Rc link newsletter 2014 issue 2 v5 hr

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Local Highlights

Diocesan School for Girls students assembling a bike.

Students build bikes for refugees Thirteen Kiwi kids from refugee backgrounds now have shiny new bikes thanks to an initiative from Diocesan School for Girls, Auckland, supported by New Zealand Red Cross. For many children from refugee backgrounds this is the first item they have ever owned. The project was part of leadership development and learning that runs across all year levels at Diocesan, which teaches students valuable skills including perseverance, ingenuity and leadership.

Social Media What was popular in July 2014

Hampstead school children showing off their new mittens knitted by Red Cross members.

Branches knit mittens Tinwald, Rakaia and Methven branch members knitted 256 items for lowdecile primary schools and Plunket in Christchurch. Many children wrote to Red Cross members thanking them for the mittens saying they are warm, comfy and that they love the colours. When Pat O’Brien ran the project in 2013, she realised there was a need for it to continue. Pat says she is grateful to members who volunteered their time to knit. “It is a perfect way our members can contribute more to the work of Red Cross.”

Red Cross book sale

Volunteer Linda Gieseg sorts through books, Photo: David Unwin, Fairfax NZ.

The annual Red Cross book sale held in Palmerston North raised over $100,000. The money raised will support a range of programmes including funds for disasters, the Red Cross curtain bank, refugee services as well as first aid courses and meals on wheels.

Facebook: Most popular post I would like to personally thank all New Zealand Red Cross volunteers and also our 5000 members, who also volunteer countless hours of their time. You are the backbone of our organisation and we couldn’t do it without you. - Tony Paine, Secretary General

Issue 2 2014

Twitter: Most Popular tweet Globally the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has 17 million #volunteers. We couldn’t be here without them! #NVW2014 Followers: 10,892

Followers: 6,335


www.facebook.com/NewZealandRedCross www.twitter.com/NZRedCross

Where in the world are our aid workers? Currently in the field: Felicity Gapes - Yangon, Myanmar Judy Owen - Juba, South Sudan Cate Keville - Port Vila, Vanuatu Graham Duggan - Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea Graham Zinsli - Ruwayshid, Jordan

Sarah Jensen (right), with Debi Potten.

Brave 12-year-old saves accident victim

Dean Manderson - Apia, Samoa Gail Corbett - Gaza, OPT Guru Dev Singh - Nairobi, Kenya Louise Humphreys - Beirut, Lebanon Ana Zarkovic - Honiara, Solomon Islands Jacqui Dixon - Juba, South Sudan Anne Maree Delaney - Suva, Fiji Shirley receiving her Red Cross Active Service Award. Photo: Feilding Herald.

Volunteer’s years of service lauded Dedicated long-serving meals on wheels driver Shirley Ellery received a Red Cross Active Service Award, which recognises her 40 years of active service to New Zealand Red Cross. Shirley, who is 80 years old, has been volunteering as a meals on wheels driver in Rangitikei since she was 30 years old. She says she started volunteering because it was an act of community service.

Joshua Herron - Dakar, Senegal Janice Zachan, Jill Carberry & Shirley Johnson mending curtains. Photo: Warren Buckland, Hawkes Bay Today.

Curtain bank ready for winter New Zealand Red Cross Napier branch members have been busy fundraising and preparing curtains for those who need them in Hawkes Bay. The award-winning Curtain Bank initiative, supported by Red Cross, started nearly five years ago and has since donated 6,055 curtains to 589 homes in Hawkes Bay.

Rosemary Fenton - Hanoi, Vietnam Peter Winthrop - Wellington/Fiji Ellie Seo - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia VIEW CURRENT AID WORKERS AT


National Office PO Box 12-140, Wellington 69 Molesworth Street, Thorndon Wellington Phone: 04 471 8250 Fax: 04 471 8251 Email: hello@redcross.org.nz www.redcross.org.nz


arah Jensen was making her usual walk to Feilding Intermediate School when she heard crying coming from a nearby bike alleyway.

On investigating the cries, she was shocked to find Debi Potten who had crashed her bike into a deep hole in the alleyway, falling head first onto the concrete. Sarah called for help from her classmates Aliyah Samson and Gloria Graham, who had all been taught first aid through a New Zealand Red Cross People Savers course a few weeks before. “I was wondering what I should do but then I saw a phone and it clicked to ring an ambulance,” says Sarah, her Red Cross training immediately kicking in. Instinctively taking the lead, Sarah directed students to go out and wave down the

ambulance, as well as sending others to notify teachers of what had happened. Aliyah reassured Debi, helping move her gently into the recovery position and asking what she could and could not move. Gloria moved objects out of the way to keep the pathway clear and accessible for when the ambulance arrived and made sure Leanora, Debi’s daughter, was calm, assuring her that everything was going to be ok. “The girls were really good,” says Debi, “they asked all the right questions and made sure I was breathing.” Debi, a nurse, was released from hospital that day, with minor injuries keeping her off work for a couple of weeks. She jokes about spending her day off at work, but in a reversed role! “If the girls weren’t there I probably would’ve gone into shock and passed out. They acted more like adults than

12-year-olds – they did really, really well. I’m so pleased they were there and able to help calm down Leanora.” Red Cross community trainer Kate Robinson is proud at how well the students she taught responded. “Who knows how this situation may have panned out if the students involved had not done the course. I love working with students and knowing that what we are doing is going to one day help someone, that it’s making a difference.” The girls all agree how important the People Savers course was in giving them the confidence to act quickly. Sarah says her confidence has grown. “It was a good experience because now we all know we can help again.” Red Cross presented Sarah, Aliyah and Gloria with first aid certificates during an in-class award ceremony.

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