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Kōrero – what is happening in Chambers

Lambton Chambers

2021 marked the 25th anniversary of Lambton Chambers. The Chambers was established in 1996 by David Collins (now the Honourable Justice Collins of the Court of Appeal), Pam Davidson and John Morrison (both of whom are still members). Since then, it has steadily grown in number from its founding three members, and now comprises 16 barristers and one junior barrister, encompassing commercial and property litigation, public law, tax, family, employment, insolvency, medio-legal, maritime, aviation, insurance, construction, professional liability, sports law, arbitration and criminal law.

In commemoration of the 25th anniversary, this photograph was taken on 17 August 2021 in the Old High Court, Wellington, by Catherine Cattanach, president of the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photographers.

While Covid prevented the official celebration from proceeding this year, the occasion will be marked in 2022.

FortyEight Shortland Chambers

FortyEight Shortland, in Auckland, is focused on civil, commercial and regulatory law. The members of the chambers are pleased to welcome three new members to chambers, Kathryn Lydiard, Kishen Kommu and Tim Rea.

Kathryn focuses on civil litigation and has appeared before the High Court, District Court and several Tribunals. She has experience in a wide variety of legal matters, including leaky building litigation, construction adjudications, contractual disputes, and insolvency proceedings.

Kishen specialises in providing strategic advice and advocating for clients in litigious matters across a wide range of areas, including complex construction disputes, acting for bodies corporate in disputes under the Unit Titles Act 2010, and contractual disputes.

Tim has over 25 years of commercial litigation experience, having completed degrees in Arts and Law at Canterbury University in 1995. Prior to commencing practise as a barrister sole in 2016, Tim was a litigation partner at Glaister Ennor for eight years. Tim’s practice areas include disputes involving contract, negligence, Fair Trading Act issues, and many propertyrelated areas. The law firms in which Tim worked before going to the bar had a strong emphasis on property law. Tim has also been involved extensively in building disputes and has acted for various parties in claims involving residential and commercial construction, including property owners, builders, and manufacturers.

Kate Sheppard Chambers

Kate Sheppard Chambers has grown considerably this year. The chambers was established in December 2020 by Charlotte Griffin and Isabella Clarke and now has eighteen members. Annabel Markham and Arla Kerr were announced in May 2021. In July KSC welcomed Dhilum Nightingale, Hannah Cuthill, Rachael SchmidtMcCleave, Dr Rhonda Powell, and Setareh Stienstra. In August, Jennifer Wademan, Lizzy Wiessing, and Megan Jaquiery joined. KSC has recently announced six further members: Dr Alison Gordon, Clare Lenihan, Elana Geddis, Megan Ball, Dr Petra Butler, and Sarah Shaw. The members of Kate Sheppard Chambers are located from Whangārei to Invercargill and have expertise in a broad range of areas. More details about the members of Kate Sheppard Chambers can be found at: https:// katesheppardchambers.co.nz/barristers/. The inaugural Kate Sheppard Chambers Scholarship for research relating to women and the law has recently been awarded to Cait Hollywood. Cait’s research will consider alternative ways of giving evidence in sexual violence proceedings. Specifically, Cait intends to analyse the criminal justice process for vulnerable witnesses in relation to the Sexual Violence Legislation Bill 2019 currently before Parliament. Kate Sheppard Chambers is excited to make this connection with Cait and to watch her promising litigation career unfold.

Britomart Chambers

“Britomart Chambers recently welcomed Maria Dew QC and Josh Hansen, following shortly after Nick Williams joined from Meredith Connell. The chambers was founded in 2017 by Michael Heron QC, Marc Corlett QC, Paul Rishworth QC and Erin McGill. In 2019 Charlotte AgnewHarington, employed barrister, and Ben Morgan, law clerk, joined chambers.

Maria Dew QC

Josh Hansen

Nick Williams

In 2020 Britomart Chambers became home to online dispute resolution provider Immediation New Zealand and Henry Moore joined. The Chambers is also home to Agreeable, [https://agreeable. co.nz/about/] which has provided online legal agreements and services since 2020. The chambers is a boutique set, concentrating on complex legal issues and cases. Our specialist areas include public law, human rights, medicolegal, employment law, regulatory and commercial litigation and commercial crime. We also specialise in conducting independent reviews, inquiries and investigations across all areas.

We practice digitally and have recently moved to new premises at Britomart – 152 Quay St, Auckland 1010.”

Bridgeside Chambers

Following the elevation of senior Chambers member Jonathan Eaton QC, Bridgeside Chambers members turned out in force to celebrate the new Judge’s swearing in.

Back Row L – R Kerry Cook, Phil Shamy, James Rapley QC Front row L – R – Helen Coutts, Alayna Limmer, Simon Shamy, Glenn Jones, David Caldwell

Chambers news

Interested in being featured in our next At the Bar magazine? We are happy to receive articles which share items of significance to our members and their chambers. If you have any news about new members, or a special anniversary/event, elevations to the Bench, moving premises or other notable matters, we would be happy to consider including these. Please include images.

Please email us with your news. nzbar@nzbar.org.nz

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