March 2012

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MARCH 2012


You’re invited… What? Brother Barnabas Memorial Mass When? April 10, 2012 at 11:00AM Where? Gate of Heaven Cemetery 10 West Stevens Ave., Hawthorne Why? Join Squires and dignitaries from around the State to celebrate the life and memory of our Order’s founder, Brother Barnabas. Mass at the cemetery to be followed by lunch at St. Dominic Council.


Letter from the State Chief Squire


Letter from the State Squires Chairman


Evening of Recollection and Dodgeball


Mid-Year Meeting & Pro-Life Mass


Convention Info


Journal Ad Contract


Journal Booster Form


Recruitment Challenge and RSVP Program


State Circle Website



MARCH 2012

Letter from the State Chief Squire

Patrick Klein Worthy Squires, Counselors and Knights, I hope this newsletter finds you and your families all in good health. The past two months of January and February have been very exciting for the State Circle. On January 7th over 120 Squires, Counselors and family gathered at Chaminade High School for an Evening of Recollection and Dodgeball Tournament. On behalf of the State Circle, I would like to thank State Father Prior Rev. James Williams, S.M. and Bro. Peter Heiskell, S.M. for making this evening possible. I would also like to thank everybody who was in attendance. This was the most successful Squires gathering in years. Also in January, the State Circle held its annual Mid-Year Meeting. It is with pleasure that the State Circle announces the dates of two important events. On April 21st, the Brother Barnabas Mass will be held in Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Westchester. There will be a Mass held in the Chapel, followed by a short ceremony by Bro. Barnabas’ grave. We will also have the opportunity to visit the graves of Babe Ruth and Billy Martin. Lunch will be served at the nearby St. Dominic’s Council. The 55th Annual New York State Squires Convention will be held at Roaring Brook Ranch and Resort in Lake George from May 18th to May 20th. I hope to see as many Squires and Knights there as possible. I urge every circle that wants to attend to start fundraising now, and let a State Officer know if he may be of assistance. As many of you know, our Journal is the State Circle’s only major fundraiser. I would like to ask you all to help make this fundraiser as successful as possible by taking an ad and/or collecting Boosters. Booster lines are $1.00 each, and it is easy to collect Boosters at council and circle events, meetings, or from friends and family. I hope to see you all soon! Esto Dignus

Patrick Klein 2


MARCH 2012

Letter from the State Squires Chairman

Thomas Gillin Worthy Squires, Counselors and Knights, Happy Easter! As we celebrate the Easter season, spring brings with it many school and sports activities. Please make sure to plan for our own major spring events: the Brother Barnabas Mass and the State Squires Convention. At the Brother Barnabas Mass, we honor our founder and the history of our organization. This year we have reached out to other states with a chance to register their support for our founder. The State Squires Convention offers us an opportunity to gather with Squires from around New York State. In addition, the convention is especially important as you will elect your state officers for the next Columbian Year. We are looking forward to a great turnout for both events. Esto Dignus

Thomas Gillin

Join us on Facebook! Our page is updated daily with statewide and local event information, officer reports, religious reflections, and much more. Like our page!



MARCH 2012

Evening of Recollection and Dodgeball Tourney Over 130 Squires and Counselors from around New York State converged at Chaminade High School in Mineola on January 7, 2012 for the State Circle’s first Evening of Recollection and Dodgeball Tournament. After providing updated contact information to State Officers, guests mingled with other circles from around the state. The evening began with a prayer service in the school’s Heart Auditorium. Guests were invited to reflect on how to best live by Christ’s example. Members of Blessed William Chaminade Circle, assisted by other assembled Squires, read Gospel passages and provided personal reflections. The service culminated with Eucharistic Adoration; the monstrance was placed atop the “Burning Bush,” a wooden structure that was filled with candles placed there by the Squires and Counselors.

Donec interdum


Following Eucharistic Adoration, Blessed William Chaminade Circle provided pizza and soda for all in attendance while final preparations were made for the dodgeball tournament. The Squires were broken up into six teams, with each team playing four games. Chaminade Squires and State Officers served as referees for the games. Squires had a blast playing dodgeball, participating in the prayer service and getting to know one another better! The State Circle would like to thank the State Officers for their help in promoting and organizing the event, State Deputy Sal Consectetuer: Restivo for attending, and Blessed William Chaminade Circle for hosting! And most importantly, the State Circle would like to thank all the circles that sent Squires and Counselors to attend this event and help make it such a success!



MARCH 2012

Mid-Year Meeting and Pro-Life Mass On January 22nd and 23rd the New York State Circle Officers held their annual MidYear Meeting and attended the State Council’s Pro-Life Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The weekend overall was a great success and resulted in the State Circle solidifying plans for all major events through the end of the year. Among the main discussion points was the fastapproaching State Convention. Location, dates, and pricing were all finalized and promulgated. (More info about Convention can be found in this Newsletter.) Also discussed were the Bro. Barnabas Mass, Convention Journal, and continued recruitment and retention strategies.

The State Council’s annual Pro-Life Mass was held on January 23, 2012 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. Cardinal Dolan celebrated the Mass; State Notary Will Liles and State Sentry Mario Giustizia assisted as altar servers. The Mass was an opportunity for Knights and Squires from around New York State to show support for the defense of life at all stages. It is a great public testimony to the strength of the Catholic Church on public policy issues like abortion and contraception. It was an inspiring and fitting end to a very productive weekend for the State Circle!

Pictured above are our State Circle Officers with Cardinal Dolan, State Deputy Sal Restivo, Supreme Director Art Harris PSD, and other assembled dignitaries.



MARCH 2012

55th Annual State Squires Convention

We are pleased to announce the 55th Annual New York Columbian Squires Convention, and would like to invite you and your circle to join us for this exciting event! When? May 18-20, 2012 Where? Roaring Brook Ranch and Tennis Resort; Lake George The prices to attend the 2012 Convention are $185 per Squire or $175 if you register 3 or more Squires, and $210 per Counselor. These prices include two nights’ accommodations and all meals. If necessary, please encourage your circle to begin fundraising effort immediately! Copies of the Convention Rules, Reservation Forms, Parental Permission Forms, and Award Nomination Forms are available for download on our website, Please feel free to contact a State Officer if you have any questions or concerns.

As you know, the State Circle’s only major fundraising project is the Annual Convention Journal. Your support of the State Circle is crucial so that we can continue to train the “Leaders of Tomorrow” and ensure the future of the Knights of Columbus in New York State! Enclosed are copies of the Journal Advertising Contract and Booster Form. All advertisements and boosters must be received by May 1, 2012. Thank you for your continued support and generosity.



MARCH 2012

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MARCH 2012

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MARCH 2012

Recruitment Challenge! At the New York State Circle Installation on October 8, 2011, State Squires Chairman Tom Gillin announced a statewide objective of recruiting one new Squire in every Circle. This is a goal that your State Officers are confidant can be accomplished, but we need the help of every Squire in the state. Recruitment is an ongoing process, and it can take some effort at times, but once you demonstrate the principles of our Order to potential members, you will be welcoming them into your Circle in no time. Below is a list of recruitment supplies you might find helpful (all items can be ordered from the Supreme Council Supply Department or downloaded on our website), and please always feel free to contact your State Officers for help and advice. Esto Dignus! Recruiting Guide (#4038) – Guide to organizing and implementing a successful recruitment plan. Believe in Fun (#4556) – Flyer to be used for Squires recruitment highlights different activities. A Strong Support System (#4557) – Overview brochure for Squires recruitment. Sensory Overload (#4560) – Poster for Squires recruitment, includes space for contact information. Twenty Questions (#480) – Flyer to be used for Squires recruitment, answers Squires FAQ. Pass It On (#2064) – Flyer for Squires recruitment encourages currents Squires to invite friends. Open House Notice (#1929) – Poster advertising Open House sessions for potential members. A Generation Without Role Models (#4558) – Flyer for Counselor recruitment.

RSVP – Refund Support Vocations Program Through the Knights of Columbus Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP), circles “adopt” one or more seminarians and provide them with financial assistance and moral support. RSVP money is used by seminarians for tuition and books, car insurance and maintenance, travel, emergency expenditures and other living expenses. Circles write letters to students, sponsor dinners for them, invite them to join the Order and, more importantly, pray for vocations. The Knights of Columbus will refund Squires circles $20 for every $100 donated to a seminarian. At the 2011 State Squires Convention, a resolution was adopted, authorizing the State Circle to donate $500 to the RSVP Program in support of seminarians. If your Circle has connections with any seminarians, especially Knights and former Squires, please submit their names to the State Officers so they can be recognized by the State Circle. Please contact State Chief Squire Patrick Klein ( if you would like to nominate a seminarian for support or if you have any questions about the program.



MARCH 2012

State Circle Website All Squires, Counselors, and friends are encouraged to visit our website for vital announcement and resources. Members can view and add events to our online calendar, post prayer requests, communicate with other members and sign up to receive email updates from the State Circle. You can also download important files regarding Convention – like the Reservation Forms and Parental Permission Forms - and the Convention Journal. NEW YORK STATE SQUIRES OFFICERS State Chief Squire Patrick Klein State Deputy Chief Squire John DiSanto State Notary Squire William Liles State Bursar Squire Alex Bedosky State Marshal Squire Philip Tullo State Sentry Squire Mario Giustizia

State Father Prior Rev. James Williams, S.M. Assoc. Father Prior Rev. Dennis Nikolic State Brother Prior Peter Heiskell, S.M. State Youth Director Michael Galgano State Squires Chairman Thomas Gillin

SUBMIT YOUR STORY! Please let us know when your circle conducts a project so we can recognize your efforts in the State Circle Newsletter! Remember to tell us the “Who, What, When, Where, Why and How” of the event and include photos and contact info! Please send your stories and photos to

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