2023 NEXT Distro Annual Report

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2023 NEXT Distro Annual Report

F O E TABL S T N E CONT Introduction


Impact Report


Priority Populations


Affiliate Spotlight


Empowering Communities Through Secondary Distribution


State of Syringe Distribution


Safer Use and Naloxone Distribution


Promotion and Outreach Efforts


Distribution Disparities


Advancing Harm Reduction Through Data-Driven Advocacy in Louisiana


NEXT Team Growth and Impactful Moments: A Year in Review


Looking Ahead


Leadership Transition


Funders and Other Supporters


Get Involved




Introduction In 2023, NEXT Distro...

honed our mission and continued to pioneer a digital frontier in harm reduction. This year brought many changes to our organization, including new staff, expanded programs, and ambitious goals. Since our beginnings in 2017, we have been guided by a mission of reducing opioid overdose fatalities, preventing injection-related

diseases, and improving the lives of people affected by drug use. We recognize that our work is only

possible with the unwavering dedication of our team, the invaluable support of our Affiliate Partners, and – most importantly – the trust and courage of the individuals participating in our programs. 1

About NEXT Inspired by the tireless work of Tracey Helton, we work to formalize and expand this model of mutual aid into a nationwide initiative. Our core team has lived experiences that forge a deep understanding of the challenges our participants face, shaping NEXT’s journey.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Affiliate Partners, whose dedication is the backbone of our mission; our life-saving collaboration gets critical resources into the hands of people who need them. Above all, we extend our deepest thanks to the individuals who use our services. You are the heart of this endeavor. It is your stories, your struggles, and your triumphs that inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries of harm reduction. This annual report is a testament to the collective power of compassion, community, and innovation. Together, we will continue to work towards a world with safer drug use for all.

Our Programming Our initiatives directly save lives, link people to necessary medical resources, and strengthen harm reduction organizing across the country. We utilize an innovative Spoke and Hub Model to empower affiliate harm reduction groups who are already engaged in on-the-ground SSP efforts.

Secondary Distribution Program: Through our Secondary Distribution Program, NEXT collaborates with harm reductionists to extend the scope of our impact by connecting with people’s existing networks. This year’s strategic investment in expanding our secondary distribution capabilities means we have been able to connect with and serve even more communities. 2

Participant Support Services: NEXT’s Participant Support Services provide comprehensive support to our participants and the broader harm reduction community. In New York, where NEXT is based, participants can connect with our Participant Support Coordinator for assistance navigating resource access, helping them achieve their personal and healthcare goals.

Online Resource Library:

With our Online Resource Library, we strive to consolidate the collective wisdom of the harm reduction community into factual and culturally competent harm reduction education and materials. We work to ensure our materials fill knowledge gaps, stay relevant to shifting trends, and remain accessible to a broader audience.

Naloxone Mailing Program: NEXT’s Naloxone Mailing Program ensures life-saving medication reaches those who need it most, enabling an effective response to opioid overdose emergencies. As of 2023, we’re proud to share that we’ve sent naloxone to every US state, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico.

One-Time Package Program:

Our One-Time Package Program is a vital lifeline in our mission to reduce opioid overdose deaths and enhance the lives of people who use drugs in underserved and underresourced areas with limited access to traditional harm reduction services.

Full-Service Monthly Distribution:

In states where we are funded, we work with affiliates to provide comprehensive harm reduction services through the mail, allowing monthly participants to order syringes and other essential supplies. Our services supplement in-person efforts, creating a robust and adaptable support network. It’s through these partnerships that we enhance the effectiveness of harm reduction services nationwide.

At NEXT Distro, our programming is not just about distribution—it’s about empowerment, education, and building a foundation for community self-reliance.


2023 Impact Rep In 2023, your support of and involvement in NEXT Distro enabled us to enroll 1,676 new full-service participants and send 149,052 packages of life-saving naloxone to 52,234 households across all 50 states in the US. Along with sustaining our core work, you

helped to send naloxone to 80% of counties in the US, enable 6,874 overdose reversals, dramatically expand our affiliate network to 34 total affiliates, and bring on several new staff members dedicated to increasing our reach to vulnerable populations.

Who We Reached 6% TGNC 33.4% men 60.6% women

20.6% BIPOC

28.8% Living with Hepatitis C


Houseless or Unstably Housed

or Unknown 41% Uninsured Insurance Status

30.2% 18-29 28.1% 30-39 20.3% 40-49 12.1% 50-59 7.7% 60+

Testimonials from NEXT Distro Participants People who seek services from NEXT Distro come from a wide range of lived experiences but are united in their need and desire to enact harm reduction in their communities. We share these stories to “Because of this program giving us access to narcan, we have been able to save more lives than I can count including my own and both of my children. We are so thankful you are able to offer this to us as we struggle with addiction. Thank you for another chance at life.”

honor the trust and care they have for their loved ones and their fellow humans, as well as to highlight the importance of your support in enabling us to save lives.

“So far your services have been wonderful, and I am so grateful to have come across them… I know there are others like me, who live in small towns and fear being shamed, humiliated, or even punished for trying to utilize these harm reduction programs because being an addict still carries such a negative and shameful stigma.”

“The services you provide are extremely great and because of you I personally was able to save 40+ people that would have died without your services.”

port 52,234

People Supplied


Safer Smoking Kits


Services Supplies Provided 2,212,981




209,985 Safer Sex Kits


Fentanyl Testing Strips

54,241 Pipes


Overdose Reversal Incidents

Using NEXT Naloxone

Program Expansions Participant Satisfaction Survey

In April, NEXT concluded our year-long Participant Satisfaction Survey. Participants shared their needs and habits surrounding their drug use, how they shared supplies with others, their access to naloxone, and their feedback on the quality of services provided by NEXT. We are proud to report that 98% of participants state they would recommend NEXT to others.

Secondary Distribution (and Distributors) In 2023, we continued to identify individuals and organizations willing to take on roles as secondary distributors in rural, remote, and underserved regions. Cultivating partnerships with distributors spanning 14 states increased our capacity to connect with communities facing multiple barriers to accessing harm reduction supplies.

TGNC People as a Priority Population

New Affiliates and/or Long-Time Affiliates

NEXT began formally including TGNC individuals as a priority population in 2023. Compared to cisgender enrollees at NEXT, TGNC enrollees are 1.6x more likely to have HIV, 20% more likely to be homeless or unstably housed, and 11% more likely to not have health insurance. More than 4.8% of NEXT’s participants are TGNC, which is over 3.4x higher than the national average.

This year, NEXT partnered with 5 new affiliates across the country. Southern Illinois Harm Reduction, Northwest Arkansas Harm Reduction, Georgia Harm Reduction Coalition, and Bad River Harm Reduction all joined us this year as proud collaborators in our network of mail-based programs.



The compounded stigma of being a person who uses drugs, along with other marginalized identities, necessitates tailored support and outreach to ensure equitable access to harm reduction resources. We utilize the data participants willingly provide to measure the impact and reach of our work. This allows us to make

data-informed decisions around outreach and service expansion in a way that centers the voices, needs, and experiences of marginalized communities.

Our Full-Service Program GNC & nonbinary

3.8 %

12.4% BIPOC

We achieved an 18% increase in BIPOC enrollees in 2023, showing progress in reaching Black and brown communities.

22% Non-Heterosexual 4.7% Transgender


Living with HIV

We have had the privilege of supporting 113 people living with HIV (PLWHIV), accounting for 1.9% of our enrollees. Our efforts to support individuals living with HIV have resulted in a steady 11% growth rate in PLWHIV participants year-over-year.


Houseless or Unstably Housed

1,676 New


86% 16.5%

Age 20-49


29%+ Living

with Hepatitis C

Populations Our Naloxone Distribution Program 6.1%

32.2% 61.7%

TGNC or men questioning

21.6% BIPOC


Age 20-49




Moving forward, we aim to increase BIPOC participant representation and continue to prioritize trans-inclusivity and support for our LGBTQIA participants and Staff. This is especially important as legislative attacks and discriminatory policy-making work to limit transgender and gender nonconforming individuals’ access to healthcare. We remain committed to serving TGNC PWUD by providing them with the resources they need to lead safer, healthier lives. 7

Affiliate Spotlight:

In the heart of the Bad River Associate Nial Murphy spent three days Reservation, the Gwayakobimaadiziwin with Bad River in Odanah, Wisconsin, to Bad River Needle Exchange has been get to know the team and share knowledge a beacon of harm reduction services with each other. The Bad River Needle since 2015. Committed to confronting Exchange has seen significant growth the discrimination faced by people who in their ambitious program this past use drugs, this organization extends its year, reflecting their commitment advocacy to promote more humane laws to Indigenous individuals and other and policies. Grounded in the principles underserved populations. of bimaadiziwin, living a good and Our partnership is “We came to understand that there’s a harmonious life, a prime example certain magic to harm reduction. The they carry forward of the power of magic comes from heart acts, which the wisdom of their collaboration in are difficult to explain, document, and ancestors. bringing harm reproduce through written words alone. reduction to the Harm reduction has been passed down Known historically forefront and creating from person to person, through the for mastery of positive change demonstration of acts of free kindness, tactical and strategic within communities. in service of the public good, clear of warfare, public judgment and reproach.” relations, and NEXT’s affiliates are From Expanding the Circle of Care: diplomacy, the Bad the heartbeat of our A Practical Guide to Syringe Services mission. If you’re River Band has for Tribal and Rural Communities preserved a distinct inspired to make a existence despite difference, consider adversities. Drawing donating to our strength from their ancestors, their affiliates. Your support strengthens harm resilience persists in moments of sobriety, reduction initiatives, ensuring access to ceremony, or using drugs. essential services. This past spring, NEXT Distro’s Program Director Dan Coello and Lead Shipping

Donate here: Affiliate Donations

Empowering Communities Through Secondary Distribution In 2023, we identified individuals and organizations within our community willing to take on roles as secondary distributors in rural, remote, and underserved regions. This proactive approach strengthened our network and empowered individuals to play an active

role in harm reduction efforts in their communities. As a result of our strategic focus, we tangibly increased our capacity to engage with communities facing legal and geographical barriers to accessing harm reduction services and materials.

Data at a Glance

In 2023, 24 Distributors across 14 States distributed...




Safer Smoking Kits



Safer Sex Kits

Fentanyl Testing Strips (FTS)


Naloxone Packages As we reflect on 2023, the Secondary Distribution Program stands as a testament to the transformative power of community.


State of Syringe Distribution:

supplies. This allocation is based on local availability as well as balancing the needs of high-demand states with impactful support to smaller regions. By maintaining a wellmanaged and intentional distribution strategy, NEXT Distro ensures that our Below is a breakdown of some of our key enrollees receive the necessary resources for states’ data, illustrating the efficient approach safer drug use practices. we take to provide participants with needed

At A Glance

State California New York Michigan Tennessee Pennsylvania Louisiana Ohio West Virginia South Carolina

Syringes 611,989 499,512 230,444 161,619 76,945 72,410 45,501 37,724 17,490

Enrollees 690 428 275 132 90 115 37 24 11

Avg. Per Person 887 1,167 838 1,224 855 630 1,227 1,572 1,590

Safer Use and Naloxone Distribution:

Empowering People Impacted by the Overdose Epidemic 140,012

Naloxone Packages Distributed


to NY 13.1%

to PA


to FL

At NEXT Distro, we combine our ability to widely distribute naloxone packages with our intentional focus on reaching individuals who use drugs and their loved ones. Leading the charge is New York, with 25.6% of the total naloxone packages distributed, followed by Pennsylvania and Florida at 13.1% and 10.9% respectively.

This year, we delivered 140,012 naloxone packages, highlighting the extent of our commitment to empowering communities with essential tools to respond effectively to opioid emergencies. We know that access to a safe supply of drugs is the primary solution to the overdose epidemic and join with the greater harm reduction movement in calling for an end to the drug war.

Overdose Incident Reports We work hard to get naloxone into the hands of people who need it – people who use drugs, who are often the initial responders to overdose emergencies. We ask participants to share information with us about their experiences. We collect two types of information: Formal Reports through our Opioid Overdose Incident Form and Informal Reports through our Full-Service Program order form. All information we collect is voluntary and non-identifying.

Formal Reports tell

Reports we received. 46% of responders reported using two doses, while nearly a quarter reported using only one dose, showing that a firm majority of

overdose incidents are adequately addressed with just two doses of naloxone on hand – the standard

number of doses present in most NEXT Distro naloxone kits. This aligns with 80% of participants surveyed in our Participant Satisfaction Survey declaring that NEXT Distro does supply them with ...a firm majority of enough individual overdose incidents doses of naloxone for are adequately personal use. More

us where overdoses occurred, how many addressed with doses of naloxone were administered, just two doses of and non-identifying naloxone on hand.... details about the person who experienced the overdose. In 2023, we received reports of

3,712 overdose reversal incidents

in which 63% of responders had a close relationship to the person who overdosed, 20% of responders were strangers to the person overdosing, and 5% were the person who experienced the overdose themselves. Five states – California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and Florida – accounted for 52.4% of the Formal

than 91% of Formal Reports confirmed that the person who overdosed survived.

Informal Reports give us a chance to

analyze minimal, yet crucial, information about overdose incidents from participants enrolled in our Full Service programs who have not submitted a report via our Opioid Overdose Incident Form. NEXT Distro has received 3,162 overdose reversal incidents through this informal channel. California, Pennsylvania, and New York – account for 54.8% of the Informal Reports we aggregated. 11

Safer Use

In addition to syringes and naloxone, NEXT Distro provides a range of safer use supplies. California, Michigan, and New York have been the top three states with the highest distribution of fentanyl test strips (FTS), collectively accounting for nearly 63% of the total FTS provided. It’s important to note that

we cannot distribute FTS in every state, often due to legislative barriers or lack of funding. FTS distribution is critical for mitigating immediate risks but underlines the need for safe drug supply initiatives. California, Michigan, and New York also have our highest rates of safer sex supply distribution.

Promotion & Outreach Efforts Where Do People Hear About NEXT Distro? Full-Service Program 5.6% 7.7%

Naloxone Program 20.3% 17.1%

14.9% 62.8%



Both sets of data highlight the significance of word of mouth, internet searches, social media, and outside agency or organization referrals in connecting with individuals seeking harm reduction

Referrals play a significant role in expanding the reach of our services and helping us connect with individuals and communities who may not be aware of harm reduction resources.

Referral Source Family/Friend/Colleague Internet Agency/Organization Social Media

resources. Using this information, we can tailor our outreach strategies by prioritizing outreach to the most effective referral channels.

Naloxone Distribution:


Barriers to Local Naloxone Access Many people come to NEXT Distro for supplies like naloxone because of issues accessing these same resources in person. The information participants provide about challenges they face offers crucial insights into the landscape of harm reduction.

Local Shortage or Unavailability Transportation Unavailable Unfamiliar with Other Resources Cost or Insurance Stigma/Privacy Time is Limited Convenience Prefer Online or Not a Drug User COVID-19/Medical Related to Work/Employment

The top three reasons identified – limited local availability, transportation challenges, and unclear information on naloxone sources – are consistent across all states we serve. These issues underscore the critical need for online harm reduction services, especially in rural communities which are more likely to experience gaps in local harm reduction services and support.

The high percentage of respondents indicating that they have not overdosed in the past year (93.4%) and the

30.4% 15.7% 15.6% 11.5% 7.0% 5.3% 4.9% 3.5% 3.4%

percentage of those who have witnessed someone overdose in the past year (42.7%) suggest that there is a potential gap in reaching individuals who could benefit from naloxone access. To avoid replicating inequality in harm reduction resource access, we continue to do targeted outreach to people who use drugs and their communities instead of a thorough blanket saturation model.


I live is about an hour away from Highlighting “Where the closest place to receive free narcan & Inaccessibility I do not have a vehicle or transportation Below are some first-hand accounts of the barriers our participants face when trying to access life-saving naloxone:

“I do not have insurance nor the money to go and purchase at the pharmacy. It’s sad that the lack of money can dictate me being able to save a life.” - Montana “I live in a small, somewhat bigoted town with few resources. I have been turned away for ‘queerness.’” - Oklahoma

to get there[...]I am an opiate addict and narcan has saved my life several times. I just wish it was more accessible, especially in rural areas like mine.” - Missouri “The only pharmacy in town refuses to sell syringes to any user and they speak down to you if you ask for a syringe or Narcan. Sadly there are no harm reduction programs here for IV drug users [...] you can only imagine how many people are sharing syringes.” - Pennsylvania

2023 Affiliate Map


Total Affiliates


US Counties Reached

Distribution Disparities Funded and Unfunded States

One-Time Packages and Underserved States

NEXT’s ability to distribute harm reduction supplies is directly correlated to the level of state funding and support we receive. Stark distribution disparity highlights how unequal access to harm reduction resources spans different regions and locations.

We fundamentally believe that access to life-saving supplies should not be determined by where you live. This program operates as a vital stop-gap measure for individuals facing high needs or in priority populations – like people living with HIV, TGNC individuals, and Black and brown people

New York and California stand as our foundational pillars, receiving significant financial backing. We also receive varying levels of funding in Nevada, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and Louisiana. However, funding levels and sources vary across these states; Louisiana, Florida, and Delaware, for example, rely on limited funds from generous supporters dedicated to harm reduction. 66.6% of our packages are sent to participants residing in a handful of funded states. This disparity reveals how deeply imbalanced accessibility to harm reduction resources is in our country. In contrast, participants in several dozen unfunded states received 33.4% of packages sent in 2023. This shows that there is a need and demand for harm reduction resources in states with limited funding and support.

When considering specific states, Tennessee is significant: 17.7% of packages are sent to participants in this region. Notably, Tennessee demonstrates a high demand and need for harm reduction services despite being an unfunded state. Sustained funding for

Package Distribution Funded States Unfunded States

33.4% 66.6%


equitable access to vital resources is critical in order to meet the needs of people who use drugs. Other states like Louisiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, Alabama, and South Carolina also represent a considerable portion of our distribution.

We aim to bridge the gap in harm reduction access across the country by targeting areas with high demand and low access to in-person resources. As we expand nationwide, we continue to work to reduce disparities in harm reduction accessibility by promoting safer practices and collaborating with local organizations.

Package Distribution in Key States At NEXT Distro, we remain committed to making harm reduction services widespread and accessible. Below, we highlight the package and participant data from a few of our key states.



New York


28.8% of Participants 27.1% of Packages

19.3% of Participants 21.1% of Packages

9.7% of Participants 11.4% of Packages

8.4% of Participants 8.7% of Packages

Advocating for funding and support in unfunded states is critical to ensure all are equitably included in the pursuit of harm reduction. We are currently at capacity for distribution and would require additional funding and resources to meet the actual needs and demands of PWUD in unfunded areas.

NEXT Team Growth and Impactful Moments:

A Year in Review This year, we had valuable new additions to NEXT’s core team. Sidney Lane joined as Program Coordinator, Draca Hing assumed the role of Office Manager, Kendra Hernandez became our new Shipping Associate, Cheick

Ouattara joined as a Program Associate, Noelle Torres came in as our Resource Navigator, and Luis Montoya took on the position of Operations Director. Together, they contribute to the diverse expertise that defines our team.


Drug Policy Alliance Conference

Inaugural NEXT Distro Retreat

In October, our team actively participated in the Drug Policy Alliance conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Impact Strategist Nadia Eskildsen spoke on a panel entitled “Resisting Surveillance: Movement Implications from Navigating Drug War Surveillance.” Executive Director Jamie Favaro and our team were presented with The Norman E. Zinberg Award for Achievement in the Field of Medicine.

In May, we had our first NEXT Distro retreat! For the first time, many of us were able to meet face-to-face. We were able to have a safe and productive retreat by enacting COVID precautions like daily testing, masking, and outdoor dining.

Noteworthy Moments: Making a Difference

Our Intake Team took on the task of optimizing both the order and enrollment forms as well as informational resources for our participants, like our Frequently Asked Questions page. Using invaluable participant feedback, the team created a new enrollment application and expanded the language and options for describing one’s gender on our other forms. We are passionate about making improvements to our services and resources that center the needs and suggestions of PWUD and our participants.

Presto Crespo, our Participant Support Services Coordinator, created a video on naloxone dosing that generated a lot of conversation and further research. Increased funding for support services also allowed us to address participants’ practical needs, like fulfilling requests for notarized birth certificates and providing at-home Hep-C and HIV tests.

Incorporating Participant Feedback

Leveraging Data-Informed Decisions Sari Marsh, our Data Analyst & Insight Manager, combined NEXT Distros’ participant data with Wisconsin public health data concerning overdoses to create a naloxone information campaign in the state. This led to the expansion of Sari’s contract role into their current full-time position.

Alongside Sari, former Resource Coordinator Nadia Eskildsen transitioned into the role of Impact Strategist. By weaving together data-driven insights, community needs, and organizational strategy, these dynamic roles ensure NEXT’s harm reduction initiatives are as impactful as possible.

Advancing Harm Reduction Through Data-Driven Advocacy in Louisiana In 2023, NEXT Distro spearheaded a data-driven advocacy initiative with our Louisiana affiliate Trystereo and other harm reduction organizations across the state. This collaboration produced an advocacy brief, titled “Saving Lives, Reducing Costs: A Case for Expanding Harm Reduction in Louisiana,” in order to empower conversations with policymakers, legislators, and civic stakeholders. We drew from the experiences of NEXT participants and our 2022 Louisiana data in order to highlight the need for legislative support and funding of harm reduction

initiatives. The creation of this advocacy brief occurred at a critical moment in Louisiana, with decisions around Opioid Settlement Funds taking shape in parishes across the state. The full advocacy brief can be accessed here. We hope that this serves as a valuable resource to all.


Participant Testimonials People who seek services from NEXT Distro come from a wide range of lived experiences. We share a few of these stories to honor the trust and care they have for their loved ones and their fellow humans.

“ “ “

“I want to say THANK YOU!!!! This program is such a blessing to people like me. When a loved one goes through an overdose it shakes your entire world around you and the anxiety that comes afterwards just hoping and praying every day that it doesn’t happen again.” “I know there are others like me, who live in small towns and fear being shamed, humiliated, or even punished for trying to utilize these harm reduction programs because being an addict still carries such a negative and shameful stigma.[...] thank you so much for everything y’all do. You truly are earth’s angels.”

“The services you provide are extremely great and because of you I personally was able to save 40+ people that would have died without your services.”

” ”

Looking Ahead

As NEXT Distro looks to the future we remain committed to delivering equitable and

effective harm reduction services. Our goals for the upcoming

participants. These targets align

One of our primary objectives for 2024 is to increase representation across diverse communities. We aim to boost BIPOC participation, striving for a more proportionate level of involvement. We’re also setting the ambitious goal of

In response to the evolving needs of our participants, we’re expanding the range of supplies offered. This includes providing a wider array of safer use supplies such as pipes, fentanyl

year are a roadmap to a more impactful and inclusive harm reduction landscape.

increasing representation of TGNC

with our commitment to making harm reduction services accessible to all who need them.

test strips (FTS), xylazine test strips (XTS), and more. 21

Leadership Transition At the close of 2023, NEXT Distro stands at the threshold of a new chapter as we bid farewell to our founder and Executive Director, Jamie Favaro. Jamie’s vision has been the bedrock of our organization, shaping its identity and mission from its inception. This transition, though undoubtedly challenging, underscores our collective commitment to ensuring the sustainability and stability of NEXT Distro. Throughout these changes, our team remains dedicated to our

participants’ well-being, safety, and access to vital harm reduction services. Our vision goes beyond conventional paradigms; we are crafting an organization that mirrors our ideals. The team at NEXT Distro is resolute in its belief that a thriving organization is built on the foundation of collective effort and unwavering support for one another. We see this transition as an opportunity for the growth and evolution of NEXT Distro.

d n a s r e d Fun s r e t r o p p u Other S In 2023, our work was made possible through the generosity and collaboration of a diverse array of supporters.

naloxone or essential hygiene supplies, directly impact the lives and well-being of our participants.

Remedy Alliance and Dr. Bronners stand out among the organizations that have generously supported us. Their contributions, be it in the form of

mission strengthens our resolve, and we look forward to continuing this impactful journey together.

Our volunteers are integral to our NYC office. Individuals like Rosza, Sona, Our gratitude goes to the Steven Nevada, Anna, and Pearl have dedicated & Alexandra Cohen Foundation, significant time to support our mission. NASTAD, OASAS, and NIH for joining VMLY&R, a corporate contributor, us on this journey. Their support fuels brought 20-30 volunteers per visit, while our initiatives and signifies a shared our per diem hires – Pete, Mark, Joey, commitment to redefining the landscape Jennie, Lu, Cat, Diego, and Kason – of harm reduction. have been crucial in making our initiatives a reality! A special mention goes to the Ford Foundation. With Ford’s support, we are better equipped to leverage technology to To all our supporters, known or unsung, enhance harm reduction efforts. thank you. Your belief in our

Visit our website’s “Get Involved” section to find information on volunteer programs, donation options, and collaboration opportunities. Join us in forging a future where harm reduction transcends physical boundaries.

Get Involved!


Conclusion We are proud of the work we did in 2023 and hope that this annual report reflects NEXT Distro’s progress and unwavering commitment to people who use drugs. Our work doesn’t exist in isolation; it thrives on collaboration, both within our team and through our affiliate partnerships. The power of harm reduction shows not just in the supplies we deliver, but in the connections we forge as communities, organizations, and individuals on the frontlines of change. At the core of our mission is the firm belief that individuals should have the agency to navigate their lives with dignity and respect. In the tapestry of harm reduction, each thread represents a story, a connection, and a step towards a healthier, more compassionate world. Thank you for being part of this narrative. Your support is the catalyst for change. With your continued partnership, the journey of NEXT Distro is poised for new horizons. Onward, with gratitude and purpose.

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