1 minute read
Struggles and Feedback
When it came to putting my piece together, the main challenge was finding real pictures that resembled the ones I had formed in my mind. That being said, the lace layout was transformed into a marbled table, and an additional flower was added to cover misshapen elements of the fruits. However, the lace was able to be introduced along the edge, allowing for a cleaner execution, and the withered feeling of both the table and the added flora adds to the rotting vibe of the package.
The main feedback I received was that my package needed more information on its back panel and said information needed to be displayed by visual hierarchy. Due to this comment, description, directions, and ingredients paragraphs all became listed on the packaging, their font size and spacing allowing for understanding of information importance and the packaging to look more real. In addition to this, I was also advised to add more color to the palette, as my design for critique was primarily black and white. This critique led to the green and red titles, as well as the gray “16 shade palette” subtitle.