage. Community groups could get involved in retailing renewable energy in competition with the old style utilities he said. MRSG President Ralf Thesing said Professor Thwaites speech had lifted the spirits of MRSG members and with a state election due this year, the Group is hopeful that policies dealing with global warming will be a key determinant of the outcome. Submitted by Bruce Mildenhall, Secretary, 0419 302 839 MRSG – Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group
Woodend Paediatric Speech Pathology Services 81g High Street Woodend 3442
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Andrew Marshall or Janine Orpwood on 5427 8100 for a consultation.
page 14
Clinic 5427 3309 Rhonda Hill 0419 323 095 The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Saturday, September 6 Spinach & ricotta gnocchi 2010 Girlan 448, Dolomiti
Lamb ‘skotta ditti’with soft polenta, green beans and cherry tomatoes 2011 Babo Sangiovese, Tuscany Rum baba with blood orange compôte 2009 Feudi del Pisciotto Gewurztraminer, Sicily
Saturday, September 13 Pissaladiere 2013 Guffens Pourquoi Pas Rosé, Provence
Daube of beef with pomme mousseline, braised chicory 2012 Labet Pinot Noir D’Ile Beaute, Corsica
Creme brulée Kir royale
Saturday, September 20 Jamon Iberico, Manchego and fennel 2013 Mengoba Brezo Rosado, Bierzo
Duck leg braised in cider with a broadbean ragu & potato croquettes 2012 Exopto Bozeta, Rioja
Chocolate & chestnut flan Henriques & Henriques 5 year old Madeira
SUNDAY ROAST September 21, from noon
by reservation only
Saturday, September 27 Salt cod baked with potatoes and cream, Marinated Octopus, Crumbed sardines 2013 Mendes Loureiro, Vino Verde
Slow cooked pork neck with caldo verde 2009 Quinta do Mondego Assobio, Douro
Almond cake with cinnamon icecream Moscatel de Setubal
for further details
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
for reservations 54272007
page 15
Bar • Bistro • Accommodation Open Lunch & Dinner Wednesday to Sunday
Light Lunch Special $16 Wednesday to Friday
Raise your Glasses and Steins to celebrate Woodend’s Biggest Oktoberfest at Holgate Brewhouse. The day will be full of drinking, eating, and entertainment! With an Oompah band, Bier Hall in the brewery, German food and bier plus plenty of celebration, it will be a fantastic day for all. Join us on Sunday 12th October 1pm – 5pm. Tickets are $55. Includes Free Stein (yours to keep) + 1 Litre of Bier, Traditional German Bretzel and Entry into the Bier Hall. To book tickets or for more info call 542 72510 or go to Submitted by C Mullens
Includes free Pot, Wine or Soft Drink
Live Music check website for details Function Room available for Hire Come along and enjoy great food and open fire a: 33 Smith Street Macedon 3440 p: 5426 3233 w: Lik us on facebook: Macedon Railway Hotel
Depetro’s Pizza Woodend Open 6 days We deliver
5427 2940 115 High Street Woodend
proud sponsors of WHFNC
Spoil yourself and your friends with
High Tea
in genteel style and luxury at
Saturday and Sunday from 12pm from $40.00 per guest - reservations are essential GOLDIES LANE WOODEND 03 5427 2273
page 16
Award winning Bread, Pies & Cakes
Come & check out our brand new Shop 1 & 2, 115 High St, Woodend expanded cafe Open daily from 7am Open5427 daily2486 from 7am 5427 2486 Shop 1-3 115 High Street Woodend
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Get your coffee hit & treat your tastebuds! Great Winter Warmers: Soups Quiches Gourmet Pies Cooked Breakfast Pastas Croissants Stone Baked Bread & Baguettes Gourmet Pizzas Sweet Treats: Cakes Slices Danishes Callebaut Belgian Hot Chocolate All made fresh Not Just Fudge also available. Catering & Cake orders: organise something special. Check out our new undercover, alfresco dining area ‐ perfect for groups to enjoy breaky, lunch or a cuppa.
Open Monday ‐ Friday 7am‐6pm
66 High Street Woodend, Cnr Brooke Street 5427 4336
ge ntinian Dinn er cafe Licenced
Shop 3B, 81 High St Woodend VIC 3442
7 3399 Call 542 1 Saturday 11th October - 5 Courses matched toWines - 7pm - $ 20pp -
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
page 17
Phone 03 5426 4044
Steve Bracks in Woodend
Observations on Timor Leste I am pleased to welcome former Premier of Victoria, Steve Bracks to Woodend on September 18th to give his observations on Timor Leste. This is an evening not to be missed. Steve Bracks is an engaging speaker with a great story to tell about his amazing time and work in Timor Leste. Australia and Timor Leste are near neighbors with close political and trade ties and following his resignation as Premier, Steve provided a pro-bono advising role in East Timor working alongside the newly elected Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão. Following a request from Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão in 2011, the Steve Bracks Timor-Leste Governance Project assisted with the drafting of the “Timor-Leste Strategic Development Plan, 2011–2030”. This plan sets out a pathway to eradicate poverty and establish a diversified non-oil economy in Timor-Leste. Since 2007 Steve has led twenty six missions to Dili and has acted as Special Adviser on governance issues to the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, Xanana Gusmao so I am sure he will have many entertaining stories to tell and the evening will be most interesting. The event will be held Thursday September 18, 6 – 8pm @ Ethic 63 Urquhart Street Woodend. Cost is $10. RSVP by Wednesday September 10. You can book a ticket direct at stevebrackswoodend. or call Chris on 0400 747 121
Mary-Anne Thomas
Labor Candidate for Macedon Invites you to an evening with
Observations on Timor Leste Finger food provided. Drinks and meals available at café prices. DATE: Thursday 18 September 2014 TIME: 6pm – 8pm VENUE: Ethic, 63 Urquhart St, Woodend COST: $10 (Proceeds to the Macedon Campaign) RSVP: Wednesday 10 September Secure your place at or call Chris on 0400 747 121 Authorised by Dennis Franklin 30 Dalton Street Gisborne.
I hope to see you there. Joanne Duncan, State Member for Macedon
Joanne Duncan MP
MeMber for Macedon As your local Member of Parliament I am keen to listen to any concerns or ideas you may have.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for assistance on any State Government matter. Warm regards,
Joanne Duncan Shop 14/9 Goode St, Gisborne VIC 3437 P: 5428 2138 F: 5428 2919 E:
Authorised by J Duncan, Shop 14/9 Goode St, Gisborne
page 18
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
A great day, a vibrant community Organisers have declared the Woodend Children’s Festival a stand-out success, with more than 1500 people from the Macedon Ranges, Melbourne and beyond attending its inaugural year.
Co-founder Kate O’Connor says while the post-festival feedback was incredibly gratifying, it will also prove a useful tool in planning for 2015. “The majority of survey respondents rated the festival very highly, but they have also helped us identify the areas that we can improve and build upon,” she said.
L-R: Enjoying Adam’s Amazing Magic Show, A ‘sea of stars’ mural, installed by Carly McNaught and woven by local primary school students, Sue Blakey and Steve Scott roaming the festival on camel-back, Masterful magician Adam Laurance with entranced audience. All photos coutesy Kim Selby Photography
While ticket sales exceeded expectations, it was the positive feedback from parents, the involvement of several community groups and schools, the wonderful crew of more than 40 volunteers, and the sight of many delighted little faces that made the day a success. Festival-goers nominated a range of highlights from the rich, arts-focused program including performances by black light puppeteers Dream Puppets, local magician Adam Laurance, indigenous storyteller/artist Ron Murray – and, of course, New Zealand author/performer Craig Smith. Children also enjoyed building nests from natural materials, planting seeds, weaving stars, making shadow puppets and contributing to a large ‘strange garden’ sculptural piece over the course of the day. 1300 66 17 66 PO Box 804, Woodend. Hours 9–3 Mon–Fri. ONLINE, MAIL, PHONE SALES ONLY
Wire-free bras, briefs & more . . . sizes 10 to 30
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Phone us to place an order and arrange delivery
“This year we were very limited by budget and venue constraints, and simply not knowing what sort of numbers we might attract,” Ms O’Connor said. “Looking ahead, we can now focus on providing activities and spaces that work for larger numbers – and improving things like catering and heating,” she said. Artistic director and co-founder Gemma Rayner says the focus for the 2015 festival will again be on bringing ‘country kids’ a wealth of arts and cultural experiences. “We now know that what we suspected is true – that there is a strong demand for arts-focused events for children in this region," she said. "As well as attracting people to Woodend, we hope local children might see and do things that inspire them creatively – or just that they have a really enjoyable day,” she said. The committee would like to thank all the supporters, sponsors, volunteers and community groups who helped make the day possible. The festival was organised by a team of five volunteers with experience in, among other things, arts event management. Profits from the 2014 festival will go towards next year’s event which is already in the planning stages. Images from the day (above), kindly donated by Kim Selby Photography, are available for viewing on the festival’s Facebook page: woodendchildrensfestival. Submitted by Gemma Rayner
Women’s Fitness Specialists training
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The New Woodend Star • September 2014
For all your dry cleaning needs call in and see us today. Don’t forget to pick up a discount card. 5427 2727 Shop 1 39 Anslow Street, Woodend member of the DIA Dry Cleaning Insitute
page 19
September 2014 Medical help for travelers Our Travel Nurse, Michelle Duley, has found that patients who have not received pre-travel health advice and services are more likely to need medical assistance when they return. Woodend Travel Health at Brooke Street Medical Centre can help you identify risks and how to manage them for your particular destination and planned activities. Consults cover issues such as immunisations, protecting against disease carrying insects, deep vein thrombosis, traveller’s diarrhea, food & water hygiene, rules for taking medications overseas, etc.. Ideally, make an appointment at least 6 weeks before you are due to leave, but any time is better than no time. To book an appointment in our travel clinic – ring reception on 5427 1002 and ask for a travel appointment.
Chronic Kidney Disease are you at risk? Many people have chronic kidney disease (CKD) and are not aware of it until the late stages of the disease. One in three Australians has risk factors for CKD – these include: Have diabetes Have heart disease Family history of kidney disease High blood pressure Obesity Smoking Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin 60 years or older Next time you see your GP, ask for a kidney health check – particularly if you have a number of these risk factors. Your GP will take your blood pressure and order a couple of pathology tests.
Welcome to new doctor As mentioned in the last issue of Woodend Star we welcome Dr Pritinesh Singh. Pritinesh is keen to come to Woodend as she enjoys country life having spent her childhood living on a farm. “I've come to a point in my life where I'd like to slow down and re-live those positive experiences. I'd also love to give as much as I can and grow with the community I serve in”. Pritinesh is particularly interested in health care of women, children and the aged as well as forensic medicine.
Phoning for results When doctors advise you to phone our nurses for results of tests, please call between 12.00 midday – 1.00pm weekdays. Remember to leave enough time for your tests to be processed and reviewed by your doctor before you call. Brooke St. Medical Centre – tel. (03) 5427 1002 page 20
In the meantime, there are things you can do to reduce your risk, these include: Stop smoking Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight Eat whole (instead of processed) foods and limit intake of salt, sugar and fats Exercise regularly Reduce alcohol Brooke Street Medical Centre has a range of services available to help you make these lifestyle changes. GPs along with Allied Health Professionals can provide tailored programs to help you achieve your goals. Our services include Smoking Cessation, Dietetics, Exercise Physiology, Psychology and care planning. Speak with your doctor about the sorts of services that could assist you. For further information go to: After hours GP Helpline - tel. 1800 022 222 The New Woodend Star • September 2014
‘Here comes the Sun’ – with the help of Woodend Rotary
The Rotary Club of Woodend held another very successful luncheon on Sunday 10th of August to raise money in support of the Woodend Primary School Solar Panel Project. Titled ‘Here comes the Sun’, Alan Reid explained the benefits of going solar and the details of the project to the large audience of over 100 guests. Switching to solar energy will help the school reduce greenhouse gas emissions and power bills freeing up money for other purposes, for decades to come – a wonderful legacy. The function was well supported by local businesses with over 20 raffle prizes and 10 items in the silent auction. The members of the Rotary Club of Woodend would like to extend their gratitude to the following businesses; Rigoni Painting, Kim Selby photography, V Line, Blue Orange Concepts, Gisborne Peak Winery, Woodend Wine store, Ian Marks liquor, Artist Steph Goss, TOMS meats from South Melbourne Market, Change It Up training, The Larder Woodend, The Chamber, Color Me Cooper, Bendigo Pottery, Cuttings of Woodend, il Cafe, Warner’s Jewellers, Red Beard Bakery & Collier Office and Business Assist.
Woodend Hearing Centre WOODEND Did you know 1 out of 6 Australians HEARING CENTRE suffer from hearing loss? Did you know 1 out of 6 Australians
• Are you havingsuffer problems what people say? fromunderstanding hearing loss? Are you having problems understanding what people say? • Do youArehave problems hearing intobackground noise? you finding the television difficult hear? Do you have problems hearing in background noise? • Have you worked in a noisy environment? Have you worked in a noisy environment? If you answered yes to any of the above, you may have a hearing loss.
Government and worksafe accredited practice. Latest digital technology available. Hearing aids fitted free to pensioners*
Woodend Hearing Centre
If you answered yes to any of the above, Stay young and active and enjoy life with the confidence you may have a hearing loss. that good hearing brings.
Please show your appreciation of their generous support by supporting each business. Congratulations must go to Melissa Hocking and helpers who prepared the food and made the day a great success. There were guests from other Rotary clubs including St Ives NSW, Melton Valley, Melbourne and Ocean Grove. Woodend Girl Guides and leaders assisted Rotarians with setting up, packing up, as well as serving the food to the guests. The Girl Guides who supported the event have also earned credit for a Community Service Badge and learnt more about what it means to belong to a service club like Rotary where volunteers work to improve their local community. Guests were also entertained with lovely music provided by members of Resonance Orchestra. The luncheon helped raise $3400 for the solar panel project and a presentation will be made at a school assembly. Those unable to make the luncheon can still make a tax deductible donation to the cause at the school office. Any amount will be gratefully received but a $275 donation, which is the cost of one solar panel, will get your name (individual, family, group or business) on the sponsors’ plaque at the school. For information on Woodend Rotary Projects or membership please visit our new website portal.clubrunner. ca/9589 Submitted by Grant Hocking
(*Conditions apply) Located in the Brooke Street Medical Centre Cnr Brooke St & Templeton St, Woodend
Woodend Hearing Centre
the Brooke M: Street Medical Centre P: Located 5427 in1002 0425 238 109
Cnr Brooke St. and Templeton St., Woodend Government and worksafe practice. Ph: 5427 1002 accredited Ph: 0400 220Latest 482 digital technology available. Hearing aids fitted free to pensioners* (*Conditions apply)
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
page 21
cut out this calendar & stick on your fridge!
Upcoming Events September 5 5-7 6 10 14
Woodend Neighbourhood House morning tea Kyneton Anqtique Fair Woodend Community Farmers Market World Suicide Prevention day Resonance String Orchestra - Spirit of rhythm
15 Submissions due: The New Woodend Star 16 Term 3 -Woodend Art Group Dabblers Delight 18 Observations on Timor Leste – Steve Bracks 22-21 Mt Macedon Plant Lovers Market 24 – 30 Hayden’s Ride
October 1 4 10-25 11 15
Woodend Art Group Dabblers Delight Woodend Community Farmers Market Kyenton Theatre Co - Hairspray Woodend Playgroup Community Day Submissions due: The New Woodend Star
Woodend Teddy Bear Show
November 1 8 9 15 23
Woodend Community Farmers Market Plant Sale – Newham Garden Club 150th celebrations at St Mary’s Submissions due: The New Woodend Star Gisborne Singers concert
December 6
Woodend Community Farmers Market
Janruary 15
Submissions due: The New Woodend Star
February 15
Submissions due: The New Woodend Star
March 14 15
St Ambrose Autumn Carnival Submissions due: The New Woodend Star
Get listed!
Send you event details to
page 22
COMMUNITY GROUPS CONTACT DETAILS Alcoholics Anonymous, Friday night, Cobaw Community Centre, 0409 131 144 Australian Breastfeeding Association, Heather, 5427 2398 Cobaw Thursday Walking Group 5427 3340 Daylight Masonic Lodge, 5427 2480 1st Woodend Scout Group, 5427 2848, Leisa 0429 331 695 Friends of Macedon Ranges Library, Sheila/Don 5427 3644 Garden Club, 5422 6062 / 5427 3340 Kyneton Municipal Band, PO Box 57 Kyneton, 3444 Lancefield—Macedon Ranges, Relay For Life, Kathy 0419 644 688 Living Word Christian Church, 5429 6327 Historical Society, Courthouse, 5427 2523 Macedon Ranges Art Trail Nadine 0439 399 838 Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club, 10 Webb Cres, New Gisborne 1st Wednesday each month 8pm Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club Graeme 0418 838 300 Macedon Ranges Animal Aid, Buffalo Sports Stadium, 5427 1752 Macedon Ranges Bridge Club, 5427 1884 Macedon Ranges Families of Children with Disabilities Support Group, 5427 3365 Macedon Ranges Residents Assc., 5427 1481 or 5427 2651 Macedon Ranges Photographic Society, Ron Mathews, 5427 3284 Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group Parent Support 4 LD,— Kerrie 0414 432 158 Probus, 5427 2003 R.S.L., Anslow Street, 5427 3122 Red Cross, 5427 1260 Rotary Club of Woodend, meetings weekly at Vic Hotel Thursdays 6.45pm, 0409 439 046 St. Mary’s Guild, 11am, 4th Wednesday of month St. Mary’s Street Stall, 9—12 noon outside Woodend Newsagency (2nd Sat of the month) Woodend Art Group, Railway Station, 5427 1659 Woodend Business & Tourism Group Woodend Landcare: Meetings and weekend working bees — Jo 5427 1909 Thursday Crew — morning — Stewart 5427 4615 Woodend Hanging Rock Petanque Club, Hanging Rock Reserve, 5420 7595 Woodend Lions Club, Meetings 2nd/4th Wednesday each month, Barry McDonald, 5427 1272 Woodend Neighbourhood House, 47 Forest St, 5427 1845 Woodend Playgroup 0467 093 878 Woodend Pony Club, 5427 2793 Woodend Senior Citizens Club, Comm. Centre Woodend SES Training Nights Monday, Urquhart St Woodend Tennis Club Laura 0408 881 763 Woodend Winter Arts Festival Inc.,
Ian Marks Liquor 8554 0540 Blue Orange Concepts: homeware 5427 4500 Woodend Pizza & Pasta 5427 3777 Coles Supermarket 5427 2377 Collier Office & Business Assist and Woodend Copy Centre 5427 3092 Pets Haven 5427 3603 Mitre—10 Woodend Hardware 5427 2314 Noodle Dynasty 5427 4880 BP Woodend 5427 2248 Target Country 5427 4366 Macedon Ranges Travel Services 5427 4777 Kosmac & Clemens: optometrists 5427 4577 Alissa Kate Skin. Body. Beauty. Hair. 5427 3822 Salvation Army Family Store 5427 4421 Loose Change Bargains 5427 4466 Shop 19 — For lease 0407 273 961 Australia Post 5427 2600 Feeling Framed 5427 4455 The Spa Beauty Therapy Centre 5427 3322 HIGH STREET SHOPS Color Me Cooper 5427 1454 Chelleon For Hair 5427 3246 RT Edgar Real Estate
5427 1222
Woodend Bakery Cafe 5427 3434 The New Woodend Star • September 2014
William Morris & Sandersons Rugs WilliamMorris Morris&& William Now Available Sandersons Rugs Sandersons Rugs NowAvailable Available Now
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Metcalfe Vintage Tractor Pull and Woodchop
Sunday 21st September Featuring vintage tractors from around the country compete in Tractor Pulling: It isn’t just watched, it’s an experience: Sight! Sound! Action! Diesel fuel and loud engines! The proud owners pit them against one another in feats of strength and pulling power under competition rules overseen by the National Historical Machinery Association Inc. Alongside the vintage tractors axemen from around the country will compete in a variety of wood-chop events thrilling spectators as they wield razor-sharp axes to chop their way through hard native timbers. This is a great day out featuring man and machine engaging in feats of strength and endurance, and fantastic family fun with entertainment, music, jumping castle, mini train rides, face painting and playground, community stalls, arts & craft, local produce and static displays of vintage cars & engines. All just 30 minutes from Woodend in the Central Goldfields! Gates open at 10am, Metcalfe Recreation Reserve, Bath Lane, Metcalfe. All proceeds are distributed to Metcalfe CFA, Senior Citizens, Hall committee and Tennis club. Entry for adults is $5, primary school age children free. Submitted by I Girvan
The small acreage specialist servicing the Macedon Ranges and beyond for over 9 years
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
0400 909 303
page 23
Memories of Playgroup Woodend Playgroup welcomes the community to join in the fun at its community day on Saturday October 11. Come in for a cup of tea and a chat as Playgroup celebrates its 35th anniversary. Woodend Playgroup President, Faye Cormick, says the Woodend community has been intergral to the success of Playgroup, including its recent upgrades, and the support it has offered to local parents for more than three decades. “As we celebrate our 35th year we would like to than the community for all the love and support it has provided to Playgroup. We invite you to Playgroup for a cup of tea, cake and a chat as we celebrate this milestone,” President Faye Cormick says. Mrs Cormick is calling for submissions of memories of Playgroup – however big or small – to add to a display for the open day. “Playgroup has such a rich history in Woodend and we love hearing all the stories – old and new. It really is a facinating piece of our history,” she says. Playgroup startedas a small play area within the infant welfare centre and was called the ‘Woodend Infant Welfare Playgroup’. When the infant welfare centre moved to the current Cobaw Health building in 1979, Woodend Playgroup became the sole tenant of the Forest Street facility. To share your memories, stories and images of the facility as an infant welfare centre, kindergarten and playgroup, please email: Submitted by Jane Oldland
Police concerned by Theft of Trailers
Local Police in the Macedon Ranges / Mount Alexander area are concerned by the increasing number of trailers being stolen in Central Victoria. Of particular concern is the increasing number of tradesmen’s trailers being stolen, often containing large amounts of valuable tools and equipment. Local Area Commander, Inspector Ryan Irwin said, “We need to raise awareness of this issue so that people can take appropriate security measures and avoid becoming a victim of theft.” “Never leave trailers stored on nature strips or other locations where they can be accessed by the public. If they are stored in these locations, be sure to secure them using appropriate locks and you should never leave valuables in open trailers,” Inspector Irwin said. Police are also urging trailer owners to take some simple steps that will assist investigations in the event your trailer is stolen, such as taking a photograph of your trailer and engraving an identifying number, such as your ABN or your driver licence number, on the underside of the trailer. “The public can also assist us by reporting any suspicious activity they observe”, Inspector Irwin said. “If you see people loitering around building sites or around unattended vehicles and trailers please contact police immediately. Remember, you should not take any personal risk by confronting people who are acting suspiciously. Take note of their description and contact police. For crimes in progress people are urged to ring 000. For non urgent matters you can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Submitted by Ryan Irwin | Inspector | Macedon Ranges PSA | Victoria Police
WARNER’S JEWELLERS EST. 1912 ~ 4th Generation Jewellers
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page 24
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Restorative Yoga at The Bentinck . . .
Jahne Hope-Williams
A Lifetime of Yoga Director, Principal, The Australasian Yoga Institute (Est.1976)
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by HOME STUDY. RYT200 Hours (Level1) and our new course............ HOLISTIC YOGA THERAPY (Addictions and Recovery) 500 Hours. YOGA CLASSES at “THE BENTINCK” Mon. Fri. 6.30pm Wednesday 12.30 Saturday 10 and 12.30 Restorative Yoga
$10 per class Please book before arriving
To be the best you can be......
People know that football stars, film stars and singers do yoga. It looks impressive, but, I have to tell you that the fancy poses are only part of yoga, the smallest part. You don’t have to sweat, you don’t have to exhaust yourself, however to get the result you are looking for, you do have to challenge yourself in small ways. Restorative Yoga is what my students call “the strawberries and cream of yoga”. It is a slow, gentle yoga, and apart from initial easy stretches is totally supported by bolsters, cushions and blankets. These soothing and well- supported poses offer us the opportunity to linger quietly for a few moments in total and deep relaxation – nourished and well rested. The stretches and movements are peaceful, and in time and with practice, you will be rewarded with the ability to drop with ease into a place of deep contentment. Restorative Yoga quietens our fidgety bodies and calms our rambling minds so that we may rest quietly in the present moment, and experience maybe for the first time the peace that resides within. Are you recouperating from cancer surgery (especially breast cancer surgery), trauma, neurological trauma, anxiety, depression? If you are looking around for a way to get back to physical health – Restorative Yoga will be perfect for you. Please, come to class, you will love it, “the strawberries and cream of yoga” right! Restorative Yoga Classes: Tuesdays at 10am and Saturdays at 12.30 at The Bentinck (all props, mats etc. provided). Bookings and enquiries, Call Jahne (Director), The Australasian Yoga Institute on 5427 3518 or via Submitted by D Applebee
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The New Woodend Star • September 2014
page 25
The Woodend Unit of Red Cross held its AGM on the 7th August. Chair person Victoria provided a wonderful summary of our activities over the past twelve months, and as well as contributing significant funds to Red Cross Australia, with the help of our generous community, members also experienced the building of strong community links and friendships. Building friendships, and connecting to your local community is one of the well recognised benefits of volunteering, and the members of the Woodend Red Cross unit certainly experience these benefits. Want to get involved? By becoming a member of Red Cross, you can be involved in fund raising. The monies raised locally are administered by Red Cross Australia, and provide funds to support the charitable and humanitarian activities of Red Cross globally and locally. Internationally, Red Cross is currently active in assisting with the recovery of bodies from the crash site of MH17, supporting the injured and displaced in the GAZA conflict, and in Northern Iraq. Locally, one of our members is completing training to be able to provide support to victims of emergencies and natural disasters. It is essential that we continue to raise funds to support these activities. You can also be involved in assisting with emergencies locally. Our local response team have recently assisted residents of Morwell cope with the effects of the coal mine fire, and closer to home, local Red Cross units have assisted with a house fire by providing food and drinks for fire fighters on the ground, and then after the fire, assisted the family to replace clothing and household goods. This is one example of the funds raised by our fund raisers coming back to our local communities. Approach a member of the Woodend Unit of Red Cross to find out more, or drop in to our next meeting which will be on the 4th September at 1.30 pm at 39 High St Woodend. Our next big fund raising event is the Big Cake Bake to be held on the 16th October at the Woodend Community Centre. Submitted by Carmel Stewart
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page 26
September Birthdays 9th 16 17 19 21 24
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The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Net Medical Expense Offset (NMETO) Are you a Business and would like flexibility in dealing with the ATO? Would you like the flexibility of managing your business tax affairs with the ATO at a time that is convenient to you? Setting up a Business Portal so you can liaise online with the ATO enables you to: • View, prepare, lodge and revise your BAS statements • NB: The ATO are now only issuing electronic BAS forms if you have elected to lodge electronically • Having a Business Portal entitles you to additional time to lodge your electronic quarterly BAS • View your Statement of Account (SOA) and payment options • Transfer funds between your accounts • Add/Cancel Business Registrations (eg GST, PAYG withholding) • File transfers (esp Annual PAYG Summary) • View & request refunds from your accounts (Income Tax; FBT; Excise; some Superannuation) accounts • Communicate with ATO via a secure mailbox Further details can be found at If you would like assistance with setting up your Business Portal please give us a call. Riverwood Group Pty Ltd Accountants, Advisors & Planners 111 High Street Woodend 2/19 Bourke Street Kilmore Phone: 5427 8000 Email:
Woodend Library
The theme for spring 2014 at Goldfields Libraries is connection to the natural environment. Libraries throughout the region will host a series of activities, workshops and craft installations based on the concept of Trees, Webs & Hives as models of connection. Craft Installation @ Woodend Library Woodend Library will be a hive of activity from September to November. We plan to decorate the library with all kinds of bees, flowers and pollinators, and we invite the community to become involved and contribute to our installation. How To Become Involved • Join our Craft Group, Fridays in the library, 2–4pm • Pick up a pattern in the library to knit, crochet or sew a bee for our hive • Pick up a poppy pattern in the library – recraft our ANZAC poppies as colourful flowers • Craft bees and flowers at home or with a community group • Bring your crafty creations into Woodend Library and we will install them in our hand-crafted garden Important Dates Woodend Library will be buzzing from September to November. Crafters and groups are invited to bring their spring creations into the library. • Trees Webs & Hives Craft Installation Woodend Library, on display 1 September – 30 November 2014 • Trees Webs & Hives Community Crafternoons Fridays during school term in the library, 2–4pm For further information contact Woodend Library on 5427 2074 or via Submitted by Susie Prestney
Colour & Activity, Sticker, Stencil, Interactive CD ROM Books & Mess Free Marker Games with all of the Disney – PIXAR characters from:
• TOY STORY • CARS • • WINNIE THE POOH & FRIENDS • • TINKER BELL • • DISNEY PRINCESSES • • THE LITTLE MERMAID • • CINDERELLA • 43 Anslow Street, Woodend – 5427 4455 Next to the Post Boxes The New Woodend Star • September 2014
FAIRHURST CONVEYANCING and Secretarial Services For all your
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page 27
Ashbourne Landcare
Making dams wildlife friendly
What better way to spend one of the coldest winter Sundays in a long time, than to gather at Ashbourne Landcare member’s home of Gordon and Kerry Whyte. It was great to welcome several newer members as well as the twenty or so who came with “plates” and points of view. The focus of the lunch was to listen to Tania Begg, local Environmental Consultant and Wildlife Carer. Tania spoke on creating and improving habitat for farm dams. “Why should we create these habitat areas?” she asked. Answer – to improve water quality which increases both aquatic and terrestrial wildlife; to reduce soil erosion; to reduce evaporation and to enhance visual aesthetics. Tania began her presentation by showing an aerial overview of dams in the district, those for stock watering purposes, and those for recreational use. This showed how the impact of water flow into natural drainage lines, water courses, streams, rivers and reservoirs is affected by our modified landscapes. Tania totally engaged us with her passion, knowledge, informative images and lively presentation. Ashbourne Landcare Group will now focus on working bees at Marsh Court where nest boxes will be discussed by MSRC environmental officer, William Terry (date to be advised), community planting days in late Spring to continue work on our two Riparian projects along the Upper Campaspe River, maintaining Ashbourne Reserve for public use and protection of spring wildflowers; and taking action to protect our wombats from the Wombat Mange, now apparent in local wombat populations. Submitted by Libby Peck
New stocking arriving daily! layby now for Christmas
Woodend Landcare
The best nest
What does it take to build the best nest? Children who took part in Woodend Landcare’s The Best Nest workshop at the recent Woodend Children’s Festival discovered that a great selection of natural and recycled materials, nimble fingers and some love and care certainly helps. And in the process, we all had a ball exploring, creating and celebrating the hidden homes of our fine-feathered friends. Thanks to those who joined in – we estimate over 300 nests were created on the day – and to the Woodend Children’s Festival for warmly welcoming Landcare into their exciting program. Weed or native? Unsure if that plant is a weed or native? We can help you figure it out. On Saturday the 6th of September we are celebrating Landcare Week by hosting a Weed or Native Identification Session in the Woodend Library. Drop in with a plant sample or photo between 10:30am and 11.30am and meet with local Landcare botanists who can help you uncover the mystery. Waterwatch volunteer wanted We’re looking for someone to take periodic water samples in Five Mile Creek and test for a range of water quality parameters like salinity and phosphorus. It’s easy to do and all training and equipment is provided free. Waterwatch is a grassroots data collection program, run by ordinary people and managed by the North Central Catchment Management Authority. It’s an important contribution to safeguard the health of our waterways. Find more information at or get in touch with us. For information please send an email to, call 5427 2312, go to our blog at or look at our window outside Coles. Submitted by Kate Daniel
The New Woodend Star connecting the community
Shop 2 |130 High Street, Woodend OPEN 7 days
O’Callaghan Bros Firewood Supplies Redgum Block & Split Firewood Semi & Smaller Loads Available Bagged Firewood - 15 & 20 kgs Wholesale Orders Taken • FREE DELIVERY • OPEN 7 DAYS 28 Sauer Rd New Gisborne 5428 1955 0488 957 090 page 28
Top Hat Productions * 8 mm / 16 mm Film to DVD * VHS/Mini DV/ Hi 8 to DVD * Filming/Editing Services * Corporate & Special Events Productions AVPA Multi -Award Winners Accredited Producers
PH: 03 5422 3930 The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Woodend Cemetery
containers, artificial flowers and other objects blow away or get dislodged when maintenance works are undertaken, only to become litter. Any glass or other objects will be removed to prevent injury to people and to reduce the litter hazard. Notable burials: William Wackenbarth Short, an artist during the Heidelberg School period with paintings on display at the Victorian Art Gallery. He was a resident in Woodend. William died in 1917, aged 87 and is buried with his wife, Caroline in an unmarked grave in the Anglican section of the Cemetery.
Improvements are afoot at the Cemetery Following recent water pipe improvements and inclement weather conditions, the main driveway became quite muddy. Trust members and volunteers recently supplied, spread and levelled gravel along the main drive. It is now looking much tidier and is safer for visitors and funerals. We are also looking at replacing the perimeter fencing with new and more modern fencing to improve the appearance as you approach the cemetery. This will replace the tired looking rails and hedges currently in place. This project will be an ongoing process which may take months Submitted by Philip Johnson, Chairman on behalf of the or years to complete, dependent upon finances. Woodend Cemetery Trust The Cemetery aims to have a low profile whilst being there to serve the local community. We do ask the JULIANA SMITH BN (Mid), LLB, GDLP community to be observant of parking restrictions at entry BN (Mid),&LLB, GDLP points to the Cemetery, and respectful of the bereaved, as BARRISTER SOLICITOR BARRISTER & SOLICITOR a number of people have had to be asked to move vehicles Focusing on Family & Criminal Law from blocking gateways. This was particularly pertinent Macedon & beyond Bendigo Ranges & Macedon Ranges Woodend Office (by appointment) whilst recently waiting for a funeral cortege to arrive. This Woodend Office (by appointment) - 27 Urquhart St., Woodend Vic 3442 27 Urquhart St. Woodend Vic 3442 shouldn’t be necessary, is an embarrassment to Woodend 72 Queen 3550 Victoria T: (03) 5444 Street 1181 Bendigo E: and is upsetting for grieving relatives and friends. Vehicles T: (03) 5444 1181 Testimonials found parked in front of gates may be photographed and "I was extremely happy with my serviceE: Juliana Smith and her team. They were so compassionate and I felt I was provided with quality advice and service. I would recommend them to anyone." M.M. Gisborne. fined. May 2013 A reminder that no glass, plastic or breakable (ceramic, "Juliana took on a case a lot of solicitors wouldn't have. Juliana listens, gives honest advice and got a good result." K.B.with Bendigomy May 2013 china, pottery) containers are permitted in the"ICemetery was extremely happy service from Juliana Smith and her team. They grounds. Broken containers create a hazard forcompassionate maintenance and I felt I was provided with quality advice and service. I would anyone." M.M. Gisborne. May 2013. staff, volunteers and visitors to the Cemetery, them whilst to plastic submit your advertising or news story bywouldn't the 15th of every month "Juliana took on a case a lot of solicitors have. Juliana listens, gives ho and got a good result." K.B. Bendigo May 2013.
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1300 326 627 page 29
State Dressage Grand Final winners
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Three riders make National team On 2 and 3 August, Braemar College competed in the Grand Final of the Victorian Equestrian Interschools Series (VEIS) after winning the last three championships in a row. Braemar College achieved first place in the Dressage Grand Final, and three students qualified for the national competition. They were Abbey Martin (primary preliminary and primary novice), Lucy Stuart (intermediate novice) and Genevieve Brand (medium). The Grand Final was the culmination of the VEIS annual competition with 150 schools in three regions, Barwon (West), Northern Shield (City and North) and South East (Gippsland and the Mornington Peninsula) competing across the season. The event featured the top ten individual performers in each category of Dressage and Showjumping and the top four performing school teams from each region. Braemar College was represented at the Grand Final by 30 individual riders in both the Dressage and Showjumping over the two days. Braemar College Principal, Mr Russell Deer said, “Braemar College’s success in equestrian competition over the last few years is due to the dedication of our riders, their families and support crews. Team members have trained hard all year, and it's great to see their commitment paying off.” Submitted by D. Hobbs for Braemar College
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The New Woodend Star • September 2014
What’s on at Buffalo Sports Stadium
The cold days are nearly behind us as we head into those gorgeous spring days. Buffalo Sports Stadium in Woodend and Macedon Community Centre have an array of exercise classes to help you get back into shape for summer and keep the kids active leading into spring. Kids climbing the walls? Kindergym! What a great way to keep the kids active in these cooler months. There is soft equipment for the kids to climb over and tumble on, tunnels to crawl through, hoops and more, complete with mat time under the supervision of our fantastic Kindergym teacher Mrs Anna Shelper. Bring along a friend. First class is free. Buffalo Sports Stadium, Forest St, Woodend on Fridays(excluding school holidays and public holidays). 1–3 years; 10am– 10.50am, 3–5 years; 11am–12noon.Cost : $9.50 per child, Call 5427 3411 or enrol online at leisure Strength for Health This popular progressive strength training program is designed specifically for older adults. Classes are held indoors in a heated room. Come along and meet the instructors. Class times: Tuesday 1pm–2pm and Friday 9.30am–10.30am at Buffalo Sports Stadium, Forest St, Woodend. Cost: $62 (10 pass card) $124 (20 pass card) Volleyball Our mixed volleyball competition and ladies netball competitions have started, however you can still register a team or as individual. We are looking for one more team for our ladies netball competition and we have a vacancy for another volleyball team. Come along on a Thursday night and watch the volleyball teams in action. Call 5427 3411 or enrol online at Basketball Macedon Ranges Basketball Association is calling for registrations for its summer season at the Buffalo Sports Stadium (running over Term 4 and Term 1). Basketball is a great sport to keep fit over the summer months. We have fun, friendly competitions suitable for all primary and secondary school aged children as well as adults, with training and development opportunities for all junior players. Visit au to find out more. Submitted by G. Gamble for M.R.S.C.
Dressmaking Alterations Classes
0435 147 369 The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Cyclists: Want to be safer on our roads?
Well it won’t happen by sitting at home on the sofa. Support Bike Safe Macedon Ranges, become a member and help us make a difference to your safety. We were formed in June 2013, since then a handful of volunteers have worked with both Macedon Ranges Shire Council and VicRoads to get cyclist advisory signage up on our roads, run a major safety Pass With Care campaign over summer and our Light Up the Road campaign for cyclists is still on the road. We await advice from the Shire as to whether it will cocontribute some funds to enable us to run another major safety campaign next summer. Cyclist road safety has a long way to go in our region. Cyclists have been seriously injured on our roads and most of us have had a serious near miss or been run off the road by a driver. We need infrastructure improvement, safer on road connectivity between our towns including vastly improved road shoulders and bike lanes that cyclists want to use because they are clean, smooth and well maintained. You can support us by becoming a member for a lazy $25 or share some of your time. From putting up posters to writing submissions for improved infrastructure and funding, there is a heap of work to do and not enough people to do it. Contact us at for an application form or to lend us a hand. Submitted by Margaret Douglas, President, Bike Safe Macedon Ranges
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Phone: 1300 1300 658658 898 898 Phone: page 31
Woodend Netball Club
Summer Season Open – Register Now! Woodend District Netball Club provides opportunities for boys and girls aged 5–18 to participate in the sport of netball on Friday evenings (Summer) and Saturday mornings (Winter) at Buffalo Stadium. Modified programs are offered for those starting out in the sport – Net Set Go through to mixed U/18 competitions. Children of all abilities are encouraged to play and the club’s philosophy is based on participation of players, their families and the wider community. Participants receive coaching from accredited coaches, teenagers are encouraged and supported to take up coaching and umpiring, and the club provides a welcoming environment for all families, new and old. Providing this opportunity enables children and teenagers in the area to be active, learn new skills and build social connections. It also provides adults with similar opportunities for participation in community life via a range of volunteering roles. The 2014 Winter Season has drawn to a close with fantastic enthusiasm and fair play demonstrated both on and off the court. Congratulations to everyone on a great season of netball. For returning and new players, please take note of the following important information: • Registrations for the 2014–15 Summer season open: 22 August 2014 • Discounted early bird registrations close: 14 September • Summer registrations close: 28 September • Summer season games commence: 17 October (TBC) Thanks to all parent helpers, scorers, coaches, umpires, umpires in training, trainers and players for dedicating their time to the club each week. It wouldn't be possible to have a netball club without you! For further information including registration, fees and contact details, please visit our website: wdnc.sportzvault. com.We look forward to seeing you on court for a sensational summer of netball. Submitted by C Green for WDNC Committee
Petanque club season opens
Looking for Something new to do, something fun, something interesting? Then Petanque at The Rock is for you! Funny Name, Great Game. Welcome to the Woodend Hanging Rock Petanque Club. Our 2014/2015 summer season begins on Thursday October 2nd with the club playing socially at Hanging Rock every Thursday evening from 5.30 to 8.30pm during daylight summer time. Come and join us at our version of “Picnic at Hanging Rock”. We can promise you no-one disappears! For a small fee of $5 per person, Thursday evenings include a BBQ or casual meal and free entry to Hanging Rock Reserve. Social Boules available for use. (BYO drinks and glasses) New Members Welcome Young and old, we look forward to seeing you. Contact for further infomation. Submitted by Helen Cottew, Secretary WHRPC
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page 32
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Woodend Bowling Club
As the wintery weather draws to a close, members of the Bowling Club are looking forward to the warmer months so that they can brush the cobwebs off their bowls to play on their championship standard greens As in the past, Pennant teams will be playing in the local Central Highland Bowls Division competition which are scheduled on Saturdays and Tuesdays commencing in 4th October and continuing through to March 2015. We open the Season 2014/15 on Sunday 7th September with a club social, role up at 1 pm. We continue to have Wednesdays Social Bowls, any new or experienced bowler who would like to join us (these are played all year round weather permitting) will be welcome. Just put your name on the list situated on the external notice board or email the contact address below. Barefoot Bowls Friday nights is our barefoot bowls night, although we can except patrons on ad-hoc basis, but for functions run by local groups, we need prior advice so contact us at the bookings email address. Club Rooms. These are available for private hire, again subject to booking and the clubs sports calendar. Contact us at, or online; Submitted by D Osborne
Our collection of photographs at our Local & Family History Resource Centre is extensive but many of the photographs are passed on to us without any details of names or dates. It is a never ending task trying to get this information. Hardest of all are those photographs taken in the 1800s and early 1900s – in this instance we can only hope that children or grand children are able to recognize one of their forebears. Sometimes we are reliant on clothing or other clues to arrive at an approximate date. Other times we can often find information in our database but however we do it, it all takes time! If this sort of detective work interests you, why not consider joining us as a volunteer? You are welcome to call in to the Court House in Forest Street on any Wednesday and find our how you can help. In the meantime, here is a photograph from comparatively recent times. We feel sure that many readers will be able to supply the names of the children. It was one of a number taken on 30th April 2005 when the Woodend Primary School celebrated its 150th Anniversary. The school put on an excellent display and the Heritage Society launched a book, “Miss Sim Remembered”, a well remembered teacher who taught at the school from 1927 until 1951. The book was written and researched by Neil McLean, a former pupil. Many other former pupils returned to celebrate a “Back to” and all the children took part in a grand parade.
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This photograph shows some of these children, many dressed in the clothing that would have been worn in years gone by. Can you help us fill in the names of the children? Call in to our Centre on a Wednesday or leave a note in our posting box on the Court House veranda at other times if you can help. Submitted By Janet Hawkin
For any enquiries please contact: Leonie or Dennis Barker 5427 4175 or 0413 869 583 33 Bowen Street Woodend
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
page 33
Time to start your pre-summer clean up!
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Please contact Captain Mick Christie on 0419 870 601 or 1st Lieutenant Mike Dornau on 0409 093 935, call the Woodend CFA on 5427 2356, visit the station in Urquhart Street or our website: The Woodend CFA is a volunteer emergency service, committed to Creating a Safer Community.
Your Local Taxi Service Bookings: 9310 5422
Now that the weather is starting to improve, people are beginning to venture outdoors more often, especially into the garden and other areas on larger properties. So, NOW is the time to start preparing to reduce the risks of fire danger to you, your family and your property. Why you should clean up The ferocity of a fire depends on a number of factors, including the weather, ground slope and especially the amount of ‘fuel’ on and around your house or property. Fuel is the only factor that you can alter before an unplanned fire starts. Fuel reduction is therefore one of the most important preventions you can undertake, with the most effective methods including mowing, raking, slashing and burning. Clearing volatile fuels such as grass, undergrowth, fallen leaves, bark, dead branches and twigs will lower the intensity of a fire. Reduce green and you won’t see red! In grasslands, the intensity of grassfires increases with the height and weight of the grass. Cut the long grass within 30 metres of the house, and then keep it under control. If grass cannot be kept short by grazing animals, it should be slashed well before the fire danger period so that cut grass has time to rot prior to summer. Make sure all vegetation around the house is pruned, especially any overhanging branches, clear ground around trees from dead undergrowth and fallen branches. If you live on a slope, greater ground clearance is desirable, especially under established trees. Remove over-hanging branches and clear leaves and twigs from roof gutters– something you should do on a regular basis. Move wood piles and other flammable materials away from the house. Isolate potential fire sources such as incinerators or rubbish pits. There are new shire laws for Burning Off! For small clearing fires, a permit is not needed; however there are still strict guidelines you should be aware of. If a burn escapes due to carelessness and damages someone else’s property, you will be held responsible. Please note that regulations for Burning Off Outside the Fire Danger Period have now changed, and those living on land of 4000 square meters or less are no longer allowed to burn at all. If the CFA is called to a fire on one of these blocks, a fine from the Shire may result. Of course, the Shire is now operating a free green drop at transfer stations all year round. For more information please visit the Macedon Ranges Shire website and search for ‘Burning Off ’.
Paul Gaskin
Call Steven 0402 079 482 TAXI
Your Local Taxi Service
Bookings: 9310 5422 Your Local Taxi Service Bookings: 9310 5422
Your Local Taxi Service Bookings: 9310 5422
prebooking prefered 24/7
page 34
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
CLEANING Not enough hours in your day? Need help managing your home? Stephen Farrell Personal Services Very reasonable rates Through out the Macedon Ranges Phone 0419 526 275
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Call Anthony 0417
059 969
The New Woodend Star • September 2014
Contact Alexia for more information: or phone 5427 1287
Prices start at $40 per month page 35
We’re proud to be supporters of SPOKES OF HOPE Woodend team Congratulations Woodend Spokes of Hope - number 1 fundraising team in Victoria! Please go to to donate to Spokes of Hope – raising money for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Center.
7 LIGAR ST WOODEND | 5427 4468 page 36
The New Woodend Star • September 2014