AV Group Portfolio 2016

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AVGroup Magazines and Media In print, online, on iPad, Android, PC & Mac – Your Choice


Sound+Image Sound+Image is Australia’s no. 1 audio-

the annual Sound+Image Awards, which

Ford, a hi-fi writer and reviewer for 25

visual and lifestyle entertainment

highlight the year’s most outstanding

years, and a former editor of UK publica-

publication, providing easy-to-read infor-

and best-value equipment, along with

tions ‘What Hi-Fi?’, ‘Stuff’ magazine and

mation about audio and AV equipment,

the highest achievements in custom

‘Audiophile’. Together with Australia’s

from complete stereo and home cinema

installation, adding value to point-of-sale

top audio & AV reviews, the team

installations to the latest streaming

and advertising promotions for clients.

delivers informed advice about

wireless and multiroom music systems.

The magazine’s exclusive custom

entertainment products and services

With Australia’s most in-depth AV

installation pictorials are a joy to view

as convergence, the internet and

product reviews and comparisons, tech-

and read, demonstrating the benefits

networking turns homes into high-tech

nology features and a unique Australian

and attractions of integrating audio and

broadband digital living spaces.

audio & AV Buying Guide, Sound+Image

video control throughout the home.

caters to both first-time buyers and con-

They also discuss lifestyle advantages,

times yearly, distributed nationally

sumers who already know their technol-

such as automated lighting, security and

in print through subscription and

ogy and have their sights set on the next

temperature systems.

newsstand, and as digital issues through

upgrade. The year’s best products and

Australia’s most experienced hi-fi

services in this market are honoured at

and AV editorial team is led by Editor Jez

Sound+Image is published six

Apple Newsstand, Google play and Zinio platforms.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia and by subscription, Sound+Image is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac, while additional exclusive content, including news, reviews and feature articles, is continually posted on Sound+Image’s dynamic website, at www.avhub.com.au and on its active Facebook page.







Full Page Colour






Half Page Colour






Third Page Colour






Back Cover






Inside Front/Inside Back Cover






*All rates plus 10% GST




DPS (supply as single pages)

267 x 400mm

297 x 420mm

307 x 430mm

Full Page

267 x 190mm

297 x 210mm

307 x 220mm

1/2 Page Vertical

267 x 85mm

297 x 105mm

307 x 115mm

1/2 Page Horizontal

119 x 190mm

149 x 210mm

159 x 220mm

1/3 Page Vertical

267 x 50mm

297 x 70mm

307 x 80mm

1/4 Page Square

119 x 85mm

149 x 105mm

159 x 115mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs.

Production contacts: Australian hi-fi advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our material specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Contact Sound+Image is published six times yearly and distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au


Australian Hi-Fi Australian Hi-Fi magazine is Australia’s longest-running and most successful hi-fi title. Published continuously since 1969, Australian Hi-Fi has gained an international reputation for the high quality and unerring technical accuracy of its authoritative reviews of hi-fi equipment, from portables to state-ofthe-art audiophile systems, and everything in between. Australian Hi-Fi magazine’s editor, Greg Borrowman, is Australia’s bestknown and most respected audio writer, with a 42-year background

in audio electronics and music that includes teaching at TAFE and contributing a regular column to The Sydney Morning Herald for two decades. He has written about hi-fi and audio for many Australian magazines and newspapers, including The Age and The Melbourne Herald. He has also contributed to overseas hi-fi journals such as Stereophile. Australian Hi-Fi Magazine’s mission statement is to ensure its readers achieve the highest possible sound quality in their homes, so the magazine encourages its

readers to buy only high-quality components, to regularly upgrade their hi-fi equipment, and to use only the best quality accessories and cabling. Every issue of Australian Hi-Fi magazine is packed with reviews of audio equipment, information about new products and reviews of music that will best show off a hi-fi system, so you can be guaranteed that your advertisement will always appear in a dynamic, exciting environment before an audience that is 100 per cent committed to buying hi-fi components.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia and by subscription, Australian Hi-Fi Magazine is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac, while additional exclusive content, including news, reviews and feature articles, is continually posted on Australian Hi-Fi’s dynamic website, at www.avhub.com.au/hi-fi and on its active Facebook page.







Full Page Colour






Half Page Colour






Third Page Colour






Back Cover






Inside Front/Inside Back Cover






*All rates plus 10% GST




DPS (supply as single pages)

267 x 400mm

297 x 420mm

307 x 430mm

1/2 DPS

119 x 400mm

149 x 420mm

159 x 430mm

Full Page

267 x 190mm

297 x 210mm

307 x 220mm

1/2 Page Vertical

267 x 85mm

297 x 105mm

307 x 115mm

1/2 Page Horizontal

119 x 190mm

149 x 210mm

159 x 220mm

1/3 Page Vertical

267 x 50mm

297 x 70mm

307 x 80mm

1/4 Page

119 x 85mm

149 x 105mm

159 x 115mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs.

Production contacts: Australian Hi-fi advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our material specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Australian Hi-Fi magazine is published six times yearly and distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au


Camera Magazine Camera magazine is Australia’s leading publication for enthusiastlevel photographers and for amateurs who want become more involved in their hobby. The magazine’s informative and entertaining style is designed to make advanced techniques and the latest imaging technologies both easier to understand and to put into practice. The magazine’s ‘real world’ approach to its editorial content helps amateur photographers get the most out of their equipment as well as achieving the satisfaction

of mastering new skills. Our test reports are particularly valued for their independence, comprehensive coverage and attention to accuracy. Since 2010, Camera has been a member of the prestigious Technical Image Press Association (TIPA), a global group of photography magazines selected for their high standards of content, production and independence. Camera is the only Australian photography magazine to have been invited to join TIPA, and is closely involved in the judging of the highly-respected

annual TIPA Awards for imaging product design. Camera’s Editor, Paul Burrows, has over 32 years of experience writing about photography, photographers, cameras and camera design, techniques, and imaging tech nologies. The magazine’s editorial contributors are all acknowledged experts in their particular fields. Published since 1979, Camera is dedicated to helping its readers obtain the maximum enjoyment from their photography by expanding their skills, techniques and vision.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia and by subscription, Camera magazine is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac, while additional exclusive content, including news, reviews and feature articles, is continually posted on Camera magazine’s dynamic website, at www. avhub.com.au/camera and on its Facebook page.






Full Page Colour





Half Page Colour





Third Page Colour





Back Cover





Inside Front/Inside Back Cover





*All rates plus 10% GST




DPS (supply as single pages)

267 x 409mm

297 x 450mm

307 x 460mm

Full Page

267 x 205mm

297 x 225mm

307 x 235mm

1/2 Page Vertical

267 x 93mm

297 x 112mm

307 x 122mm

1/2 Page Horizontal

119 x 195mm

149 x 225mm

159 x 235mm

1/3 Page Vertical

267 x 57mm

297 x 75mm

307 x 85mm

1/3 Page Horizontal

76 x 195mm

99 x 225mm

109 x 235mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs.

Production contacts: Camera Magazine advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our material specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Camera Magazine is published six times yearly and is distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au


ProPhoto Published continuously since 1937, ProPhoto is Australia’s premier publication for professional photographers, emerging talent and students studying imaging-based courses. The content is dedicated to helping working photographers develop their technical skills, improve their business practices and increase their profitability. In addition to its educational elements, each issue of

ProPhoto is also designed to inspire and stimulate readers with portfolios and profiles showcasing work from a diverse selection of photographers – both Australian and international – who are producing innovative work. The magazine’s contributors are considered to be leading authorities in their respective fields such as photojournalism, corporate and advertising photography and small

business operations. Over the decades, ProPhoto has also established a reputation for comprehensive and fully-independent tests of imaging equipment with a particular emphasis on pro-level products. In keeping with today’s multiple platforms for publishing editorial content, the magazine is available in both the printed form and for display on mobile devices.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia and by subscription, ProPhoto is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac, plus additional exclusive content, including news, reviews and feature articles, is continually posted on ProPhoto’s dynamic website, at www.avhub.com.au/ prophoto and on its Facebook page.






Full Page Colour





Half Page Colour





Third Page Colour





Back Cover





Inside Front/Inside Back Cover





*All rates plus 10% GST




DPS (supply as single pages)

267 x 409mm

297 x 450mm

307 x 460mm

Full Page

267 x 205mm

297 x 225mm

307 x 235mm

1/2 Page Vertical

267 x 93mm

297 x 112mm

307 x 122mm

1/2 Page Horizontal

119 x 195mm

149 x 225mm

159 x 235mm

1/3 Page Vertical

267 x 57mm

297 x 75mm

307 x 85mm

1/3 Page Horizontal

76 x 195mm

99 x 225mm

109 x 235mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs.

Production contacts: ProPhoto advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our material specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Contact ProPhoto is published six times yearly and distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au


Australian INCAR Entertainment Australian INCAR Entertainment is Australia’s longest running specialist car audio magazine. It holds car audio enthusiasts at its heart – whether they’re AV buffs, SQ fanatics or even SPL devotees – while covering the latest news, products and trends in developing fields such as in-car AV, mobile computing, automotive security and burgeoning accessories including flash memory for music, reversing cameras, MP3 player docks and other multimedia devices.

This combination of classic values and quality pictorials together with news and in-depth reviews of the latest high-tech kit reinforces Australian INCAR Entertainment’s position as Australia’s ultimate mobile audio and entertainment magazine. Professionally-shot incar pictorials display Australia’s best aftermarket in-car installs across a huge range of ages, tastes and budgets, including top-notch audio, AV and even gaming installs, as well as masterfully executed real-world installations.

The team of specialist technical writers review key products and present DIY installation techniques, always providing the readers with clear and simple explanations of often complex in-car AV products and technologies. The regular departments in each issue maintain a close watch on new and improving technologies, while special features zero in on everything from new models to installation advice to events across Australia for INCAR Entertainment readers.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia and by subscription, Australian INCAR Enterainment is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac, plus additional exclusive content, including news, reviews and feature articles, is continually posted on Australian INCAR Enterainment’s dynamic website at www.avhub.com.au/incar and on its Facebook page.





Full Page Colour




Half Page Colour




Third Page Colour




Back Cover




Inside Front/Inside Back Cover




*All rates plus 10% GST




DPS (supply as single pages)

267 x 400mm

297 x 420mm

307 x 430mm

Full Page

267 x 190mm

297 x 210mm

307 x 220mm

1/2 Page Vertical

267 x 85mm

297 x 105mm

307 x 115mm

1/2 Page Horizontal

119 x 190mm

149 x 210mm

159 x 220mm

1/3 Page Vertical

267 x 50mm

297 x 70mm

307 x 80mm

1/4 Page

119 x 85mm

149 x 105mm

159 x 115mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs

Production contacts: INCAR advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our mate rial specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Australian INCAR Entertainment is published six times yearly and distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au


Australian Guitar With nearly two decades of experience in the industry, Australian Guitar magazine is the only 100 percent Australian-owned and produced guitar publication in the country. A bi-monthly music bible that’s jam-packed with the hottest interviews, the latest news, and must-have information on everything from DIY to the newest products and gear available locally and internationally, Australian Guitar is now the biggest circulating music guide and resource for every guitarist and music fanatic in tune with today’s scene. Along with mustread editorial, our issues are loaded with enticing content for our readers ranging from competitions, promotions, music tabs, live reviews, CDs, DVDs, and

everything else our readers are into. We know that there’s more to a muso’s life than just being a musician, and we cover everything that goes along with a music-loving lifestyle. Whether our readers are the professional player, the hobby player, the weekend warrior or the beginner, we have all their bases covered. It’s all about the music and we have the perfect blend of content that keeps the crowd roaring for the encore every time. Our readers are cashed up and looking for the best of the best when it comes to music and their lifestyle. They have worked hard for their cash and have the extra money to spend on life’s luxuries, such as limited edition

releases, box sets, vinyl, CDs, instruments, music and recording gear, alcohol, travel, electronics, and entertainment. They have a wide range of guitars, amps, pedals, music software and recording equipment at their disposal, and are constantly on the lookout for more. Our active readers want to know the ins and outs of the music world and the instruments they are interested in buying. Tech talk and specs are of huge interest and they love to hear from other guitarists who rate certain brands and products over others. They trust us and look to us for opinions on what to buy, what not to buy, and information on the latest gear from around the world.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia and by subscription, Australian Guitar is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac, plus additional exclusive content, including news, reviews and feature articles, is continually posted on Australian Guitar’s dynamic website, at www.avhub.com.au/ausguitar and on Facebook.





Full Page Colour




Half Page Colour




Back Cover




Inside Front/Inside Back Cover




*All rates plus 10% GST




DPS (supply as single pages)

290 x 430 mm

300 x 440 mm

310 x 450 mm

Full Page

290 x 210 mm

300 x 220 mm

310 x 230 mm

1/2 Page Vertical

290 x 100 mm

300 x 110 mm

310 x 120 mm

1/2 Page Horizontal

140 x 210 mm

150 x 220 mm

160 x 230 mm

1/3 Page Vertical

290 x 63 mm

300 x 73 mm

310 x 83 mm

1/3 Page Horizontal

90 x 210 mm

100 x 220 mm

110 x 230 mm

1/4 Page Portrait

119 x 85mm

149 x 105mm

159 x 115mm

1/4 Page Vertical

290 x 45 mm

300 x 55 mm

310 x 65 mm

1/4 Page Horizontal

65 x 210 mm

75 x 220 mm

85 x 230 mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs.

Production contacts: Australian Guitar advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our material specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Australian Guitar is published six times yearly and distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au


Audio Esoterica

A celebration of sonic purity and design excellence

Audio Esoterica represents a new era in high-end audio publishing in Australia. Since its inaugural issue in 2012, enthusiasts, audiophiles and the industry at large have welcomed and embraced Audio Esoterica’s mix of the world’s finest audio products, stunning pictorial layouts, in-depth interviews, and comprehensive reviews by an experienced and dedicated editorial team.

Now published twice a year, Audio Esoterica magazine continues to deliver this established excellence with each issue containing an extraordinary listing of outstanding products and further designer interview insights, while maintaining the high standard of information, production and presentation demanded by serious audiophiles and home entertainment enthusiasts.

The entire publication is also available as a worldwide digital edition, complete with all advertiser/partnership pages, further extending the reach of this prestigious publication. Audio Esoterica includes a limited number of advertising positions combined with partnership pages for which the editorial team works with high-end distributors and retailers to produce accurate and relevant content for this discerning market.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia, Audio Esoterica is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac.



Full Page


Type Area 267x205mm Trim 297x225mm Bleed 307x235mm

Type Area 267x409mm Trim 297x450mm Bleed 307x460mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs.

Production contacts: Audio Esoterica advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Four Page Package


Six Page Package


Eight Page Package


*All rates plus 10% GST

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our material specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Contact Audio Esoterica is published twice yearly and distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au


Best Buys Audio & AV Best Buys Audio & AV is Australia’s premier review publication for home entertainment and hi-fi equipment buyers. The magazine provides in-depth and authoritative Australian reviews and informative articles on all types of hi-fi and audio-visuals products, and is keenly sought by customers looking to assemble and upgrade their home entertainment systems, and

those aiming to keep up to date for future purchases. By publishing easy-to-read, well researched features, Best Buys Audio & AV helps to provide a context for individual product reviews by explaining what different components do and the features they should have so that customers can select the appropriate products for their needs. The unusual quantity of in-depth reviews —

30-50 per issue — by Australia’s top audio writers makes Best Buys Audio & AV a uniquely valuable publication in the market, while its extended shelf life offers particular value to advertisers. Best Buys Audio & AV is published twice yearly and is distributed nationally in print through subscription and newsstand, and as digital issues through Zinio’s digital platform.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia, Best Buys Audio & AV is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac.





Full Page Colour




Half Page Colour




Back Cover




Inside Front/Inside Back Cover




*All rates plus 10% GST




DPS (supply as single pages)

267 x 409mm

297 x 450mm

307 x 460mm

Full Page

267 x 205mm

297 x 225mm

307 x 235mm

1/2 Page Vertical

267 x 93mm

297 x 112mm

307 x 122mm

1/2 Page Horizontal

119 x 195mm

149 x 225mm

159 x 235mm

1/3 Page Vertical

267 x 57mm

297 x 75mm

307 x 85mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs.

Production contacts: Best Buys Audio & AV advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our material specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Best Buys Audio & AV is published twice yearly and distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au


Home Cinema & Hi-fi Living Home Cinema & Hi-fi Living is Australia’s essential resource for all hi-fi and home entertainment buyers and enthusiasts. Produced annually by the writers and reviewers of Sound+Image and Australian Hi-Fi magazines, it brings together the most informative articles and advice from these publications together with a

unique selection of Australia’s best home installations and hi-fi systems, from complete automated homes to esoteric highend systems using the world’s finest equipment. It shows readers what can be achieved, and how to go about it. The Yearbook is unique in that it is the only publication in Australia that provides

information and advice not only about home theatre products, but also about hi-fi and custom installation, as well as home automation and security. Home Cinema & Hi-Fi Living is an annual publication, distributed nationally in print through subscription and newsstand.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia, Home Cinema & Hi-fi Living is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac.






Full Page Colour





Half Page Colour





Third Page Colour





Back Cover





Inside Front/Inside Back Cover





*All rates plus 10% GST




DPS (supply as single pages)

267 x 400mm

297 x 420mm

307 x 430mm

1/2 DPS

119 x 400mm

149 x 420mm

159 x 430mm

Full Page

267 x 190mm

297 x 210mm

307 x 220mm

1/2 Page Vertical

267 x 85mm

297 x 105mm

307 x 115mm

1/2 Page Horizontal

119 x 190mm

149 x 210mm

159 x 220mm

1/3 Page Vertical

267 x 50mm

297 x 70mm

307 x 80mm

1/4 Page

119 x 85mm

149 x 105mm

159 x 115mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs.

Production contacts: Home Cinema & Hi-fi Living advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our material specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Home Cinema & Hi-fi Living is an annual publication and distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au


Camera Handbook Camera Handbook is the

reports covering all the

aspects of shooting HD video

annual ‘best-of’ Yearbook

currently popular models in

with a D-SLR.

from Camera magazine. It is

the entry-level, enthusiast

Camera Handbook is

designed to be a reference

and advanced categories,

precisely targeted at an

which all photographers

Camera Handbook will also

audience of readers known

from beginner to expert will

contain ‘how-to’ articles

to be enthusiastic and active

keep handy, as it will serve

covering many aspects of

photographers, regular buy-

as both a valuable indepen-

photography, both general

ers of new equipment and

dently-compiled buying guide

and more specialised. A

accessories, and respected

and a practical handbook. In

section of the magazine will

providers of advice to family

addition to a selection of test

be devoted to the various

members and friends.

Digital Edition As well as being available in print from newsagencies around Australia, Camera Handbook is now also available in electronic format for multiple platforms including iPad, Android, PC and Mac.






Full Page Colour





Half Page Colour





Third Page Colour





Back Cover





Inside Front/Inside Back Cover





*All rates plus 10% GST




DPS (supply as single pages)

267 x 409mm

297 x 450mm

307 x 460mm

Full Page

267 x 205mm

297 x 225mm

307 x 235mm

1/2 Page Vertical

267 x 93mm

297 x 112mm

307 x 122mm

1/2 Page Horizontal

119 x 195mm

149 x 225mm

159 x 235mm

1/3 Page Vertical

267 x 57mm

297 x 75mm

307 x 85mm

1/3 Page Horizontal

76 x 195mm

99 x 225mm

109 x 235mm

Supplying direct to nextmedia If supplying materials direct to nextmedia, all supplied material must meet the guidelines contained in the document ‘nextmedia recommendations for preparing digital material.Pdf’. Please request a copy of this if it has not already been supplied.

In particular: ·· Supplied material: must include all images, logos and text copy to be used in the advertisement. ·· DPS spreads: please save as two single pages with bleed, marking left and right. ·· Fonts: nextmedia supports opentype fonts and pc postscript fonts only. ·· Applications supported: InDesign CS6 or earlier (packaged files; Photoshop CS6 or earlier; Illustrator CS6 or earlier (outline/supply fonts); Word docs; text documents; pdfs.

Production contacts: Camera Handbook advertising traffic enquiries: Di Preece, nextmedia Pty Ltd, Level 6, Building A, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: (02) 9901 6151 email: dpreece@nextmedia.com.au Email: we accept email files under 30mb. Please note the booking number and magazine title in the subject field and email to avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au Ftp: please ftp files over 30mb to ftp.nextmedia.com.au Email the traffic coordinator at avtraffic@nextmedia.com.au for passwords and again immediately the file has been uploaded.

Supplying via Quickcut Nextmedia’s preferred delivery system for advertising is as PDF digital files via the Quickcut system. This will automatically ensure the quality and integrity of files meets our material specifications. For details please contact Quickcut: Sydney (02) 9467 7500 Melbourne (03) 8696 5701 Brisbane (07) 3013 6279 Or visit their website www.quickcut.com.au

Camera Handbook is published six times yearly and is distributed nationally. For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece (02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032 email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au Jim Preece (02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900 email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au



Who are our readers? • 80% of our readers

AVHUB.com.au brings together Australia’s music, leading audio, AV and photography titles under one leading technology website. Traffic is driven by hundreds of complete in-depth reviews from Sound+Image, Australian

choose a specialist as first choice for buying equipment. • Every year 52% of our

Hi-Fi, ProPhoto, Camera, INCAR and Australian Guitar magazines, while

readers look to upgrade

regular newsletters sent out to digital databases drives ongoing user

their existing equipment.

interaction with AVHUB’s latest news posts on tech, tests & techniques.

credit card users. • 69% are married or in a


Run of Site (CPM)




728 x 90

Medium Rectangle (M-Rec)


300 x 250

Half Page


300 x 600

Interstitial (welcome advert)


640 x 480 (Freq Cap: 1 UB per day)

Site Skin (background only)


On request



Contextual/Keyword targeting


Sponsored Links

$150 p/week

Logo + 8-15 words

Newsletter Sponsorship

Banner $750 p/month

728 x 92


$800 CPM

HTML (No Flash, No Javascript)

de facto relationship and 77% own their own home. • 66% of readers earn in excess of $80,000 per year and 76% work full time. Visitor Stats avhub.com.au / monthly average


*All rates plus 10% GST

For advertising that works, call Lewis Preece

(02) 9901 6175 or 0434 439 032, email: lpreece@nextmedia.com.au

Jim Preece

• Avhub readers are high

(02) 9901 6150 or 0400 808 900, email: jpreece@nextmedia.com.au






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