December 2011

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In this issue: 2

Letter from the State Chief Squire


Letter from the State Youth Director

4 5

You’re Invited…

State Circle Installation Recruitment Challenge, RSVP


Christmas Message


New on the State Circle Website


Squires Evening of Recollection


Saturday January 7, 2012 7:30PM to 9:30PM


Chaminade High School 340 Jackson Avenue, Mineola, NY 11501


An evening of prayer, food and dodgeball! No charge for the event, hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events and Important Dates: Connect with us!

Officer Reports PAST DUE This form reports vital data; please submit to Supreme as soon as possible.

Annual Survey st

January 31 Please submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (via Form 1728C).

Poster Contest January 31st Sign up for Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest (Form 4001).



Letter from the State Chief Squire

Patrick Klein

Worthy Squires, Counselors and Knights, I hope that each of you had a blessed Thanksgiving with your families and that you will also have a blessed Christmas and New Year’s. Lots of things are going on with the State Circle! On Saturday January 7th the State Circle will hold an Evening of Recollection at Chaminade High School on Long Island. The event will include reflection and prayer time, dinner and dodgeball. I would like to encourage all circles to attend. I realize that this may be difficult for upstate circles, so we will be announcing an event to be held up there soon. I would like to thank all the Squires, Knights and guests who came out to the annual State Installation. It was truly a great day. State Officers received awards from New York State Senator and Brother Knight Marty Golden. State Squires Chairman Tom Gillin announced a goal for each circle in New York to gain at least one member this Fraternal Year. I hope your circle will hold us accomplish this goal by adding one new member to your roster. At the end of the ceremonies, I reminded the State Officers that it is nice to receive awards and hold events, but we must not lose focus of the work in front of us. In November the State Circle looked at a few places to hold our annual convention. We will be announcing the site and dates shortly and I hope to see all of you there. Planning for the Annual Brother Barnabas Mass is also under way. State Notary Will Liles has contacted the ceremony and the date and time is soon to be announced. If any circle is holding Christmas activities, please let us know. We would love to include your events in our next newsletter. I look forward to seeing many of you on January 7th at Chaminade High School. Esto Dignus

Patrick Klein




Letter from the State Youth Director

Michael Galgano

Worthy Squires, Counselors and Knights, As I write to you I am attending the New York State Council’s Mid-Year Meeting in Westchester. It’s hard to believe that the Fraternal Year is almost half over. During the first half of the year, your State Officers have attended the State Indoctrination Meetings, as well as numerous Circle Installations and Investitures. While communicating with the local circles in a state as large as ours is always a challenge, your State Officers have found new and old ways to shrink the state. They have revived the State Newsletter that was last published many years ago. They have updated and improved the State Circle Website, and have established a Facebook page that is updated daily. All of these serve to provide you information on what your State Officers are accomplishing and, when the information is shared with them, what the local Circles are around the State are accomplishing as well. As we head into the second half of the year, your State Officers will not be slowing down. Planning is underway for the Brother Barnabas Mass in April and the State Convention. They will be attending the Pro-Life Mass in January and the State Prayer Rally in March. In addition, they have scheduled an Evening of Recollection at Chaminade High School in Mineola in January. I congratulate State Chief Squire Patrick Klein and his Officers on what they have accomplished so far this year and look forward to what they have planned for the second half of the year! To all of our Squires, Counselors, and their families, best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Holy New Year! Esto Dignus

Michael Galgano Join us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! @NYStateSquires 3



New York State Circle Installation by State Marshal Squire Philip Tullo On Saturday, October 8, 2011, in Gerristen Beach, Brooklyn, this year’s New York State Squires were installed at Resurrection Church. The Installation was attended by such dignitaries as State Deputy Sal Restivo, State Secretary Mike Stephany, State Treasurer Charles Ardillo, and New York State Senator and Brother Knight Martin Golden. Also in attendance were Squires from Astoria and Mineola Circles. The event began with a Mass celebrated by State Father Prior James Williams, S.M.. State Chief Squire Pat Klein read the First Reading, followed by State Notary Squire Will Liles reading the Responsorial Psalm and State Deputy Chief Squire John DiSanto with the Second Reading. After the Homily, State Deputy Sal Restivo began the Installation Ceremony. Father James blessed the State Officers’ jewels of office and then the officers of the New York State Council read the officers’ charges and presented the Squires and their families with their jewel. All of the new State Squire Officers then took their official oath of office. After the Installation proper, the Mass continued with State Bursar Alex Bedosky reading the Prayer of the Faithful. The gifts were presented by State Marshal Philip Tullo and State Sentry Mario Giustizia. After the Mass, a dinner was held at the Resurrection School. After State Chief Squire Pat Klein, State Deputy Sal Restivo and State Father Prior James Williams addressed those gathered, New York State Senator Martin Golden presented the new officers with New York Senate Certificates for their accomplishments. Overall, the whole day was a success and was enjoyed by all. We would like to especially thank Resurrection R.C. Church, Rev. Matthews Council and Fr. O’Connor Circle, Brenda and James Klein, Kevin Freile, Kareem Smith, and Michael’s Bakery for their contributions to the Installation. The State Officers are looking forward to serving you and the State Circle in this Columbian Year. 4



Recruitment Challenge! At the New York State Circle Installation on October 8, 2011, State Squires Chairman Tom Gillin announced a statewide objective of recruiting one new Squire in every Circle. This is a goal that your State Officers are confidant can be accomplished, but we need the help of every Squire in the state. Recruitment is an ongoing process, and it can take some effort at times, but once you demonstrate the principles of our Order to potential members, you will be welcoming them into your Circle in no time. Below is a list of recruitment supplies you might find helpful (all items can be ordered from the Supreme Council Supply Department or downloaded on our website), and please always feel free to contact your State Officers for help and advice. Esto Dignus! Recruiting Guide (#4038) – Guide to organizing and implementing a successful recruitment plan. Believe in Fun (#4556) – Flyer to be used for Squires recruitment highlights different activities. A Strong Support System (#4557) – Overview brochure for Squires recruitment. Sensory Overload (#4560) – Poster for Squires recruitment, includes space for contact information. Twenty Questions (#480) – Flyer to be used for Squires recruitment, answers Squires FAQ. Pass It On (#2064) – Flyer for Squires recruitment encourages currents Squires to invite friends. Open House Notice (#1929) – Poster advertising Open House sessions for potential members. A Generation Without Role Models (#4558) – Flyer for Counselor recruitment.

RSVP – Refund Support Vocations Program Through the Knights of Columbus Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP), circles “adopt” one or more seminarians and provide them with financial assistance and moral support. RSVP money is used by seminarians for tuition and books, car insurance and maintenance, travel, emergency expenditures and other living expenses. Circles write letters to students, sponsor dinners for them, invite them to join the Order and, more importantly, pray for vocations. The Knights of Columbus will refund Squires circles $20 for every $100 donated to a seminarian. At the 2011 State Squires Convention, a resolution was adopted, authorizing the State Circle to donate $500 to the RSVP Program in support of seminarians. If your Circle has connections with any seminarians, especially Knights and former Squires, please submit their names to the State Officers so they can be recognized by the State Circle. Please contact State Chief Squire Patrick Klein ( if you would like to nominate a seminarian for support or if you have any questions about the program. 5



The Officers of the New York State Circle would like to wish you and your families

Merry Christmas &

Happy New Year!

Keep Christ in Christmas “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to those on whom his favor rests!” 6



State Circle Website All Squires, Counselors, and friends are encouraged to visit our website for vital announcements and resources. Members can view and add events to our online calendar, post prayer requests, communicate with other members and sign up to receive email updates from the State Circle. We will be posting information about the upcoming Convention soon, so please stay tuned!

New York State Squires Officers State Chief Squire Patrick Klein State Deputy Chief Squire John DiSanto State Notary Squire William Liles State Bursar Squire Alex Bedosky State Marshal Squire Philip Tullo State Sentry Squire Mario Giustizia

State Father Prior Rev. James Williams, S.M. Assoc. State Father Prior Rev. Dennis Nikolic State Brother Prior Peter Heiskell, S.M. State Youth Director Michael Galgano State Squires Chairman Thomas Gillin

SUBMIT YOUR STORY! Please let us know when your circle conducts a project so we can recognize your efforts in the State Circle Newsletter! Remember to tell us the “Who, What, When, Where, Why and How� of the event and include photos and contact info! Please send your stories and photos to

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