Drug Induced Homicide Defense Toolkit
overdose deaths than DIH prosecutions, but they require citizens’ willingness to open their doors and find them credible enough to engage. Aggressive DIH enforcement undermines such initiatives, steering people away from even beneficial police contact and inadvertently worsening disparities in access to care.300 Worse, considering that these programs also require police to work in partnership with public health and other sectors, they may undermine the credibility of those other sectors among those individuals with a history of individual or community trauma involving the criminal legal system.
E. DIH prosecutions do not reduce drug use or drug crime Proponents of DIH enforcement contend that “it can be a helpful tool in identifying and prosecuting dealers and distributors in an effort to create a deterrent and turn the tide of opioids flowing through communities.”301 However, their contentions are never 300
See, e.g., Megan Cassidy, Study: 45% in mental-health crisis said Phoenix police made matters worse, The Republic (April 11, 2017), https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2017/04/11/phoenix-police-survey-mental-health-crisi s/100310696/; German Lopez, How America’s criminal justice system became the country’s mental health system, Vox (October 18, 2016), https://www.vox.com/2016/3/1/11134908/criminal-justice-mental-health; Zach Rhoads, The Problems With Post-Overdose Response Teams, Filter (February 24, 2020), https://filtermag.org/post-overdose-response-teams/. 301
NDAA, The Opioid Epidemic: A State and Local Prosecutor Response at 10. See William J. Ihlenfeld II, “Death Results” Prosecutions Remain Effective Tool Post-Burrage, U.S. Att’ys’ Bull . (Sep. 2016) at 45 (claiming effectiveness due to the continuing ability for prosecutors to secure convictions rather than any downstream reduction in overdose); Sam Adam Meinero, Danger in Milligrams and Micrograms: United States Attorneys’ Offices Confront Illicit Fentanyls, U.S. Att’ys’ Bull . (Jul. 2018), at 5 (citing three convictions, including one “trafficking ring” and one online distribution network, but offering no evidence
Version Date July 2021 – Check https://ssrn.com/abstract=3265510 for most current edition