Aug/Sept 07

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Archery Magazine 31407 Outer I-10 Redlands, CA 92373


2 Archery Magazine August/September 2007


FEATURES August/September 2007 BOWHUNTERS SHOWCASE by Tim Atwood..........................................6 2007 3-D UNMARKED NATIONALS and results .................................................7

SECTIONAL NEWS ..................................25 KIDS CORNER Summer Camps by Tim Atwood........................................32

FROM THE PRESIDENTS DESK by Bruce Cull ...........................................11

DIAMOND BUCK WINNERS by Tim Atwood........................................41

BOWFISHER OF THE YEAR by Tim Atwood........................................12

FALL FOR A COON by Terry Wunderle ...................................43


DWT PART III by John Dudley .......................................46

THE IMPORTANCE OF DRAW STRENGTH TO CORRECT FORM by Bernie Pellerite ...................................19


Vol. 27 • No. 4 © 2007 NFAA®

NOSTALGIA CORNER 1977 Clemson: The Last of the “Dixie” Outdoor Nationals by Paul Davison .......................................54 “ASAP” After School Archery Program and club application form ......................................56 TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION FORMS


Tournament winners at the 2007 3-D Unmarked National tournament in Yankton, SD. Photo by Paul Davison.

EDITORIAL POLICIES Archery is the official publication of National Field Archery Association and is published bi-monthly. Editorial deadlines are as follows: ISSUE Feb/March April/May June/July

DEADLINE December 15 February 15 April 15

All material should be sent by mail or e-mail. Mailed contributions should be submitted on diskette and typewritten. Microsoft Word is preferred. DO NOT include digital photos in your word document. No material will be returned. Submissions should be no more than 2,000 words. Previously published material will not be considered unless accompanied by a release or permission from the first publisher. Material appearing in this magazine does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the NFAA or its Board of Directors. The NFAA can not reimburse for cost incurred in the preparation of material submitted, nor compensate contributors for items which are published. All material will be published at the discretion of the editorial board. Photos of animals harvested should be in good taste. Only animals taken under

ISSUE Aug/Sep Oct/Nov Dec/Jan

DEADLINE June 15 August 15 October 15

the rules of fair chase will be considered. Correspondence concerning the NFAA’s policies and operations should be directed to the NFAA Headquarters, 31407 Outer I-10, Redlands, CA 92373. Contributions and correspondence pertaining to this magazine should be directed to: Marihelen Rogers, Editor, 31407 Outer I-10, Redlands, CA 92373 (909) 794-2133 • (909) 794-8512 FAX E-mail: NFAA Section and State Association News should be directed to: Paul Davison, Section and State News Editor 2787 Winston Way, Duluth, GA 30096 Fax (770) 476-7488 E-mail (preferred):

Archery is published bimonthly by the National Field Archery Association, 31407 Outer I-10, Redlands, CA 92373, 909/794-2133. Advertising rate cards available for display and classified advertising. All feature and editorial requests should be made in writing to NFAA® at the address above. Editorial contributions must be submitted with self-addressed envelopes with sufficient return postage. All materials considered, but the publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. Deadline for copy is eight weeks prior to the month of publication. All statements are those of the writers and do not necessarily conform to the magazine’s editorial policies. Copyright 1984 by the National Field Archery Association®. All rights reserved. Change of address – allow eight weeks for change to become effective. Contact NFAA® headquarters. Archery Magazine August/September 2007 3

ADVERTISERS INDEX Angus Brown Safaris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Archery Focus Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 BCY Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Brite Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Carter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Eastman / Carbon Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Electronic Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Gold Tip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Kwikee Kwiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Limbsaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Maple Leaf Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Mathews, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mental Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 New Archery Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Ragsdale & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Shot Doctor, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17, 59 Specialty Archery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

The voice of field archery, the NFAA®, Ted Nugent United Sportsmen, the IFAA and bowhunting.

Visit our Web site or call us toll-free at 1-800-811-2331 EDITORIAL BOARD: Bruce Cull, Brian Sheffler, Paul Davison, Douglas Joyce EDITOR: Marihelen Rogers, NFAA Executive Secretary PUBLISHER: Rogers Printing Inc., 3350 Main St. PO Box 215, Ravenna MI 49451-0215 LAYOUT: Patricia A. Rogers SALES MANAGER: Jim Stewart DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Scott Robbins

Stanislawski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . outside back cover


Stringwalker/Paul Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Martin J. Rogers NFAA Headquarters 31407 Outer I-10, Redlands, CA 92373 (909) 794-2133 (909) 794-8512 FAX E-mail:

Sure-Loc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 TrueFlight Feathers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 US & International Archer Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Walkers Game Ear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

The arrows with the built-in advantage for broadheads: Built-in Weight Forward Technology Introducing the arrows built especially for broadheads that can help you shoot better. Farther. Built-in Weight Forward means faster recovery out of the bow, giving you better down range accuracy and superior penetration. Add the unsurpassed strength and performance of Carbon Express®—plus the tightest engineering tolerances in the industry—and you have some of the finest hunting arrows ever made. Available on Rebel™ Hunter, Terminator™ Lite Hunter, Maxima™ Hunter and Maxima™ Hunter Crossbolt series. Archery Magazine August/September 2007 5





1 PAT MCCABE shown with his 14 point 6x8 white-tail buck. The buck was taken with a Matthews Icon using GT 5575 traditional arrows and G5 Montec broadheads. The buck was taken at 25 yards in a tree stand. Pat lives in AK. 2 BILL MILLICAN of Marietta, GA took his Quebec caribou at 10 feet while stalking. The caribou fell 2 feet from where Bill shot it. 3 GERALD D. COMBS of Belleview, FL, took his “book” black bear while hunting in Canada. The bear was shot at 11 yards. The bear field dressed out at 165 pounds. 4 STEVE J. VITTETOW took a Central caribou at 25 yards while stalking. Steve, a long-time NFAA member, made master last year. 5 RICH BICKEL took his ram in the mountains of CA. Rich is from Riverside, CA.

5 6 Archery Magazine August/September 2007


6 WILLIAM PAYNE of Phelan, CA is shown with his antelope taken while still hunting near Sevier County, UT. The antelope was taken at 40 yards.

2007 NFAA 3-D Unmarked National Yankton, SD • July 14-15, 2007


AFBHFS Kriss Tripp Kim Kuchta Julie Eggers AFFS Kathy Faber Marcia Jones AFTRAD Susie Richardson AMBH Robin Omdahl Darin Hess James Gleich AMBHFS Matt Hand Jeff Russo Bubba Wolf Flight Jon Hardesty Jeffrey Hays Scott Dahle AMBHFSL

Score 560 534 444 556 512 260 526 492 449 601 601 599 539 530 529


LeRoy Capp John Poncelet AMFS Scott Kamrath Andrew Munsell Scott Starry Flight David Hellums Trent Teets Kevin Olson AMFSL Jim Cloos Trent Withers Dave Bruntz AMTRAD Douglas Schlabach Denny Vander Wilt Thomas Boruk CFBB McKenzie Mix CFFS Taylor Daleby

Score 572 494 630 628 617 558 555 549 542 527 490

492 435 434 342 431



CFFSL Hannah Studenberg 267 Gabby Keiser 249 CMBB Skylar Mix 509 Cory Augustin 213 CMFS Andrew Schiermann 606 Brian Boese 582 Elliot Cull 487 CMFSL Allen Capp 523 MSFFS Skip Meisenheimer 265 MSMFS Robert Barden 578 Gary Hoblit 538 Walley Miller 462 PFFS Ginger Moorehead 619 PMFS Dan McCarthy 680 Archery Magazine August/September 2007 7


SHOOTER Evan Baize Thomas Gomez PMFSL Ryan Leonard Charlie Owens Rodney Huffman SFTRAD Barb Anderson SMBHFS Tony Buehlman Shorty Faber David Cizadio SMBHFSL Loren Hassebroek Dan Irwin

Score 666 650 616 610 602 376 573 544 529 537 478

8 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

SHOOTER SMFS Denny Amberg Terry Deifenderfer James Davis SMFSL Don Iverson SMTRAD Dana Chaussee Marv Gibson Jerry Grabman SPMFS Thomas Crowe YAFFS Kacey Eggers Megan Eggers

Score 583 544 535 459 496 399 371 649 480 418

SHOOTER YAMFS Ethan Cole Danny Norby Spencer Hatzenbeller YMBB Tommy Augustin YMFS Spencer Endorf Brian Stuckwisch Brett Eggers YMFSL Adam Cloos Jacob Noelle

Score 593 560 550 128 556 392 385 560 349

Kathy Faber, winner ladies Bowhunter Freestyle and South Dakota state secretary

Champion Hannah Studenberg (center) and second place Gabby Keiser in Cub Girls division with NFAA president Bruce Cull

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 9

Greetings fellow archers: The Board of Directors Council has recently entered into an agreement to sell the property the NFAA owns in Redlands, California where our headquarters is located. A firm made the NFAA an offer that after much consideration and negotiations could not be turned down. A contingency of our agreement is that we have a little time to search for an alternate location. Please note that this is just as I mentioned an agreement to sell—we don’t have the check yet and there is much red tape to deal with until it is final. The vision that we have at this point in time is to consider any and all possible locations for a new headquarters. Over the past 20 years and maybe longer there has been much talk of moving our headquarters. It has been discussed ever since I can remember. In the early 1990s Frank Ellis was a Councilman and Chairman of the NFAA Foundation. He had sent out what was probably hundreds of letters of solicitation to move our headquarters and build a new building and possibly museum. There had been talk of building a new National Outdoor Range and even talk of a building large enough to host the National Indoor. The NFAA had received many letters from Cities and Counties encouraging us to move to their area. Nothing ever happened, most likely due to financial reasons and requirements. In recent years there has been talk of moving to Kansas City, Missouri and Yankton, South Dakota. I can tell you that Yankton, my hometown as most of you know is in fact interested in having us move our headquarters there. I would encourage anyone that has any ideas on a location or any thoughts at all to contact me, headquarters or your Director or Councilman. I can be reached by email at or toll free at 800-658-3094. Please note we have a little time not a lot so I would suggest that you make contact as soon as possible. Please note that nothing is set in stone and nothing is a done deal as of now. I will do everything possible to investigate all possibilities and work with the Directors and Council to do what is in the best interest of the entire NFAA. As we set our sights on the hunting season, I would like to make all of you a challenge. I would like you all to take advantage of our great Art Young Big & Small Game Awards Program. I challenge you to challenge your hunting buddy to see who can get 1 big game and 3 small game awards first. Have a little fun and make a wager for the cost of the patches. There will be a huge prize for the State that has the most participation in the Program between July 1-December 31 of this year! This is a great program that promotes Bowhunting and I hope you will all get involved!


Bruce Cull 10 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

NFAA® Council & Board of Directors NFAA® Council

NFAA® Board of Directors

Officers President—Bruce Cull 2305 E. Hwy. 50 Yankton, SD 57078 605/665-8340

GREAT LAKES Judy McCutcheon Director - IL 23358 Virden Rd. Virden, IL 62690 217/652-5836

Vice President—Brian Sheffler 7006 Beargrass Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46241 317/244-7585 NFAA® Office 31407 Outer I-10 Redlands, CA 92373 909/794-2133 800/811-2331 Great Lakes Robert McCutcheon 23358 Virden Rd. Virden, IL 62690 217/965-5290 Mid-Atlantic Mike LePera 34 Kentwood Road Succasunna, NJ 07876 973/584-0637 Midwest Ray Jones 704 West South Winterset, IA 50273 515/462-6788 New England Kenneth Moore 730 Newman Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 508/761-5415 Northwest Bill Tiddy 3355 Pinecrest Drive Helena, MT 5960-2 406/475-3569 Southeast Tim Austin 1710 SW 76th Terrace Gainesville, FL 32607 352/332-1969 Southern Lee Gregory 112 Ridge Oak Drive Georgetown, TX 78628-7613 512/863-8296 Southwest Jerry Miller 10029 Avoncroft Street Whittier, CA 90601 562/692-6105

Rocky Kline Director - IN 1108 N. Korby St. Kokomo, IN 46901 765/457-7086 Bill Jones Director - MI 2049 Lake St. National City, MI 48748 989/469-3939

Earl Foster Director - MO 8709 Booth Kansas City, MO 64138 816/763-2699 Ed Christman Director - NE 3818 34th St. Columbus, NE 69601 402/563-3504 Marc Tebelius Director - ND 5292 8th Ave. North Grand Forks, ND 58203 701/792-3582 (home) 218/230-3258 (cell)

Dave Thewlis Director - OH 16423 Chamberlain Rd Grafton, OH 44044 440/926-2464

Ron Lewon Director - SD 11 Front St. Bronson, IA 51007

Joe Barbieur Director - WI 5238 Valley View Dr. Janesville, WI 53546 608/756-1473

NEW ENGLAND Volker Pense Director - AAE Carl-Ulrich-Strasse 2B 64297 Darmstadt, Germany 0615-653085

MID ATLANTIC Ron West Director - MD 802 Painter Pl. Capitol Hts., MD 20743 202/584-8015

Gary Marrier Director - VT 1525 Gibou Rd. Montgomery Ctr., VT 05471 802/326-4797

John Pawlowski Director - PA 360 Madison St. Coatesville, PA 19320 610/384-5483 Douglas Joyce Director - NJ 30 Willow Ave. Somerset, NJ 08873 732/247-3892 Dave Hryn Director - NY PO Box 341 West Seneca, NY 14224 716/481-4699 Jim Quarles Director - VA 7911 Cherokee Rd Richmond, VA 23225 804/272-6512 Steve Cox Director - WV WV Archery Assn. P.O. Box 142 Waverly, WV 26184 304/464-5646 MIDWEST Rodney “Zeke” Ogden Director - IA 718 N. 8th St. Osage, IA 50461 641/732-5797 John Doub Director - KS 1125 E. 59th St. Wichita, KS 67216 316/524-0963 Bill Hakl Director - MN 5656 317th St. Stacy, MN 55079 651/462-1916

Tom Schaub Director - CT 35 Benson Rd. Ridgegfield, CT 06877 203/748-3771 Dave Cousins Director - ME 354 River Rd. Standish, ME 04084 207/642-4530 Alvie Carpenter Director - MA 7 Central Peterborough, NH 03458 603/924-3941 Michael Wright Director - NH PO box 237 Marlboro, NH 03455 603/876-4249 Bruce Mulneix, Director - RI 6101 Post Rd. Trlr 73, N. Kingstown, RI 02852 401-885-5684 NORTHWEST Hubert Sims Director - ID PO Box 1713 Orofino, ID 83544 208/476-5377 Doug Tate Director - MT 3499 Blacktail Loop Rd. Butte, MT 5970d1 406/494-4393

LeRoy Dukes Director - OR P.O. Box 422 Fairview, OR 97024 503/201-4961 T.C. Parker Director - WA P.O. Box 613 Hoquiam, WA 98550 360/533-4698 Dan Kolb Director - WY 3571 Teton St. Casper, WY 82609 307/265-4418 SOUTHEAST Howard Beeson Director - AL 111 Eagle Circle Enterprise, AL 30824 334/347-4990 Oliver Austin Director - FL 1620 Yearling Trail Tallahassee, FL 32317 850/309-1918 Earl Watts Director - GA 3672 Larkin Road SE Dearing, GA 30808 706/449-1001 Jerry Barr Director - KY 919 Manor Dr. Henderson, KY 42420 270/827-4570 Mike Hindmarsh Director - NC 1687 Kildee Church Rd. Ramseur, NC 27316 919/742-5017 S. Dale Smith Director - SC 149 Low Road Six Mile, SC 29682 864/868-9422 Clinton A. Berry, III Director - TN 1802 Porter Road Nashville, TN 37206 615/227-4211 SOUTHERN Wayne King Director - MS 107 Dana St. Brandon, MS 39042 601/825-9278 Dick Andrews Director - AR 11 Tuxford Circle Bellavista, AR 72714 479/855-6066 Scott Bradford Director - LA 40340 Old Hickory Ave. Gonzales, LA 70737-6756 225/622-0838 Robert Wood Director - OK 75377 S. 280 Rd Wagoner, OK 74467 918/485-6552 Monty Heishmann Director - TX 10149 Heritage Pkwy. West, TX 76691 254-826-5788

SOUTHWEST Frank Pearson Director - AZ P.O. Box 308. St. David, AZ 85630 520/647-7847 Tom Daley Director - CA 11271 Lakeshore South Auburn, CA 95602 650/722-2713 nfaadir@cbhsaa@org Kenneth Buck Director - CO 1923 Shoshone Dr. Canon City, CO 81212 719/382-8919 George Kong, Jr. Director - HI 1255 14th Ave. Honolulu, HI 96816-3838 808/734-5402

Committee Chairmen Pro Chairperson Diane Watson 11815 Lakewood Drive Hudson, FL 34669 (727) 856-6841 Bowhunting and Conservation Administrative Chairman Tim Atwood 3175 Racine Riverside, CA 92503 909/354-9968 Celebrity Chairman Ted Nugent Promotion Chairman Fred Eichler


Robert Borges Director - NM 5332 River Ridge Ave NW Albuquerque, NM 87114 505/890-4665


Jim Marshall Director - NV 195 Ridge Crossing Henderson, NV 89015 702/566-0819


Judd Wathen Director - UT 309 E. 100 N Ephraim, UT 84627 435/283-3129





Professional Representatives


Great Lakes Jeff Button 2889 Busston Rd. Cottage Grove, WI 53527 (608) 839-5137


Midwest Sharon Henneman 9 Aspen Belton, MO 64012 (816) 679-3250 Midatlantic Doug Williams 31 Gaylord St. Apt. A Auburn, NY 13021 (315) 258-9269 dwilliams Northwest Carolyn Elder 2319 Pe Ell McDonald Rd. Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 245-3261 Southern Troy Wesley 2306 57th St. Lubbock, TX 79412 (806) 797-0546 Southeast Diane Watson 11815 Lakewood Drive Hudson, FL 34669 (727) 856-6841 Southwest Jonathan Pemberton 1652 N. 2100 W. Provo, UT 85604 (801) 323-3704



Archery Magazine August/September 2007 11

Tim Atwood’s

Bowfisher To all who enjoy bowfishing, this is for you. Your name could appear on this list for 2007. Please contact NFAA Headquarters at (909) 794-2133 for a bowfisher application. The new bowfisher records for 2006 are listed below. CARP


CARP Ron Skirvin Lance Sullentrop Dave Williams Ron Skirvin George Vash, Jr. I. Robert Davis Dave Williams Ron Skirvin Henry Bouchard Paul Manhart


51 lbs 51 lbs 50 lbs 49 lbs 49 lbs 47 lbs 47 lbs 46 lbs 46 lbs 46 lbs

SHARK Ron Skirvin Ron Skirvin Don R. Walter Clifford White George Snyder, VII Scott Walker Mike Anglin Scott Walker Harold Anglin Mike Anglin


263 lbs 207 lbs 130 lbs 127 lbs 10 oz 98 lbs 9 oz 52 lbs 48 lbs 6 oz 47 lbs 43 lbs 6 oz 40 lbs

GAR Eric & Ron Collier William Nicar Andy Tucker William Nicar William Nicar William Nicar William Nicar Robert Kozub Lance Sullentrop Ron Skirvin


200 lbs 200 lbs 198 lbs 185 lbs 178 lbs 175 lbs 172 lbs 163 lbs 157 lbs 146 lbs

12 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

8 oz 13 oz 3 oz 2 oz


12 oz 5 oz


of the Year 4

RAY J.R. Davis J.R. Davis J.R. Davis Ron Skirvin J.R. Davis Ron Skirvin Tom Schaub Tom Schaub Paul Manhart Ron Skirvin


133 lbs 119 lbs 112 lbs 103 lbs 98 lbs 85 lbs 49 lbs 47 lbs 46 lbs 45 lbs

PIKE Patrick T. McCabe Patrick T. McCabe


2 lbs 6 oz 1 lb 12 oz

TILAPIA Tim Atwood William Payne Travis Schwartz Tim Atwood


4 lbs 4 lbs 3 lbs 2 lbs

7 oz 4 oz 10 oz 5 oz

Photo #1: Mike Anglin, 35 lb Leopard Shark, 61 in long, girth 23 1â „2 in, San Diego, CA on 09/09/06.


Photo #2: Richard D. Anglin, Yuma AZ, Sand Shark, 22 lbs 6 oz. Photo #3: Mike Anglin, 17 lb 2 oz Buffalo Fish, June 2006 Photo #4: William Payne, 4 lb 4 oz Tilapia, Phelan, CA Photo #5: Pat McCabe, Northern Pikes, 22 in at 2 lbs 4 oz and 20.5 in at 1 lb 8 oz, Arc Lake Soldotna, AK, on 09/25/06.



Photo #6: Mike Anglin, 43 lb Golden Cow-Nosed Bat Ray, San Diego, CA on 09/03/06. CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 Archery Magazine August/September 2007 13

Bowfisher of the Year continued

Photo #7: Tom Schaub, Ridgefield, CT, Sting Ray

7 BOWHUNTERS IN ACTION BIG GAME Mike Anglin Bill Millican Gerald Combs Gerald Combs Tom Schaub Michael Pottorff Steve Morgan Steve Morgan Daniel Apodaca Michael Spence George Zanoni Richard Bickel Richard Bickel Richard Bickel Harry Gruhn Scott Oswald William Payne William Payne Gary Thorne Patrick McCabe Patrick McCabe John Erdrich Robert Brumback Debbie Peck Scott Smith Cheryle Mattson Cheryle Mattson Jon Mattson

Yucaipa, CA Marietta, GA Belleview, FL Belleview, FL Ridgefield, CT Fallbrook, CA Front Royal, VA Front Royal, VA Selah, WA Dexter, MI Westchester, IL Riverside, CA Riverside, CA Riverside, CA Union Stone, WI Sioux Falls, SD Phelan, CA Phelan, CA Dorcas, WV Soldotna, AK Soldotna, AK Little Falls, MN Overland, MO Lakewood, CO El Cajon, CA Willamina, OR Willamina OR Willamina, OR

Pig Caribou Mule deer Black Bear Sika Deer Bobcat White-tail Deer Ram Bull Elk White-tail Deer Antelope Wild Pig Mule Deer Ram Black Bear White-tail Deer Antelope Mule Deer White-tail Deer White-tail Deer Turkey White-tail Deer White-tail Deer Mule Deer Mule Deer Black-tail Deer Roosevelt Elk Black-tail Deer

14 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1

Tim Atwood

James Mense Michael Spence Michael Spence Michael Spence Frank Tolivar Frank Tolivar Steven Vittetow Steven Vittetow

Meeker, CO Dexter, MI Dexter, MI Dexter, MI Wheatland, MO Wheatland, MO Durango, CO Durango, CO

SMALL GAME Michael Pottorff Michael Pottorff Richard Anglin Mike Anglin Steve Morgan Richard Kirshner Gerald Combs Richard Bickel William Payne Patrick McCabe Scott Smith Steven Vittetow

Fallbrook, CA Fallbrook, CA Yuma, AZ Yucaipa, CA Front Royal, VA Yonkers, NY Bellview, FL Riverside, CA Phelan, CA Soldotna, AK El Cajon, CA Durango, CO

SPECIAL MENTION Michael Pottorff Fallbrook, CA Richard Anglin Yuma, AZ Mike Anglin Yucaipa, CA Richard Kirschner Yonkers, NY Steven Vittetow Durango, CO

White-tail Deer Eastern Turkey White-tail Deer Coyote White-tail Deer Eastern Turkey Turkey Caribou

2 4

1 1 5 30 1 4 1 3 1 2 3 4 1st Deg. Grndmaster Expert Bowhunter Master Bowhunter Expert Bowhunter Master Bowhunter

NFAA® CALENDAR OF EVENTS TOURNAMENT ............................. DATES ............................... VENUE —2007— Big Sky Open .................................................. November 2-4 .................................... Mesquite, NV Everglades Open ..............................................December 8-9 .................................. Homestead, FL —2008— Midwest Indoor Sectional .................................February 2-3 .................................... Sioux Falls, SD 2008 Vegas Shoot ..........................................February 22-24 ................... Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas 2008 National Indoor Championship ...............March 15-16 ............................ Louisville, Kentucky

A Note of Appreciation: While Earl and I were attending the banquet dinner held this year after the Annual NFAA Board of Directors meeting in Las Vegas, President Bruce Cull was giving out awards for special individuals. One of these is called the President’s Award which has been given to prestigious, well known names such as Chuck Adams, Erik Watts, Pete Shepley of PSE and Matt McPherson of Mathews. It is the second highest award in the NFAA.

This year we were given the award by Bruce Cull with a standing ovation and quite a few tears in the room including Earl and I. This award is kept secret up until the time it is given. This is the first time workers for NFAA have received this honor. We will treasure the bronze NFAA stump with a single bronze arrow on a wooden base. It will be a constant reminder of why we volunteer.

Thank you,

Earl & Mille Foster

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 15

NFAA Professional Division has elected their Chairman for 2007/2008. Diane Watson, of Hudson, Florida will represent the professional members through the 2008 Indoor Nationals. Diane has been shooting competitively since the age of 9. She has been a member of NFAA for nineteen years and a professional member since 2003. She has shot Olympic recurve and currently competes in the women’s pro unlimited division. Diane has won multiple state, sectional and national tournaments in her competitive archery years. She is also working inside the archery industry and understands the design, manufacture and archery marketplace. Her contact information is: Diane Watson Youth Development and Recreational Accounts Manager Technical Services Field Staff

16 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

g n o r t s a e Hav gram.

o r p le r l e a d t n n u e m W by Terry At a tournament, do any of the following things happen to you? Do you think people are watching you shoot to see how well you are doing? Is your thinking directed toward score or winning? Do you worry about what others are thinking or might say about your performance? Do you wonder how well your competition is doing? The answer should be no, but too often it is yes. Every time you think one of these thoughts, try to replace it with a stronger, more significant thought, such as, “I can shoot every shot with perfect form.” Then picture yourself executing that shot. Archery is about 90% mental after you have developed a shot with consistent form. Selfinflicted pressure erodes the thinking process. Then the comfort zone you had when shooting on the practice field disappears as the tournament starts. To avoid the meltdown of performance level, archers need to develop a consistent mental picture by practicing the running of a strong mental program. Hopefully, there will always be some degree of pressure when competing. Some pressure is needed in order for an archer to have a top performance. Many of the archers that I work with have shot their highest personal scores in a tournament and not in practice. They accomplished this because they knew it was a big tournament and directed their thinking processes toward making every shot “the best shot that they could shoot.” Some nervousness and pressure is needed to sharpen your senses so a top performance can be achieved. Too much pressure and anxiety will cause tension in the muscles and inhibit good shot execution. It sounds like walking a tight rope and it is. Instead of walking on a narrow

rope, widen it and make it more like a narrow bridge. You do this by controlling the degree of anxiety you let yourself build. By developing a strong mental program, the positive thoughts can control your concentration and focus, overriding the anxious thoughts associated with tournament competition. Most anxiety is produced because of worry about things that you have never experienced or things that you cannot control. If you cannot control it or change isn’t worth worrying about during the tournament. Forget about the “what-ifs.” They should have been taken care of during practice sessions. If you are a dot shooter, you should have practiced for the

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 17

possibility of poor lighting, lots of background noise, being the last person shooting on the line, etc. If you are a 3-D archer, you should be prepared for poor footing, rain, wind, shooting over water, etc. There is no reason to be concerned about score, how well your competitors are doing, or winning, because that cannot be determined until the tournament is over. If in practice you are concentrating on good shot execution, but in a tournament your thinking is directed at score or winning, how can you expect to achieve the same results? Blend the two together. Change practice to be more score and win oriented and the tournaments to be focused more on form. It is good to create anxiety in practice. Then learn how to control it and shoot good form. Once the anxiety level builds, repress those thoughts by getting completely engrossed in the concentration of shooting perfect shots. Prove to yourself that you can repress the anxiety and execute excellent form. This will help give you confidence in your ability to handle the pressure situations. When pressure builds in a tournament, look at the situation in an objective manner. It’s a tournament and what’s going to happen to you if you don’t win? Is it a life or death situation? Will you lose your favorite hunting spot if you don’t win? Will your rich uncle write you out of the will? Now, those scenarios could cause stress. As far as winning or losing, the main thing at stake is your pride and ego. Chill-out, enjoy the tournament, and try your best. By staying focused, you will enhance your chances for a top game. A strong mental program directs the thoughts toward the performance, which will increase your chances for a top performance. It controls and directs the thought process in a positive direction. The thinking cannot go in two directions at once; so the negative thoughts will not be present to create more pressure. Having a strong mental program is probably the most important piece of the archery game puzzle. 18 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

ATWOOD’S LAW OF BUYING A NEW BOW Don’t buy a bow until you have had a chance to throw it. ATWOOD’S LAW OF SHARED PERFORMANCE The less skilled the archer, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the shot. ATWOOD’S LAW OF THE UNIVERSE Every time an archer shoots a Five, he must subsequently shoot two Fours to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe. ATWOOD’S LAW OF LOST 3-D ARROWS A missed 3-D arrow you can see behind the target from the shooting stake is not yours. ATWOOD’S LAW OF SHOT Since bad shots come in groups of three, a fourth bad shot is actually the beginning of the next group of three. ATWOOD’S TRUTH If you really want to get better at archery, go back and take it up at a much earlier age.

The Importance of Draw Strength to Correct Form


n my opinion, this is where most of the archers first start down the road to disaster. Unfortunately, not much has been written about the methods and importance of finding the correct draw length and its relationship to accuracy. It remains one of the unspoken mysteries of correct archery form. At least we now have a standard definition. It is defined by the Archery Manufacturers and Merchants Organization (AMO), now called Archery Trade Association (ATA) as—the distance, at full draw, from the nocking point to the pivot point (or most forward point) of the grip plus 13⁄4 inches. METHODS OF MEASURING DRAW LENGTH In the past, there have been many methods designed to determine proper draw length. Pro shops have “draw arrows” attached to ten pound fiberglass recurve bows. The customer draws it back and, without formal instruction on where to draw it to, their draw length is determined. This frequently results in a draw length that is much too long, because the customer can and will push the bow arm out as far as possible, lean back, and draw the string almost back to their ear. Another method is to stand straight up, put your fist on the wall and measure from the wall to the corner of your mouth. Unfortunately, this is not accurate either because there are numerous variations on how

much the shoulder is rolled, whether the head is upright, whether you are leaning back or forward, or whether you are standing with a straight stance, or an open stance. Draw lengths measured these ways can vary by as much as six inches. Without instruction on proper

by Bernie Pellerite ©2007

In the eleven plus years I’ve been teaching our Shooter’s School, we have had plenty of experience in determining draw length. Of over 2,100 students, I would guess that only 250 students had correct draw length. Maybe 90-100 had too short of a draw, which leaves a whopping 1750 students whose draws were too long. This is a critical observation because, in my opinion, draw length is tied directly to form and execution. The following is a formula I created that will determine correct draw length for about 95% of the archery population. DEFINING PROPER FORM First of all, the correct draw length will only be valid for archers using proper form. So, what is proper form? • The archer should be standing straight up, not leaning back, with his aiming eye directly over his belt buckle or navel.

posture, you will probably end up with the wrong draw length. A third method (passed down through the years by recurve shooters) is to put a yardstick end in the middle of your chest and stretch your arms up both sides of the stick as far as possible. Where the fingertips meet on the stick, is supposed to be your proper draw. There again, depending on exactly where you place the yardstick on your chest, the measurement could vary by several inches.

All elements of good form can be seen in this photo—the archer is erect with his body slightly open to the target because of an open stance. His bow shoulder is low, locked, but relaxed. His grip is low and relaxed and his draw forearm is above the line of the arrow. Archery Magazine August/September 2007 19

eliminates as many muscles as possible, thus minimizing sight movement at full draw. This creates the most stable shooting platform for most compound archers (and the majority of recurve shooters, too), regardless of their muscularity.

All the elements of bad form can be seen in this photograph - the archer is leaning back. His bow shoulder is high, rolled and tense. His grip is high and tense and his draw forearm is below the line of the arrow Notice how “stretched out” he is. This kind of bad form is generated by a draw length that is too long.

• The stance should be preferably slightly open (slightly facing the target 15-20 degrees or so) or square (toeing a line that points to the target) and the feet should be should-width apart. • The bow shoulder should be low, locked, but relaxed in the shoulder joint, as opposed to extended, tense, and/or rolled. • The grip on the bow should be in “the low wrist position,” (in most cases) with the pressure of the bow handle on the base of the thumb and on the thumb side of the lifeline of the hand (lifeline should be vertical 12 o’clock - 6 o’clock). • The string should touch the tip of the nose at full draw (shooters who wear glasses will probably find it necessary to put the string on the side of their nose). • The tip of the draw elbow should be at least as high as the nose and the crease of the elbow is on the same level with, or above, the line of the arrow at full draw. This is what I call “bone-tobone” form (see photo). It furnishes a solid base of support and 20 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

THE DRAW LENGTH FORMULA Understanding that this is the form that we are looking for, we can now use the following formula to calculate draw length. The archer should stand with his or her back to a wall, with arms stretched out as far as possible at shoulder height with his palms facing out (as in photo). We are measuring “wingspan.” Measure from tip of the middle finger of one hand to the tip of the middle finger of the other. (No long fingernails!) Here is a partial chart that you can use to determine correct draw length. I developed this system in 1996 and use it in the shooter’s school. You can complete your own chart based on the following measurements: 69 inches 70 inches 71 inches 72 inches

= 27 inches AMO draw = 271⁄2 inches AMO draw = 28 inches AMO draw = 281⁄2 inches AMO draw

73 inches = 29 inches AMO draw . . . and so on. For every inch of “wingspan” over or under 71” add or subtract a 1⁄2” from 28” of AMO draw, respectively. An easy to remember variation of my formula is: wingspan minus 15” divided by 2. For example, 71” - 15” = 56” ÷ 2 = 28”. These formulas work for about 95% of all archers. However, there are exceptions to this, such as people with shoulder or elbow problems, or people with abnormally long or short fingers or hands. When using my formula, the important thing you need to be aware of is, if the fingers or hands are not normal length, you will have to add or subtract a half inch or so on each hand to make up the difference. For example, if you have short stubby fingers, you might have to add approximately 1⁄2” to each hand to get a more correct draw length measurement. People with extra long hands and fingers do the opposite. This formula should get you within 1⁄4” to 1⁄2” of your correct draw length. Sometimes, compensation for long or short fingers will have to be made. And, if you shoot with a high wrist grip, you will prob-

Stretching across a tape measure against a wall will measure your “wingspan.” This shooter has a wingspan of 77”. He is 6’4” or 76” tall. Normally your height is very close to your wingspan.

ably have to add up to 1” to the final AMO draw length.

Normal hand (center) - no correction. Short fingers add 1⁄2” to 1” (per hand) and deduct 1⁄2” to 1” for long fingers.

A high elbow will help you use the rhomboids as the pivot point.

A low elbow will cause you to have your pivot point too high above the rhomboids.

SIDE EFFECTS OF A DRAW LENGTH THAT IS TOO LONG Since hardly anyone has too short of a draw length (1% maybe), let’s look at the consequences of having it too long. If your draw length is too long, your draw elbow will drop down, and instead of maintaining control of the shot with your back muscles, the control will end up in the top of your shoulder and you can’t contract those muscles and get your elbow to move (see photos). Also, as a result of your elbow being down, frequently your draw wrist will be bent which causes excessive string oscillation and causes left and right misses. The correct draw length will get your elbow in a position high enough to allow your back muscles to be able to move the tip of the elbow when you contract them on the draw side. These muscles are called the rhomboid muscles, which are located between the shoulder blades and under the trapezius. Excessive draw length usually causes you to fully extend your bow arm, which in turn causes right handed archers to pre-load and/or push the bow to the left, causing left arrows. Since the shoulder is a “ball joint” and the arm is already fully extended, there is no “slack” in the shoulder unit. The bow has nowhere else to go but to the left upon release. Also, most archers will have a very difficult time keeping the sight from shaking with a fully extended arm. The deltoid muscles surrounding the top of the shoulder will be tense while holding the arm in this position, and tension causes movement. Archery Magazine August/September 2007 21

the weight and controlling the direction of the bow. If you engage the deltoid muscle, this causes tension in your bow arm, thus causing movement of the sight. Because your sight moves, you will try to stop it by using more muscles and/or holding longer. The longer you hold, the more the sight picture deteriorates and If you had to lean against a wall for thirty minutes, you’d figure out how to find this relaxed shoulder more muscle tension position! and anxiety builds. In an effort to conCorrect draw length will help trol the exact millisecond of reyou place your bow shoulder in lease to coincide with the sight a low and relaxed position in the picture “being perfect,” your shoulder joint (bone to bone). mind signals your release finger Excessive draw length will someto punch the trigger (or your times cause you to throw your fingers to release the string), front hip toward the target and thereby causing you to anticilean back with the upper body pate “the explosion.” On the (especially if you shoot with your other hand, if the draw length feet close together) and someis correct, the shoulder will be times tuck your head into the relaxed and the sight picture string. It is nearly impossible to will be much steadier. Also, the duplicate these angles each and mind is much calmer because every time, especially if you are the anxiety to get rid of the arshooting up and down hills. This row before the sight picture decan make your shooting form teriorates is greatly reduced, or very inconsistent. Correct draw sometimes disappears altogethlength will keep you from leaner. If the shoulder is down and ing back. Feet should be shoulrelaxed into the shoulder socket, der width apart and the feet, the bow is being held mainly hips, and shoulders should line with bone against bone, instead up, one above the other. Your of relying on muscle tone. aiming eye should be over the If you build your form around belt buckle and the buttons on the skeletal system instead of your shirt should run straight muscles, you will find that even down when looking at the side on tournament day, your sight profile. will be much steadier. This is The worst “chain reaction” rebecause when you become sult of too long of a draw length nervous (afraid you’ll miss) that can be very debilitating. The delshaky feeling and the “buttertoid muscle in your bow shoulflies” (anxiety) in your stomach der becomes the “pivot point” causes the release of adrenaline and the primary muscle holding into your bloodstream. Adrena22 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

line has no effect on bone, but it sure does on muscles! When adrenaline enters the system of a muscle-based shooter, their sight picture will deteriorate a lot faster than a bone-to-bone based archer, who will have less extremes in their shooting performance. Therefore, they will have less of a difference in scores on a “good day” versus a “bad day.” Don’t be afraid to shorten your draw length because you may lose six or eight feet per second of arrow speed. You will lose ten times as many points because you can’t relax and hold steady than you will gain with a “speed burner” setup that you can’t control. Warning! It is not easy for some people to find the “down, back but relaxed” shoulder position without proper instruction (although it should be), especially if you have been shooting with a high shoulder for a long time. (I’m told the Korean Olympic archers spend up to three months perfecting the shoulder position and other elements of good shooting form, before even picking up a bow!) The trick is to raise the bow arm without raising the bow shoulder. If you have problems mastering this shoulder position, you should find a qualified instructor, attend one of our Shooter’s School, watch the Shooter’s School video series, or the 44 Form Flaws video from Robinhood Videos. Give this a try and you will find, like our students have, that you will be able to hold at least twice as steady at full draw, because your muscles will be relaxed. When there is fewer muscles involved in the shot, your sight picture will be less shaky, which in turn, will cause less anxiety. You’ll be amazed at how all of this fits together!

The School of Advanced Archery & Instructor Certification


The School of Advanced Archery & Instructor Certification a.k.a. “A Weekend at Bernie’s” is booked well into 2007. Master coaches Jan and Bernie Pellerite report that there is still an incredible amount of interest expressed in attending the Shooter’s School, but more people willing to host the event are needed. So, you interested shooters, go after your pro shop owners or club presidents and book a Shooter’s School near you! UPCOMING SCHOOLS-2007 August 24-26 Wilcox Bait & Tackle, Newport News, VA . Contact: Rex Reichert (h) 757-3699499 or cell 757-817-6514 email: For more information, contact: ROBINHOOD VIDEOS • 1600 Reynoldsburg-New Albany Rd. • Blacklick, Ohio 43004 614-322-1038 / fax 614-322-1039 • E-mail: •

• 3-day course with 10 person minimum. • Friday afternoon and early evening - (usually 3:00pm to 6:00pm) video taping of the students. School lecture starts Friday at 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM. Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • $300 per student, second time students $150, and students who just wish to audit the course or can only attend one day, $175. • The contact person attends for free. • 10% of the fee goes to the host shop or club. • NFAA Instructor Certification will be an option in the school.

Certified Instructors of school hosted by Freedom Archery, Lawrenceburg, IN May 4-6, 2007 (Listed alphabetically) David Gillette, Melody Gillette, Shannon Gillette, Raymond Marshall, Patrick Mummert, Thomas Sullivan, Robert Williams, Albert Yeager

Certified Instructors of school hosted by Lincoln Bowmen Archery Club, Brownstown, MI May 11-13, 2007 (Listed alphabetically) Ronald Cole, Rich Dayton, Jeffrey Hill, Russell Holton

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 23

24 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

SECTION & STATE ASSOCIATION NEWS Edited by Paul Davison • Because of space limitations, only Sectional Indoor medalists are listed here. See for complete results.

GREAT LAKES SECTION Bob McCutcheon, Councilman


Judy McCutcheon, Director

2007 Great Lakes Outdoor Sectional We had a beautiful weekend for our last year to host the Sectionals! Thanks to all 61 archers who participated. We want to thank, once again, all of those who put their backs into it to help make this a quality tournament for the past three years. Special thanks to Ron Whitlock, Charles Rawe, and Ken Rawe from Wolf Run Archery Club; our kitchen crew, Sally Vespa, Teresa Strawbridge, and Jeannie Mohn; and PCBH members Bill Mohn and Gail Killion who worked their tails off to help ready the range. We couldn’t have done it without your support. —Judy and Bob McCutcheon

Great Lakes Outdoor Sectional Results June 9-10, 2007 Panther Creek Bowhunters, Chatham, IL 28 Field +14 Animal + 28 Hunter PL SHOOTER AFFS C Kathy Pindell 2 Dani Schulteti 3 Dee Young Deana Cramberg Julia Stover AFFSL C Judy McCutcheon AMBHFS C Steve Cook 2 Jeff Friedmann 3 Wally Erickson Jerry Brakley Ken Rawe Charles Rawe AMFS Championship Flight C Denver Wischmeier 2 Jason Winter 3 Kevin Cramberg Steve Stover Bill Mohn Tom Hermann Marty Singletary







539 513 517 467 531

282 283 279 266 287

542 532 516 472

1363 1328 1312 1205 818







541 534 518 516 455 450

285 284 281 283 270 265

537 535 528 517 496 443

1363 1353 1327 1316 1221 1158


554 550 545 545 542 540 535

288 286 287 288 285 281 289

555 547 550 544 538 544 538

1397 1383 1382 1377 1365 1365 1362

Second Flight 1 Jim Beasley 2 Mike Flier 3 Jerry Hoppe Steven Binger Jerry Fouts Scott Hanson Matt Reny Steve Hickman AMFSL C Jeff Wyler 2 Rick Knorr PFFS C Nancy Zorn PMFS C Josh Miller 2 Scott Turner 3 Scott Starnes Richard Potter PMFSL C Gary Rigney CMFSL C Marcel Hurtado MSMFS C Karl Nelson 2 Charles Starnes 3 Don Will Vic Davidson SFBHFS C Pat Whitlock SFFS C Lora Smith SMBB Randy Rutledge SMFS Championship Flight C Jim Burns 2 Doug Grade 3 Jim Anderson Bob Zimmerman John Smith Second Flight 1 John Kanter 2 Gary Sanders 3 Ron Whitlock Al Chickerneo Tim Bush Eddie Flier SMFSL C John Bronson SPMFS C Steve Boylan 2 Michael Strassman 3 Bob Webb SPMFSL C Larry Smith YMFS C Jesse Wooden


534 533 529 534 531 535 518 526

284 285 284 286 285 283 285 283

547 545 545 533 529 525 522 513

1365 1363 1358 1353 1345 1343 1325 1322


505 494

277 279

508 501

1290 1274







549 547 549 537

286 291 289 292

556 552 552 545

1391 1390 1390 1374












527 506 488 437

280 272 282 216

532 503 504

1339 1281 1274 653

















533 533 534 531 520

288 285 284 284 284

547 548 547 524 523

1368 1366 1365 1339 1327


521 525 522 506 501 493

282 274 280 278 278 285

528 526 519 510 508 508

1331 1325 1321 1294 1287 1286







544 545 539

285 285 283

546 542 544

1375 1372 1366











Archery Magazine August/September 2007 25

SMFS - GUEST Vincent Baker






Great Lakes 3-D Sectional Results April 28-29, 2007 Blackhawk Field Archers, Rockton, IL PL SHOOTER AMFS C Lonnie Topham 2 Rick Knorr AFFS C Dorene Roesler AMTrad C David Lee AMBHFS C Jerry Roesler 2 Cody Hammons 3 Peter Kierys CFFS C Jennifer Roesler 2 Britni Tarr

TOTAL 416 378 261 208 376 351 325 365 221

MID-ATLANTIC SECTION Mike LePera, Councilman

Mid-Atlantic Outdoor Sectional Results June 16-17, 2007 Garden State Archers, Jacobstown, NJ 28 Field + 14 Animal + 28 Hunter PL SHOOTER ST CMFS C Zack Grossl WV 2 Kevin Zingale NY CFFS C Hope Wymer VA AFBB C Cay McManus VA AFFS C Heidi Snyder NY 2 Sue Weinstein MD 3 Diane Gallagher NJ Colleen McGowan MSFFS C Eva Mazzella NJ SFFS C Gwen McMurray MD YAFFS C Amber Susen NJ 2 Danielle Drozdek NJ AMBB C Jim Neborsky NJ AMBH C Frank Mazzella NJ AMBHFS C Tim Ewers VA 2 Matt Setzer 3 Greg McBride PA Jim Cobb NY Chris Moser AMBHFSL C Myron Swarts NY 2 Mark Williams 3 Gregory Pritchett MD AMFS Championship Flight C J.C. Bradway NJ 2 Brad Baker, Jr. VA 3 John Mikolay NY T.L. Williams PA Brian Townsend NY Al Soden Daniel Zingale NY Greg Benner PA





484 482

274 246

442 462

1200 1190









526 522 529 522

287 287 284 283

535 523 510 512

1348 1332 1323 1317









522 396

286 242

528 415

1336 1053









547 522 524 502 531

289 287 284 274 287

550 534 525 495

1386 1343 1333 1271 818

488 465 446

268 276 250

489 475 451

1245 1216 1147

556 538 542 545 535 536 533 535

287 284 288 285 287 285 284 286

552 550 541 539 541 535 535 528

1395 1372 1371 1369 1363 1356 1352 1349

26 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

Rick Cardarelli Jay Susen Ray Conlon Casey Parkell Gregory Kulp Second Flight 1 Mark Schiavo 2 John Leto 3 Brian Shimp Mark Drozdek Don Denight III Antonio Braga John Barreira Don Denight II John Knee Phil Thorntenson Bob Abuschinow AMFSL Dave Hyrn Paul Donahoo Randall Hartley James Burrell, Jr. MSMBB C Larry Emerson MSMBH C Joe McManus MSMFS Championship Flight C Larry Hix 2 Ray May 3 Joe Bauernfeind Andy Roslewicz Jim French O.J. Avery Edward Albright Mike Collins Second Flight 1 Ernie Medina 2 Carl Haines 3 Mike LePera David Tarry Warren Magee Woody Hurley William Masters Horace Eckman PMFS C Kendall Woody SPMFS C Tom Coblentz 2 Ron West SMBB C William Vrabel 2 Ronald Thompson SMBHFS C Neil Newkirk 2 Charles Bobrowski SMFS Championship Flight C David Townsend 2 Sonny Foote 3 Doug Joyce Bill Loften Mike Farren Chuck Blake John Hurley Charlie Myers Second Flight 1 Patrick Gallagher 2 Steve Tincher 3 Gene Grodzki Lew Barbera Lou Havel Jarrett Frame Al Liguori George Teismeyer SMFSL C Dennis Wallace 2 Jim Greager 3 Art Reimer John Grossl SMFSLR/L C Jim Harris


532 537 528 524 526

285 287 284 284 284

529 522 530 526 523

1346 1346 1342 1334 1333


524 518 524 511 518 502 511 493 458 495 497

278 284 276 281 279 284 280 273 253 282

526 518 519 520 514 508 496 456 440

1328 1320 1319 1312 1311 1294 1287 1222 1151 777 497


515 514 498 424

282 283 277 246

520 505 495 456

1317 1302 1270 1126












535 529 534 529 530 524 528 522

286 288 286 284 285 281 283 284

541 543 537 534 529 538 528 531

1362 1360 1357 1347 1344 1343 1339 1337


513 510 494 494 497 489 485 493

282 285 277 284 281 279 282 280

521 510 511 497 494 495 490 481

1316 1305 1282 1275 1272 1263 1257 1254







538 533

287 288

549 526

1374 1347


435 401

252 248

444 415

1131 1064


523 474

282 276

530 493

1335 1243


540 544 538 534 528 525 527 524

289 287 289 283 286 285 283 284

542 540 537 540 530 525 520 517

1371 1371 1364 1357 1344 1335 1330 1325


522 520 520 512 514 506 518 487

284 284 284 284 279 285 283 283

524 524 517 518 520 519 505 507

1330 1328 1321 1314 1313 1310 1306 1277


472 473 450 401

273 271 268 276

479 459 462

1224 1203 1180 677






AMTrad C Mike Orlic 2 Ronnie Emerson SPFFS C Jan Lockwood


403 270

234 195

410 255

1047 720






WEST VIRGINIA Steve Cox, Director

2007 West Virginia State Indoor Championship State Champions Division/Style Male FS “AA” Male FS “A” Male FS “B” Male FS “Senior” Male FS “Master” Young Adult Male FS Youth Male FS Cub Male FS Male FS Ltd “AA” Male FS Ltd “Senior” FS Ltd “Master” Male BH FS “AA” Male BH FS “A” Male BH FS “B” Male BH FS “C” Male BH FS “Senior” Male BH FS “Master” Young Adult Male BH FS Youth Male BH FS Cub Male BH FS Male BH FS Ltd “AA” Cub Male BH FS Ltd Male BB “AA” Male BB “Senior” Male BB “Master” Female FS “AA” Female FS “C” Female FS “Master” Youth Female FS Female BH FS “AA” Female BH FS “A” Female BH FS “B” Female BH FS “C” Female BH FS “Master” Youth Female BH FS Cub Female BH FS Pee-Wee Female BH FS Pee-Wee Male BH FS Pee-Wee BH FS Ltd Pee-Wee Traditional Male Competitive BH Male Traditional “AA” Male Traditional “Senior” Male FITA

Shooter Nathan Locke Lysle Sites Jr. Richard Bissett Robert Clark Bill Murphy Matt Malone Garrett Ayersman Jeremy Hunt Keith Smith Steve Tincher Bill Murphy Nick Jones Donnie Stiles John King Jim Tompkins Robert Clark Bill Murphy Tanner Burns Tanner Burns Jeremy Hunt Chris Runion Ryan Colaw Thomas Allen Steve Tincher Bill Murphy Shaundra Bissett Tiffany Burroughs Evelene Kesner Courtney Mayse Shaundra Bissett Lisa Monroe Connie Vogel Tiffany Burroughs Evelene Kesner Courtney Mayse Cassie Barber M. Weasenforth Luke Pecjak Hanley Nesslerodt Bethany Hess Lennie Mayle Randy Irvine BJ Workman Jimmy Mayle

Score 300 299 293 300 299 300 300 293 299 284 289 300 299 291 291 300 298 300 300 289 294 250 270 233 258 300 249 235 271 300 283 277 248 218 279 283 197 300 76 218 254 273 259 249

X’s 59 49 44 53 45 55 56 24 50 22 29 58 45 29 19 51 43 53 53 31 27 6 13 5 12 50 14 6 13 46 21 20 12 5 18 23 3 42 1 8 8 16 5 4


Bob Shipman Rob Reidel Clint Irlebeck Scott Dahle Bill Welder AMBHFSL C LeRoy Capp AMFS C Jody Pletan 2 Matt Graesch 3 Jason Gnagey Steve Tuvrson Steve Washena Ron Lewon Tim Sargent Brad Einck Dale Determan Dan Tindell Arnie Veen George Hinton Jessie Steinhoff AMFSL C Jim Cloos 2 Jeff Stevens CMFS C Hunter Tuveson CMFSL C Allen Capp MSMFS C Bill Arledge 2 Will Edwards 3 Gary Thorson PFFS C Sonya Decramer PMFS C Joe Determan 2 Randy Ballard 3 Rick Rugroden SFFS C Maggie Alexander SMBHFS C Jim Borg 2 Shorty Faber 3 Ray Jones SMFS C Carl Theissen 2 Dennis Amberg 3 Mike McCarty David Cizadlo Roger Bakken SMFSLR/L C Earl Lynse 2 Jim Ploen SPMFS C Roger Wilson 2 John Carlson SPMFSL C Ken Yeater YMFSL C Adam Cloos

530 522 513 509 495

264 265 260 245 249

287 282 280 277 281

1081 1069 1053 1031 1025





547 545 534 534 523 531 532 533 517 518 517 513 494

276 270 266 259 266 261 257 255 262 257 261 252 DNF

287 284 282 284 286 282 283 280 285 286 280 285 DNF

1110 1099 1082 1077 1075 1074 1072 1068 1064 1061 1058 1050 494

500 488

241 242

273 272

1014 1002









525 502 500

263 252 243

281 273 284

1069 1027 1027





546 545 542

273 270 267

285 286 284

1104 1101 1093





510 492 479

249 238 245

279 280 276

1038 1010 1000

532 523 520 521 511

265 266 251 256 245

285 279 286 279 280

1082 1068 1057 1056 1036

438 432

216 195

260 261

914 888

533 496

263 242

284 264

1080 1002









NEW ENGLAND SECTION Ken Moore, Councilman

MIDWESTERN SECTION Ray Jones, Councilman

Midwestern Outdoor Sectional Results June 23-24, 2007 Rapids Archery Club, Andover, MN 28 Hunter + 14 Field + 14 Animal PL SHOOTER AFFS C Julene Hakl 2 Marcia Jones AMBHFS C Bill Hakl 2 Dave Harms





514 514

261 256

275 278

1050 1048

537 535

269 267

284 286

1090 1088

New England Outdoor Sectional Results June 23-24, 2007 Lunenburg Sportsman Club, Lunenburg, MA 28 Field + 14 Animal + 28 Hunter PL SHOOTER Pro Male Freestyle C Chris Deston Male Freestyle C Mike Pestilli
















continued on page 28 Archery Magazine August/September 2007 27

2 3

Mike Lamar CT Bill Simas RI John Berteau VT Virgilio Gonzales CT Bill Laramie MA Male Freestyle Limited C Ken Moore RI 2 Paul Lewkowicz MA Male Barebow C Mike Wright NH Male Bowhunter Freestyle C Gary Marrier VT 2 Chris Mizner ME Female Freestyle C Darlene Marrier VT 2 Kim Berteau VT 3 Kathy Ainsworth NH Young Adult Male Freestyle C Joey Hunt Iii ME 2 Tyler Reinhard CT Senior Male Freestyle C Dan Whitehouse VT 2 Frank Minuto CT 3 John Fornier RI Jim Leclair VT Robert Lincoln MA James Dean RI Harry Swoyer VT Jay Price VT Paul Locke RI Ken Hatt NH Bob Deston CT Fred Meeker CT Tony Rega MA Senior Male Freestyle Limited C Rex Parent, Sr NH Senior Male Bowhunter Freestyle C Duke Willard MA Paul Normindin MA Senior Male Traditional C Mike Martin MA Senior Female Freestyle C Suzi Price VT Master Senior Male Freestyle C Albert Panzetti MA Donald Levesque RI Guest Senior Barebow William Vrabel PA

549 548 534 540 540

287 286 279 285 283

549 550 535 DNS DNS

1385 1384 1348 Disq Disq

480 456

269 275

473 463

1222 1194





527 515

287 284

539 523

1353 1322

514 493 484

278 281 280

516 490 500

1308 1264 1264

529 515

280 260

519 505

1328 1280

533 519 514 521 522 514 514 488 486 473 476 482 478

284 284 279 278 283 283 283 282 278 267 272 266 256

538 523 527 520 513 519 497 487 476 500 485 482 473

1355 1326 1320 1319 1318 1316 1294 1257 1240 1240 1233 1230 1207





504 292

276 178

507 DNS

1287 Disq









501 421

278 236

513 DNS

1292 Disq





New England Tournament Info 2007 NEW ENGLAND SHOOT September 1-2, 2007 Host: Location: Directions:

Registration: Deadline: Late Registration: Schedule:



Lunenburg Sportsman Club Reservoir Rd, Lunenburg, MA From SR 2 in Massachusetts, take Exit 35 to SR 70 heading north (Lunenburg Rd). Then turn right onto Leominster-Shirley Rd, then left onto Reservoir Rd. Follow Reservoir Rd to club on left. Lori LePage, 5 Sunrise Dr, Bradford, MA 01835. Tel: 978-372-8459 Make checks payable to NESFAA, and please include your phone number. None None Saturday: 28 Field by assigned course. Start from 8:00 am until noon. Steak fry at 4:00 pm. Sunday: Pick up scorecards at 8:00 am, general assembly at 8:30am, and then shoot 28 Hunter by assigned target with shotgun start at 9:00 am. Awards at approximately 3:00 pm. Super 8 Motel, 482 N Main, Leominster, MA, 978 537-2800. Sheraton Four Points, 99 Erdman, Leominster, MA, 978-534-9000. Best Western, 150 Royal Plaza Dr, Fitchburg, MA, 978-342-7100 Camping available at club.

28 Archery Magazine August/September 2007


Northwestern Outdoor Sectional Results June 16-17, 2007 Camas Prairie Bowmen, Grangeville, ID 28 Field + 28 Animal + 28 Hunter PL SHOOTER ST FLD ANL PRO MALE FREESTYLE C Martin Lotz WA 548 574 2 Justin Nielsen ID 545 571 PRO FEMALE FREESTYLE C Crystal Parker WA 533 565 MASTER SENIOR MALE FREESTYLE C Gerald Hickman WA 515 557 MASTER SENIOR FEMALE FREESTYLE C Liane Hickman WA 522 556 SENIOR MALE FREESTYLE C Dennis Day ID 544 573 2 Hubert Sims ID 513 558 3 Barney Mowery ID 508 557 Carl Claycomb ID 507 559 Dan Wayt ID 493 548 ADULT MALE FREESTYLE C Ryan Magelsen WA 540 568 2 Ron Rhoads WA 522 570 3 Glen Nirk WA 519 567 Scott Lovejoy WA 501 564 Rob Kite ID 511 559 ADULT FEMALE FREESTYLE C Jane Sommers WA 517 560 2 Michelle Vaughn ID 503 557 3 Michelle Magelsen WA 492 559 SENIOR MALE BOWHUNTER FREESTYLE C Sam Lester WA 508 558 ADULT MALE BOWHUNTER FREESTYLE C Tim Davis WA 541 572 2 Jerrod Vaughn ID 534 566 ADULT FEMALE BOWHUNTER FREESTYLE C Christina Davis WA 470 540 MASTER SENIOR MALE FREESTYLE LIMITED C Jim Stanek OR 512 556 SENIOR MALE FREESTYLE LIMITED C Robert Stivison WA 504 559 2 Ed Forslof WA 453 517 ADULT MALE FREESTYLE LIMITED C Vince Herschell OR 510 551 ADULT MALE BOWHUNTER FREESTYLE LIMITED C Kent Roberts ID 458 521 ADULT MALE BOWHUNTER C Richard Bromley OR 501 504 SENIOR MALE BAREBOW C Robert Bromley OR 340 218 SENIOR MALE TRADITIONAL C George Dekan WA 248 267 ADULT MALE TRADITIONAL C David Eatmon ID 235 526 CUB MALE FREESTYLE C Drew Vaughn ID 439 459 GUEST— AMFS Chris Rand WA 447 477 GUEST— AMBHFS Scott Knarr NV 489 541 GUEST—MSMFS Harold Schuerman ID 451 540

HTR TOTAL 549 542

1671 1658







551 525 513 507 491

1668 1596 1578 1573 1532

547 529 531 528 515

1655 1621 1617 1603 1585

496 500 496

1573 1560 1547



540 523

1653 1623





500 459

1563 1438





















SOUTHERN SECTION Lee Gregory, Councilman

Southern 3-D Sectional Results June 2-3, 2007 Irving Bowhunters Association, Irving, TX PL SHOOTER CMFS C Justin Morrison MSMFS C Bob Wilson MSMFSL C Gary Coleman MSMBB C Bob Tallon SMFS C Dave Wenner 2 Ken Benjamin SMBB C Lee Gregory AMFS C Marty Chambers 2 Doug Bucy 3 Gary Morrison AMFSL C Bryan Northcut 2 Chris Coleman SMFSL C Doug Girard AMBHFS C Kevin Holter AFFS C Julie Chambers 2 Merissa Hughes AMBB C Charlie Hughes





















517 502

526 514

1043 1016






556 533 517

550 540 519

1106 1073 1036


520 510

521 501

1041 1011










498 481

525 473

1023 954





Southern Outdoor Sectional Results June 9-10, 2007 Longview Archery Club, Longview, TX 28 Field + 14 Hunter + 14 Animal PL SHOOTER AFBHFS C Credeur, Ada 2 Falgout, Anaise 3 Wright, Gail St. Upery, Toni AFFS C Taylor, Jacki 2 Chambers, Julie 3 Hughes, Merissa Hannah, Jamie AFFFSLR/L C Meyers, Teresa AFTrad C Redfern, Liz AMBB C Hughes, David 2 Hughes, Charlie 3 Bowen, Bill AMBHFS Championship Flight C Bailey, Cope 2 St. Upery, Ricky 3 Bradford, Scott Taylor, Nathan McMillan, Mark Hanus, Bryan Second Flight 1 Falgout, Ronnie 2 Young, Jason 3 Gettys, Greg Gailey, J. Paul Ellis, Danny






496 497 505 465

254 251 245 223

278 279 268 263

1028 1027 1018 951


527 504 478 473

262 253 236 224

283 283 260 272

1072 1040 974 969












498 408 457

259 205 0

277 273 0

1034 886 Inc.


535 535 535 525 521 530

270 271 271 273 258 261

284 283 283 283 284 271

1089 1089 1089 1081 1063 1062


499 503 503 499 501

255 250 249 252 242

283 277 276 278 272

1037 1030 1028 1027 1015

Owens, Bill AMBHFSL C Toone, Ken 2 Allen, David 3 Courtney, Andrew AMFS Championship Flight C Payne, Russell 2 Hicks, Joe 3 Chambers, Marty Ray, Joshua Bucy, Doug Second Flight 1 Manfull, Ray 2 Glass, Kevin 3 Riggs, Tony Morrison, Gary Richardson, Royce O’Bryant, William AMFSL C Bateman, Bubba 2 Whiteford, Scott 3 Gale, Buddy AMTrad C Frizzell, Mike 2 Credeur, Terry CMFS C Morrison, Justin 2 Becker, Carson 3 Young, Dalton YMFS C O’Bryant, Patrick MSFFS C Johnson, Betty MSMBB C Heishman, Monty MSMFS C Waddell, Bob 2 Brown, Bill 3 Wilson, Bob Fontaine, Bill Wible, Ron MSMFSL C Pedelahore, Andrew 2 McCorkle, Ed SMBB C McCrary, Eddie SMBHFS C Coleman, Steve 2 Dickinson, Don 3 Auvoris, George SMFS C Toon, Carlos 2 Benjamin, Ken 3 King, Thomas Witt, Ken Matherne, Claude SMFSL C Richardson, Robert SMFSLR/L C Meyers, Tom SMTrad C Metzger, Jim GUEST Ragsdale, Toby Spaeny, Shawn Spaeny, Michael







507 445 355

236 209 185

270 268 251

1013 922 791


547 547 540 539 535

276 274 278 271 268

289 285 287 281 283

1112 1106 1105 1091 1086


532 532 524 507 498 495

269 271 261 256 254 242

286 283 283 277 277 278

1087 1086 1068 1040 1029 1016


510 499 515

257 256 238

280 276 271

1047 1031 1024


397 266

203 113

204 162

804 541


536 439 341

277 245 155

286 268 218

1099 952 714

















530 507 480 467 422

263 252 245 236 203

279 285 267 266 247

1072 1044 992 969 872


461 384

242 207

273 255

976 846







534 521 516

269 268 254

287 284 284

1090 1073 1054


533 533 504 498 491

266 262 258 258 243

285 282 283 280 272

1084 1077 1045 1036 1006

















540 506 508

266 264 260

285 281 283

1091 1051 1051

continued on page 30 Archery Magazine August/September 2007 29


2007 Southeastern Outdoor Sectional The 2007 Southeastern Section Field Championship was shot on an especially beautiful 28-target field range located at the Durham County Wildlife Club in North Carolina. Absolutely perfect weather complimented the heavy stand of pine forest with difficult up-and-down hill shots, including a bunny target so steeply uphill that the longer shot needed to be shot at the top target to insure the closest shot was not at an obscene uphill angle. The ranges were a challenge, but the hosts were pleasant, friendly, and extremely hospitable. Many competitors saw a young spotted fawn during the shoot, and even more archers encountered a plethora of small and friendly wood ticks that even ignored Deep Woods Off. The shooters included archers from six Southeastern states, and 13 record high scores were posted for the Championship. Guests included two archers from Maryland and one from West Virginia. Bob Peterson shot a new DCWC course record 554 Hunter Round on Sunday, which included one 14 shot clean. Everyone had a good time. Next year’s event will be at Keowee Bowmen in Clemson, SC.

On the beautiful Durham County Wildlife Club range

Southeastern Outdoor Sectional Results June 16-17, 2007 Durham County Wildlife Club, Morrisville, NC 28 Field + 14 Animal + 28 Hunter PL SHOOTER CMFS C Raleigh Boots Ty Pruitte YAMFS C Garrett Abernethy PMFS C Keith Trail 2 James Pettitt PFFS C Diane Watson AMFS Championship Flight C Richy Burke 2 Mike Hindmarsh 3 John Stone Joe Rozmus Joe Rozmus III Terry Murray Bobby Flores Earl Watts Second Flight 1 Kenny Lingerfelt 2 Kevin Bryant 3 Pat Sargeant Chris Wilson






506 520

281 282


1287 802







544 530

287 283

549 521

1380 1334







539 536 532 525 534 527 530 516

287 282 285 286 278 284 281 285

552 542 538 534 530 521 514

1378 1360 1355 1345 1342 1332 1325 801


509 514 499 510

278 279 283 285

526 516 525 505

1313 1309 1307 1300

30 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

Oliver Austin Johnny Pruitte Mark Bean David Palmer AMFSL C Frank Mosser AMBHFS C Tim Eaton 2 S. Dale Smith 3 Hugh Johnson James Roberts AMBB C Glen Baxter AMTrad C Phillip Baldowski AFBHFS C Sandy Thater SMFS C Alan Hines 2 Lynnwood Bunn 3 James Thurman Randell Fincher Lonnie Goodrich Frank Smith Terry Pendley Steve Pierce David Curtis SMBHFS C Thomas Boots 2 LeRoy Peters SMFSL C Buddy Lowman SMFSLR/L C Jake Veit SMBB C Shannon North SFFS C Joan Hines 2 Susan Mathis MSMFS C Teddy Lynn 2 Clay Caudill 3 Tim Austin Alex Toser MSMFSL C Dave Leisey MSMBB C Jerry Barr MSFBB C Bobbie Meade GUEST Brian Simpson Bob Peterson Darren McCutchen


432 512 492

238 286 276


1144 798 768







528 523 512 378

278 281 279 240

531 508 504 395

1337 1312 1295 1013

















535 541 534 530 523 511 510 498 450

283 287 285 284 283 275 280 283 262

546 536 527 511 513 532 522 511 424

1364 1364 1346 1325 1319 1318 1312 1292 1136


514 483

278 263

530 504

1322 1250

















502 471

285 275

511 471

1298 1217


517 485 467 424

277 270 277 232

509 493 491 439

1303 1248 1235 1095

















552 536 535

281 290 284

552 554 552

1385 1380 1371

2007 Southeastern Outdoor Sectional Champions

Sectional Tournament Info 2007 SOUTHEASTERN 3-D SECTIONAL August 4-5, 2007 Host: Location:

Ft Gordon Sportsman’s Club Tactical Advantage Sportsman’s Complex (Range 14) Ft Gordon, GA.

Directions/ Special Instructions: If coming from I-20, get off at the Belair Rd/Dyess Pkwy, and go south to Gate 1 of Ft. Gordon. If coming from the south, take Tobacco Rd to Gate 5 of Ft Gordon. Have your drivers license/ID ready, and be prepared to stop for a vehicle inspection. If you have any firearms in the vehicle, make sure the firearm and ammunition are stored in separate sections in the vehicle, and to declare to the vehicle inspector that you have a firearm, and are going to Range 14. If coming in Gate 1, go to 25th St, turn left, past three stop signs. After the 3rd stop sign, the road changes name to Range Rd. Continue on Range Rd past a 4-way stop. Go past golf course and take first right, which will be Carter Rd. Follow the signs to Tactical Advantage Sportsman’s Complex. If coming in Gate 5, take first left after service station onto Range Rd, and go to the 4-way stop sign, turn left, and follow above directions. There will be direction signs for Archery Tournament from both Gates 1 and 5 all the way to the range. Note: You must have vehicle registration, proof of insurance, and picture ID to enter the military installation. Registration: Thomas G. Boots, 6530 Robert Dr, Harlem, GA 30814, 706-556-3240; or Earl Watts, 3672 Larkin Rd SE, Dearing, GA 30808, 706-449-1001. Make checks payable to IMWRF. Deadline: July 28, 2007 Late Registration: At the range all day Friday and Saturday, and Sunday before 1st shooting time. Schedule: Both Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 am assembly and 8:30 am shooting time, and then 12:30 pm assembly and 1:00 pm shooting time. There are two 25-target rounds ... one unmarked and one marked. May be shot in one day; however, everyone must shoot the unmarked first. Accommodations: There are numerous motels located at I-20 and Dyess Pkwy, which is straight out Ft Gordon’s Gate 1 approximately 5 miles. Campgrounds: There are some camping spaces with water and electrical located on the Post on a first come basis. You must check in at the Sportsman’s Complex for directions and availability. Additional Contact: For additional Information about the tournament and the surrounding area, contact Fred Perry, 706-7915078 or 706-833-2834.


SMFS C Don Snipes 2 Gary Thompson SMFSLR/L C Steve McKenna 2 Scott Cragle AMBB C Tom Daley 2 Ron St. Clair AMBH C Bob Borges AMBHFS C Judd Wathen 2 Ray Shepherd 3 Jay Hayden Roy Hampton Shane Mueller Tony Mansfield AMBHFSL C Gary Buck 2 Kent Padgette AMTrad C Joe Allman AMFSL C Ken Buck, Jr 2 Kenneth Buck AFFS C Kris Weaver 2 TriciaHampton 3 LeAnn Thompson Beckie Shepherd Annie Langston Pauline Frenchman AMFS C Paul Bambrick 2 Dusty Powers 3 Randall Johnson Rod Weaver Aaron Frenchman AMFSLR/L C Lynn Walter MSMFS C Marlow Larson 2 Bob Jacobsen 3 Wayne Davidson Jay Walk Franklin Gamble Keith Flint Robert Jensen CFFS C Taylore Mueller YMFS C Dusty Weaver YAMFS C Logan Weaver GUEST Ron Barndt


806 765

531 506

1337 1271


733 688

467 433

1200 1121


760 689

493 468

1253 1157






825 817 813 802 763 760

530 521 523 526 496 521

1355 1338 1336 1328 1259 1281


716 579

465 380

1181 959






776 717

502 420

1278 1137


812 773 769 727 697 668

521 512 505 DNF 467 440

1333 1285 1274 727 1164 1108


822 817 792 789 715

530 537 522 524 484

1352 1354 1314 1313 1199






814 800 790 778 759 728 689

539 515 501 505 478 488 486

1353 1315 1291 1283 1237 1216 1175

















Jerry Miller, Councilman

Southwestern Outdoor Sectional Results June 30-July 1, 2007 Timpanogos Archers, Provo, UT 28 Field + 14 Animal + 28 Hunter PL SHOOTER PMFS C Dave Taylor SMBB C Tom Frenchman 2 Johnnie Hoeft SMBHFS C John Hufford 2 Tom Langston 3 Rebel Freitas SMBHFSL C Dave Baierline


28 FLD 28 + 14 ANL HTR







685 516

462 329

1147 845


781 753 750

515 476 DNF

1296 1229





Archery Magazine August/September 2007 31

Summer Camps

This summer the Blue Sky Meadow Summer Camp and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints All Girl’s Summer Camp hired me to instruct the Summer Science Challenge Archery Instruction Camp. The solution to the problem of hooking kids on archery and promoting our great sport as a life-long venture or as a means to earn a trip to the Olympic games: SUMMER CAMPS. That’s right, summer camps. Summer camps could potentially train and help retain thousands of young archers every year. To give a bit of insight into the numbers of kids that could potentially be hooked on ar32 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

chery at summer camps, the following statistics were gathered by the American Camping Association (ACA). The report shows an estimated ten million kids will attend one of the twelve thousand summer camps in the U.S. The majority of these camps hosted archery programs. Of the twelve thousand camps, about 2,500 are accredited. Summer camp enrollments are around 8 to 10 percent every year. My thoughts are if three thousand summer camps (25% of the nation’s total) can each get eight kids hooked on archery every summer, we could be adding 24,000 new archers per year to our sport. The possibilities are limitless, but only if we take the initiative to act. We need

good coaches at these camps so the young archers have good experiences, not the often unpleasant ones.

Remember, if we all work together, we can make the sport we love one of the most popular in the nation.

TOP Jacob Childress shoots his ďŹ rst balloon and hits the bullseye.

LEFT Tanner Barnes shoots his ďŹ rst bullseye, and it is a ten.

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 33



s a middle-aged American in a post-9/11 world, I am often drawn to remember the sacrifices and hardships our military service men and women, and their respective families endure in support of the preservation of world order and my American way of life. Perhaps it is the fact that my civilian office is uniquely situated directly on the flight line of the March Air Reserve Base in Riverside, California that I daily see the soldiers flying off to and returning from the various combat zones present in today’s world that has elevated my awareness. I watch the faces of the families of servicemen and women standing at the fence, holding infants in arms or holding the hand of a youngster whom is trying his best to be “brave” and not cry at the 34 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

thought of not seeing dad for a very long time, faces wrought with anxiety about the reality of when/if they will ever see mom or dad again. The brutal truth is that some families’ last image of mom or dad will be boarding that big airplane. We as Americans going about our daily lives tend to forget that much of the world’s population lives under an oppressive government rule, has inadequate food and water supplies, lacks the most basic civil rights that are taken for granted here in the states and that we are hated around the world simply because we enjoy these privileges. Regardless of your political position of the military actions our country has embarked upon since September 11, 2001 the fact is that there exists an extraordinary

segment of American society, a group of men and women who participate in an all-voluntary military for our benefit and well being. These people collectively make up the most skilled and effective fighting force ever assembled by any society in the history of mankind. Ours is a highly technical oriented military, a military that requires highly intelligent people to perform specialized skills in battle. They call it “doing their job”. I call it what stands in between my ability to raise my family in relative freedom speaking English vs. being oppressively forced to speak Arabic or Chinese. And I am appreciative for their selfless efforts and personal sacrifices. With the above facts temporarily out of mind, I sat at my computer one evening in January, 2006. I was enjoying the privilege of reading and writing on an Internet Traditional Archery website, entitled the Leatherwall. One individual had written a thread that caught my eye. This person identified himself as a US Serviceman stationed overseas and he was asking for assistance in the form of donations of used archery equipment, not for his own use, but for that of use by the dependent children of US military servicemen and women stationed in overseas. Apparently U.S. Army Major Darman Place, stationed at Hohenfels Army Base near Stetten, Germany observed a need by the youth of our US Service personnel to participate in an activity capable of providing stimulus to both body and mind. Major Place observed a need and took measures on his own to fill the gap. Sitting securely in my home in California, USA, enjoying some idle time on the internet, while under the protective umbrella of the security provided by the likes of Major Place located in an overseas environment, the thought came to mind that the families of our servicemen and women deserved better that the “hand-medowns” archery equipment that Major Place was asking for. The families of our talented servicemen deserved new quality archery equipment and I set my mind to making that happen. I first solicited the assistance of Tim Atwood

of Riverside, CA. Tim is a man who has spent better than 50 years of his life in the archery world and is the current Chairman of the NFAA Bowhunting and Conservation Committee, has been inducted into the California Bowhunters Hall of Fame, is the President of the Riverside Archer’s Association and is a Director of the California Archery Foundation. Tim’s list of archery accomplishments is long and extensive, but more importantly Tim is a patriotic American who shares my views on the importance of the U.S. Military in the stability of our society. Despite Tim’s own ongoing personal battle with serious health issues Tim agreed to lend his support to this cause. He suggested the drafting of a grant proposal request through the California Archery Foundation, constitution2005. The California Archery Foundation is a non-profit IRS 501 C-3 qualified organization (a fancy way of saying it qualifies as a tax deductible charity) that was created and exists to support worthwhile quality endeavors pertaining to the sport of Archery throughout the state of California. This opportunity to assist the youth of our military servicemen was to be used in Germany, rather than the state of California, thus special effort was made to convince the Directors of the California Archery Foundation of the importance to the children, the positive overall impact of the program upon Archery in general and the need to assist. Fortunately, being Americans first and Archers second, the Directors of the California Archery Foundation agreed to support and fund the grant proposal, allocating $1500.00 for the purchase of youth archery equipment. Once funding was approved by the California Archery Foundation Tim Atwood’s involvement in the goal again became invaluable. Tim, now retired is self-employed as a part-time Archery instructor, teaching both adults and youth alike in the greater Riverside, California area. Tim used his affiliation with the National Alliance for the Development of Archery of Newberry, Florida, http://www.teacharchery. org/ to purchase 12 complete sets of archery gear, including the following equipment, at Archery Magazine August/September 2007 35

instructor prices: • Bow box; a very rugged SKB brand travel vault that not only contains all the equipment but also converts to a bow rack to display the bows at the range. • AIM brand 3 piece takedown recurve Bows, tapped for sights & stabilizer: • (8) Right hand 62” 20# draw weight • (2) Right hand 54” 15# draw weight • (1) Left hand 54” 15# draw weight • (1) Left hand 62” 20# draw weight • (12) side quivers with 6 arrows each quiver • (12) finger tabs; 2 Left hand 10 right hand • (12) armguards • (1) pair nocking pliers • (1) Bowstringer • (12) paper target faces In addition to the above list of equipment donated from funding through the California Archery Foundation, I contacted two California archery clubs in Southern California, the Challengers Archery Club and the Riverside Archers Club. Both of these archery clubs yielded individual members whom donated personally owned equipment that was also forwarded to the children of our servicemen. This equipment included Block Targets, arrows, archery related tools, and various other types of archery equipment. I had two boxes in excess of 70 lbs each sent to Major Darman Place via U.S. Mail at his address at Hohenfelds Army base. Substantial delays at Germany Customs accounted for a six weeks lag in shipment as the items were inspected rigorously. Eventually the items were delivered in Germany and in good condition. Getting this equipment into the hands of the children who can make use is but one aspect of the exercise: finding an adult capable of teaching and willing to spend his time with children is often the hardest part of the equation. Major Place and his assistant, U.S. Army Chaplain Captain Pete Johnson, have filled that instructional gap. From a personal perspective, the experience of helping out the dependent children of 36 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

military families enjoy the sport of archery has been a rewarding one. I have been and continue to be amazed at the generous nature of sportsman and archers in particular. The generosity of organizations like the California Archery Foundation and the anonymous individuals from the Riverside Archers and the Challengers Archery Clubs of Southern California has been awesome to observe in action. Thank you gentlemen for your personal contributions. I personally encourage individuals whom may be motivated by this story to consider donating funds to the California Archery Foundation or other Archery related non-profit organization. These folks do good work that really benefits the sport overall. Upon receipt of the equipment Major Place then initiated the task of preparing the kids for a fun archery related event. In his own words Major Place describes below and had has proved photographs of the children participating in archery related events. On the weekend of June 1-2, 2006 the weather finally broke and provided us with a wonderful weekend to teach the art of Archery to the youth of the military community of Hohenfels, Germany. We are a small base with a large amount of teenage youth; Chaplain (Captain) Pete Johnson and I put out an invitation to learn archery to the youth of the area and the response was immediate...where do I sign up? Due to deployments, weather, vacations and people moving back to the USA, we finally had 5 of the original 10 that signed up able to attend a youth archery camp on 1-2 JUN 2006. The idea for this camp originally started in JAN of 2005. Pete Johnson and I were surfing the Internet and reading the messages about youth archery camps on We placed a request for assistance on this website and were absolutely overwhelmed with the number and speed of responses offering assistance with attaining equipment for the camp. However, two groups stood out among all the offers; the California Bowhunters Association and the National Field Archery Association. These two groups utilized a single point of contact, Mike Orton,

who contacted me and offered help. I accepted, and Mike and his fellow archers from California came through in a big way sending 20 some odd take down recurve bows, arm guards, tabs, gloves, targets, arrows, and quivers, all in a range of sizes appropriate for youth from ages 8-18. Without their enormously generous gift this camp would not have happened! Finally the day arrived and the kids of the military servicemen and women from Hohenfels, Germany arrived for their first evening of Archery Camp. Attending the camp were the following children: Thomas Mallard (12), Emily Bagdasarian (13), Julian Campos (11), Thomas Nantz (12), Timothy Place (14), and Soren Johnson (10). Camp started at 1700 and we began with camp chow; hamburgers and hotdogs allowed the kids minds to stay focused on the training and off their stomachs. We began on Friday evening with an introduction to the bow and arrow, every kid had to identify and name all the parts of the bow and the arrow. We followed this with archery safety and all that entails; from properly stringing a bow to conduct on a range and while hunting, every child learned that you never point a bow at another human being, even in play, or any animal that you are not hunting with the intention of making a killing shot. From there we went outside and began teaching proper shooting form that led into the kids being able to take their first shots by around 8:00 p.m. We began by shooting at 10 yards, working individually with

each child on correcting their form and shooting technique. Pete and I were both amazed at how quickly the kids went from hitting all around the target and never on it to literally making the target appear as though an “angry porcupine” had hit it. As day turned to night and we lost good shooting light, we went back inside and began providing instruction on how to make and

fletch an arrow. Each kid was able to fletch their own arrow that they then took home with them on the following day. From there we moved into watching a few Traditional Archery Hunting Videos. The kids stayed up until midnight watching a variety of animals being harvested, from Grizzly and Polar Bear to Wild Turkey, Whitetail deer, and even bowfishing, all with traditional archery equipment. From the start of the first evening until midnight that night, not one kid ever complained of being bored or losing interest. As a matter of fact, the only complaints we had were when it became to dark to shoot and then at midnight when I finally told them they had to go to bed and we Archery Magazine August/September 2007 37

turned of the video with two hunts still unseen. The following morning 7:00 a.m. saw pancakes on the griddle and kids anxious to go out and begin the morning of stump shooting Pete and I had promised the night before. We had the kids warm up on the targets before heading out into the woods, again, we were amazed at how well the kids had improved from their first shot group at 10 yards being no where near the targets center to three of the kids grouping three arrows with all fletching touching in the kill area of a burlap deer target. Spirits were high as we moved off into the woods and the kids made some simply amazing shots at the various stump species that inhabit the forest behind our house: We have Moose stumps, Whitetail Stumps, Squirrel stumps, bear stumps.... well you get the picture. Lets just say that had the stumps indeed been real animals none of our young archers would have went back to the house without a trophy animal. The kids were making shots from 10 out to 30 yards after only one day of instruction.


RAGSDALE & ASSOCIATES 14230 Shadow Bay Drive Willis, TX 77318-7406 888-407-3084 936-856-0928


Finally the day ended with the children’s parents arriving to watch a small demonstration of what they had learned and a final shooting contest. Each participant left with the arrow they had made the night before, a copy of Traditional Bowhunter Magazine, and two kids took home a copy of the Primal Dreams video produced by the Wenzel brothers, and our winner of the shooting contest took home his very own Bear Longbow. The only question each one of the kids had upon time to leave was when could we do this again? Pete and I shared the response to that answer, “not soon enough”. While the kids learned how to shoot and make arrows, I know that Pete and I gained much more form the experience then did the kids. To see today’s youth taking up our most treasured past time of bow hunting and archery was a delight I cannot begin to express. Plans for future camps are already in the making, and many of the kids have come back over with their parents just for a couple of hours of shooting practice. My thanks go out to all the great Americans and Archery organizations who helped make this event possible for our military youth, but I would like to again highlight four Organizations: Mike Orton from the California Bowhunters Association and National Field Archery Association, T.J. Conrads from Traditional Bowhunters Magazine, Comptons Youth Archery Program, and most of all, the servicemen and women and their families whose daily sacrifice ensures the freedom of all Americans and makes me proud to have served along side them for the past 20 years of my life. To all the organizations out there who promote youth archery; keep up the great work and keep passing on the love of the string and stick to the generations of tomorrow. Sincerely,

Robert Ragsdale, A. E. See services listed on home page at: 38 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

MAJ Darman C. Place US Army By: Michael Orton



Brittany Marie Dutton, 15-year-old from Mojave, CA, is slowly, but ever so surely, breaking on the scene as a possible future nationally ranked shooter. Her past victories include many local, regional, and state placings including the 2007 Vegas shoot. Brittany first started shooting in November 2004 at Riverside JOAD under the direction of 4th Level Olympic Instructor John Krueger for 18 months. She then began training with Tim Atwood in August 2006. Brittany currently shoots with the Hi-Tech JOAD group out of Fullerton, CA. Her equipment consists of: • Hoyt Matrix Riser • Hoyt M1 Limbs • Sure-Loc Quest X Sight • Cartel Doosung Carbon Stabilizer System • Easton Superlite A/C/C

Brittany Dutton wins Vegas 2007 for Young Adult Female Recurve

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34 Kentwood Rd. | Succasunna, NJ 07876 | (973) 584-0637 • (973) 927-6779 | email: Archery Magazine August/September 2007 39

by Tim Atwood This month’s “pictorial tour” shows “Fred Bear” and the NFAA connections. Yes! Bowhunting Legend, Fred Bear, was an NFAA member from the NFAA’s start until his last bowhunt. Fred Bear, Glenn St.Charles, Roy Hoff and many more bowhunting greats were very active in the early years of the NFAA and its game programs and legislative work. The NFAA museum has many photos of these early bowhunting legends, a Fred Bear recurve with compass in the handle, and a print of Fred packing out a bobcat is just a few of the many photos and memorabilia of Fred Bear’s time with the NFAA.

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Fred Bear shown in a framed painting packing out a bobcat and a Bear recurve with compass in the handle; Fred Bear stalking his quarry; Fred Bear and Glenn St. Charles doing some shooting. Glenn St. Charles was the NFAA’s Bowhunter Chairman when he and Doug Walker started the Pope and Young Club; Fred Bear at an early sports show signing a fan’s bow. (All photos courtesy of NFAA’s museum)

40 Archery Magazine August/September 2007


Clockwise from top left: 1st Place, Typical Mule Deer Gerald D. Combs, Belleview, FL • Taken: 09/13/06 Final Score: 188 0/8 Biggest Pronghorn Antelope George A. Zanoni, Westchester, IL • Taken: 09/11/06 Final Score: 65 2/8 Biggest Typical Elk Daniel Apodaca, Selah, WA • Taken: 09/17/06 Final Score: 324 4/8 1st Place, Non-typical Mule Deer Steven J. Vittetow, Durango, CO • Taken: 08/27/05 Final Score: 194 5/8 Archery Magazine August/September 2007 41


You Can Pay More But You Can’t Buy BETTER!! KWIKEE KWIVER CO., INC. BOX 130 ACME, MI 49610

231-938-1690 42 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

THE NIGHT WAS GOING TO be a good one, still and cool but not too cold; just right for the first evening of the fall raccoon hunting season. Curly and I wanted to get a coon with our bows and arrows and to show our skeptical hosts that it could be done. They had taken us out the last night of the previous season and when a raccoon was finally treed, it was up the tallest, thickest, loblolly pine tree on the Eastern Shore of Maryland; at least to our eyes. All that we wanted this season was a chance for a decent shot, and then perhaps we would show them that bows and arrows were more than toys. After a short drive from their homes in Quantico, Maryland, Pete, Clyde and Lionel cast their dogs loose and within five minutes of picking up a trail, “Hambone” bayed “treed”. We picked our way easily to the baying dogs for we hadn’t even left the harvested corn field and knew that “Ham” would keep the rest of the pack at the tree till we arrived. What a disappointment! Though it wasn’t the same tree as the one back in January, it had to be its’ twin. Try as we might, we just couldn’t locate our quarry and he was wise enough to not let his reflective eyes give away his location. Half an hour of circling, straining our eyes and necks, the baying dogs were called off and we went looking for a coon that would be more cooperative. Within fifteen minutes the dogs were “singing” again, but before we got to them they moved off. Even Ham quit, but “treed” hesitantly again a little farther off in

Fall For a Coon By J. Davis

some second growth oaks. Another “no-show”, so calling the dogs off again, it was decided to go back to number one tree, just in case the raccoon had descended the hairy topped pine. Before any great distance, the dogs took off, baying wildly, letting us know that they were running by sight. Even “Hambone” was trailing; he usually only barks at the tree. Another disappointment, for it was a den tree. This was not working out the way we had envisioned the taking of our first bow-narrow coon. Besides, the dogs weren’t happy. Heading back to the trucks, the dogs took off when we got close to where the second chase of the night had occurred. There was no uncertainty in the cacophony of hound talk! This had to be it! Sure enough, Mr. Coon showed up trying to hide in the mistletoe near the top of an oak. Locating a shooting hole, Pete, Clyde and Lionel held their lights while Curly and I started flinging arrows. Curly’s first was so close that the coon

scrounged even closer to the limb; my arrow went over, off into the night. Our hosts decided to shoot into the limb with the rifle to get the coon to move. Two shots of the .22 into the limb did just that, for he offered us a walking shot down the limb. Curly and I began shooting as quickly as we could. My second was into the limb which the coon used as a branch to hold onto. My third went true and the yellow feathers turned bright red, causing Curly to shout, “stop shooting; my red arrow’s in him”. The coon made it to a crotch of the oak. It took some convincing to get Curly to accept that it was my yellow fletched arrow in the coon and not his arrow. The suggestion was made by our hosts that it possibly could be shot out, but to that I protested, for I didn’t want any bullet holes in “my” coon hide. It hadn’t occurred to me that this was the way our hosts supplemented their trapping incomes. The $50.00 payment for the hide would have been a large portion of their income and would at least reimburse the expense of the gasoline used that evening. We supplied the batteries on all of our trips. A disappointed Curly reminded me that I hadn’t taken any pictures, so I broke out my camera from one pocket; flash attachment from another and flash bulbs from still another; thank heaven for surplus army jackets. Of course, it wouldn’t be action pictures, but perhaps the coon would be visible up the tree. Another disappointment! The batteries in the flash attachArchery Magazine August/September 2007 43

ment were as dead as the coon and the flashlight batteries did not fit. Oh well, at least we had the raccoon and pictures could be taken later at home. Or did we have the coon, for he was still up in the fork of the oak. Two wrist sized grape vines grew up the two foot diameter oak so, after trying each one separately, to see if each one would support my weight independently, I started

44 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

up, using both. Where they parted I had to change to only one hand; wrong choice! It doesn’t take long to fall 18 – 20 feet, but I had time to envision landing on my back astraddle the log I used as my first step up the tree. Fortunately I landed on my heaviest part (butt) in the thick leaf cover but, even so, it was a few minutes before I got my breath back and wanted to move. Answering all questions from my concerned companions, I gingerly moved my extremities to see if they still would function; Curly volunteered to get the coon for me. What a buddy! He’s hesitant to climb onto a chair at home. I decided to climb the tree proper, but required a boost from my hunting companions, as I couldn’t reach around the large bowled oak far enough to shinny up to get a hand hold on the lowest limb. Climbing for what seemed to be a long time I was concerned to find that I was only half way to the fork in the tree where the raccoon had expired. With a stubborn effort I forced myself to the coon to find that he was tightly wedged in place. Tugging on its’ hind leg and tail I was able to get it loose, but had to remove the arrow before dropping it for the dogs to get their reward; the mouthing of the animal. Now all that I needed to do was descend the tree in a controlled fashion. No problem, as long as there were limbs. Below that I pulled the “fireman’s” descent; sliding down the bowl of the tree. It worked, for my feet touched the ground lightly, but sure did a number

on my hip boots; in fact, ruined them, but I did have a coon taken with my bow-n-arrow! That ended the hunt for the night, for which I was glad, as I was getting stiffer and sorer by the minute. Unfortunately on the way to the trucks I stepped into a rotted out pine stump hole; one leg going up to my crotch and required help to get out. Couldn’t straighten my back, all the way to our vehicles, and for a few weeks had to wear my wife’s two way stretch. After taking pictures in Curly’s front yard, I drove home and had a few hours of sleep. Before work the next morning, I skinned the animal and found that the arrow had centered its’ heart and lungs. No wonder the yellow feathers turned crimson immediately. The hide I tanned, using the salt and alum process, and made into a Davy Crocket hat. Curly became owner of a swizzle stick made from another part of the coon. After recuperating, we hunted behind “Hambone” many evenings, which helped us to keep our youthful figures, particularly during the deer season. Deer hunting before and after work and then raccoon hunting after dark didn’t leave much time for sleeping. A few other coon hunters contacted me to hunt with them as they wanted to witness a coon bow-n-arrow kill. The next few years I hunted with others and eventually obtained “Belle”, my own coon dog. One Sunday morning, at daylight, I found myself wondering why I was missing sleeping in a comfortable bed, so changed my night time activities to exclude coon hunting.

EASTON ANNOUNCES INCREASE IN CONTINGENCY MONEY FOR 2008 Easton has long been hailed as the most winning arrow in all of competitive archery. From FITA long-distance outdoor, to close-range indoor, to unmarked 3D tournaments, Easton has more podium finishes than all other arrow brands combined. Easton continues working hard to grow competitive archery by supporting tournaments and archery venues, along with having the best contingency program available to archers. In support of these efforts, Easton is excited to announce the further expansion of their contingency program from $100,000 in 2006 to nearly $400,000 in 2008, along with a significant bump in Olympic contingency money. All winning archers shooting Easton arrows are eligible for the cash awards. Easton’s increase in contingency monies means more Easton contingency-award tournaments and substantially higher payouts for podium finishers. New events include World Cup finals, European Championships & The Face-to-Face Tournament. Easton has also bumped many of the payouts in the most prestigious tournaments. All FITA World Indoor/Outdoor/Field Championships, all European Indoor/Outdoor/Field Championships, and all World Cup tournaments have increased payouts for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd by more that 200%. Easton President, Greg Easton, is excited about the expanded program. He stated, “It is a strong, performance-based program that allows archers to earn more cash for top finishes. Easton is proud to be the number-one choice of pros, and we are happy to reward shooters for their lofty achievements. The additional contingency funds during the remainder of 2007 and into 2008 will help support archery and foster greater competition.” The 2008 program features a special contingency specifically for Olympic teams and qualifying athletes. Olympic athletes have the potential to earn $168,000 in total contingency payouts, and represents Easton’s largest offering to date. The program includes a contingency endorsement contract on individual medals in the amounts of $15,000 for first place, $10,000 for second and $5,000 for third, in both the men’s and women’s classes. The contingency program also includes cash awards in the team events. Additionally, a special 3X team bonus is set to reward winning teams shooting all-Easton with a contingency endorsement contract to each member of the team in the amount of $9,000 for gold, $6,000 for silver, and $3,000 for bronze. Former FITA President, IOC Board Member, and Easton Chairman, Jim Easton expressed his pleasure regarding the additional support of Olympic archery by stating, “The Olympic Games are archery’s highest level of competition, and that one tournament delivers a tremendous amount of exposure for archery. I’ve always been proud that Easton has been involved and supported Olympic archery, so to increase the financial support even further is a continuing step in the right direction.” Cutting-edge performance and innovative design have made Easton the number one arrow choice by pros since the inception of modern-day, competitive archery. Easton’s new contingency program is a continuing step to support archery while rewarding the World’s top shooters as they continue to win with Easton arrows. Visit to learn more about Easton’s new contingency program, and to see the new lineup of tournament winning arrows. Easton-Expect the Best. Easton Technical Products • Salt Lake City, UT 84116 1922 —2007 Easton...Celebrating 85 Years of Quality and Innovation Archery Magazine August/September 2007 45


46 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

Part III SHORTLY AFTER LEAVING my milk river lease I drove into the storm front that was moving throughout the west. High winds, rapidly dropping temperatures and the first snow flakes of the hunting season soon met me and my truck. I had made a plan for my trip to the third part of the DWT which was an elk hunt in Idaho with several hunting pals including my partner in Double D Productions, Darin Cooper (aka Coop). The plan was to leave northern Montana after cleaning my whitetail and head south to Helena, Mt to visit another mutual hunting buddy of Coop and I whose name is Carl. Carl is part time businessman, part time wine bar extraordinaire and part time hunter. Carl had made the offer to stay the night there and visit his home and also his wine bar. The drive there was beautiful and well worth doing during the day. That evening Carl treated me to an excellent meal and hospitality. Carl and I both planned on heading out really early for elk hunting. Carl had drawn a very difficult tag in the southern part of the state and was equally excited. Carl’s home was lovely and we spent several hours walking around and looking at his trophies and recalling the stories behind them. We got to sleep much later than we expected but such is life when you re telling hunting stories. Several hours later I woke and it was absolutely gorgeous out-

By John Dudley

side. Over the night hours about 10 inches of fresh fluffy snow had fallen. We had some breakfast and cleaned off the vehicles and headed our separate ways. My drive was slow going with all the mountain passes and slippery road conditions. Coop was heading up with another bow

hunter Dan’L who also works at Hoyt. Dan’L had agreed to run the video camera for us for a few days and try to get this next segment on tape. They had left the night before and the plan was to meet at the bottom of the mountain around 1 and try for an evening hunt. The drive took me

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much longer than expected and I didn’t get to there until about 3 and those two were still hunting so I rested for awhile and got caught up on the sleep I missed while at Carl’s. A few hours later they showed up and we took the camper up into the unit we were going to be hunting and started to set up camp. With the cold front coming through and the fresh snow we were expecting an unbelievable hunt this week. Darin had hunted this unit most of his life and had taken some great trophies out of in the past. Earlier in the year when we were planning a place to meet up for a good hunt and good video opportunities he thought of this unit. After setting up camp we went for a ride and went around the mountain to 48 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

the backside where some other hunting buddies were hunting. They told us that they had heard a few bugles but nothing really hot. They told us that the rut should fire up any day, if not that next morning. We set a hunting strategy of attacking the mountain from both sides and parted ways. This would again be a night of little rest and an abundance of hunting stories. The next morning it was crisp to put it mildly and the snow was deep and crunchy. We made our way up a pass and I got my first taste of my legs being on fire and my lungs burning as well. I felt I was in condition, but being in mountain condition is only something you can expect from doing it. I think I slowed Coop and Dan’L down a little that

morning, but going easy was probably better anyway with the noise that was made from walking in that snow. We made our way up to an area they had been the night prior and found some fresh elk tracks. The view up there was awesome and it gave a complete visual of how this unit laid out and how all the creeks and drainages flowed. We followed the tracks that morning for about an hour and got to a point where we felt the elk were most likely to start thinking about bedding. However the wind was wrong and we opted to sit for awhile and let the weather settle and get a more distinct wind direction before making an attack. However the wind stayed variable and not in our favor so we made the decision to back out

of there and check a few other areas and come back up to this sage flat for the evening hunt when the elk were most likely to come back out to feed. That evening Coop and Dan’L had to head back to Utah for few days for some mandatory meetings at Hoyt. I would be on my own for a few days and that was fine by me. I made my way back up to that point where we had been in the morning. It was a quiet evening with no bugles to be heard. I did however see several elk on a ridge top about three miles off in the distance. I couldn’t see horn but I could see a distinguished heard bull moving about in his cows. I took a few photos from up there and waiting until dark and headed back down the mountain. That next morning I took my bike to the base of the creek that I had seen the elk on. It was a long hike but not a backbreaker. I made it to about 1000 feet straight below where I had seen the big herd of elk. I decided to take a little nap and have a snack before heading up for the evening hunt. While having my break I watched several mule deer walk within kicking distance of me. I was wearing the new Realtree Max1 camo pattern in a leafy suit and it is so elusive. They had no idea I was there. On a humorous note I was sitting next to this tree and a large root had grown above ground and then went back in the ground. It was maybe about two feet long. However the root had a natural crack in it and I remembered looking at it and thinking it looked just like a butt crack. I actually locked this place into my GPS as “Butt Tree” and as I

was doing this I noticed a bunch of super size black ants coming in and out of the butt crack. I remember thinking to myself, “Ewh, that’s gotta hurt!” Then in all my wackiness I threw the crust of my lunch to the ground next to the crack and watched as one ant got a taste then quickly headed into the crack to tell the others. Before I knew it there was an ant party on what was left of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I packed up and left there laughing to myself thinking about whether or not the day a PB&J fell into the crack of butt tree at 8000 feet would be an urban legend amongst mountain ants everywhere. Anyway, back to the hunt. I made my way to the area where I thought I had seen the

elk and didn’t move too quickly but instead just listened, and listened, and listened, and listened...nothing. Again it was totally quiet. I came across a few fresh wolf tracks and several fresh elk tracks from earlier that morning. Again I thought to myself the elk are here and maybe with this cold front it just shut them up for awhile. To make a long story short, I spent the next several days in that canyon where I know for a fact there were a few elk. Yet never heard anything and never seen anything. I had several encounters with Mule deer but nothing worth filling my deer tag on. I met several really nice hunters during those few days and everyone was wondering the same things. First, where are the elk and the and also why

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 49

aren’t they talking. Late one evening, Coop finally pulled in and was all eager to hear what I had done or seen what I had killed. I gave him the rundown and told him the only thing I was seeing was elk and wolf tracks. Coop had an idea that there was just to much pressure where we were hunting and said we needed to head “deep” and get away from the other guys. That next morning we went

the other hunters in our group from the other side of the mountain. They were so frustrated over there that they packed and came our way. We just laughed and said there’s nothing talking over here, either. Everyone came to the conclusion that the only thing that was common were the wolves and that they must have the elk totally shut down from talking and must be herded into areas we hadn’t been. So that

deep, really deep. I don’t know how many miles on the Yamahas and hours and hours on foot. No tracks and no bugles, just a lot of chills and wetness throughout our whole body. We hunted really hard; walking, calling, sitting, not calling—you name it we tried it. When we got back to camp we were greeted by

night we looked at some maps and found some new gnarly areas and made a strategy to break into separate groups and work over this section. Coop and I made our way through one of the hardest hikes I have ever done. Had there not been snow it wouldn’t have been that bad. However, after about

50 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

two miles we found a fresh track and were dead set to kill this elk. We followed behind these tracks cautiously to make certain we wouldn’t bump this elk. After several hours of stealthy sneaking, we finally realized that it was an old loan cow. We were mentally crushed. At one point it started snowing so hard it was like a, no it WAS a blizzard. We came over this pass and stood atop this sheer drop off with the blowing snow in our face and I laughed and said “Dude, well here we are, it’s Tibet!” I threw my pack under a large pine and climbed under it to get out of the elements and have a snack. I told Coop my butt crack ant story and got a laugh. By the looks of the GPS it may take about another five hours to walk back to my truck which we had dropped in another location from Coop’s. The walk was hell, and had I not taken some really nice photos atop those peaks it would had been all for naught. This hunt was turning out to be one of those hunts that we all have been on at some point, and hope we will never have to go on again. We were pretty much totally deflated and mentally spent. Coop’s lifelong hunting partner Kurt showed to camp after about the fifth day. He made the statement that we should head down to the low lands and check some of those irrigation fields to see if the elk were down there. So that morning we all headed down into the low lands and did some glassing. Much to our surprise, we finally got to see some elk! There were several large herds in the fields and the next step was to get permission. It was a long process including, helping trailer

cattle and hot shots and evening Coop getting blasted in the chest by a steer. However, that’s another story and what’s important is that we did get permission on a peace of property that was a transition area from the irrigation fields and the timber. We watched several elk use this small property as a travel corridor and readily built a plan for that evening. The plan was simple, five guys with five bows and five tags. Something needed to hit the ground. Coop and I were going to come in from the North and the other guys would come in from the South. That night was the best we had in the entire trip. There were several bulls bugling. Most were small spikes but there were two respectable bulls that were sited. The elk had come out from between us and worked towards

together. We were all excited that night and Larry whipped up a crazy meal that looked like something out of a magazine. It was so good! Thanks, Larry. It seriously was that last day for everyone so something needed to happen. We got up early and met the son in law of the property owner where we were hunting. His name was Lucas, and this guy was a die hard elk hunter. He had a good idea on where to position everyone to intercept the elk coming up from the irrigation fields. Lucas took a few guys South and Coop, Kurt and I set up on the North. Hey I would like to tell you something good happened. But it didn’t! Only a few elk were spotted from Lucas and all of us left there with our heads hanging low and our tags in our pockets. We headed to camp and packed up everythe south and the other two thing as quick as we could and hunters got to see a great dis- everyone wanted to hit the road play. No elk presented them- in time to beat total darkness for selves to any of us and with only the ride home. Sometimes I’m hardheaded. one day left for all of our hunting So people say anyway. I pulled that next morning would have to be when things needed to come Coop to the side and said lets

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Cooper let out a loud bugle and the bull heard it and looked our way. I said, “He heard that, bugle again!” So we screamed again and this bull turned and started walking and feeding our way. He wasn’t coming fast, he was just excepting that there was elk somewhere towards where we were and that he was going to work his way there throughout the night. I looked at Coop and said, “it’s now or never!” There was one thing that we both knew about elk: If they aren’t coming to you then you better be going to them. Daylight was fading fast and there was a thin finger of cover that would allow me to close the gap between the bull and myself. Cooper stayed put and I headed off as fast as I could. The bull was in absolutely no hurry to get to the bugle he heard. He was only interested in feeding and walking about. I closed the gap to maybe 500 yards and then slowed down and started being finish this thing, we need to go a little more selective to where in there and get something on I was stepping and where I was the ground. He said it’ll be a late appearing. The bull soon disapnight driving but count him in! We headed back up there again and within about an hour heard a bugle. Too bad it was only a spike, and even he wouldn’t respond to a call, he was just heading down to the irrigation fields. So we just kept making our way up to the hill and get into the position where the other guys had the action the night before. It was disappointing as light faded slowly we were realizing that our elk hunt was a busted. Then, all then sudden Coop noticed a bull way across the valley. I put my glasses up and saw that it was a bull and it was almost a mile off. 52 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

peared over a knoll and I was able to get down to the edge of this finger of timber I was on. At this point the only thing between the two of us was this 300 yard sage flat. I soon saw the bull appear out of the rise and I then noticed another small bull coming out of the timber and heading towards the bull I was after. I figured at this point they would become more interested in each other then in the array of calling that Cooper was doing above me on the hillside. I waited and waited and debated crawling across the wide open but finally in what seemed like the last seconds of daylight the bull started walking more aggressively towards the calling. Both bulls were coming and I was on my knees behind a small pine. The bigger bull was to my right and the smaller to my left. My scent was soon to hit the smaller bull when all I could hear was the bull’s hooves crunching through the sage. I was so low to the ground and the only cover I had was a few dead pine limbs and the Max1 leafy suit. I knew by the sound

that the bull was very close and I drew my bow flat against the ground holding the arrow on my trophy taker rest with my finger. I came up to one knee and the bull was just coming into the clearing and every one of my pins could fit in his vitals. I let the arrow fly and heard the Wac Em’ broad head blast through what sounded like both ribs. The bull didn’t know what had hit him and went about twenty steps and staggered to the ground. I couldn’t see well where he was but I just laid flat to the ground listening to the bull try to recover from losing his lungs. Soon I heard a big crash and snapping and could tell the bull had rolled over for the last time! I made my way backwards towards Cooper as fast as I could without making noise because I didn’t want to take any chances and jump that

bull had he not expired. When I got up to Cooper he looked at me like what took you so long! I just gave him a high five and said, “We did it man, we got one down!” It didn’t matter who had shot really, cause either one of us could have done what the other had done, but what did matter is all the miles we did together over the past seven days weren’t all for naught! We walked down to where I made the shot and I looked to where I had heard the bull go and within seconds the bull was in my light and he hadn’t gone any further than maybe 40 yards. It was a good feeling, the feeling we all strive for when we hunt. We laughed because we knew that it was about an hour and a half back to the truck and that’s where we would be sleeping until morning. Darin and I woke the next

morning and got the keys from the farmer to get into where the bull was down. We rode in on the Yamahas and spent the next several hours taking care of the bull and packing him out. It was a beautiful day for photos and we got several shots that captured the moment. We were tired and burned out and had hardly anything left to eat or drink. It didn’t matter, though. It was two friends enjoying what we love and being rewarded for being passionate about something. It wasn’t only success for us but also success for the other three guys who had busted their butts the whole hunt as well. So far I can’t complain about my new choice in equipment because I’m batting 100% so far and stage 3 of the DWT is over with. Next stage, whitetail, stay tuned! Archery Magazine August/September 2007 53

by Paul Davison

1977 Clemson: The Last of the “Dixie” Outdoor Nationals






1966 Pt. Pleasant tournament

3” target faces.


would have killed it for the

that there would be no more


It was over 100°

perfect 560 Field or Hunter

tournaments, only five have

for a few days, and several

rounds, resulting in more

been held south of the Mason-

shooters suffered heat stroke.

exiting competition among the

Dixon Line:

two in Crystal

We guess that this very hot

very top shooters, especially

Springs, AR (1961 and 1962),

week was considered merely

the NFAA Pros.

one in Pt. Pleasant, WV (1966),

an anomaly, because Jackson,

the Keowee Bowmen’s pre-

one in Jackson, MS (1967),

MS, was selected for the 1967

tournament preparations and

and one in Clemson, SC


publicity were first-rate.



Outdoor Nationals were held


simply because you’ll never

well north of the Mason-Dixon

eight new 28-target ranges to

see the Heat-Humidity Index

Line: three in the West, three

go along with the three club-

mentioned in any Southern

in Illinois, one in New York,

owned permanent ranges. All

Living magazine.

It can be

and two in New England. The

308 butts were compressed


Heat-Humidity Index wasn’t

excelsior, and all butts were “...

much of an issue here.

located in the woods.” They

sixty Outdoor


Why only five?


in those tranquil pine forests during the last week in July. Lots of bugs, too. One would think that the 54 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

The next nine


This meant




You might remember that

lined up no less than fourteen

1977 was the first year we

accommodations within 18

used the new, metric, “5-4-

miles of the range, including a

Clemson University dormitory

staged sit-down strikes until

I’m really sorry that I’ve

converted to hotel for the

they got water, while some of

picked on Clemson and the

summer. They also promised

the Pros waited forty minutes

Keowee Bowmen. None one

that all eleven ranges “...

for replacement target faces.

could have anticipated their

are in gently sloping, heavily

It was reported that the Pros

problems of 1977.

wooded, foothills; should be

took 71⁄2 hours to shoot 28


chigger-free by July; and the

targets when five hours was

continue to thrive today.

temperature will range from

considered excessive.

fact, since it’s the nearest (100

the mid 80s to low 90s.” Y’all




and In

To make matters worse, a

miles) NFAA 5-Star archery club

plague of yellow jackets infested

from my home in Georgia,

the new ranges.

It seemed

I consider it my home club.


that the underground nests

Even though I’ve retired from

still ranks as the fifth largest

these wasps dug were always

shooting, I manage to visit the

attendance among all NFAA

near the shooting stakes.


Keowee Bowmen about every

Outdoor National tournaments.

the shooters soon found out,

third June for the Southeastern

Unfortunately, the promised

ordinary bug repellent has no

Outdoor Sectionals.


effect on yellow jackets. Once

great club!

come, y’ hear! And they did come. 1028




environmental were

It’s one


again, the Keowee Bowmen

As reported in

were called upon to perform

the October 1977 Archery

miracles. Dozens of new water

Paul Davison’s

magazine, tournament week

barrels were purchased and


turned out to be “... the hottest

distributed on all ranges, several

week of the hottest summer in

concession stands were added,

Official adjunct to NFAA’s ��������������������

15 years.” The “gently rolling

and most of the yellow jackets

hills” description of the eight

were eradicated by Wednesday

new ranges proved to be another

morning. Food supply on the

shock to those not acquainted

ranges, however, remained a

with the gentlemanly Southern

problem throughout the week.

custom of understatement.

If it weren’t for the several

These conditions led to an

thoughtful spectators roaming



the ranges with emergency


provisions, there might be,

in a logistical nightmare for

thirty years later, the skeletal

the Keowee Bowmen on the

remains of some NFAA member

very first day.

in “them thar woods.”





Some groups


� NFAA History and historyrelated articles published in ������� magazine � Recent NFAA/WAF tournament write-ups and photo galleries � Lists of all National Outdoor (from 1946) and National Indoor (from 1980) Champions � NFAA Barebow Fraternity news and membership roster � Field and 3-D Range Design Guidelines � Every ��������� ������ article published in ������� � Recently-published general interest articles by Paul Davison in �������

“NFAA and WAF news for all archers” Archery Magazine August/September 2007 55

56 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 57


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58 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

What Every Archer Should Know First About The Mental Game

What Every Archer Should Know First About The Mental Game is the first of a series of Mental Management products designed for the competitive Archer. This CD explains the top three mental mistakes most Archers make and teaches how to overcome them. Instructors find that this CD makes learning technical skill easier and faster by helping to eliminate mental error common to archery. Cost: $25.00 (USD)

Mastering The Mental Game of Archery VOL 1

Volume ONE, Building the Triad, teaches Archers how the Conscious, Subconscious, and Self Image work to generate performance. This is the first volume of a series that teaches competitive archers how to generate a consistent mental performance under pressure. This CD explains how to create balance within all three areas to form a proper Triad State, which increases good performance. You will learn Principles of Mental Management that are applicable to archery. Cost: $30.00 (USD)

Mastering The Mental Game of Archery VOL 2


or online at archery_focus_1-2h.indd 1


To Order call 1-800-879-5079


Volume TWO, Improving the Conscious Mind, is a discussion of pre-shot preparation and how it relates to the Pre-Shot Routine, the Preload and the Mental Program. This audio CD addresses pressure and how champions use this phenomenon to their advantage. Archers will also learn how to develop a proper mental program and increase their ability to perform well under stress. Cost: $30.00 (USD)

6/12/06 2:40:19 PM

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 59

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60 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 61



Shrink your Groups... Period!


For maximum stability and head-turning accuracy, nothing spins a broadheadtipped arrow faster than QuikSpin vanes from N.A.P. QuikSpin’s revolutionary patented “kicker” rotates arrows up to 300% faster than feather helicals. And Standard Vane faster spin means tighter groups and better accuracy. Durable, all-weather reliable and easy to apply with any standard fletching machine in straight, offset right or right helical fletch. QuikSpin Vane The unique combination of our patented kicker and micro-grooves stabilizes an arrow in less than half the distance of a conventional vane or feather.

4” 2.25”

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Add $10.95 S&H • PA residents add 6% sales tax Walker’s GAME EAR II & III features Adjustable Frequency Tuning (AFT) allowing hunters to tune in specific sound frequencies to meet their individual needs, while protecting them from muzzle blasts.

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Used proudly and responsibly by Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, America’s Favorite Bowhunting Couple on “The Archer’s Choice” weekly t.v. show on The Outdoor Channel.

New Archery Products TM 7500 Industrial Dr., Forest Park, IL 60130 708.488.2500 Toll Free: 800.323.1279 Fax: 708.488.2515 62 Archery Magazine August/September 2007

Archery Magazine August/September 2007 63

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