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Councilman Spotlight: Rocky Kline
Councilman Spotlight - Rocky Kline
Great Lakes Section
I began my career in archery in 1963, right out of high school after getting a Ben Person bow. At that time, I thought that the great sport of archery would only serve as a hobby. Little did I know, this sport would quickly become my life’s passion. After receiving my first bow, I began hunting with friends from work. After just a few shots my bow fell apart. I went and replaced my Ben Person bow with a new one, only to have the same thing happen again. This initial experience taught me the importance of purchasing high quality equipment and learning how to fix my bows on my own. My second purchase was a Black Widow hunting bow. After using this bow a few times, I loved it so much that I decided to purchase a Black Widow target bow. At some point in my archery career, I discovered PSE bows. The first time I used PSE equipment, I knew it was top notch. Twenty-five years ago, I was placed on the PSE shooting stall.
As my love for archery progressed, I found an outdoor range in my hometown, the Izaak Walton, and spent countless hours there refining my craft. In 1964 I stumbled upon a range in Galveston, IN called The Galveston Archery Club. I have spent the last 58 years shooting at this range as it is still in existence today. In my time with the Galveston Archery Club, I have served in many roles, including president for the last 30 years.
In 1970 I was introduced to the National Field Archery Association (NFAA). I immediately became involved and have now been a member for over 53 years. I have worked on many NFAA committees and have served as the Great Lakes Sectional Councilman for over 10 years. In my time with the NFAA I have participated in and worked many state, national and world tournaments all over the United States.
Archery has brought me many moments of joy. I have been a merit badge counselor for the Boy Scouts of America for countless years. I have instructed many beginning archers who went on to win awards at the state and national levels. I loved archery so much, that I even took a job at the beginning of retirement at a gun and archery shop in my hometown. I spent the last 20 years working on setting up bows for many of my friends and family members.
The sport of archery has been so good to me. I have made lifelong friends, traveled all over the country and have been able to share priceless memories with my family as we have hunted and shot bows together. I had no idea when I picked that first bow up almost 60 years ago how great of a decision it was for me. Archery has shaped my life in so many positive ways and I am forever grateful.