october issue

Page 1

jackets and downy vests to knitted scarves and luscious boots, the drop in temperature brings a renewed interest in staying toasty while looking smart. Check out our fall fashion shoot starting page 11.


elcome to our October Movin’ and a groovin’ fall publication.

The weather has turned cooler and the beauty provided by nature’s pallette of fall colours is dwindling fast. Moving into fall has us groovin’ to our creative side as we continue to celebrate the harvest and enjoy the numerous fall suppers and craft shows. And for the moment, the autumn landscape continues to provide the perfect canvas for showcasing this season’s warmer fashions. From tailored

October is also the month when many of us indulge our sense of whimsy and fun and perhaps even wax nostalgic about our younger days when Halloween was a much-anticipated event. A frenetic one-day spree ending in costumes and an outing with candy? It’s pretty hard to improve upon that. Nevertheless, even without that sugar-rush, most of us lead such busy, hectic lives that it requires a conscious effect to pause and reflect, to remember the past, or dream about what kind of future we want or are creating. Fall can be the perfect time to look back on the year, stacking up memories of sunshine against the shorter days, much as we put up preserves for the winter. This month we are pleased to welcome a number of new writers to our publication. We hope that their stories help you with the adjustments of the busy months ahead.


Human Interest

This month, Neighbourhood Express is pleased to offer two tickets to see The Village People. Contest entry form is on page 2B. Our cover model for this is issue is awardwinning fiddle player, Karrnnel Sawitsky. For story, see page16B. Bev Dawson, Editor

Congratulations to the winners of last month’s Neighbourhood Express Enter To Win contest. Dianne Kos won a pair of tickets to A Chorus line, and Greg Erickson and Kayla Morrison each won a Family Pack for The Wiggles.


Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

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Human Interest

by Robert White

Welcoming City


askatoon set its sights on becoming a “global city” in the immigration action plan developed earlier this year. The Welcome Home Immigration Action Plan was developed by the city, in partnership with the federal and provincial governments, to proactively welcome and integrate immigrants. The underlying need is augmenting the workforce for the rapidly expanding Saskatoon economy with a graying boomer generation.

The symposium titled, “Welcome Home–Emerging Trends in Immigration” will include all six sectors of the community previously identified as having an impact on newcomers. Smita Garg, Immigration Community Resource Coordinator, City of Saskatoon has been in position to see the intense involvement of many sectors of the community in that effort. She says, “The next step is developing a collaborative framework. There are a lot of activities and programs and committees already in place. The key issue now is how we all stay connected.” To that end, Garg gave a preview of a symposium focused on immigration issues in Saskatoon taking place on December 4 and 5. Titled, “Welcome Home–Emerging Trends in Immigration,” it will include all six sectors of the community previously identified as having an impact on newcomers. These six sectors, namely policing/justice, education, health, economic development/employment,

housing, and settlement, have all been the focus of previous sector forums. “A community-based and well integrated collaborative model with shared ownership by all the organizations and sectors involved is the ideal. The City itself plays a coordinating and community development role,” says Garg. Several community organizations assist in language training, employment programs, orientation, and adjustment. These agencies include: Global Gathering Place, Saskatoon Open Door Society, the Saskatchewan Intercultural Association, and the International Women of Saskatoon. The Newcomer Information Centre, which opened earlier this year, is a partnership of the four organizations and serves as the ‘front door’. “In recent years, through supports received from the provincial government, some ethnocultural groups are also taking an active role in settlement,” says Garg. “These groups are helping settle large numbers of newcomers, coming through the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee program, from countries such as Germany, Pakistan, Philippines, Ukraine, and some Francophone countries.” Employers are increasingly playing a proactive role. At the Conference Board of Canada’s national “Roundtable on Immigration” held in Saskatoon in early October, Jim Werschler spoke about the experience of Boston Pizza. Werschler, who owns a franchise in Saskatoon and several others around the province, outlined how Boston Pizza has recruited 70 cooks and managers, all from the Philippines, for all of its 14 restaurants in Saskatchewan. The high demand from other industries taking away traditional workers led the company to this immigration program.

Global City Vision


n the immigration action plan six elements are identified as the basis for Saskatoon becoming a global city. The first element, “Saskatoon as an economically dynamic and sustainable community which builds on all of its economic bases and provides ample employment and investment opportunities for its residents,” seems to be on track. Garg noted that Saskatoon now attracts 45 to 60 per cent of immigrants to Saskatchewan due to its manufacturing and service sector base. In 2009-2010 up to 3,400 immigrant nominees are expected to come to Saskatchewan under the nominee program. If these nominees each

come with an average of 3-4 people per family, it could mean up to 7,000 newcomers to Saskatoon alone. The other five elements identified as important to becoming a global city cover intellectual, social, and cultural dimensions. In short, to become a “cosmopolitan, global community both in its thinking and its activities, with a prominent and positive profile,” Saskatoon needs to be proactively inclusive in welcoming newcomers and valuing their contribution to the community. This means, by extension, embracing and celebrating diversity and the vitality and enrichment it offers. Garg cites one small example of the kinds of partnerships that are emerging at a com-

The Neighbourhood Express 1024A 8th Street, Saskatoon SK S7H 0R9

Tel. 244-5050 Fax. 244-5053 email:neighbourhoodexpress@sasktel.net www.theneighbourhoodexpress.com Photography by Karyn Kimberly Model Karrnnel

The India-Canada Cultural Association has been collaborating with the Broadway Theatre to offer the best movies coming out of Bollywood at “Bollywood Sundays” once per month. munity level that demonstrates this. The India-Canada Cultural Association has been collaborating with the Broadway Theatre to offer the best movies coming out of Bollywood at “Bollywood Sundays” once per month. A monthly calendar compiled by the Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Office and circulated by Garg, shows the variety of other collaborative activities from Toastmasters clubs oriented to new English speakers to FSIN’s Pow Wow 2009. Garg adds, “We know that this broader integration and bridging in the community is important. It involves connections to local citizens, community associations, religious groups, health care services, main stream service organizations and businesses.” It is the beginning of a new chapter in Saskatoon’s development, but one based in its history as a place for new hopes and dreams to come to fruition. The Welcome Home symposium, Dec. 4 (all day) and Dec. 5 (am), will include guest speakers, presentations and discussions, plus trade show booths, and up to ten poster presentations with proposals being invited from the community. For more information see the City of Saskatoon website, www.saskatoon.ca under “I” for immigration.

On the Cover Inside this issue Section A

Human Interest.........................2-3,13 Sports & Travel...........................4, 7-8 Home & Garden.........................9-11 Business & Technology. ..12,14-18,22-23 Genealogy..................................18 Pets & Families.................................19 Green Lane ��������������������������������� . 20 Section B

Journey of Faith ������������ ...................2 Human Interest..................................3 Healthy Lifestyles .........................4-10 Image & Self-Development...............11-14 Activities & Events..................15-16, 19 Of Community Interest.....................17 Community Affairs ...........................20 Experience Saskatoon......................21 On The Edge .............................22-23 Published by Neighbourhood Express Inc. Printed by Star Press Inc. (Wainwright, AB) Publisher & Editor: Beverley Dawson

Editorial Assistant: Alycia Evans

Graphic Designers: Henry Buitrago Cheryl Zamora

Associate Editor: Robert White

ress is ourhood Exp your b h ig e N e Th to ee monthly st. delivered fr Po a d a n a C mailbox via

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Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g hbourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section A


Sports & Trav el


ur trip to Scotland was a busy one. There was so much to see in a limited number of days so we had to make the most of every hour at our disposal. The day we set aside to meet relatives in Stirling we took in Stirling Castle, the fabulous Wallace Monument and Doune Castle. Each of these is a story in itself. But Inchmahome Priory and the Lake of Menteith will always be remembered for their beauty and solitude. Situated on an island in the middle of Lake of Menteith, Inchmahome Priory is a ruined Augustinian priory that was founded in 1238 by Walter Comyn, the Earl of Menteith for the Black Canons. The Earl was very rich and probably founded the monastery for the good of his soul, and to show his status as an important landowner. It would also provide his family with a prestigious final resting place. The island is reached by a 12-passenger boat ride, free of charge, which leaves from the pier at the Port of Menteith. These are operated by Historic Scotland but are only available in the summer months. From the moment you step on the island, a quiet, peaceful atmosphere prevails and it is not hard to imagine the canons, dressed in black robes, performing their quiet devotions as they did for four hundred years. The chapter house has been re-roofed and contains a number of grave slabs and effigies, which were originally situated within the roofless church, but have been removed to protect them from the elements. The oldest and charming double effigy of first Stewart Earl Walter and his lady, Mary, on display in the chapter house used to be in the choir area of the church. Walter died in 1295 and here he is entwined with his countess and hunting dogs lie at their feet. The second effigy is that of an armed knight with Stewart arms on his shield, possibly Sir John de Menteith, who died in the early fourteenth century. He is remembered as the person who betrayed William Wallace leading to his capture and execution by the English. Two other slabs adorn the walls of the chapter house, one of Sir John Drummond, and the other too worn to be identified. The priory has had many distinguished royal visitors: Robert the Bruce came three times, in 1306, 1308, and 1310 - probably to seek support from the priory. Mary Queen of Scots was brought here by her mother when she was only four years old to keep her safe from King Henry VIII who had just defeated the Scots at the disastrous battle of Pinkie in September of 1547. She was only here for three weeks before being sent off to France where she would be safe. The priory offered spiritual solace and peace to canons, earls, and parishioners until the Reformation of 1560 brought the monastic life to a close. The priory church and the associated buildings are now only in a fragmentary state but

The historic and mysterious lure of

by Doreen Kerby

Situated on an island in the middle of Lake of Menteith, Inchmahome Priory is a ruined Augustinian priory that was founded in 1238 by Walter Comyn, the Earl of Menteith for the Black Canons.

daily under the chairmanship of the prior, to hear a chapter from the monastic rule being read (hence the name) before attending to the business of the day. They also confessed their sins and received absolution. They would have sat on the stone bench that borders the room. The priory flourished from its foundation in 1238 until the Reformation in 1560. Alexander I introduced the order to Scotland around 1120 with the prestigious foundation at Scone, the ancient centre for the crowning of Scottish kings. His younger brother David I continued his work by establishing important houses at St. Andrews, Holyrood, and elsewhere. In all, eighteen Augustinian houses were established in Scotland between the 12th and 14th centuries. The Menteith title remained in the Stewart family for several generations. In 1361, Robert Stewart, a younger son of Robert II, became the new Earl through marriage to Margaret Graham, the widowed Countess of Menteith. He was later created Duke of Albany and built the mighty castle at Doune, 15 km east of Inchmahome. Inchmahome has remained with the mighty Graham clan ever since. During the later Middle Ages the abuses in the Church eventually led to the Reformation. One of the growing tendencies was the appointment of outsiders as heads of monasteries. These were royal appointments, not members of the religious order, and meant that the high standards in monastic life declined. Inchmahome was one such case. The priory was granted to Robert, Master of Erskine, in 1529. In 1604, James VI formally granted it to the Erskine family in perpetuity. By then the last Augustinian canon had been laid to rest and the priory remains in an enchanting state of ruin.

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enough remains to make it possible to understand how the canons lived. The architecture reflects the popular religious ideals of the day - isolation and simplicity. The commemorative wall-plaques and grave slabs in the choir area of the church are post-monastic, and belong mostly to members of the Graham family. When the Augustinians were in residence, the choir area would

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have been reserved for the burial of the Earl and Countess of Menteith and members of their family. The most complete structure today is the chapter house but only because it was converted into a mausoleum for the earls of Menteith in the 17th century. The chapter house was where the business of the priory took place. Here the canons met

Moving Supplies and Packaging materials

• Use the star-grading system that assesses all visitor attractions. 1-star is acceptable ranging to 5-star is exceptional. • Don’t make a decision on weather. Scotland’s greenness comes from rain and it is not a great climate. Fall can be good with minimal crowds and lower prices. Glasgow’s Piping Competition and the Tatoo in Edinburgh are always in August. •Currency: Scottish or English £s. If using credit cards inform the credit card company of the days you will be away from home.

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Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

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• October 21, 2009 • Section A


Home & Garden

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Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

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Sports & Travel

Visions of Ireland – a feast for your eyes! by Janet Wanner

Stunning views of the Irish landscape


recently returned from a short holiday in the southwest corner of Ireland. It was as beautiful and green as everyone says. My eyes never got tired of looking; feasting on the endless beauty of the countryside. Each corner we turned as we drove the back country roads revealed new views of the valleys, the small farms and cottages. Shades of green were squared off with low stone walls. They had the biggest cows and bulls I have ever seen, with large herds of Holsteins every kilometer. We stayed in the quaint heritage villages of Killaloe/Ballina. The villages are on the border of County Clare and County Tipperary; each on their side of the River Shannon. The Shannon is the longest river in Ireland and Britain.

At first, we were a little shocked at the colours on the houses and the shops, but it soon became fun to see how many bright shades were used on any block. Lough Derg (Derg Lake) is a huge lake in the district. It used to have champion fly fishing, but a post-war dam has given power to the area and ruined the salmon fishing industry. The area is making a slow comeback as a tourist destination of great historic and beautiful valley farms. A tour of the lake by boat shows off the picture-postcard farms built up the side of the Slieve Bloom Mountains. At first, we were a little shocked at the

colours on the houses and the shops, but it soon became fun to see how many bright shades were used on any block. The seasons can be grey with clouds and very rainy, so I think brightly painted homes are a reaction to the dull days of winter. Their use of colour extended to evergreens used in the gardens. The blues of the very tall junipers, the dark green yews, and the riotous limegreen Chamaecyparis fill the borders of the properties. Flowering shrubs and evergreens such as hollies filled out their beds and borders in our version of low maintenance. Only very enthusiastic gardeners had extensive gardens of perennials and annuals. There was not a business in town, though that did not have a hanging basket of annuals for colour. We visited one of the largest gardens in Ireland, Birr Castle, a private home with extensive lands. There was a walkway that took you past a series of waterfalls, through forested areas, and over ancient bridges and

fern glens. I finally saw a large planting of Gunneras by the river. A millennium project created a very formal French-style enclosed garden of clipped boxwood surrounded by tall evergreens hedges. The whole upper portion of the gardens was surrounded by a fortress of ancient stone walls. Ironically, at the entrance to the gardens, inside the fortress’s high wall sat a modern-day brightly coloured children’s play area. Private gardens in our village were far more creative with their use of plant material and flowers. It was the season of hydrangeas in bloom – in colours from light pink and blue to deep burgundy reds. The fall anemones, colichcums and shrubby fushias were at their best. Since I did not see their midsummer gardens, I can only imagine the roses in bloom – the peonies and iris and every sort of blooming perennial. There was so much to see in the land of Leprechauns and a summer tour is now on my bucket list; the Ring of Kerry, Waterford

and even up into Northern Ireland. A summer tour would be something to really look forward to. Janet Wanner is co-owner of Gentle Earth Design Studios. She can be contacted at 3438594.

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Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g hbourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section A


Sports & Trav el


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Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

of the game by Jim GermaiN


eorge Reed was running through the aggressive BC Lions defense called “the headhunters,” led by their chief warrior, middle linebacker Tom Brown. Brown had won the Outland Trophy, which is awarded to the NCAA’s top lineman. He was the only lineman to ever finish runner-up in Heisman Trophy voting in his senior year at University of Minnesota in 1960, ahead of the likes of Mike Ditka. Brown was 250 lbs., and could do a back-flip in full equipment. Had he stayed in the NFL, says former Lion Norm Fieldgate, he would have been as good, if not better, than Dick Butkus. But Brown was no trouble for Urness, the centre for the Saskatchewan Roughriders, states Urness. A former Regina Ram, he would play college later at Arizona State, and would become a six-time All Canadian. Urness led the way for Reed, creating enough holes every game that George Reed would win the Outstanding player award that year in 1965. Former BC lions coach Jim Champion who had coached in the NFL, called Urness the finest centre he had seen anywhere. Urness’s success and career could only have happened in the CFL where Canadians are given the opportunity to play. Often seen as a league with a Canadian quota, where Canadians are given the unskilled positions, Canadian CFL players have been labeled as inferior and untrained. But Canadian players have made yardage in their improvement, according to Jim Young who made the Minnesota Vikings as a 22-year-old from Queen’s University in 1967. He says Canadians have narrowed that gap between players. More so, Canadians have added to the evolution and character of the game, much the same way Europeans have added to hockey. They have added to a game that is uniquely different, not inferior to the NFL. Wayne Shaw’s career in the CFL was one of adaptability to the rigours of a linebacker. A product of the Saskatoon Hilltops junior program, Shaw moved to the Riders in 1961. American coaches, said Shaw, tried to force him to take on blockers with the “lower shoulder” while Shaw learned to use the momentum of pulling guards against them. He would at the last second (almost defensive holding) sidestep the block and tug on their jersey just a little, fight, forearm, cuff and slip through the blocking slot back, and cut off ball carriers such as Mack Herron, Bo Scott, and Leon Mcquay who would later become starters in the NFL. He said the same American coaches who were yelling at him in training camp and threatening to cut him, were complimenting him during and after games. Bud Grant was so impressed with Shaw’s tackling of the great Leo Lewis that

for the d) Urness, played Harold Edward (Te 970. -1 61 19 ughriders Saskatchewan Ro

when Grant left to coach Minnesota, he was asked after a few seasons if there were any players in the CFL who could play there, and he without hesitation said, “Wayne Shaw.” Three decades later Bob Vespasiani was teaching the same techniques to Americans untrained with motion that Shaw used. Some got it. Some didn’t. George McGowan, a graduate of Kent State, and CFL outstanding player in 1975, said Ted Dushinski, another former Hilltop, was the best player he had ever faced in zone defense. Dushinski had a “keen sense of location,” that enabled him to take the sharpest angle to the ball in the air, timing his arrival at the same moment that ball arrived. Junior coaches will spend extra time teaching players (college age) the proper angles to passes and tackles, whereas Dushinski’s ability was unique, even among some American DBs. His talent was given an opportunity to flourish in playing pro. Roger Aldag, a former Regina Ram, was voted several times the recipient of the Mack Truck award, given to an offensive lineman by his peers. Aldag they said, was technically sound. Like Urness, he had no problem with another NFL star Dexter Manley. Aldag just needed time to excel. He got in the CFL. So did Dad Farthing, who said that he learned more in two weeks at Rider camp than he had learned in four years in the CIS. Jamie Boreham is further adding to the evolution of the game. Glen Suitor’s comments regarding Boreham’s versatility in running while he’s kicking, and looking for an opportunity maybe to take off, and then kicking with his left foot, is another Canadian contribution. How long before that development becomes the criteria for kickers on both sides of the border? Tom Wilkinson, who had coached the University of Alberta, won five Grey Cups, and played with the likes of NFLers Warren Moon, and Brain Fryer (U of A grad), said that Canadians are just as talented as Americans, but they need competition. CIS grads like Jamie Boreham and Andy Fantuz, get that competition in the CFL.

Home & Garden

A grab basket of decorating ideas by Jennifer Lucky

The final touch items are probably the least expensive and the most disposable of any other home furnishings. These can be changed up seasonally or in a couple of years when they’re showing some wear. Upgrade to better items as the budget allows. Styles and colours change with the trends; small home décour items are the easiest and most budgetfriendly way to dramatically change the look of your home.


ou may have seen those high/low articles in decorating magazines where they feature two nearly identical rooms with very different price tags attached. These articles attempt to give the reader a realistic idea of where to splurge and where to economize when decorating. So let’s say you’ve shopped till you’ve dropped, poured over every issue of that decorating magazine and are finally ready to tackle that home decorating project. However, well before you start it’s a good idea to know your priorities. It will improve your design, save time and money, and help make your experience more enjoyable.

Re-use and recycle:

Where to splurge:

mattress and box spring bedroom furniture living room furniture appliances Choose classic pieces that will hold their style year in and year out. This holds true for every room in the house. These are pieces that have to last for years, have to be comfortable, and have to perform well. Purchase the absolute best quality pieces within your budget and make sure you mail in the warranty cards.

The pillow featured in the picture here is special to me. The shirt belonged to my dad who is now gone. It is a memento that does not have

Spend mid-range prices:

dining sets (only if you’re planning on trading up in a few years) coffee and end tables bedding window coverings It is important to still have quality items in this group. Canadian-made products will usually give years of good service and looks. When it comes to window coverings, spending a bit more money here is a wise investment. Nothing brings down the finished look

to be tucked away.

Budget-wise ways to decorate your home include scouring thrift or second hand stores and hotel surplus stores for items that can be replaced in a few years. Antique picture frames, large and small, can be reworked into an amazing new mirror. Strip out any old pictures, clean and rough up the finish on the old frame, and give it a coat of lacquered paint. This brings a modern feel to an old piece especially if it is done in a vibrant colour.


Decorative pillows are always in style, and recently, button pillows have become popular. You can make a pillow from a recycled man’s shirt. This unique and wonderful idea

Preserve your family’s memories for the next generation


artwork area rugs lamps home décor items

Jennifer Lucky is in charge of marketing and promotions at Charter House Interiors at 331 - 1st Ave. North. She can be contacted at 6534634 or visit www.charterhouseinteriors.com.

Make copies for safe storage

of a room more than poorly-made window coverings. There is some beautiful drapery hardware for reasonable prices that will finish the whole look.

Economize on:

takes very little time, skill, or money. Simply use either a new or an existing pillow form and cut a square of fabric from a new or existing man’s shirt using the front and the back; eliminating the collar and sleeves. Sew the two pieces together and stuff the pillow through the buttoned area for an instant pillow cover. For added interest (and a more professional look), purchase braiding or tassels from a fabric store and sew them into the cushion cover. As an added bonus; grey is a hot colour this year.

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• October 21, 2009 • Section A


Home & Garden



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Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

y husband Jack is an auction- meaning for her. Each page of her photo eer. For me his profession has album displayed carefully cut out pictures, been both a blessing and a curse. words, and sayings. Her favourite things are Sooner or later he can find us almost anything easy to spot, flowers, birds, animals, nature, we want or need at an auction regardless of children, old tractors, barns, farm life, and how unusual the request. Some of my most things from the past. coveted possessions came from auction sales. What is so clever about the albums are the On the other side of the coin Jack tends to pictures she chose and the way she put them collect things that won’t fit in a curio cabi- together. As I carefully examined each page, I net. Like the old Edmonton city bus that he realized that the pictures and quotes brought proudly displays at the front of our property. about a wide range of emotions and memoI’m not as pleased as he is that it’s there. ries. I remembered how a cow’s wet nose Frankly, there are days when he makes me feels, how fresh your laundry smells when crazy by depositing oodles of auction items it’s been hung on the clothesline, the thrill of on my kitchen table seeing fireflies at night, Although the pictures and that I’m expected to do the smell of warm anisomething with. Our sayings were cut from papers mals in a barn, the softbasement is full, our ness of a horse’s nose and magazines, Eva put it garage is full, and there and puppies’ breath. I just isn’t room for anyalso moved by the all together in her own way was thing more. These days profound quotes that an auction item has to and in doing so gave us a were carefully placed be pretty special for me amongst the pictures. I to want to keep it. laughed out loud when glimpse into her life. There is a tiny town I read the tiny passage close to Big River called Victoire. An elderly that said, “It’s hard to understand how a lady and long time resident, Mrs. Boutin, funeral home can raise it’s prices and blame it was auctioning off her household items and on the cost of living.” moving to a nearby extended care facility. It’s Mrs. Boutin’s art makes me feel good. a difficult situation for anyone, parting with Although the pictures and sayings were cut their possessions and leaving a place they have from papers and magazines, Eva put it all lived in for more than 60 years. Her caring together in her own way and in doing so gave family had organized the auction and Mrs. us a glimpse into her life. Boutin’s positive attitude made the transition Eva Boutin’s art can teach us a lesson. We easier for everyone. don’t all have to be great artists but we can I was a little miffed when Jack bought each find a way to express our own creativity boxes and boxes of what looked like photo like she did. We can take pleasure in creating albums at Mrs. Boutin’s sale. He promised and gather around us things that bring us me not to deposit them at the house and joy or bring back happy memories. There’s took the load to his shop for storage. Over the a quote in one of Eva’s books that says this, following week, Jack became more and more “Use what talent you possess. The woods enamoured with his new treasure. He kept would be silent if no birds sang except those telling me how wonderful and interesting the that sang best.” I like this quote and I’m albums were, but with a hectic week ahead inspired by it. it would be some time before I had a chance Jack has been completely forgiven for bringto see for myself. Finally I made time to sit ing home a truck full of boxes this time. We down with some of Mrs. Boutin’s albums and both feel like we got the best buy of the whole I was amazed at what I saw, but even more auction sale. One day we will have to figure amazed at how I felt. out how to share these wonderful books with The Wikipedia definition of art is, “the others. But not just yet. process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or After 22 years of living in Saskatoon, Sherry emotion.” I guess that would mean that Mrs. Richards abandoned her familiar surroundings Eva Boutin of Victoire, Sk., is truly an artist. and moved North to live in Saskatchewan’s Eva collected magazine pictures of things she boreal forest. She can be contacted by emailing loved and things that held memories or had tillee@xplornet.com

Home & Garden

How to water houseplants by Leslie vanDuyvendyk


Pumpkin Facts

ne of the most common questions at the garden centre is, “How often should I water my plants?” It would be great if we could just plan to water on a specific date, but unfortunately, we can’t pencil in watering plants like we would a manicure. Each plant will have different watering requirements. It depends on the type of plant, where the plant is growing and what stage of growth the plant is in, just to mention a few variables. A quick rule of thumb is, “Plants with thin delicate leaves need to be watered more frequently than plants with fleshy thick leaves.” A Maidenhair Fern has thin almost transparent leaves. Moisture vanishes quickly through the leaves and the plant will need to be checked frequently The Maidenhair Fern will become very upset and become brown and brittle if it is allowed to dry out. Other plants, like the Jade Plant, have thick waxy leaves. The plant has adapted to periods of dryness and will lose moisture slowly. If you water too much, the jade plant’s leaves will become yellow and drop off. Your growing conditions also make a difference. The warmer and drier a location, the more frequently you will need to check for watering. If you are using a small pot with

A quick rule of thumb is, “Plants with thin delicate leaves need to be watered more frequently than plants with fleshy thick leaves.”

Thin leaves: higher water needs, check more frequently. Thick leaves: harmed by over watering – grow on the dry side.

porous soil, you will need to make more frequent water checks. Plants that are actively growing will need more water. Plants that are flowering will need even more water. Around Easter, we get hydrangeas in the greenhouse. The hydrangea has huge 6-8” blossoms that remind me of the

Queen Mother’s hats. The greenhouse staff are constantly making sure the hydrangeas are well watered. On the other hand, in the winter, many plants aren’t actively growing. It’s cooler. There’s less light. As a result, the plants need less water. Watering seems to be a simple thing to do, but it is a learned skill! We train our

• Pumpkins are fruits. • The pumpkin vine has both male and female flowers. Only the female flowers will produce fruit. • Ninety per cent of regular pumpkins are sold for Halloween jack-o-lanterns • “Apocolocynposis” means fear of turning into a pumpkin. • Pumpkins are a good source of vitamins A, C, K, and E and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and potassium. And they are fat and sodium free. • An average-sized pumpkin contains about one cup of seeds. • The pilgrims made pumpkin beer from persimmons, hops, maple sugar, and pumpkin. • Pumpkins vary in colour from white to yellow to orange to green. • Native Americans traditionally dried pumpkin to eat as pumpkin leathers or to grind as flour.

greenhouse staff to use the “Knuckle Test” and water thoroughly. The “Knuckle Test” involves inserting your index finger into the soil up to your first knuckle. If the soil is dry, water. If not, water when it becomes dry. Some of our staff are so good they can tell if a plant needs water just by the weight of the pot or the look of the leaves... but that takes practice! Water generously so that the water will flow through the pot and dribble out the drainage holes. Use a saucer so that the water won’t damage floors or counters, but make sure that water doesn’t collect in the saucer. I like to take smaller plants over to the sink and use the veggie sprayer to knock off the dust. Plant leaves contain stoma that are used in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. When you wash the leaves, the plant not only looks better, but it also breathes easier. Plants are a little like people. There’s really no one hard and fast rule that is going to help you care for them. You need to be observant and need to learn some simple skills. But, that is one of the things I find absolutely fascinating about gardening. As a gardener, when you work with plants, you are always studying, always learning, and always growing. Leslie vanDuyvendyk can be contacted at Dutch Growers Garden Centre. Visit www. dutchgrowers.ca.

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Top 10 ways to use

pumpkins squash or gourds

Eat them Pumpkins lend themselves beautifully to soups, pies, breads, quick breads and muffins, pickles, casseroles and hot dishes, and even ice cream and cheese cake. Pumpkin seeds, soaked overnight in salted water and then baked in a single layer on an oiled cookie sheet in a slow oven for a few hours, make a tasty snack. Carve them You might have your own favourite jack-o-lantern face, or you might tackle a different creation every year, but one of the highlights of the Halloween season is surely admiring the clever designs that crop up on porches and stoops to welcome the trick-or-treaters. Familyfun.go.com has a variety of free templates available to download if you need inspiration.

Make a gourd ghost On a related note, a butternut squash with a few coats of white paint makes a very convincing ghost. Add features with black paint or marker and you might be set for Halloween.

Make a birdhouse This project requires a dried gourd, and a considerable investment of effort, but the results will be worth it as the neighbourhood birds have a warm home. Amishgourds. com has lots of tips for all stages of the process and hints on how to select the right sized opening for the type of bird you wish to attract, what kind of bird food works best inside, and so on. Light them up with candles Some people use decorative squash as dining room centerpieces. Take this one step further and make it a candlelight dinner. Arizonagourds.com has a very ambitious tutorial for a carved candleholder. For quicker results, try hollowing out small pumpkins or squashes and dropping in a tealight. Or, insert a wick, and fill the squash with melted wax. As it dries, the wax will shrink, so you may have to top up the level. When ready, trim back the wick, and enjoy.

Try seed painting Cut a piece of bristol board or manila to the height of a pringle can. Put a small spoon of poster paint into the can, add a few seeds and slide in the paper. Put the lid on and shake well. The seeds make a cool design, rather like splatter painting, but contained. Use them fresh as containers Hollowed out squashes, gourds, and pumpkins make festive serving dishes for soups; either as a large tureen, or for individual servings. Make sure the bottom is flat enough to be stable, though, to avoid spills. Use them dried as bowls This fall project using a dried gourd could be craft or art. It requires the use of a power tool, and lots of detail work, but the end result will last for years. Instructions and pictures at justgourds.com Make a snowman Stack a couple or three pumpkins, holding them together with spikes, and decorate as you would a snowman: carrot noses, button eyes, twig arms, a scarf. No need to wait for the snow to fly.

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Decoupage them If you have children too young to carve, have them cut out pictures on a theme and make their own threedimensional collage. Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

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espite the beautiful fall weather we are enjoying, we all know that Saskatchewan can have some very long, cold winters. During this time, many individuals busy themselves with their favourite indoor pastimes – knitting, quilting,

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woodworking, and other such hobbies or crafts that rely on patterns. And for many of these individuals, the issue of copyright is the last thing on their mind. There are, however, several issues to consider. Copyright protects creators of original artistic, literary, musical, or dramatic works and gives them the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, or alter their work. Originality is a key component for copyright to exist. Arguably, copyright is designed to ensure that creative endeavours are supported and encouraged and to provide some incentive to create and publish original works. Only

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the copyright holder can grant permission to use the copyrighted work in a way that would interfere with their exclusive rights. It is against the law to violate any of the rights provided by copyright law. Perhaps most surprising to many people is

Generally speaking copyright lasts for the life of the creator of the work plus 50 years. the fact that works do not have to be marked in any way, nor do they need to be filed with the Copyright Office, in order to be protected. Copyright protection simply exists as soon as the work is created. The use of the word “copyright” or the © symbol puts people on notice and acts as a reminder that the work is copyrighted, but it is not required for copyright to exist. Generally speaking, patterns that appear in books and magazines are intended for the personal use of the individual who purchased or received the book or magazine. Personal use means that an individual can use patterns that appear in books or magazines that they have purchased or received provided that they do not earn or profit from using them. Unless authorized to do so, individuals cannot make copies. Individuals who borrow a pattern book from a public library may be able to copy and use the patterns for their own limited personal use under a licence agreement with Access, the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency. Individual libraries can provide more information on their agreement and policies. In addition to books and magazines, the internet can also be a great resource for finding patterns. Although many websites can be accessed freely, the same rules apply regarding using and reproducing patterns unless stated otherwise. The fact that the pattern is published online or that it is free does not automatically give individuals visiting that site the right to reproduce the pattern unless the copyright holder indicates so. Even then the terms of use set by the copyright holder must be followed. It is important to note that copyright does not last forever. Generally speaking copyright lasts for the life of the creator of the work plus 50 years. After a copyright expires, the work becomes part of the public domain and anyone can use it. There are special rules for cases where the creator of the work is unknown. Although enforcing the rights associated with copyright requires vigilance and determination on the part of the creator of the works, it remains illegal to reproduce, distribute or alter copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder or outside the terms of use the owner of the copyright has indicated. Over the last several years copyright reform has been a hot topic in Canadian politics, with strong arguments both for and against expanding copyright protection for the sake of protecting and encouraging creative works. For more information on copyright and the benefits of registering a copyright, as well as information about proposed copyright reform, visit the copyright section of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office’s website at www.cipo.ic.gc.ca. The Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA) is a non-profit, non-government organization that provides the people of Saskatchewan with understandable, useful information and education on our laws and legal system.

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Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Human Interest

e k i L e c n a D e n O No


g n i h c t a W sa By Su

ss n Bu


Oh, sure. We’ve all heard this phrase and thought, ‘it’s easy to let loose when no one is actually watching, but dancing like no one is watching is easier said than done’ ...or is it? When was the last time you really let loose on the dance floor, did a great exercise class, played an intense sport, lifted weights

with some rockin’ music, or danced naked around your bedroom? How great did it feel?


ur two local experts this month would suggest that these activities should be enjoyed frequently - for fun, for health, for better relationships, and simply to enjoy life a little bit more. Too many of us are ‘walking around in our heads.’ We’re very busy, stressed out, working more than ever, tied to our cell phones, to email, to family schedules, etc. What’s the solution? According to Natasha Martina, Assistant Drama Professor at the University of Saskatchewan (specializing in movement), and Aileen Hayden, creator and teacher of The Big Fat Ass Dance Class®, the solution is simply to move your body. Let’s start with our professor for some practical theories about all of this: Natasha, what do you see going on in society with people’s relationships to movement? In some ways it’s unfortunate that the more we get into technology, the more we reduce both body movement and socializing one-on-one with individuals. Look at the Wii DanceDance Revolution game... At least it gets you to move. But you’re moving in relationship to a TV set, not in relationship to another human being. We’re three-dimensional beings but that’s one-dimensional. Unfortunately, we’re often ‘bridging’ to people in daily life but we’re not actually connecting with them. Of course I’m generalizing, this is not true for everybody, but it is for society in general, especially in North America. Look at different cultures – for example, the culture in Latin America is very couple-orientated, it’s a lot about relationship. Families are big and spend a lot of time together. Their dances are also relationship-based. When you look at partner dancing it’s all about relating, socializing, community. Your specialty is ‘movement’. Could you explain in your own words what your work is all about? A lot of what I teach drama students is how to analyze their functional movement (i.e. walking, sitting, standing, working, eating, speaking, etc), and their expressive movements (expressive is about working with the breath to tie into emotions).

How does this tie into drama? The whole point of all this work is so the actor starts to learn his or her habitual tendencies. Unless the actor knows how he or she is perceived, or communicates in the environment, there is no way to take on the other qualities of a character. We often want to hide or stop our emotional response, don’t want to show that we’re upset, scared, etc. We stop our breath with that. It’s a lot about the actor discovering where they might inhibit the breath, which might inhibit the emotion. The more you can access the range of your breath, the more viable your emotional life will be. Breath fuels. How does our movement impact us? It’s the universal language. If you think about it, you can technically communicate with anybody, through the physical. Rather than spoken word, how you physically respond or react is communicating with someone. We always have an aspect of intuition in us, and it’s not that difficult to intuitively feel someone’s energy. It can confront you head on, enclose around you to make you feel welcome, push you away, look away or directly at you, take you in versus neglect you altogether. Why do children instinctively move to music? Everyone instinctively moves to music. Children maybe seem to more so because, depending on age and life experience, children are often the most open to whatever is put in front of them. They haven’t yet been told not to respond that way because it’s not appropriate. They are responding and relating in an authentic manner. Often the most authentic people are children. How can people restore the connection between their bodies and their emotional selves? Dance is a great. I’m exaggerating of course, but if we all took ballroom dancing, we’d be a better, strong community. Anything that gets you to move is great – jogging, sports, yoga, dance. Yoga really helps with connecting mind and body, and with being in the present. Ballroom dance is a great example. It’s all about connecting with other people. Maybe you need to think about the steps for a little while, but really you have to connect with your partner, read your partner. The leader, the male has to be able to lead well for the

woman to follow. The woman has to let herself be lead, to trust. It’s so much more than just learning steps. Hmmm. That’s food for thought. Now over to our dance instructor: Aileen, you lead the Big Fat Ass Dance Class®. We’ve seen your posters all over town. What is your class about? The Big Fat Ass Dance Class® is improvisational dance for ordinary women. There is only one goal - fun. Using elements of modern dance, African dance, yoga, theatre and meditation, the scene is set for spontaneous movement within a structure. Weekly classes are for women of any age and “any size ass is welcome!” Studio mirrors are covered and lamps are lit rather than harsh overhead lights. The music ranges from cello suites to African drumming to indie rock, and dancers are led through a wide range of improvisational dance techniques. It’s guided self-expression – there’s no right way or wrong way to move. We really get moving, and we laugh a lot! We end up getting in some good exercise but that’s just a by-product. Our only goal is to have fun. For an hour and a half we let go of the idea of trying to improve our bodies, trying to be healthier, letting go of ‘I should go exercise’. It’s pure fun. Big Fat Ass Dance Class® - I love the name! How did you come up with it? I wanted a name that was fun, spontaneous, that implied that anybody can do it. I

had a notebook filled with pages of words and images but couldn’t get the right name. In a moment of frustration I said ‘I should just call it The Big Fat Ass Class.’ My dad said, ‘You can’t do that, this is Saskatoon, not Montreal.’(Aileen lived in Montreal previously.) That made me want to use it even more. Some of the calls I receive are pretty funny, such as “I don’t have a big fat ass, can I still come?” Of course! Any size ass is welcome. What kind of feedback have you received from participants in your class? ‘I’m an executive. I don’t do this stuff!’ ‘I haven’t skipped since I was a little girl.’ Do you have any pieces of wisdom to share with us about movement? If there is something that appeals to you, go for it. Yoga is grounding. Dance is freeing. Sports are exhilarating. Walking is peaceful. There are places you’ll be able to go (places inside of you) that you can’t get to without moving your body. These are places that thinking, writing, or conversation can’t take you. If you’re interested in skiing, ballet, dance, etc, just do it. The body is this incredible gift we’re walking around with but we live in a culture where often we try to control our bodies, improve our bodies, be perfect. I suppose I’ve learned the importance of simply enjoying my body. And I guess that answers our question. The body, emotions, thoughts, and spirit are connected. You cannot pull them apart. So you move your body, you move your heart. You move your body, you shake up your mind. In short – get out there and move your bodies, people! Thank you, Natasha and Aileen.

Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section A


Business & Technology Campbell Stoke Bright Sunshine Recorder

SRC Climate Reference Station celebrates 45 years

Climate Reference Station under construction 1963

Climate Reference Station under construction 1963

Fully functioning CRS circa late 1960s.

Barometric pressure chart recorder

Precipitation Gauge other clients. It is also a valuable research tool for evaluating long-term climate trends serving as an early warning system for droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events. And its climatology experts give tours to

Atmometer (evaporation instrument) schoolchildren who want to learn more about the quirks of measuring Saskatchewan’s finicky weather. Cam Zimmer, M.A.CT is Communications Specialist at Saskatchewan Research Council.

Submitted by Cam Zimmer


askatchewan weather can dramatically change over one day, let alone over 45 years. That’s how long the Saskatchewan Research Council’s (SRC) Climate Reference Station (CRS) has been taking Saskatoon’s temperature, tracking all sorts of extreme weather, including snow falling in Saskatoon every month except July. Since it opened in 1963, the CRS has recorded some Saskatoon weather extremes, including: temperatures as high as 41.0°C on June 5, 1988, and as low as -43.9°C on January 22, 1966 and January 29, 1969; as much as 99.4 mm of precipitation on June 24, 1983; and frost as early as May 1, 1977, and as late as June 14, 1969. “Saskatchewan’s weather is always changing, but our Climate Reference Station has been remarkably consistent in supplying

accurate weather measurements for nearly half a century,” said SRC’s president and CEO Dr. Laurier Schramm. The U of S Physics Department established a climatology station in 1916. SRC took over this weather observation program in 1963 at the newly established Climatological Reference Station. SRC took manual measurements until the CRS was converted to an automated data collection system in 1992. The CRS is a principal climatological station that takes hourly temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, and atmospheric pressure readings. It supplements these readings with rainfall rate, soil temperature, bright sunshine and solar radiation observations. The station provides this data to governments, universities, insurance agencies, agriculture sector clients, and wide variety of


Aura ? TALK TO THE ®



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Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

#2 - 630 2nd Ave. Ph 665-Tel-J (8355)

Business & Technology

Civic Elections Candidates for Saskatoon city council were invited to provide submissions. The following were received. Both Don Atchison & Lenore Swystun are candidates for mayor. Carol Reynolds is seeking to represent Ward 1.

Don Atchison


have been proud to serve the citizens of Saskatoon as your mayor these past six years. While people around the world have talked of recession, Saskatoon’s economy has created 7,700 jobs in a year. I am proud of the way we have accommodated economic and population growth. As mayor, I agree we all would prefer zero tax increases year after year. But I have also heard the citizens of Saskatoon say they want our city to be a safe city for all neighbourhoods. I have done my part to bring about the leadership change that is delivering the effective policing Saskatoon needs. As mayor, I will continue to work to ensure the city moves ahead – in a fiscally responsible way – so all neighbourhoods and all citizens get the services they deserve. Saskatoon residents know there needs to be a balance between quality city services and taxes. We have ensured that our city has moved forward with better policing, roads, libraries, parks and recreational facilities. Our capital budget has also grown to meet our city’s needs. The south bridge may cost a quarter a billion dollars when done, but national and provincial infrastructure money is covering much of that cost. The rest of it will be repaid through the tax money you spend at the pump for gasoline being sent back to Saskatoon from Ottawa. I worked hard to help land this and other infrastructure money, because I knew we can pay our share with minimum impacts on property taxes. Year after year, I have worked responsibly to find the balance between the smallest possible tax increase and a better city for all. On Oct. 28, it’s time to vote for leadership to continue this balanced, responsible approach. When experience counts, voting Don Atchison can make your vote count.

Carol Reynolds


ard One now includes Mayfair, KelseyWoodlawn, Richmond Heights, City Park, North Park, Downtown/Central Business District, University Campus/Lands and Sutherland; each community is very unique. Here are some common challenges in Ward 1 that Carol has heard from you, the residents: “ I am not sure how much longer I can afford to stay in my home. Property taxes are too high for seniors.” Carol’s Solution: Seniors are a very important part of our population and they deserve our respect. I will work with the City to implement a senior’s tax deferral or rebate program. Capping property taxes for seniors and deferring tax increases will allow more seniors to stay in their homes longer. “The City is wasting money on quick repairs on our aging pipe systems. Why can’t the City do it right the first time?” Carol’s Solution: Measure twice, cut once. A cost-benefit analysis needs to be done to determine how to permanently fix these problems. Ensuring consistent, efficient, safe services to our residents should be a high priority for our City Council. “Crime is a huge concern for my family.” Carol’s Solution: Residents need to feel safe and empowered in their homes and neighbourhoods; criminals and vandals need to be held accountable. Neighbourhood Watch and Citizen Patrol groups play a very important role in our community and I will encourage the City to promote these programs more actively and work closely with City Police. “City Transit is a big concern for students. It’s not efficient for students living in various areas of the City.” Carol’s solution: I support the development of the “hub-and-spoke” concept, resulting in the same number of routes, lower wait times for riders. We need to make it efficient and “cool” for residents - especially students - to ride the bus. Saskatoon’s Ward 1 deserves to be represented by a new, strong, decisive voice with a will to get things done for residents. On October 28th, elect Carol Reynolds for Ward 1.

Lenore Swystun


enore is committed to improving the lives of every Saskatoon resident. Her platform focuses on community, infrastructure, environmental, and economic development with a firm dedication to fiscal responsibility. People are telling Lenore that they are concerned about the direction Saskatoon is taking. Currently, Saskatoon is facing a financial crisis with a depleted rainy-day fund, property taxes skyrocketing, and a long-term debt that is at an all-time high. Saskatoon deserves better! We need a mayor with a plan to rebalance our books while working on new policies to reinvest in our neighbourhoods including recycling programs, safer streets, and better traffic networks. We need a mayor who will work to create a longterm plan to responsibly guide future growth and develop for future generations. Lenore Swystun is that candidate. Lenore is a founder and partner of Prairie Wild Consulting Co., a company specializing in community development and planning. Building from her education in sociology, community development, regional planning, and business, Lenore has worked with various levels of government, community-based organizations, and private firms. Three recent projects include developing a regional plan for the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve; establishing the democratic engagement domain through work with the Canadian Index of Wellbeing Institute – an index developed to compliment the GDP; and, creating a community mapping and planning program for the North West Enterprise Region. Lenore has a long track record as a city councillor, award-winning entrepreneur (recipient of the Athena Award given to Saskatoon’s top business woman in 2009), and community leader. Locally, Lenore is involved in various community organizations including Leadership Saskatoon, the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce, and the Saskatoon Heritage Society. She is in high demand as a community development and planning consultant, known for her collaborative, interactive, and innovative style. Lenore is a consensus builder, a proven leader, and your best candidate for mayor.

lenoreswystun.com Authorized by the Swystun Mayoral Campaign Team

Delivering results for Saskatoon Construction of the south bridge and connecting roadways and interchanges to begin in 2010. Meeting the tough challenges Worked with the housing industry to accelerate the development of new lots when demand soared. Ensuring all neighbourhoods benefit The River Landing project’s first two phases have helped erase the divisions created by freeway construction 40 years ago. Seeking responsible, planned growth Advanced developer interest in new and innovative housing ideas downtown and at River Landing. Securing services that matter Provided leadership at the Saskatoon Police Commission in supporting the police chief’s strategy to provide effective policing to all areas of the city. Leading a well-run civic operation Saskatoon maintains an AAA credit rating; led Canadian cities in GDP growth in 2007 and 2008; and placed second among 31 Canadian cities in a MacLean’s sponsored survey of financially efficient communities. For more information about all of Don’s accomplishments please visit www.atchison.ca. Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section A


Business & Technology

Tips for success


re you meeting your goals? You may need to push to make that final benchmark you set earlier in the year. This article will share with you some keys to success which are often under-used or neglected. Success does not necessarily require new or sensational ideas. The fundamentals of management and ultimate success are often very simple. Thinking is hard work. Nevertheless, take time to consider all aspects of a situation and their possible outcomes. Avoiding failure is not the same as success. Have the courage to move forward and try. We often choose not to try because we fear failure, but by not trying we limit our potential accomplishments and ultimate success. Taking steps into unknown territory and

b y T h e r r i P a pp

overcoming the fear of trying something new will reap confidence as we confront tasks we once felt were insurmountable. Find the same faith that helps you navigate your car in the darkness. Your headlights only shine so far, but have faith that you will reach your destination. Instead of the WIFM (What’s in it for me?) approach, try the “How can I help you?” approach. Not only will you feel good about helping others in a genuine way, but this approach will result in true customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The best way to motivate people is to provide a genuine benefit and not merely a monetary reward. Somewhere down the line, doing good things to help others will bring a payoff far in excess of the few extra dollars

that you could put in your pocket today. When things go awry, forget about who is wrong. That does not address the problem or help find a solution. Focusing on the situation and what needs to be corrected is more productive than blame-throwing. That is the way of integrity. Co-operation can be a difficult word to spell but if the goal is success the best way to spell it is “WE”. A person can make progress and set the stage for success but often the “WE” approach will create synergy. The sum of the contributors is far greater than each individual effort. Preparing, researching, and goal setting is part of the success formula. Setting objectives out clearly is important, and when willpower, discipline and determination are added to the

formula, success will come. Also, while planning is vital, equally important is making yourself or someone else accountable. Focus on who will do what and when to ensure the end result is indeed reached. Good intentions have rarely seen the light of success or achievement. We need to both plan and take action in order to accomplish our goals. There is still time to continue on your path to new-found success. Each journey begins with a single step. Theresa (Therri) Papp, BA, CDP, MDE is a career development practitioner, transition consultant and educator. She can be contacted at 249-4937 or visit www.yourextremeself.com.

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Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

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Business & Technology


So you think you want to be a Dancer?

In each edition of the Neighbourhood Express we include a wide variety of career-related articles. Each article also contains stories about people working in the industry. This month we feature dancers.


Ge th ttin er g e

lanning and perseverance are needed to make it as a working professional in dance. It is equally certain that many different paths can lead to success. That is why it’s important to keep an open mind to new dance possibilities and to cultivate a healthy curiosity about all aspects of the art form. Whether you’ve trained from a young age or have more recently discovered dance, you need to be as creative and flexible in your thinking as you aim to be with your body. There are many ways to pursue a professional career in dance. Perhaps you see yourself negotiating the challenging life of an independent modern dance artist. Or you hope to become a dancer in a large ballet company with year-round employment. For

some, the desire to choreograph surfaces early on, while for others it comes after first being established as a performer. Beyond the roles of dancer or choreographer lie a vast array of opportunities you may not have thought about pursuing. You might discover a gift for teaching, or a desire to be your own boss and operate a private dance studio. As you gain knowledge of new possibilities and experience with how the professional world operates, you may find your current interests and plans evolve. A person determined on a career as a dancer may realize that a different path (perhaps in dance therapy) is better suited to his or her personality and life goals. Theatre production and creation jobs like stage management and costume and lighting design are also possible career choices that can involve dance. Bear in mind that many professional dancers enter into second careers after their performing days are over; therefore, some of these other ideas may be useful later in life.

Success Story

Amanda Murray


manda Murray, Artistic Director of def SOL Productions in Saskatoon, begun exploring her love of dance and performing at a young age. A small but pivotal moment came one Christmas when Murray was allowed to join Columbia House, a mail order company that gives you a bunch of free cds with a minimum purchase. Of the 10-15 CDs that arrived in the mail, most of them were hip hop albums and well... the rest was history! After moving from the small farming community of Macrorie, SK to Saskatoon in 1998, she continued on her quest for dance. The style that caught her attention most was break dancing (originally known as bboying). She began hanging out with some local bboys and would pick up moves from them until she could start coming up with some of her own. From there she expanded in more choreographed styles such as street and video which are the styles typically performed in music videos, kind of a mash-up of a variety of different techniques. Since no one was teaching the real foundational techniques in Saskatchewan, Murray started travelling out of province to bigger cities such as Edmonton, and eventually Los Angeles, where she trained with legends in a variety of styles such as popping, boo-

galoo, locking, krumping, house, and many more! Following the creation of def SOL Productions in the summer of 2004, Murray has continued to promote the development of hip hop and other urban and cultural forms of dance. With street and studio training in various styles of hip hop, funk, club, bboy and other cultural dance forms, Murray has choreographed several award-winning pieces. She has been recognized for ‘most outstanding choreography’ in competitions in Saskatchewan & Alberta and her crew has claimed first place & platinum two years in a row at the Artists Emerge in Edmonton. As co-owner of a dance studio and performance company, Murray spends her time juggling administrative duties, working on music edits, choreography, and on top of teaching a full evening of classes each day in her own studio, she manages to get out to teach at elementary and high schools as part of their physical education and dance programs. This past summer, Murray participated in the ‘Get Down’ workshop in Edmonton. For five days she had the opportunity to train with Sugar Pop & Popping Pete of the original Electric Boogaloos (the dancers who created and performed the original foundations of funk dance). She also worked with Caleaf, an original House founder and Link who was a back up dancer for Michael Jackson for many years. Murray says, “The best thing about my job is that I get to do what I love… dance! It’s great to be able to meet and work with so

many different people and have the privilege of being a positive part of their life whether it be helping push dancers toward their goals or even just providing a fun fitness option.” Like with any small business, the hours are long and the rewards take a while in coming. “Dancing over 20 hours a week also really takes its toll on your body so at times it’s a little challenging to keep your energy up,” states Murray. Her main focus for the future is to continue growing as a dancer, teacher, and choreographer. The skill set for each area is so different that there is always so much to learn! As a dancer she plans to continue travelling and training in order to improve her technique and master new styles. As a teacher and choreographer, she plans to continue to learn from personal experience and by watching others in the industry. As a studio owner, Murray hasn’t taken the direction of becoming a professional ‘performer’ however she has met and learned from many successful dancers in the industry and knows that it is a long and challenging road. For those who make the big move to Los Angeles to take a shot at music videos/tours (which it the ultimate for a hip hop dancer), you’re competing against thousands and even if you get the job, you have to start all over again for the next one. “However if dance is what you love, then you have to just go for it, stay focused and determined, and of course always be confident in yourself!” urges Murray.

Success Story

Brenda Bennett


askatchewan born and raised, Brenda Bennett was first introduced to dance when her kindergarten teacher suggested to her parents that they put her in an extra-curricular physical activity, as she had way too much energy! Bennett participated in tap, jazz, ballet, and baton twirling. She became an international competitor in the sport of baton representing Canada in the first World Championships placing 7th, World Team in Japan where she captured a 4th place finish, just to name a few. Later, Bennett went on to become a teacher and owner of her own dance studio. Bennett states, “Maureen Johnson, coach, mentor and friend, was my greatest influence on the success I have had as a student, athlete, and now teacher. She still mentors me today and her students in Regina are our fiercest competitors.” She adds, “Brian Foley was also my mentor, introducing his ADAPT jazz syllabus to me when I began my own studio.” Bennett believes there’s nothing better than putting on music and being creative with the students. “When you love your job you never work a day in your life,” says Bennett. She feels the hardest thing is finding balance. With so many opportunities to perform, compete, attend workshops, adjudicate, teach clinics, give extra lessons – it often becomes difficult to pick and choose. Bennett feels privileged to

have gotten to know so many families. Some of the dance families have travelled with her internationally, although they still love competing in nearby centres like North Battleford and Edmonton. Brenda’s School of Baton and Dance has been in operation for 27 years. Bennett loves it so much, she doesn’t see retiring for a long time. As well, she has twirling athletes with the potential to represent Canada in the next couple of years at the World Championships. Someday Bennett hopes to have a Christian Dance Troupe that travels and brings dance to everyone locally and to children that would never get the opportunity to move to music and delight in hearing an audience’s applause. “If you can imagine it, dream it, think it, then you can do it!” says Bennett. “The skills learned in dance help you through life, through school, and in whatever career course you choose.” She has had students go to Schools for the Arts and some are now performing professionally, some even with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. Many of the instructors at Brenda’s School of Baton and Dance are former dancers and twirlers who are now passing their knowledge to the next generation of dancers.

quick tips

• Attend as many dance performances as you can and keep an eye out for television documentaries and films on dance. Read about dance in newspapers, magazines, books, and on the web. • Broaden your skill base. Discover new ideas and approaches by trying classes with a different teachers. Explore other dance forms, too. If you’re a hip hop or jazz dancer, gain skills by taking classes in ballet or vice versa. • Training in yoga and martial arts can provide excellent grounding for a career in dance. Some dancers start their interest in movement through gymnastics or other athletic pursuits. • Take advantage of any dance training you can get. Try something new, like music or drama, to round out your performing skills. • You can never have too much performance experience. Auditions are great experience! Make your own opportunities for performance, too. • Don’t forget about summer programs. They are wonderful opportunities for exploring different kinds of dance, for experiencing intensive technical development and for networking. You may even decide to travel to a different city or country to attend a summer intensive workshop.

Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section A


Business & Technology

Voting for the future by Tammy Vallee

Inspirational leadership needed in challenging times by Tracy Stephensen


ith an election pending voting an individual to vote. weighs heavy on our minds. We When a person passed away they should no look for a leader who is educated, longer appear. Do keep in mind when trying strong, a good decision maker, and has a plan to narrow down the time frame of a person’s for the future while being able to preserve death by using the voter’s list that the name the past. Come election day people will head was recorded prior to the election date. Be to the polls to make their mark and have certain to check that date. If they died after their voices heard. This process isn’t new. It that date, they will still have appeared on has been the foundathe list. tion of past elections During the next election, be Provincial voters’ lists and it only seems right are not available for it local, provincial, or fedthat something of this viewing in Saskatchewan. importance would eral think of your ancestors Federal lists have been leave behind a paper microfilmed from 1935 trail. It is also another who appear in the voter list’s to 1980. More informarecord source we can tion about federal votturn to for information – those who took the time to ers’ lists can be found on our ancestors. make their voice heard and at http://www.collectionFederal Voter’s Lists scanada.gc.ca/genealohave been preserved elect the nation’s leaders. gy/022-911.006-e.html. giving researchers a Be sure to check your glimpse of who was eligible to vote and in local library for Dave Obee’s books Federal which polling stations they resided. Not a lot Voters Lists in Ontario 1935-1979 or Federal of genealogical information is found within Voters Lists in Western Canada 1935-1979. these records. Divided by polling, the majorDuring the next election, be it local, proity of lists contain the area (or land) descrip- vincial, or federal think of your ancestors who tion for the polling station and lists of names appear in the voter list’s those who took the of people residing there on a certain date. time to make their voice heard and elect the How these records are used depends greatly nation’s leaders. Be part of the experience and on what the researcher is hoping to learn. make your mark on the future while ensuring Confirming the address of ancestors is often your name is recorded for history. at the top of a researcher’s list and the easiest done. However, don’t limit your pursuit of Tammy Vallee is a Genealogical Speaker knowledge to just that fact. Voters’ lists give & Educator; Certified Saskatchewan and clues to other major events in the life span of Aboriginal Researcher. She can be reached at a person. When people became old enough to tamw25@shaw.ca vote they first appear on the list. Marriage will show a new couple together, the woman more Upcoming Event: then likely appears as Mrs. So-and-So. Then The Saskatoon Branch, SGS meeting: as a couple’s children grew up they would November 19 in the loft (3rd floor) of the Albert Community Centre, 610 Clarence begin to appear on the lists. Lists will also Avenue South. Meeting starts at 7pm. reflect changes in the legislation that allowed


hat does it take to inspire employees in challenging times? Motivating, influencing, and enabling staff to work toward making the organization relevant and successful, a leader models the way by being truthful, ethical and authentic, gaining commitment and respect from employees. During difficult times, employees can lose sight of their company’s vision. A leader knows the staff’s capabilities and potential, paints a clear picture of a future worth working toward and effectively communicates and coaches staff toward achieving that vision. Seeking input and involving employees in the decision-making process helps achieve that goal. Sometimes a leader opts to take more control of things when times are tough. Inspirational leadership, however, is about creating a climate of collaboration, trust and empowerment. It is about enabling staff to find new and innovative ways to achieve desired business results and provide opportunities for them to grow both personally and professionally. Leaders search for opportunities to change the status quo by experimenting and taking risks to generate wins for the company and learn from mistakes while continuing to find creative and efficient ways of improving and growing the business. To inspire, a leader must foster a culture of celebration within the organization by appreciating staff and acting compassionately towards them, recognizing team and individual contributions and rewarding them for their efforts. A simple thank you goes a long way. A leader who inspires others is very self-aware and understands the importance relationship and capacity building have on developing leadership skills. Leadership development is not something that happens overnight, but rather it is a life long journey that requires continuous learning. Everyone has the potential to be a leader and inspire others in both good and challenging times. As a result, there is a strong case to be made for developing one’s own leadership skills. For more information on the Leadership Development Program, please contact Business & Leadership Programs at 306.966.5608 or visit www.learntolead.usask.ca. Upcoming programs: Leadership Development Program (LDP) Oct 29 - Nov 26 at the Travelodge, Prince Albert Program Description: www.learntolead.usask.ca/ldp.html Leadership for Frontline Supervisors May 4 - 5, 2010 at the Travelodge, Prince Albert Program Description: www.learntolead.usask.ca/leadershipfrontline.html

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Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon


Pets & Families

Heartwarming Animal “Tails” by Robert WhitE

Charlie Russell with one of the orphan bears he raised and later released.

Positive encounters with


ne Canadian’s extraordinary work proves that it is possible to coexist harmoniously with bears in

the wild. Internationally renowned naturalist Charlie Russell recently spoke to Saskatoon high school students and teacher candidates and faculty at the University of Saskatchewan, about his work with one of the world’s most feared and misunderstood creatures. Russell spent 12 summers in a remote area of Russia’s South Kamchatka peninsula interacting with wild bears and raising and releasing orphan bears into the wild. “I’ve learned the answers to two important questions about bears: that they are not dangerous if they lose their fear of humans, and that they are predictable. I am now spending my time with humans instead of the bears. It is our problem, not theirs. It is our fear and distrust of them that needs to change.” Russell’s visit was hosted by the College of Education, through the John Ranton McIntosh visiting scholar award for 2009. Cameron McRae, a master’s student in the Department of Educational Foundations said, “After hearing Russell I would change my approach to teaching about animals to a relationship prespective.” Carter Cox, an outdoor education teacher from Calgary, came with Russell and lead a workshop for teacher candidates showing how Russell’s ideas can be incorporated in the curriculum. Cox also offered a before-andafter survey at all sessions that showed that participants had significantly changed their views of bears. Dianne Miller, a professor in Educational Foundations, observed an additional benefit. “Many students were able to draw connections between the devaluing of bears and the devaluing of human groups.”


Bear Man of Kamchatka In 1996 Russell and his partner, artist Maureen Enns, built a cabin in the very remote southern tip of the large Kamchatka peninsula which is home to the densest population of brown bears in the world. These bear are the same species as the Rocky Mountain grizzlies, but larger. To add to their challenge, after discovering orphan brown bears at a nearby zoo were to be killed, they began raising the cubs at the cabin, raising a total of ten over several years. A documentary film, Bear Man of Kamchatka, follows Russell as he becomes their surrogate mother, showing them what plants to eat, how to catch fish, and how to escape from predatory male bears. Despite the close bonds developed, the bears went off into the wild to den as they matured. The same bears made a return visit to the cabin the following year, but did not become habituated.

Triumph and tragedy The larger focus of Russell’s work in Kamchatka was developing an anti-poaching program for the South Kamchatka Sanctuary. Though designated a World Heritage Site it had no meaningful protection of wildlife. Russell helped train rangers and develop ecotourism. However, poaching of bears for paws and gall bladders is a growing problem on Kamchatka. According to unofficial estimates, in the spring of 2007 more than 100 bears were killed in the South Kamchatka Sanctuary alone. With government salaries for a ranger only $200 a month, the nature reserve has not been able to hold onto qualified staff. Poachers sell the paws and gall bladders to middlemen, who then illegally send them to East Asia where they fetch high prices for use in traditional medicines. Looking forward Despite the setbacks in Kamchatka, even knowing that bears he raised and released were subsequently killed by poachers, Russell remains optimistic that attitudes to bears can change. His focus now is on reaching the next generation. He said, “If bears are seen as ferocious and unpredictable then there is no possibility of relationship. I want to show children what this animal really is. Ultimately it is not just about bears, but about our relationship with everything. Bears showed me how to think as part of nature.”

SHARING SPACE With people spreading out over more of the planet it is critical to learn to share the land with wild animals. But, the common assumption is that powerful animals like bears are automatically dangerous if they do not fear people. As a result, bears continue to be eliminated, even in national parks. Russell and Enns showed that the natural tendencies of bears will allow for the coexistence of humans and bears in the same habitat, provided that humans can understand the intelligence, instincts, and vulnerabilities of bears, extend respect, and make the appropriate adjustments. Thus, large ranches and other lightly used public lands increasingly important to grizzlies could be shared given the right approaches.

Despite the setbacks in Kamchatka, even knowing that bears he raised and released were subsequently killed by poachers, Russell

Resources Grizzly Heart: Living Without Fear Among the Brown Bears of Kamchatka by Charles Russell and Maureen Enns

remains optimistic that attitudes to bears can change. His focus now is on reaching the next generation.

About Charlie Russell In the documentary Russell summarizes his learnings; “… you have to have a basic understanding to know where you cannot go. This is the edge. You cannot step over this edge. The edge was away back there behind me somewhere, I thought. But I’ve been going ahead and finding, no, the edge is away out here somewhere… So I’m exploring out there… in the unknown…” The project forces a reconsideration of the age-old image of the grizzly bear as a ferocious and perpetual threat.

Charlie Russell came by bears by virtue of his birth. Son of famed naturalist Andy Russell, he grew up on a ranch on the east front of the Rocky Mountains, adjacent to Waterton National Park. In 1961-62 he was a cameraman with his father on the first documentary ever done about grizzly bears in the wild. He later ranched for 18 years. To co-exist with grizzlies he started an interceptive feeding program, placing cows that had died during the winter near bear dens, to keep them away from cow herds that were calving. Alberta Fish and Wildlife and Parks Canada now use this strategy with bears on both sides of the Waterton park boundary every spring.

In 2005, the BBC film Bear Man of Kamchatka was made. In 2007, Canadians Jeff and Sue Turner released their 90minute theatre production entitled The Edge of Eden: Living with Grizzlies, from which much of the footage for the BBC film was taken. To date, this moving film has won 12 awards at both European and North American film festivals. To order, send a cheque for $30 to River Road Films Ltd., Box 356, Princeton, B.C. V0X 1W0, or email skyfilms@xplornet. com. A five-minute clip can be found on youtube under Bear Man of Kamchatka. Pictures from: cloudline.org and celebratetherelationship.blogspot.com

Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section A


Green Lane In Canada, Halloween spending accounted for approximately $1.5 billion in sales in 2007. Here are some tips to put creative fun back into Halloween, save money, and keep it healthier and greener:


The key to a green costume is reuse. Rummage through the closet to find old clothes to create one-of-a-kind costumes. Let your child’s imagination lead the way. For inspiration look through magazines or at websites like familyeducation.com which has all sorts of creative and hilarious costumes. Face make-up is fun to use and does not impair vision like a mask often does. Make-up kits can be used over and over but make sure they use non-toxic materials.


In décor, less is more and with a little planning and creativity, even the least handy DIYers can put together fun Halloween decorations. Pumpkins can be used in recipes after carving if no toxic materials or candles are used in them and of course seeds can also be roasted.

by Robert White


Green Halloween


hrough the magic of marketing, Halloween has become commercialized. Homemade costumes and carving pumpkins is being replaced by a complete industry dedicated to increasing consumer spending and thus resource use and waste. Stores begin stocking with decorations, lights, and costumes right after Labour Day. In terms of consumer spending, Halloween is now the second biggest decorating holiday after Christmas according to Selling Halloween, a magazine dedicated to Halloween retailers.

Collect treats in a reusable cloth or canvas bag or a heavyduty pillow case. Cut back on candy by giving out “treasures,” such as pencils, erasers, polished rocks, stickers, dimes or quarters, glass beads, seeds, or Play-Doh.

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Confederation Mall



Keep your eyes open for healthier treats from responsible companies. Try quality fruit snacks, granola bars, small packs of raisins, or small bags of sunflower seeds. Check out green Halloween websites for inspiration. Have a safe and happy Halloween!

EVENTS Climate Change Walk October 24 A host of local environmental groups are inviting people to gather and share food, fun, art, environmental awareness, and action! Commencing at Kinsmen Park (25th St. and Spadina Cres.) at 10am, the walk will proceed through downtown, to the Farmer’s Market patio, where there will be speakers, food, and a fair trade fair. This local event is part of global events linked to the 350.org movement, focused on the need to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere below 350 parts per million – the safe upper limit now widely agreed upon by scientists. Building Saskatchewan Green Conference & Expo Oct. 29 - 30, TCU Place. A sustainable building and design conference with workshops and keynotes. Call 3846044 or register at www.buildsaskgreen.ca. Sustainable Water & Sustainable Energy Conference Nov. 3- 5, Saskatoon Inn. Details at saskriverbasin.ca.

Nuts have healthy benefits!


recent study shows almonds may offer a helpful boost for those trying to lose weight without compromising their health. According to a study presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity: The Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting, a handful of almonds may actually aid weight management. Obesity statistics are on the rise worldwide — 27 percent of men and 38 percent of women are clinically obese in some parts of Europe and 34 percent the people in the United States. Many are trying to fight back, a fact that is born out by retail market for weight management products, a $3.93 billion industry in the United States. For those working to tip the scale back to a healthy weight, a handful of almonds may be just the thing you need to include in your overall weight management program. According to the study, almonds may be able to help you manage your weight by helping you have the feeling of fullness, known as satiety. The study reports that eating a handful or two of almonds every day may help boost willpower and help you avoid “grazing” in between meals or reverting to old habit to stave off hunger pangs. Study participants consumed two servings (300 calories) of almonds each day for 10 weeks. At the end of the study, the research leader, Richard Mattes from Purdue University, said, “We concluded that the women found their daily almond snack to be very filling, and so they naturally compensated in their caloric intake at other times of the day,” said Mattes. In other words, almond consumption could create a feeling of satiety, thus displacing other foods from the diet and leading to a stable weight.

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Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Business & Technology

Beware of rutting season!

Creative ways to break old habits and create new ones to manage change by Bill Brooks


ow that everyone is back at their jobs after a too-wet summer and a not-long-enough September we’re all about to fall into rutting season. No, I’m not describing the season when male elk are feeling frisky, although that’s one interpretation of the term. What I am describing is falling back into normal, back into the groove, or back into the same ol’ rut. Let’s think about this for a moment. Thanksgiving has come and gone. The weather is starting to get colder and the days much shorter. We’re starting to look forward to Halloween, Remembrance Day and Christmas. The latter is a time to get back together with family and friends for that mid-

winter break. All we have to do is to put our heads down and blast through till then. The major difference, in case you haven’t noticed, is that the world is not “back to normal.” Just over the summer, not to mention the past year or two, the only normal we have known is rapid change. It has put the economy into a tailspin and generally beat up on all of us trying to make a living. Going back to “normal” is probably the worst thing we can do. The downturn in the markets and in the economy has put a strain on traditional business in Canada. Although we are still “hewers of wood and drawers of water” more

International Student Program

Host Families Wanted

The Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools operates an international program in several schools throughout our system. This program brings the world to our students. It helps them to see differing world views and promotes understanding, peace, and harmony. Our students are able to form world-wide friendships and networking opportunities in the future. Students come from various countries. Their placement is primarily high school with some students in upper elementary. The students are here to study for one or more semesters. A fundamental cornerstone of the international program is the homestay experience. It is an integral part of the program because of the sharing of culture, family, and language. English language acquisition is the primary goal of the students who come here. The program has proven to be a highly positive experience for families. International parents are looking for a warm family environment for their children.

We need host families in all areas of the city.

Hosting a student is an exciting cultural exchange. The student reimburses the family $600 a month. Most homestay hosts find this a rewarding and enriching experience for their families.

If you are interested in experiencing a different culture by hosting a student please call Kim Bubnick at our office at 659-7688. Additional information can be found in our homestay guide which is available at: www.gscs.sk.ca/international. / e-mail: international@gscs.sk.ca

and more people are moving away from the natural resource economy and going into business for themselves. Companies are asking their staff to come up with new and great approaches, ideas, processes, products etc. to get them moving and keep them going. What tools are they using – the normal ones? Are we relying on old approaches to give us new insight? This is a bad plan!

Going back to “normal” is probably the worst thing we can do. It’s time to step outside the status quo - the rut - and challenge that mind set with different perspectives, approaches and ways of thinking: new tools for new problems. So what are these new tools? I call them Creative APS (attitudes, processes, and skills). Basically they’re very simple ways of addressing situations that bring you insight and action. You can download them from those of us who facilitate them. However, to be good at them you need to be introduced to them and then, of course, you need to practice them.

22 years in business

The Best care for your Best Friend!

www.ChurchillDogGroomers.com Professional all breed dog and cat grooming


Churchill Shopping Centre Clarence & Taylor (Behind the Dry Cleaners)

From a golfing perspective, you would never consider taking on an extremely difficult opponent, say Tiger Woods, by having a single lesson with a golf pro, and smacking a bucket o’balls. The same is true of resolving difficult situations or uncovering hidden opportunities. A self-help book or a single information session on problem solving or changing perspectives won’t usually cause you to create something different. Without sustained practice you fall back into “the rut” just like you keep slicing or hooking the golf shot. You need to practice with either a coach or a facilitator to help sharpen your skills. As with anything a bit different, working this with a group is a lot more fun and you can build from the wide variety of experiences and knowledge. Some of the best ideas come from the interaction between different ways of thinking. Get your office or your family involved. You’ll be astonished as to just how creatively you can think. So get out of the rut – find a coach or seminar (we do both), get a team together, and start downloading and using the Creative APS. It is time to avoid rutting season. Spend some time breaking old habits and changing old views. Opportunities await – all you have to do is get out of the rut. Bill Brooks is a creative and productive thinking strategist with eclecthink international in Saskatoon (www.eclecthink.com) and a consulting partner with thinkx intellectual capital of Toronto (www.thinkxic.com).

When Is a Good Time? health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or

Lose 10, 20, 30 Pounds Before The New Year! Overcome That Plateau! Take It To The Next Level! Plan for Success and Encounter the New You! Beat the New Years Rush and Join Our Classes today!

Next Class to Start Week of November 9th

“I will have more time to exercise and prepare better meals when the kids grow up; it’s such a busy time of life right now. I will spend more time looking after myself once Barb Maduck I retire from my job. I will start going to the gym and getting myself into better shape on January 1st... that will be my New Year’s resolution!” The fact is there really isn't any “Ideal” time. We have to stop procrastinating and prioritize our health. Our physical and emotional health will not wait for us to make a commitment to personal wellness. We will be faced with daily, weekly, and monthly challenges in all categories of our life such as kids, finances, time, grief, and losses. All these obstacles are part of “real life” and “real life” will present itself on numerous occasions without warning. We have all taken the time to position ourselves financially for the future by investing in R.R.S.P.s, real estate, or long-term savings. We recognize that it is imperative to plan and invest in our future so that we have financial security post-retirement. What kind of investment have we implemented into our personal health and wellness not only for the present but for our future? No one is immune to

injuries. If we do not invest money presently to position our future, we will not have anything to draw from in retirement years. The statement is equally true in regard to our health. We need to invest into our personal health and wellness bank so that we have something to support our health in the future. The term “health wellness" encompasses many elements: good nutrition, intentional exercise, time management, stress management, self-care, and education. The average person becomes overwhelmed and asks themselves... ”Where do I begin?” There is so much information that distracts us from the simplicity of getting started. I have spent fifteen years researching such categories of interest, as, ‘fat metabolism’, ‘maximum caloric expenditure’, ‘15 non-dietary interferences to weight loss’, and ‘minimal exercise commitment with maximum health benefits’. These are just a few categories of interest where I feel I have answers. For more information on “investing into your health and wellness for the future” please contact Partners in Fitness at:

979-PIWM(7496) Email: piwm2@shaw.ca www.partnersinweightmanagement.com


Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Business & Technology

Beware of rutting season!

Creative ways to break old habits and create new ones to manage change by Bill Brooks


ow that everyone is back at their jobs after a too-wet summer and a not-long-enough September we’re all about to fall into rutting season. No, I’m not describing the season when male elk are feeling frisky, although that’s one interpretation of the term. What I am describing is falling back into normal, back into the groove, or back into the same ol’ rut. Let’s think about this for a moment. Thanksgiving has come and gone. The weather is starting to get colder and the days much shorter. We’re starting to look forward to Halloween, Remembrance Day and Christmas. The latter is a time to get back together with family and friends for that mid-

winter break. All we have to do is to put our heads down and blast through till then. The major difference, in case you haven’t noticed, is that the world is not “back to normal.” Just over the summer, not to mention the past year or two, the only normal we have known is rapid change. It has put the economy into a tailspin and generally beat up on all of us trying to make a living. Going back to “normal” is probably the worst thing we can do. The downturn in the markets and in the economy has put a strain on traditional business in Canada. Although we are still “hewers of wood and drawers of water” more

International Student Program

Host Families Wanted

The Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools operates an international program in several schools throughout our system. This program brings the world to our students. It helps them to see differing world views and promotes understanding, peace, and harmony. Our students are able to form world-wide friendships and networking opportunities in the future. Students come from various countries. Their placement is primarily high school with some students in upper elementary. The students are here to study for one or more semesters. A fundamental cornerstone of the international program is the homestay experience. It is an integral part of the program because of the sharing of culture, family, and language. English language acquisition is the primary goal of the students who come here. The program has proven to be a highly positive experience for families. International parents are looking for a warm family environment for their children.

We need host families in all areas of the city.

Hosting a student is an exciting cultural exchange. The student reimburses the family $600 a month. Most homestay hosts find this a rewarding and enriching experience for their families.

If you are interested in experiencing a different culture by hosting a student please call Kim Bubnick at our office at 659-7688. Additional information can be found in our homestay guide which is available at: www.gscs.sk.ca/international. / e-mail: international@gscs.sk.ca

and more people are moving away from the natural resource economy and going into business for themselves. Companies are asking their staff to come up with new and great approaches, ideas, processes, products etc. to get them moving and keep them going. What tools are they using – the normal ones? Are we relying on old approaches to give us new insight? This is a bad plan!

Going back to “normal” is probably the worst thing we can do. It’s time to step outside the status quo - the rut - and challenge that mind set with different perspectives, approaches and ways of thinking: new tools for new problems. So what are these new tools? I call them Creative APS (attitudes, processes, and skills). Basically they’re very simple ways of addressing situations that bring you insight and action. You can download them from those of us who facilitate them. However, to be good at them you need to be introduced to them and then, of course, you need to practice them.

22 years in business

The Best care for your Best Friend!

www.ChurchillDogGroomers.com Professional all breed dog and cat grooming


Churchill Shopping Centre Clarence & Taylor (Behind the Dry Cleaners)

From a golfing perspective, you would never consider taking on an extremely difficult opponent, say Tiger Woods, by having a single lesson with a golf pro, and smacking a bucket o’balls. The same is true of resolving difficult situations or uncovering hidden opportunities. A self-help book or a single information session on problem solving or changing perspectives won’t usually cause you to create something different. Without sustained practice you fall back into “the rut” just like you keep slicing or hooking the golf shot. You need to practice with either a coach or a facilitator to help sharpen your skills. As with anything a bit different, working this with a group is a lot more fun and you can build from the wide variety of experiences and knowledge. Some of the best ideas come from the interaction between different ways of thinking. Get your office or your family involved. You’ll be astonished as to just how creatively you can think. So get out of the rut – find a coach or seminar (we do both), get a team together, and start downloading and using the Creative APS. It is time to avoid rutting season. Spend some time breaking old habits and changing old views. Opportunities await – all you have to do is get out of the rut. Bill Brooks is a creative and productive thinking strategist with eclecthink international in Saskatoon (www.eclecthink.com) and a consulting partner with thinkx intellectual capital of Toronto (www.thinkxic.com).

When Is a Good Time? health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or

Lose 10, 20, 30 Pounds Before The New Year! Overcome That Plateau! Take It To The Next Level! Plan for Success and Encounter the New You! Beat the New Years Rush and Join Our Classes today!

Next Class to Start Week of November 9th

“I will have more time to exercise and prepare better meals when the kids grow up; it’s such a busy time of life right now. I will spend more time looking after myself once Barb Maduck I retire from my job. I will start going to the gym and getting myself into better shape on January 1st... that will be my New Year’s resolution!” The fact is there really isn't any “Ideal” time. We have to stop procrastinating and prioritize our health. Our physical and emotional health will not wait for us to make a commitment to personal wellness. We will be faced with daily, weekly, and monthly challenges in all categories of our life such as kids, finances, time, grief, and losses. All these obstacles are part of “real life” and “real life” will present itself on numerous occasions without warning. We have all taken the time to position ourselves financially for the future by investing in R.R.S.P.s, real estate, or long-term savings. We recognize that it is imperative to plan and invest in our future so that we have financial security post-retirement. What kind of investment have we implemented into our personal health and wellness not only for the present but for our future? No one is immune to

injuries. If we do not invest money presently to position our future, we will not have anything to draw from in retirement years. The statement is equally true in regard to our health. We need to invest into our personal health and wellness bank so that we have something to support our health in the future. The term “health wellness" encompasses many elements: good nutrition, intentional exercise, time management, stress management, self-care, and education. The average person becomes overwhelmed and asks themselves... ”Where do I begin?” There is so much information that distracts us from the simplicity of getting started. I have spent fifteen years researching such categories of interest, as, ‘fat metabolism’, ‘maximum caloric expenditure’, ‘15 non-dietary interferences to weight loss’, and ‘minimal exercise commitment with maximum health benefits’. These are just a few categories of interest where I feel I have answers. For more information on “investing into your health and wellness for the future” please contact Partners in Fitness at:

979-PIWM(7496) Email: piwm2@shaw.ca www.partnersinweightmanagement.com


Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Business & Technology

ZERO 8 After a good night out, if you find yourself without a safe way home for you and your vehicle, Zero 8 Designated Drivers has got you covered. Operating in teams of two, Zero 8 drivers will pick you and your vehicle up. One driver will drive your vehicle home while the other follows behind in the company vehicle. Even though the fees are very reasonable, you can’t put a price on the value of having a safe alternative to impaired driving. “You may tell yourself that the worst thing that can happen when driving impaired is being pulled over by the cops,” says owner Mike Bird. “But it’s not. The worst thing that could happen is killing yourself or someone else. Drunk driving accidents happen all the time, and they shouldn’t happen ever. Getting behind the wheel while impaired is never your only option.” Offering their service to Saskatoon and area, Zero 8 is available seven nights a week. You can book them up to two weeks in advance or last minute. They also offer shuttle service for events such as weddings, sports tournaments, and Christmas parties. No matter how much fun you plan to have, be sure that getting home safely is your first priority. Bookings can be made by calling 262-3308.

Saskatchewan indemand 2009 Saskatchewan indemand 2009, the second annual trade show providing Saskatchewan entrepreneurs with opportunities to showcase and promote their “Saskatchewan Made” products and services, will be held November 6 to 8 at the Prairieland Park. The show is designed to provide opportunities for Saskatchewan entrepreneurs to demonstrate that our province is not only a wealth of agriculture production but a province bursting with value-added products. This event allows for direct consumer purchases, vendor promotion of products and services to other entrepreneurs, and facilitated networking with industry representatives.

Saskatoon Company shoots Doc Walker video Saskatoon’s Fahrenheit Films produced the video for Doc Walker’s current country single, “Coming Home,” earlier this summer. The band flew in from Nashville for the weekend video shoot set in the Qu’Appelle Valley near Craven. “Coming Home” debuted on CMT July 3rd and quickly climbed the charts before striking #1 on the Chevy CrossCanada Countdown’s Top 20 on Sept. 11 where it remained for some time.

BUSINESSBYTES Just a taste of what’s new and innovative on Saskatoon’s business scene. Visitors will experience informative and educational presentations daily. Keynote speakers will present topics highlighting local success stories as well as topics directly targeted to the consumer. Presenters include CJ Katz of Savour Life magazine, an innovator in developing provocative food experiences. CJ is a gourmet cooking instructor; host of The Wheatland Café on CTV; a regular commentator on cooking, dining, and entertaining on CBC radio; and writer for several food magazines and newspapers. On the Cooking Stage, the Saskatoon Chef’s Association will be holding the 2nd Saskatchewan Chef’s Challenge on Friday evening – an Iron-Chef-type competition with chefs using Saskatchewan products. Saturday and Sunday professional Chefs will present several cooking demonstrations. For more information, see www.saskatoonex.com/ indemand/indemand_index.html.

“Coming Home” is Fahrenheit’s second video for Doc Walker, the 2009 Juno Award winners and recent 2009 Fan’s Choice at the Canadian Country Music Awards. Fahrenheit Films Inc. is an award-winning full-service film and video production company specializing in music videos, commercials, documentaries, and lifestyle/reality television. Fahrenheit Films has produced approximately 30 videos for CMT, several achieving top 10 ranking, most of them filmed in various locations around Saskatchewan, with artists from across North America. For more information and to book interviews with Antonio Hrynchuk, principal producer/director of Fahrenheit Films, contact: Susan Busse, Fahrenheit Films, at 281-3652 or email susan@fahrenheitfilms.com; www.fahrenheitfilms.com. free personal consultation to discuss your financial problems & options



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Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section A


YouCit!y Limits


he I Live Within T Cash se I Have $2000 5 Drivers Licen ss la C d li a V a I Have nt Paystubs e rr u C le b a x a I Have 2 T per Month I Make $1800 Are u o t Y n u d o cc n A A k n t a s B i l I Have a Above Check !!!

ith The 00 CASH W 0 5 y f $ i l u a o u Y Q y a u If Yo Will P e W . . . d e Not Approv


Section A • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Express Life is the lifestyles section of the Neighbourhood Express with information about family, health, self-development, and entertainment, including “Heartwarming Animal Tails,” “Journey of Faith,” “Experience Saskatoon,” “Of Community Interest,” and “On The Edge.”

Taking time to reflect


utumn has a nostalgic feel, but our roots in the land and a social life reflective of the cyclical nature of the seasons keeps us looking ahead. Right about now we have the annual spate of fall suppers and craft sales as we celebrate the harvest and settle in for the longer nights and cooler days to come. The colours of the landscape will change, the snow will fly, and the fair-weather flora and fauna will disappear, but the determined rhythm of the seasons will have its effect.

Many younger people are returning to the life they left behind here, perhaps missing the open and bountiful space, perhaps just seeking the unique prairie light. Whatever their reason, the call home is becoming stronger than the lure of the new and different. Fortunately, there is a welcome here and room in the traditional and the emerging economy.

of this ckground a b e th add ents in tive and the elem c , e e p s s u r e f p o sting nd out those an intere Rusting a e id age. For v o r im p n r s e s d le o e verth For very m shoot ne assuring. istory to a e h r f o is e y s it n d a se continu to know texture an ay, such w a n l anchor e fu e r b e w e v o a p o h is a of us wh ver left, it e es. n e v a h ho lse chang e w t s a u h f w o r e e thos o matt remains n d n la the e that th g Winds,” n o tr S r u y , “Fo aditionall his classic tr e in v d a e h r s season son captu new le of the c y As Ian Ty c there are e t th u b d , n s a in ft rema e land at was le pull of th ckground h a w b t g a in h T w y allo e West. place ms at pla th defined th y h r ecome a b ic to m o d n n o c la inter nd e ged. and the h cultural a d e r e v has emer o c n a is d w e e r h e b askatc y behind to Kimberle pride of S d e in m by Karyn r y te h p e d ra g e Photo to be. Th Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i ghbourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B


Journey of Faith

Why Testify? by Jodi Kozan

In preparation for our 10th annual conference this fall, I am thrilled to look back at the growth of our organization has encountered. Not simply in numbers, but the depth of spiritual maturity and connectedness we experience as we reach out to others throughout the province and beyond. Although we change our theme from year to year (2009-2010 being “Flawless”) what stays consistent is our passion to highlight faith stories or “Testimonies” of ordinary women serving an extraordinary God. Some of these stories can be found on our website, www.wjof.com, to help explain the passion behind why it’s important to share one’s story of faith in Christ. Here’s an article from our current magazine by Deidre Havrelock – our faith story coordinator for Women’s Journey of Faith: y favorite show, over the past few Take for instance Stargate’s second movie, up as part of our testimony. years has been “Stargate SG-1.” The Arc of Truth. A quick synopsis goes like Our goal then, in testifying to Jesus, is not I enjoy this show for the obvious this: powerful aliens called the “Ori” use to provide the world with undeniable proof reasons: alien shoot-outs, bumbling yet bril- the guise of “We are Gods, convert or die,” (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that Jesus is liant characters, and of course, well, space. (I to enslave various alien worlds; rebel aliens the world’s Messiah. But rather, our mission adore any show that starts, “Somewhere in a (including humans and the more advanced is to boldly offer a genuine accounting of our distant galaxy...”) But I also love this show for race of Alterans) attempt to fight back. spiritual beliefs and experiences, that, when the less obvious reasons: insightful perspec- While the humans (Stargate’s SG1-Team) combined with other testimonies, provides tives on religion. zip around the galaxy trying to blow up Ori “reasonable evidence” to believe Jesus is alive ships, the Alterans, millions of years earlier, and is the world’s hope: create a machine called the “Arc of Truth.” Who do you believe Jesus is and what One look into this powerful arc forces its have you seen and heard—what have you curious viewers to believe this truth: the Ori experienced—that makes you believe this so are lying and are not gods. They are power- deeply? hungry aliens—do not worship them. It is the Christian testimony, our experiThe dilemma, of course, is forced indoc- ences as followers of a living Jesus, that trination. If the Alterans use this machine bring to light, explain, authenticate, and would they not be the same as the Ori, forc- confirm—not only the message of the Bible, ing their views on others? Ultimately, the but also the events of the Bible—revealing to Alterans bury their indoctrination machine the world Jesus’ true nature, his purpose, his agreeing that, “The only moral way to change un-ending existence and God’s loving characsomeone’s mind—make them see the truth— ter and plan. is to present evidence.” Granted, providing people with personal A Christian testimony, like all testimonies, testimony takes time, more time than a super is about presenting evidence. Hebrews 11:1 powerful indoctrination machine would tells us, “Now faith is the substance of (which, by the way, the SG1-Team digs up things hoped for, the evidence of things not and actually uses), but it is the moral way seen. For by it [faith] the elders obtained a to go about bringing people to truth. As our good testimony.” Faith Story team always says, “We cannot Dale Bridges Simply put, faith in Jesus produces evikeep from speaking about what we have 229-4812 dence (substance) in our lives and it is this seen and heard.” Because speaking about Al Funk evidence (our changed beliefs, changed char221-2223 acter, changed desires, acts of service, healings, spiritual encounters) that is to be offered


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what we have seen and heard—as we live out our faith in Christ—reveals Christ to others. Jodi Kozan is the founder of Women’s Journey of Faith in Saskatoon. Deidre Havrelock is a Faith Story Co-ordinator. For more information visit www.wjof.com.


ENTER TO WIN! Oct. 28/09

Entry deadline:

Free family fun for everyone!

November 8:

Drop-in Sunday from 2–4pm for a story or an art adventure. No registration required.

Draw a landscape you might see from your window.

Remembrance Posters

Commemorate Remembrance Day with a poster design.

Storyteller Wes Fine Day

Aspects of storytelling from a tradi tional knowledge keeper.

November 15:

“Outside My Window” Landscapes

Learn About Genealogy

Tammy Vallee speaks on genealogy and family histories.

November 22:

Accordion Picture Books Create a story in pictures.

November 29:

Artist Trading Cards

November 1:

Make and trade your own artist trading cards.

Build your own mini monument.

Mary Longman Painting Workshop

Monumental Sculptures

Storyteller Bonnie Logan

Artist Mary Longman will guide Enjoy Bonnie’s tell-able songs and you through expressionist painting sing-able tales. using special lights that reveal only tones of colour.

Enter to win two tickets to see the Village People live on Friday, October 30, 8:30pm at TCU Place.

COME IN COSTUME! prizes for best Male, Female & Group! Name: Phone: Address: The winners will be selected by random draw and contacted October 28/09. If no response from winners by the next day, further draws will be made. Mail to or drop off your completed entry form in the mailbox at: Neighbourhood Express 1024A - 8th St. East, Saskatoon, S7H 0R9. One entry per person. No photocopies or mechanical reproductions of the entry forms are permitted.


Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Human Interest We are increasingly rediscovering what First People the world over… have always known – specifically that the land is the matrix of our kinship to the more-than-human world. If land is merely commodity and nature is mere backdrop or aesthetics or resource to be used, we suffer in a self-imposed exile, a placeless existence, which is a soulless one too. – Trevor Herriot

Milne’s Digital images are used in a three screen video presentation to provide the backdrop for layering together photography, painting, and beadwork with documentary footage of the contributors speaking candidly on perceptions of the land. our culture, is that “we are all part of the earth, the earth governs us, we don’t own the earth, we don’t govern it.” Many of the contributors to this exhibition are leaders and innovators in their field. Three, by Robert White in particular, have been recognized in recent t merges voices and images, traditional and avant-garde, weeks for their outstanding achievements. Trevor Herriot’s the wisdom of elders and the reflections of naturalists Grass, Sky, Song: Promise and Peril in the World of Grasslands and scientists, but all speak of how we understand and Birds, was short-listed for a Governor General’s Literary inhabit the land. “Inspired by the Land” is a timely and Award and for a Writers’ Trust award and short-listed for dynamic exhibition which challenges us to rethink our rela- three Saskatchewan Book Awards. Courtney Milne was tionship to the land. just honoured as one of the 100 most influential graduates “It brings together the work and reflections of over twenty from the College of Arts and Science at the U of S. Sharon artists, writers, elders, and scientists from across western Butala has been selected as one of 12 recipients of the 2009 Canada,” said Dean Bauche, curator of the exhibition and Saskatchewan Order of Merit to be awarded in November. director of Allen Sapp Gallery. The exhibition at the Chapel These most recent awards underline the importance of Gallery in North Battleford combines traditional media this exhibition and the important role of art and artists in with synchronized multi-screen installation and surround asking “what is the meaning of land?” It is timely, given that sound to explore their visions, hopes, and fears on how we Saskatchewan is facing major decisions on expanding energy see and use the land. production and resource extraction and the world prepares In the video installation, Trevor Herriot, award-win- to make agreements respecting climate change. Both First ning Saskatchewan writer speaks to the importance of Nation views of land, and artistic perception and creativity, understanding traditional First Nation views of the land. are vital in creating development that is sustainable. He emphasizes that all cultures have indigenous, pre-agriIn this light, Courtney Milne reflected, “The most imporcultural roots in which spirituality and religion embedded tant aspect of the project for me is the realization that land people in the land. Thus, by encountering and including and water have consciousness and that we as human beings First Peoples with respect, “…we have a chance of learning are part of that and as such it is our responsibility to be about our own past and seeing where we can all go now caretakers of our planet.” together.” Milne’s work is exhibited in three formats featuring a colWes Fine Day, elder and storyteller, eloquently outlines lection of large prints from his “Pool of Possibilities” series how worldview determines our relationship to the land. The and for the first time his images have been mounted to crysancient and evident reality, which is not taken to heart in tal. Milne’s digital images are used in a three screen video


presentation to provide the backdrop for layering together photography, painting, and beadwork with documentary footage of the contributors speaking candidly on perceptions of the land. In addition to the contributors mentioned, the exhibition includes work by the following; elder, Judy Bear (Judy-kisikaw A Bear); photographer, Richard Baschak; writer, Sharon Butala; painters, Allen Sapp and Jean E. Sonmor; scientist, Glenn Sutter; soundscape, Charles Fox and Angela Edmunds; music, Electric Skychurch; poet, Ovide Mercredi; beadwork, Marcia Chickness; sculptors, Noelle Lucas, Lyndon Tootoosis, and Darwin Atcheynum; birch bark biting, Angelique Merasty; and baskets, Margaret Naytowhow. “Inspired By the Land” runs until November 1, 2009 (Wednesday to Sunday 12 to 4 pm) at the Chapel Gallery. The public is welcome at the reception October 24, at 7pm at which most of the artists and contributors will be in attendance and music and readings offered. For information see www.chapelgallery.ca. Scroll down to find link to five minute video clip which is well worth viewing. To view Courtney Milne’s on-line gallery see www.courtneymilne.com or www.poolofpossibilities.com. Trevor Herriot keeps an excellent blog at www.trevorherriot.blogspot.com. The show is also booked for the Allen Sapp Gallery in North Battleford from November14 to April 4, 2010.

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• October 21, 2009 • Section B


Healthy Lifestyles

Rethinking eating by Barb Maduck


f you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. If you do not like what you are getting, then you need to make some changes. We need to be aware of the behaviours that are interfering with our permanent weight loss. Ask yourself such questions as, “Do I eat dessert and leftovers even if I feel full after a meal?”, “Do I sneak food?”, “Do I often engage in nighttime eating or engage in behaviours such as binge eating?” Without taking the time to evaluate such incompatible

behaviours, we will surrender to the counterproductive habits. Again, if we do not like the results we are getting, then we need to make the changes. We often minimize the health benefits that we can receive when we make the small changes. Remember that every small decision that you make is a contribution to your own personal wellness. The following are some simple substitutions that are helpful in combating behaviours that are getting in the way of your permanent weight loss.


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To change this eating habit… Substitute these incompatible behaviours: Fast Eating • After your food is placed in front of you, wait five minutes before you eat it. • Place small mouthfuls of food on your fork or in your spoon. • Completely swallow food from each mouthful before you add any more to your fork or spoon. • Put your utensils down between bites. • Use smaller utensils – a cocktail fork, for example – no soup spoons, ladles, or other oversize tableware for shoveling in food. • Consciously take time to taste, chew, and savour the food you eat. • Stretch out your meals, mak-

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• Avoid ordering super-size meals; opt for regular or kiddies’ portions instead.

We need to be aware of the behaviours that are interfering with our permanent weight loss. ing them last thirty minutes instead of five or ten, to allow for a reduction in hunger. One way to do this is to take a five-minute break about ten minutes into your meal. • Take sips of water or other non-caloric beverages between bites. • Introduce a one or two minute delay between courses. Eating while standing or on the move • Localize your eating; select one area of your home – your dining room, breakfast nook, or some other area reserved only for eating – and eat all of your food at a designated table in the area. That includes regular meals, snacks and beverages. • Never eat while driving in your car, standing in front of your open refrigerator; reading a book, magazine, or newspaper; sitting in your bed; or talking on the phone. In other words, do not pair other behaviours with eating. Doing so only distracts your attention from your eating behaviour, and you will lose all sense and awareness of how much you are consuming. Eating oversize portions • Measure your food if you’re afraid of overeating. • Use a smaller plate for your meals. • Purchase single-serving foods. • At restaurants, order one meal and ask for two plates so that you can split the meal with your spouse, date, or other dinner companion.

Eating in several rooms in your home • Designate only one place – your kitchen or dining room table – and eat all your meals there. Night time eating • Brush your teeth in the evening to signal that you’ve finished eating for the night Snacking while watching television • Eat only in your designated eating place – at your kitchen or dining room table. • Eliminate all distraction while eating – including television (turn it off). Overeating at parties or social events • Eat low-calorie foods before you go. • Concentrate on people and conversation, not on food. • Position yourself away from the food or buffet table. Barb Maduck operates Partners in Fitness and Weight Management Studio at 1111-8th Street East in Saskatoon. She can be contacted at 979-7496.

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Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

Eating leftovers • Put away all the food involved in preparing a meal. • Clean the table of serving plates. • Leave the table after you’ve finished eating. • Have someone else clean leftovers off the plates after meals. • Leave some food on your plate. • Purchase food in smaller packages or quantities so that you rarely have leftovers.

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Healthy Lifestyles

Inner ear infection by Robynne Smith

Coordination Clumsiness (dropping or bumping into things), imbalance, unsteadiness, wobbliness, and difficulty walking straight – Your sense of balance has been affected and there is a difference in the number of signals from each ear going to the brain. Most people with inner ear problems have measurable loss of balance either for static (standing positions) or dynamic balance (balancing while moving, walking, and turning). Muscle and joint pain, sensation of heavy weights on the head – Because of dizziness and imbalance, we become fearful of moving or too sensitive to move too much. If this becomes prolonged, then our muscles and joints become stiff and harder to move. Through the signals from the inner ear to the brain, muscle tension is regulated through the vestibulo-spinal reflex. Changes to this system may affect the tension in the muscles.


he inner ear, also called the labyrinth, is a delicate sensory device located in the small round bone just behind the ear called the mastoid process. It has two parts, the cochlea, which is involved in hearing, and the vestibular apparatus, which is our major balance organ. Delicate hairs inside the vestibular apparatus detect motion of the head or head tilt in relation to gravity as well as sense sound. Inner ear infections are usually not accompanied with ear pain as are the middle ear infections that are more common in children. Infections of the inner ear are usually caused by viruses and less often by bacteria. Inflammation causes damage to the eighth cranial nerve (CN VIII) also called the vestibulo-cochlear nerve, and to the small sensory hair cells. The result of the virus attack can leave people with vertigo, dizziness, balance difficulties, vision concerns, and possible hearing changes.

Inner ear infections are usually not accompanied with ear pain as are the middle ear infections that are more common in children. If the virus attacks the entire nerve and labyrinth there will be both hearing loss and vestibular loss. In many cases, the virus only attacks the vestibular portion of the nerve, keeping hearing intact but the vestibular apparatus sustains damage, called vestibular neuritis or vestibular neuronitis. In the first few days of a viral or bacterial attack, you will feel extreme dizziness, nausea, vomiting, inability to walk, and all movements cause the symptoms to increase. I know exactly what this feels like as I had a vestibular neuritis 10 years ago, just after I had started to treat people with inner ear problems. It was one of the most unpleasant experiences I have ever had. After the initial few days, symptoms usually settle down and you can return to function. For some people the symptoms persist longer than expected and this can be bothersome, ranging from mild to limiting daily activities, work or sports and recreation. Symptoms will also vary considerably from one person to another as to what symptom are present or to what intensity they will be expressed. When the symptoms persist for a long time, they can be obscure or frightening. But on the other hand, many of these symptoms can be explained from the inner ear point of view. The list below outlines the various symptoms that can be associated with inner-ear disorders. These will not apply to everyone and some people may experience many while some only will feel a few symptoms. Even so, this list may aid those who have been unable to make sense out of their seemingly abnormal sensations and symptoms.

symptoms of inner ear concerns mentioned above, the brain is being bombarded by many and perhaps conflicting signals. As well, any medications may also be contributing to drowsiness or changes in thought processes.


Vision Jumping of objects or words, reading difficulty, writing difficulty – Vision can be affected as the inner ear and eyes are connected through the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and when the inner ear has had damage to one side, the eyes will flicker in a side-to-side manner that you may not see but when trying to focus on an image, you might see movement or blurring. Tendency to look down. Discomfort when focusing at a distance – The inner ear infections affect balance and we become more dependent on our eyes for balance. By keeping your eyes on the ground you will feel more secure. Night blindness – As mentioned above, we become dependent on our eyes for balance, so when trying to move around in the dark, we will feel more off balance than before the ear damage. Moving or flickering lights may be disturbing; busy patterns are hard to look at – We become more sensitive to movement around us if our eyes are not able to stay in coordination with our head or if we are dependent on our eyes for our balance. The eyes sense movement around us, but the inner ear is supposed to tell the brain if it is us or the world moving, and we become unsteady or not ‘grounded.’

Hearing Hearing can fluctuate, be lost completely or be unaffected – This depends upon which part of the vestibulo-cochlear nerve is damaged. Distortions such as popping, clicking, ringing, or buzzing can occur – Inner ear noises can be present from the damage to the inner ear or also from possible TMJ issues that may be present. Anxiety about the dizziness and balance concerns may cause clench-

ing or grinding of the teeth and may cause ear noise in some people. Loud environments may be uncomfortable or sickening – Many people will develop hyperacusis or sensitivity to noise. You might think the TV is too loud or that music is too much for you to listen to. As well, most loud environments are also full of people and may be darker with flashing or moving lights (such as in bars, concerts, etc), which may become overwhelming.

Nausea Continual or intermittent nausea, a “hangover” feeling or seasick sensation in the head and/or stomach, motion sickness, vomiting – This is a very common complaint, again in varying degrees, for people after damage to the inner ear. Motion sensitivity is usually caused by a mis-match between what the eyes and the ears are telling the brain. When the eyes do not sense motion and the inner ear does, we can become dizzy or nauseated (back seat of a car as a child, or inside a boat on rough water). If you were motion sick in a car as a child, you may have more sensitivity to motion if you now have inner ear problems. Also, when we are sick for an extended period of time and don’t move, we become very sensitive to any movement and our threshold to make us nauseated have become lowered. Any little movements are now triggering symptoms.

Memory Poor memory, may lead you to forget what you are talking about or grope for words. You may also have confusion, disorientation, and an inability to comprehend directions or instructions – During an extended period of sickness or pian, , the brain is focused on the symptoms and it is more difficult to think clearly. With all the

Loss of self-reliance, self-confidence, self esteem; distractiability, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, depression – This is a very large category and I will not address it completely here. When a person has a chronic condition of any kind, emotional concerns can develop over time, especially when not able to return to full function. If the inner ear problems have not been fully explained then there is always the concern that there is something more serious happening, leading to frustrations and more anxiety, which then magnifies all the symptoms to a higher level. The grocery store is a very challenging place for someone with an inner ear problem. Walking through the busy environment with long rows of shelves, the eyes pick up all the patterns. The floor might be shiny (glare) and there may be fluorescent lights (which have a flicker effect). People are walking past you (movement around you) and you have to scan for your items – moving your head, looking up and down, bending down to reach items (motion of you). There is music or noise, and motors of the freezers running (hearing concerns). You may become dizzy, off balance, nauseated, or just not feel well. You might end up avoiding shopping all together, not from fear or a phobia but because of the symptoms from the inner ear.

Other Symptoms Discomfort caused by temperature changes, pressure changes, wind currents or worsened by high altitude (flying, driving in mountains) – some people have a sensitivity to barometric pressure or may need to cover their ears when outside. Fatigue: everyday tasks are exhausting – as I always explain to my clients, the brain has to sort out all these symptoms which can be conflicting and can be intense. The brain becomes over taxed and I call it more of a ‘brain fatigue’ instead of a physical fatigue. Most activities can make a person tired and when over-tired, the symptoms of the inner ear concerns can be increased. It can become a vicious cycle. Robynne Smith is a physiotherapist at Off Broadway Physiotherapy and Dizziness Clinic. She can be contacted at 933-2619 or email saskbalance@sasktel.net or see www.SaskBalance. com.

Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i ghbourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B


Healthy Lifestyles

Tomatoes! Tomatoes! Tomatoes! by Paulette Millis

A learning environment with an ambient flare C o mm e n t a r y b y P a m e l a W a r d e n

Recently I visited a couple spas with a twist. They are both learning centres and esthetics schools. Now I remember the days when I went to school, and those schools certainly didn’t look like this.


went and visited Marie (Operations Well done to the team at Spa Academy! Manager) at the Spa Academy on 33rd I also popped in to visit with Janice, the and I felt as if I was walking into a pro- principal at Marca College, to see how her fessional spa as Marie gave me a tour. The year-long renovations were going. The school music was soothing and playing throughout has taken on a huge transformation. After the spa/school and the colours were calming. getting a glimpse of the cosmetology side, I “One can expect a unique service when was excited to see what the spa area would they come to a spa/school. The students look like. And believe me, it was a delight. learn in a spa environment which is unique There was a relaxed contemporary feel. With in itself,” says Marie. several areas to visit, Janice first took me to Spa Academy takes smaller classes. You a larger room where the students do most of don’t see rows of students when you enter. their services. There was a pedicure exam in The classes can vary in size based on whether process so we tip-toed through. The ambior not the students are attending a full ence in the room was so calm and soothesthetic course or a modular class such as ing. There were also several esthetic beds hands and feet. which could be made private. The colours “A smaller class offers more one-on-one were warm, accented with complementary time with the instructor.” says Marie. furnishings and the music was playing softly The Spa Academy’s Director of Education, through out the spa/school and the students’ Veronica Lyne Swerky, has been teaching for models looked relaxed. I would have to say ten years. She has been dedicated to esthetics Marca achieved their goal of revamping for twenty years. their school into a relaxing spa environment. If you want to book at the Spa Academy They’ve also added an aromatherapy steam for spa services, Marie recommends that you shower to complement the two private spa book ahead just as you would any special rooms where they can do body wraps. occasion. The student prices are about half What a wonderful environment both these the price of the professional services (e.g. spa/schools have. Both have created an envitwenty dollars for a regular pedicure). ronment with great education and a relaxing I could see how a smaller setting would experience for clients to enjoy. I recommend be inviting. Even though they were offering trying a spa/school. They offer a fabulous a more intimate approach, they didn’t spare experience that is not so bad on the beauty anything in comfort and sophistication. budget. Pamela Warden is a freelance make-up artist, esthetician and stylist.


all is all about tomatoes. If you planted tomatoes in your garden, about now you are wondering what to do with all of these beautiful nutritious red orbs covering every surface in your kitchen. Read on – there is more to preserving tomatoes than the old standbys of canning and freezing. Tomatoes have the benefit of being low in calories, while being high in vitamin C and vitamin A. Lycopene, the red pigment in tomatoes, ruby red grapefruit, and red peppers, is a phytonutrient valued for its powerful cancer-fighting benefits. In Saskatoon we savour the wonderful flavour of fresh home-grown tomatoes, compared to the tasteless, firm, and sometimes apple-like products available in supermarkets in winter! One hates to eat out when pale orange and crunchy tomato slices are put on salads and other entrees. I prefer to store our tasty fresh tomatoes in a variety of ways to use throughout the winter, rather than purchase those shipped from distant places, and ripened with ethylene gas. To speed the ripening process, place tomatoes in a paper bag along with an apple. Store tomatoes on the counter, not the fridge, which retards the ripening process. How about making your own Hot Sauce, Tomato Garlic Ketchup, Barbecue Sauce, (see Eat Away Illness for these recipes) tomato juice, tomato sauce and puree, salsa (see raw recipe to follow), dried tomatoes, and my all time favourite – slow roasted until they feel like shoe leather (recipe to follow). These little disks are wonderful to eat as is. They are useful in many entrees, and particularly good on pizzas and panini. If you don’t have a dehydrator, dry your tomato slices in the oven with the light on and the door left open.


The above information is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace any instruction from medical or health professionals.

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Paulette Millis is a speaker and author of Eat Away Illness and other publications. She can be contacted at eatingforhealth@sasktel.net or by visiting www.healingwithnutrition.ca.



Heavenly Health


Slow Roasted Tomato Disks

(these are soooo good!) Washed and dried tomatoes Rosemary or thyme Celtic sea salt Slice tomatoes evenly and place on cookie sheets. May cut into wedges. Sprinkle with salt and crumbled rosemary or thyme. Place small uneven ends and other odd-sized pieces on a separate tray, to avoid having to remove the large tray before the majority are finished. Slow roast in a 300 Fahrenheit oven until the texture of shoe leather. Remove from oven, and see if you can avoid eating all of them! Place the ones you wish to store on parchment paper on a clean cookie sheet and freeze. When frozen remove to a ziplock bag or other storage container and keep in freezer until needed. Use on pizzas or any dish that calls for tomatoes.

Quick Pizza Lunch

One small wrap – whole grain, Ezekiel, or brown rice wrap for gluten free Salsa Slow roasted tomato slices Thinly sliced onion Thin slices of zucchini, red pepper, green pepper, or any preferred vegetable Feta or cheese of choice Shrimp, small pieces of cooked chicken, or other source of protein Layer the salsa, vegetables, tomato disks, and cheese and protein on the wrap and bake or broil in a hot oven until vegetables are tender. I like to pile on the vegetables, and eat this thin crusted pizza with a fork and knife!

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Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Fresh Raw Salsa

3 to 4 ripe tomatoes, coarsely chopped 2 green onions, thinly sliced 2 tbsp. extra virgin oil ½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped ¼ tsp. chipotle powder Zest and juice of 2 limes 1 ripe avocado, peeled and diced Sea salt and fresh pepper to taste Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. Cover and allow to sit for half an hour to allow flavours to marry. Makes about 2 cups. (from Alive Magazine August 2009)

Healthy Lifestyles

Is that my Grandma on roller blades? Seniors and physical activity by Shelly Luhning


e have all heard it before – the importance of exercise! The benefits of physical activity for promoting health and preventing illness are well known – however, studies report that most seniors in Canada do not engage in enough activity to keep fit. Exactly how important is exercise once I am over 65? Should I even be exercising when I am over 65? What if I fall? What about my medical conditions? These are all questions that many seniors ask themselves. How important is physical activity if I am over 65? Research has clearly shown that physical activity improves muscle strength and endurance, aerobic capacity, blood pressure, flexibility, physical function, and blood lipids at any age. In the aging population, physical activity has also shown to be important for the health of muscles, bones, and joints, which can degenerate and cause a loss of general function if not exercised regularly. An exercise program consisting of walking, and strength, balance, and flexibility training can lead to a significantly slower decline in activities of daily living. This means you will

be less likely to need assistance with activities such as walking, bathing, getting dressed, and cleaning your home. Adequate daily physical activity is important for maintaining functional ability and independence as you age.

There is hope for those who have been waiting on the couch for the right time to start an exercise program: it’s never too late to start.

Physical activity not only has an important effect on physical health but also on mental health in older adults. Remaining active throughout your life can improve your cognitive function as you age. Exercising will help to keep your mind sharp. What if I fall? Many seniors worry about falls, therefore restrict the activities that they do. As you age, your tendency to fall increases, often with serious consequences. Recent studies offer some encouraging news – exercise may not only protect your bones, but also help keep you from falling in the first place. Seniors who have been physically active throughout their lives and remain so after retirement

have significantly better balance; therefore suffer fewer falls than those seniors who have a sedentary lifestyle. But wait! There is hope for those who have been waiting on the couch for the right time to start an exercise program: it’s never too late to start. Once a program is started your balance, coordination and muscle strength will improve thus decreasing the chance of a fall.

What about my medical conditions? Seniors have many concerns regarding existing health conditions. Perhaps medications are the concern, or you may just not be feeling well enough to do 30 minutes of exercise a day. Don’t worry! Small steps can be taken toward making physical activity part of your everyday routine. Be sure to speak to your doctor or other health professional before starting a new exercise plan. Although your health professional may give you some restrictions on an exercise program, they will also be able to assist you in finding a program that will meet your needs. Maybe it is as simple as changing one of your medications that is causing unwanted side effects. Physically active seniors are at a lower risk for morbidity, mortality, and loss of function than sedentary seniors. Physically active seniors also have improved sleep and quality of life. There are many ways to be active. Physical activity can be done at home, with friends or family, or in your community. My advice – get active so that you can stay healthy, live longer, sleep better and enjoy life! Shelly Luhning, R.N. BScN MN resides in Saskatoon.

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• October 21, 2009 • Section B


Healthy Lifestyles

Are you at risk?

Breast cancer survivor urges early detection


ur scenery may be changing with the season to rich golden tones of autumn, but October is also filled with splashes of pink. It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month with events, fundraisers, and lots of pink things being sold to raise money for breast cancer research. The message this year, as for years before, is ‘early detection saves lives,’ spreading the message that breast awareness and incorporating monthly breast self exams (BSEs) into your life could save your life. The message couldn’t have been clearer for breast cancer survivor Laurie Bonello, author of Across the Void: Through Cancer and Into Life. The former Blind Bay resident was an unlikely candidate as far as risk patterns were concerned. She wishes she had been more breast aware when she was told she had an aggressive form of breast cancer six years ago. “I discovered the lump myself shortly after my regular doctor’s exam where no lump was detected in the exam. I had so many things in my favour, no family history, I was young – 37, I lived a healthy lifestyle. Six months after an all-clear from my regular physical exam I found out I had an invasive form of cancer in my breast.” A small change in her breasts triggered her to do a BSE where she then found the lump. “I saw a bit of discolouration in my breast that looked like light bruising – a very small patch which I found later is something to really pay attention to. I kicked myself that I hadn’t incorporated regular BSEs into my life. Had I been doing BSEs I might have noticed earlier when things started to feel different.” The lump, when she found it, was only 1 cm. She was sent for a mammogram, which revealed nothing – not uncommon for

by Tara Miller

“I share the ways that I used to cross the void to deal level of self awareness. “My reminder was that with loss and learning how to live when you’re not who you were and not yet who you’re becoming.”

younger women because their breast tissue is naturally more dense. An ultrasound showed the lump and she was referred to a surgeon for a fine-needle biopsy to examine the tissue of the lump to identify whether the lump was benign or cancerous. The biopsy was also inconclusive so she was scheduled for a lumpectomy to remove the lump (examine it in it’s entirety along with some surrounding breast tissue). The lump was finally removed three months after it was discovered. A week later she was told the tumour was breast cancer and in it’s aggression had already spread to surrounding breast tissue. “It was confusing and overwhelming. One thing was so fortunate was that my oncologist was always hopeful – even when he gave me the bad news and all the statistics, he was hopeful.” Bonello’s book describes her journey with a rollercoaster of emotions with fear being paramount. In a perfect medical system, any suspicious lump could be tested, removed, examined with results back within a week and any cancer result should be afforded immediate surgery. Bonello had to wait a month knowing her lump was an aggressive form of

breast cancer before her surgery date came up and it could be removed. The wait increased the fear as Bonello waded through her own questions and research wondering if alternative therapies would be as effective as the traditional method of treatment that involved injecting what she refers to as a “toxic cocktail” into her body that would hopefully kill the cancer along with everything else in its path. “The purpose of the book – it’s more of a story than a how-to book or a selfhelp book. It’s different in that I share the ways that I used to cross the void to deal with loss and learning how to live when you’re not who you were and not yet who you’re becoming. Initially I read so much when I first found my diagnosis. I really wanted someone else’s story. “It was an intense couple of years. I had to learn how to exist in this new normal – in a way I could find peace in the midst, because the biggest thing was recognizing that I couldn’t change what was going on around me. Realizing that our thoughts create our feelings I really worked on paying attention to what was going on in my head, instead of allowing myself to give in to the fear. I had a choice to suffer through the possibilities or to simply trust that I would do the best I could no matter what happens. It was a shift in mental attitude from fear to trust.” Though Bonello would not want to repeat the past, this journey has led her to a new

I survived through the fact that I had breast cancer. Instead of creating more fear. It was a huge thing to focus on my values for life and find ways to live congruent with what I value in life. Six years later – I focus on what I want out of life. No matter what happens to you, you need to make sure you’re really living.” Admittedly cliché, Bonello says it really is true. Making the BSE part of a monthly routine is her biggest message. She was young, healthy, and without traditional risk factors when her aggressive form of cancer was detected and she is passionate about this message. “You have to do this; it’s a few minutes once a month and you are worth it.” Bonello is officially out of the cancer system for the past five years and back to what she calls a “new normal.” She now includes a monthly BSE as part of her healthy living program of eating well, exercising, and reducing stress. “There have been blessings in it for me. I’m a much happier person now, I feel better, and I feel healthier than I did before the breast cancer. I’ve made my health a higher priority. I change how I respond to stressful things – I’m better all the way around but I want to share that there’s a way to do it without having a serious loss of health.” More information about Laurie Bonello’s book can be found at www.acrossthevoid.ca and she can be contacted through her website www. theroadtolife.ca. More information on breast cancer, being breast aware and local events and fundraising activities can be found at the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation website at http://www.cbcf.org.

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Healthy Lifestyles

The human body in movement

The Mitzvah Technique - a unique method to correct posture, relieve pain and stress, and maintain a healthy body structure by Kathy Morgan


omething critical is missing in our eternal quest for good health. We pride ourselves on putting so much effort into keeping fit through diet, exercise, sports, and a multitude of other activities. Yet we ignore, twenty-four hours a day, a fundamental cause of our aches and pains and deteriorating health—the manner in which we interfere with and abuse our bodies throughout each day—things we all exhibit from early childhood such as defective and destructive postural patterns which build up tension, stress, and poor coordination. Most of us remain unaware both of the interference with our body performance and of the damage these things cause to our health. These kinds of problems affect all of us from the very young to the old. Unfortunately most of us have grown up not knowing that there is a better health standard. F.M. Alexander, who developed a form of bodywork called the Alexander Technique, was one of the first to acknowledge unhealthy postural patterns and their effect on body performance. In the 1960s a professional dancer named Nehemia Cohen was sent to study the Alexander Technique in England. Then returning to his homeland in Jerusalem, Israel, Nehemia studied with and became a colleague of Moshe Feldenkrais, creator of a bodywork method known as Feldenkrais. As Nehemia continued his research of the human body in movement, he spent several years observing the Bedouin people of the Sinai Dessert. It was during this investigation that he became aware of what he subsequently called The Mitzvah Principle. What Nehemia saw when the Bedouin people walked through the deep sand of the desert is an exaggeration of what should occur in every well-balanced, properly working human body. When taking a step downward, Nehemia could define an interplay of forces that showed how the pelvis activated a rippling movement up the spine, allowing the head to balance freely on top of the spine. The Mitzvah Principle allows the muscles to release throughout the body, which lets the bones move into proper alignment. From early childhood on we all interfere with The Mitzvah Principle—we confine the body, particularly in the long hours of sitting at desks in school, at work, driving vehicles, etc., and it thus loses its proper way of operating. Amelia Itcush, one of Canada’s first modern dancers, grew up in Regina and moved to Toronto to become a founding member




A gentle, non-invasive, hands on method. The Mitzvah Principle allows the Amelia Itcush, demonstrates technique on Kathy Morgan. of the Toronto Dance Theatre. It was during her distinguished career that Amelia started having some physical pain problems. While developing her own movement method to address these problems, she was introduced to Nehemia Cohen and became his first student. After years of training with him, Amelia was constantly developing a new understanding of the body’s potential to correct itself structurally in order to bring about a dynamic form of posture. She developed new approaches to hands-on tablework, exercises, and the underlying principle of this work, and named these developments The Itcush Method. The Mitzvah Technique corrects postural problems that are often the result of habitual misuse of the body’s posture. These postural faults can be the underlying causes of body and back pain affecting millions of people all over the world and are a major cause of postural and spinal deformities affecting adults and children. Slouching is one of the most frequent postural problems. Most of us have this tendency, to some degree, whether we are aware of it or not. Slouching, sitting at computers, sedentary lifestyles, repetitive activities, trauma, and poorly designed furniture, all interfere with healthy postural functioning. Slouching is a major cause of interference

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muscles to release throughout the body, which lets the bones move into proper alignment. with The Mitzvah Principle working in the body. This pattern blocks and holds down the upward motion of the pelvis, spine, and head. Interference deepens as the head and neck poke forward, the chest squeezes inward, the upper back hunches, the spine twists downward, and the pelvis pushes forward. Many problems can develop from slouching patterns including tension and stress build-up; headaches; migraines; neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee, leg, and ankle pain; pinched nerves; joint pain; poor co-ordination; sleep disorders; and respiratory and circulatory problems. Postural improvement, as a result of The Mitzvah Technique, promotes the release of tension and stress; alleviates pain and traumas; improves body mechanics, mobility, body performance, circulation, co-ordination, concentration, breathing and voice quality, and general health. This technique is suitable for all ages, benefitting everyone from the most sedentary to the most active. The Mitzvah approach to body re-education teaches you how to independently maintain healthy postural habits with gentle, easyto-learn exercises. This type of bodywork brings permanent, positive, structural changes to the body, and you will start to notice

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The Mitzvah Technique is a gentle, noninvasive, hands-on method that involves tablework, chair work, and exercises to restore freedom of movement to the body (The Mitzvah Principle), and allow students to have greater physical awareness. It is the one exercise for total fitness and could be the prerequisite for all forms of fitness and conditioning. Kathy Morgan (Beckett) is a certified teacher in The Mitzvah Technique as taught by Amelia Itcush. Kathy has a private practice in Saskatoon and offers individual sessions, classes, and lecture demonstrations. She can be contacted at 3733751 or email km.morgan@hotmail.com

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improved posture and freedom of movement with every step you take. By doing Mitzvah exercises and walking, the body can be maintained well into senior years.

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Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i ghbourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B


Healthy Lifestyles

On the road to great health Maintaining good health vs rebuilding health by Dr. Michele Kralkay


aintaining good health is much easier than rebuilding health. I speak from personal experience. I do find that there are just about as many ways to recover from dis-ease, as there are people in



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this world. Maintaining good health requires you to do the things everyday that keep you healthy and avoid the things that pull you down. Listen to what the body is telling you. To rebuild your health, there are five rules that apply. First, you need to want to get better. For some people their illness is serving them quite well and when asked what they would do if they did not need to deal with this situation, they honestly do not know how to answer and some are even afraid to go there. It would be such a huge change to their lives and even their personality. Others can’t imagine wanting to stay in that state and can hardly wait until they are freed from their dis-ease. Second, you must commit to whatever it takes to get you in better health. It may be a combination of conventional (allopathic) and complementary therapies. It will most definitely include lifestyle changes – “You are building a body that did not build the dis-ease.“ And it will

almost surely require diet changes. Third, no excuses!! Blame and avoidance are part of the decline of health. Take responsibility for who you are now and who you will be when you are in better health. It is your body. You have complete control over what goes in or on your body, including thoughts. Do not give your power away. Fourth, find support. It is hard to build your health on your own. There are good days and more good days the better you get. You need someone to celebrate with. And there are bad days, some of which drag you down to your core. You need someone to help pull you out of the self-sabotage. You may find support in friends and family. You may find support in the health professionals you have chosen to guide you on your path. You may find support in local or online support groups. Just do not isolate yourself. But, do distance yourself from negative comments and negative people. Fifth, educate yourself! The more informed you are about your individual body needs and

reactions, the better you are equipped to take an active and positive role in your healing. How do you react to that medication or supplement? How does your body respond when you do this activity? What happens with your dis-ease when you think these thoughts? Do you know all that you can about your illness? Statistics are the average of a variety of inputs. You may not be middle-of-the-road normal, but gravitate towards one end or the other of the normal spectrum. You need to find out what that is. What is the progression of your dis-ease? What should you expect during your healing process? Your health is in your hands. Keep it as precious as your most cherished possession. Michele Kralkay, DNM, RHN, is a health consultant, lecturer and author of A Cookbook for Naturally Good Health. She is also certified in many healing modalities. Contact her at www.buildhealthnaturally.com or call 4774480.

Stress can make your stomach churn (NC) – There’s a good chance your heartburn or indigestion is not a symptom of a serious health problem. Leading diagnostic labs tell us they are seeing an increase this year in doctor-requested tests for this complaint, and the reason may be an increase in stress levels. “Compared to previous years, we’re performing significantly more tests to detect gastrointestinal-related illnesses,” says Dr. Michael Kelly at LifeLabs in British Columbia. “And it may be that stress is what’s really behind this discomfort. “No wonder. The daily bombardment of bad economic news has caused the average person far more worries than normal.” Here is a guide to reducing stress: Breathe: Inhale deeply through your nose feeling your lungs and diaphragm expand. Hold the breath for a count of six. Exhale slowly through the mouth to the count of six. Repeat several times. Talk: Don’t keep feelings inside. Open up to a friend or family member or seek the professional help of a counsellor. And be sure to consult your caregiver to ensure you aren’t overlooking a true infection. Take Time Out: Schedule activities that give you joy, like walking, gardening, playing music or participating in a favourite sport – and do at least two of them every day. Exercise: Pump the stress out with daily aerobic exercise. Solutions to life’s daily problems often arise when exercising. Laugh: Try to get rid of negative thoughts and seek ways to have a good belly laugh like watching funny movies and videos. Solution Search: Be willing to examine and let go of the pressures that are unrealistic, but work cleverly on the problems that you can solve.

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How to fight your needle phobia (NC) – With flu season around the corner and health officials recommending a double vaccine to protect against the H1N1 virus, many of us are once again having needle nightmares. “It’s a very common phobia,” says Shelly Andrews, a client services manager at LifeLabs. “Some patients are so overwhelmed they faint. Others refuse to have the procedure done at all.” Overcoming a needle-phobia is important for maintaining overall health. Blood tests, for example, are frequently required to accurately diagnose a health condition, and this requires a needle. If such tests are avoided a treatable condition might develop into something more serious. “Getting a needle is never as bad as you’ve built up in your head,” Andrews continued. “Many patients say afterwards ‘that wasn’t so bad’. It helps to think of your skin as being very porous. The ultra fine needle isn’t piercing it but just slipping through one of a billion tiny pores.”

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Here are some tips to manage your fear: Share your fear. Inform the person giving the needle that you have an anxiety so that they can help you feel more comfortable. Don’t look. Turn your head away from the needle during the whole procedure. From preparation to injection, it usually takes about a minute. Distract yourself. Talk during the process, read a book or try a brain teaser like ‘If the day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday, what day is it?’ Relax. Our muscles tense up when we’re nervous or afraid but this will only make matters worse. Think about something enjoyable and visualize it in your head. Breathe deeply. This will help minimize the slight pinch of the injection Don’t move. It will all be over in just five seconds -- and then you’ll realize it wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought. For extreme fear: Numb the spot. Topical anaesthetics are available at your local drug store. For parents: Set an example by rolling up your sleeve enthusiastically and demonstrating how painless the process can be.

Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Fashion on Location

Fashion with a Twist We had a great time setting up the styles for our Fashion on Location this month. The leaves were changing, there was a chill in the air, and the neglected buildings and the overgrown site lent themselves to an adventure of clever fashions with a haunted twist. Model: Alycia Outfit by Manhattan Casuals Photography by Karyn Kimberley

Centre Spread: Models: Alex, Alycia, Craig, and Jenny Clothing by: Manhattan Casuals and Momentum Photography by Karyn Kimberley

In recent years, Halloween seems to enjoy a much longer run as television shows and best-selling books have picked up the vampire theme and driven the public fascination with the mysterious and the dark. Here is our very own version...

Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B


Fashion on Location

Fashion on Location

the Legend of the Vampire


he legend of the vampire goes back for centuries, to long before Bram Stoker and his Dracula. That image, though, of the suave, blood-sucking villain, is firmly rooted in the North American and European ethos, though earlier folkloric versions also abound. The modern-day fascination with vampires is based in no small part on the success of recent films and books and television shows, largely glorifying the vampire and maintaining public interest. The Dracula-style vampire figures prominently as an object of fantasy, precisely because of this suave and sexy image. Clad in black and rising from a coffin in the night to seduce or merely to feed, the vampire is the ultimate bad boy or temptress – immortal, immoral, and driven, yet at the mercy of demonic appetites. Add in extraordinary strength and charisma, and the magic of a cape and the ability to fly, and it is small wonder that this particular image has persisted as a dress-up favourite. The most recent incarnations, in movies such as Twilight, are vampires with a conscience, tormented by their need and bewildered by the complexity of the social roles they crave yet seem challenged to accept.This shift from clearcut villainy to social outcasts with whom one can identify and even empathize, has brought enough novelty to the role to ensure a spot in the public eye for some time to come.

3.The Victim

Resistance is futile. She will prevail.

1.Young Love They were made for each other. He lost himself in her blue eyes and knew life would never be the same.

6. The new family. “We can’t stay here. He’ll come looking for her.”

4.And prevail she did! Tied together now they continue to hunt as a pair.

Karyn Kimberley Alex, Alycia, Craig, and Jenny Manhattan Casuals and Momentum

Photography by: Models: Clothing by:

5.The hunted turned hunter.

2.The Stalker

And the cycle of prey continues.


Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

7.“Run if you dare, but I’ll find you.”

Saskatoon • www.theneighbourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B


Image & Self-development

Chelsey Gruza



s part of the comin’ home again photo shoot held recently in rural Saskatchewan, Chelsey worked with the models on their high fashion look. She took time out of her busy schedule to tell us about being a stylist, fashion tips for winter, and her most-prized accessory. About being a stylist: I like helping people with something that I love to do. It’s rewarding to see their faces when they are ecstatic with the look and style of clothing/accessories that I help them find. It’s fun being around clothes, textures, styles, fads, etc. and watch how they come and go and what will be popping up next.

Creating colours, textures, shapes, patterns and so on just by what you wear! It lets people be expressive and show off their creative side.

How would you like a career dressing people? Well local stylist Chelsey Gruza does just that. Dividing her time between working at Tonic, a local clothing store, and handling the wardrobe on photo-shoot sets, she has managed to fill her 9 to 5 with her love for fashion.

What do you love about fashion? Creating colours, textures, shapes, patterns, and so on just by what you wear! It lets people be expressive and show off their creative side. Fashion can also be deeper than just “materialistic items”! It can give us historical reference of what was available at the time, or what was being created next, or so on. I find it all intriguing and hopefully one day, I could shed some of my light on the fashion world.

Tell me about the looks you put together for the shoot: Well the concept was ‘glamourous meets small town.’ So, from there, I did some research in the lovely Vogue/Flare/ Fashion magazines. I was inspired by some pieces we had found including these Russian fur hats and the abundance of sequins available in stores these days.

Fashion tips for the winter: Velvet! Male or female, seems like it’s the must-have for the season. Whether it is dresses, pants, blazers, or shorts, it seems to be making numerous appearances on the runways. Knitted tights or leggings are sweet! You look wear skirts or dresses Favourite accessory: My favou- trendy, you can warm during the winter rite accessory would be this thick while staying black cinch-banded belt with a big season. Victorian-looking buckle clasp. I love it because it was my Baba’s. She gave it to me just as an “oh, here’s something I stumbled over in my closet”

Karyn Kimberley, Photographer Chelsey Gruza, Stylist Models for the Comin’ home again photoshoot: Ashleigh, Chelsey, Jenny, Karrnnel, Mindy, Nicole, and Stephen.

Hot hair trends for fall

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and that thought kind of explains me. I always seem to stumble over items, whether vintage or new, hand-me-downs or garage sales, and try to make it my own and special.


Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

by Roxy

s we move into another season it If you are more interested in growing your means new trends, new fashions, and hair or keeping the existing length, styles are new hair styles. Fall is a great time to varing from flowing, straight and sleek, and change up our look and keep it modern and mermaid 1940s waves. If you have the length, fresh. A subtle change will do, but for those use it. Long hair is in! more daring a total new look is always fun. Some other styles for fall ’09 include milkThere are a lot of new shapes and styles in maid braids, buns, bedhead/beachy/messy clothing for fall, from wide shouldered jack- hair, and pompadours. Texture is in whethets and blazers to highit is messy, smooth, Some other styles for fall 2009 er waisted pleated pants straight, or neat looks and skirts, and loads include milkmaid braids, buns, such as buns and braids. of new hair styles to go There are definitely a bedhead/beachy/messy hair, lot of looks to choose along with it. For fall 2009, hair from this season. There and pompadours. trends will be on two are many different opposite ends of the spectrum - extremely options for incorporating these trends into short or extremely long and styled according your existing style or cut. Use these trends to a variety of influences - be it girly, slick, as ideas and general inspiration, not hard sexy, or messy. Perhaps the most exciting and fast rules. As we are all aware, trends are thing about this season is that bobs are not constantly shifting, changing, and morphing. seen anywhere. Trust me, I love this shape Fashion is never static. Keep your options and it can be cut in such a way that it looks open. good on everyone. But this trend has had its One last thing to remember is that your day and everyone and their dog has had this foundation is everything. If you have healthy cut (including me). Let’s move on! hair – a good cut that suits your face shape There are only two ways to go from the and hair texture, and a good colour, achievbob. Cut it or grow it. Thus, you have fall ’09 ing variations in your hair style should be hair trends - super short or super long. If you simple. Believe me, it’s worth the investment think going short is for you (p.s. I love short to get a great cut and colour. Be picky and hair, I think it makes a sexy statement and shop around. If you have the right foundaoozes confidence), there are two cuts that are tion having great fashion-forward, hair will really “in” right now. There is the super short be a breeze! pixie, i.e., Victoria Beckam, Natalie Portman, Roxy has completed extensive training at The Michelle Williams, and Halle Berry. Then Matrix Academy London and additional colour there is the pixie bob (if you just cannot training at the Wella World Studio London. part with your bob just yet). Note, however, Roxy has been a part of various session teams, the pixie bob is not easy to pull off, with having styled hair at London Fashion Week, its length in front falling just below the ear for Vogue, GQ, and ID magazines and worked (not a flattering length for everyone). Style with various celebrities such as Fergie and references include Agnyes Dyen and Katie The Pussy Cat Dolls. She can be contacted at Holmes. Think a 40s flapper kind of look. Magnolia Salon at 373-8099.

Activities & Events


by Stan Yu

Saskatoon’s Hottest Latin Dance Party def SOL, saskatoon’s first street dance and performance company is pleased to present Baila, (pronounced by’-lah) which simply means “dance” in Spanish. Baila was established in 2007, to address a growing need for a large scale Latin event in Saskatoon. The goal is to expose the general public to different forms of Latin dance, provide current dancers with professional instruction, and to bring in amazing talent and entertainment! This year workshops are being offered for eight different styles of Latin dance (some of which are new to Saskatoon) from beginner through advanced levels. The Marco Claveria Project will be the headliner for the Latin Gala! Doors at the Odeon Event Centre open Saturday, November 7 at 8pm, Nov 7, with a Performance Showcase at 8:30 featuring local as well as professional dancers including Orlando Martinez and Arnold Bolanos. Tickets are available on-line or at del-SOL studios. More details, including a list of the workshops and performer biographies, are available at http://members.shaw.ca/bailasaskatoon/index.htm. We hope you’ll join us at Baila 2009!

magine living in a world where death and scarcity have ceased to exist; a utopia finally achieved. What would this utopia look like? Therein lies the main premise in Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow, a science fiction novel set in a transhuman futuristic society where death has been made obsolete by technology with the ability to backup memories, transfer them to a cloned body, and let people be reborn with the option of customizing their own physical features. Material goods are no longer scarce and people are free to live out their hopes and dreams. Julius, a young man approaching the age of one hundred, is realizing his boyhood dream in Disney World, working for a group in charge of maintaining the Haunted Mansion ride. Jules could not ask for a better life until one day he discovers that he had been murdered and forced to be reborn. Determined to uncover the truth behind his death, Jules’s world begins to unravel before him, leading him to a journey of selfdiscovery and the realization that the utopic society he lives in may come with a price. In Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Cory Doctorow has created a truly unique and imaginative world, using it to raise important and thought-

provoking questions such as: are we truly happy without death? Or, what is the essence of our identity if we can

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow Published by: Tom Doherty Associates

Price: $1550 or free easily just transfer our memories into another cloned body? Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom forces us to reflect on our own modern culture, the use of modern technology, and whether the direction it’s heading in is really ideal. Doctorow’s dystopic world draws eerie parallels with practices commonly found on the internet. This theme was

EVENTS Moonlight & Roses Have you ever wanted to see the styles of dance you see on hit television shows like Dancing With The Stars and So You Think You Can Dance performed live? On Saturday, November 7, you’ll have that chance! Local dance studio, Dance Dynamics, is presenting Moonlight & Roses at The Hilton Garden Inn. The event will feature two parts: The afternoon program, beginning at 1:30pm, will showcase Ballroom and Latin American dance performances by Dance Dynamics students and others. They will be judged by a celebrity dancing pair from Buffalo, NY, Vladimir and Vera Kosarev. Tickets are only $10 and available at the door. The evening program begins at 6:30 with a cocktail reception followed by dinner, repeat performances from the afternoon’s favourite dancers, a show by Vladimir and Vera and dancing ‘till midnight. Tickets are $84 in advance which includes admission to the afternoon show. Whether you’re interested in taking up ballroom dancing yourself or just looking for something unique to do, Moonlight & Roses is guaranteed to be entertaining.

Chocolate Decadence Spa Treatments Chocolate contains over 300 different compounds that have a significant impact on one's health and beauty. Indulge in one of our decadent chocolate treatments...guilt free! Covered in chocolate & no calories. Indulge your senses with a chocolate bath, chocolate exfoliation while your body is wrapped in chocolate. You will leave feeling and smelling so good from head to toe. All served with a warm cup of hot chocolate.

executed brilliantly in the book. On the other hand, I found the main plot of Doctorow’s book to be slightly underwhelming. Compared to the intriguing world that Doctorow had created, the main narrative of Jules and his journey failed to captivate me in the same way. Rather, I found the characters to be one-dimensional, the twists in the story predictable, and the overall plotline quite shallow. Furthermore, because it was also a relatively short book, I found myself filled with questions at the end and wishing that Doctorow could have further explicated certain details. Overall, this book has a lot of potential. The world Doctorow has created is a fascinating new take on the science fiction dystopian literature that can appeal to the general public as well as fans of the genre. Although the main story left me a bit dissatisfied, I would be interested in reading further works by him as the questions he raises are extremely intriguing and pertinent to modern society. One interesting tidbit about this book is that Doctorow, a Canadian digitalrights activist, released Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom under a “creative commons license,” meaning that readers can download this book for free from his website. To me, it’d be very difficult to find a more enticing reason for readers to check out this book.

For those interested in trying ballroom dancing, Dance Dynamics offers one free lesson . With students ranging from age 7 to 75, ballroom dancing really is for anyone. For more information or to purchase tickets to Moonlight & Roses, please call 244-1441.

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Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B


Activities & Events

Cover Profile - Karrnnel


fter the hugely successful release of his premiere self-titled album earlier this year, Saskatoon’s own 27-year-old fiddle sensation, Karrnnel Sawitsky hasn’t stopped the music yet - not even for a short break. Discussing music and his plans for the future, his eyes light up and his voice has an intensity that tells you the fiddle is his first love. When watching his live performance, the passion he puts into each note shows you that he is at home on the stage and living his dream. Most important though is the emotions his music stirs in his listeners. Whether at one of his shows or listening to his album alone in the car, his music bridges the gap between the generations. It reminds seniors of the oldtime dances they used to attend and offers younger listeners something refreshing that they may not have had a taste of. Pursuing a career as a musician is not an easy task especially as a front man fiddle player, but Karrnnel is grateful to have the opportunity. “I may spend my Friday nights at home alone working on my music instead of going out for drinks with the boys,” he says, “but this is my passion. For that, it’s pretty easy to stay motivated and focused on my music, putting other things on hold.” When asked where the inspiration for his music comes from, Karrnnel explains that each song tells a story. “The story may not always be profound like about having my heart broken into a million little pieces, it could be about something as simple as being out for coffee with a friend. One particular song, ‘Transitions,’ is about a difficult crossroad in my life. The song starts sad and minimalistic which symbolizes my struggle in trying to decide my future. Toward the end, the fiddle playing is accompanied by bass and piano and the tune turns cheery because this

is the part in the story where I am happy that I have made my decision. The fiddle is how I express my feelings and I like that I can connect to people through my music.” Karrnnel is keen to share his love for fiddle music with others. Along with his two sisters, who are both school teachers, he has been working on a lesson plan to offer elementary schools which will introduce old time dancing to the students. “The premise of the idea is that the teacher can go through the lesson plan with the kids and teach them one or two dances. There will be a different level for every grade. Then, a few musicians including myself will come in and play for them while they dance. It’ll be a fun twist on a history lesson.” That’s not all that Karrnnel is working on. In a current collaboration with banjo/bass player Daniel Koulack from Winnipeg, the pair were inspired by a jam they had at a fiddle festival this past summer and have plans to record a tribute to traditional fiddle music from across Canada with a unique modern twist. The much anticipated album is expected out early 2010. Karrnnel has earned over 250 awards for his fiddle playing and has recently received two more notable recognitions: a nomination for Instrumental Solo Artist of the Year at the 2009 Canadian Folk Music Awards as well as a nomination for the 30 Below Award at the 2009 Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor Arts Awards. You can catch Karrnnel on tour early 2010 with Nova Scotia fiddle and piano pro, Troy MacGillivray. The combination of these two astounding musicians is guaranteed to delight audiences and have everyone in the venue clapping along to the music. Additionally, listen for Karrnnel on a Christmas concert special on CBC Radio. To find out more about Karrnnel and check upcoming shows, visit www.karrnnel. com Photography by Karyn Kimberley Article By Jennilee Cardinal-Schultz


ollowing on the success of last year’s benefit concert that raised $30,000 for composer/musician Angie Tysseland and ovarian cancer, Cosmic Pad Studios is proud to present Trials By Fire II, Oct 8 from 7:30 to 9:30 at Lakeview Church. “It’s about raising awareness of ovarian cancer and it’s about the music,” said Ross Nykiforuk of Cosmic Pad Studios. “I don’t think there is anything like this in Saskatoon ... the production value, the style of show ... featuring some of Saskatoon’s finest musicians. It’s an incredible night.” This musical variety show, likened to an evening at the Grand Ole Opry, stars The Deep Dark Woods, Angie Tysseland, Stephen Maguire, Andrea Menard, and

Ellen Kolenick. On stage throughout the night will be Saskatoon’s well-loved gospel choir Refiner’s Fire and, making their debut appearance, the chant choir, Mysterium. Keeping the show rockin’ will be the Trails By Fire house band, with Skip Kutz, Sheldon Corbett, Randy Woods, Charles Dumont and Roy Sydiaha, under the musical direction of Ross Mykiforuk. Adding to the enjoyment will be the sounds of back-up singers, The Triallettes, including Alexis Korchinski, Katie Nichol and Lisa Unrau. Tickets are $30 and are available at McNally Robinson and online at www.picatic.com/ ticket/event554/index.php.

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Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

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Activities & Events


Free Concert and Chili lunch: – Donations to Station 20 West Oct 25 at St Paul’s United Church, 10:30am St. Paul’s United Church welcomes The Willie Sons, a Country Gospel Bluegrass Band to perform. Chili lunch to follow. Donations will go to Station 20 West. Contact St. Paul’s United Church Office at 955-3766.

Pancake Breakfast and Craft Sale Oct 25 at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall Pancake breakfast from 9 to 11:30am (pancakes, sausage, coffee: $4). Yard and craft sale from 9am to 2pm (tables to rent $12). Everyone welcome.

Freedom Through Forgiveness Preston Avenue Community Church Oct 30 through Nov 1 The Preston Avenue Community Church and Spoken Word Ministries is hosting a Freedom Through Forgiveness course. If you need help with past guilt, anger, pain, or sense of betrayal this may be the course for you. Admission is free, but pre-registration is required to ensure manuals for everyone. To register or for more info contact Rev. Boyd Hopkins at 381-5308 or by email at boyd@spokenwordministries.ca.

Halloween Burlesque Extravaganza Oct 30 at Roxy Theatre, 7:30pm The Roxy Theatre, Positive Passions, and Free Flow Dance are hosting The Rosebud Burlesque Academy in Peek A Boo III, A Halloween Burlesque Extravaganza! Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Advanced tickets are available at the Roxy Theatre 320 20th St. W, Positive Passions 1C-1005 Broadway Ave, and Free Flow Dance Centre 224 25th St. W. For more info contact burlesque@sasktel.net or by phone at 665-5998. __________________________________________________

Enhanced Language Training Program information session Oct 28 at the Saskatoon Open Door Society, 6:30pm The Enhanced Language Training Program assists internationally trained professionals in transferring their skills to the Saskatchewan labour market. The program runs for 15 weeks from January 6 to August 20, 2010, and includes English language training, mentorship opportunities, and much more. Immigrants wishing to apply can find application forms at Saskatoon Open Door, Saskatchewan Intercultural Association, and the Newcomer Information Centre, or online at eltinfo@ sods.sk.ca. All completed application forms must be received no later than Friday, October 30, 2009. For more info or to register contact Lee Reaney at 653-4464.

David L. Kaplan Concert Series Oct 29 at Convocation Hall, 7:30pm SCPS in co-operation with the U of S Department of Music presents the Inaugural Concert of this series featuring Elena Denisova, violinist, and Alexei Kornienko, pianist. General admission is $20; students and seniors, $10. For information call 652-3205.

Adult Homework Help Oct 29 at The Library on 20th Street, 3:30 to 5:30pm Tuesdays until December 15. Many adults in the community are back in school now or are thinking about going back for upgrading. READ Saskatoon tutors will be here to assist with any academic subjects. They will also help with work-related reading, writing, and math skills improvement. This is a drop-in program; refreshments are provided.

Leadership Development Program (LDP) Oct 29 to Nov 26 at the Prince Albert Travelodge This five-week Leadership Development Program meets five consecutive Thursdays for full-day sessions (8:30am–4:30pm). Each session includes lunch. To obtain more information, please email business.leadership@usask.ca, or call 966-5608. http://www.learntolead.usask.ca/ldp.html.

Carlo Gavazzi, an international manufacturer of automation, control and metering devices, invites you to a free half-day seminar on solutions for energy management and power quality monitoring. The seminar offers solutions for improving power quality, reducing energy use and increasing profitability. To register free or more info, visit www.GavazziOnline.com/emsummit.

Celtic Thunder: Pipers on the Prairies Nov 18 at Rawlco Radio Hall – Remai Art Centre, 7pm Come join Glasgow, Scotland’s Celtic Spirit, and local performers Back of the Bus, Circling Over Shannon, Glenlilly Dancers, and Saskatoon’s Pipe Bands. Doors open 6pm; show starts 7pm. Tickets are $30 and available at Persephone Theatre. For more information call 374-2400. Proceeds to the Saskatoon Community Foundation.

S.W.I.N.G Showcase Oct 28 at Odeon Events Centre, 6 to 9pm

In this annual event, storytellers from the Library share tales in the oral tradition. It’s a relaxing evening with the fire lit and refreshments served. You may wish to bring a cushion to support your back. Warning: may include scary stories! Call 975-7572 for more information.

Seminar for Energy Management Nov 17 at the Delta Bessborough, throughout the day

SREDA (Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority) and CAFE Saskatoon (Canadian Association of Family Enterprise) as pleased to host a moderated panel discussion. Topics include Transitioning within a family business; How transitioning can be an ongoing process; and why transitioning varies from one family business to another. Panelist will be Dana Harman, Star Egg Co. Ltd.; Mona Nasser, Victory Companies; Jennifer Balon, Gentries & SREDA. Moderator Irene Seiferling, Board Dynamics. Tickets are $10 and include refreshments. For more information, contact Heather Anderson at handerson.cafe@shaw.ca or 292-7838.

Story time in the bar? Saskatoon Public Library is taking stories out to the people in celebration of Saskatchewan Library Week. Join Library staff, poets and storytellers from the community for a feel-good evening of stories, poems, comedy, and entertainment. Guests must be 19 years of age or older.

An Evening of Storytelling for Adults Oct 28 Frances Morrison Library, Pooh Corner, 7 to 9pm

You go, girl! The City of Saskatoon is hosting a free one-day event for girls ages 10-15. Participants will be able to see and try a variety of sports and physical activities, such as boxing, cheerleading, hip-hop, and yoga, and attend body image and nutritional seminars. Qualified instructors will lead the sessions and assist the girls throughout the day and a nutritious lunch will be provided to all registrants. Pre-registration is required by Thursday, November 5. For more info or to register contact 975-3378 or register on the website at www.picatic.com.

Ongoing Stories of Transition Nov 17 at the Saskatoon Club, 7pm

Grown-up Story Time Oct 26 at Lydia’s Pub

A licensed, all-ages fundraiser for PLEX (Prairie Lindy Exchange) featuring dinner and a fantastic dance and multi-media performance by several local Lindy Hop and swing dance enthusiasts. Dinner consists of lemon roasted potatoes, classic caesar salad, foccacia bread, and your choice of steak or chicken. Vegetarian and children’s options are also available. Tickets are available at McNally Robinson Booksellers, Place Riel Information Kiosk, or online. For more info visit http://www.saskatoonlindyhop.ca.

GirlsInMotion Nov 14 at Prairieland Park, 9am to 4pm

Psychology for Today Course Nov 20 to 21 at Saskatoon Adlerian Society


Saskatoon Chimo Chordsmen Nov 2 at Saskatchewan Abilities Council Auditorium, 7:30pm The Chimo Chordsmen - Saskatoon’s Barbershop Chorus invites everyone to a “Fall Barbershop Show” featuring the Chorus, plus local and guest quartets. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and refreshments to follow. A voluntary silver collection will go to support a selected charity. For more info contact Larry at 934-2470.

How Green is Our Heritage Presentation Nov 5 at Meewasin Boardroom, 7:30pm The Saskatoon Heritage Society (SHS) and Meewasin are presenting a panel discussion to discuss the role of preservation of buildings in maintaining a green society. Come out and listen to panelists, Dave Denny (Saskatoon Property Developer), Angie Bugg (Energy Conservation Coordinator, Saskatchewan Enviromental Society) and Blaire Prima (City of Saskatoon Heritage Coordinator). For more info contact Cathy at 6531047.

Formal Meets Fun Venue Nov 6 to 8 at Oskayak High School Tri-Provincial Mini. Saskatchewan Youth Parliament is hosting a venue for youth to debate in a non-competitive setting, while meeting people from across Saskatchewan. Youth aged 15-21 are invited to attend. Cost is $40/person. Youth can register or find out more info at www.saskyouthparliament.com.

Ch’an Zen Meditation Workshop and Retreat Nov 6 to 8, workshop at St. Gerard School Nov 9 to 11, retreat at Ancient Spirals Retreat Centre For beginners and experienced meditators. This is a 6-day meditation retreat. The workshop the first three days will provide detailed instruction and discussion: each sitting meditation will be about 30 minutes. The workshop is free but requires pre-registration. Bring your own lunch and mat. The retreat the latter three days will provide more opportunity for medication practice: each sitting is about 40 minutes. Cost for the retreat is $75 and includes lunch. For more info, or to register contact Doris or Simon Shum at 955-9288 or email shum88@gmail.com.

This two-day intensive workshop will equip participants with a strong theoretical and practical understanding of the tenets of Adlerian psychology as they apply in life, work, intimate and parenting relationships. This workshop will be delivered through a mixture of teaching styles including: lecture, demonstration, experimentation, and practical life applications. For registration forms visit http://www.saskatoonadleriansociety.org/. For more info contact ThinkLife Empowerment Co. at 653-5433.

Canada’s Day of the Child Nov 20 to 21 at The Children’s Discovery Museum 9:30am to 9pm The Children’s Discovery Museum & Market Mall are hosting this national day. Come and check out the displays, information, fun, entertainment, free admission, and treat bags for every child.

5th Annual Emerging Artist Christmas Art Fair Nov 21 at St. John’s Cathedral, 9am to 5pm Come and enjoy original art, crafts, and Christmas gifts by Saskatchewan Aboriginal and refugee artists and craft-makers. Moccasins, purses, paintings, clothing, glass etching, beading, crocheting, baskets, tablecloths, sketches, food, music, and more. Sponsored by the Diocesan Network of the Anglican Diocese of Saskatoon, and St. John’s Cathedral Outreach. Artists call 6538869 to display.

Laffing Out Loud Yoga Club Nov 24 at Cliff Wright Library, 7:30 to 8:30pm Join Laffing Out Loud Yoga Club for their fall sessions. Other dates are to be announced. For more info contact Helen at (306)222-0563 or by email at laffingoutloud@sasktel.net.

Drama Production Nov 26 to Nov 28 at St. Joseph’s High School, 7pm Nov 29 at St. Joseph’s High School, 2pm St Joseph’s High School presents the classic Christmas play, Miracle on 34th Street. Tickets are $7/adults, $4/seniors and students 13 and older, and $2/children 12 and under. For more info, tickets, and reservations contact 659-8082 or Sharon Martelli at 659-7650.

Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B




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Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Activities & Events

Mendel Art Gallery / Fall Event Schedule Oct 25 Different Cultures in One Country, a video by immigrant professionals reaching out to the community through the Open Door Society. Nov 1 Storyteller Bonnie Logan presenting folktales, “cant fables,” literary and original stories. Nov 15 Genealogy and You, with Tammy Vallee, a genealogical speaker and educator and a certified Saskatchewan and Aboriginal researcher. Nov 29 Creative Expressionist Painting Using Special Lights, with artist and University of Saskatchewan Professor Mary Longman who will show children how to paint with special lights that reveal only tones of colour. Work with images of great Aboriginal leaders throughout history. Dec 6 Storyteller Randy Morin sharing First

McNally Robinson Booksellers Events October 22

Nations myths and legends, as well as the Trickster and cultural hero stories about wesahkecahk.

Delivery by Betty Jane Hegerat, Reading and Signing McNally Robinson October 26


West Riders Best by Rob Vanstone, Reading and Signing McNally Robinson

Nov 6-7, Mendel Art Gallery Auditorium Whose History? Reconstructing Indigenous and Settler Pasts on the Canadian Plains.

October 28 The English Stories by Cynthia Flood, Reading and Signing McNally Robinson

Nov 6, 2 to 4:30pm Public lectures by Gerald McMaster and Neal McLeod. Reception to follow.

October 29 The Money Assassins: Reviving the Lost Art of Saving by Chad Vimintz, Reading and Signing McNally Robinson

Nov 7, 2 to 4:30pm Leading scholars and arts professionals will examine—through the lens of visual art— the multi-faceted histories of settlement of the Canadian Plains. Each panelist will speak on their artistic and curatorial practice, followed by a moderated discussion. Reception to follow. Panelists: Gerald McMaster, Neal McLeod, Mary Longman, Dan Ring, Grant McConnell. Moderator: Lynne Bell.

November 2 Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove, Reading and Signing McNally Robinson November 3 Bite the Hand by Mansel Robinson, Launch: Reading and Signing McNally Robinson November 4

In partnership with the Humanities Research Unit, University of Saskatchewan Presentation by Gerald McMaster is cosponsored by the Department of Art and Art History, University of Saskatchewan.

The Event of the Thring: Derrida’s Post-Deconstructive Realism by Michael Marder, Reading and Signing McNally Robinson


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The Mall at Lawson Heights 931-3272 Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B


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Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Notes Bev Dubois is City Councillor for Ward 10. She can be contacted at 652-2576, by fax at 477-4168, by cell at 260-2360, or through e-mail at bev.dubois@ saskatoon.ca. You can also visit www.saskatoon.ca or www.bevdubois.com.


ell, here we are into the fall season and the weather certainly did a very quick turnaround. Everyone is into their fall/winter activities… hockey, indoor soccer, basketball and of course all of the lessons… dance, singing and the list goes on! I urge you to enjoy all that you do with your families. I hope you also had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. We certainly have a lot to be thankful for in Saskatoon and in our province. Compost depots: Most people are still cleaning up their yards and getting ready for winter. To that end, the City of Saskatoon’s two free compost depots located on McOrmond Drive, and at the corner of Highway 7 and 11th Street, started to close at dusk during weekdays in the early part of October. The new operating hours at the depots will be 11am to dusk, Monday to Friday, and 9am to 5pm, Saturday and Sunday. The compost depots divert leaves and grass that would otherwise be placed in household garbage bins and end up at the landfill. Compost from the depots is used throughout various civic departments to help offset the need to purchase topsoil. For additional information, please visit www.saskatoon.ca and search under “c” for compost depots or call 975-2486. Reservoir repair: The water reservoir at the corner of Acadia Drive and Taylor Street is undergoing structural repairs that started a few weeks ago. During construction, residents on the east side of the city may notice some decrease in water pressure during peak load times in the early morning and evening. The repair work is scheduled to be completed by November 30. Residents may call Chris Bendig, Project Engineer, at 975-2534 if they have any concerns. The reservoir shut down will not effect drinking water quality. Civic Election: As I am sure you know, there is a municipal election on October 28. Depending on the date you are reading this, there might be a couple of advance polls left. They would be: Midtown Plaza, The Mall at Lawson Heights, Confederation Mall, Market Mall, The Centre: • Saturday, October 24, 11am - 5pm • Wednesday, October 21 • Friday, October 23, 1pm - 8pm There have been some ward boundary changes. The city is divided into 10 wards, and by law, must have approximately the same number of people in each ward. Due to population changes, the ward boundaries for 2009 had to be revised to ensure each ward was balanced. This change will affect voters in seven wards, except for Wards 3, 4 and 7, which remain the same. Voters are urged to view the new ward boundaries at www.saskatoon.ca, or read the Voters’ Guide. The City will be providing an AutoMARK Voter Assisted Terminal (VAT) to assist voters who are visually impaired or have physical impairments that would make it difficult or impossible to mark a ballot in the usual way. It combines a touch screen optical scan terminal and the same paper ballots that are used by all voters. The VAT is available for voting by any eligible elector during the Advance Polls at Committee Room E, City Hall, Monday, October 19 – Friday, October 23, 11am – 6pm; Midtown Plaza, Saturday, October 17 and 24, 11am - 5pm; and Market Mall, Saturday, October 17 and 24, 11am - 5pm and October 21 - 23, 1pm - 8pm. It will also be available on Election Day at the poll at the Saskatoon Public Library, but is only for use for those people who live in Poll 105. The Elections Returning Officer is also issuing immediate updates on Twitter about new election information and activities. People can follow along at http://twitter.com/CityClerkMann. Information on the Saskatoon Civic Elections is available in the Voters’ Guide which was delivered with the Saskatoon Sun newspaper on Sunday, October 11. Copies of the Voters’ Guide will also be at public libraries, Leisure Centres and City Hall. An online version will also be available. The Guide lists when, where, and how to vote, along with the new ward boundaries and polling stations. It also includes bios of the candidates. The Saskatoon Civic Elections are on Wednesday, October 28, from 8am to 8pm. Eligible voters will select a Mayor, City Council members and Trustees for the Public and Catholic School Boards. For more information, please visit www. saskatoon.ca and look under “E” for Elections, or call 975-3240. Have a great month. As always be sure to contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments. I love to hear from you! A safe Halloween to all the kids!!! Take care.

Activities & Events November 10 Sole, Factor, def3, Kay and the Aquanaut, and Chaps Amigos Cantina KISS with Buckcherry Credit Union Centre November 11

October 24

Carpenter with guests Amigos Cantina DR. J – Souled Out Lydia’s Pub

CIS Hockey (Women’s) U of S Huskies vs. Alberta Pandas Rutherford Rink WHL - Saskatoon Blades vs. Kamloops Blazers Credit Union Centre

November 12

October 23 BA Johnston with Shotgun Jimmie, Ride Til’ Dawn, and Myles & The Blanks Amigos Cantina Stripped Down Radio The Roxy on Broadway Conrad Neufeldt Prairie Ink Restaurant Rachelle van Zanten Lydia’s Pub Big City Nights Buds on Broadway October 24 Lee Harvey Osmond with The Karpinka Brothers Amigos Cantina Rachelle van Zanten Lydia’s Pub Micheal Kaeshammer Broadway Theatre No Hurry Prairie Ink Restaurant Big City Nights Buds on Broadway Stripped Down Radio The Roxy on Broadway October 25 Flogging Molly with Gallows and Inward Eye The Odeon October 26

The Village People TCU Place October 31 Halloween Party: with The Dudes, Young Galaxy, and Paper Lions Amigos Cantina Sydney Edwards Trio Prairie Ink Restaurant Riff Raff Buds on Broadway Johnny Don’t The Roxy on Broadway Halloween Bash: God Make Me Funky Lydia’s Pub

The Dissent Amigos Cantina Andrew Allen Lydia’s Pub

October 26

November 13

WHL – Saskatoon Blades vs. Medicine Hat Tigers Credit Union Centre

Arkells with The Novaks Amigos Cantina Bluessmyth Lydia’s Pub No Hurry Prairie Ink Restaurant November 14 Ohbijou with Slow Down, Molasses Amigos Cantina The Willie Sons Prairie Ink Restaurant Bluessmyth Lydia’s Pub November 15 Dropkick Murphys The Odeon The Schomberg Fair Lydia’s Pub

November 1 The Creepshow with The Hypnotics and The Dreadnaughts Amigos Cantina Rodney Carrington TCU Place Corb Lund & the Hurtin’ Albertans Broadway Theatre

High School Soccer (Boys) City Final TCU Field October 27

October 29 High School Football 4A Quarter Finals Gordie Howe Bowl CIS Basketball (Women’s) – U of S Huskies vs. Concordia Stingers PAC October 30 CIS Volleyball (Women’s) – U of S Huskies vs. Regina Cougars PAC CIS Hockey (Mens) – U of S Huskies vs. Lethbridge Pronghorns Rutherford Rink WHL - Saskatoon Blades vs. Edmonton Oil Kings Credit Union Centre CIS Volleyball (Men’s) – U of S Huskies vs. Regina Cougars PAC November 1 CIS Soccer (Women’s) – U of S Huskies vs. Alberta Pandas Griffiths Stadium CIS Soccer (Men’s) – U of S Huskies vs. Alberta Golden Bears U of S Soccer Field

November 2

November 16

November 3

Akon with special guests Credit Union Centre Corb Lund & the Hurtin’ Albertans The Odeon

Matt Dusk Broadway Theatre Dinosaur Jr. The Odeon

WHL – Saskatoon Blades vs. Moose Jaw Warriors Credit Union Centre November 4

3 Inches of Blood with Saviours and Wrathed Amigos Cantina Big John Bates and the voodoo dolls with Classy Chasis Buds on Broadway

November 4

October 28

Noveber 5

DR. J – Souled Out Lydia’s Pub Rattlesnake Romeo Buds on Broadway

The Pack A.D. with Bonie Blackout Amigos Cantina Matt Epp

October 22 to 25, and October 29

November 7

to November 1

November 6

October 29

Jon Bailey Prairie Ink Restaurant Mike Plume Band Amigos Cantina Where’s My Mullet? The Roxy on Broadway

An Act of Elusion The Refinery

WHL – Saskatoon Blades vs. P.A. Raiders Credit Union Centre CIS Basketball (Men’s) – U of S Huskies vs. Brandon Bobcats PAC

Dan Mangan with Will Currie and the Country French and Kirby Criddle Amigos Cantina Mark Berube Lydia’s Pub Metric The Odeon Rattlesnake Romeo Buds on Broadway October 30 Foam Lake with Shuyler Jansen and The Peacoats Amigos Cantina Riff Raff Buds on Broadway Wide Glide The Roxy on Broadway Stephen Maguire Prairie Ink Restaurant

WHL – Saskatoon Blades vs. Swift Current Broncos Credit Union Centre

Said The Whale with Hannah Georgas Amigos Cantina DR.J – Souled Out Lydia’s Pub

November 6 CIS Basketball (Women’s) – U of S Huskies vs. Brandon Bobcats PAC

November 13 CIS Volleyball (Men’s) – U of S Huskies vs. UBC Thunderbirds PAC CIS Hockey (Men’s) – U of S Huskies vs. UBC Thunderbirds Rutherford Rink

November 7 Station 20 West Benefit Show with The Fjords and guests Amigos Cantina Jatino Prairie Ink Restaurant Where’s My Mullet? Amigos Cantina Oral Fuentes Lydia’s Pub

November 14

November 8

November 11

Terri Clark with Dean Brody Dakota Dunes Casino

Remembrance Day Ceremonies Credit Union Centre

CIS Volleyball (Women’s) – U of S Huskies vs. UBC Thunderbirds PAC CIS Hockey (Men’s) – U of S Huskies vs. UBC Thunderbirds Rutherford Rink WHL – Saskatoon Blades vs. Prince George Cougars Credit Union Centre

Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B


Xxxxx & Xxxx

Dean Brody

A loser who nev er gave up

b y S u s a n B u ss e


rody recently won his first Canadian Country Music Award (CCMA) for ‘Single of the Year’. He’s been touring North America like crazy, and country radio is receiving a lot of requests for his current single, “Dirt Roads Scholar”. But success hasn’t come easily. Brody worked at a sawmill, married young, started a family, and lived in a small town of 850 people in the foothills of the Rockies. It was a town where ‘people don’t dream, they settle down’. Brody broke the mold, and dreamt of country music. He’s had some lucky breaks and some humiliating setbacks, and now he’s making it in country music. Dean, How did you get to where you are now? Definitely, it started with a dream. For years I always dreamt of doing music. It was tough, though, because in Jaffrey, the town I’m from, it’s so disconnected from a major city and from Nashville and the US music scene. Doing music really is like a pipe dream. Sometimes, I guess you don’t share too much about what your dream is because people don’t really take you seriously. But I got lucky. In 2003 I sent 25 packages down to Nashville with my CD and a picture. A guy from Sony called and said that he liked my songs and wanted me to come down and sing for him. So I did. And in a roundabout way that’s how I got my first publishing deal. That’s not something that happens so that was definitely my break. How do you define success? For me it just means doing what I love. Any words of wisdom to people who have a dream? There’s a quote I heard a while ago. ‘A winner is a loser that never gave up.’ That means a lot to me because there’s so many times on this path that I’ve come up against a wall, and run into people that didn’t believe in me, and it can be really discouraging. The key thing is to not give up. Can you tell us about a special ‘moment’ you’ve had? You know, the biggest moment was the Opry. It was when I actually got to step inside the circle, April 17th of this year. Darius Rucker, Little Jimmy Dickens and Sons of the Pioneers

were on that night. Remember the theme song from the show, Davy Crockett? It went like this ‘Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee...” [singing]. That was my first record that I ever owned and Sons of the Pioneers were the ones that sang this song on the record. To play the Opry the same night as these guys, the first record I ever bought, that was just totally surreal for me. Who are your musical inspirations? Keith Whitley, Randy Travis, George Strait, Alan Jackson, Dwight Yoakum and the like. Where do your songs come from? From people. I kind of feel like Norman Rockwell- you can tell he paid attention to people, to the characters in his community. When I write a song I see a picture and I see a place and it’s almost like I see a movie and I just write what I see. How did you come up with Dirt Roads Scholar? After watching “Country Fried Home Videos”...on CMT USA. It’s like America’s Funniest Home Videos for rednecks. It was a video of a guy doing something real goofy and a sign popped up that read ‘Dirt Roads Scholar’, basically saying this guy’s educated in the country way of life. So I googled it right away to see if anybody had done it and they hadn’t so I wrote it in like two hours. And it just somehow struck a chord with people and still does. It’s one of our most popular songs. We’re looking forward to your show with Terri Clark this fall. (Brody has shows scheduled in Saskatoon, Yorkton, North Battleford and Swift Current) I’m really looking forward to it, to seeing Canada again. It’s gonna be me and a guitar and a car. I’ll drive myself from coast to coast with the tour. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with Canadian country music fans. Is there anything else you’d like to say to our readers? Come on out to the show! Sunday, Nov. 8th - Dakota Dunes Casino near Saskatoon

The Village Peop le

By Jennilee Cardinal-Schultz

project, but here I am still with The Village Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 30 years, People all these years later. What’s the craziest thing that has ever happened during one of your peryou’ve heard of The Village People and you probably even formances? know all the actions to their most famous single, YMCA. How did you guys end up wearing costumes? There’s been so many! Fans try to come on stage, audiences who come With multiple generations singing and dancing along to the I’m part American Indian so what I wear is a part dressed like us. Once in Wales, the wheels on the stage weren’t locked in so song at bars, weddings or even in the mall, it is one of the of my heritage but when Morali saw me performing in while we were performing, the stage is moving on these huge wheels and the most recognized songs throughout the world. They had a the Village (NYC) it inspired him to create a group that audience is following us around the venue. number of other hits under their belt including Macho represented a variety of different types of American images. Man, Go West and In The Navy since their start in the For example, former member the late Glenn Hughes had a How did it feel receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? late 1970s. All these years later, the six-some is still going huge handlebar mustache, a baritone voice and motorcycles so That was a lot of fun. When we heard we were like ‘oh my god’! strong bringing their singing and dancing to audiences he made the perfect biker. We flew out all our family and friends to LA for the ceremony and all over the world including TCU Place on October 30. we partied. We interviewed Felipe Rose, one of the founding How does it feel knowing that your hits such as YMCA are members of the group and former Village People known internationally by people of all generations? For tickets to The Village People show on Oct 30 at TCU producer, Jacque Morali’s inspiration for the group’s We think it’s great. We love it. Even long after we’re gone, we hope Place, visit www.ticketmaster.ca concept, by phone from his New York office. He told they’ll still be playing our songs. us about what to expect from their live show, where the inspiration for YMCA came from and the band’s What is the story behind YMCA? trademark costumes. That song was a filler for the album, we needed one more song. During a break, the producer came to ask us what YMCA meant but we didn’t underWhat did you do before joining The Village stand him because of his French accent. Once we figured out what he was People? talking about we told him that it meant “Young Mens Christian Association” I was a professional dancer in New York City. and right then he started humming and sang “young man….” From there, I happened to be in the right place at the right he wrote it in 10-15 minutes and we added it to the album as fill. When time when I met our former producer, Jacque Casablanca Records received the full album with our intended first single “I Morali. At first when he suggested we work on Love All The Women,” they immediately switched the single to YMCA. a project together, I was skeptical and figured he was just wasting my time but I went to the What can fans expect from your Oct 30 show in Saskatoon? meeting anyway to hear his ideas. After we A lot of energy and dancing. We kid around a lot. We all have our own things met, I thought it was going to be one album going offstage but when we get together for a show, it’s play time. and then I’d be out of there on to the next


Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

Xxxxx & Xxxx

Xxxxxx xxxxxxxx

Corb Lund ’ lbertans A in t r u H e h T and

b y S u s a n B u ss e

These guys are the real deal. We’re talking ranchers, rodeo1989 to 2001. How can a punk rocker play country? cowboys, farmers from Alberta. Their music is a vivid portrayal aven’t heard of this alternative country combo “I grew up pretty western. My family is all ranchers of the Canadian West, drawn from real life experiences (in Steer yet? Read on. If you are already a fan, good and rodeo people. My grandpas used to sing all these Rider’s Blues), family (Horse Doctor, Come Quick), friends, comnews: they’re playing Saskatoon November 1 old cowboy songs so country and western music has munities, and sometimes a bit of Western folklore (like the deadly and 2! always run in my blood. It was more unusual for me female gunslinger in “Devil’s Best Dress’). Juno-Award winning singer/songwriter Corb Lund is to get into Black Sabbath-type music. I never really When asked if there was anything else he’d like to say to our readperforming his way across the US and Canada with his stopped digging country. Everybody likes different ers, Corb said “Saskatchewan has always been really good to us. We ‘Losin’ Lately Gambler Tour.’ Lund is backed by his kinds of music, even red-necked country guys like AC/ all think it’s very cool to be able to make a living playing music and longtime band, the Hurtin’ Albertans – bassist Kurt DC. It’s like playing football and also playing hockey. writing about our part of the world, the prairies. We’re doing our Ciesla, drummer Brady Valgardson, and guitarist- There’s no reason you can’t do both.” best to convert the Americans.” banjoist-steel guitarist Grant Siemens. Recently released to radio is the single “Long Gone They hail from Alberta, and like good prairie boys, to Saskatchewan.” That’s right. Corb wrote a song Check out Corb Lund & the Hurtin’ Albertans at The Broadway they stick together. Unlike many artists, Corb plays about moving to Saskatchewan. Theatre on Sunday, Nov. 1, and The Odeon on Monday, Nov. 2. exclusively with his band – in the studio, for all “It’s a true story. Lots of guys in Alberta are having performances – and that’s just the way it is. “They to move, to sell their places in the foothills because www.corblund.com have a different sound than most other people so I they can’t afford to raise cattle there anymore. I have a don’t play without them.” That’s loyalty. really good buddy, Scott, who sold his land in Alberta Their music is definitely different. Corb and bought land in southwest Saskatchewan. He really describes it like this: “dissident country, country likes it.” that doesn’t suck...it’s country music but not like “We played that song at the Regina Folk Festival in you ever heard.” The Canadian Country Music the summer and the crowd had a wild reaction. They Association (CCMA) calls it “Roots Music” and seemed to love it. When we play it in the States they just awarded him 2009 CCMA Roots Artist of don’t really know Saskatchewan. To them it sounds like the Year, for the sixth consecutive year. And ‘Timbuktu’.” it’s not just the critics enjoying his music. Corb, you don’t seem to be ‘affected’ by success. Fans love it. “Our diverse audience is our What keeps you grounded? trademark. They range from aging punk Well, one thing is driving two hours south of the borrockers, legitimate cowboys who drive 200 der and no one knows me. (Laughing)To be honest, it’s miles to the show from out in the country, writing the songs. It’s hard to be full of bravado when to working people and college-radio hip- you’re a songwriter because it’s a psychological hell every sters. It’s a good mix. And it’s cool because time to try to come up with these songs. Songwriting is we get into a lot of places: folk festivals, always tough. I have a severe inner critic and put an awful country festivals, sometimes rock festivals lot of work into my songs. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. and cowboy poetry festivals. It’s good to “It’s not like building a fence, where once you get the have a diverse audience and for them to hang of it, you can do it every time. Writing songs is get together.” kind of elusive. We all know bands who put out three Some may remember Corb from good records, and then the next one sucks and you never indie punk rock band, The Smalls. hear of them again. I never really know if what I’m doing Corb was the bassist in the group from will be good. It’s hellish.”


Halo : ODST by curtis chant

This time around co-op is just slapped on without the story acknowledging the other So there I was... person. Walking around downtown S’toon with It starts in Halo 2 when big bad prophet that special feeling of self-righteousness. One shoots his ships through the slipstream, the that makes one think that the whole world city of New Mambasa is ransacked, and must be looking at you differently, even everyone is left scratching their heads for though no one really is. I felt like a new man, a while. You play the rookie on a drop I felt like I just got lucky. I felt on top of the mission. ODST stands for Orbital Drop world. It makes it all really sad to think that the Shock Trooper, so this is your time to reason behind these feelings of over-zealousness shine while seeking misplaced troopers was because of a new video game and my ability amidst the covenant chaos. to achieve a ‘killtrocity.’ Yep, I felt good because Every time you find an item pertainI fragged, with style, a whole thwack of pixelated ing to a missing trooper you live out nasties. how it got there through the form of a But hey, no one should need an excuse to feel flashback where you play as that team good. Today was my day! member for a level. The story eventuThere are three parts to this two-disc game: ally starts to piece itself together and -On the first disc there is the Halo ODST camit is actually pretty funny. Having paign mode and the multiplayer firefight mode. the actor from Firefly/Serenity, -On the second disc is the complete Halo 3 mulNathan Fillion, play a character tiplayer mode, including all downloadable maps and named Buck, helps achieve comthree new ones just for the new owners of ODST. edy more quickly. It takes about So, the covenant is back, only this time there is no six to eight hours depending on Master Chief involved. This game is really more of a your dilly-dally ratios. prequel to the last game of the trilogy... an in between VISR is one of few new feasequel/prequel. Basically a way to stretch out the Halo tures in this game. It changes franchise as thin as plastic wrap. But for some reason, the visor view so that seeing Bungie really knows how to pull it off. at night is no longer a probThe Campaign (story) mode is very ominous and lem. It highlights enemies in makes you feel lonely. You can play this co-operatively, red, friendlies in green, and but you lose much of the emotions intended for the story. accents important things

like weapons on the ground and switches. Cortana has been replaced by Superintendent. A city-wide A.I. that leaves health packs out for you like pies cooling on the window sill. It will also direct you around the city and toward audio recordings that add to the backstory on the destruction of the once-bustling city. As for the multiplayer, they’ve added a very addictive mode called firefight. Waves of enemies get dropped down and you have to hold them off while dealing with a lack of ammo and the ever-tricky balance teamwork. Something just feels right about constantly hearing ‘double kill’ or ‘triple kill’ or ‘hero!’ as you are running around throwing grenades and shooting wildly. The only downside I had with firefight was that you cannot play with anyone other then people on your friends’ list. The other gripe I had was actually something that pops up in the story mode as well, but not as often--whenever you get hit, your screen goes red for a significant amount of time. This happens in most first person shooters now, but in ODST it can be distracting, especially when it doesn’t affect your health significantly. All in all, the game is actually quite amazing. It was a good bit of fan service and although it originally felt like an expansion to

Halo 3 (which is actually what it was going to be), I’m glad they fleshed it out into an entire game. Surely I can’t be the only one that hates how the enemies look--this will always be a personal gripe. However, the game play is the most important part and it is intense and well thought out. I highly suggest a purchase on this one!

Rating: 5 Zombies out of 5

Saskatoon • w w w . t h e n e i g h bourhoodexpress.com

• October 21, 2009 • Section B


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Section B • October, 21 2009 • w w w . t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d e x p r e s s . c o m

• Saskatoon

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