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Thank you and Rest in Peace: Timothy Oliver Austin
Thank you and Rest In Peace Timothy Oliver Austin
February 9, 1938 - May 11, 2022
It is with a heavy heart that I must say good-bye to Tim Austin. I met Tim in the late 1980’s and worked with him from that time through his passing on May 11, 2022. I’m proud to call Tim a friend, colleague, advisor and mentor through my tenure in the NFAA. Tim was one of the true examples of complete dedication to the sport of Archery! Tim was one of the most dedicated supporters of the NFAA that I have ever had the opportunity to work with. He helped at the inception of the Vegas Shoot in almost every capacity and never ever complained. He traveled several times to NFAA Headquarters in Yankton to help with various projects. He was an integral part of the set up and design of the Field Courses. I felt honored to present Tim with the NFAA Presidents award in 2009 for all of his efforts. Tim had accomplished more in Archery than most of us will ever do or for that matter would want to do! He had held the positions of FA State NFAA Director, SE NFAA Councilman, and NFAA Parliamentarian and served on countless NFAA Committees. In addition to his NFAA positions, he had been the backbone of the FA Archery Association from the 1970’s through his passing. He was involved with the IFAA hosting several NAFAC Tournaments and serving on several committees. Tim also was involved with the NAA as a judge and volunteered for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics in Archery for the Field of Play. Tim was also vested in the National Senior Games; he was the competition manager from 1999 until his passing.

Tim was a very devoted husband and father. I had the pleasure of meeting his Wife Barbara on several occasions, his stepdaughters and of course son Oliver. Several years ago when I was NFAA President, I couldn’t travel to the IFAA World Congress and appointed Tim to go and of course Barbara accompanied him. He never stopped talking about what a great trip it was and how much he enjoyed it. Oliver has assumed Tim’s position as the SE NFAA Councilman and I’m sure will follow in Tim’s footsteps!
From the bottom of my heart and representing all the NFAA Officers, Council, Directors and Members, I would like to thank Tim’s family for sharing such a great man with the NFAA and all of Archery! Tim is definitely one of the few that truly understood how to “give back” to the great Sport he loved! Rest in peace Tim and keep a watchful “archery” eye on us all!
With heartfelt condolences,
Bruce Cull, NFAA Foundation President