Which Kiwi C Are You ? It’s a little known fact but scientists can now predict which classic Kiwi food staple you are based on your reactions in social situations. So for those new to our long white cloud we have borrowed that research, stripped it of all APA referencing and repurposed it to help you find out a little more about yourself.
1. You’re at a party. Are you: a. The one dominating all the conversation and holding court as king or queen of the storytellers b. The one waiting for the aux to be free so you can impress everyone with your indie hits c. The one hooking up in the corner with a stranger, because life is too short d. Outside with the smokers
2. You find someone unfriended you on Facebook do you: a. Start posting photos of you having a good time that included them and aggressively tagging in all their friends so they eventually realise the mistake they made b. Move on because who uses Facebook these days c. Add 10 more friends to replace that one because you are aggressively trying to get to a target d. Not actually notice they had done it for about two years and by then you don’t give a shit anyway
3. You’re in a group assignment are you the one who: a. Organises everyone but makes sure that you have all the best jokes in the presentation b. Does the research but uses it to add obscure facts that you know stray outside the frame of the assignment but will make it seem like your group is really smart c. Do the bare minimum but make sure when the presentation comes you do the most talking d. Do almost nothing, but are a little critical when the presentation comes and make snide remarks 26
4. When you plan a party, what is most important to you: a. That everyone there is having a good time b. The music and aesthetic, obviously c. The guest list d. That the people there are ‘sussed’
5. You walk into a discussion about religion, you: a. Want to make sure everyone is cool and that everyone has the right to an opinion without listening to any particular side b. Listen intently and reference more obscure theology books supporting your side of the argument c. Figure out which side is winning and join it adapting to it almost like evolution, but NOT evolution if that is going to offend. Besides, your new iphone has some great religious diversity emojis d. Walk away
6. It’s time to go on a weekend getaway with friends, you go: a. To the beach, get the guitars out, make a weekend of it b. Auckland, staying in a hostel, listening to some new band, hitting up a museum, and a gallery, living the dream c. On a hike so you can show people you aren’t just image obsessed. Besides there are like six great places for instagram images so everyone can see how happy you are being disconnected from the world next to a waterfall. And your new iphone has some great natural light filters d. You help plan a great trip but a day before you excuse yourself because something has come up. And that something is housework and twitch streaming, but you don’t tell your mates that part