Sweaty since ‘88

That people of all races, gender and creed irrespective of level of ability participate with equal value and status in a full range of recreation, leisure and sports activities. (UoW Recreation Centre’s Mission Statement from 1993)

double brown sumo wrestling challenge (‘91)
hyper aerobics in polaris room
bill crome, recreation director (‘93)
original chalkboard signage
The university of waikato recreation centre

Unfortunately, Vance got off to a pretty bad start when Jennifer Aniston tweeted about comments he had made about the country being run by childless cat ladies. And if you start your campaign by getting on the bad side of the countries (objectively) third favourite FRIEND it is all down hill from there. Then came the rumours that in a number of instances in his book made references to performing sexual acts on his couch. Now you may read that as Vance having sex with a partner on his couch. That isn’t the case. Instead it is that Vance performed solo-sexual-acts using his couch.

For clarity the couch fucking all turned out to be untrue but it does raise the horrible question of what it says about you when someone on the internet posts your picture and says “This guy is a couch-fucker” and society as a collective says “yeah probably.”
Not to be outdone Trump went to NABJ or the National Association of Black Journalists to, in his words “remind them that nobody had done more for the blacks than him” to which Obama, Lincoln and the guy from Bridgerton season one all collectively said “What did you say?” Unsurprisingly he didn’t stop there. Accused a moderator of being nasty to him, said Mexicans were taking black jobs which he hurriedly redefined as “a job” and then told NABJ that Kamala Harris turned black five years ago.
So what does all this mean? Pretty much nothing. Like we said at the start it doesn’t matter how many people are offended, unless those people live in three swing states. The part that won’t help anyone sleep at night is that Harris may lead trump in all three of those States, where Biden was losing but each is still within the margin of error.
The election will be held in the first week of November.

They said that Shit?

Anthony Ammirati’s
(response to his pole vaultbulge mishap)
“It’s a big disappointment.”
Adesanya demands title match again 3/1 Adesanya doesn’t get title match 1/1.
USA Basketball loses final of both Men and Women’s 1111111111111111111111/1.
Manchester City actually convicted of the 119 outstanding charges of improper conduct 2/1.
Fake Trading Cards

1. Favourite Jump Jam song
2. Favourite lolly from the dairy
3. What is a quadratic equation?
4. Would you rather - shit in the sink or sink on the shit

1. Coconut tree
2. Nerds rope
3. uh some kind of math????
Shit in the sink 5. Fuck Red, Marry Green, Kill: Yellow
Coconut tree 2. The gummy lollies 3. [redacted] 4. Go in the sink 5. Kiss Yellow, Marry Red, Kill Green
1. IDK Jump Jam, I’m from England 2. Twix
3. an equation? I guess?
4. Shit in the sink
5. Fuck: Green Marry: Yellow Kill: Red
1. Superstar
2. misunderstood answer: russian fudge actual answer: coke bottle gummies
3. x squared is an unexpanded quadratic. It makes a U shape
4. Go in the sink
5. Kiss Red, Marry Green, Kill Yellow so its equation would be numerator X
1. Hey Baby
2. Blue dolphin gummies
3. If i did know i don’t think i’d be able to explain it anyways
4. um, i think me and Renee can swim quite well - sink in the shit
5. Fuck Yellow, Marry Green, Kill Red

Bank is R20 so the real and only answer is “18-year-olds are scary”
However, I was toldI had to write 250 words so here’s a few other reasons why Bank is better than Outback. First, the music is the exact same in both clubs, cheesy 90s RNB, Pop (BRAT winter) mixed into bass music that’s slipped through the cracks into mainstream.
What makes Bank special is that unlike the Outback (or even House for that matter) there is so much more room for activities. No need to squeeze past 10 6-foot rugby players to get to the bathroom whose chest is up to your head height.
On that note, the bathroom lines aren’t as long. So it’s 18-year-old free haven where you can flirt knowing they’re at least 20, isn’t too crowded and you’re not waiting 15 years to go to the bathroom. And if that wasn’t enough, Bank has started a new thing where they have 2 stages, like a mini festival each weekend.
Outside in the garden bar they’re now running BASS AT THE BANK. For all those who miss the doof doof music of Back Bar there is bass (think DNB, House and Trap) all night long. You can now go between singing ABBA to listening to Baddadan without venturing out in the cold.
So if you enjoy singing H-O-T-T-O-G-O in peace, go to Bank.
Outback is free entry with WoU student ID
(Bank is just free in general you just have to be oldl)
Are you lacking a dose of chaos in your life? CUE THE OUTBACK INN!
Where else are you going to have the most outrageous, confusing, temporarily frenzied night of your life?
This place acts as a portal that sends you into another dimension where you do all the things sober you wouldn’t dream of doing (I once tried to push a girl off a table because she stole my vape and tried to steal my boyfriend - Why was she even on the table??).
The music is best before 1am - But that’s just because I hate DNB. Sure, you might want to kick a fresher out of the way because of the sheer audacity of them existing, but it’s called a student bar for a reason, you can deal with it for a bit. With the venue being split into two areas, there’s an option to take the vibes outside, so there’s actually a spot you can go to talk with your mates without screaming at them (or if the music gets too loud and you need a minute x).
The events are usually well worth going to (Remember St Patrick’s Day 2023?), the shots are fucking cheap (coming from someone who once payed $12 for a shot in Wellington), and the staff are so lovely <3 Also, where else are you gonna get a FREE group photo with all your mates where you all look hot as fuck?

Let’s face it, the man has got consistency and a proven track record.

His beauty far outweighs his failings.

Legally Netflix makes sure she is put in everything.. Beetlejuice.. Beetlejuice… Beetlejui

Recent events have shown us the secret service isn’t great, built in muscles.

is so fucking BRAT!

Clearly needs a new job.

Six years in a PHD and has not let me down once. GOAT!

Someone needs to make sure this campaign is funded.

Let’s be honest, we need her and we don’t deserve her.

Jaden Smith -
“If Everybody In The World Dropped Out Of School We Would Have A Much More Intelligent Society.”
Shaq -
“Our offense is like Pythagorean’s theorem: there is no answer”
Britney Spears -
“I’ve never really wanted to go to Japan. Simply because I don’t like eating fish. And I know that’s very popular out there in Africa.”

A.I. - Humanity’s Final Invention?

The Bizarre Lore of Wizards 101

One $10 Donburi and you will vote for her for anything.we need her. campaign is funded. once. GOAT!

How to Protect Your Computer from Getting Shot by an MBT

Lukas Podolski -
“Football is like chess, only without the dice.”
Gwyneth Paltrow -
“I’d rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a can.”
Snooki -
“I hate the ocean, it’s all whale sperm. Everybody google it because that’s why it’s so salty, from the fucking whale sperm.”

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Go Claws Out While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

surviving a nuke by flipping a coin

Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter | CaptainPsychopath REVIEW (Part 1)
Would You Rather Heavy Rain Everyday? or
Boiling Hot Sun All Day Everyday?
Would You Rather Be Abandoned In The Sahara Desert or Antartica?
Would You Rather Shit On You Hands And Clap or
Piss Yourself In The Middle Of The Street With Everyone Staring At You?
Would You Rather Smell Some Stranger’s Armpit or Your Friend’s Booty Hole?
Would You Rather Save Your Mom from her Childhood or Feel The Love Of Your Dad?
Would You Rather To Shit In The Sink or Sink In The Shit?
Would You Rather Only be Allowed To Have Mozzarella Cheese Pizza (no tomato base either) or
Never Be Able to Put Cheese on Your Pizzas Again?

Hi-Fi Rush Game
Hi-Fi Rush is such an incredible take on the rhythm-action game and an experience to recommend to any non-gamer that loves music and/or the film Baby Driver. Why? Because EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME MOVES TO THE BEAT. It’s a beat-’em-up action adventure that syncs your fighting, run cycle and even set pieces to the music. And the music? Nine Inch Nails, The Prodigy, Lonely Boy by The Black Keys, it does not miss. The original songs are just as amazing too. Smooth gameplay, clean cell-shading visuals and a goofy over-the-top plotline is just the cherry on top of the cake. There is no reason for you to not at least try it, seeing as it’s free with Xbox Game Pass.
Oh, it also has three things our generation will love– Anticapitalist plotline, New Zealand actor David Fane voicing a WolfRobot people wanna fuck, and canonical lesbians.

A Trainer conveniently named Tristan, with a few tips on how to look after yourself.
The trick here is to find something you enjoy that doesn’t require too much mental energy. Doing something outside of your routine is a decent way to reduce doom scroll, build confidence and massively reduce stress.
Work on building a healthy relationship with yourself. Practice self-care, embrace how you feel, set boundaries. There’s little things you can start doing that will make a big difference - try positive affirmations each day.
Much easier said than done but there’s no harm in trying to address your stress. Avoid unhealthy habits, connect with people, challenge yourself. At the very least take some time to identify the cause of your stress.

This could be as simple as actively grounding yourself each day for a moment, standing barefoot on the whenua, reflecting on feeling connected and present. Or you could hike the Dusky Track, completely up to you.
It’s no secret that daily physical activity has some pretty sweet benefits, but don’t get fooled into thinking you need to hit the gym to feel good. Go for a walk, stretch at home or play a miserable game of pickleball with your mates.
Just in case your wellbeing is so good that it needs a little test, try playing some League of Legends. It’s a great way to tick off tip 1 while simultaneously attacking tips 2 and 5 (you should add me: Sleepyhead).

1. Ashlynn didn't award the first aid merit badge and didnt download any hip hop mp3s.
2. The scoutmaster who awarded the lifesaving merit badge downloaded a number of blues mp3s.
3. The person who downloaded jazz mp3s is Pablo.
4. The scoutmaster who awarded the orienteering merit badge didnt download any country mp3s.
5. Erik will depart earlier than the person who downloaded hip hop mp3s.
6. The person who downloaded country mp3s will depart earlier than Jonas.
7. The person who downloaded blues mp3s is not Erik.
8. The person whose flight departs at 3:30pm didn't award the orienteering merit badge.
9. Either the scoutmaster who awarded the climbing merit badge or the scoutmaster who awarded the lifesaving merit badge is Pablo.
20 by 40 orthogonal maze
10. Of the person who downloaded blues mp3s and the scoutmaster who awarded the orienteering merit badge, one will depart at 3:30pm and the other will depart at 11:30am.