1 minute read
from Vein Care Booklet
by nextdistro
Get your clean rig ready BEFORE you start mixing. Even though it’s hard to get, try to use one clean dental cotton filter on the end of your needle. This is a good thing to use for filtering because it is clean, small, and won’t break apart. If you don’t have dental cotton, use a small, clean piece of a swab, tampon, or cigarette
Use a clean filter with each hit. You can put the filter in clean or sterile water first to soften it.
Try not to touch the filter very much. If you do, wash your hands before touching it! That keeps the germs on your hands from getting into your blood.
Try Rothman’s, Players Filter, or a stronger cigarette filter. Don’t use menthol filters – you may get a feeling or it may affect some drugs. numb