2 minute readRecent NZBA Social Eventsfrom At The Bar - April 2023by New Zealand Bar Association | Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake o Te TureNext ArticlePetrol Heads’ Corner - Audi RS GT E-TronBritomart Junior Barrister DrinksAuckland Silks DinnerHon. Justice Ailsa Duffy and Graeme Little SCSara Brooks, Fletcher Pilditch KC, Rachael Reed KC, Simon Foote KCPhilip Skelton KC, Heather Skelton, Sean McAnally, Kristina MullerPeta Freeman, His Honour Judge Alan GoodwinDallan Bartlett, Usha Patel, Simon Mitchell KCHon Kit Toogood KC, Pip Muir, Sophie Gladwell, Shane ElliottBronwyn Carrthers KC, Hon. Justice Simon MooreStephen Hunter KC and Julia HunterNick Chisnall KC and Jennifer DinHon. Justice Rebecca Edwards and Andrew Butler KCJulie-Anne Kincade KC, Martin Smith, Eve KennedyMai Chen and Peter Watt KCTiffany Cooper KC and Maria Dew KCJason Goodall KCCatherine Cull KCCasey Murray and Tymaz TaulaAuckland Silks photo credits: Grant SouthamChristchurch Silks DinnerPhoto credits: Natural Light Photography CompanyJared Ormsby and Les Taylor KCAnne Toohey and Ruth ThomasStephanie Marsden, Dee Elsmore, Ann Skelton, Grace CollettEmily Walton, Hon Justice Rob Osborne, Hamish EvansPhil Shamy and Stephanie Grieve KCLisa Preston (front) celebrates with her father Barry Boon and Sarah RoyalChritchurch Silks photo credits: Natural Light Photography CompanyMore articles from this publication:Petrol Heads’ Corner - Audi RS GT E-Tron9minpages 37-39Book review: Te Motunui Epa4minpage 36MAS supporting and trialling new sustainability resource4minpage 35Five creative ways to deal with burnout at work15minpages 31-34Advancing the rule of law through collaborative partnerships and innovation4minpage 30The perfect dinner guest6minpages 28-29The best job in the world, bar none9minpages 26-27May it please the Court: Staying on the right side of the Judge8minpages 24-25AI and the law: the present, not the future12minpages 21-23Show moreThis article is from:At The Bar - April 2023