2016-First Quarter

Page 1

Vegas Champions Sergio Pagni and Inge Van Caspel take home Vegas titles

full tournament results

practice with the pros midwest open results

Break the Barriers and much more!

Archery Magazine 800 Archery Lane Yankton, SD 57078

first QUARTER 2016

Vol. 36 • No. 1 ©2016 NFAA®

10 | a day in the life

| emily

bee & chris bee


12 | a vegas shoot to



| lucky dog wins shoot; photos & results

26 | practice with the


34 | vegas jr.

5 | from the

| photos / results


president’s desk


bruce cull



23 | 2015 pro shooters

jesse broadwater | paige pearce

42 | iowa pro-am

Meet Matt Stutzman Expert’s Book | barb sharp

33 | break the barriers International Ability Center

55 | NFAA council & board of


44 | coach’s corner

Excerpts from an Industry Expert’s Book | bernie pellerite

kidz korner

| 43

Solve the puzzles!

r registwe! no

50 | sectional news

unters Inc Straight Arrow Bowh Presents 33rd Annual




Last Name




December 11-12-13, 2015 at Homestead,

and 22nd Annual



IFAA conversion

Bowhunter Unlimited – (BHU)

Bowhunter Limited – (BHL)

Longbow – (LB)

Historic Bow (HB)

Freestyle Unlimited – (FSU)

Freestyle Limited Recurve – (FSLR)

Freestyle Limited Compound (FSLC)

Barebow Recurve – (BBR)

Professional (P)

Barebow Compound – (BBC)

entry fee

Straight Arrow PO Box 493371 Redding, CA 96049-3371

Bowhunter Recurve – (BHR)

$25 per person

also pay trail shoot

Inc. to Straight Arrow Bowhunters, Make checks payable to: Bowhunters

Mail ALL Registration For more information: 243-5181 The Bow Rack (530) 335-2620 Ca Swasey Dr., Redding, Donna Laughlin (530) Physical address: 9317 -122.35681 Jim Waters (530) 945-2114 GPS coordinates: 40.57928 Names Ron Peery (530) 348-2135

Bowhunter Compound – (BHC)

*NFAA shooters must

Adult Division-17 and over (A)


Veteran Division- 55 and over (V)


shooting style/division, he will make the appropriate



First Quarter 2016

Junior Divisions




Junior Divisions


Please select Age Category and Shooting




Adult & Senior Divisions

Young Adult (age 15-17) Senior (50 and over)

Adult, Senior, Silver Senior & Master Senior Divisions Barebow Bowhunter Bowhunter Freestyle Bowhunter Freestyle Limited Traditional Freestyle Freestyle Limited Freestyle Limited Recurve Longbow Crossbow (Adult Only)

southwest southeast southern



$110 Style:

Youth (age 12-14)

Silver Senior (60 and over)

Cub (under 12) Master Senior (70 and over)

Pro Adult/Pro Senior Freestyle Freestyle Limited Freestyle Limited Recurve Junior Divisions Barebow Bowhunter Freestyle Freestyle Freestyle Limited Freestyle Limited Recurve

register for sectional events pg. 53

cover photo | NFAA

To top off the 50th anniversary of the Vegas Shoot, Sergio Pagni was the first ever Lucky Dog to take home the Championship Male Freestyle crown. Pagni beat out the 900 shooters in only one round with a perfect 30. Inge Van Caspel defeated former Vegas Champion Sarah Lance in a shoot off to take home the Championship Female Freestyle title.

2 Archery Magazine



pgs. 17, 31, 48

Cover Story



Adult & Senior Divisions


Pro Divisions

Pro Senior (50 and over)



Zip Code Female USA Archery Member

Pro Adult

in the money shoot. also register as individuals for Trail Shoot awards)

not eligible Total__________ (Money shooters are

For FAA Use Only

Junior – 13-16 (J) (No Historic)

wife, and

must also pay Check_________ *Individual shooters **Team shooters must


State Male NFAA Member


new england



Email Member ID#

Pro Divisions

great lakes



Individual Men or Women Per Individual $50** or Women Teams Cash__________ Men fee. trail shoot registration Cub – Under 13 (C) (No Bowhunter or Historic)

*Family is husband,


NOTE: If you give the registration chairman your NFAA $100*

Male – (M)

April 18 by April 18 April 18

Female – (F)

ENTRY FEES: TRAIL SHOOTPostmarked 2 Day After 2 Day by Late Reg

$90 $125 $145 $80 Family* $70 $100 $120 $60 Couple $45 $55 $75 $35 Adult/Senior $40 $45 $65 $30 Young Adult (15-17) $30 $25 $50 $20 Youth (12-14) $25 $18 $38 $15 Cub (8-11) $28 $12 $32 $18 PeeWee (0-7) • NO REFUNDS children under 18

First Name



The IFAA, in cooperation with NFAA-USA and its member Florida Archery Association (FAA) have approved the Everglades Archery Club to host the IFAA-sanctioned 2014 NAFAC on 11-12-13 December 2015. FAA will lend assistance and administration to the shoot. The Everglades Club is located south of Miami in Homestead, Florida. If you have never been to Everglade Archers range, you are missing a very diverse shooting experience. The venue offers shots over the lake with mild up-hill and downhill settings. There are no other ranges in Florida like this one. You really do need to be in Florida at some time during the “winter” months. What an excuse to go South with the Snowbirds and enjoy, even for a few days, what they enjoy all winter. Many “Snow Birds” will already have made their way South for the winter. We invite you to come on down! The Price is Right — the time is right!! With the normal format of 28 Animal, 28 Field, and 28 Hunter, the range is set up for four across shooting and you will have plenty of arrows to shoot. Everglades noted for itsour is with “Beast Feast” and food will be served both days. at 8am LOCATION — For directions and map to range, Thursday, May 5th enter 17415 SW 264th St., Homestead, FL, at http://maps.google.com/. The action starts SCHEDULE — Friday, 11 December: 11:30 assembly, 12:00 28 Animal (no bonus spots). Saturday, 12 December: 0800 assembly, 0830 28 Field. Sunday, 13 December: 0800 assembly, 0830 Hunter. Awards within 30 minutes after last Ops • Mtn28 RULES (Games and Equipment) —Mathews Leupold person finished. Book of Rules. Easton • As per the• IFAA USAthe• IFAA SCORING —Hoyt As per Book of Rules (must cut the line to score). NFAA Field, Hunter, and Animal Targets • Elite Big Raffle Friday & Saturday – •1stLimbsaver shine AWARDS — NAFAC Medals , 2nd and 3rd •in Warn or all rain division/styles. Shoot Rack days Bow(US Dollars) — NAFAC Fees: REGISTRATION FEES 8am starting time all Adult, G5 and Pro, $35.00; Junior and Cub, $25.00; Pro Pot (100% • PrimeVeteran payback) $100.00 in addition to registration range Wed - Sunday fee. Suites Mailed entries should be postmarked by 5 December. Bar-B-Que • Oxford Food available at the registrationsGoldTip Phoned or E-mailed through •10Q’s December will be accepted for a $2.00 surcharge skyjacking of bows enforced • Spider Archery for paying at the shoot. Registration at the shoot will require a $15 late fee added to the normal registration NO high drawing/NO fee. April 1st • Sportsman’s Warehouse $15 week - starting SEND REGISTRATION Rinehart Targets form and check to: Florida Archery Association, Dry camping on range Timothy O. Austin (Sec/Treas), 1710 SW 76 Gainesville, FL 32607-3418; 352-332-1969 • Carter Enterprises Terrace, April 30, BLM fee applies Hilltop Inn or 352-332-1914 or cell 352-281-5697; E-Mail: flarchery@earthlink.net Best BLM camping available — Western Host club: John G. Laudicina, 305-582-2263, Sun ADDITIONAL INFO targets E-mail: 20 Giovanni@giovanniphoto.com, Sat, 252-9750, E-mail: shelly@evergladesarchers.com or Shelly Mascaro, 305will receive a certificate 25 targets Fri, 25 targets a “22” on Bigfoot, you MOTEL — HostIfMotel you shoot for NAFAC: Florida City Travelodge and 11-10-8 Quality Inn, 409 SE 1st Avenue, Florida City, 2 arrow shoot, scoring 9389 or email TLFLSunny@gmail.com web Fl. 33034: 1-305-218release = www.travelodgefloridacity.com for 50% off of a Carter shoot 3 days for awardsNov 10 and mention Everglades and www.qualityinnfloridacity.com Make reservations 300 FPS rule & must Archery for $59.99 rate plus tax by CAMPGROUND — Available at Florida City Campground, 305-248-7889.

National Championship NFAA Marked 3D 2016 May 6 - 8, BLIND SHOOT DRAW TEAM EVENT/FUN

Mathews® Pro, Braden Gellenthien 2016 NIMES Champion

The new HALON™ X crossover bow is built to perform in the field or on the


range. Measuring 35" axle to axle, the HALON™ X features the new perimeter-weighted Mini Crosscentric ™ Cam system that generates speeds up to 330fps. See more at mathewsinc.com.

up to

330 FPS | 35" ATA | 7" BH

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 3

Advertiser Index The voice of field archery, the NFAA®, Ted Nugent United Sportsmen, the IFAA and bowhunting.

BCY 40 BowDoc Archery


Break the Barriers


Visit our website www.nfaausa.com

Carter 6


Easton 56

First Dakota Classic


Gateway Printz



Hoyt 7


Lancaster 9 Maple Leaf Press


Mathews 3 Regions Archery


Saunders Archery


Specialty Archery



Archery Magazine is the official publication of National Field Archery Association and is published quarterly. Editorial deadlines are as follows: Third Quarter Deadline: July 15 delivers August

ADVERTISING SALES NFAA Headquarters 800 Archery Lane Yankton, SD 57078 605/260-9279 605/260-9280 fax E-mail: marketing@nfaausa.com


Second Quarter Deadline: April 15 delivers May




First Quarter Deadline: Jan. 15 delivers February

Rogers Printing Inc. 3350 Main St. PO Box 215 Ravenna MI 49451-0215


Sure-Loc 25

Western Classic Trail Shoot

Bruce Cull Natalie Vollmer Brian Sheffler Brittany Salonen Ken Moore

Fourth Quarter Deadline: Oct. 15 delivers November

All material should be sent by mail or e-mail. Mailed contributions should be submitted on an electronic disk (CD) and typewritten. Microsoft Word is preferred. **DO NOT include digital photos in your MS Word document. No material will be returned. Submissions should be no more than 2,000 words. Previously published material will not be considered unless accompanied by a release or permission from the first publisher. Material appearing in this magazine does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the NFAA or its Board of Directors. The NFAA can not reimburse for cost incurred in the preparation of material submitted, nor compensate contributors for items which are published.

Archery is published quarterly by the National Field Archery Association, 800 Archery Lane, Yankton, SD 57078 (605) 260-9279. Advertising rate cards available for display and classified advertising. All feature and editorial requests should be made in writing to NFAA® at the address above. Editorial contributions must be submitted with selfaddressed envelopes with sufficient return postage. All materials considered, but the publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. Deadline for copy is eight weeks prior to the month of publication. All statements are those of the writers and do not necessarily conform to the magazine’s editorial policies. Copyright 1984 by the National Field Archery Association®. All rights reserved. Change of address – allow eight weeks for change to become effective. Contact NFAA® headquarters.

Letters policy: Letters printed in Archery Magazine will be at the discretion of the editor. The following guidelines for letters will apply: Clearly state your point. Stick to one item, or one point of view. Be accurate. Use words that are respectful and avoid personal attacks. Submit your letter online at https://www.nfaausa. com/magazine-submissions-0. All letters must contain a name, address, phone number and email address.

All material will be published at the discretion of the editorial board. Photos of animals harvested should be in good taste. Only animals taken under the rules of fair chase will be considered. Correspondence concerning the NFAA’s policies and operations should be directed to the NFAA Headquarters, 800 Archery Lane, Yankton, SD 57078. Contributions and correspondence pertaining to this magazine should be directed to: Editor, 800 Archery Lane, Yankton, SD 57078 (605) 260-9279 | E-mail: nvollmer@nfaausa.com

4 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

Like us on Facebook facebook.com/fieldarchery Follow us on Twitter @NFAAUSA

greetings fellow archers!

bruce cull president@nfaausa.com

I want to thank everyone that attended the 50th Anniversary of The Vegas Shoot. With nearly 3,100 archers (up over 500 from 2015), it was the perfect way to celebrate 50 years of the most prestigious indoor archery tournament in the world. We showed growth in nearly every division, with the largest growth in the flight divisions. We had an incredible 31 flights in just the Freestyle Division, an additional 4 flights from 2015. We awarded $330,000 is cash prizes and scholarships, including a $50,000 check to the winner of the Championship Male Freestyle Division. The tournament literally went out with a bang with pyrotechnics and a Hunger Games style chariot. How can we ever top that in 2017? (Stay tuned!) Didn’t get a chance to attend? Check out video coverage of the event at youtube.com/archerytv. Indoor Nationals, March 18-20, should be another record attendance. We are anticipating 1,800 archers this year in Louisville. Please pass the word to everyone to attend! This year we will also be deciding the location for the 2017-19 National Indoor. Bids have been received and the Council will be deciding the location this summer. The NFAA has partnered with Scholastic 3-D Archery in a joint effort to create indoor S3DA events using the NFAA indoor tournament rules and regulations. Local NFAA clubs will work with the S3DA program to provide shooting venues, events and mentoring for S3DA students and families. The NFAA State Directors will also be working to bring more

S3DA clubs to their respective states. Scholastic 3-D Archery will have a national indoor tournament in conjunction with the NFAA Indoor Nationals. Since the foundation of the NFAA, we have tried to be a leader in the promotion and preservation of competitive target archery. We see that the youth of archery will be our future and have taken steps to encourage and support young archers. S3DA is the next step in promoting youth archery. As a grassroots organization, S3DA has been exposing kids to real target archery, and it’s growing tremendously. We are very excited to partner with them to incorporate indoor target archery to the S3DA organization. Jennie Richardson, Executive Director for Scholastic 3-D Archery states, “The NFAA is the standard in indoor target archery here in the U.S. We are honored to have the NFAA partner with us to help students realize a new type of archery that previously was not available in the S3DA program. With this partnership, our students have the opportunity to compete in the same environment that archery professionals do. This is a giant step forward for S3DA, NFAA and youth archery.” n

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 5






6 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

2015 Jesse Broadwater Jesse Broadwater began shooting professionally when he was 18 years old. Fourteen years later he has picked up his fifth NFAA Professional Shooter of the Year award. Jesse has won the Professional Male Shooter of the Year award in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2015. One of Jesse’s most recent wins was placing first at the final leg of >> continued on page 9





. N I A G A . M U I D O P E H T S E T A N I M O D HOYT 2003-2016 VEGAS MEN’S & WOMEN’S










1 4 5 Vegas is renowned as the toughest, most gruelPSE 2 0 2 ing test of accuracy in archery, and no other bow has seen the podium more than Hoyt. See for BARNSDALE 1 0 1 yourself why Hoyt is The Bow of Champions. BOWTECH 0 1 1 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com MATHEWS® ®



for us. We went to the local archery shop and were got really good service to help us get started right. That winter I started shooting with my buddies at some local 3d’s and some indoor animal leagues. Shortly after at a local sportsman’s club my buddy’s dad started a youth league that was NFAA style 5-spot. At this local club there was a professional archer Bob Eyler that would typically be there practicing around the league time. He afford for my good buddy and I to come join him in practice daily if we wanted to. Bob was the one that introduced me and help get into competitive archery.

becky pearson How long have you been shooting archery? I have been shooting since 1978. How did you get your start in archery? I bought myself a PSE at the Factory in Tucson. I wanted to try something new in hopes of meeting new people. My youngest brother was shooting at the community college and he and I went to several shoots during the summer of 1978. I met my future husband, Frank Pearson, in Jan. 1979 when he was transferred to the PSE plant in Tucson. How do you train for a tournament? I generally to shoot a round a day, except I take a couple of months off after Outdoor Nationals. During indoor season I’ll shoot an indoor round and as soon as Indoor Nationals are over I head outdoors. We have a 14 target course in the yard for Field practice and can shoot up to 100 yards when getting ready for Redding or a 600 or 900 round. What’s your favorite tournament to attend? Like most, it is Redding. It is fun to shoot with new people who may be shooting different styles.

Do you have any tips for other archers? This is what I’ve been saying for years: “Remember it’s only a game.”

Do you like to shoot indoor or outdoor more and why? I much prefer to shoot outdoors. The tension isn’t as great, but in general I just prefer being outdoors to being indoors.

ryan locke

What bow do you shoot with? I shoot the PSE Supra, Gold Tip Pro 600 Ultralite arrows, DS Advantage sight, BriteSite scope, AAE vanes, rest and stabilizer, Spot Hogg releases, and when I change from the PSE factory strings I use Brite Strings. What’s your favorite archery memory? Meeting Frank, having him make me the archer I am, and just sharing the sport with him for 35 years.

How long have you been shooting archery and how did you get your start? I have had a bow ever since I can remember, my dad is an avid bow hunter and started my brother and I shooting suction cup arrows at the back of a door when we are barely able to walk. When I was growing up I always had a bow and would shoot in yard to practice for hunting. When I was a junior in high school my brother out grew his current bow and was borrowing my dad’s bow to hunt with that season. Since my brother needed a new bow and all of our buddies were getting newer top end bows, my grandparents figured it was time to get us a top end bow fitted properly

What is your favorite tournament to attend? My favorite tournaments are field tournaments. One of my favorites is really cool tournament that Dave Barnsdale host at his home club in the Upper Peninsula Michigan, the Yooper Pro/AM. It is on a very old course with tough footing from rocks and roots with a very unique format that is super challenging. You shoot 3 arrows at field/hunter distances at FITA targets scoring the X as an 11. There is also a bonus ring located out in the 7/8 ring

that is the size of the X worth 15 points so there is some strategy involved. Do you enjoy to shoot indoor or outdoor more and why? I enjoy outdoor archery the most, but field archery is my favorite. I like to be outdoors and that there is always a different shot: different distances, different lighting, different angles, different targets, etc. What bow do you shoot with? I’m shooting a PSE Xpression and was shooting a PSE Dominantor Max MD last season. These bows have performed very well for me and make it easy to shoot good scores even when I am not shooting my best day to day. What’s your favorite archery memory? My favorite archery memory is bow hunting with my brother and killing my first buck. My favorite tournament memory is shooting the USA archery indoor nationals last winter and getting a bronze medal in the senior male compound division shooting 1191/1200. n

8 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

pro shooters of year | continued from page 6

the 2016 Indoor Archery World Cup in Las Vegas, Nevada. Other career highlights for Jesse include winning the Vegas Shoot in 2006 and 2012, winning the First Dakota Classic in 2013, winning the National Marked 3D Championships in 2013 and 2014, and winning the Iowa Pro-Am in 2014. And he’s an eight-time NFAA National Field Champion. When Jesse’s not practicing, he’s at home with his wife and three children. paige pearce Paige Pearce has been shooting since she was 18 months old. This is her first NFAA Professional Shooter of the Year award, but she it is no stranger to the podium. When she was 10 she broke her first state record, and since then has broken a combined 110 state, national, and world records. Paige started shooting professionally at age 15 and in that same year won her first professional title. Career highlights for Paige include winning the NFAA Marked 3D Championships in 2014 and 2015, and winning the Outdoor Nationals in 2015. If you can’t find her practicing, you will find her planning for her wedding this spring. n

® scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 9

A Day in the Life at

The Vegas Shoot

Emily Bee | Chris Bee the vegas shoot (practice, elevators, vendors, friends, casino)

The shoot is hosted at South Point Casino and Hotel, located only a few miles from the strip. Once you check in you are quickly engulfed in the archery atmosphere. It is not every day you see a guy walking with a bow case right next to a black jack table. The locals and tourists are always curious and typically ask questions like, Have you seen the latest Hunger Games? After a long day of practice, we stuck around and participated in “Practice with the Pros”. It was a great feeling to give back because we were once in their shoes dreaming to become a Professional Archer. We were excited to encourage these young

From the outside looking in, do you know what goes on at The Vegas Shoot? Out of all the tournaments that are held around the world, the quality and prestige is unmatched. We wanted to pick apart what exactly makes The Vegas Shoot so unique and a twist for this year, NFAA celebrates their 50th year hosting The Vegas Shoot.

the future of archery. main event

After all the arrows have been shot, and the dust settles, the main event begins. Each year competition rises and the stands

counting down

This past summer we both sat in a classroom at the NFAA headquarters listening intently as George Ryals IV gave a seminar. He began describing Vegas: the crazy carpet, the huge arena, the casino setting, and all the vendors you could possibly imagine… before you knew it, our hearts were racing and our palms were sweaty. The hype for the tournament had begun. This year NFAA launched a social media campaign using #Countdown2Vegas, highlighting Pro Archers and anyone who started their countdown for the shoot. Everyday, we were reminded of the countdown to Vegas, and no time could be wasted at the range. For the both of us, anxiety grew as the numbers drew towards zero. on the road

The Vegas shoot is a world tournament which allows any archer to compete. Because of that, planes, trains and long car rides are on the agenda to attend the shoot. For the two of us, Detroit to Las Vegas is close to a four-hour flight. Packing archery gear into a bow case and shipping it across the country can be a scary thing to do! 10 Archery Magazine

archers to follow their dreams; they are


First Quarter 2016

overflow with new faces. This year, being the 50th anniversary, the shoot off stage was extra spectacular. NFAA does an exceptional job with presentation, not only do they highlight the Pros, but they include the Junior Championship division in the excitement. The both of us were able to join them in the arena capturing faces filled with enthusiasm and anticipation. With the added excitement of the 50th anniversary nerves

Tips and Tricks Do not go cheap on a bow case when dealing with air lines. Spending the extra money and finding a reliable and durable case will increase the odds of your bow showing up in one piece.

Elevator lines are long! Make sure to give yourself some time when you head down to shoot.

Practice on the bail you compete at.

Talk with the vendors, make connections! It’s who you know, not what you know.

Make sure you have a shake from Steak N Shake…. Or two.

Don’t miss the 900 Shoot Off! Supporting the sport is what will make it grow.

showed greatly in the scores of the pros. Five shooters were able to clean the perfect 900, and the Lucky Dog was able to squeeze into the shoot off. With there being so few competitors the shoot off was short and sweet, but unexpected. After one end the Lucky

Keep a travel journal. Looking back on past years makes you appreciate how far you’ve come.

Dog, Sergio Pagni,

Talk to your heroes! DON’T BE AFRAID. They are just like you.

In the excitement he

Have FUN. Cause in the end, that’s all that matters.

watched everyone

won the Vegas Shoot. disappeared while we

Double Vision Kits $99.00 (MSRP)

continue to shoot. At the end there was a special celebration, out came Sergio behind a white horse into the spotlight. Fireworks and confetti filled the arena as we celebrated The Vegas Shoot’s winner, the Lucky Dog, and the 50th anniversary. Now, the countdown begins. n #VegasShoot2017 #Countdown2Vegas

• Great way to get started with the Double Vision System! • Quantum Poly Positive Lens, 4X or 6X. • #040-2 (1 3/8”) Polycarbonate Scope Housing. • Blue Double Vision Lens with a 0.312” (5/16”) hole, -2X, -4X or -6X • 1 3/8” Lens Retainer Ring & Thumbscrews.


Emily Bee | INSTA: @emilybeearchery | FB: www.facebook.com/BeeArchery/ | Website: www.emilybeearchery.com Chris Bee | INSTA: @chrisbeearchery | FB: www.facebook.com/BeeRealArchery/ | Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/chirsbee scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 11

A Vegas Shoot to Remember 2016


for the 50th anniversary of the vegas shoot, many spectators expected something big to happen, and it sure did. for the first time in vegas history the lucky dog won the shoot. Sergio Pagni won the Lucky Dog title after shooting an 899 all three days. A combined score of 899 will qualify any male championship compound shooter to shoot for the Lucky Dog spot in the final shootoff. Pagni went up against 30 other men to compete for the Lucky Dog title, and after seventh arrow Pagni was tied with Federico Pagnoni. Pagni and Pagnoni shot five more arrows before Pagni won the Lucky Dog title. When Pagni made it to the final shoot-off he competed against Logan Wilde, Chance Beauboueff, Reza Zamaninejad, Justin Hannah, and George Ryals. After one end Pagni won the Vegas shoot with a perfect score of 30.

Another big surprise to spectators was the parade of the Vegas winner. Pagni was brought in on a chariot with flames. “I thought I was on fire [from winning the Vegas Shoot], but I was not thinking I would literally be on fire,” Pagni said. After Pagni exited the chariot, he shot at the target, which spurred fireworks and confetti cannons to shoot off fireworks and an illuminated 50. “Being the Lucky Dog allowed me to shoot without the pressure,” Pagni said. “But winning the 50th tournament was awesome.” To finish out the championship male freestyle, Ryals placed sixth, Hannah placed fifth, Zamaninejad placed fourth, Beauboueff placed third, and Wilde placed second. The female freestyle championship had a three-way shoot off for the top three spots on the final night. Inge Van Caspel, from the Netherlands, placed first, Sarah Lance placed second, and Christie Colin placed third.

vegas shoot results Pos. Family Name





Barebow - Championship 1 Kibel Teddy USA - Colorado 831 15 2 Demmer Iii John USA - Pennsylvania 822 11 3 Martin Jackie Dewayne USA - Virginia 819 9 4 Sarns Reynold USA - Washington 814 17 5 Bateman Earle Iv USA - Texas 812 14 6 Brooks Spanky USA - Kansas 811 12 7 Johnson Tom USA - Minnesota 805 13 8 Axeflod Mats Sweden 805 7 9 McCain Gary USA - California 804 9 10 Eckenburg Richard USA - California 801 11 11 Daley Tom USA - California 799 15 12 Rogers Ben USA - California 797 14 13 Sciacca Jan USA - California 797 11 14 Bills Scott USA - Michigan 796 11 15 Tichenor Michael USA - Kentucky 795 12 16 Borges Bob USA - New Mexico 783 9 17 Sciacca Chuck USA - California 776 5 18 Olson Kyle USA - Minnesota 773 6 19 Ortiz Jose USA - Texas 766 8 20 Dillinger John USA - Utah 762 4 21 Bosch Gary Canada 760 10 22 Malter Donald USA - Illinois 760 9 23 Malech Robert USA - California 757 7 24 Martinelli Jennifer USA - California 755 6 25 Sanford Joe USA - Missouri 754 7

12 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

Pos. Family Name



26 Smock Calvin USA - Pennsylvania 27 Snobl Tymbrie USA - Iowa 28 Dreiling Mark USA - Kansas 29 Hoeft John USA - Arizona 30 Martinelli Michael USA - California 31 Schraeer Holger Germany 32 Nixon Archie USA - New Mexico 33 Jokinen Robert USA - Oregon 34 Couch S. Brooke USA - Florida 35 Savage Mike New Zealand 36 Angius Stephen USA - Oregon 37 McCain Sandy USA - California 38 Whitman Bill USA - Pennsylvania 39 Gregory Lee USA - Texas 40 Batalona Daniel USA - Alaska 41 Williams Stephen USA - California 42 Chaney Josh USA - California 43 McCubbins Alicia USA - Washington 44 Zenger David USA - Washington 45 Coody Chad USA - Wyoming 46 Chaney Brad USA - California 47 Knight Wayne Australia 48 Marks Debra Rose USA - California 49 Martino Mariapia Italy 50 Ashby Blake USA - Arizona 51 Knippling Bill USA - Colorado


754 746 741 739 737 735 730 730 726 724 708 702 702 697 695 695 694 693 654 654 647 637 630 573 569 555


6 6 4 9 8 7 4 3 10 7 8 5 4 5 7 2 4 3 4 3 2 1 7 1 0 0

Pos. Family Name





52 McCubbins Kristopher USA - Washington 522 8 53 Ishak Samantha USA - Arizona 522 1 54 Daugherty John William USA - Texas 497 1 55 Becker Eric USA - California 489 4 56 Hord Peter USA - Nevada 482 2 57 Applegate Mark USA - California 478 1 58 Scantlin Debra USA - California 470 1 59 Pastorelli Michele Italy 466 3 60 Kurkinen Samuel USA - Oregon 437 2 61 Land Dick USA - California 219 3 62 Rosenfield Alan USA - Arizona 134 0 Bowhunter - Flights - Flight 1 1 Ewers Tim USA - Virginia 895 66 2 Warner Thomas USA - Pennsylvania 892 56 3 Silverson Tim USA - Michigan 892 53 4 Wagner Mark USA - Iowa 892 48 5 Human Jeffrey USA - New York 891 47 6 McBride Greg USA - Pennsylvania 890 52 7 Simpson Terry USA - Tennessee 889 42 8 Moran Bret USA - Arizona 888 55 9 Hill Justin USA - Washington 887 56 10 Herwick Kelly USA - Colorado 887 50 11 Zaugg Lauden USA - Nevada 887 49 12 Hintz Gary USA - Wisconsin 887 45 13 Ohlsen Fran USA - Wyoming 886 49

Pos. Family Name





14 Becker James USA - California 886 45 15 Ruebush Neal USA - Wyoming 885 43 16 Guyett Sean USA - Michigan 885 41 17 Lewis William USA - Nebraska 884 47 18 Kennedy Jason USA - Massachusetts 884 46 19 Lloyd-Massey Jacob USA - California 884 45 20 Wegner Christopher USA - New York 882 49 21 Rogers Brett USA - Washington 882 37 22 Jaeggi David USA - Iowa 881 48 23 Warnstrom Ralph USA - Montana 880 44 24 Kesinger James USA - Louisiana 880 39 25 Chambers Marty USA - Texas 879 38 26 Crubel John USA - Kansas 879 37 27 Taylor Joel USA - Texas 878 45 28 Wilcox Leon USA - Montana 878 38 29 McBride Melissa USA - Pennsylvania 878 35 30 Kierys Jr B. Peter USA - Illinois 877 38 31 Ham Jason USA - California 876 34 32 Coppock Dwight USA - Alaska 875 40 33 Ellis Zane USA - Utah 875 38 34 Heisler Ray USA - Michigan 585 32 35 Dyer Tim USA - Idaho 585 21 Bowhunter - Flights - Flight 2 1 Cassady Jason USA - Colorado 877 32 2 Pflasterer Josh USA - Nebraska 876 44 3 Berg Mark USA - Iowa 876 40 4 Olguin Mark USA - New Mexico 876 34 5 Ertel Justin USA - Missouri 875 40 6 Hicks Chuck USA - California 873 28 7 Hanson Mark USA - Arizona 873 24 8 Saddler Roger USA - Michigan 872 38 9 Paradine James USA - Michigan 872 32 10 Swanson Robert USA - Alaska 872 31 11 Knauth Cameron USA - Texas 872 30 12 Sauer Ron USA - New York 870 39 13 Parkins Jim USA - Wyoming 870 36 14 Hopkins Craig USA - Colorado 870 31 15 Hamilton Matthew USA - Wisconsin 869 35 16 Kuligowski Matthew USA - New York 869 32 17 Houts Martin USA - Iowa 869 31 18 Fernandez Coco USA - California 868 35 19 Walker John USA - California 868 33 20 Rogers Tyrel USA - Colorado 868 31 21 Ward Andrew USA - Utah 867 32 22 Perry Martin USA - New Mexico 867 28 23 Fesmire Chris USA - Colorado 866 29 24 Blazek Steve USA - Colorado 865 24 25 Pospishek Philip USA - California 864 29 25 Severtson Pam USA - California 864 29 27 Espiritu Chuck USA - California 863 28 28 Berens Mark USA - Colorado 862 33 29 Dean Austin USA - California 862 27 30 Argyle Jon USA - Utah 860 24 31 Croft Abby USA - Montana 859 25 32 Moore Jeremy USA - Colorado 856 28 33 Buell Jeff USA - California 856 23 34 Cooper Brian USA - West Virginia 855 49 35 Hook Danielle USA - Michigan 852 27 Bowhunter - Flights - Flight 3 1 Larkins Benjamin USA - Missouri 864 45 2 Bonebrake Michael USA - Colorado 864 25 2 Marsh David USA - Colorado 864 25 4 Roach David USA - California 863 33 5 Rains Chane USA - Colorado 863 28 6 Bretsch Tressa USA - Iowa 861 31 7 Adam Steven USA - California 861 30 8 Austin Bernard USA - California 861 25 9 Zerbe Kelly USA - Pennsylvania 861 24 10 Boyer John USA - Ohio 859 32 11 Wills Richard USA - Maryland 859 26 12 Foust Owen USA - Oregon 859 22 13 Rea Robert USA - Colorado 858 24 13 Rider Melissa USA - Pennsylvania 858 24 15 Pine Glen USA - California 857 29 16 Adams Rob Canada 857 27 17 Yager Gregory USA - Nevada 857 23 18 Ruetten Michael USA - Wisconsin 856 29 19 Sharp Matt USA - Texas 856 25 20 Hemphill Kathleen USA - Louisiana 856 16 21 Quan Marsha USA - California 855 17 22 Johnson Larry USA - South Dakota 854 23 22 Kirkwood Dave USA - Nevada 854 23 24 Zittle Timothy USA - California 854 22 25 Yenne Jason USA - California 853 27 26 Grenier Mike USA - Wyoming 851 29 27 Lerg Debbie USA - Nevada 851 20 28 Marino Jeffrey USA - Arizona 850 18 29 Tafoya Eric USA - New Mexico 849 25 30 Severtson Matt USA - California 848 27 31 Wood Kathy USA - Montana 846 27 32 King Raymond USA - Colorado 846 23 33 Artzberger Bill USA - Michigan 844 26 34 Wittstruck Samual USA - California 841 18 35 Largo Calvin USA - New Mexico 570 12 Bowhunter - Flights - Flight 4 1 Forsythe E. Randy USA - Colorado 853 31 2 Allen Steven USA - Washington 853 22 3 Spratt Chris USA - Alaska 852 29 4 Baumer Doug USA - Colorado 851 28 5 Driffill Tom USA - Utah 850 22 6 Henderson Kirk USA - Washington 849 20 6 Hirsch Brittney USA - Colorado 849 20

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8 Hash David USA - Arizona 848 23 9 Carroll Barbara USA - Arizona 848 22 10 Piontkowski Michael USA - Kansas 847 25 11 Brawley Kenneth USA - Texas 847 24 11 Schmitt Erik USA - Indiana 847 24 13 Bisbee Laney USA - California 846 24 14 Bohrer Travis USA - Colorado 846 17 15 O’Steen Kimberly USA - California 845 26 16 Knowles Pat USA - California 844 16 17 Kimack William USA - Colorado 843 16 18 Reams Bart USA - Colorado 842 22 19 Collver Alex USA - Wyoming 840 22 19 Thrun Jeff USA - Minnesota 840 22 21 Belzner Catherine USA - Arizona 840 20 22 Casey Jerome USA - California 840 17 23 Cruz Jared USA - Alaska 839 26 24 Shreves Krista USA - California 839 20 25 Ashurst Kristn USA - Colorado 838 22 26 Nissley Kristy USA - Kansas 838 15 27 Webster Michael USA - Montana 838 12 28 Bosch Kaleb Canada 836 15 29 Hines Jared USA - California 835 25 30 Nash Darryl USA - Wyoming 832 16 31 Marshall Steven USA - Colorado 831 22 32 Shaw Glen Canada 831 18 33 Owens Troy USA - Wyoming 828 20 34 Burghardt Michael USA - California 821 21 35 Liapis Steven USA - Colorado 821 15 36 Layaou John USA - New York 565 18 Bowhunter - Flights - Flight 5 1 Warren Carla USA - Texas 838 20 2 Santos Felix USA - Nevada 837 23 3 Doran Jeffrey USA - Arizona 837 20 4 Bethea Joe USA - Washington 836 19 5 Farmer Bobby USA - Colorado 836 16 6 Klus John Sr. USA - Wisconsin 834 15 7 Boyer Tressa USA - Ohio 831 20 8 Dalrymple Phillip USA - Arizona 831 19 9 Runkle Brian USA - South Dakota 829 20 10 Truong Albert USA - California 829 16 11 Stevens Tayler USA - Arizona 829 15 12 Richards Chris USA - Utah 828 18 13 Mertz Steven USA - Alaska 828 15 14 Lee Jimmy USA - Nevada 824 15 15 Hornick Tami USA - Tennessee 824 14 15 Irwin Dan USA - Iowa 824 14 17 Holland Anna USA - Colorado 823 13 18 Zittle Chris USA - California 821 16 19 Moran Tim USA - California 820 24 20 Hagstrom Matthew USA - Illinois 820 16 20 Kaplan Alexander USA - Illinois 820 16 22 Bias Michael USA - Montana 819 12 23 Harbert Gerald USA - Texas 817 15 24 Pick Jeff USA - Iowa 816 12 25 Gouth Aaron USA - Michigan 813 17 26 Ward Michael USA - Utah 813 14 27 Richards Todd USA - Utah 811 18 28 Laws John “Jack” USA - Louisiana 811 17 29 Rogers David USA - Texas 809 10 30 Wall Rhonda USA - Texas 803 14 31 Hanson Larry USA - Arizona 800 12 32 Kimmerling Michael USA - Wisconsin 792 11 33 Wu Thomas USA - California 549 12 34 Benally, Jr. Gilbert USA - New Mexico 549 9 35 Desch Jonathan USA - Arizona 543 11 Bowhunter - Flights - Flight 6 1 Alston-Szwabowski Zechariah USA - California 823 20 2 Wilson Angelia USA - California 821 16 3 Knowlton Chris USA - California 815 17 4 Scott Steve USA - California 814 8 5 Lindauer Erica USA - Idaho 813 17 6 Motoya Akira Japan 813 14 6 Zittle Margaret USA - California 813 14 8 Filipi Michael USA - Nebraska 813 13 9 Gonzalez Adrian USA - Texas 813 9 10 Bohrer Brian USA - Colorado 812 15 11 Boorman Sr. Ron Canada 812 13 12 Ham Rebekah USA - California 811 15 13 Owens Tyler USA - Wyoming 810 20 14 Schmidt John USA - Colorado 808 14 15 Masters Eddie USA - Michigan 808 10 16 Jarrett Mick USA - Texas 807 10 17 Benedet Vincent USA - California 805 7 18 Cordaro Jen USA - California 805 6 19 Zerbe Terry USA - Pennsylvania 804 16 20 Fantich Marc USA - Texas 804 13 21 Harmelink Marcia USA - Kansas 803 15 22 Ficklin Mary USA - Colorado 800 15 23 Hinkle Jeff USA - Kentucky 799 7 24 Greer Jeffrey USA - Tennessee 794 9 25 Kroeger Mark USA - Wyoming 793 7 26 King Mark USA - Illinois 792 16 27 Zundel Brandon USA - Utah 792 12 28 Torres Albert USA - Texas 791 15 29 Elledge Lance USA - Illinois 789 14 30 Holland Thomas USA - Colorado 786 12 31 Drake Joe USA - Arizona 786 9 32 Castle Noel USA - California 785 8 33 Hay Angela Canada 785 5 34 Trpkovski Paul USA - Florida 785 3 35 Heady Michael USA - Texas 778 11

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36 Knutson Brian USA - Nevada 769 4 37 Bisbee Susan USA - California 763 18 38 Wilson Jan USA - Colorado 761 6 39 Hardy Mike USA - California 521 12 Bowhunter - Flights - Flight 7 1 Mathison David USA - Oregon 795 10 2 Pick Alex USA - Iowa 782 13 3 Dubois George USA - California 778 9 4 Dubois Sharon USA - California 777 6 5 Palomo Emily USA - California 776 8 6 Smoot Terry USA - Utah 775 8 7 Satran Elizabeth USA - Arizona 773 5 8 Johnson Vicki USA - Colorado 771 7 9 Cassady Jessaca USA - Colorado 767 6 10 Winn David USA - California 767 5 11 Porter Rebecca USA - California 765 4 12 Novotny Katie USA - Colorado 764 13 13 Jenkins Dave USA - Florida 757 9 14 Ward Amanda USA - Utah 753 3 15 Sullivan Gary USA - Texas 751 10 16 Williams Amber USA - California 750 9 17 Mason Lucia Canada 747 11 18 Bolander John USA - Nevada 743 7 19 Scott Dawnel USA - California 742 10 20 Kennelley Nicole USA - California 734 4 21 Geisel Sabrina USA - Arizona 733 9 22 Graves Mark USA - Georgia 732 6 23 Lewis Charlotte USA - California 716 6 24 Jennison Michael USA - California 698 1 25 Welliver Katelyn USA - California 693 5 26 Smith Hannah USA - Utah 684 3 27 Cordaro Julie USA - California 677 3 28 Watson Thomas USA - California 669 6 29 Robison Ray USA - Montana 652 2 30 Cacal Melrose USA - California 586 2 31 Sieperda Pete USA - California 540 1 32 Sieperda James USA - California 358 3 Recurve - Championship Female 1 Sim Yeji Korea 880 30 2 Brown Mackenzie USA - Colorado 876 31 3 Kim Minjung Korea 874 30 4 Unruh Lisa Germany 872 33 5 Eun Jung Kim Korea 871 28 6 Bayardo Gabriela Mexico 871 26 7 Park Sehui Korea 869 25 8 Jin Yun Korea 868 27 9 Sartori Guendalina Italy 865 21 10 Haidn Tschalova Veronika Germany 860 26 11 Folkard Naomi Great Britain 860 23 11 Schuh Berengere France 860 23 13 Lorig Khatuna USA - California 860 21 14 Sanchez Nathalia Colombia 856 27 15 Richter Elena Germany 856 20 16 Rendon Ana Maria Colombia 854 23 17 Pritchard La Nola USA - Colorado 853 18 17 Winter Karina Germany 853 18 19 Díaz Gudiño Viviana Paulina Mexico 853 14 20 Avitia Mariana Mexico 849 22 21 Valencia Alejandra Mexico 847 17 22 Garcia Mariana Mexico 843 16 23 Aguirre Carolina Colombia 842 18 24 Gibilaro Ariel USA - California 840 23 25 Planeix Sophie France 839 17 26 Contreras Valentina Colombia 839 14 27 Roman Arroyo Aida Nabila Mexico 838 22 28 Hinojosa Karla Mexico 838 16 29 Thomas Solenne France 837 14 30 Vazquez F. Ana Paula Mexico 836 20 31 Adiceom Audrey France 835 16 32 Degn Randi Denmark 833 11 33 Muntyan Tatyana USA - Florida 832 13 34 Gonzalez Gina Mexico 828 16 35 Koehl Heather USA - Wisconsin 826 16 36 Schneider Jennifer USA - Texas 818 17 37 Ozkaya Selen Turkey 816 14 38 Bennett Shelton Laura USA - Pennsylvania 809 15 38 Heilig Claudia Germany 809 15 40 Lionetti Pia Italy 798 9 41 Stevenson Kathleen Roberts USA - Oklahoma 798 8 42 Husdal Hanne Norway 794 11 43 Kong Eui Ju USA - California 760 9 44 Ducos Pascale France 757 8 45 Fein Marie USA - New Jersey 738 3 46 Hill Stephanie USA - Nevada 733 1 47 Serret Marion France 729 6 48 Prol Delia USA - Nevada 704 4 49 Miles Melanie USA - Hawaii 333 3 Recurve - Championship Male 1 Ellison Brady USA - Arizona 895 66 2 McLaughlin Sean USA - California 885 50 3 Gye Dong Hyun Korea 885 40 4 Duenas Crispin Canada 881 31 5 Kozhin Alexander Russia 880 39 6 Klimitchek Collin USA - California 880 37 7 Floto Florian Germany 880 36 8 van der Ven Rick Netherlands 879 38 9 McLaughlin Daniel USA - Ohio 879 37 10 Kahllund Florian Germany 878 44 11 Boardman Lopez Ernesto Mexico 877 39 11 Garrett Zach USA - Missouri 877 39 13 Valladont Jean-Charles France 877 32 14 Van Den Berg Sjef Netherlands 875 42

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15 Alvarez Luis Mexico 875 28 16 Skoeries Eric Germany 874 36 17 Rieger Cedric Germany 874 32 18 Maeada Yuho Japan 874 29 19 Wieser Felix Germany 872 26 20 Schmitz Carlo Germany 870 37 21 Bennett Eric USA - Arizona 870 35 22 Aubert Thomas France 869 33 22 Kim Joo Wan Korea 869 33 24 Im Ji Wan Korea 869 27 25 Gonzalez Ivan Mexico 867 30 26 Daniel Lucas France 867 29 27 Mulot Florent France 867 24 28 Weckmueller Maximilian Germany 866 26 29 Zumbo Matthew USA - California 865 25 30 Bidault Jerome France 865 24 30 Huston Patrick Great Britain 865 24 32 Urquidez Julio Cesar Mexico 864 25 33 Zamora Oldair Mexico 864 24 34 Wunderle Victor USA - Texas 863 30 35 Antoine Thomas France 863 21 36 Koenig Thomas France 862 27 37 Yamaguchi Nathan USA - Arizona 861 29 38 Banno Taichi Japan 861 19 39 Plihon Pierre France 860 27 40 Stanwood Thomas USA - Massachusetts 860 25 41 Kaminski Jake USA - Florida 859 22 42 Andersen Mads Kenneth Denmark 856 23 43 Leriche Adrien France 856 21 44 Serrano Juan Rene Mexico 855 26 45 Cusick Jeremiah USA - Minnesota 855 23 46 Alvarez Bandala Alberto Derek Mexico 854 23 47 Macdonald Hugh Canada 853 29 48 Bossard Florian France 852 18 49 Lopeo Kevin France 851 21 50 Anderson Jeff USA - Washington 851 20 51 Van Den Oever Rick Netherlands 848 22 52 Fissore Matteo Italy 848 20 53 McGlyn Joseph USA - New York 845 23 54 Maxwell Brian Canada 840 16 55 Masson Martial France 839 18 56 Schneider Florent France 838 18 57 Lefebvre Anthony France 836 19 58 Ticas Oscar El Salvador 832 10 59 Cardona Luis Alfredo Colombia 828 25 60 Deloison Daniel France 826 16 61 Anderson Larry USA - Washington 824 15 62 Young Jr Cleveland USA - Colorado 817 16 63 McDermott Edward Great Britain 808 11 64 Mallart Romain France 805 11 65 Tono Masahiro Japan 805 6 66 Lagrange Baptiste France 803 9 67 Vogel Daniel Germany 794 13 68 Chadsey Michael USA - New York 779 11 69 Fewz Thomas Great Britain 758 10 70 Hill William Chris USA - Nevada 757 6 71 Perkins Mathew USA - Nevada 751 14 72 Frontiere Dominique Switzerland 745 7 73 Day Leslie Great Britain 732 6 74 Ball Jarrod Canada 728 4 75 Low Arthur New Zealand 715 3 76 Oda Ichiro Japan 713 6 77 Dukes Malcolm Great Britain 698 8 78 Miles Sean USA - Hawaii 651 2 79 Degner Bernd Germany 460 2 Recurve - Young Adult Champ. 1 Bullis Brian USA - Arizona 852 20 2 Wilthagen Jonah Netherlands 848 18 3 Edwards Hayden Canada 847 21 4 Oliver Ryan USA - Florida 847 27 5 Alvarado Angel David Mexico 843 18 6 Kim Geun USA - California 843 13 7 Gilliam Alex USA - Georgia 842 18 8 Arellano Humberto Mexico 841 30 9 Kim Min Soo USA - California 838 21 10 Ohlendorf Jake USA - California 838 15 11 Heidt Adam USA - Georgia 836 19 12 Valera Adam USA - Illinois 822 12 13 King Tyler USA - Utah 816 11 14 Nitta Kent USA - California 815 16 15 Pahl Eleanor USA - Washington 810 11 16 Kim Joony USA - Idaho 808 11 17 Park Danielle USA - California 803 11 18 Klus John Jr. USA - Wisconsin 803 7 19 Hong Audrey USA - California 791 6 20 Yoo Da Bin USA - California 783 11 21 Buoniconti Sophia USA - Florida 781 9 22 Burns Mina USA - California 779 3 23 Canfield Michael USA - Florida 776 7 24 Lemus Anai USA - California 772 14 25 Song Jorrin USA - California 767 5 26 Oudet Léa France 743 6 27 Forbes Erica USA - Florida 734 4 28 Hughes Emma Canada 673 3 29 Uluatam Sophie USA - Massachusetts 636 3 Recurve - Flights - Flight 1 1 Sun Ziyi USA - California 864 19 2 Morgan Ashe Great Britain 861 24 3 Johnson Richard Butch USA - Connecticut 861 22 4 Fortenberry Ryan USA - Texas 859 21 5 Miller Caleb USA - Colorado 857 21 6 Tenner Brandon USA - Oregon 855 24 7 Requa Matthew USA - Texas 855 21

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8 Barby Stuart Great Britain 848 17 9 Nesbitt Mark Great Britain 847 18 10 Dornhofer Heribert Austria 846 18 11 Gilbert Michelle USA - Maryland 845 24 12 Evans Sean Great Britain 845 23 13 Torres Lionel France 843 17 14 Barefoot Thomas USA - Nebraska 838 16 15 Olson Alex USA - Iowa 835 17 16 Turina Nicole USA - Hawaii 835 15 17 Wolfe David USA - Nebraska 835 14 18 Moyer Larry Canada 833 14 19 Bronstrup Stephen USA - California 832 16 20 Wilson Joel USA - California 831 15 21 Rabska Don USA - California 830 17 22 Cameron Theodore USA - Nevada 828 14 23 Denton Douglas USA - Utah 828 13 24 Shi Tim Canada 827 20 25 Clamon Lauren USA - California 827 10 26 Smith Alex Great Britain 825 22 27 Gerig Guy USA - New York 823 12 28 Lowe Bob Great Britain 822 12 29 Robb Christina USA - Arizona 821 8 30 Dunwoody David Canada 819 13 31 Haverstock Nikki USA - Colorado 819 9 32 Lee Jacob USA - California 818 10 33 Barrs Jay USA - Utah 815 13 Recurve - Flights - Flight 2 1 Hubbard Kevin USA - Arizona 827 18 2 Smith Acuña Hector Antonio Mexico 826 14 3 Oikawa Miki Japan 823 14 4 Thiffeault Picard Georcy-Stéphanie Canada 822 10 5 Pavlov Vadim USA - Nevada 819 17 6 Paguia Raymond USA - California 819 16 7 Bowman Scott USA - Arizona 819 10 8 Jamieson Gilbert Great Britain 818 17 9 Stevenson Tom USA - Oklahoma 817 18 10 Ishikawa Mihiro Japan 817 13 11 Smith Acuña Jesus Andres Mexico 816 18 12 Kim Christine USA - California 816 14 13 Hoon Sean USA - Washington 814 11 14 Marino Anthony USA - New Jersey 814 10 15 De La Torre Pablo Mexico 812 16 16 Mehta Shalin USA - California 811 14 17 Evans Zachary USA - Utah 811 11 18 Evans Scott USA - Maine 810 16 19 Beckers Eefje Netherlands 808 8 20 Ramirez Paola USA - Utah 807 11 21 Matsumoto Takehisa Japan 806 11 22 Wells Chris Switzerland 805 14 23 McDonald Randolph USA - Pennsylvania 804 17 24 Abramson Brad USA - Michigan 803 20 25 Gerig Guy A. USA - New York 801 15 26 Alberga Dean Netherlands 792 3 27 Hoon Katie USA - Washington 790 11 28 Weyers Eva Germany 790 8 29 Querol Gabriel USA - Illinois 788 6 30 Arceo Arsi USA - California 787 9 31 Kee Reuben USA - Arizona 787 8 32 Seo James USA - Illinois 786 5 33 Batinich Thomas USA - California 538 8 34 Vecenti Filiberto USA - New Mexico 529 6 Recurve - Flights - Flight 3 1 Lard Kelsey USA - Arizona 799 9 2 Vaccarello Jason USA - California 798 13 3 Kim Edward USA - California 797 11 4 Matuszak Jeff USA - Colorado 795 3 5 Guerrina Alfredo Italy 794 12 6 Morris Jeremiah USA - California 793 12 7 Lebaron Verlan USA - Oregon 793 7 8 Judge Shona Ireland 791 9 8 Wagner Jackson USA - Missouri 791 9 10 Dailey Conner USA - Nevada 790 6 11 Walth Courtney USA - California 788 10 12 Tsosie Emmett USA - Arizona 787 7 13 Geiger Urs USA - Michigan 786 6 14 Jin Allen USA - California 786 5 15 Barrs Janet USA - Utah 785 10 16 Rechkemmer Craig USA - Missouri 785 6 17 Yamaguchi Gary USA - Arizona 784 8 18 Lumayag Jonas USA - Illinois 784 5 19 Kim Sabin USA - California 782 4 20 Epperson Joe USA - Alabama 781 15 21 Ahn Jenna K. USA - California 781 8 22 Henoux Arnaud France 781 7 23 Stevenson Logan USA - Oklahoma 780 8 24 Alessandrini Luciana Natalia Argentina 776 8 25 Betts Rick USA - California 775 8 26 Wallace Charles USA - Maryland 774 5 27 Granata Giuliana Italy 772 4 28 Fuentes Maximiliano Argentina 771 9 29 Nicholson Kirk USA - Ohio 768 5 30 Phlipot Stephanie USA - Arizona 760 5 31 Kitts Daniel USA - Florida 759 8 32 Eliason Edwin USA - Utah 759 7 33 Liao Peizheng USA - California 751 5 Recurve - Flights - Flight 4 1 Holst John USA - Montana 781 4 2 Saito Yoshihito Japan 780 8 3 Warehime Amanda Virgin Islands, US 777 8 4 Yoo Joyce USA - California 772 3 5 Vainauskas Adam USA - Arizona 770 7 6 Tadera Hiroki Japan 770 5

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7 Yun Samuel USA - California 770 1 8 Koch Walter Germany 769 11 9 Gray Verity Great Britain 764 7 10 Gorman Foster USA - Arizona 763 10 11 Winn Christopher USA - California 762 9 12 Hodge Heather USA - Illinois 762 7 13 Wagner Steven USA - Missouri 762 6 14 Lee Daniel USA - Texas 762 4 15 Agnew Susan Great Britain 755 6 16 Northey Caitlin Canada 754 6 17 Lizzio Al USA - New York 754 4 18 Huelscher Volker Germany 753 9 19 Bomgardner Jacquelynn USA - Montana 752 9 20 Kim Linsey USA - Hawaii 750 5 21 Thistle Jordan USA - Iowa 749 11 22 Wu Siyang USA - California 749 1 23 Lietz Amy USA - Washington 746 10 24 Boyar Keegan USA - Montana 745 8 25 Et Sarah USA - California 745 4 26 Shipman Phyllis USA - Hawaii 743 11 27 James Pete Great Britain 742 4 28 Moon Tony USA - California 741 1 29 Bowser Jessica USA - Colorado 740 5 30 Rineheart Rachel USA - Illinois 738 5 31 Kalal Matthew USA - California 737 7 32 Zenger Andrea USA - Washington 730 1 33 Lewis Kelly USA - California 721 9 Recurve - Flights - Flight 5 1 Hagley Dwight Great Britain 754 3 2 Holgado Juan Carlos Switzerland 749 6 3 Krase John USA - New York 747 3 4 Kim Patrick USA - California 735 6 5 Maynard Perusha Barbados 730 3 6 Evans Rory Barbados 730 0 7 Thompson Dennis USA - New Jersey 729 2 8 Gerig Valerie USA - New York 727 7 8 Wong Michael USA - California 727 7 10 Thompson Kaela USA - California 727 3 11 Dielen Tom Switzerland 726 7 12 Carletto Jeremy USA - Arizona 726 2 13 Bergen Julie USA - Washington 724 4 14 Adams Jeffrey USA - Idaho 723 5 14 Whaley Russell USA - California 723 5 16 Olivas Jonathan USA - New Mexico 723 3 17 Norman Brian USA - Washington 721 7 18 Wainwright John USA - Oregon 721 6 19 Fei Brian USA - California 721 3 20 Silva William USA - Nevada 718 4 21 Fischer Nicole USA - Nevada 717 6 22 Bartos Cedar USA - South Dakota 715 9 23 Lumayag Stephen USA - Illinois 714 4 24 Todaro Tiffany USA - California 711 0 25 Scott Elisabeth USA - California 708 3 26 Chapman Bill USA - Arizona 707 6 27 Larke Daniel USA - Illinois 706 1 28 McIntyre-Gilley Karen USA - Illinois 703 2 29 Wong Charles Canada 701 4 30 Carter Corey USA - Ohio 697 6 30 Ovalle Mariano USA - California 697 6 32 Krulicki David Canada 695 1 33 Na Hyewon USA - California 692 0 34 Turner Nicolas USA - California 475 3 Recurve - Flights - Flight 6 1 Negri Stephane USA - California 717 1 2 Zhang Jerry USA - California 716 5 3 Warren Suzette USA - California 705 4 4 Brewer Elijah USA - New Mexico 704 5 5 Maitland Pamela USA - California 703 2 6 Schettler-Jehl Barbara USA - California 698 8 7 Grover Matthew USA - Texas 694 6 8 Heffelfinger John USA - Arizona 693 5 9 Ward Ryann USA - Illinois 691 1 10 Kempter Drew USA - Oregon 689 4 10 Sato James USA - Texas 689 4 12 Griffith William USA - New York 678 5 13 Walsh Dan USA - Oregon 676 4 14 Strickler Andrew USA - Arizona 670 3 15 McGleinnaiss Chris USA - Nebraska 669 4 16 Bishop Shaelin Canada 669 2 17 Wright Kolton USA - Utah 668 4 18 Chau Eugenia Canada 667 2 19 Ngo Thu USA - California 664 1 20 Walter Lynn USA - Colorado 663 2 21 Arnaldo Joseph USA - California 661 5 21 Wietstruk Theresa USA - Georgia 661 5 23 Turner Randel “Peewee” USA - New York 661 0 24 Falcon Jade USA - California 659 2 25 Cuvin Angelica Marie USA - Oregon 658 6 26 Viganò Luciano Italy 658 4 27 Sinapi Valter Italy 656 1 28 Giannoulas Ted USA - Washington 649 3 29 Rocha Rolando USA - Texas 644 4 30 Queen Gene USA - Oregon 641 2 31 Yazzie Matthew USA - Arizona 639 4 32 Morales Oswaldo USA - Nevada 636 1 33 Ng Zena USA - California 633 2 34 Dwyer William USA - California 619 7 35 Ferko Kate USA - California 424 1 Recurve - Flights - Flight 7 1 Lee Yunjoo USA - California 642 1

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2 Saunders Tom USA - Nebraska 637 2 3 Alibudbud Allan USA - California 633 4 4 Cassidy Kirsten USA - California 632 3 5 Sheppard Gwen USA - Wisconsin 630 4 6 Pate Lesley USA - California 629 5 7 Rogers Angela USA - Texas 625 6 8 Moyer Tammy Canada 621 0 9 Cline Brandon USA - California 617 6 10 Lee Elliott USA - California 584 4 11 Gorman Brandon USA - Arizona 577 0 12 Roybal Ricardo USA - New Mexico 560 0 13 Rafanan Jessica USA - California 559 2 14 Cratchley Michelle Australia 545 1 15 Armentrout Ben USA - California 539 1 16 McDonough Timothy USA - Colorado 535 0 17 McNeil Roweina USA - Nevada 528 2 18 Lefort Alexandra USA - Utah 511 2 19 Vina Fabian USA - California 509 2 20 Cirielli Gregg USA - California 508 3 21 Ross Cecilia USA - Pennsylvania 497 0 22 Easton Annette Canada 494 1 23 Roybal Emma USA - New Mexico 492 1 24 Muhammad Asim USA - New York 467 0 25 Yuan Dustin USA - California 453 2 26 Criss Author USA - Oregon 449 0 27 Ellis Annalee USA - Arizona 442 2 28 McHarg Carol USA - Pennsylvania 383 4 29 Barrena Francisco Mexico 377 1 30 Caballero Joshua USA - Colorado 281 0 31 Marsh Chris Switzerland 272 5 32 McLaurin Arthur USA - California 262 0 33 Raisinghani Anaiya USA - California 252 0 Freestyle Limited - Flights - Flight 1 1 Otsuka Tadatsugu Japan 873 31 2 Lowe Michael USA - Texas 865 30 3 Fabry Jeff USA - California 863 27 4 Carroll Bob USA - Arizona 853 19 5 Hilbun Stephen USA - Ohio 838 14 6 Conrad Dean USA - Iowa 836 18 7 Lear Chuck USA - Missouri 833 19 8 Withers Trent USA - South Dakota 826 14 9 Heffelfinger John “Chip” USA - Arizona 825 14 10 Hooper David USA - Washington 822 14 11 Teague Faron USA - Missouri 812 16 12 Garlick Marty USA - Montana 812 14 13 Springer Dale USA - Colorado 812 12 14 Olores Christopher USA - Hawaii 812 10 15 Whyte Clyde USA - Colorado 794 10 16 Cameron Greg USA - Idaho 768 7 17 Randall Tim USA - Missouri 762 10 18 Thornberry Dave USA - California 761 9 19 Green Larry USA - California 743 7 20 Parker Linda USA - Washington 734 8 21 Anderson Dave USA - Iowa 732 7 22 Zunino Greg USA - Nevada 701 5 23 Nease Harold USA - Alaska 694 3 24 Palomo Peter USA - California 601 2 25 Roser Liliana USA - Arizona 599 1 Freestyle - Championship Female 1 Van Caspel Inge Netherlands 897 68 2 Lance Sarah USA - Wisconsin 897 73 3 Colin Christie USA - Pennsylvania 897 58 4 Brenzel Samantha USA - New York 896 63 4 Jensen Tanja Denmark 896 63 6 Sonnichsen Sarah Holst Denmark 896 61 7 Van Natta Jamie USA - Ohio 896 59 8 Larson Holly USA - Minnesota 895 64 9 Ochoa-Anderson Linda Mexico 895 59 10 Cochran Carli USA - South Carolina 894 65 11 Keller Lexi USA - Wisconsin 894 63 11 Vermeulen Jody Netherlands 894 63 13 Cerne Toja Slovenia 894 62 13 Wentzel Danelle South Africa 894 62 15 Salinas Stephanie Sarai Mexico 894 60 16 Kelly Cara USA - Michigan 894 54 17 Theodore Breanna USA - Minnesota 893 61 18 Gauvin Crystal USA - Connecticut 893 58 19 Vandionant Sandrine France 893 55 20 Loginova Albina Russia 893 47 21 Bostan Yesim Turkey 892 58 21 Schall Velia Germany 892 58 23 Meissner Janine Germany 892 53 24 Lopez Sara Colombia 892 52 25 Anear Erika Denmark 892 44 26 Pearce Paige USA - California 891 60 27 Zumbach Lindsay Ann USA - Michigan 891 57 28 Geist Kaylee USA - Colorado 891 56 28 Van Kradenburg Jeanine South Africa 891 56 30 Crook Dahlia USA - Kansas 891 52 31 Reynolds Danielle USA - Arizona 891 49 32 Keller Dawn USA - Indiana 890 58 33 Cox Cassidy USA - New Mexico 890 54 34 Francis Seneca USA - Utah 890 53 35 Prieels Sarah France 890 52 36 Sauter Patricia Germany 890 50 37 Jones Naomi Netherlands 890 49 38 Oleksejenko Jelena Switzerland 890 45 39 Miller Brooke USA - Missouri 889 47 40 Morgan Shauna USA - Montana 889 37 41 Carpenter Sharon USA - Florida 888 53 42 Bee Emily USA - Michigan 888 42 43 Doramus Jennifer USA - Idaho 888 41 44 Sauter Sabine Germany 888 40

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First Quarter 2016

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45 Anastasio Anastasia Italy 887 52 45 Ward Kelly USA - North Carolina 887 52 47 Veyna Emily USA - Wisconsin 887 47 48 Courtright Erin USA - New York 886 62 49 Magnusdottir Helga Kolbrun Iceland 886 53 50 Calloway Connie USA - Tennessee 886 41 51 Gales Andrea Great Britain 886 39 52 Dominguez Rosalia Mexico 885 50 53 Harrelson Christine USA - North Carolina 884 50 54 Couwenberg Martine Netherlands 884 37 55 Rutkowski Madison USA - Pennsylvania 883 62 56 McClean Fiona Canada 882 48 57 Simpson Nichola Great Britain 882 45 58 Marcen Maja Colombia 882 40 59 Schleusner Serena USA - Wisconsin 882 29 60 Starnes Sondra (Dee) USA - Indiana 881 42 61 Fladzinski Katherine USA - Michigan 880 42 62 Buden Ivana Croatia 879 48 63 Davis-Jurenka Jahna USA - Montana 879 36 64 Hart Madison Canada 879 32 65 Gallais Dutriez Alexandra France 878 44 66 Groszko Dawn Canada 878 40 67 Kile Sierrah USA - Idaho 878 38 68 Huntzinger Tina USA - Michigan 878 28 69 Bordwell Katelyn USA - New York 877 48 69 Schnur Ashley USA - Michigan 877 48 71 Chae Won So Korea 876 60 72 Roux Gerda South Africa 876 51 73 Shaner Rhonda USA - Georgia 876 40 74 Watson Patricia USA - Michigan 876 34 75 Jackson Hunter USA - Michigan 875 51 76 Pozniakova Tetiana Ukraine 875 40 77 Diab Bernadette USA - New Jersey 875 37 78 Meisner Rebecca USA - Florida 875 31 79 Viljoen Amanda South Africa 875 30 80 Barby Victoria Great Britain 874 35 81 Williams Brogan USA - Oklahoma 874 30 82 Tenjin Satoko Japan 873 37 83 Christensen Lindsay USA - Idaho 873 36 84 Yang Liana USA - Minnesota 873 35 85 Bang Margaret Denmark 872 28 86 Gore Heather USA - California 871 39 87 Ochs Debra USA - Michigan 870 33 88 Akcakaya Cicek Germany 869 25 89 Duckworth Emily USA - Maryland 869 24 90 Lundeen Erika USA - Florida 867 44 91 Hott Sherry USA - Texas 867 27 92 Tamagawa Yoko Japan 864 27 93 Czako Johana Cindy USA - Texas 862 22 94 Leroy Laurie USA - Texas 859 30 95 Chamorro Maria E. Colombia 852 31 96 English Mindi USA - Oregon 850 29 97 Riggi Anna USA - Michigan 848 26 98 Hegele Stefanie Germany 846 19 99 Oshiro Tricia Canada 741 8 100 Sanchez Esmeralda Mexico 595 35 101 Baker Keelin USA - Utah 560 12 102 Peyton Babette USA - Illinois 176 0 Freestyle - Championship Male 1 Pagni Sergio Italy 899 80 2 Wilde Logan USA - Utah 900 79 3 Beaubouef Chance USA - Tennessee 900 81 4 Zamaninejad Reza USA - California 900 70 5 Hannah Justin USA - North Carolina 900 79 6 Ryals George USA - Georgia 900 69 7 Schloesser Mike Netherlands 899 87 8 Perkins Christopher Canada 899 85 9 Bass Henry USA - Utah 899 84 10 Morgan Tate USA - Montana 899 82 10 Schaff Kristofer USA - Montana 899 82 12 Elzinga Peter Netherlands 899 81 13 Deloche Pierre-Julien France 899 78 14 Brooks Nathan USA - Arkansas 899 77 14 Douglas Kyle USA - Utah 899 77 16 Cousins Dave USA - Maine 899 76 16 Hernandez Roberto El Salvador 899 76 16 Morgan Rob USA - Montana 899 76 19 Christensen Dewey USA - Utah 899 75 19 Hamilton Colton USA - Utah 899 75 19 Hanley Kolby USA - Vermont 899 75 19 Houser David USA - Pennsylvania 899 75 23 Gold Brian USA - Utah 899 74 24 Jasa Dan USA - Missouri 899 73 24 Pagnoni Federico Italy 899 73 26 Hansen Stephan Denmark 899 72 26 Wifler Alex USA - Illinois 899 72 28 Dolderman Sander Netherlands 899 71 29 Anderson Steve USA - Utah 899 70 29 Roof Charles USA - Nevada 899 70 31 Bee Christopher L. USA - Michigan 899 69 31 Bleyendaal Ruben Netherlands 899 69 31 Bowen Richard USA - Arkansas 899 69 34 Wortham Tyler USA - Alaska 899 68 35 Juutilainen Mikko Finland 899 66 36 Manfull Steven USA - Kansas 899 65 37 Eide Jon USA - North Dakota 899 59 38 Morgan Levi USA - Pennsylvania 898 81 39 Broadwater Jesse USA - Florida 898 80 40 Brasseur Sebastien France 898 79 41 Price Louis USA - New York 898 78 41 Wilkey Kevin USA - Utah 898 78 43 Woody Kendall USA - Virginia 898 77

>> continued on page 18

IFAA NORTH AMERICAN FIELD ARCHERY CHAMPIONSHIP (NAFAC 2016) JUNE 18TH & 19TH 2016 IN CHINO, CALIFORNIA Oranco Bowmen is located in Southern California on 45 acres. We have two-28 target ranges both marked for Field, Hunter, and Animal.4 across shooting on both ranges. The Valley Range is very flat. The Mountain Range has a lot of ups, downs and side hill shots. Practice butts from 10 to 80 yds in 5 yd increments. We are only 30-60 min. from Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Universal Studios and many more attractions. For more about us go to www.orancobowmen.org Location:

Go to www.orancobowmen.org for map or http://www.google.com/maps/dir/”/17504+Pomona+Rincon+Rd,+Chino,+CA+91708 Airports: Ontario 30 min. OC John Wayne 45min. Los Angeles 90min. Schedule: Saturday June 18th 8:30am assembly 9:00am start 28 Field and 28 Animal (no Spots) Sunday 8:00am assembly 8:30 start 28 Hunter. Awards within 30min. after last group finished. Rules: (Rules & equipment) Per IFAA Book of Rules (http://www.ifaa-archery.org/index.php) Scoring: Per IFAA Book of Rules (must cut thru the line to score) NFAA Field, Hunter and Animal Targets Hotels: Host hotel for NAFAC Hotel Chino Hills 15433 Fairfield Ranch Road Chino Hills , CA 91709 (909) 606-5995 Go to www.orancobowmen.org for more complete hotel listings Camping: Dry camping on range. Full hookup camping at Prado Park (909) 597-4260 1½ mi. N. of Range Food: Continental Breakfast both days Lunch’s available on Range.

REGISTRATION FORM Last Name: ________________________________ First Name: Address: ________________________City:____________________ State: _____ Zip: E-Mail: ___________________________________________Ph: IFAA Member #____________ NFAA Member #____________ USA Archery Member #___________ Pre registration deadline June 11th Pro Adult & Senior Divisions $35.00 $35.00 $50.00 $50.00

Registration Fees Pre Registration Late Registration

All Junior Divisions $25.00 $40.00

Pro Pot (100% payback) $100.00 in addition to registration fee Make checks payable to Oranco Bowmen

Total Fee

Historic Bow


Bowhunter Limited

Bowhunter Unlimited

Bowhunter Coumpound

Bowhunter Recurve

Barebow Coumpound

Barebow Recurve

Freestyle Limited Compound

Freestyle Limited Recurve

Freestyle Unlimited

(No Bowhunter or Historic)

Cub- 12 & Under

Junior- 13-16 (No Historic)

Young Adult – 17&18 (No Historic)

Veteran 55 & up





Up to 3 people Per Form

Adult – 19 -54

Mail to Oranco Bowmen, 17504 Pomona Rincon Rd, Chino, CA 91708

NOTE: If you give the Registration Chairman your NFAA shooting style, he will make appropriate IFAA conversion Registration Chairmen: Chriss Bowles (951)757-4571 email cbowles2@verizon.net


For Information contact Joe Dotterer (951) 897-5685 / jndot@yahoo.com scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 17

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Pos. Family Name




44 Gibson Adam USA - Indiana 898 45 Gellenthien Braden USA - Massachusetts 898 45 Gruber Marc USA - Wisconsin 898 45 Vavro Mario Croatia 898 48 Morocco Randall USA - Ohio 898 48 Peineau Sebastien France 898 50 Damsbo Martin Denmark 898 50 Lambright Todd USA - Pennsylvania 898 52 Ebadi Esmaeil IR Iran 898 53 Hacker Chris USA - Arkansas 898 53 Terhune Jeremy USA - Wyoming 898 55 McSpadden Quinn USA - Utah 898 55 Tedford Aaron USA - Montana 898 57 Aamaas Njaal Norway 898 57 Jolley Lucas USA - Utah 898 57 Mu単oz Perez Daniel Fernando Colombia 898 60 Carter Justin USA - Utah 898 61 Adkins Michael USA - Michigan 898 62 Van Eil Thomas Netherlands 898 63 Rogers Justin USA - North Carolina 898 64 Gillingham Timothy USA - Utah 897 65 Wolthuis Sam USA - Missouri 897 66 Gesell Travis USA - Maryland 897 67 Laursen Patrick Denmark 897 68 Schmitz Matt USA - Washington 897 69 Blazquez Alberto Spain 897 69 Holmes Lewis USA - Wisconsin 897 69 Scott Jonathan USA - New York 897 72 Delobelle Fabien France 897 72 McCarthy Dan USA - Wisconsin 897 72 Stutzman Matt USA - Iowa 897 75 Johnson Travis USA - Michigan 897 75 Nicholson Zachary USA - Arizona 897 77 Adkins Ty USA - Louisiana 897 77 Combs Ryan USA - Indiana 897 77 Cummins Rocky USA - Michigan 897 77 Riggs Shane USA - New Mexico 897 77 Thompson Cody USA - North Carolina 897 82 Vincent Shawnn USA - Washington 897 83 Schleusner Grant USA - Wisconsin 897 84 White Chris Great Britain 897 84 Wilson Chase USA - Missouri 897 86 Goza Joseph USA - Alabama 897 86 Wills Shane USA - Maryland 897 88 Ayersman Garrett USA - West Virginia 897 88 Baker Rick USA - New Hampshire 897 88 Despart Jim USA - New York 897 88 Jackson Richard USA - Pennsylvania 897 88 Reyes Brandon USA - Virginia 897 93 Bennett Jason USA - Pennsylvania 897 94 Gibbs Lee USA - Wisconsin 896 94 Miller Heath USA - California 896 96 Polish Kevin USA - Pennsylvania 896 97 Larsen Norman USA - Montana 896 98 Thacker Donnie USA - Kentucky 896 99 Thompson Nshan USA - Missouri 896 100 Starnes Scott USA - Indiana 896 101 Payne Russell USA - Texas 896 101 Tedford Paul USA - Montana 896 103 Herring Mark USA - Ohio 896 104 Menzer Rod USA - Wisconsin 896 105 Tenbrook Tyler USA - Colorado 896 106 Braden Michael USA - Texas 896 106 Burri Kevin Switzerland 896 106 Chenault Chad USA - Ohio 896 106 Oosterlinck Chris USA - California 896 110 Taylor Dacota USA - Texas 896 111 Sether Dillon USA - Colorado 896 112 Street Jason USA - Michigan 896 113 Green Iii Roy USA - Wisconsin 896 114 Bragg Shane USA - Michigan 896 114 Pollard Michael USA - Michigan 896 114 Schnur Christopher USA - Michigan 896 117 Greenlief Ryan USA - Illinois 896 118 Moss Travis USA - Oklahoma 896 119 Nencioni Michele Italy 895 120 Moore Nicholas USA - Wisconsin 895 120 Olexienko Justin Australia 895 122 Cardona Camilo Andres Colombia 895 122 Christenberry Darrin USA - Indiana 895 122 Sorrells Caleb USA - Indiana 895 122 Weinstein Charlie USA - Maine 895 122 Wickliffe Bryce USA - Texas 895 127 Solomon Raymond USA - Nevada 895 128 Ridenour Marc USA - Idaho 895 129 Bonham Torrey USA - Michigan 895 129 Darum Andreas Denmark 895 131 Munson William USA - Illinois 895 132 Fochuk Andy Canada 895 132 Marlow Tyler USA - Florida 895 132 Marsh Steven USA - Colorado 895 135 Miller Paul USA - Maryland 895 136 Dauleu Ludovic France 895 136 McCutchan Spencer USA - Illinois 895 138 Griggs Eric USA - Kentucky 895 139 Gonzalez Rodolfo Mexico 894 140 Lundin Morgan Sweden 894 141 Bristow Aaron USA - New Mexico 894 142 Doussot Christophe France 894 142 Gomez Thomas USA - Kentucky 894 144 Buden Domagoj Croatia 894 145 Cauwe Michael Belgium 894 145 Ospina Jose Colombia 894 145 Wallace Jack USA - Ohio 894 148 Leijon Peter Sweden 894

18 Archery Magazine



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First Quarter 2016

Pos. Family Name




149 Laube Marcus Germany 894 150 Evans Danny USA - Illinois 894 151 Carlise Adam USA - New Hampshire 894 151 Hopkins Jeff USA - Iowa 894 151 Moss Alex USA - Iowa 894 154 Whitman Tommy USA - Missouri 894 155 Kerbow Dustin USA - Georgia 894 156 Polidori Jacopo Italy 894 157 Asbach Jens Germany 894 158 Covert Tyler USA - Utah 893 159 Dernekli Furkan Turkey 893 160 Olsen Judd USA - Utah 893 161 Cardoso Mario Mexico 893 161 Keller Paeton USA - Arizona 893 161 TRAIL Keith USA - North Carolina 893 164 Ingham Nick USA - California 893 164 Kurtzhals Zak USA - Utah 893 164 Williamson Trey USA - Georgia 893 167 Acors Lee USA - Virginia 893 168 Clem Anthony USA - Colorado 893 169 Doramus Smoky USA - Idaho 893 169 Kiko Steve USA - Ohio 893 171 Pizarro Jean Puerto Rico 893 172 Jaime Hafid USA - California 893 173 Smordal-Ericsson Mats-Inge Sweden 892 174 Brown Keenan Canada 892 175 Stevenson Tom USA - Michigan 892 176 Yamamoto Yuta Japan 892 177 Deliveyne Frederic Belgium 892 177 Nathe Eric USA - Minnesota 892 177 Van Staden Victor Werdmuller South Africa 892 180 Schaum Andreas Germany 892 181 Shimada Takayuki Japan 891 182 Myer Jarod USA - South Dakota 891 183 Cypret Troy USA - Idaho 891 183 Wilson Stuart Ireland 891 185 Cheah Ricci Australia 891 185 Sowell Kenny USA - Colorado 891 187 Cooper Sebatian USA - Missouri 891 188 Nellessen Isaac USA - Wisconsin 890 189 Williamson Brandon USA - California 890 190 Anderson Michael USA - Iowa 890 190 Brosnan Michael Australia 890 190 McElroy Ben USA - Illinois 890 193 Raper William USA - Georgia 890 194 Nichols Wade USA - Arizona 890 195 Hofer Patrizio Switzerland 889 196 Birchmeier Jason USA - Michigan 889 197 Thompson Peter USA - Idaho 889 198 Macias Paul USA - Nevada 889 199 Pollei Tom USA - Arizona 889 200 Haslestad Marius Kramer Norway 889 201 Given Jesse USA - Minnesota 889 202 Tjentland Oddmund Norway 888 203 Mansfield Tony USA - Colorado 888 204 Gallais Dutriez Alban France 888 205 Norton Michael USA - North Carolina 888 206 Carter Forrest USA - Idaho 888 207 Chuning Shane USA - Utah 888 207 Zurek Jonathan USA - New York 888 209 Hunt Steven USA - Ohio 888 210 Kutlu Rafet Tunga Tegin Turkey 888 211 Beard Jeremy USA - Nevada 888 212 Deaton Bridger USA - Iowa 887 213 Scherer Gregory Scott USA - Michigan 887 214 Burnell Jason USA - Colorado 887 214 Tuna Mustafa Serkan Turkey 887 214 Van Kradenburg Frans Petrus South Africa 887 214 Walden Jesse USA - Texas 887 218 Grogan Troy USA - New Mexico 887 219 White Rod USA - Iowa 887 220 Bantle Frank Germany 887 221 Jensen Jon USA - California 887 222 Winters Nathan USA - Tennessee 886 223 Meier Justin USA - Minnesota 886 224 Poole Greg USA - Oregon 885 225 Clark Jonathan USA - Georgia 885 226 Nonoshita Susumu Japan 885 227 Gerard Nathan Belgium 885 228 Wilde Reo USA - Idaho 884 229 Badenhorst Gabriel South Africa 884 230 Lefler Blake USA - Iowa 884 231 Coleman Deshante USA - Minnesota 884 232 Ogg Josiah USA - Oregon 884 233 Sandoval Jr Rudy USA - California 884 234 Smandych Cory Canada 884 235 Smith Wade USA - Washington 883 236 Mackey Daniel USA - Texas 883 236 Tanebe Hiroshi Japan 883 238 Kirk Eric USA - Michigan 883 239 Ochoa Ruben Mexico 882 240 Bretsch Ross Spenser USA - Iowa 882 241 Ortiz Bernie USA - California 882 242 Wall Max Canada 881 243 Robertson Ben USA - Montana 881 244 Arnsmeyer Jamey USA - Maryland 881 245 Kromer Kyle USA - Texas 880 246 Nel Sean South Africa 880 246 Thornton Lance USA - Missouri 880 248 Bailey Timothy USA - New Mexico 880 249 Beck Robert USA - Arizona 879 250 Flores Beto USA - Wyoming 879 251 Tolen Wilson USA - Missouri 878 252 Grapentien Timothy USA - Michigan 878 253 Weaver Jonathan USA - California 877


63 62 61 61 61 60 59 58 55 71 65 64 61 61 61 59 59 59 58 54 53 53 50 49 61 60 57 55 53 53 53 47 58 54 52 52 49 49 47 58 56 54 54 54 48 45 69 58 56 54 53 51 47 61 58 56 54 53 48 48 46 45 43 79 72 53 53 53 53 52 51 49 47 46 45 59 52 39 36 73 66 62 50 48 43 40 44 41 41 32 49 44 41 44 43 37 54 45 45 44 59 40 45 38 58

Pos. Family Name





254 Laboranti Augusto Ezequiel Argentina 877 44 255 Stone Michael USA - Alabama 877 43 256 McGeorge Dillion USA - Georgia 875 56 257 Cooley Chuck USA - New York 875 44 258 Bodnar Happy USA - Montana 874 42 259 Jeavons Ryan Great Britain 873 45 260 Oughton Ewan USA - California 873 37 261 Shreve Zachery USA - Maryland 872 34 262 Stas Hareld Netherlands 872 30 263 Sewall Jr Arthur USA - Nevada 872 28 264 Arrington Dusty USA - Texas 871 45 265 Roth David USA - Michigan 869 73 266 Burpee Noah USA - Michigan 869 28 267 De Klerk Nicholas South Africa 868 30 268 Stevens Solomon USA - Colorado 866 32 269 Pieckenstainer Ricardo USA - California 865 42 270 Shagjsuren Davaakhuu Mongolia 865 35 271 Cortez Reyes USA - Texas 865 27 272 Grant Redge South Africa 861 23 273 McGee Bobby USA - California 859 37 274 Jenkins Jeff USA - California 856 30 275 Albishri Darwish UAE 809 14 276 Thrun Friedhelm Germany 806 11 277 Wilke Alan USA - Wisconsin 766 19 278 Sullivan Matt USA - Utah 601 47 279 Gheidi Majid IR Iran 597 40 280 Escarcega Chris USA - Arizona 596 37 281 Amouei Yaser IR Iran 595 38 282 Kazempour Amir IR Iran 589 32 283 Malkin Leo USA - New Jersey 550 5 284 Donaldson Ralph USA - California 139 4 285 Brockway Cole USA - Texas 12 0 Freestyle - Championship Senior 1 White Jackie USA - Missouri 896 71 2 Price Duane USA - Wisconsin 896 63 3 Rogers Jeff USA - Georgia 896 70 4 Willett Rodger USA - Virginia 896 55 5 Parenteau Benny Canada 895 59 6 Wolfram Robert USA - Illinois 895 57 7 Haines Ramie USA - Wyoming 895 54 8 Wesley Troy USA - Texas 894 63 9 Bordwell Jeffery USA - New York 894 60 10 Harbaugh Tony USA - Idaho 894 56 11 Webb Brian USA - California 893 61 12 Derus Mike USA - New York 893 58 13 Collins Darren USA - Kansas 893 55 14 Wilde Dee USA - Idaho 893 54 15 Hankins Al USA - Mississippi 893 48 16 Scott Steve USA - Mississippi 893 45 17 Horn Ed USA - Iowa 893 44 18 Larsen Finn Denmark 892 62 18 Ward Donald USA - Wisconsin 892 62 18 Wentzel Dougo USA - Colorado 892 62 21 Kapp Joe USA - Indiana 892 61 22 Vozzy John USA - New York 892 56 23 Ruddock Allan USA - Oregon 892 51 24 Carlson Sid USA - Idaho 891 58 25 Clarson Brian USA - Wisconsin 891 57 26 Leiter Michael USA - Maryland 891 56 27 Bang Jan Denmark 891 54 28 Smith Richard USA - Colorado 891 53 29 Punzalan Bernie USA - Alaska 891 52 30 Barnsdale Dave USA - Wisconsin 891 50 31 Palmer Mike USA - Washington 891 49 32 Bee Chris A. USA - Michigan 891 48 32 Butterfield Larry USA - Arizona 891 48 34 Tenbrook Ray USA - Colorado 890 60 35 Wenk Carl USA - Michigan 890 59 36 Christensen Benton USA - Idaho 890 58 37 Hansen Chris USA - Texas 890 56 38 Nelson Jeffrey USA - Idaho 890 55 38 Nelson Todd USA - Minnesota 890 55 40 Adkins Carl USA - Louisiana 890 52 41 Button Jeff USA - Wisconsin 890 47 42 Salvoni Gian Mario Italy 889 55 43 Stark Richard “Rick” USA - Virginia 889 52 43 Swanson Keith USA - Oregon 889 52 45 Anderson Robert USA - Illinois 888 57 46 Barndt Ron USA - Montana 888 54 47 Pearce Kevin USA - California 888 52 48 Hayden Julius “Jay” USA - Utah 888 48 49 Hesse Robert Germany 888 46 49 Poling Mark USA - California 888 46 51 Berry Chris USA - Missouri 887 54 52 Bieszk Daniel USA - Minnesota 887 45 53 Denning Ken USA - Montana 887 42 54 Hakl Bill USA - Minnesota 886 50 55 Andrews Michael USA - Colorado 886 49 56 Brabec Randy USA - Colorado 886 42 57 Beavin Jerry USA - Texas 886 40 58 Theilig Richard USA - Massachusetts 886 38 59 Dubree Jr Jerry USA - North Carolina 885 57 60 Babcock Ron USA - Oregon 885 52 61 Powell Brandon USA - Colorado 885 50 62 Dorigatti Patrick USA - Wyoming 885 49 63 Crowe Thomas USA - Oregon 883 43 64 Zeiter Kevin USA - Michigan 883 39 65 Reed Daniel USA - Michigan 882 41 66 Tseng Eddie USA - Colorado 882 39 67 Cook Tipton USA - Colorado 881 38 68 Blankenship Charles USA - Tennessee 881 29 69 Lowe Denton USA - New York 880 45 70 Gamby Mark USA - Ohio 880 42 71 Harper Rick USA - Virginia 879 44

Pos. Family Name





72 Demichele Dominic USA - Michigan 879 38 73 McGuire Jeff USA - Colorado 878 43 74 Wymore Scott USA - Iowa 877 39 75 Sena Jeff USA - California 875 41 76 Callaway Richard USA - Wisconsin 875 40 77 Gaylor Dan USA - Nevada 875 39 78 Forbes Jim USA - Missouri 874 48 79 Wagner Tom USA - Nevada 874 40 80 Reed Merl USA - Washington 874 26 81 Emerson George USA - California 873 40 82 Coblentz Thomas USA - Maryland 872 43 83 Mousner Johnny USA - Colorado 871 28 84 King Kelly USA - Utah 870 37 85 Bachert John USA - Indiana 869 44 86 Roth Axel Germany 869 41 87 Hoover Michael USA - Wyoming 869 36 88 Thornton Dean. Canada 869 35 89 Viljoen Johann South Africa 868 39 90 Morgan Bob USA - North Carolina 866 32 91 Norton Chris USA - North Carolina 865 29 92 Partlow David USA - Hawaii 865 28 93 Schloesser Bas Netherlands 864 33 94 Bryan Robert USA - New York 864 30 95 Jones Randall USA - Georgia 864 26 96 Wilson Mike USA - Indiana 863 40 97 Burnett Tim USA - California 863 36 98 Taylor Nicholas USA - Virginia 863 31 99 Hanson Everett USA - Massachusetts 860 34 100 Petersburg Randy USA - Iowa 859 31 101 Miller David USA - Arizona 859 29 102 Smith Walter USA - Arizona 858 24 103 Newman Norman USA - Ohio 855 27 104 Jacobsen Bob USA - Utah 853 32 105 Eberhard Franz Switzerland 848 22 106 Payne Mike USA - Michigan 845 27 107 Porter Steve USA - Idaho 833 27 108 Hohl Walter Switzerland 730 13 109 Schwartzstein Robert USA - Arizona 567 12 110 Realica Rusty USA - California 485 5 Freestyle - Young Adult Champ. 1 Broadnax Curtis USA - Georgia 898 67 2 Strychalski Ted USA - Pennsylvania 898 70 3 Collins Steven USA - Missouri 897 65 4 Slusarz Jacob USA - New York 897 71 5 Pettit Jacob USA - Colorado 897 66 6 Bunker Logan USA - Washington 897 64 7 Allen Clayton USA - Idaho 896 46 8 Clem Tanner USA - Colorado 895 63 9 McClanahan Wade USA - South Dakota 895 60 10 Hughes Eli USA - North Carolina 895 57 11 Lutz Jimmy USA - Wisconsin 895 56 12 Clayton Jesse USA - Oregon 895 54 13 Ferraro Anthony USA - Pennsylvania 894 57 14 Oviedo Salvador Mexico 894 54 15 Elizondo Jose Mexico 894 53 16 Feterl Cole USA - South Dakota 893 63 17 Beres Cole Canada 893 55 18 Wilson Tyler Canada 892 52 19 Cantu Francisco USA - Idaho 892 49 20 Hinnen A. J. USA - Kansas 891 59 21 Clark Evan USA - Georgia 891 51 22 Clayton Kevin USA - Virginia 891 41 23 Springer Michael USA - Washington 890 55 24 Seidell Bryce USA - Michigan 890 52 25 Faul Aimee Australia 890 49 26 Sandbothe Cole USA - Missouri 889 54 27 Erkus Emre Turkey 889 52 28 Christensen Kaden USA - Utah 888 60 29 Moran Tristan Canada 888 58 30 Canion Bradley USA - New Mexico 888 56 31 Stepp Tristan USA - Arizona 888 55 32 Laux Zachary USA - Michigan 888 54 33 Williams Allen USA - Pennsylvania 888 53 34 Parkins Reece USA - Wyoming 888 52 35 Miller Elek USA - Nevada 886 54 36 Henricksen Braden USA - Washington 886 46 37 Schouwenburg Spencer Canada 885 46 38 Orihuela Gabriel USA - California 885 44 39 Boies Tyler USA - Washington 885 43 40 Hookstead Payton USA - Wisconsin 885 39 41 Wilcox Claudia USA - Arizona 885 37 42 Benadum Jordan USA - Ohio 884 56 43 Schleusner Mitchell USA - Wisconsin 884 46 44 Strachan Sophia USA - Maryland 882 45 45 Reinoso Garrett USA - Arizona 879 38 46 Calderon Hector Mexico 879 35 47 Taylor Samantha USA - Colorado 879 24 48 Moody Bryce USA - California 878 51 49 Gallegos Luis Mexico 876 39 50 Demarco Max USA - Colorado 873 38 51 Brown Ethan USA - Idaho 872 38 51 Henderson Braydin USA - Washington 872 38 53 Cope Gabriel USA - New Mexico 872 32 54 Filgas Zak Canada 863 35 55 Kaiser Kayla USA - Idaho 862 34 56 De Klerk Jarod South Africa 861 28 57 Swenson Jalyssa USA - Montana 859 24 58 Adkins Ryan Canada 853 26 59 Westly Darien Canada 845 19 60 Williams Chandler USA - Georgia 845 18 61 Rainville Enrick Canada 844 29 62 Warrington Shelby USA - Texas 842 17

>> continued on page 20 scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 19

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Pos. Family Name





63 Maldonado Alejandro Mexico 838 14 64 Farris Kassidy USA - Indiana 825 19 65 Roach Collin USA - Texas 799 17 66 Gomez Eduardo Mexico 764 11 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 1 1 Grinager Wade USA - Minnesota 900 74 2 Hortman Drew USA - Utah 898 74 2 Locke Ryan USA - Michigan 898 74 4 Peters Clay Canada 898 68 5 Alexander Ben USA - Ohio 898 67 6 O’Connor Daniel USA - Georgia 898 66 7 Young Matthew USA - Pennsylvania 898 65 8 Bodle Brad USA - Montana 898 64 9 Cooper Sylvester USA - California 898 61 10 Teal Kyle USA - Colorado 898 57 11 Couture Shawn USA - Massachusetts 898 55 12 Nunn Daniel USA - Colorado 897 71 12 Troyer Chad USA - Colorado 897 71 14 Lind Taylor USA - Idaho 897 67 15 Rayow Devin USA - New York 897 65 16 Burnside Justin USA - West Virginia 897 63 17 Cogar Mike USA - West Virginia 897 60 18 Vargas Bobby USA - Arizona 897 51 19 Markt Kyle USA - Missouri 896 69 20 Higley Brandon USA - Idaho 896 68 21 Beach Kevin USA - Kentucky 896 66 22 Bray Matthew USA - Wisconsin 896 64 22 Pruitte Tyson USA - North Carolina 896 64 24 Dickey Jason USA - Missouri 896 63 24 Mesko David USA - Colorado 896 63 26 Bennett Brandon USA - Illinois 896 61 26 Bohlander Eric USA - Wyoming 896 61 28 Stepp Dave USA - Arizona 896 53 29 Mitchell Jordan Great Britain 895 71 30 Palmer Kevin USA - Utah 895 70 31 Bruno Kobath Austria 895 56 32 Carlton Hunter USA - Kentucky 895 55 33 Burnside Scott USA - West Virginia 894 59 34 Stromberg Tyler USA - Washington 893 68 35 Workman Spencer USA - Indiana 873 61 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 2 1 Barillas Aragón Julio Alfredo Guatemala 897 61 1 Jirovsky Adam USA - Nebraska 897 61 3 Hamilton Hunter USA - Utah 897 58 4 Pimentel Ryan USA - Idaho 896 68 5 Hall Robert Great Britain 896 65 6 Kostrzewski Dewey USA - Minnesota 896 61 7 Smiley Charles USA - Missouri 896 56 8 Thompson Travis USA - Illinois 895 67 9 Ostrowski Lenny USA - Wisconsin 895 65 10 Winterton Bart USA - Utah 895 61 11 Baird Kort USA - Utah 895 59 11 Hamilton John USA - Wisconsin 895 59 13 Moorman Austin USA - Iowa 895 55 14 Ward Keith A USA - Utah 894 57 15 Scott Steven USA - New York 894 56 16 Brooks John USA - Missouri 894 55 16 Gore David USA - California 894 55 18 Scott Mitchell USA - New York 894 53 18 Spoolstra Taylor USA - California 894 53 20 Johnson Phillip USA - South Dakota 893 64 21 Cran Scott USA - Wisconsin 893 62 22 Ladd Jason USA - Michigan 893 54 22 Powers Dusty USA - Utah 893 54 24 Lesatz Paxton USA - Arizona 892 57 25 Flake Wade USA - Arizona 892 56 25 Simpson John USA - Pennsylvania 892 56 27 Hunt D J USA - Michigan 892 53 28 Cameron Ty USA - Idaho 891 53 29 Ellensohn Chris USA - Colorado 891 52 30 Taylor Bradley USA - Nevada 891 51 31 Stewart Peter Australia 890 49 32 Elza Sean USA - Washington 886 63 33 Drew Dillion USA - Iowa 886 55 34 Checkeroski Timothy USA - Michigan 883 58 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 3 1 Flood Cassie USA - Illinois 895 63 2 Workman Elliott USA - Ohio 895 46 3 Smith Jessey USA - Idaho 894 65 4 Dupuis Anthony France 894 61 4 Thorpe Robert USA - Delaware 894 61 6 Charette Philip USA - Ohio 893 68 7 Moore Joshua USA - Utah 893 67 8 Natterstad Collin USA - Washington 893 61 9 Teets Bejamin USA - North Dakota 893 60 10 Button Danny USA - Wisconsin 893 57 10 Christiansen Craig USA - Utah 893 57 10 Gleitz Jake USA - Minnesota 893 57 13 Von Richter Brendan Canada 893 56 14 O’Bryant Patrick USA - Louisiana 893 55 15 Davis Aaron USA - California 893 54 16 Baker Timothy USA - Ohio 893 52 17 Stephenson Zack USA - New Mexico 893 50 18 Fuller Justin USA - Michigan 892 59 18 McKee Jeff USA - Washington 892 59 20 Bridgman Alex Great Britain 892 51 21 Gettle Corey USA - Pennsylvania 891 64 22 Storts Brad USA - Oklahoma 891 51 23 Lane Daniel USA - Ohio 891 47 23 Mills Casey USA - Massachusetts 891 47 25 Goodman Daniel USA - Ohio 890 55 25 Grant Cameron Canada 890 55

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27 Haas Matt USA - Minnesota 890 50 28 Whittingham Alistair Great Britain 890 48 29 Helland Bryan USA - Minnesota 889 59 30 Pedersen Erik USA - Arizona 889 58 31 Dowe Kyle USA - Wisconsin 889 50 32 Doxey Justin USA - Nevada 889 47 33 Ellis Doug USA - South Dakota 888 46 34 Alrodhan Abdulaziz Saudi Arabia 888 45 35 Krischan Kyle USA - Wisconsin 888 44 36 Van Tassel Paul Canada 887 53 37 Lind Bryan USA - North Dakota 886 48 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 4 1 Oller Christian USA - Wisconsin 893 53 2 Winker John USA - North Carolina 893 52 3 Caton Bryan USA - Pennsylvania 893 45 4 Fuhrman Dallas USA - Pennsylvania 892 56 4 Stewart Virgil USA - Montana 892 56 6 Raglin Randy USA - California 892 55 7 Blazek Allie USA - Colorado 892 49 8 Cantu Ricardo Mexico 891 57 9 Pacheco Kit USA - Washington 891 54 10 Johnson Brady USA - Wisconsin 891 53 11 Bristow Anthony USA - North Carolina 890 62 12 Price Michael USA - New York 890 59 13 Smith Ches USA - Utah 890 56 14 Jerome Blake USA - Washington 890 50 15 Kelly Jason USA - Michigan 890 48 16 Richards Carl Great Britain 890 42 17 Majdecki Joseph USA - Michigan 889 64 18 Homan Joseph USA - Pennsylvania 889 62 19 Reed Ryan USA - Kentucky 889 54 20 Padilla Jim USA - California 889 44 21 Dambrosio Daren USA - California 889 40 22 McNealy David USA - Arizona 888 62 23 Paulino Justin USA - Mississippi 888 53 24 Hester Greg USA - Wyoming 888 51 25 Perez Michael USA - Michigan 887 39 25 Thatcher Ethan USA - Oregon 887 39 27 Christensen Jory USA - Idaho 886 63 28 Brewer Kolby USA - Utah 886 57 29 Brunetta Allen USA - California 886 51 30 Fleming Brenton USA - Wisconsin 885 43 31 Spray Randell USA - Arizona 884 52 32 Clark David USA - Idaho 884 43 33 Baird Travis USA - Utah 883 44 34 Marin Coello David Mexico 877 48 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 5 1 Singleton Joshua USA - Texas 891 47 2 Wathen Judd USA - Utah 891 43 3 Leimbach Justus USA - Maryland 890 38 4 Palmer Doug USA - Utah 889 62 5 Johnson Tracy USA - Wisconsin 889 58 6 Castro Rojas Diego Andres Guatemala 889 54 7 Klein John USA - Michigan 889 53 7 Wagner Stephen USA - California 889 53 9 Borneman Chad USA - California 889 45 10 Hollmier Andrew USA - Illinois 888 55 11 Rega Brad USA - Rhode Island 888 51 12 Grant Landyn Canada 888 49 12 White Kiley USA - Iowa 888 49 14 Crissman James USA - North Carolina 888 48 15 Houde Guy Canada 888 41 15 Saunier Francois France 888 41 17 Sveeggen Stuart USA - South Dakota 888 40 18 Stringham Adam USA - Arizona 887 55 19 Hetletved Lee USA - North Dakota 887 49 20 Neigebauer Hannah USA - Minnesota 887 41 21 McIntosh Drew USA - Montana 887 40 22 Olguin Matthew USA - New Mexico 886 52 23 Janezic Aleksander Slovenia 886 47 24 Warmby Cameron USA - California 886 46 25 Vanmeter Kyle USA - Illinois 886 39 26 Heuvel John USA - Washington 885 50 27 Longshore Steve USA - Arizona 885 48 28 Lesatz Vance USA - Arizona 885 39 29 Meyer Jesse USA - Minnesota 884 51 30 Balcazar Enrique Alberto Mexico 883 43 31 Martinez Jose Alberto Jr Mexico 882 41 32 Hakl Julene USA - Minnesota 881 42 33 Chapoy Jorge Mexico 880 55 34 Martinez Domonic USA - Utah 880 48 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 6 1 Johnson Chadrick USA - California 890 47 2 Sanders Steven USA - Maryland 889 46 3 Uradomo Kelson USA - Hawaii 888 56 4 Roth Katie Canada 888 43 5 Speakman Justin USA - Colorado 887 54 6 Barnes Brandon USA - Minnesota 887 53 6 Ross Adam USA - California 887 53 8 Knerr Jared USA - Missouri 887 52 9 Marcozzi Gabriel USA - Pennsylvania 887 51 10 Goodson Michael USA - Oklahoma 887 49 11 Hughes Justin USA - Minnesota 887 45 12 Jackson Brian USA - Missouri 887 43 13 Theodore Michael USA - Minnesota 886 51 14 Schuster Daniel USA - Indiana 886 49 15 Chanthakhoun Kam USA - Oregon 886 48 16 Tuckett Rachael USA - Utah 886 47 17 Kirschling Eric USA - Wisconsin 886 44 18 Kaufman Shane USA - Montana 885 55 19 Blaine Chris USA - New Mexico 885 49 20 Walters Steve USA - California 885 46

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21 Richardson Russ USA - Arizona 884 48 22 Jones Mike USA - Arizona 884 44 23 Olufs Hans USA - California 884 43 24 Peres Tony USA - Montana 884 40 25 Stiffler Rome USA - Idaho 883 45 26 Mahler Donnie USA - Washington 883 44 27 Tiefenthaler Bill USA - Montana 883 43 28 Gregory Daniel USA - Utah 883 42 29 Moreno Joel USA - Utah 882 46 30 West Ronald USA - Maryland 882 43 31 Vanderheiden Samuel USA - Nebraska 881 44 32 Hirsch Chris USA - Colorado 880 42 33 Kirschling Jessica USA - Wisconsin 876 42 34 Flores Francisco J Mexico 874 41 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 7 1 Keller Jeff USA - Wisconsin 887 41 1 Stuchin Margot USA - Colorado 887 41 3 Bradley Justin USA - Pennsylvania 886 68 4 Harper Bryan Canada 886 47 5 Cummings Matthew USA - Pennsylvania 886 42 6 George Adam USA - Idaho 885 59 7 Cox Casey USA - Utah 885 54 8 Nunes Cory USA - California 885 47 9 Padilla Arnoldo Mexico 885 42 10 Feyes Christopher USA - Kansas 884 58 11 Clarson Brady USA - Wisconsin 884 46 12 Knutson Rob USA - Minnesota 884 42 13 Berens Cory USA - Colorado 884 41 14 Butcher Brandon USA - Utah 883 49 15 Vogt Wayne USA - Wisconsin 883 47 16 Holmes Abe USA - Pennsylvania 883 40 17 Zafft Sam USA - Minnesota 883 38 18 Meier Leon Canada 882 46 19 Bradway Jc USA - New Jersey 882 39 20 Foss Paul USA - South Dakota 882 38 21 Taylor Drake USA - California 882 37 22 Maka Josef USA - Illinois 881 46 23 Everett Justin USA - Arizona 881 44 24 Laux Jared USA - Michigan 881 43 25 Faulkner Erica USA - New Hampshire 881 41 26 Jesse Herbert Germany 881 34 27 Hutchins Thomas Great Britain 880 54 28 Clyde Micah USA - Utah 880 46 29 Singh Matthew USA - California 880 44 30 Grover Stacy USA - Colorado 880 34 31 Moulton Jack USA - South Dakota 877 35 32 Bechtold Jr Greg USA - Pennsylvania 876 34 33 McRoy Steven USA - Arizona 874 43 34 Barthel Guillermo Mexico 872 32 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 8 1 Brown Steven USA - California 887 50 2 Wilcox Devin USA - Michigan 886 45 3 Beauchaine Coby USA - Michigan 885 55 4 Wormer Matthew USA - Wisconsin 885 51 5 Walker Zachery USA - California 884 51 6 Teets Trent USA - North Dakota 884 49 7 Sether Megan USA - Colorado 883 49 8 White Melanie USA - Florida 883 47 9 Rallison Rick USA - Utah 883 43 10 Huntzinger David USA - Michigan 883 39 11 Manfull Raymond USA - Kansas 882 50 11 Rugroden Rick USA - Minnesota 882 50 13 Dreyer Thomas USA - Washington 882 49 14 Couture Wendy USA - Massachusetts 882 44 15 Sanders Michael USA - California 882 41 16 Tait Alexander USA - Indiana 881 50 17 Clausen Jonathan USA - Wisconsin 881 46 17 Smith Jack USA - Oregon 881 46 19 Tomlinson Steve USA - Oregon 881 41 20 Vazquez Hugo Mexico 880 46 21 Martin Jim Canada 880 44 22 Greenhalgh Joe USA - Utah 880 41 23 Cogar Jennifer USA - West Virginia 880 40 24 Combs Resa USA - Virginia 880 35 25 Warf Jeffrey USA - Virginia 879 46 26 Hoffman Dan USA - Iowa 879 45 27 Johnson Ryan USA - Colorado 879 38 28 McCombs Jesse USA - Colorado 878 42 29 Lameg Bryanne Canada 878 37 30 Crites Byron USA - Colorado 877 46 31 Strickland Timothy USA - Colorado 877 43 32 Butler Todd USA - Colorado 877 41 33 Bermudez Carlos Puerto Rico 875 36 34 Miles Paige USA - New Mexico 874 38 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 9 1 Winterbottom Jared USA - Idaho 885 59 2 Jerome Trena USA - Washington 884 46 3 McDonagh Doug Canada 884 40 4 Lane Kevin USA - Colorado 883 48 5 Baird Darrin USA - Utah 882 45 6 Sweitzer Marc USA - Pennsylvania 882 42 7 Hardesty Ron USA - Michigan 882 38 8 Greenwood Caleb USA - Utah 882 36 9 Hilliar Ronald James USA - Oklahoma 881 44 9 Mitchell Dan USA - Massachusetts 881 44 11 Brown Hannah Great Britain 881 36 12 Rutledge Randy USA - Illinois 880 48 13 Draper Cody Canada 880 47 14 Shockey Jasmine USA - Idaho 880 41 15 Park James Australia 880 39 16 Meyer Jeffery USA - Wyoming 880 34 17 Tsujita Kikuro Japan 879 40

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18 Depriest Keegan USA - Colorado 879 39 19 Henck Travis USA - Pennsylvania 879 38 20 Anear Marcus Australia 878 44 21 Sabol Justin USA - Montana 878 43 22 Ulmer Jeremy USA - Arizona 878 36 23 Pick Bryce USA - Oregon 878 34 24 Williams Evan USA - Utah 878 32 25 Hage Brian USA - Minnesota 877 36 26 Richardson Eric USA - Wisconsin 877 34 27 Perry David USA - Alaska 876 38 28 Crowl Terry USA - Maryland 876 37 29 Remund Danny USA - Idaho 876 30 30 Wright Cody USA - Iowa 876 28 31 Campsall Allen Canada 875 41 32 Knall Philipp Japan 875 39 33 Pollei Jordan USA - Arizona 874 40 34 Pearson Frank USA - Arizona 872 41 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 10 1 Styhl Nick USA - Idaho 884 62 2 Hintz Jase USA - Wisconsin 884 43 3 Yamada Akira Japan 882 40 4 Sensabough George USA - California 882 38 5 Wilson Mac USA - Wyoming 880 42 6 De La Garza Armando Mexico 880 41 7 Gustafson Colton Canada 880 38 7 McNail Jeff USA - Texas 880 38 7 Vollmer Jacob USA - Idaho 880 38 10 Taylor Austin Canada 879 41 11 Bodell Sterling USA - Arizona 879 36 12 Palmer Karen USA - Washington 879 31 13 Hoffman James USA - Illinois 878 44 14 Neilson Shawna USA - Oregon 878 35 15 Herrera Tim USA - Colorado 878 34 16 Phillips Larry USA - Colorado 878 30 17 Franklin Morgan USA - Minnesota 878 28 18 Allard Guillaume Canada 877 51 19 Wagner Kenneth USA - California 877 46 20 Mitchell Robert USA - Pennsylvania 877 41 21 Wilkinson Donald USA - Michigan 876 42 22 Seymour Steven USA - Arizona 876 41 23 Chu Calvin Canada 876 35 23 Persson Andreas Sweden 876 35 25 Gerard Joshua USA - Louisiana 875 41 26 Sweitzer Craig USA - Pennsylvania 875 35 27 Evans Richard USA - Nevada 874 44 28 Hale Jason USA - Indiana 874 42 28 Kolb Dan USA - Arizona 874 42 30 Shockey Brad USA - Idaho 874 37 31 Baker Jayson USA - Utah 873 38 32 Ott Charles USA - Colorado 872 40 33 Barton Corey USA - Utah 866 26 34 Griffiths Scott USA - Utah 862 40 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 11 1 Jones Scott USA - Idaho 881 59 2 McCombs Amber USA - Idaho 881 43 3 Green Keith USA - Kansas 880 47 4 Hudson Mike USA - Ohio 879 51 5 Fickel Brian USA - Ohio 879 47 6 Hardesty Sandra USA - Michigan 879 39 7 Green Annalesha USA - Kansas 879 34 8 Pearce Stacy USA - California 877 42 9 Sykora Ron USA - Iowa 877 37 10 Kovacs Jerry USA - California 877 25 11 Pabst Larry USA - Nevada 876 45 12 Cotten Evan USA - Alaska 876 41 13 Vaughn Jaime USA - Missouri 876 40 14 Brown Roger USA - California 876 39 15 Tanikuni Ayaka Japan 876 34 16 Henck Charles USA - Pennsylvania 876 33 17 Gallagher Stephanie USA - New Jersey 876 32 18 Klein Raeanne USA - South Dakota 875 49 19 Crawford Duncan Canada 875 44 20 Friedmann Amanda USA - Missouri 875 39 21 Kazui Mickie Japan 875 38 22 Cleland Eric USA - Arizona 874 38 23 Bosley Alex USA - Utah 874 37 24 Grant Michael USA - Texas 873 40 25 Joyce J. Douglas USA - New Jersey 873 33 26 Tajiri Bruce USA - Hawaii 873 28 27 Tuson Ron Canada 872 41 28 Latorre Maria Puerto Rico 872 27 29 McGladdery Erin Canada 870 36 30 Ferraro Ralph USA - Pennsylvania 869 40 31 Carlson Ted USA - Idaho 869 37 32 Jackson Dave Canada 869 32 33 Miller Mark USA - Illinois 869 27 34 Brenzel Kyle USA - New York 868 40 35 Franz Heath USA - Oklahoma 584 27 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 12 1 Smith Johnny USA - Nevada 881 42 2 Fettig Austin USA - North Dakota 879 48 3 Harris Chris USA - Oregon 879 38 4 Valadez Contreras Luis Mexico 879 37 5 Jacobs Ralph USA - Arizona 878 36 6 Hemphill Kenneth Chip USA - Louisiana 876 36 6 Osborn Britt USA - Iowa 876 36 8 Wagner Bradley USA - Arizona 876 35 9 Logsdon Dale USA - Minnesota 875 39 10 Brehaut Jamie Canada 875 35 10 Van Drunen Johan Netherlands 875 35

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12 Dunaway Alanna USA - California 874 38 13 Williamson Charles USA - California 874 32 14 Emerson Eric USA - California 873 37 15 Gibson Richard USA - Louisiana 873 36 16 Kirby Cody USA - Kentucky 873 35 17 Morton James USA - Pennsylvania 873 31 18 Necaise Russ USA - Utah 872 37 19 Kenley Robert USA - Virginia 872 35 20 Cavazos Felipe USA - Texas 872 32 21 Yeremenko Wesley USA - California 872 31 22 Winker Lesley USA - North Carolina 872 30 23 Horan Christopher Great Britain 871 39 24 Button Jessica USA - Wisconsin 871 35 24 Grover Michael USA - Colorado 871 35 26 Boushee Jay USA - New Mexico 871 32 27 Gall Trent USA - Massachusetts 871 31 27 Meyers Marvin USA - Colorado 871 31 29 Brunk Dakota USA - Washington 870 32 30 Jenkins Steven USA - Texas 870 27 31 Skelly Kristofer Canada 869 37 32 Hendricks John USA - Oregon 869 32 33 Reimer Shelby Canada 867 28 34 Crooks Jeff USA - Oklahoma 582 31 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 13 1 Freeman Russell USA - Nevada 876 51 2 Rowland Jay USA - West Virginia 876 43 3 Greenhalgh Regina USA - Utah 875 44 3 Hilbert Del USA - Pennsylvania 875 44 5 Johnson Jonpaul (Jp) USA - Idaho 875 40 6 Kelly Dan USA - New York 875 36 7 Erlei Quinten USA - California 874 40 8 Jeanotte Mike USA - North Dakota 874 32 9 Kucukkayalar Okyay Tunc Turkey 873 41 10 Thomas Timmy USA - Nevada 873 38 11 Smith Sr Gary USA - Ohio 873 34 11 Webster Josiah USA - Idaho 873 34 13 Nester Lynn USA - Pennsylvania 873 32 14 Kuhl Rodger USA - Texas 873 29 15 Pagnella Pat USA - California 872 48 16 Stolleis Karl USA - New Mexico 872 38 17 Williams Gray USA - Oklahoma 872 36 18 Pearson Becky USA - Arizona 872 32 19 Bonack Michael USA - Wisconsin 872 31 20 Cogar Harold USA - West Virginia 872 28 21 Van Gylswyk Bernie Canada 870 30 22 Handley Scottie USA - Kansas 870 29 23 Corbett Mel Canada 869 38 24 Zorn Nancy USA - Illinois 869 35 25 Kovacs Brandon USA - California 869 29 26 Velasquez Johnny USA - Arizona 868 35 27 Preis Corbin USA - California 868 33 28 Adair Stacey USA - Idaho 867 34 29 Cummings Greg USA - Pennsylvania 867 33 30 Colin Kelly USA - California 867 27 31 Benner Greg USA - Pennsylvania 865 33 32 Mason Austin USA - Utah 865 31 33 Ratner Oleg USA - California 863 39 34 Davis Jeff USA - California 861 28 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 14 1 Williams Aren USA - Wyoming 877 36 2 Tosh Noah USA - Kansas 875 37 3 Brown Brent USA - California 874 39 4 Brayford Kevin Canada 873 36 5 Ostrowski Leonard USA - Wisconsin 872 38 6 Reichert Ed USA - Pennsylvania 872 34 7 Belzner Steven USA - Arizona 871 36 8 G贸mez Mariana Mexico 871 35 9 Barajas Patrick USA - California 870 45 10 Walker Joshua USA - California 870 39 11 Kiefer Herwig Canada 870 37 12 Jaime Carmen USA - California 870 36 13 Barnett Brian USA - North Carolina 870 33 14 Harris Jeff USA - California 870 32 15 Laux Chad USA - Michigan 870 29 16 Bates Mike Canada 869 40 17 Allard David USA - Rhode Island 869 36 18 Carlson Nathan USA - Idaho 869 34 19 Olesen Maria Denmark 869 33 20 Cronin Brian USA - Arizona 869 32 21 Scheunemann Travis USA - California 868 40 22 Hensberry Kevin USA - Arizona 868 38 23 Sneddon Alex USA - Idaho 868 32 24 Brown Pat USA - Colorado 867 42 25 Saxwold Tim USA - Nevada 867 36 26 Johnson Dennis USA - Minnesota 867 34 27 Hubble Douglas USA - Arizona 867 33 28 Stone Vanessa USA - Indiana 867 32 29 Skrecek Milan Canada 865 35 30 Hook Mark USA - Michigan 864 35 31 Nate Jared USA - Montana 864 30 32 Monrad Rob USA - South Dakota 863 34 33 Cembalisty Chris USA - Colorado 863 32 34 Phlieger Michael USA - New Mexico 862 35 35 Raizen Zachary USA - Illinois 849 33 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 15 1 Higgins Monica Canada 876 29 2 Smith Craig USA - Arizona 872 26 3 Townsend David USA - New York 871 40 4 Wright Michelle USA - New York 871 36 5 McKenty Sean Canada 871 35 6 Wildes Heath USA - Texas 871 28 7 Jansson Peter Sweden 870 37

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8 Hulsey Mark USA - California 870 34 9 Teal Ashley USA - Colorado 870 27 10 Noel Doug USA - Wisconsin 869 34 11 Lindblom Thomas Sweden 869 31 12 Speakman Carl USA - Colorado 869 28 13 Matevosyan Boris USA - California 868 43 14 Hartman Presley USA - Texas 868 39 15 Hernandez Mike USA - California 868 35 16 Rogers Tobi USA - Missouri 868 29 17 Uradomo Jason USA - Hawaii 868 24 18 Kucukkayalar Songul Turkey 867 32 19 Elliott Robert USA - Ohio 867 30 20 Larven James Australia 867 29 21 Merrill Jim USA - Oregon 867 26 22 Kinsel Kelly USA - Wyoming 866 35 23 Horn Thaddius USA - Iowa 865 28 24 Hunter Scott USA - Washington 864 35 25 Lam Tiffany USA - California 864 30 25 Poupard Duane USA - Michigan 864 30 27 McGraw Robert USA - Alaska 863 31 28 Hobbs Tony USA - Colorado 862 32 29 Becwar Alea USA - Arizona 862 30 30 Stockton Robert USA - Colorado 861 27 31 Thompson Sam USA - Idaho 860 34 32 Smith Cheryl USA - Ohio 860 32 33 Fromm Donald USA - Minnesota 841 28 34 Freese Walt USA - Arizona 608 23 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 16 1 Greathouse Shawn USA - Colorado 871 40 2 Bird Kenneth USA - Minnesota 869 31 3 Morris Carin Barbados 869 29 4 Dejane Zachary USA - Arizona 868 41 4 Zayatz Dean USA - Ohio 868 41 6 Baird Kerry USA - Idaho 868 32 6 Christman Edward USA - Nebraska 868 32 8 Iyo Jolene USA - Hawaii 868 27 9 Kovach Kevin USA - California 868 23 10 Aurich Brandy USA - Texas 867 34 11 Smith John Ireland 867 28 12 Moody Samuel USA - Montana 867 27 13 Crisostomo Michael USA - California 866 34 14 Adamson Kevin USA - Utah 865 38 15 Robb Kirsty Great Britain 865 34 16 Connerty Danielle USA - California 865 33 17 Christmas Aaron USA - Texas 865 29 17 Stewart Karen USA - California 865 29 17 Whaley Ryan USA - Arizona 865 29 20 Bennet Tommy USA - Wyoming 864 38 21 Hicks Jodi USA - Indiana 864 35 22 Scammell Richard Canada 864 34 23 Fevella Jason USA - Hawaii 864 31 24 Howard Jeff USA - Utah 864 26 25 Krebs Douglas USA - Minnesota 864 23 26 Van Vleet Clint USA - Arizona 863 25 27 Granados Juan USA - California 862 26 27 Vuong Alvin USA - California 862 26 29 Bodle Bob USA - Montana 861 36 30 Burca Alex USA - Nevada 860 40 31 Nasi Mark Canada 860 21 32 Adkins Shaun Canada 857 35 33 Griffin Caitlin USA - Minnesota 852 23 34 Reimer Kevin Canada 845 36 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 17 1 Satran Steven USA - Arizona 872 35 2 Truitt Kevin USA - California 870 37 3 Gillespie Arthur USA - Pennsylvania 870 34 4 Convery Alan Great Britain 869 45 5 Fay Paul USA - Minnesota 868 44 6 Parsons Nathaniel USA - West Virginia 867 29 7 Del Campo Romeo Mexico 866 40 8 Branch Orson USA - Arizona 866 23 9 Kester Charlie USA - Arizona 865 31 10 Jamison Carl USA - New Mexico 864 36 11 Purcella Carlos USA - New Mexico 864 34 12 Lance Sherry USA - Michigan 864 29 13 Buller Travis USA - Oklahoma 864 27 13 White Gina USA - Tennessee 864 27 15 Hendricks Kyle USA - Colorado 864 25 16 Watson George USA - Idaho 863 34 17 Hudson James USA - Arizona 863 33 18 Ray Todd USA - Colorado 863 30 19 Acevedo Adriana Puerto Rico 862 27 20 Hoefs Max USA - North Dakota 862 25 21 Titley Stephane Canada 861 35 22 Martinez Jose Alberto Mexico 861 29 23 McMullin Elisabeth USA - California 861 26 24 Raglin Phil USA - California 861 22 25 Caballero Joel USA - Colorado 860 28 26 Brummel Justin USA - Illinois 859 33 27 Hogerton David USA - California 859 28 28 Curtis Annie USA - Utah 859 24 29 Jurenka Dave USA - Montana 858 24 30 Phillips Anthony USA - Colorado 857 26 31 Neigebauer Paul USA - Minnesota 856 27 32 Wiscovitch Al USA - California 853 29 33 Webb Alexis USA - California 853 15 34 Morris Richard Barbados 849 29 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 18 1 Collins Michael USA - Michigan 871 38 2 Leonard Kerrie Ireland 870 27 3 Macdonald Matt USA - Arizona 866 35 4 Marienau Michael USA - Colorado 865 35

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5 Kapici Eray Turkey 865 32 6 Coon William USA - Iowa 865 31 6 Wilkinson Cynthia USA - Michigan 865 31 8 Stauffer David USA - California 865 28 9 Nay Tim USA - Idaho 864 40 10 Cassidy Kevin Great Britain 864 25 11 Davis David USA - Nevada 863 40 12 Jex Eliza USA - Utah 863 36 12 Venecia Jr Ted USA - Texas 863 36 14 Starry Shannon USA - Minnesota 863 31 15 Cummings Aaron USA - Pennsylvania 863 25 15 Wildes Ray USA - Texas 863 25 17 Coyne Daniel USA - California 862 35 18 Mangan Matt USA - Minnesota 862 30 19 McMahan Tom USA - California 861 31 20 Potts William USA - California 861 29 21 Bomgardner Bailey USA - Montana 860 29 22 Puls Charles USA - Washington 860 26 23 Park Tim USA - Utah 860 25 24 Martinez Enrique USA - Illinois 860 24 25 Houk Henry USA - Missouri 859 22 25 Winterbottom Diane USA - Idaho 859 22 27 Levengood Richard USA - Nevada 858 30 28 Piveral Richard USA - Missouri 858 29 29 McNeely Bryan USA - New York 857 24 30 Brunssen Grant USA - Nebraska 855 20 31 Meyer Gregary USA - Arizona 854 31 32 Zafft Joe USA - Minnesota 854 25 33 Birer Antoine France 852 22 34 Frauendienst James USA - Wyoming 851 20 35 Spanfellner Randy USA - Oregon 848 17 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 19 1 Pitts Lystra USA - Nevada 866 40 2 Schina Sonia Canada 866 34 3 Hayes Susan USA - Idaho 866 30 4 Young Misty USA - Colorado 865 41 5 Cowart Ashley USA - Georgia 865 31 6 Stanford Richard USA - Arizona 863 33 7 Metschke Gene USA - Nebraska 862 33 8 Bowyer Michael USA - Utah 862 31 9 Vandermeer Jacob USA - Oregon 862 30 10 Dupke Brady USA - Arizona 862 25 11 Maciel Rosa Mexico 861 36 12 Kinsel Shane USA - Wyoming 861 34 13 Street Scott USA - Idaho 861 32 14 Fisher Nicholas USA - Arizona 861 27 15 Ottesen Christopher USA - Colorado 860 26 15 Shelton Daniel USA - Ohio 860 26 17 Smith Clay USA - Arizona 859 29 18 Helland Stephen USA - Minnesota 859 26 19 Stacy Michele USA - California 859 24 20 Mugavero Donald USA - Arizona 858 27 21 Lovern Darrell USA - Virginia 858 24 22 McCabe Daniel USA - Ohio 858 23 23 Walton Ted USA - Wyoming 857 27 24 Alexander Katie USA - California 857 18 25 Herrlein Sandra USA - South Dakota 856 26 26 Bush Carie USA - South Dakota 856 24 26 Thurman Larry USA - Washington 856 24 28 Arbegast Amber USA - New Jersey 854 30 29 Major Steve USA - Colorado 854 28 30 Lloyd Michael USA - Montana 854 26 31 Hernández Roman USA - Texas 852 38 32 Springer Mike USA - Nevada 852 21 33 Kerr Lisa USA - Colorado 850 30 34 Miller Harold USA - New Jersey 849 30 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 20 1 Jones Andrew USA - Wisconsin 864 26 2 Recknagel Karl USA - Oklahoma 863 34 3 McCormick Sterlin USA - Indiana 863 31 4 Goodwin Robert USA - Kansas 863 27 5 Warwa John Canada 861 31 6 Wyrick Larry USA - Texas 861 28 7 Ulmer Zacharie USA - Arizona 860 30 8 Stebner Dean USA - Ohio 859 28 9 Henson Ken USA - Colorado 859 27 10 Gunn Danielle USA - Arizona 859 26 11 Davis Sarah USA - California 858 31 11 Depriest Kevin USA - Colorado 858 31 13 Watts Jeff USA - California 858 30 14 Eldridge Jeff USA - Washington 857 26 14 Kokojan Chase USA - Oklahoma 857 26 16 Kamilar Victoria USA - Texas 856 29 16 Kovacs Jarrett USA - California 856 29 18 Kiko Leanne USA - Ohio 856 28 18 Ogden Franklin USA - Florida 856 28 20 Brudi Susan USA - Oregon 856 22 20 Olguin Stacy USA - New Mexico 856 22 22 Cooley Marcus USA - Nevada 855 29 23 Jonas Tracy USA - Wyoming 854 29 24 Clark Justin USA - Georgia 854 25 25 Kulp Gregory USA - Pennsylvania 853 35 26 Neyman John USA - Alabama 851 27 27 Russo Chuck USA - Pennsylvania 851 24 28 Pitts Deana USA - Nevada 851 23 29 Hedvall Christian Sweden 850 27 30 Jackson Mary Ann USA - Pennsylvania 849 22 31 Nicholls Paul USA - California 848 25 32 Pringle Jason USA - California 846 34 33 Suizu Taro Japan 840 25 34 O’Bryant William USA - Louisiana 835 21 35 Horn Richard USA - Missouri 834 37

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Freestyle - Flights - Flight 21 1 Audeh Maurice USA - Oregon 862 47 2 Whitesock Jason USA - North Dakota 860 33 3 Mestas Erik USA - Colorado 859 35 4 Prater Scott USA - Michigan 858 21 5 Wensel Brian USA - Virginia 856 36 6 Buchanan Mike USA - Utah 856 28 7 Woodrome Bryce USA - Oklahoma 856 26 8 Wagner David USA - Utah 855 33 9 Goodman Jennifer USA - New York 855 18 10 Brooks Jennifer USA - Arkansas 854 25 10 Gottlieb Brian USA - Oregon 854 25 12 Cronin Deanna USA - Arizona 854 21 12 Hodgins Kevin USA - Washington 854 21 14 McMahon Trevor USA - Michigan 853 29 15 Davis Nathan USA - Utah 853 26 15 Payment Mitchell Canada 853 26 17 Kerns John USA - Arizona 853 14 18 Pruett Shawn USA - Texas 852 28 19 Illingworth Tripp USA - Texas 852 26 20 McCrickerd Ryan USA - Pennsylvania 852 23 21 Fogelson Scott USA - Minnesota 852 20 22 Wilson Djon USA - Nevada 851 29 23 Cotonuts Jr Kursh USA - Colorado 851 15 24 Meyer Adam USA - Arizona 850 24 25 Bresler Leon Canada 850 21 26 Nepper Todd USA - Minnesota 849 27 27 Claar Mark USA - California 848 21 28 Meineke Tammy USA - Colorado 846 20 29 Konrad Dustin USA - Iowa 846 17 30 Levinsohn Leon USA - Texas 845 26 31 Roof Frank USA - Nevada 844 29 32 Whaley Lesley USA - Arizona 843 24 33 Hoover Robert USA - New Mexico 841 28 34 Tremblay Kyle Canada 841 26 35 Jamieson Karen Great Britain 836 25 36 Dufek Pete USA - Arizona 828 24 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 22 1 Dedrick Tammy USA - Oregon 855 18 2 Shepley Pete USA - Arizona 853 26 3 Hage Lisa Jo USA - Minnesota 853 21 4 Baty Jolie USA - Colorado 852 30 5 Wright Brandon USA - Michigan 851 31 6 Kemp Xavier France 851 27 7 Frutel Sébastien France 851 22 8 West Jonathan Canada 850 27 9 Fregoso Scott USA - Oregon 850 26 10 Chavez Martha USA - California 850 24 10 Erlei Barbara USA - California 850 24 10 Truitt Wendy USA - Washington 850 24 13 Pace Joseph USA - New York 849 31 14 Quintana Daniel USA - Arizona 849 29 15 Fedirko Daniel USA - Colorado 849 26 16 Akins Bobby USA - Oklahoma 849 21 17 Molina Daniel USA - California 849 20 18 Rowland Lisa USA - West Virginia 848 25 19 Schaff Michael USA - Montana 848 22 20 Vaughn Jason USA - Kansas 848 15 21 Sinclair Phil Canada 847 22 22 Hirano Yuki Japan 847 18 23 Earle Erin Ashley USA - California 846 30 24 Lara Gutierrez Diego Mexico 846 29 24 Topham Topher USA - Utah 846 29 26 Mitchell Ron USA - Colorado 846 20 27 Porras Jeffrey USA - California 846 19 28 Adams Chris USA - Kentucky 845 23 29 Lane Jodie USA - Ohio 845 22 30 Strother Ethel USA - Texas 845 21 31 Shuey Glenn USA - Pennsylvania 844 24 31 Younger Danny USA - Missouri 844 24 33 Evola Michael USA - California 844 18 34 Scharman Russell USA - Idaho 842 22 35 Baker David USA - Utah 837 17 36 Rockel Chuck USA - California 827 30 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 23 1 Hooper Michael USA - Washington 854 25 2 Voight Carlos USA - New Mexico 852 29 3 Rosario Ricardo Puerto Rico 851 31 4 Skrypnyk Nataliya USA - Tennessee 851 25 5 Kimbell Nichole USA - California 851 20 6 Herschell Vincent USA - Washington 850 23 7 Cheng Stanley USA - California 849 25 8 Smith Michael USA - Texas 848 18 9 Cassidy Charlie Great Britain 848 15 10 Star Carter USA - South Dakota 846 27 11 Stepanek William USA - California 846 11 12 Stedman Rick USA - California 844 24 13 Tachibana Brian USA - Hawaii 844 22 14 Filipi Julie USA - Nebraska 844 21 15 Carroll Chandler USA - Wyoming 843 21 16 Gumke Jacob USA - California 843 20 17 Hotchkiss Patricia Great Britain 843 16 17 Sattur Megan USA - New Jersey 843 16 19 Haley Sara USA - Connecticut 842 26 20 Walker Sr. David USA - Alaska 842 25 21 Stank Justin USA - Colorado 842 19 22 Atchley Robert USA - California 841 24 23 Baker Glenn USA - Ohio 841 21 24 Denton Morris USA - Kentucky 840 16 25 Munson Gary USA - West Virginia 838 23 26 Griffith Jared USA - Utah 837 22

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27 Faul David Australia 837 19 28 Lemke Daren USA - Nebraska 836 23 29 Scott Amanda USA - Missouri 836 15 30 Keith Tony USA - Oklahoma 835 22 31 Bockover Josh USA - Kansas 831 39 32 Seymer Francis USA - Maryland 831 19 33 Sullivan Angi USA - Arizona 830 23 34 Carlson Lee USA - New Mexico 830 21 35 Barcenilla Sweeney USA - Hawaii 827 22 35 Tseng Ryan USA - Colorado 827 22 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 24 1 Williams Robert USA - Utah 851 20 2 Fukuhara Tony USA - California 849 24 3 Arsenault Serge Canada 848 25 4 Hamilton Lesa USA - Utah 846 43 5 White Greg USA - Illinois 844 18 6 Lovern Judd USA - Colorado 843 26 7 Taylor Gale USA - Colorado 843 22 8 Crinklaw Scott USA - Nevada 842 24 9 Shreves Phillip USA - California 841 20 10 Butcher Kara USA - Utah 841 18 11 Rick Burkett USA - Nevada 840 20 12 Adra Robert USA - California 838 20 13 Wallace Alexandria USA - Michigan 838 18 14 Garcia Ignacio Mexico 838 16 15 Carter Mathieu USA - Nevada 837 22 16 Weiser Colette USA - Minnesota 837 11 17 Saulnier Ken Canada 836 16 18 Meineke Scott USA - Colorado 836 12 19 Robinson Kaitlin USA - California 835 24 20 Mulrooney Darren Canada 835 21 21 Richards Jessica USA - Utah 835 15 22 Wills Al Canada 834 20 23 McLean Katherine USA - Missouri 834 17 24 Asay Rob USA - Arizona 833 19 25 McGovern Bob USA - Virginia 831 16 26 Devono Robin USA - Pennsylvania 831 15 27 Catalano David (Sr) USA - Nevada 830 17 28 Ahlgrim Brad USA - New Mexico 829 17 29 Kuhn Nathan USA - Minnesota 829 14 30 Ward Larry USA - Texas 828 21 31 Hawkins Jack USA - Ohio 826 17 32 Mugavero Lori USA - Arizona 825 12 33 Handley Melissa USA - Kansas 824 14 34 Leonard Fredrick USA - Maryland 558 11 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 25 1 Avakian Gapriel USA - California 842 18 2 Piagentini Dean USA - Iowa 841 34 3 Coulter Travis USA - Mississippi 840 25 4 Casano Andrew USA - Colorado 838 22 5 Nauman Thomas USA - Nebraska 838 17 6 Dillman Susan USA - Pennsylvania 837 20 7 Ward Gary USA - Oklahoma 837 13 8 Emerson Bryan USA - California 836 17 9 Almaraz Nancy USA - California 835 26 10 Jones Lewis USA - California 835 25 11 Klein Janice USA - Michigan 835 21 12 Sekora Keith USA - Washington 835 20 13 Menshova Natalia USA - Oregon 835 18 14 Conrad Danny USA - Wyoming 833 21 15 Mack Kevin USA - California 833 20 16 Griffiths Ashlee USA - Colorado 833 19 17 Sneddon Danielle USA - Idaho 833 16 18 Denley Jack USA - New York 832 16 19 Burns Sherri USA - Utah 831 24 20 Ruiz Alejandra Mexico 831 20 21 Aden Mikelynn USA - Idaho 831 17 22 Lemaire Melissa USA - Louisiana 831 15 23 Stromlund Kacey USA - Minnesota 829 20 24 Watts Austin USA - California 827 21 25 Winters Walter USA - New Mexico 827 18 26 Gilbert Jacques France 827 16 27 Rogers Kimberly USA - Texas 826 19 28 Ciak Tom Big Bird USA - Missouri 826 17 29 Valdez Marco Mexico 824 12 30 Reimer Christine Canada 822 17 31 Szoo Basil Canada 820 21 32 Tafoya Phillip USA - New Mexico 820 18 33 Knutson Kirsten USA - Texas 818 12 34 Maddox Willie USA - California 815 16 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 26 1 Studee Thomas USA - Wisconsin 838 20 2 Shockey Bradley USA - Idaho 836 24 3 McCraw Nikki USA - Arizona 836 19 4 Monkarsh Bryan USA - California 836 18 5 Flaming Steven Canada 835 35 6 Bodle Al USA - Montana 833 29 7 Cheng Chris USA - California 832 22 8 Mascarenas Demetrio USA - Illinois 831 30 9 Cameron Colby USA - Idaho 831 16 9 Coleman Jacquelyne USA - New York 831 16 11 Freeman Megan USA - South Carolina 831 15 12 Notestine Robert USA - Ohio 831 14 13 Nguyen Viet Thai Australia 829 19 14 Kite Layton USA - Idaho 828 17 15 Ward Seth USA - Utah 828 15 16 Rossetti Eric USA - California 827 24 17 Hoover Meredith USA - Ohio 827 14 17 Jeanotte Misty USA - North Dakota 827 14 19 Acevedo Jaime Mexico 826 20 20 Triplett James USA - California 824 13 21 Dukes Leroy USA - Oregon 824 10

24 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

Pos. Family Name





22 Allosada Fausto USA - Hawaii 822 13 23 Schnell Barry USA - New York 821 21 24 Brookshier Bill USA - Missouri 820 15 25 Folajtar Lisa USA - Pennsylvania 820 13 26 Flaming Cecilia Canada 820 11 27 Skinnell Brian USA - Arizona 819 15 28 Graves Gary USA - New Mexico 818 17 29 Falk Darcy Canada 818 12 30 Chen Miki Japan 818 11 31 Warfel Cindy USA - Pennsylvania 818 9 32 Hoaglund Toby USA - Nevada 813 19 33 Busha Gerald USA - Arizona 811 12 34 Velez Fernando USA - California 808 18 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 27 1 Taylor Michael USA - California 838 28 2 Dedrick David USA - Oregon 832 20 3 Welliver Shaun USA - California 829 17 4 Gump Desiree USA - West Virginia 828 23 5 Barton Chris USA - Utah 827 11 6 McMahon Linda USA - Michigan 825 14 7 Lattimer Patrick USA - Nevada 825 12 8 Nieves Luis USA - New York 824 23 9 Zaccardi Sal USA - New York 824 17 10 Koda Hiroki Japan 823 21 11 Take Yosuke Japan 823 14 12 Schoonover Karena USA - Colorado 822 16 13 Kossler Darlene USA - Illinois 822 14 14 Stewart Matthew USA - California 822 13 15 Spencer Kari USA - Utah 821 13 16 Hamilton Claude USA - Utah 820 22 17 Reimer TĂŠa Canada 820 15 18 Montoya Bert USA - New Mexico 819 19 19 Avila Carol USA - Utah 818 16 20 Foust Stacey USA - Oregon 818 13 21 Tasso Tina USA - Georgia 817 14 22 Villegas Luz USA - California 817 10 23 McCormick Ernest USA - Indiana 815 19 24 Wong Wray USA - Arizona 815 18 25 Mouangchee Lor USA - Colorado 815 11 26 Crinklaw Jill USA - Nevada 815 7 27 Howard Carlee Canada 812 14 28 Raddatz Jennifer USA - South Dakota 812 13 29 Young Linda USA - Colorado 811 8 30 Shell Katie USA - Colorado 810 14 31 Hunter John USA - New Mexico 809 11 32 Richardson Corky USA - Arizona 807 15 33 Cran Meletta USA - Wisconsin 805 14 34 Polder Doug USA - Alaska 801 9 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 28 1 Ward Arlo USA - Utah 826 20 2 Hysell Kevin USA - Wisconsin 823 14 3 Molteni Sadi Mario Italy 821 20 4 Bauer Tierreny USA - Colorado 821 19 5 Rogers Amber USA - Texas 821 11 6 Cottle Daren USA - Utah 820 26 7 Rolls Thomas USA - California 820 18 8 Polsgrove James USA - California 820 16 9 Moore Allan Us-Bc 818 21 10 Gonzales Santos USA - Texas 817 14 11 Geehan Mike USA - Texas 815 14 12 Karlin Ofir Israel 815 12 13 Hogerton Katrina USA - California 814 16 13 McCain Jimmy USA - Arizona 814 16 15 Monkarsh Tina USA - California 813 24 16 Schuster Allan USA - Iowa 813 16 17 Augsburger Amy USA - Arizona 812 13 18 Wetzel Benton USA - Idaho 812 7 19 Milne Tom USA - California 810 13 20 Carlson John USA - Iowa 810 12 20 Cooley Kiera USA - New York 810 12 22 Kaaz Lauren USA - Kansas 809 15 23 Blackmon Ginger USA - Alaska 808 15 24 Godden David USA - California 808 13 25 Crawford Karla Canada 808 12 26 Hepp Raquel Canada 807 17 27 Coulter Sabrina USA - Mississippi 807 14 28 Colin Joshua USA - California 804 14 29 Taylor Rose USA - Colorado 801 18 30 Lopez Sergio Mexico 801 13 31 Chmill Ron USA - Wisconsin 797 9 32 Casey Alexandra USA - California 796 11 33 Brown Terri USA - Colorado 788 13 34 Chikamori Ernest USA - Hawaii 785 11 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 29 1 Mathews Brett USA - Oregon 818 22 2 Chretien James J USA - California 817 14 3 Strong Dave USA - Texas 815 17 4 Clapp Jeff USA - Alaska 812 24 5 Ward Christopher USA - Kansas 812 16 6 Stephenson Ashley USA - New Mexico 812 9 7 Dufresne Lawrence Canada 811 9 8 Boyer John USA - Colorado 810 12 9 Sandquist Darrel USA - Oregon 809 11 10 Nierman Greg USA - Washington 808 11 11 Wood Brenda USA - Utah 807 12 12 Mendonca Michael USA - Arizona 804 15 13 Pruett Dorothy USA - Texas 803 17 14 Dougherty Lauri USA - Nevada 803 9 15 Conroy James Ireland 801 9 16 Amnuaypayoat Peter USA - California 798 12 17 Hunt Waylon USA - Arizona 798 8 18 Mestas Benny USA - Colorado 796 13

Pos. Family Name





Pos. Family Name

Elevation Adjustment (.002” Per Click)

Quick Disconnect

Quick Adjust Push Button

NEW Full Capture Mounting Block NEW Numbered detents on top and bottom to ensure proper positioning



Easy 2nd and 3rd axis adjustment at the front of the sight.

Windage Adjustment (.002” Per Click)

• Light Weight • Weather Proof • Vibration Proof

NEW Micro Drive Pointer Adjustment

S2 Scope Sold Separately

NEW Armored 3rd axis now has scope rotation and added windage

Micro Drive Pointer Adjustment Precisely adjust the pointer as conditions change.

Newly Designed Armored 2nd Axis

Full Capture Mounting Block

The extension’s armored 2nd Axis offers center pivot for easy scope alignment.

Creates a more secure lock between the dovetail bar and your bow.

All NEW Vertical Drive

Ultra-Light Dovetail Extension NEW offsetting Iso-Grid Design allows for a stronger, lighter bar system. TM



32 Horcajo Egon USA - Hawaii 736 12 33 Barber Nolen USA - Texas 736 11 34 Coons Scott USA - Arizona 513 7 35 Martin John USA - Utah 507 8 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 31 1 Shepherd Caitlyn USA - Colorado 763 6 2 Hendricks James USA - Oregon 761 5 3 Gale Lucille Canada 744 5 4 Cratchley Steve Australia 743 9 5 Myers Patricia Canada 733 8 6 Taylor J T USA - California 733 7 7 Corbitt Corky USA - Tennessee 730 2 8 Hernandez Oscar USA - California 717 6 9 Wilson John USA - Nevada 716 5 10 Frisbie Kody USA - Michigan 711 6 11 Miller Frank USA - Arizona 707 5 12 Ramirez James USA - California 705 4 13 Harr Dustin USA - Ohio 702 1 14 Nye Josh USA - Montana 693 10 15 Donahue Jay USA - Arizona 686 3 16 Nelson Krista USA - Colorado 684 6 17 Alipio Genaro USA - Hawaii 679 2 18 Martinez John USA - California 678 5 19 Wong Patricia USA - Arizona 673 9 20 Olson Ronald USA - Tennessee 669 4 21 Byrd Bill USA - California 664 3 22 Wilson Kathryn USA - Nevada 659 4 23 Nay Deborah A. USA - Arizona 625 4 24 Lyday Stephanie USA - Nevada 600 1 25 Schrand Mark USA - Arizona 588 1 26 Terpening Bradley USA - California 451 12 27 Rose Thomas USA - California 438 6 28 Tubbs Jesse USA - California 428 1 29 Walth Janice USA - California 399 0 30 Faulconer Richard USA - California 318 2 31 Christensen Sherri USA - Utah 286 8 32 Mawhorter Paul USA - Colorado 272 8 33 Green Ernie USA - California 262 1 34 Leibman Lucian Canada 253 5 35 Ware Kathy USA - California 249 1 Crossbow - Flights - Flight 1 1 O’Donnell Michelle USA - Florida 887 43 2 Pelosi Carol USA - Maryland 884 45 3 Scott Charles USA - Indiana 861 32 4 Pimm William USA - Florida 846 23 5 Pennypacker Stan USA - Colorado 815 17

19 Robbins Dennis USA - California 796 12 20 Burnett Kyle USA - Alaska 795 21 21 Cooper Alysia USA - Washington 795 17 22 Hewton Darryl Canada 794 11 23 Sykora Kathleen USA - Washington 794 6 24 Klinger Jan USA - Colorado 793 16 25 Wilson Michelle USA - Wyoming 793 15 26 Thompson Joe USA - Idaho 791 12 27 Montez Patrick USA - Arizona 790 12 28 Thompson Tracy USA - Illinois 789 12 29 Ortiz Elba USA - Texas 789 10 30 Fisk Bob USA - Arizona 780 15 31 Menard Kirk USA - Louisiana 778 13 32 Phillips Teko USA - Washington 772 10 33 Luongo Frederick USA - Connecticut 531 10 34 Moon Danny USA - Tennessee 523 7 Freestyle - Flights - Flight 30 1 Pozniak Richard USA - California 798 8 2 Landreth Bryan USA - California 797 16 3 Addington Scott USA - Mississippi 797 13 4 Wyman Grace USA - California 791 11 5 Nicholson Julian USA - Idaho 790 17 6 Khatchadourian Richard USA - California 785 11 7 Howery Gary USA - California 780 12 8 Whaley Chad USA - Wyoming 780 8 9 Lewis Patricia USA - Kentucky 777 11 10 Miller Kathy USA - Illinois 777 10 11 Okita Karl USA - Oregon 776 9 12 Richardson Nicholas USA - Arizona 776 5 13 Urquidi Theresa USA - Arizona 775 6 14 Kong George USA - Hawaii 774 13 15 Wright Michael USA - California 774 8 16 Beck Garry USA - Arizona 773 8 17 Thurber Charles USA - California 771 8 18 Torres Cecilia USA - Texas 767 13 19 Suh David USA - California 766 14 20 Lord Stephanie USA - Arizona 763 12 21 Fujioka Brian USA - Hawaii 761 11 22 Dougherty Duane USA - Nevada 761 7 23 Pennington Raymond USA - New York 759 10 24 Cox Diane USA - California 758 12 25 Rottigni Laura Marina Italy 758 9 26 Cowan Art USA - California 757 12 27 Phillips Carrie USA - Arizona 757 6 27 Villadiaz Andy USA - California 757 6 29 Raya John USA - California 756 7 30 Olson Sandy USA - Tennessee 756 6 31 Dias Joseph USA - Connecticut 738 8


Fully adjustable vertical tension system with zero play, waterproof bushings and high visibility lazer engraved scale.

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 25

The Professional Division of the National Field Archery Association, in partnership with Lancaster Archery and Mathews, hosted the 2016 Practice with the Pros at the #VegasShoot2016. Hundreds of young archers flooded the Championship arena for a chance to shoot toe-to-toe with their favorite professional archers. Thank you to everyone involved for your continued support of this event.

26 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

The Vegas Shoot Awards $24,000 in Archery Scholarships

The 2016 Vegas Shoot showed record numbers, with over 3,050 registered archers, 18% growth over 2,580 participants in 2015. The junior divisions have also shown drastic increases over the last three years, with 276 participants in 2013 to over 700 in 2016. In total, the Junior divisions and the Young Adult Championship divisions attracted over 700 young archers. A total of $24,000 in archery scholarships was awarded to the top three place winners in each Junior division. Thirtysix young athletes received $1,000, $700 or $300 archery scholarships at the 2016 Vegas Shoot. “The goal of the scholarship program is to attract top young talent from around the world to compete at the Vegas Shoot. As the shoot has become the proving grounds of archery, these young archers should be rewarded for the dedication and hard work it takes to win at Vegas,“ commented Bruce Cull, Vegas Shoot President. The NFAA Foundation would like to extend a special thank you to Greg Easton, Caren Sawyer and Don Rabska, of the Easton Foundation, for presenting the 2016 Junior Awards and Scholarships. n

Serving Archery Since 1941


DESIGNED FOR PERFORMANCE ENHANCING GROUPS By allowing for a more controlled release. Higher repeatability of shots.


By allowing reconfiguration for different style shooters. Taking various parts from the basic model for adaptation on different releases.



scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 27

VegasJunior Results Pos. Family Name





Pos. Family Name





1 Hjerpe Waylon USA - Arizona 565 9 2 Zuleta-Visser Alexandria USA - Florida 574 12 2 Kim Shawn USA - Florida 522 9 3 Chung Angela USA - California 572 16 3 Huynh Sebastien USA - Utah 519 7 4 Choo Young Joo USA - California 561 9 4 Merchant Carter USA - California 516 4 5 Israel Samantha USA - Texas 560 10 5 Cueto Avalos Hugo Mexico 513 7 6 Lynch Elizabeth USA - Indiana 553 7 6 Dornan Sam USA - Wyoming 508 3 7 Marquez Samantha USA - Arizona 547 8 7 Kanazawa Towa Japan 498 5 8 Hill Rebekah USA - Nevada 546 10 8 Tom Anthony USA - Hawaii 494 5 9 White Cailin USA - Washington 544 3 9 Sarner Dawson USA - California 484 4 10 Artzberger Georgia USA - Michigan 543 4 10 Arundel Topher USA - California 479 0 11 Park Michelle USA - California 541 7 11 Kee Chong Mitchell USA - Hawaii 476 2 12 Huffer Olivia USA - Florida 539 4 12 Hart Nathan USA - Oregon 461 4 13 Paik Erica USA - California 539 3 13 Low Keane New Zealand 453 1 14 Lauria Miranda USA - Montana 538 6 14 Salazar Brandon USA - Nevada 421 2 15 Hwang Angella USA - California 538 5 15 Van Ostrand Andrew USA - California 417 1 16 Walz Jayana USA - California 534 9 16 McGlaun Ethan USA - Nevada 366 0 17 Phlieger Rowan USA - New Mexico 532 10 17 Holmberg Micah USA - Hawaii 332 2 18 Lee Sumin USA - California 532 9 18 Mosqueira David USA - California 282 0 19 Lucero Lily USA - California 531 4 19 Kuo Ian USA - Hawaii 281 0 20 Cho Evelyn USA - California 528 7 20 Hatamoto Brandon USA - California 157 0 21 Ortiz Katelynn USA - California 528 6 21 Morgan Joseph USA - Oregon 153 0 22 Shiroma Trinity USA - Hawaii 527 7 USA - California 149 0 22 Gutierrez-Escalante David 23 Hu Jacey USA - California 516 4 23 Qazi Ibrahim USA - Nevada 94 0 24 Clark Bailey USA - California 506 5 24 Qazi Furqaan USA - Nevada 66 0 25 Demers Michelle USA - California 496 5 26 Fein Dakotarose USA - New Jersey 491 2 Recurve - Cub Female 27 Nelson Brenna USA - Colorado 484 1 1 Jensen Whitney USA - Arizona 553 11 28 Liu Lauren USA - California 481 6 2 Ahn Somin USA - California 543 7 29 Rogers Jessica USA - Texas 481 2 3 Lum Samantha USA - Hawaii 538 5 30 Ottengheime Shelby USA - California 474 3 4 Kaufhold Casey USA - Pennsylvania 532 7 31 Murphy Carolina USA - Pennsylvania 467 7 5 Javate Faith USA - Nevada 532 6 32 Kleinke Kathryn USA - Minnesota 455 0 6 Laux Brianna USA - Michigan 531 7 33 Thibault Michelle USA - California 450 3 7 Sasai Gabrielle USA - Washington 524 7 34 Nelson Taylor USA - Arizona 449 4 8 Rubio Madison USA - Hawaii 523 5 35 Hull Karina USA - California 449 1 9 Kurkinen Aliya USA - Oregon 520 1 36 McNeil Larissa USA - Nevada 427 1 10 Hutchison Julia Melelani USA - Hawaii 517 5 37 Cooley Mckenna USA - Nevada 390 1 11 Graves Alexia USA - Georgia 507 2 38 Spitz Brice USA - California 385 1 12 English Avery USA - Utah 494 5 39 Briggs Natalie USA - Arizona 357 0 13 Klein Addison USA - California 489 4 Recurve - Young Adult Male 14 English Lucy USA - Utah 486 5 1 Williams Jack USA - California 585 26 15 Pasha Alena USA - Nevada 486 2 2 Whitlatch Adam USA - California 584 26 16 Miller Maya Anne USA - Minnesota 486 1 3 Moscowitz Coby USA - Michigan 582 20 17 Lum Grace USA - Hawaii 484 1 4 Bunten Merlin USA - California 574 16 18 Cueto Avalos Nydia Mexico 479 3 5 Kim Terry USA - California 573 15 19 Wagner Annie USA - Missouri 471 4 6 Choi Matthew USA - California 571 14 20 Jonovich Abigail USA - Arizona 468 1 7 Bekker Elliot USA - Michigan 566 10 21 Hofmann Olivia USA - California 459 3 8 Butler Tanner USA - Colorado 563 11 22 Olivas Alyssa USA - New Mexico 445 2 9 Nishimura Everett USA - California 561 8 23 Scott Sienna USA - California 443 2 10 Van Hemert Matthew USA - Colorado 560 11 24 Pierce Lilith USA - California 440 4 11 Yoon Samuel USA - California 557 9 25 Lee Kyra USA - California 439 3 12 Coombe Ian USA - Ohio 557 6 26 Luo Gabriella USA - Texas 438 2 13 Inoue Seiya Japan 556 9 27 Gomez Acelynn USA - Nevada 357 0 14 Brownell Sterling USA - California 553 7 28 Cayaba Darcie USA - Nevada 323 0 15 Kaufman Benjamin USA - Oregon 550 8 29 Tateyama Riley USA - Hawaii 277 1 16 Allem Cameron USA - California 549 12 30 Schemers Danika USA - Arizona 170 0 17 Park Sean USA - California 548 7 31 Gardner Shakira USA - Nevada 155 0 18 Kim Daniel USA - California 547 9 Recurve - Young Adult Female 19 Guzman Ozzie USA - California 544 8 1 Kim Grace USA - California 581 17 20 Kim Sang Myung USA - California 543 5

28 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

Pos. Family Name





21 Laosiri Harrison USA - California 543 4 22 Gerrells Blain USA - Colorado 542 4 23 Saletta Steven USA - California 539 10 24 Conley Hunter USA - Nebraska 533 10 25 Smith Tyler USA - California 528 6 26 Timson Devin USA - Arizona 518 8 27 Kim Hyun Woo USA - California 516 2 28 Schuster Justin USA - Arizona 515 3 29 Hillius Tanner USA - Washington 514 4 30 Danz Gregory USA - California 512 3 31 Woodward Chad USA - New Mexico 491 4 32 Song Brandon USA - California 487 0 33 Mosqueira Alejandro USA - California 476 3 34 Kjolsrud Coleman USA - Arizona 460 2 35 Smith Devin USA - Arizona 447 2 36 Kerns Kyle USA - Arizona 398 0 37 Segovia Juan Pablo Mexico 370 0 38 Reed Aaron USA - Nevada 83 0 Recurve - Youth Female 1 Jin Sophia USA - California 574 22 2 Cook Faith USA - Washington 573 12 3 Sanchez Mara F Mexico 571 16 4 Vassantachart Dorothy USA - California 571 11 5 Wapniarski Zoey USA - Arizona 565 12 6 Devencenzi Madison USA - California 565 11 7 Moss Kaylee USA - Oklahoma 560 8 Lacson-Villafuerte Cassidy Anne USA - Nevada 556 7 8 9 Salvador Iris USA - Arizona 555 8 10 Best Charlotte USA - Michigan 555 7 11 Tuthill Riane USA - Oklahoma 554 8 12 Kim Iris USA - California 552 9 13 Kwak Christina USA - California 552 7 14 Chao Katie USA - Washington 551 9 15 Lee Tararose USA - New Mexico 549 12 16 Seo Sherry USA - California 548 8 17 Foster Jennifer USA - California 548 6 18 Nakamura Maya USA - California 547 6 19 Nitta Kylie USA - Hawaii 546 8 20 Miller Euphoria USA - Colorado 546 6 21 White Erin USA - Washington 544 9 22 Williamson Anessa Mae USA - California 543 3 23 Desousa Giselle USA - California 540 6 24 Ketterling Kayla USA - Wyoming 539 10 25 Hinman Bethany USA - Colorado 539 7 26 Lechner Ramsey USA - Texas 538 8 27 Arundel Olivia USA - California 534 7 27 Cho Miae USA - California 534 7 29 Hill Ava USA - Utah 530 7 30 Mercado Waverly USA - California 526 2 31 Gibson Cheyenne USA - Florida 524 7 32 Drake Colleen USA - Michigan 523 7 33 Yoon Rani USA - California 507 2 34 Wong Amanda USA - Washington 505 4 35 Trujillo Vazquez Alejandra Mexico 501 7 36 Iodice Lauren USA - Illinois 500 5 37 Wieland Julia USA - Arizona 500 2 38 Marquez Sarah USA - Arizona 497 6 39 Horiguchi Lynn USA - California 492 4 40 Goodrich Lauren USA - New York 491 2

Pos. Family Name





Pos. Family Name





41 Marston Katherine USA - California 490 4 16 Andreasen Jayden USA - Idaho 526 5 42 Pallas Adriana USA - Colorado 489 7 17 Nelson Samuel USA - Idaho 522 5 43 Robertson Emma USA - Washington 487 4 18 Stamanis Costa USA - Nevada 520 5 44 Hughes Laura USA - North Carolina 487 2 19 Wrinkle Logan USA - Texas 514 5 Althea Gabrielle USA - Nevada 485 4 45 Santos 20 Klatt Easton USA - South Dakota 508 3 46 Gibbs Phoebe USA - Arizona 478 1 21 Stamanis Robert USA - Nevada 502 3 47 Noyes Sarah USA - California 476 2 22 Hendrickson Stone USA - Arizona 494 3 48 Villalobos Joee USA - Nevada 462 5 23 Miller Logan USA - Iowa 493 1 49 Kazarian Logan USA - Nevada 461 0 24 Heritage Christopher USA - New Jersey 491 4 50 Buntjer Zoey USA - Nevada 455 1 25 Zapp Harrison USA - Arizona 489 6 51 Kleinke Elysabeth USA - Minnesota 455 0 26 Harbert Zachary USA - Texas 475 4 52 Burns Amelia USA - California 453 3 27 Furiosi Cody USA - Florida 468 1 53 Bridger Kieryn USA - California 449 3 28 Buchanan Myles USA - Utah 464 3 54 Herbst Anna USA - California 409 1 29 Rolls Thomas U. USA - California 459 1 55 Wright Me’Kena USA - Utah 406 2 30 Nelson Kaine USA - Colorado 448 1 56 Qazi Maryam USA - Nevada 405 1 31 Lanford John USA - Colorado 408 2 57 Aikins Delaney USA - Nebraska 380 3 32 Burghardt Alexander USA - California 402 0 58 Saenz Paola Mexico 377 0 33 Raglin Austin USA - California 395 1 59 Na Seiyoung USA - California 374 4 34 Hoaglund Erik USA - Nevada 382 0 60 Dilday Grace USA - Michigan 319 0 35 Benincasa Jasper USA - Nevada 381 2 61 Hendrickson Chloe USA - Arizona 311 0 36 Lovern Leo USA - Colorado 330 1 37 Campbell Jacob USA - California 198 0 Recurve - Youth Male 38 Summers Jacob USA - Nevada 163 0 1 Mirich Jackson USA - Arizona 589 23 Freestyle - Cub Female 1 2 Park Andrew USA - Arizona 587 23 Darezzo Gianna USA - California 559 11 3 Oblander Devin USA - Oklahoma 584 26 2 Miller Maya USA - Arizona 552 12 4 Itou Kaisei Japan 584 24 3 Moore Briana USA - Georgia 548 6 5 Dominguez Guillermo Mexico 572 12 4 McDonald Kate USA - Texas 546 10 6 Ozyp Jay USA - Texas 569 12 5 Sauer Rachel USA - New York 545 13 7 Cowles Trenton USA - California 564 13 6 Cooper Kailee USA - California 544 6 8 Oblander Dylan USA - Oklahoma 561 12 7 Smedsrud Kaley USA - South Dakota 542 4 9 Salazar Christhian USA - Nevada 556 12 8 Geissbuhler Isabelle USA - Washington 540 13 10 Kaufhold Conner USA - Pennsylvania 554 8 9 Baum Amber USA - Colorado 535 16 11 Santos Dean Alexander USA - Nevada 553 11 10 Collier Katherine USA - New Jersey 533 10 12 Medellin Mateo USA - California 551 9 11 Honeycutt Bayli USA - Texas 530 7 13 Catalma Jerome USA - California 547 10 12 Feyes Emma USA - Kansas 526 5 14 Munguia Alexis USA - California 547 6 13 Geissbuhler Kaylee USA - Washington 518 2 15 Kim Phillip USA - Florida 544 5 14 Tabb Madison USA - Idaho 515 9 16 Chan Kyle USA - California 540 7 15 Flores Lauren USA - Nevada 515 5 17 Klein Maxwell USA - California 540 3 16 Hansemann Eloise USA - Montana 505 3 18 Miller Noah USA - Minnesota 539 8 17 Matteson Alexis USA - Texas 500 3 19 Yoon Eric USA - California 539 3 18 Oki Emily USA - Utah 495 4 20 Cabatingan Vash USA - Hawaii 533 6 19 Green Adelaide USA - Arizona 484 4 21 Kim Toby USA - California 528 11 20 Arreola Liko USA - Hawaii 466 2 22 Yuan Galvin USA - California 523 1 21 Iyo Briani USA - Hawaii 445 4 23 Martires Colin USA - Nevada 522 9 22 Brodie Kaylee USA - Illinois 444 2 24 McLoughlin Max USA - California 519 3 23 Jiang Melody USA - Texas 435 4 25 Stambaugh Kerris USA - California 518 6 Henry Alexander USA - California 518 5 24 Smith Shaylee USA - Arizona 423 0 26 Wright 27 Villanueva Diego Federico USA - Arizona 510 3 25 Legg Haleigh USA - Oklahoma 393 1 28 Hyman Mitch USA - Minnesota 508 5 26 Hetletved Hatley USA - North Dakota 393 0 29 Milone Zachary USA - Colorado 507 4 27 Velasquez Lexi USA - Utah 383 1 30 Qazi Ahmad USA - Nevada 506 7 28 Remund Jetta USA - Idaho 378 3 31 Chow Zachary USA - California 503 4 29 Knutson Valarie USA - Minnesota 353 1 32 Kim Nathan USA - California 499 6 30 Bailey Jade USA - Utah 350 0 33 Milone Joseph USA - Colorado 474 2 31 Trpkovski Mya USA - Florida 325 1 34 Lewis Gabriel USA - Arizona 469 2 32 Gobert Alexandria USA - Illinois 297 0 35 Caterina Michael USA - California 465 2 33 Vanwinkle Zoe USA - Wyoming 223 1 36 Hwang Hanan USA - California 463 1 34 Polsgrove Lacee USA - California 195 0 USA - California 459 1 37 Martindelcampo Neo 35 Hassler Olivia USA - Washington 64 0 38 Pasha Zane USA - Nevada 447 0 36 Gonzales Sydnee USA - Nevada 61 0 39 Walden Ethan USA - Nevada 438 0 Freestyle - Young Adult Female 40 Low Kyiv New Zealand 435 2 Pos. Family Name Name Country Total X 41 Vorderbruggen Dillon USA - Nevada 418 2 1 Vanderwier Savannah Baye USA - Texas 594 40 42 Doubet Ben USA - California 411 0 2 Aten Valerie USA - Michigan 593 41 43 Wong Myles USA - California 406 2 3 Ruiz Alexis USA - Arizona 592 30 44 Camp Nickolad USA - Washington 344 1 4 Pavlik Kali USA - Nebraska 591 30 45 Khashan George USA - California 293 1 5 Mendillo Lilian Emilia Mexico 589 25 46 Strong Maxim USA - Arizona 232 2 6 Melius Rachel USA - Colorado 588 27 Freestyle - Cub Male 7 Rasmussen Sasha Denmark 587 27 1 Milne Harrison USA - Indiana 591 32 8 McCracken Caroline USA - Virginia 586 31 2 Nelson Kadin USA - South Dakota 583 17 9 Skelton Hala USA - Florida 585 27 3 Cummins Rocky “Jr” USA - Michigan 576 17 10 De La Garza Tessy Mexico 584 26 4 Chada Jaden USA - Illinois 566 14 11 Tompkins Mackenzie USA - Iowa 584 25 5 Myers Brady USA - Pennsylvania 565 19 12 Caiopoulos Athena USA - California 584 20 6 Cain Culli USA - North Carolina 565 15 13 Zebadúa Wever María José Guatemala 584 19 7 Thompson Tayler USA - New Mexico 556 10 14 Sherman Sara USA - Pennsylvania 583 24 8 Burford Hunter USA - Missouri 554 16 15 Oaks Emily USA - Washington 582 17 9 Borbolla Diego Mexico 552 10 16 Weatherspoon Lindsay USA - Utah 581 28 10 Wilcox Aidan USA - Montana 551 10 17 Keiser Gabriella USA - South Dakota 581 18 11 Quiocho Caleb USA - California 544 9 18 Moose Hannah USA - Pennsylvania 580 25 Mexico 579 29 12 Nielsen Patrick USA - Arizona 540 9 19 Gonzalez De Alba Brenda 20 Lester Sarah USA - Illinois 579 20 13 Meyer Gus USA - Wyoming 538 10 21 Ashurst Lia USA - Colorado 577 22 14 Balian Aren USA - California 538 7 22 McCurdy Danielle USA - Colorado 577 19 15 Booth Ryan USA - Texas 531 10

Pos. Family Name





23 Chylinski Emma Canada 577 14 24 Mika Morgan USA - Michigan 573 19 25 Mikkola Mariah USA - Minnesota 573 18 26 Sharpe Victoria USA - North Carolina 572 17 27 Doering Kim USA - Idaho 572 16 27 Keesee Brandy USA - Michigan 572 16 29 Hofstetter Elizabeth USA - North Carolina 570 19 30 Mathison Hannah USA - Oregon 568 16 31 Stoltzfus Mariel USA - Pennsylvania 567 22 32 Scriven Ashlyn Canada 566 15 33 Notebaert Brianna USA - New York 566 13 34 Mellado Fatima Mexico 565 16 35 Iverson Raven USA - New Mexico 565 10 36 Reynolds Adeline USA - Colorado 564 16 37 Cardoso Montserrat Mexico 564 13 38 Jeffries Alannah USA - New Mexico 563 18 39 Herrlein Danielle USA - South Dakota 563 13 40 Gagliano Lia USA - Arizona 561 12 41 Schulze Ashley USA - Nebraska 560 10 42 Wiscovitch Montana USA - California 557 10 43 Pool Kierstyn USA - California 553 9 44 Knox Sierra USA - California 550 10 45 Spratt Alysha USA - Alaska 547 8 46 Towers Talyn Canada 546 9 47 Teets Bethany USA - North Dakota 546 8 48 Buonaccorsi Elizabeth USA - Arizona 539 9 49 Linger Halle USA - West Virginia 536 12 50 Mattes Kristin USA - Colorado 536 9 51 Williamson Talia USA - California 536 8 52 Huffman Paige USA - Colorado 535 11 53 Martin Sara USA - Colorado 526 7 54 Seong Hyewon USA - California 522 5 Anikka Dominique USA - Washington 516 6 55 Taeza 56 Hicks Kimberly USA - Arizona 502 3 57 Shelby Cassidy USA - Louisiana 502 2 58 Zimbelman Charlize USA - Arizona 500 5 59 Hansemann Isabel USA - Montana 499 7 60 Fargas Katerina USA - California 498 7 61 Boltz Riley USA - Arizona 495 3 62 Price Madisen USA - Utah 490 3 63 Robertson Kaylee USA - Arizona 487 4 64 Sullivan Sami USA - Arizona 476 4 65 Lord Nicole USA - Arizona 474 2 66 Lord Kimberly USA - Arizona 461 2 67 Shackelford Kamryn USA - Nevada 207 0 Freestyle - Young Adult Male 1 Sapp Carson USA - Georgia 600 52 2 French Cooper USA - Arizona 597 30 3 Lewis Tate USA - Arizona 596 37 4 Welty Eli USA - Pennsylvania 593 37 4 Williamson Robert USA - Indiana 593 37 6 Corridori Jeremy USA - Arizona 592 37 7 Smith Bailey USA - Indiana 592 31 8 Renaud Christopher USA - Illinois 590 28 9 Bass Ramsey USA - Texas 589 33 9 Shuey Brandon USA - South Dakota 589 33 11 Schwendeman Patrick USA - Washington 587 29 12 Westphal Brayden USA - New Mexico 586 31 13 Sampsel Logan USA - Arizona 585 34 14 Franchow Kaje USA - Utah 585 29 15 Ferry Jacob USA - California 584 26 16 Sanderson Colby USA - Georgia 581 22 17 Trentham Alex USA - California 581 17 18 Douglas Kolt USA - Utah 580 27 19 Toone Jake USA - Utah 577 21 20 Jones Harley USA - Wisconsin 576 18 21 Cleland Johnmichael USA - Arizona 574 25 22 Carter Scott USA - Idaho 574 20 23 Nolte Jacob USA - Arizona 574 18 24 Hannen Dakotah USA - Oregon 573 20 25 Leones Shawn USA - Michigan 573 15 26 Adams Clayton Canada 572 16 27 Ozyp John USA - Texas 572 13 28 Wallace Tylor USA - Florida 571 19 29 Fischer Sam USA - New Mexico 570 23 Canada 569 15 30 Pawluk-Anderson Chayten 31 Lucas B Cody USA - Georgia 564 12 32 Hynes Johnathon USA - Minnesota 563 10 33 Ham Nathaniel USA - California 560 13 34 Sampson Jack USA - California 560 12 35 North Luke USA - Arizona 559 11 36 Lopez Samuel USA - Arizona 556 14 37 Beans Payton USA - California 553 9

>> continued on page 34

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 29

30 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 31

32 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

Break the Barriers “Hallelujah!” That is the word archer Jesse Tubbs says when he hits an X on a target. Tubbs is a member of Break the Barrier’s Disabled American Veteran’s Program. At the Vegas Shoot 2016, Break the Barriers brought 25 disabled veterans to shoot, with ages ranging from 27-83. Break the Barriers is an international ability center located in Fresno, California. Steve and Deby Hergenrade started Break the Barriers. Steve had signed with the Yankees and Deby may have been an Olympic gymnast if it were not for an ankle injury. The two always knew there was a special place for Deby’s sister Kathy, who had down syndrome. But, in society at the time there was not a place for her. They wanted to find a place in society where everyone could come together and feel a part of something. This desire for such a place of acceptance led to the formation of Break the Barriers. From a small backyard with 20 students in 1983, the organization now has over 3,000 students with 25 programs. Everyone at the facility is able to come together and participate programs and sports, so that no one has to just sit and watch from the sidelines. The organization offers a wide range of inclusive classes and programs, from sign language and dance, to music and archery.

Break the Barriers is also a Paralympic training facility, which includes a specific Disabled American Veteran’s Program. Deby’s son Jared now works with Break the Barriers and the veteran’s program. He explained that as an all-inclusive team, Break the Barriers travels all around the world recruiting and promoting the program’s emphasis on inclusion. “We have 10,000 people in facility weekly,” Jared said. “We outreach to 100s of 1000s people around the world to promote their awareness and focusing on the ability of everyone, especially in our veteran archery program.” For the past three years, Break the Barriers has been bringing these veterans to the Vegas Shoot. “The whole goal is to get these guys back into what they love,” he said. “Many of them don’t have the mobility anymore and we’re a place that provides that for them.” Mike Hernandez is one of the directors on the board of Break the Barriers who works to

bring the veterans to Vegas. “I’ve been coming to the Vegas Shoot for 11 years. I love archery and I love to volunteer. It’s a good merger.” Hernandez said. Hernandez said that there are over 400 veterans coming to the Break the Barriers facility, and that it is free for them and their families. “We’ve raised $200,000 so that the families can come in for free, so that everyone can participate together as a community,” Hernandez said. Larry Green is an army veteran who tried to explain the bond between the veteran community, including those he shoots archery with. “Being veterans, it’s like a family of sorts. We all have certain things in common in our background and things that we’ve been through, so we bond somehow because of that,” Green said. Before Break the Barriers, Green had never shot archery. “I had a stroke and I was just sitting around doing nothing. In 2009 I went to wheelchair games, but with no training at all, of course I was slaughtered,” Green said. “But, I was amazed at what other vets were doing in their wheelchairs. They weren’t weaklings; they were amazing! I wanted to be like that too! I wanted to get >> continued on page 34

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 33

break the barriers | continued from page 33

some of those medals!” The only problem was, at the time Green didn’t have anywhere in Fresno to train. Luckily, in 2012, Break the Barriers showed a presentation at the VA Hospital and encouraged any veterans who were interested in archery to come out and train. So for the past four years, Green has been shooting archery. “In my mind, I’m in competition with myself because these

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34 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

people are professionals! But, maybe one day,” he said. Green said it’s exciting to see the different people and competition at the Vegas Shoot. “They’re enjoying the sport. There’s a sense of camaraderie in this type of environment, it’s just amazing,” he said. “Everyone is focusing on the same thing and trying to do better, and they’re all encouraging each other.” Speaking of encouragement, Oscar Hernandez said that’s exactly what his son Mike Hernandez did to get him to pick up a bow. Oscar said he started shooting late in his life­—at 69—and now at 83, he’s Breaking Barriers’ oldest veteran. “[Mike] started the program, so it was automatic that I participate. He brainwashed me to shoot a bow,” Oscar said. “I said I was too old, I have tennis elbow. Mike said do it. So finally, I did it. My first arrow was a bulls-eye, and I was hooked from then on.” Oscar has been a level 1 and 2 coach for five years. He is a competitive spot shooter for prime. Also, he has attended nine Vegas Shoots. “Every time I come back and shoot next to young kids or next to a pro, I feel 5 years younger,” he said. It seems that archery brings together all ages, skill levels, and levels of physical abilities. From the Vegas Shoot to Breaking Barriers, the sense of community seems to be strong. n

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 35

vegas junior results | continued from page 29 Pos. Family Name





38 Marshall Austin USA - Colorado 553 7 39 Wallin Joshua USA - Arizona 552 10 40 Steiner Nick USA - Colorado 552 9 41 Hobbs Will USA - Washington 549 7 42 Logsdon Matthew USA - California 548 8 43 Pitts Weldon USA - Nevada 544 13 44 Martinez Diego Raul Mexico 544 11 45 Grindland Dakota USA - Washington 542 9 46 Christman Evan USA - California 540 4 47 Northrop Logan USA - Arizona 529 8 48 Greer Dalton USA - Tennessee 522 8 49 Lee Sterling USA - Nevada 522 5 50 Jaime Lucio Ricardo Mexico 513 12 51 Brown Cameron USA - Colorado 511 4 52 Valentino Austin USA - California 509 4 53 Porter Myles USA - Arizona 480 2 54 Lorenz Samuel USA - Nevada 371 0 55 Paez Joshua USA - Arizona 271 2 Freestyle - Youth Female 1 Merritt Ashlyn USA - Arizona 596 33 2 Johnson Hailey USA - South Dakota 593 34 3 Klatt Jessarae USA - South Dakota 591 35 4 Detamore Gracie USA - Virginia 590 35 5 Sebert Aliyah USA - Wisconsin 589 19 6 Bartos Hannah USA - South Dakota 588 29 7 Hite Mary Hunter USA - North Carolina 583 28 8 Woodie Danielle USA - Maryland 583 23 9 Nachtrieb Addison USA - Washington 583 21 10 Yost Jenna USA - California 583 19 11 Miller Faith USA - California 583 16 12 Worgum Emma USA - Washington 582 23 13 Nichols Jenna USA - Texas 581 23 14 McLean Autumn USA - Arizona 580 23 15 Thomas Kinzie USA - North Dakota 579 25 16 Hekker Kaden USA - Washington 578 19 17 Kemp Annalyn USA - Utah 577 19 18 Weatherspoon Makenzie USA - Utah 574 22 19 Young Mia USA - Washington 573 26 20 Harding Marissa USA - New York 571 22 20 Tesch Sadie USA - South Dakota 571 22 22 Sewinsky Brieonna USA - Pennsylvania 570 19 23 Moyer Ella USA - Washington 569 15 24 Iodice Kate USA - Illinois 569 14 25 Enriquez Ariana USA - Washington 568 14 26 Butler Savannah USA - Georgia 567 19 27 Hamlin Ashtyn USA - Colorado 564 17 28 Smith Aleksandria USA - Arizona 564 16 29 Stucker Halie USA - Wisconsin 564 14 30 Mendillo Andrea Louise Mexico 563 10 31 Cassandra Sanchez Mexico 563 9 32 Lente Daisy USA - New Mexico 562 11 33 Hernandez Aubree USA - California 561 13 34 Branch Amanda USA - Arizona 560 21 35 Kammlah Sadie Jean USA - Texas 560 16 36 Christensen Makenna USA - Utah 559 14 37 Sauer Hannah USA - New York 558 7 38 Keller Elisa USA - Arizona 557 12 39 Huber Kristin USA - Arizona 556 12 40 Hansen Hunter USA - California 556 8 41 Gulick Maya USA - Michigan 555 14 42 Reddy Maya USA - Oregon 555 11 43 Castro Marissa USA - California 551 12 44 Gross Alyssa USA - California 547 3 45 Seiler Ana USA - Nevada 540 12 46 Jiang Leia USA - Texas 538 9

36 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

Pos. Family Name





Pos. Family Name



35 Albertson K. Holt USA - Pennsylvania 47 Adams Cassidy USA - Colorado 536 11 36 Wright Travis USA - Michigan 48 Clendenin Gracie USA - Georgia 533 10 37 Styve Dalton USA - California 49 Valdez Anna Paula Mexico 532 8 38 Amundsen Kiel USA - Arizona 50 Oki Grace USA - Utah 531 8 38 Scott Nathan USA - Texas 51 Teachenor Lillian USA - Nevada 530 9 40 Hansen Carter USA - Utah 52 Hetletved Kinley USA - North Dakota 529 8 41 Allen Scott USA - Washington 52 Mitchell Julianna USA - Colorado 529 8 42 Merson Charles USA - California 54 Kinross Kenzie USA - Utah 528 7 43 Topham Tyler USA - Utah 55 Caldwell Mackenzie USA - Tennessee 525 5 44 Harris Austin USA - Texas 56 Lee Anna USA - Oklahoma 523 12 45 Money Nicholas USA - Arizona 57 Garcia Mariana Mexico 520 9 46 Seeley-Ion Carter USA - New York 58 Estrada Chantal Mexico 519 13 47 Nelson Jack USA - Idaho 59 Williams Abby USA - California 515 8 48 Ward C J USA - Utah 60 Cotten Kearstyn USA - Alaska 508 4 49 Hook William USA - Pennsylvania 60 Smith Annabella USA - Arizona 508 4 50 Thurow Ty Canada 62 Pitts Zenobia USA - Nevada 483 3 51 Farrell Mason USA - Oregon 63 Walker Noel USA - Arizona 482 3 52 Brooks Dominic USA - California 64 Ibay Makena USA - California 469 2 53 Strader Shawn USA - Arizona 65 Vanwinkle Jordan USA - Wyoming 462 2 54 Timp Wyatt USA - Iowa 66 Richardson Katelynn USA - Nevada 461 1 55 Epperson Louis USA - Alabama 67 Hoover Elesse USA - New Mexico 455 6 56 Smith Cole USA - South Dakota 68 Mendonca Mckenna USA - Arizona 455 3 57 Brito Mariano Joel Mexico 69 Salot Sarah USA - Washington 440 2 58 Boies Layne USA - Washington 70 Ponczoch Jennifer USA - Wisconsin 436 1 59 Bowerman Noah USA - Washington 71 Trentham Zoe USA - California 429 1 60 Martinez Derrick USA - New Mexico 72 Price Mccaberie USA - Utah 416 3 61 Christiansen Austin USA - Utah 73 Gerber Amanda USA - Nevada 402 1 62 Wilken Nathan USA - Colorado 74 Logsdon Nicole USA - Minnesota 395 1 Gabriela Morales USA - New Mexico 376 0 63 Cawley Sawyer USA - Nevada 75 Borges 76 Fukuhara Paige USA - California 264 1 64 Lorge Samuel USA - Pennsylvania 65 Sornoza Zachary USA - Arizona Freestyle - Youth Male 66 Sandoval Brandon USA - New Mexico 1 Johnson Dane USA - Indiana 599 55 67 Bairagi Prem USA - Arizona 2 Rasmussen Sune Denmark 598 33 68 Lovern Cooper USA - Colorado 3 Franklin Conor USA - Minnesota 595 34 69 Hudson Coby USA - Colorado 4 Yee Spencer USA - Arizona 595 31 70 Kluck James USA - Wisconsin 5 Eisenmann Ethan USA - Michigan 594 31 71 Puls Timothy USA - Washington 6 McGraw Chase USA - Alaska 593 40 72 Reyes Connor USA - California 7 Howes Braeden USA - North Dakota 593 34 73 Foust Kyle USA - Oregon 8 Sears Connor USA - Texas 592 41 74 Marshbank Eli USA - Georgia 9 Dodson Korbin USA - Texas 591 31 75 Rodriguez Paulo Mexico Mexico 590 34 10 Gonzalez De Alba Rodrigo 76 Davis Austin USA - California 11 Ruffing Blaze USA - Wisconsin 590 28 77 Medina Michael USA - Nevada 12 Collins Beau USA - Kansas 588 33 78 Roser Jackson USA - Arizona 13 McDonald Trey USA - Ohio 588 28 79 Patel Shailesh USA - Arizona 14 Wilcox Ostin USA - Michigan 588 24 80 Neilson Zachary USA - Arizona 15 Rhodes Jackson USA - Oklahoma 587 29 81 Cardenas Eduardo Mexico 16 Holloway Ryder USA - Oklahoma 587 26 82 Thornhill Chase USA - California 17 Fyke Garet USA - Michigan 587 22 83 Maldonado Maximiliano Mexico 18 Crooks Kolby USA - Oklahoma 586 31 84 Vanwinkle Morgan USA - Wyoming 19 Klassen Brady Canada 585 24 85 Gutierrez Rogelio Mexico 20 Kirkwood Hunter USA - Nevada 584 29 86 Skinnell Kolman USA - Arizona 21 Johnson Thomas USA - California 584 23 87 Sapp Jordan USA - Arizona 22 Younger Nicholas USA - Missouri 583 24 88 Walker Alexander USA - Arizona 23 Comberbach Robbie Canada 583 20 89 Perry Douglas USA - New Mexico 23 Heritage Tyler USA - New Jersey 583 20 90 Cooley Ian USA - Nevada 25 Wagner Thompson USA - Arizona 580 35 91 Mawhorter Colby USA - Colorado 26 Franz Parker USA - Oklahoma 580 21 92 Young Hunter USA - Washington 26 Schrader Adam USA - South Dakota 580 21 93 Mastalka Travis USA - Nevada 28 Houde Gabriel Canada 580 20 94 Shipman Spencer USA - Nevada 29 Holloway Wyatt USA - Oklahoma 578 19 95 Davis Conner USA - California 30 Gould Miles USA - California 574 15 96 Toone Jackson USA - Utah 31 Barbato Nicholas USA - Delaware 574 13 97 Tamagawa Ikuya Japan 32 Collver Colter USA - Wyoming 573 18 98 Graham Ian USA - Nevada 32 Levario Travis USA - Arizona 573 18 99 Filipi Nathan USA - Nebraska 34 Longbons Hayden USA - Arizona 573 13 100 Campbell Jason USA - California


572 572 571 570 570 570 569 568 568 566 566 564 563 563 560 559 557 556 554 553 553 552 552 551 550 550 548 548 546 545 544 541 537 536 534 534 533 532 531 531 530 529 526 520 515 514 508 502 501 499 494 492 490 490 489 480 475 470 468 460 452 446 417 379 364 333


19 14 11 14 14 12 20 18 15 15 7 20 14 13 11 10 18 15 14 14 10 13 11 9 18 11 16 10 13 11 7 8 8 7 6 5 7 13 9 7 10 7 11 7 9 9 4 8 7 2 8 7 5 4 5 5 6 4 5 3 6 3 2 3 2 0

12/14/15 2015

everglades archers



State Animal Field Hunter TTL



State Animal Field Hunter TTL

C J M FSU Josiah Hughes FL C YA F FSU Fiona Maude CAN C A F FSU Heather Johnson FL 2 A F FSU Danielle Edelmann FL 3 A F FSU Joyce Haniman FL C A M FSU Angel Ramirez FL 2 A M FSU Chris Deston CT 3 A M FSU Steve Snider FL A M FSU Blake Haniman FL A M FSU Angel Rodriguez FL A M FSU Jay Pskowski FL A M FSU Philip Russell VT A M FSU Juan Meneses FL A M FSU Roberto Alzamora ECU A M FSU Jose Bertini ECU A M FSU Frank Ogden FL A M FSU Kurtis Galbraith FL A M FSU Scott Eurich FL A M FSU Donald Cuadra FL A M FSU Rene’ Mederos FL C V F FSU Becky Pearson AZ 2 V F FSU Darlene Marrier VT 3 V F FSU Gwen McMurray MD C V M FSU J C Bradway NJ 2 V M FSU David DiMascio FL

544 506 560 558 556 560 558 560 560 552 560 556 558 558 560 556 558 556 558 544 554 548 542 558 560

469 503 1516 510 514 1530 535 530 1615 518 521 1597 506 516 1578 548 549 1657 536 540 1634 533 540 1633 532 535 1627 531 543 1626 528 530 1618 525 533 1614 520 533 1611 520 531 1609 520 528 1608 523 522 1601 507 500 1565 527 1083 506 1064 489 1033 531 526 1611 499 484 1531 491 488 1521 545 543 1646 532 544 1636



State Animal Field Hunter TTL

3 V M FSU Ken Jones FL V M FSU David Townsend NY V M FSU Jake Pettitt FL V M FSU Frank Pearson AZ V M FSU Ron West MD V M FSU Al Wiscovitch CA V M FSU Lynwood Bunn GA V M FSU Gary Raymer KY V M FSU Jeff Markey FL V M FSU Jay Siegel FL V M FSU Harold Hall FL V M FSU Ralph Galatz FL V M FSU Steve Kendrick ENG V M FSU Robert Lincoln MA V M FSU Hank Farro FL V M FSU James Yahn OH V M FSU Kaare Haugland FL V M FSU Roger Niederhoff FL V M FSU Jorge Meneses FL V M FSU John Knox MD V M FSU Jim O’Brian FL V M FSU Bob Deston CT V M FSU Fred Meeker CT V M FSU Jim Brown FL V M FSU Jack Cason FL

558 533 528 1619 560 528 530 1618 556 522 537 1615 556 523 533 1612 560 522 525 1607 552 514 533 1599 558 516 523 1597 554 512 531 1597 560 519 516 1595 556 492 500 1548 526 508 508 1542 552 494 483 1529 552 478 493 1523 550 492 475 1517 536 484 482 1502 538 475 457 1470 524 468 476 1468 540 464 462 1466 530 443 470 1443 498 461 480 1439 512 447 468 1427 494 466 441 1401 498 385 412 1295 556 499 1055 528 528

2” R




hiel lic

o arab

4” P

304 217 215 736 150 187 159 496 450 310 310 1070 310 238 226 774 334 149 181 664 254 170 136 560 272 113 157 542 412 266 318 996 382 274 284 940 306 193 214 713 428 352 358 1138 442 332 319 1093 460 285 276 1021 372 284 316 972 386 205 209 800 312 170 206 688 278 127 197 602 274 180 168 592 256 158 177 591 506 461 471 1438 394 339 342 1075 232 191 211 634 346 273 305 924 542 491 496 1529 526 473 476 1475 484 415 431 1330 496 459 477 1432 488 377 371 1236 360 294 358 1012 548 505 516 1569 434 374 394 1202 532 453 460 1445 518 431 467 1416 480 406 419 1305 460 371 335 1166 384 17 401 454 335 347 1136 528 453 467 1448 518 518 542 485 486 1513 546 41 587 550 500 508 1558 558 490 489 1537 532 473 481 1486 500 61 561 548 484 484 1516 478 417 400 1295 492 402 418 1312 400 238 324 962 558 511 522 1591 558 496 498 1552 536 499 500 1535 518 447 452 1417 494 443 421 1358 552 533 532 1617 554 499 495 1548 550 490 482 1522 538 466 484 1488 516 489 472 1477 506 449 449 1404 482 457 460 1399 484 425 438 1347 458 393 407 1258 548 518 1066 560 535 542 1637 550 501 508 1559 544 506 498 1548 548 485 478 1511 554 515 528 1597

4” S

C A F LB Chrissy Skubish NJ 2 A F LB Renae Skubish NJ C A M LB Dana Chatoo FL 2 A M LB Nigel Downs ENG C V M LB Bill Bean MI 2 V M LB Don Sweeney WA 3 V M LB Bob Wartenberg FL C A M BHR Tim Gross FL 2 A M BHR Neil Jones FL C V F BHR Joan Peterson FL C V M BHR Alberto Bartlett FL 2 V M BHR Karl Pfeiffer IL 3 V M LB Armando Acosta FL V M BHR Gregg Powell FL V M BHR Dennis Gryder FL V M BHR Ron Reeves FL V M BHR Raul Sanchez FL V M BHR Stan Mintz FL V M BHR William Byrnes FL C A M BBR Ben Rogers CA C V M BBR Gary Lashley FL C C F BBC Alexis Truong FL C C M BBC Clayton Donahue FL C V M BBC Frank Burdi NJ C C F FSLR Mackenzie DiGiacomo FL C YA F FSLR Julia Francis FL C A F FSLR Tatyana Muntyan FL 2 A F FSLR Jennifer Samsel FL 3 A F FSLR Elena Azevedo FL C A M FSLR Brad Fulsang CAN C V F FSLR Angie Olds FL C V M FSLR Alan Wood SCOT 2 V M FSLR Steven Robinson OH 3 V M FSLR Don Planthaber FL V M FSLR Al Lizzio NY V M FSLR Larry Michael FL C A F BHL Sandy Pettitt FL C A M BHL Oliver Austin FL A M BHL David Reiss NY C V M BHL Frank Smith KY A M FSLC Densel Landrum FL C V M FSLC Dave Hryn NY 2 V M FSLC Charles May KY 3 V M FSLC Dennis Wallace MD V M FSLC Ron Lucas FL C J F BHU Montana Wiscovitch CA 2 J F BHU Chelsea McGowan FL C J M BHU William Taylor FL C A F BHU Sabrina McGowan FL C A M BHU Kevin Frye FL 2 A M BHU Josh Larsen FL 3 A M BHU Patrick McGowan FL A M BHU Ted Guevara FL A M BHU Bryan Terry FL C V M BHU Gary Marrier VT 2 V M BHU Pat Brown TX 3 V M BHU Bob Falisi FL V M BHU Bob St Jean FL V M BHU Mike Birkeland MT V M BHU Hugh Johnson GA V M BHU Gregory Knapp FL V M BHU Terry Williams GA V M BHU LeRoy Peters FL V M BHU Rick Dorey FL C C F FSU Sydney Sullenberger FL 2 C F FSU Alicia Aviles FL 3 C F FSU Sarah Shelley FL C C M FSU Cody Furiosi FL C J F FSU Hala Skelton FL

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scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 37 10/12/2015 2:12:36 PM

Iowa ProAm Archery Tournament & Tradeshow presents

Matt Stutzman The Inspirational Archer by Barb Sharp

Matt Stutzman, the Inspirational Archer

Iowa ProAm in January (Ashlyn had visited

from Iowa, inspired two young ladies from

Matt earlier on when he helped her devise

the Midwest on January 3, 2016, during the

a chin strap mechanism to enable her

Iowa ProAm. Like Matt, Ashlyn Slaymaker

to shoot her bow more comfortably and

(15) and Dani Nail (7) were born with unique

accurately). Ashlyn shot very well during her

arms, and were introduced to Matt (also

bow demonstration. Matt visited with Ashlyn

known as the Armless Archer). Carroll

and her parents, and talked about the

Walker from Missouri, who lost his arm in a

possibility of her earning a spot on the 2020

farming accident, has shot archery for many

Paralympic Team with Matt. It would require

years using a chew strap. Carroll has been

many hours of practice, and in return Matt

an inspiration to many people over the

would work on getting sponsors, a new bow,

years and was pleased to be a part of this

new release and a new chin strap every year

gathering for Ashlyn and Dani.

for her. He plans to work with Ashlyn at Fin

This was Dani’s first time meeting Matt,

& Feather out of Iowa City, where he himself

but she was no stranger to the sport of

first learned about archery. Ashlyn’s sincere

archery. Dani has been shooting for over a

dedication will be her friend as she goes to

year with what they call a chew strap; she

trials in 2019. This young lady is confident

uses it to pull the bow string back with her

(the word “can’t” is not in her vocabulary;

teeth in order to shoot her bow. Now that

this was taught by mom). She has a sweet

Dani is at the age of losing a few teeth and

personality, the support of her awesome

is impatiently waiting for the new ones to

family, and the strength to experience this

come in, Matt devised a chin strap release


that enables her to shoot without using her

Thank you Matt Stutzman and Carroll

teeth any longer. We will see Dani shooting

Walker for showing kindness and generosity

again sooner than we thought, thanks to her

in supporting both of these young ladies.

new chin strap release.

Thank you to ISAA Secretary Carol

Tompkins for coordinating this inspirational

Matt demonstrated his unique style

of shooting during a scoring break at the 38 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

moment with Matt Stutzman!


2015 MIDWEST OPEN ARCHERY TOURNAMENT The 9th annual Midwest Open Archery Tournament was held on December 12 and 13, 2015 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington, Illinois. For 2015, 475 archers from 22 different states registered for this event. Of the 475 registered, 444 competitors actually turned in at least one score, which is nearly a 10% increase over the 2014 event. The Midwest Open follows the same shooting rounds and scoring format as the Iowa Pro-Am. The first round is shot on the NFAA blue face with the X-ring counting as 6 points, and the remainder of the spot counting five points, for a total possible of 360 points. The second round is shot on the multi-color “Vegas” target face and is scored with the “inner-X” as 11 points, then 10 points for the inner gold ring, and 9 points for the remainder of the “gold” for a total possible of 330 points. Once again the 2015 Midwest Open was an NFAA Sanctioned Pro-Points event. To see full results and watch a short slide show presentation, visit us online at www.

MidwestOpenArchery.com. On Saturday, a total of 10 perfect 360 scores were shot by: Rocky Cummins (MI), Braden Gellenthien (MA), Adam Gibson (IN), Harrison Milne (IN), Kevin Koch (IL), Sarah Lance (WI), Ryan Locke (MI), Duane Price (WI), Scott Starnes (IN), and Donnie Thacker (KY). For all shooters entered in the Midwest Open, there were 18 persons that shot 359’s, and 19 that shot 358’s on Saturday’s 360 round. Unfortunately, we were unable to gather up all 10 shooters for a group photo for perfect 360’s. On Sunday, the first-ever perfect 330 score at the Midwest Open was shot by the Men’s Overall Champion, Chris Perkins (359/330). Chris finished in a tie for first place with Braden Gellenthein (360/329) at 689 total. The shootoff for first and second place immediately followed the completion of the round. The shooters had one practice end and then shot two regular scoring ends. In the first scoring end, Chris Perkins shot a perfect 33 while Braden Gellenthein shot a 32. On

Tom Dorigatti

Sarah Lance & Duane Price Repeat Champions Chris Perkins Takes Men’s Freestyle Championship Honors the second scoring end, both shooters shot perfect 33’s and Chris Perkins took the victory as a result of the shootoff total, 66 to 65. Sarah Lance had a repeat performance of her 2014 championship. Sarah took home a check for $756.41. Second place finisher Dahlia Crook (KS) took home $415.22 ,while 16-year-old Dusti Batsch (IL) earned a check for $279.82. Sarah Lance’s 685 out of a 690 possible set a new Midwest Open record >> continued on page 40

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 39

midwest open | continued from page 39 previously held by Jamie Van Natta. The Championship Senior Men’s Freestyle Class was won by Duane Price (WI) for the fourth year in a row (360/326). Duane shot a perfect 360 on Saturday and increased his lead on Sunday with a fine 326 for a total

winning score of 686. Duane took home a first place check for $1,029.43. Jackie White (MO), with a score of 680, took home a check for $559.92. The third place check for $411.19 went to Carl Wenk with a 677 total score. Carl won the tie breaker over Dave Barnsdale,

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40 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

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10/13/2015 10:02:46 PM

who finished fourth (355/322) and was awarded $288.71. When it was all said and done, the total payout for the entire Championship Division of 105 total Championship Division shooters registered was $14,720. The committee has already started working on boosting that purse for next year’s event through contributions from local vendors, manufacturers and other interested parties. Tournament records Twelve tournament records were either tied or broken during the 2015 Midwest Open. Of course the addition of the new “Amateur Money” Division created a new set of records in and of themselves. The biggest one of these records is that there is now a single member in the “Perfect 330 Club.” Chris Perkins became the first person in the Midwest Open to shoot a perfect 330 on Sunday’s round. n

See full results and watch a short slide show presentation at www.MidwestOpenArchery.com.


December 11-13, 2015

360 330 Round Round Total Shoot Place Division First Name Last Name State Score Score Score off Awards

Championship Division 1 $$-F-FS Sarah Lance WI 360 325 685 1 2 $$-F-FS Dahlia Crook KS 354 315 669 2 3 $$-F-FS Dusti Batsch IL 353 315 668 3 4 $$-F-FS Emily Bee MI 351 316 667 4 5 $$-F-FS Dawn Keller IN 345 319 664 5 6 $$-F-FS Christine Harrelson NC 355 307 662 7 $$-F-FS Debra Ochs MI 345 312 657 8 $$-F-FS Brooke Miller MO 346 310 656 9 $$-F-FS Lexi Keller WI 348 306 654 10 $$-F-FS Dee Starnes IN 348 303 651 11 $$-F-FS Melissa Hall IN 336 306 642 12 $$-F-FS Serena Schleusner WI 328 299 627 13 $$-F-FS Jamie Van Natta OH 354 0 354 1 $$-M-FS Christopher Perkins Athens 359 330 689 66 1 2 $$-M-FS Braden Gellenthien MA 360 329 689 65 2 3 $$-M-FS Dan Jasa MO 359 329 688 3 4 $$-M-FS Scott Starnes IN 360 328 688 4 5 $$-M-FS Lee Gibbs WI 359 328 687 5 6 $$-M-FS Donnie Thacker KY 360 327 687 6 7 $$-M-FS Bridger Deaton IA 359 328 687 7 8 $$-M-FS Todd Lambright PA 359 328 687 8 9 $$-M-FS Richard Bowen AR 359 327 686 9 10 $$-M-FS Alex Wifler IL 359 326 685 10 11 $$-M-FS Gregory Scherer MI 359 326 685 11 12 $$-M-FS Bryan Lovely IN 359 326 685 12 13 $$-M-FS Rocky Cummins MI 360 324 684 13 14 $$-M-FS Adam Gibson IN 360 324 684 14 15 $$-M-FS Kyle Markt MO 357 327 684 15 16 $$-M-FS Darrin Christenberry IN 359 324 683 16 17 $$-M-FS Mark Ritchie MI 359 324 683 17 18 $$-M-FS Ryan Locke MI 360 322 682 18 19 $$-M-FS Kevin Koch IL 360 322 682 19 20 $$-M-FS Nshan Thompson MO 359 323 682 20 21 $$-M-FS Sam Wolthuis MO 359 323 682 21 22 $$-M-FS Jeff Hopkins IA 358 323 681 22 23 $$-M-FS Lewis Holmes III WI 358 322 680 23 24 $$-M-FS Ryan Greenlief IL 358 322 680 24 1 $$-SR-M-FS Duane Price WI 360 326 686 1 2 $$-SR-M-FS Jackie White MO 358 322 680 2 3 $$-SR-M-FS Carl Wenk MI 357 320 677 3 4 $$-SR-M-FS Dave Barnsdale WI 355 322 677 4 5 $$-SR-M-FS Don Ward WI 355 322 677 5 6 $$-SR-M-FS Ed Horn IA 357 320 677 6 7 $$-SR-M-FS Chris Berry MO 357 318 675 7 1 $-F-BH-FS Brandy Lemons MO 334 309 643 1 2 $-F-BH-FS Kristy Nissley KS 329 283 612 2 1 $-F-FS Jessica Kirschling WI 353 312 665 1 2 $-F-FS Cheryl Keith KY 354 310 664 2 3 $-F-FS Jordan Dearman MO 348 308 656 3 4 $-F-FS Mikey McGhee MI 342 306 648 4 1 $-F-OLY Heather Hodge IL 265 240 505 1 1 $-M-BH-FS Perry Harping IN 357 320 677 1 2 $-M-BH-FS Jason Ladd MI 355 317 672 2 3 $-M-BH-FS Rodney Stormoen WI 346 317 663 3 4 $-M-BH-FS Darrel Hogan MO 349 312 661 4 Amateur Money Division 1 $-M-FS Kameron Henley KY 359 324 683 1 2 $-M-FS Jeremy Elliott KY 358 324 682 2 3 $-M-FS Kevin Beach KY 358 324 682 3 4 $-M-FS DJ Hunt MI 359 322 681 4 5 $-M-FS Paul Penrod MO 358 323 681 5 6 $-M-FS Joseph Majdecki MI 357 323 680 6 7 $-M-FS Danny Button WI 357 322 679 7 8 $-M-FS Jim Hutchinson IL 354 325 679 8 9 $-M-FS Zack Myers FL 359 320 679 9 10 $-M-FS Matt Bray WI 356 321 677 10 11 $-M-FS Eric Beaudry MI 352 325 677 11 12 $-M-FS James Ball MO 352 325 677 12 13 $-M-FS Alex Moss IA 356 321 677 13 14 $-M-FS Mark Herring OH 354 322 676 14 15 $-M-FS Marshall Willis IL 353 322 675 15 16 $-M-FS Elliott Workman OH 358 317 675 16 17 $-M-FS Jason Goedken IA 358 317 675 17 18 $-M-FS John Brooks MO 352 322 674 18 19 $-M-FS Andrew Hollmier IL 352 321 673 19 20 $-M-FS Dustin Whitehors WI 355 318 673 20 21 $-M-FS Steven Collins MO 355 317 672 21 22 $-M-FS Chris Hammons KY 353 319 672 22 23 $-M-FS Michael Blocker IA 356 316 672 23 24 $-M-FS Scott Erdman WI 354 318 672 24 25 $-M-FS Kyle Krischan WI 354 318 672 25


$756.41 $415.22 $279.82 $193.17 $142.62 $$$$$$$$$1,679.75 $979.85 $819.88 $749.89 $659.90 $579.91 $489.93 $429.94 $389.94 $309.95 $289.96 $269.96 $259.96 $239.96 $229.97 $219.97 $209.97 $199.97 $189.97 $179.97 $169.97 $159.98 $149.98 $139.98 $1,029.43 $559.92 $411.19 $288.71 $247.88 $204.14 $174.97 $104.00 $56.00 $182.00 $104.00 $68.00 $46.00 $40.00 $200.20 $114.40 $74.80 $50.60 $610.56 $357.12 $291.84 $264.96 $230.40 $195.84 $161.28 $142.08 $122.88 $115.20 $107.52 $103.68 $99.84 $96.00 $92.16 $88.32 $84.48 $80.64 $76.80 $72.96 $69.12 $65.28 $61.44 $57.60 $53.76

360 330 Round Round Total Shoot Place Division First Name Last Name State Score Score Score off Awards

26 27 28 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2

$-M-FS Tom Pierce OH $-M-FS Dan Schuster IN $-M-FS Tyler Orth WI $-M-OLY Adam Valera IL $-SR-F-FS Nancy Zorn IL $-SR-M-BH-FS Jon Tompkins KS $-SR-M-BH-FS Scott Erb IL $-SR-M-FS Jeffrey Dumke WI $-SR-M-FS Mark Jones IL $-SR-M-FS Jim Burns WI $-SR-M-FS Mark Venne WI $-SR-M-FS Randy Petersburg IA $-SR-M-FS Michael Flier IL $-SR-M-FS Randy Rutledge IL $-SR-M-FS Jon Myers IA $-SR-M-FS Steve Warf IL $-YA-M-FS Jordan Benadum OH $-YA-M-FS Robert Williamson IN

351 352 355 312 342 348 347 356 354 351 352 356 352 351 345 345 355 355

320 319 316 284 305 307 302 317 312 313 311 304 306 305 311 307 320 314

671 671 671 596 647 655 649 673 666 664 663 660 658 656 656 652 675 669

26 27 28 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2


$49.92 $46.08 $42.24 $40.00 $40.00 $104.00 $56.00 $306.00 $171.00 $130.00 $93.00 $81.00 $67.00 $60.00 $50.00 $45.00 $182.00 $98.00

Trophy Division 1 A-F-BH-FS Cameo Gereken MO 342 290 632 1 2 A-F-BH-FS Lindsey Sams IL 322 289 611 2 3 A-F-BH-FS Tressa Boyer OH 323 281 604 3 1 A-F-FS Angie Newell MO 351 307 658 1 2 A-F-FS Alex Mountcastle IN 335 315 650 2 3 A-F-FS Cassie Flood IL 341 309 650 3 1 A-F-OLY Nicole Stockton IL 291 275 566 1 2 A-F-OLY Lauren Iodice IL 222 212 434 2 3 A-F-OLY Nicole Weber IL 201 202 403 3 1 A-M-BH-FS Justin Waldrip IN 350 311 661 1 2 A-M-BH-FS Cole Duensing MO 347 313 660 2 3 A-M-BH-FS Blaine Kuhnert IL 348 311 659 3 1 A-M-FS Hunter Hogan MO 359 325 684 1 2 A-M-FS Austin Moornan IA 357 324 681 2 3 A-M-FS Lucas Roy KY 356 318 674 3 1 A-M-OLY Coby Moscowitz MI 312 275 587 1 2 A-M-OLY Marc Britten IN 298 276 574 2 3 A-M-OLY Jonas Lumayag IL 293 270 563 3 1 C-F-BH-FS Erica Gerken MO 295 274 569 1 1 C-F-FS Kaley Smedsrud SD 357 318 675 1 2 C-F-FS Dana Janiec IL 351 299 650 2 3 C-F-FS Kaylee Brodie IL 328 303 631 3 1 C-F-OLY Annie Wagner MO 269 263 532 1 2 C-F-OLY Jessica Laida Velasquez IL 196 206 402 2 1 C-M-BH-FS Tucker Lemons MO 314 289 603 1 2 C-M-BH-FS Clayton Mortimer IL 311 277 588 2 3 C-M-BH-FS Sean Hodge IL 204 168 372 3 1 C-M-FS Harrison Milne IN 360 322 682 1 2 C-M-FS Kapt Brandt MO 353 313 666 2 3 C-M-FS Ashton Smith MO 347 312 659 3 1 C-M-OLY Nazhruddin Macalandong IL 252 244 496 1 1 MS-M-FS James Bots MO 339 295 634 1 2 MS-M-FS Karl Nelson WI 333 300 633 2 3 MS-M-FS Ted Thorek IN 321 283 604 3 1 SR-F-FS Cynthia Wilkinson MI 337 295 632 1 2 SR-F-FS Darlene Kossler IL 306 285 591 2 1 SR-M-BH-FS Brian Wiedenfeld IL 339 307 646 1 2 SR-M-BH-FS Marty Mills IL 340 295 635 2 3 SR-M-BH-FS Kenneth Kays IN 329 303 632 3 1 SR-M-FS Warren Rush IA 353 303 656 1 2 SR-M-FS Craig Sams IL 346 303 649 2 3 SR-M-FS Donald Wilkinson MI 349 297 646 3 1 SS-F-FS Maxine Bots MO 338 295 633 1 2 SS-F-FS Sherry Lance MI 337 278 615 2 3 SS-F-FS Janette Domke IL 301 288 589 3 1 SS-M-FS James Pfiffner IL 349 306 655 1 2 SS-M-FS Paul Domke IL 336 296 632 2 3 SS-M-FS John Kanter WI 341 290 631 3 1 YA-F-FS Valerie Aten MI 349 310 659 1 2 YA-F-FS Sarah Lester IL 342 305 647 2 3 YA-F-FS Mackenzie Tompkins IA 340 306 646 3 1 YA-M-BH-FS Jacob Williams IL 288 276 564 1 1 YA-M-FS Evan Baker MO 354 322 676 1 2 YA-M-FS Logan Wehner MO 356 317 673 2 3 YA-M-FS Zachary Laux MI 353 319 672 3 1 Y-F-BH-FS Madison Mahnke IL 267 247 514 1 2 Y-F-BH-FS Savanna Crowley IL 195 201 396 2 1 Y-F-FS Hailey Johnson SD 353 311 664 1 2 Y-F-FS Aliyah Sebert WI 346 303 649 2 3 Y-F-FS Mary Hunter Hite NC 336 303 639 3 1 Y-M-BH-FS Richard Velasquez IL 184 171 355 1 1 Y-M-FS Blaze Ruffing WI 351 313 664 1 2 Y-M-FS Braeden Howes ND 347 313 660 2

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 41

Don Mendez

done. Glad I can laugh about it now!

In Colorado, we had a field shoot end early because of a fast approaching forest fire and were forced to evacuate the site!

Annalesha Green

I was once has to use a shoelace to fix my string in order to finish a shoot. Julene Hakl I shot with a lady at Outdoor Nationals and her peep would spin. So, she would draw, I would turn her peep and hold it til she would say “ok”. I would let go so she could shoot. It wasn’t until the end of the day that we discovered four strands held her string together! It was interesting how dangerous that was but archers always help each other out. Alex Gilliam At the 2015 Gator Cup, I shot the entire day with my limbs on upside-down. I didn’t realize it until the last end of the first day of shooting but the damage to my score had already been

United States Collegiate Archery Association Serving collegiate archers since1966

Target Competition 3-D Competition

During a large state tournament, I had held my breath during a shot and exhaled onto the lady’s neck in front of me and I will forever be known as the heavy breather. I am very conscious of when I exhale now! Terry Wietstruck I forgot it was my turn to shoot (I was busy socializing) and had to run up to the line with 1 minute left and shot the best end of the day! Ava McDowell I was in a local tournament and shooting really well when I heard a BANG and felt something hit my foot on the last shot of the tournament. After I finished the shot, I looked to my right to see that the Oneida next to me had blown up. There was an upper half limb embedded in the ceiling above my head. When I turned to step off the line, I realized everyone was starring not at the destroyed bow but at my feet. There, sticking out of the sole of my boot was the bottom half limb of the Oneida. I had been so focused on my shot that I never felt the limb tear a gash in my leather-hiking boot. It was worth it thought because I ended up winning my division by one point and continued to wear those boots for a couple more years. Jeff Jenkins I shot in the Open Pros last year. Someone was having some bowel issues and it made it very stinky. It made shooting very difficult for a bit until the air circulated away. Thomas Crowe

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Join College Archery Today www.uscollegiatearchery.org 42 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

Several years ago when I was shooting in Mexico City at the Championship Of The Americas Tournament. I was in the gold medal round and we were shooting at seventy meters. My opponent shot his arrow an instant before I shot mine. My arrow hit his arrow on the way to the target. His arrow scored a two and mine scored a five. The target we were shooting scores X, 10, 9, 8, down to 1. We were lucky that both arrows even hit the target!!

The Order of the Bone award falls upon those who, through outstanding lack of poise and earth prowess, made our dubious order mainly because they survived to tell their experiences. While experience may well be the best teacher, hopefully we can all learn from these unfortunates in the second best way­—second-hand.

NFAA® Calendar of Events DATE/TOURNAMENT............................................ VENUE

DATE/TOURNAMENT............................................ VENUE


June 18-19 north american field archery championship......................Oranco Bowman, CA


March 18-20 nfaa national indoor championships..................................Louisville, KY

>>  MAY May 6-8 national marked 3d championships.........Redding, CA

>>  JUNE

June 17-19 big sky open...............................................Salt Lake City, UT

>>  JULY July 25-29 NFAA NATIONAL OUTDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS...........................Darrington, WA

June 10-12 FIRST DAKOTA CLASSIC........................................ Yankton, SD

Please visit www.nfaausa.com for complete details and tournament information.

Find your way throught the maze to get the arrow to the target, then search for the archery words, below. Good luck! word search solution page 54

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 43

Coach’s Corner © bernie pellerite

The following are excerpts from Idiot Proof Answers to Archery’s Most Asked Questions by Bernie Pellerite. From the author: “When I decided to write this second book, I felt that it should be completely different from the first. To determine what most people wanted to hear, we took questions for over a year from the internet and from past seminars and shooter’s schools. Then we selected the top 275 from over 500 questions we had compiled. In this follow-up book to Idiot Proof Archery, we tried not to duplicate the material covered in the first book. So, most of Idiot Proof Answers is brand new material with new pictures and there is much more technical information in this book than in the first. The chapters include the following: Equipment, which includes bows, tuning, strings, peep sights, sights, rests, stabilizers, releases and arrows. Also Form, Aiming, Mental, Target Panic, Back Tension, Practice, Tournaments and Hunting. This article is a selection of questions and answers from the Bow Equipment chapter.

Equipment-STABILIZERS how much weight should i have on the end of my stabilizer? is more better?

The amount of weight that someone puts on their stabilizer really depends on their physical ability to be able to hold that weight up through the entire tournament without dropping out the bottom on the shot. Obviously, the heavier the mass weight of the bow is, the harder it is to move off the target, which makes for steadier aiming. But at some point, the bow becomes too heavy for the shooter, which causes him to battle to keep the sight up in the target, especially at the end of the day. The same thing happens with the end of your stabilizer, if you put too much weight on it. You have to remember  End weight depends on your physical ability throughout the tournament. If your sight moves left and right, add more weight to the front. If your sight bobs up and down, add weight to the back of the side rod or V-bars.

44 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

that you don’t want to balance your bow for your best days. On your best days you can probably hold up a cinderblock. You want to balance your bow for your worst days. You might find out the hard way that too much weight on the end of your stabilizer could cost you more points than it gave you. So, try to be more conservative and try 1-3 ounces. If your sight moves left and right, add 1 more ounce on the end. If it bobs up and down, add weight to the back of the side rod or V-bars. If it merely drops out, take 1 ounce off the end or add weight to the side rod or V-bars.

A lot of bowhunters ask this question. The longer the stabilizer is, the harder it is to move the bow left or right, up or down. Conversely, the shorter the stabilizer is, the easier it is to move left or right, up or down. The stabilizer’s resistance to movement is called “moment of inertia”; how much force it takes to move the stabilizer. There is a formula for what they call “weight at a distance”, which means, the farther the weight is away from the object, the more “moment of inertia.” The formula is: what is the reason for a long stabilizer?

length² X mass = moment of inertia Here’s an example: 30-inch stabilizer with a 2-ounce weight at the end. 30X30=900 X 2 = 1,800 (1,800 inch/ounces) Here’s another example for comparison: 10-inch stabilizer with 8 ounces of weight. 10X10=100 X 8 = 800 (800 inch/ounces) You would think 8 ounces would be harder to move left and right than 2 ounces, but not when it’s farther away. The formula proves it. That’s why freestyle shooters use longer stabilizers. Have you ever been to the circus and watched the high-wire act? They use a long bar, not a short one. The longer the bar is, the more balance they can maintain. The longer the stabilizer is, the harder it is to move the bow left or right, up or down. Circus performers use long poles to maintain their balance.

When trying to balance your bow, first it is important for you to decide whether you like a front-heavy bow that’s balanced left and right, but not front and back, or, if you like “neutral balance” as I call it, which is balanced front, back, left and right. Traditionally, people have put a long stabilizer with a weight on the front, if they shoot open or freestyle class. Of course, this type of setup started when everybody was shooting deflex riser bows. The deflex riser bows were back-heavy. If you had no stabilizer and you relaxed your hand, the bow would fall backwards. Earl Hoyt invented the stabilizer decades ago and people put a heavy weight, like a lead ball or brass weight, on the end of a long, aluminum rod, which helped to balance these types of bows. But, in the last several years, reflex risers have become popular with the limb pockets 3 to 6 inches in front of the handle, causing the majority of the weight to be forward of the handle. In my opinion, these extremely front heavy bows really don’t need extra weight in the front. I’ve created a concept called “neutral balance.” V-bars or a single offset bracket with adjustable stack weights are placed on the opposite side of the bow from the sight. We can literally balance a bow on a needle, as you can see in the picture. What this does for the shooter is that, at full draw, he doesn’t have to fight the sight to level the bow. He can pre-level the bow so that, at full draw, the bubble would be dead in the middle. This saves the majority of his “calm aiming time” For example, a normal shooter usually has only about 4 seconds at full draw of relative calm aiming time and most people spend two to three seconds fighting the level before starting to aim in earnest. This only allows one or two seconds for aiming, which is normally not enough. So, for that reason, we use an extremely light front rod and put most of the weight rearward with the use of V-bars or an offset bracket to counterbalance the already front-heavy reflex risers. On long stabilizers, remember this: when you start going past 25 inches—27”, 29”, 30”, 35”—the longer the front stabilizer is and the more weight you put on the very end, the more weight you will have to put on your V-bar. You may even have to double, triple or quadruple the weight in your V-bar. This is assuming you are looking for a balanced bow. Some people prefer not to have their bow balanced front-to-back and want a more front-heavy setup, because when they pull it back, they feel more weight pulling down, thus making them feel like they are holding steadier. Unfortunately for most people, this leads to the sight being drawn down to 6 o’clock and freezing problems start, which is a form of target panic. In the V-bars that I manufacture, which are different from others, I discovered that a 60° drop angle to the V-bar gives me more balance for the buck. Basically, I can put 30% less weight on what are some of the things to look for when selecting stabilizer placement and balance?

60° drop V-bars than if the bars came straight back. A 60° drop moves the center of balance back and down. Therefore, a bow can be balanced with less weight. A lot of today’s bows are frontheavy, so you need to have a very, very light front stabilizer and weight in the back on V-bars or an offset bracket With neutral balance, you can balance to compensate. Bottom line: the bow on a needle! balance your bow left and right first, then front to back, based on your preference. In the case of bowhunter class or bowhunter freestyle, where front stabilizers are usually limited to 12 inches, the same technique can be used with a short stabilizer. The trick there is to use the ultra-light front stabilizer, putting on as much back weight as possible. If the tournament you enter doesn’t allow any back weights, then use as light a front stabilizer as possible. We have produced some string stoppers that weigh up to 10 ounces that can be used on the rear of this type of a bow and, so far, is still legal in that class.

In general, stabilizers can be broken up into two different types. For 20 years, we used to define stabilization as something that would stabilize the front of the bow to keep it from moving left and right upon the shot and also absorb shock. So, they were good shock absorbers in addition to stabilizing the bow. The second type of stabilization has come about recently, no doubt because the innovations in bow technology. Most bows manufactured in recent years have some sort of rubber or shock absorption built right into the bow. Since parallel limb bows have very little—if any—hand shock, the need for rubberized parts in stabilizers has almost become obsolete. So, the new type of stabilization is merely to keep the bow from torquing left or right, making it harder to move when aiming. The farther the end of the stabilizer is from the riser of the bow and the more weight you put on the end, the more it will keep the bow from moving. This phenomenon, called weight at a distance, creates a larger “moment of inertia.” This simply means the amount of force it takes to move an object left or right etc. For example, if a onepound weight is sitting on a table, the moment of inertia is one pound. This means it takes one pound and one gram of weight to move it. Therefore, the formula for moment of inertia (as it applies to bow stabilization) is: what are the ins and outs of good stabilization?

length² X mass = moment of inertia >> continued on page 46 scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 45

coach’s corner | continued from page 45

A 10” stabilizer with 6 oz. and a 30” stabilizer with 3 oz. The difference in moment of inertia will surprise you!

Here’s an example: you have a 10-inch stabilizer with a 6-ounce weight on the end, (10 X 10 X 6 = 600 inch/ounces) also known as moment of inertia. If you took a 30-inch stabilizer and put only 3 ounces on the end, (30 X 30 X 3 = 2,700 inch/ounces), the 30-inch stabilizer has 4½ times the moment of inertia as the 10-inch stabilizer, even though it has less weight (3 ounces vs. 6 ounces). So the key factor here is the farther out you get the weight, the more bang for the buck. This will keep the bow from moving left or right when you are trying to aim. One of the primary physics rules is “An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.” If you can’t hold steady, then the larger moment of inertia will help you hold steadier at full draw. However, just because we have a large amount of weight on the front of the bow does not mean we stabilized the bow. Stabilization nowadays has to do with balance. I started this technique almost ten years ago and the industry is now following. Before I started making V-bars and balancing bows, people simply put long stabilizers on the bow with a side weight to counterbalance rest, sight bar, cable guard, etc. The end result is usually a front heavy bow that is somewhat balanced left and right. Upon release, the bow falls forward very quickly. Unfortunately, this type of stabilization causes several problems. One is grabbing the bow, and much more seriously, it causes “freezing,” usually below the target—a form of target panic. A large percentage of archers are predisposed to freezing and this type of stabilization just exacerbates it. These shooters are helped, in large part, by balancing their bows front to back in addition to left and right. This usually means putting a V-bar or sidekick bracket on, extending weight to the back to counterbalance the weight on the front. This is the most efficient way to balance a bow front, back, left and right, which I call “neutral balance”. Neutral balance basically is when holding your bow in a relaxed hand, the bow will hang evenly in the web of your hand, without falling left, right, forward or back. That means that if you draw the bow back with your eyes closed, relax the bowhand, open your eyes, you should see the bubble right in the middle of the level. At full draw, this eliminates the need to fight the bubble to get the bow leveled up before shooting. Furthermore, since the bow is no longer front-heavy, it’s easier to keep it in the spot without it dropping down, thus contributing to freezing low. More than two-thirds of the people we deal with prefer neutral balance. There are still shooters out there that want more front weight on the end of the stabilizer and claim it makes them steadier. An even smaller group wants a LOT of weight out front and wants the bow to fall over hard. Our stackable weight 46 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

system that fits both front stabilizers and V-bar systems caters to any or all of these different shooters. No matter what balance you prefer, you can add or subtract the stack weights until you get your bow to balance exactly how you want it to. The neutral balance system incorporates the theory that most archers do, in fact, have target panic, and freezing is about one-third to one-half of that group. Most people prefer not to have to battle their sight at full draw, or battle the heavy front of their bow. When shooting, you only have about 4 seconds of a fairly calm sight picture because lactic acid builds up in the muscles from holding the bow and the sight picture starts to disintegrate. If your bow isn’t neutral balanced, you will probably spend 2-½ seconds of that time leveling up your sight. That then leaves a little over 1 second to aim. With neutral balance, when you come to full draw you can go directly to aiming for 4 seconds because the bow is already level. There has been a group of people who say “for every ounce you have out in front, you have to have 2 (or 3) ounces in the back.” You just can’t make a blanket statement like that because that formula simply doesn’t work for every bow. There are different riser designs, some are front heavy, and some are rear heavy. Just sliding your sight bar in or out can change the balance of the bow by several ounces! In all my years of balancing bows, I’ve found bows that for every 1 ounce in the front, they need 2 ounces in the back. Other bows that are severely front-heavy need 9 ounces in the back for every 1-ounce in the front. That’s how much they vary. In general, remember if you have 3 ounces out at the end of a 30-inch stabilizer and you have a 10-inch V-bar, the V-bar is one-third the length of the front, so it will probably take at least 3 times as much weight (9 ounces) on the back, just to 60° drops on a V-bar are the most efficient. start. Another stabilization technique we use is the 60° drop on our V-bars and offset/sidekick bars. Instead of the back bars coming straight back, parallel to the ground, we’ve discovered that the most efficient position is 60°. This will give you the most mechanical advantage. If you make the bar(s) higher than the 60°, it will have a tendency to make the bow top heavy. If you make the bar(s) lower, then the weight moves towards the front of the bow, which defeats the purpose. For those of you who don’t like the 60° concept, we offer an “offset knuckle” and a “v-bar knuckle”, both of which have “gator grip” teeth so they will stay where you put it. Either one can be locked into almost any position by the archer. Here’s a handy little bit of information; if you are aiming and you notice that the front of the stabilizer (and your sight) is moving left and right, add one ounce at a time to the front of the bar. If the stabilizer and sight are moving up and down, then start adding weight evenly to each side of the V-bar or one at a time to the sidekick bracket, until the bow seems to >> continued on page 49

Straight Arrow Bowhunters Inc Presents

33rd Annual and 22nd Annual

NFAA Marked 3D National Championship May 6 - 8, 2016 The action starts Thursday, May 5th at 8am with our BLIND DRAW TEAM EVENT/FUN SHOOT Big Raffle Friday & Saturday 8am starting time all days - Shoot rain or shine Food available at the range Wed - Sunday NO high drawing/NO skyjacking of bows enforced Dry camping on range $15 week - starting April 1st BLM camping available April 30, BLM fee applies 25 targets Fri, 25 targets Sat, 20 targets Sun 2 arrow shoot, scoring 11-10-8 300 FPS rule & must shoot 3 days for awards


Postmarked After 2 Day by 2 Day by April 18 April 18 April 18 Late Reg

Family* $125 $145 Couple $100 $120 Adult/Senior $55 $75 Young Adult (15-17) $45 $65 $25 $50 Youth (12-14) $18 $38 Cub (8-11) $12 $32 PeeWee (0-7)

$80 $60 $35 $30 $20 $15 $18

$90 $70 $45 $40 $30 $25 $28

*Family is husband, wife, and children under 18 • NO REFUNDS


Hoyt USA • Easton • Mathews • Leupold • Mtn Ops Bow Rack • Limbsaver • Warn • Elite GoldTip • Q’s Bar-B-Que • Oxford Suites • Prime G5 Rinehart Targets • Sportsman’s Warehouse • Spider Archery Best Western Hilltop Inn • Carter Enterprises If you shoot a “22” on Bigfoot, you will receive a certificate for 50% off of a Carter release

MONEY SHOOT ENTRY FEES: Men or Women Individual $100* Men or Women Teams Per Individual $50** *Individual shooters must also pay trail shoot registration fee. **Team shooters must also register as individuals in the money shoot. (Money shooters are not eligible for Trail Shoot awards)



$25 per person

*NFAA shooters must also pay trail shoot entry fee

For more information: Make checks payable to Straight Arrow Bowhunters, Inc. Mail ALL Registration to: The Bow Rack (530) 243-5181 Straight Arrow Bowhunters Donna Laughlin (530) 335-2620 PO Box 493371 Jim Waters (530) 945-2114 Physical address: 9317 Swasey Dr., Redding, Ca Redding, CA 96049-3371 Ron Peery (530) 348-2135 GPS coordinates: 40.57928 -122.35681 scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 47

Regular Trail Shoot, NFAA 3-D Nationals & Money Shoot Entry Form

Pre-registration must be post marked by April 18, 2016. Those registering after this date must do so at the tournament site. Please note the pre-registration fee is non refundable (certificates issued). Fees are on the front of this flyer. NFAA classification card is required for B & C classes. Archers who register in B or C class & shoot higher than 1000 for a combined score on Friday & Saturday will be asked to show their NFAA handicap scores or will be automatically moved to "A" class. Please include a clear & complete email address in case we must contact you about your registration. Group Name: _______________________ Please note...We do not reserve targets, but we will make every effort to put your entire group together and honor your target # requests. If you have a large group, you need to register early before targets start filling up. If you register after April 1st, we will put you where there is room.

Every individual/parent must sign insurance waiver when picking up scorecards

Freestyle Ltd Recurve-FSL Rec

Barebow - BB

Bowhunter Freestyle Ltd - BHFSL**

Bowhunter Freestyle - BHFS

Freestyle Limited - FSL

Freestyle - FS

Traditional - Recurve

Pee Wee No Sights - under 7 yr

PW Pee Wee 7& below **

**not NFAA class

Traditional - Longbow

Bowhunter - BH

Barebow - BB

F - Female

M - Male


Bowhunter Freestyle Ltd -BHFSL


Bowhunter Freestyle - BHFS


Freestyle Limited - FSL


Freestyle Ltd Recurve-FSL Rec


Freestyle - Release - FS


_____________________ Write shooters names below, clearly and complete boxes to the right....

Write in box below; YA -Young Adult 15-17 Y-Youth 12-14 C - Cub 8-11

Write in box below; A - Adult 18-49 S - Senior 50-59 SS - Silver Senior 60-69 MS - Master Senior 70+


Pee Wee - Sights -under 7 yr

Mailing address:

Class; A B C Or Pro No A, B, C for PeeWee Trad Senior Slv Sr Or Master Senior

NFAA Registration (optional): If you choose to compete in the NFAA portion of the Western Classic Trail Shoot, please list your names here. An additional $25 entry fee applies along with the Trail Shoot fees. You must be a member of the NFAA in order to compete for NFAA awards. If you are an NFAA Professional an additional $100 must be included for the Pro Purse. Your WCTS style and class will be used for the NFAA Tournament. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ For registration information, call Barbara Erlei (530) 338-2860 or email: sab_registration@hotmail.com Make checks payable to Straight Arrow Bow Hunters (SAB). Mail ALL registration to: SAB, P.O. Box 493371, Redding, Ca. 96049-3371 *Money Shooters placing in the top FIVE are subject to speed check with chonograh (300 fps+/- 3%) *Seniors in the $ Shoot may compete in Senior or Adult, but must stay in same division for NFAA. Individual Shooter Name: ________________________ Team Partner (if applicable):______________________ BB/BH & LB/REC are combined for the team event only

48 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

Trail Shoot Fee $ ______ NFAA Tournament $25 per person $_______ NFAA Pro Purse $100 $_______ Individual Money Shooter $100 $_______ Team Money Shoot $50 per person $_______ Total Fees Included $_______

coach’s corner | continued from page 46

stop moving up and down. This, of course is an individual preference because it has a lot to do with muscularity, stamina, breathing, how much you have practiced recently, etc. So, it has a lot to do with the individual’s tolerance and ability to hold steady.

For most people, the answer is no. The reason for this is there are a very few people that can tell the difference between an ultra-stiff stabilizer and a stiff stabilizer. The top pros that are in tune with their bows might find some advantage, however slight it might be. When they draw to anchor and hit the wall, if they hit the wall hard that might make the front stabilizer “bounce.” If it bounces, it should settle down in 1 to 2 seconds, which is about the amount of time that it takes for the archer to get into anchor and ready to start pulling. There are some pros that claim that they get a steadier sight picture quicker because the stiffer stabilizer will calm the sight picture down sooner. However, I have sold stabilizers in the past that are as stiff as many advertised currently. My 1-inch diameter light aluminum stabilizer is stiffer than most carbon stabilizers. Ultra-stiff stabilizers like our Wind Dragon No one noticed any Pro-X are not necessarily for everyone. drastic improvement in his or her score because the stabilizer was ultra-stiff. That’s because the average shooter who bought them wasn’t capable of holding really steady in the first place. They would shake at full draw, no matter what stabilizer they used. It is true that a stiff stabilizer will get your bow steadied down sooner than one that is really flexible, but there is a limit to what stiff is. For the individuals that can notice the difference, we have stabilizers available. We even have the stiffest one ever produced for archery called the “Wind Dragon Pro X”, which is stiffer than any on the market today. But I would urge you to try one before you buy one, if you can, and see if you notice a difference. If you do, then that’s the way to go. If you don’t, then don’t waste your money on ultra-stiff, if stiff will work for you.

farther away from the bow than a sidekick rod. Side kickers are typically 1 to 2 inches away, where V-bar rods are normally 5 to 8 inches away on both sides. So, it’s harder to move a bow with a V-bar on it left and right than a side kicker. For that reason, I prefer a V-bar.

does a stiffer stabilizer really shrink your groups?

V-bars are easier to balance than an offset bracket

Side rod on Offset Knuckle with quick disconnects. The Knuckle will mount through the riser or at the front stabilizer hole.

Sometimes if we have too heavy of a weight on the end of the stabilizer, you’ll get some left/right – but usually up/down – variance in your practice sessions. The reason for this is that, contrary to popular belief, a lot of heavy weight on the end is not always a good thing. One of the laws of physics says, “An object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest.” If the weight is too heavy on the end of your long stabilizer, then it never really settles down; it continues to sway back and forth as you are shooting. If you lighten the weight up on the front of your stabilizer and you quit looking at the pin and start looking hard at the middle of the target, you’ll find it settles down a lot quicker. Sometimes it’s the opposite and you need more weight on the end to keep down the lefts and rights. It’s all up to the individual, A lot of heavy weight on the end of a stabilizer is not always a good thing for so try both ways. most shooters.

It really depends on the individual, but I tend to prefer the V-bar. The V-bar is much easier to balance for most bows because you don’t have to put all the weight just on one side to counter-balance the front and side that are pulling on today’s bows. It’s easier to adjust left to right and front to back with a V-bar because you don’t have to push V-bars as far back as the side rod to get the same balance. For example, a V-bar offers a more stable platform when balancing a bow because the V-bar is actually what’s better to have, a v-bar or just a side rod?

This chapter was about stabilizers. In the next issue, I will be answering questions dealing with releases. Each issue will have more questions and answers from other chapters. Stay tuned! If you can’t wait, you can purchase this hardcover book for $34.95 from Robinhood Videos at (614) 322-1038 or www.robinhoodvideos.com. NFAA members; you can get it for $29.95 if you CALL to order and mention this article. scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 49

edited by nfaa headquarters Complete results of the Indoor Sectional Tournaments are available online at www.nfaausa.com/results

aae | connecticut maine | massachusetts new hampshire | vermont rhode island

illinois | indiana michigan | ohio wisconsin

northwest alaska | idaho montana | oregon washington | wyoming

great lakes

new england

midwest iowa | kansas minnesota | missouri nebraska | north dakota south dakota


delaware | maryland pennsylvania | new jersey new york | virginia west virginia

southwest southeast southern arizona | california colorado | hawaii new mexico | nevada utah

arkansas | louisiana mississippi | oklahoma texas alabama | florida georgia | kentucky north carolina | tennessee south carolina

Great Lakes Section

Waterford Estates | 574-272-5220 Primitive camping on site KOA South Bend/Elkhart North (8 miles) • 50707 Princess Way, Granger, IN 46530 • 574-277-1335 • southbendkoa@usa.net Miscellaneous Info: Open practice Friday 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm Campgrounds:

illinois | indiana michigan | ohio wisconsin

Mid-Atlantic Section

Rocky Kline, Councilman

delaware | maryland pennsylvania | new jersey new york | virginia west virginia


2016 GREAT LAKES OUTDOOR SECTIONAL JUNE 11-12, 2016 Indiana Locations hosting club: izaak walton league Range Location: 20400 Darden Road, South Bend IN 46637 Directions to Range: From east or west, take the Ind. Toll Road to exit 77-turn left (or north) 3.4 miles to Darden Road turn left (or west) approx. 1/2 mile on left or south side of Darden Rd. From north or south, take US 31 bypass to Cleveland/Brick Rd. exit. Turn left (or east) travel 4.7 miles to IN 933 turn left (or north) at the first red light (Darden Rd.) 1/2 mile turn left (or west) approx. 1/2 club on the left side of road. Send Registration: Lora Smith, 1153 W Glenlord, St. Joseph, Mi 49085 • 269-3639825 • smithloralee@aol.com Make Checks Payable to: IZAAK WALTON Pre-Registration Deadline: June 3, 2016 Late Registration: Tournament site Schedule: Saturday: - June 11th • 9:00 AM 28 Field Targets and 14 Animal Targets Sunday: - June 12th • 9:00 AM 28 Hunter Targets, Awards following Motels: within 2 miles of range Motel 6 | 574-272-7072 Hampton Inn | 574-277-9373 Comfort Inn & Suites | 574-272-1500 Holiday Inn & Express | 574-968-8080 America’s Best | 574-277-7700 50 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016


Dave Hryn, Councilman midatlcouncilman@hotmail.com

MID-ATLANTIC OUTDOOR JUNE 25 AND 26, 2016 HOSTING CLUB: GARDEN STATE ARCHERS (founded in 1960) RANGE LOCATION: 110 Larrison Rd, Wrightstown, New Jersey 08562. Also shown as “Wrightstown” on some GPS systems. There is NO PHONE at the Club House but you can contact us at these cell phone numbers: President, Mark Machulsky 856-465-8610; Treasurer/Photographer, Kristina Erin Kaye 609-218-8628(C) or 609-918-0603(H); Registrar/ Webmaster, Tracey Thompson 609-858-1487. Club Website is www.gardenstatearchery.com Directions to Range: From any direction on the New Jersey Turnpike: Proceed to Exit 7A then enter I-195 West towards the Shore Points. Go about 10 miles and exit at Exit 16A. Make a right onto Monmouth Road (aka Rt. 537) and proceed straight for about 9 miles where you’ll make a right turn on to Province Line Road. There is a sign here for the HANOVER GOLF CLUB. Go 0.7 miles and make a left turn onto Larrison Road. Come down about 0.6 mile and enter the GARDEN STATE ARCHERY CLUB on your right. Send Registration To: Tracey Thompson, 329 Lincoln Avenue, Hightstown, NJ 08520-4119 • Tel: 609-448-4881; Cell: 609-858-1487 • traceythompson@earthlink.net

Pre-registration Deadline:

Postmarked by Friday, June 10, 2016 to avoid $15 Late Fee LATE REGISTRATION: Available at the Club on Friday, June 24, 2016 from Noon to 6 PM. SCHEDULE: SATURDAY, June 25th - 28 Target Hunter Round & 14 Target Animal Round – 9:00 AM start. SUNDAY, June 26th - 28 Target Field Round – 8:30 AM start. MOTELS: Quality Inn, 21 Wrightstown-Cookstown Road, Cookstown, NJ 08511. Phone: 609-723-6500 Ext 271 or register online at www.choicehotels.com. Rates are usually between $70 to $80 this time of year (5 miles from range). Day’s Inn, 507 East Main Street, Wrightstown, NJ 08562. Phone: 1-800-225-3297 or register online at www.daysinn.com (5 miles from range). CAMPGROUNDS: Tip Tam Camping Resort | 301 Brewers Bridge Road, Jackson, NJ 08527 • 732-363-4036 www.tiptam.com Butterfly Camping Resort | 360 Butterfly Road, Jackson, NJ 08527 • 732-928-2107 • www.butterflycamp.net Turkey Swamp Park | 200 Georgia Road, Freehold, NJ 07728 • 732-462-7286 www.monmouthcountyparks.com Misc. Info.: “Guest participants” are NOT allowed. A practice range will be open, for a $5 donation, on Friday, June 24 from noon to 6 PM. Our Practice Butts now go from the “Bird Shot” distance to 65 yards. The Mid-Atlantic Section Annual Business Meeting will be held at the club on Friday, June 24, 2016 starting at 5:00 PM. Not far from Garden State Archers is Six Flags Great Adventure - Hurricane Harbor - Safari Off Road Adventure, one of the country’s biggest and most popular ride parks. Go to www.sixflags.com/ greatadventure. The Jackson Outlets, New Egypt Raceway and the Barnegat Light House all close by. The Hanover Golf Club is directly across the street from Garden State Archers. Numerous restaurants, fast food and coffee shops are within 10 to 15 minutes. Add’l. Info/Contacts: Website: www.gardenstatearchery.com

Midwest Section iowa | kansas minnesota | missouri nebraska | north dakota south dakota

Ray Jones, Councilman iowaarchery@hotmail.com

MIDWESToutdoor Sectional june 18 & 19, 2016 HOSTING CLUB:

independence bowhunters

Contact: Tobi Rogers • ibhsecretary@yahoo.com www.independencebowhunters.org Hosting club: NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Complex Location: 800 Archery Lane, Yankton, SD 57078 Contact: Josahan Jaime-Santa Cruz • 605/260-9282

Midwest Outdoor June 25 & 26, 2016 HOSTING CLUB: Rapids Archery ClUB RANGE LOCATION: 1255 133rd Ave NW, Andover, MN 55304 Directions to Range: 1.5 miles north of Hwy 242 on Hanson Blvd Send Registration to: Julene Hakl, 5656 317 Street, STACY, MN 55079 651/462-1916 (Home) • 612/710-8873 (Cell) WJARCHERY@gmail.com

Pre-registration none Deadline: LATE REGISTRATION: none SCHEDULE: NFAA Field/Hunter: 28 field on Saturday; 14 hunter & 14 Animal on Sunday. 9:00 am shotgun start on Saturday. Sunday starting time announced at tournament. MOTELS: Comfort Suites | 6440 Hwy 10, Ramsey, MN • 763/423-4800 Americinn | 13440 Hwy 65, Ham Lake, MN • 763/755-2100 Americinn | 3430 Northdale Blvd, Coon Rapids, MN • 763/232-0010 CAMPGROUNDS: Bunker Hills Campground | Hwy 242 & Foley Blvd., Coon Rapids,MN • 763/862-4970 Misc. Info,: www.rapidsarchery.org • www.themnaa.org Add’l. Info/Contacts: Bill Hakl • wehjkh@gmail.com

New England Section aae | connecticut maine | massachusetts new hampshire | vermont rhode island

Ken Moore kmoore151@verizon.net

We’ve made a change to our Indoor Sectional Tournament this year, as we wiloffer more locations to shoot. For 2016, we’ll offer north, central and south venues. Hope to see you there! —Ken Moore New England Indoor Sectional April 2 & 3, 2016 HOSTING CLUB: Tangy’s Archery RANGE LOCATION: 200 Bald Hill Rd, Warwick, RI 02886 Directions to Range: From the south; take 95 N to 295, to exit 2, to Rt 2 N. Take right @ traffic light and first left, to Pella drive. Lanes are on the right above Gold’s gym. From the north; take 95 S to exit 12B to 295 N. Take exit 2, to Rt 2 N. Take right @ traffic light and first left, to Pella drive. Lanes are on the right above Gold’s gym. From the west; take Rt 6 to 295 S. to Rt 2 to East Ave. Take a U turn on Rt 2N. Take right @ traffic light and first left, to Pella drive. Lanes are on the right above Gold’s gym. Send Registration To: Tangy’s Archery, Attn: James Dean, 200 Bald Hill Rd., Warwick, RI 02886 • 401-737-2697 LATE REGISTRATION: No Late Registration SCHEDULE: 4/2 Saturday 10 AM; 4/3 Sunday 10 AM, 6 PM MOTELS: La Quinta Inn & Suites, 36 Jefferson Blvd., Warwick, RI • 401941-6600 Motel 6, 20 Jefferson Blvd., Warwick, RI • 401-467-9800 NYLO (walking distance to shoot), 400 Knight St., Warwick, RI • 401-734-4460 Sheraton Providence Airport Hotel, 1850 Post Rd., Warwick, RI • 401-738-4000 HOSTING CLUB: Lunenburg Sportsmens Club, Inc. RANGE LOCATION: 250 Reservoir Road, Lunenburg, MA 01462 Diretions to Range: From Route 2A: Take Lancaster Avenue – Turn Right onto Reservoir Road – Turn Right into the Club From Route 2: Take Lunenburg Road exit 35 – Turn right onto LeominsterShirley Road – Turn left onto Reservoir Road – Go through P> J> Keating gravel area and through under pass – Continue Reservoir Road. Turn left into Club. Send Registration To: Checks payable to Lunenburg Sportsmens Club – Send to – Ruby Shannon, 2 Corey Road, Ashburnham, MA 01430 – Phone 978-827-5217 – E-mail LSC70@netzero.net LATE REGISTRATION: On-site, space-permitting. Call range to verify open lanes. continued on page 52 scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 51

SECTIONAL NEWS | continued from page 51 LATE FEE: NONE SCHEDULE: 4/1 Friday 7:00pm 4/2 Saturday – 10:00am – 1:00pm – 4:00pm – 7:00pm 4/3 Sunday – 8:30am –11:30am MOTELS: DOUBLETREE BY HILTON HOTEL LEOMINSTER, 3.7 MI LUNENBURG • 1-866-25-9753 SPRINGHILL SUITES BY MARRIOTT BOSTON DEENS COMMON CENTER • 1-866-538-0293, 7.2 MI FROM LUNENBURG Colonial Hotel, 625 Betty Spring Rd., Gardner, MA 01440 • 978930-2500 Wachusetts Village Inn, 9 Village Inn Rd., Westminster, MA • 978-847-5351 CAMPGROUNDS: Club Grounds HOSTING CLUB: Lakeside Archery RANGE LOCATION: Rt 9, Cumberland Road, North Yarmouth, ME 04097 Directions To Range: Rt 9 Cumberland Road, North Yarmouth, ME Area Hotels: Comfort Suites Freeport, 500 Us Route 1, Freeport, ME 207865-9300 Holiday Inn Express & Suites 13, 450 U.S. Route 1, Freeport, ME 800-315-2621 Econo Lodge, Route 1 South Freeport ME 1-855-873-6561 Super 8 Freeport, 506 Us Route 1, Freeport, ME 844-232-4723 Best Western Freeport Inn, 31 U.S. Route 1, Freeport, ME 207865-3106 Send Registration To: Checks payable to Lakeside Archery– Send to – Steve Dunsmoor, 55 Cumberland Rd, North Yarmouth, ME 04097 – Phone 207-829-6213 – E-mail lakesidearchery@gmail.com LATE REGISTRATION: ON SITE, SPACE PERMITTING. CALL RANGE TO VERIFY OPEN LANES. LATE FEE: NONE SCHEDULE: 4/2 Saturday – 9:00 am – 1:00 pm 4/3 Sunday – 9:00 am –1:00pm

Bayou Bowmen 4900 South Lewis St., New Liberia, LA Contact: Ricky St. Upery 377-380-0082 Archery Country 8121 Research Blvd., Austin, TX Contact: Mike Luckie 512-452-1222 Oklahoma - TBD • Watch Oklahoma website

2016 Southern outdoor Sectionals june 11 & 12, 2016 Hosting club: Trosper Archery Club Location: Oklahoma City, OK Contact: Randy Callison • 405-863-4823

Southeast Section alabama | florida georgia | kentucky north carolina | tennessee south carolina

Tim Austin flarchery@earthlink.net

New England outdoor Sectional june 25 & 26, 2016 HostING CLUB: Lunenburg Sportsmens Club – Lunenburg, MA Contact: Ruby Shannon • 978/827.5217

Southeastern Outdoor Sectional May 21-22 & 28-29, 2016 Hosting Club: Range Location: Contact:

Southern Section arkansas | louisiana mississippi | oklahoma texas

Lee Gregory, Councilman lee@dlprint.com

2016 Southern Indoor Sectionals March 12-13, 2016 Santa Fe Archery 13238 FM 1764 Rd., Santa Fe, TX 77510 Contact: Tammy Ekstrom 409-927-4646 Cinnamon Creek Archery 13794 Old Denton Rd., Roanoke, TX 76262 Contact: Charles Yardley 817-439-8998 Hoot and Holler Archery 601 Barksdale Blvd., Bossier City, LA Contact: Chip Hemphill 318-747-6501 Clyde’s Archery 5564 Ayers Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 Contact: Clyde Miller 361-855-3116

gator bowmen, inc. 10404 SW Williston Rd., Gainesville FL 32608 Tim Austin • 352/332.1969

May 28-29, 2016 Hosting Club: Keowee Bowmen, Inc. Range Location: 153 Archery Club Rd, Central, SC 29630 Directions to Range: From I85 headed South: Exit 19B go US 76 West 11-1/2 miles to US 123 West (left turn) go 1/2mile to next red light and turn right onto Hwy 133 North. Travel North for 6 miles to a left turn on Archery Club Rd. 153 Archery Club Rd is 1/2 mile on left. From I85 headed North: Exit 14 ... turn left onto Hwy 187 go 6 miles and turn left onto US76 West for 5-1/2 miles to US 123 West (left turn) go 1/2 mile to next red light and turn right onto Hwy 133 North. Travel North for 6 miles to a left turn on Archery Club Rd. Keowee Bowmen @ 153 Archery Club Rd is 1/2 mile on left. Send Registration to: S. Dale Smith, 149 Low Road, Six Mile, SC 29682 Phone: 864-637-9100 email: sdalesmith@yahoo.com Pre-Registration Deadline: Postmarked no later than May 21st, 2015 or call in or email not later than midnight, May 25th Schedule: Friday May 27th 8AM till 4PM Late Registration and practice Saturday May 28th 7:30 -8:15AM ... Late registration Saturday May 28th 8:40 AM ... Safety meeting and prayer Saturday May 28th 9:00 AM ... Start shooting 9AM ... 28 target Field Round plus 14 target Animal Round Sunday May 29th 8:30 AM Saturday May 28th 8:30 AM ... Safety meeting and prayer Sunday May 29th 9:00 AM ... Start shooting 9AM ... 28 target Hunter Round Sunday May 29th 3:00 PM (Approx.) Awards Ceremony Motels: Comfort Inn | 1305 Tiger Blvd, Clemson, SC • 866-653-3600 continued on page 54

52 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016



Last Name

First Name





Email Member ID#


Zip Code



NFAA Member

USA Archery Member


Pro Divisions

Adult & Senior Divisions

Junior Divisions







Pro Divisions

Adult & Senior Divisions

Junior Divisions






Please select Age Category and Shooting Style: Pro Adult


Pro Senior (50 and over)

Young Adult (age 15-17) Senior (50 and over)

Adult, Senior, Silver Senior & Master Senior Divisions Barebow Bowhunter Bowhunter Freestyle Bowhunter Freestyle Limited Traditional Freestyle Freestyle Limited Freestyle Limited Recurve Longbow Crossbow (Adult Only)

Youth (age 12-14)

Silver Senior (60 and over)

Cub (under 12) Master Senior (70 and over)

Pro Adult/Pro Senior Freestyle Freestyle Limited Freestyle Limited Recurve

Junior Divisions Barebow Bowhunter Freestyle Freestyle Freestyle Limited Freestyle Limited Recurve


SECTIONAL NEWS | continued from page 52 Hampton Inn | 851 Tiger Blvd, Clemson, SC • 866-653-7744 Holiday Inn Express | 1381 Tiger Blvd, Clemson, SC, 29631 • 866-654-9410 Days Inn | 1387 Tiger Blvd, Clemson, SC, 29631 • 866-653-4411 Campgrounds: At Keowee Bowmen | $25 a night 120 VAC 20 amp service/ bath rooms and water/no showers High Falls County Park Campground (about 10 miles) | 671 High Falls Rd, Seneca, SC 29672 • (864) 882-8234 Misc. Info: Keowee is located in the upstate SC area, we are less than an hours drive to the scenic Appalachian mountain range. Smoky Mountain Nat’l park is only two hour drive. Come and enjoy our hospitality and this beautiful area. Add’l. Info./Contacts: Keowee president: Perry Burns • 864-784-0848 • pab40sc@ charter.net Keowee Secretary: Emmett Tyree • 864-650-8758 • eatyree@ bellsouth.net

southwest outdoor sectional may 21-22, 2016 HOSTING CLUB: grand mesa bowmen RANGE LOCATION: Grand Junction, CO Contact: Eric Mestas • 970-361-0985 Send Registration To: sherist1000@msn.com • 303-503-9998 Pre-registration Deadline: none LATE REGISTRATION: Saturday, May 21 MOTELS: Grand Junction, CO Misc. Info.: Range is located within the Colorado National Monument in Grand Junction, CO, Add’l. Info./Contacts: Grand Mesa Bowmen Inc.ß, P.O. Box 752, Grand Juntion, CO 81502-0752 • President: Kerry Anderson • Secretary: Erik Mestas, 970-361-0985

Southeast outdoor Sectional june 11-12, 2016 Hosting Club: Kennesaw Archery Club Range Location: 2489 Pitner Road, Acworth, GA 30101 Directions to Range: From Atlanta: Take I-75 North to Exit 270, turn Left, travel ½ mile and turn Right on Highway 92, follow Highway 92 to Highway 41, turn Left, travel 1 mile and turn Right onto Mars Hill Road, travel 1 mile and turn Right onto County Line Road, travel 2 miles and turn Right onto Pitner Road, travel 1 mile and the range is on the Left. From Chattanooga: Take I-75 South to Exit 270, turn Right, travel1/2 mile and turn Right on Highway 92, follow Highway 92 to Highway 41, turn Left, travel 1 mile and turn Right onto Mars Hill Road, travel 1 mile and turn Right onto County Line Road, travel 2 miles and turn Right onto Pitner Road, travel 1 mile and the range is on the Left. Send Registration to: Bill Millican, 2280 Brandon Court, Marietta, GA 30066 Pre-Registration Deadline: Postmarked no later than May 15, 2015. Late Registration: May 18, 2016 Schedule: Friday, June 10, 2016 Range Open for Practice 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM Saturday, June 11, 2016\] Range Open for Practice 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM Field Tournament Meeting and Target Assignments, 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM Field Tournament Start Time: 9:15 AM Animal Tournament Meeting and Target Assignments – 2:00 PM Sunday, June 12, 2016 Range Open for Practice 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM Hunter Tournament Meeting and Target Assignments 8:#0 AM – 9:00 AM Hunter Tournament Start Time 9:15 AM Awards Presentation: 2:30 PM Motels: There are numerous motels and hotels within 15 minutes of the range. Campgrounds: There are KOA and Lake Allatoona campgrounds within 30 minutes of the range. Misc. Info: There are numberous restaurants and fast food outlets within 15 minutes of the range. Add’l. Info./Contacts: The range is easily accessible from Interstate I-75 just 20 minutes north of Atlanta and I-285.

Northwest Section alaska | idaho montana | oregon washington | wyoming

Hubert Sims hmsarchery@email.com

Northwest outdoor Sectionals july 16 and 17, 2016 Host: Northwest Archers Association, Anchorage, AK Andew Wilson • 907-978-3990 • Akstatearcherytournaments@gmail.com Contact:

Southwest Section arizona | california colorado | hawaii new mexico | nevada utah


54 Archery Magazine


First Quarter 2016

word hunt solution | from page 43

Bob Borges, Councilman

NFAA® Council & Board of Directors NFAA® Council

NFAA® Board of Directors

Officers President—Bruce Cull 2305 E. Hwy. 50 Yankton, SD 57078 605/665-8340 president@nfaausa.com

GREAT LAKES Judy McCutcheon-Adams Director - IL 23358 Virden Rd. Virden, IL 62690 217/827-2897 jlynnmac@royell.org

Vice President—Brian Sheffler 7006 Beargrass Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46241 317/244-7585 lbsheff@comcast.net NFAA® Office 800 Archery Lane Yankton, SD 57078 605/260-9279 605/260-9280 fax nvollmer@nfaausa.com Great Lakes Rocky Kline 1108 N. Korby St. Kokomo, IN 46901 765-438-6413 rlkline1@comcast.net Mid-Atlantic Dave Hryn PO Box 341 West Seneca, NY 14224-0341 716/481-4699 midatlcouncilman@hotmail.com Midwest Ray Jones 704 West South Winterset, IA 50273 515/462-6788 IowaArchery@hotmail.com New England Kenneth Moore 730 Newman Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 508/761-5415 kmoore151@verizon.net Northwest Hubert Sims PO Box 1713 Orofino, WY 83544 208/476-5377 hmsarchery@email.com Southeast Tim Austin 1710 SW 76th Terrace Gainesville, FL 32607 352/332-1969 Flarchery@earthlink.net Southern Lee Gregory 112 Ridge Oak Drive Georgetown, TX 78628-7613 512/966-2799 lee@dlprint.com Southwest Bob Borges 5332 River Ridge Ave NW Albuquerque, NM 87114 505/890-4665 nmarcher505@gmail.com

Archery Magazine Editorial Board Bruce Cull Brian Sheffler Ken Moore Natalie Vollmer Brittany Salonen Evemt Photography Jeff Sanchez

SOUTHWEST Richard Orth Director - AZ 4741 E. Farmdale Circle Mesa, AZ 85206 480/258-8230 nfaa_archer@cox.net

Committee Chairmen

Tom Daley Director - CA 21840 Golden Pines Ct. Auburn, CA 95602 650/722-2713 nfaadir@cbhsaa@org

Certified Instructor Committee Vacant

Kathy Potter Director - MO 1401 County Rd 1225 Huntsville, MO 65259 660/651-3175 kemclean@cvalley.net

Matt Anderson Director - WA 4099 Jones Rd Oak Harbor, WA 98277 360/929-4330 mpa4matt@aol.com

Ed Christman Director - NE 3818 34th St. Columbus, NE 69601 402/563-3504 eChristman@neb.rr.com

Jeff Meyer Director - WY 2211 Omaha Tr. Bar Nunn, WY 82601 307/262-6202 jmbowhuntingnut@gmail.com

Marc Tebelius Director - ND 5292 8th Ave. North Grand Forks, ND 58203 701/792-3582 (home) 218/230-3258 (cell) tebelius@gra.midco.net

SOUTHEAST Mike Albertson Director - AL 531 Laura Ln. Newton, AL 36352 334/324-9322 JMAlbertson@aol.com

Reginald “Shorty” Faber Director - SD P.O. Box 66 Carthage, SD 57349 605/772-4468 shortyfaber@gmail.com

Oliver Austin Director - FL 1620 Yearling Trail Tallahassee, FL 32317 850/309-1918 oaustin@admin.fsu.edu

Mike Strassman Director - WI 2402 W. Camerson Eau Claire, WI 54703 715/834-9975 mstrassman9975@charter.net

NEW ENGLAND Gary Marrier Director - VT 1525 Gibou Rd. Montgomery Ctr., VT 05471 802/326-4797 bowdoctor@pivot.net

Tom Boots Director - GA 6530 Robert Dr. Harlem, GA 30814-5360 706/556-3240 boots_thomas@yahoo.com

Carl Jamison Director - NM 6763 Forest Hills Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 505/857-0815 carl_jamison@msn.com

MID ATLANTIC Tom Coblentz Director - MD 1 Ash Dr. Knoxville, MD 21758 301/834-7154 tomproarcher@gmail.com

William Hall Director - CT 10 Virginia Dr. N. Windham, CT 06256 860/987-2660 inner10@yahoo.com

Glen Baxter Director - KY 9301 Whitley Rd. Louisville, KY 40272-2255 502/262-6738 gbaxter@heiltrailer.com

John Thayer Director - NV 7215 W. Tara Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89117 702/222-9878 mdthayer@cox.net

Pat Sargeant Director - NC 3901 Melco Ct. High Point, NC 27265 336/202-5556 psargeant@rfmd.com

Jim Jensen Director - UT 9284 South 3550 West Payson, UT 84651 801/360-1911 jimjensen.archer@gmail.com

Michael Clary Director - IN 10139 N. State St. Elwood, IN 460336 765-552-7451 elwoodgambler@comcast.net Mike Spence Director - MI 11263 Connell Dr. Dexter, MI 48130 734/649-6375 grysbok1mike@aol.com Norm Newman Director - OH 103 Silver Gate Kenton, OH 43326 419/673-0021

Robert Wertz Director - PA 336 Third Street Hanover, PA 17331 717/451-7408 bulldogs4bean@aol.com Douglas Joyce Director - NJ 30 Willow Ave. Somerset, NJ 08873 732/247-3892 jdjarcher@aol.com Samantha Brenzel Director - NY 124 1st Ave. North Tonawanda, NY 14120 716/930-0098 Sjbrenzel@gmail.com Jim Quarles Director - VA 7911 Cherokee Rd Richmond, VA 23225 804/272-6512 jim.quarles@vfaa.org Steve Tincher Director - WV 214 Seneca Valley Estates Charleston, WV 25320 304/984-0090 jstincher@cebridge.net MIDWEST Ron Sykora Director - IA 29058 510th Kelley, IA 50134 563/940-4892 rsykora6115@msn.com Ray Manfull Director - KS 141 N. Abliene Valley Center, KS 67147 620/755-0464 cqbowhunter@sbcglobal.net Bill Hakl Director - MN 5656 317th St. Stacy, MN 55079 651/462-1916 wehjkh@gmail.com

Dana Cyr Director - ME 29 Hadlock Rd. Falmouth, ME 04105 207/807-7495 rcyrdcyr@aol.com Paul Lewkowicz Director - MA 3 Davis Road Southborough, MA 01772 luke84@charter.net

Steven Coleman Director - SC 1061 Lynn Lane Sumter, SC 29153 803/840-9606 toxophilite@live.com

Michael Wright Director - NH PO box 237 Marlboro, NH 03455 603/209-8007 barebownh@aol.com

Donnie Lewis Director - TN 794 Shaw Rd Greenfield, TN 38230 731/235-2661 dlewis126@gmail.com

Bruce Mulneix Director - RI 6101 Post Rd. Trlr 73, N. Kingstown, RI 02852 401/269-9181 Buford972@gmail.com

SOUTHERN Garry Randall Director - MS 5301 Baron Rd. Summit, MS 39666 601/249-2988 garryche@bellsouth.net

NORTHWEST Hubert Sims Director - ID PO Box 1713 Orofino, ID 83544 208/476-5377 hmsarchery@email.com Joel McNeese Director - MT 4205 Lewis Ave. Great Falls, MT 59405 406/727-2997 jrmcneese@bresnan.net Bernie Punzalan Director - AK 4170 Checkmate Dr. Anchorage, AK 99508 316/258-0297 John Wainwright Director - OR 398 SW Bent Loop Powellbutte, OR 97753 541/420-0312 jvwriver04@hotmail.com

Sheri Stine-Trujillo Director - CO 7723 Raritan Street Denver, CO 80221 303/427-4430 sherist1000@msn.com

Fred Hockett Director - OK 727 Kingsgate Rd. Yukon, OK 73099 405/202-7851

Great Lakes Jeff Button 608/839-5137 jnbutton@aol.com New England Crystal Gauvin 406/259-9801 gauvincj@gmail.com Midwest Tobi Rogers 816/213-3821 ibhsecretary@yahoo.com Mid-Atlantic Kendall Woody 434/929-0223 bulldog267@comcast.net Northwest vacant Southern vacant Southeast George Ryals IV 678/901-9861 griv@archerylive.cm

Steve Coleman Director - TX 909 LCR 120 Mount Calm, TX 76673 254/723-4018 j13scoleman@yahoo.com

Bowhunting Chairman Tom Vollmer 800 Archery Lane Yankton, SD 57078-4174 605-260-9279 nvollmer@nfaausa.com

Mark Kato Director - HI PO Box 62252 Honolulu, HI 96839 808/386-9771

Professional Representatives

Jim Metzger Director - LA 2019 Lovers Lane Shreveport, LA 71105 318/402-3381 GreyTrad@aol.com

Pro Chairperson Chuck Cooley 404 10th St. Watkins Glen, NY 14891 607/343-8990 chuckcooley@gmail.com

Southwest Randy Brabec 970/314-4971 rebowtune@gmail.com

The NFAA® has 50 chartered state associations and over 1,000 affiliated clubs in the United States and abroad. The sport of archery is a healthy and exciting sport providing an activity in which the entire family can participate. Write us on how to obtain information about various programs offered by NFAA®. National Championship Tournaments, Sectional/State Tournaments, Indoor/Outdoor Leagues, Junior Bowhunter Programs, which include the Art Young Small / Big Game Awards, and the Bowfisher Program.

scores, tournament info and more at www.nfaausa.com 55


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