1 minute read

Labour Force People

What is your history in the aquatics sector? Starting in 1998 as a swim instructor, I have moved my way through various roles including Volunteer Coach for Special Olympics, Swim School Manager, Lifeguard and LTS assessor, board member of NZ Swim Coaches and Teachers, and the last 13 years in centre management at a range of facilities across New Zealand

When did you became a Poolsafe Assessor and why? In 2019 I saw it was a great opportunity to give back and support the sector.


What do you enjoy most about being an assessor? Meeting others in the industry, including those who are new or old hands, and the sharing of knowledge and experience.

Would you recommend becoming an assessor? It’s a great learning and development opportunity, as well as a great way to see what others are doing and the variety of facilities we have across the country

What’s been one highlight for you as an assessor in the last year? The people I have met, along with being able to chat and know that we have all had the same struggles and are not alone.

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