NFB FINANCIAL UPDATE Issue 78 January 2015
e wake to a new year full of interesting possibilities, a few great risks and not a lot of certainty on a few fronts. Looking after money and ensuring it stays and grows is certainly going to be tough in the next while, particularly on the local front. The most extraordinary correction in the oil price and its impact on the cost of fuel to beleaguered South African consumers has been welcomed, but this development has some other interesting implications. A further positive to the extra bucks we will have to pay off debt, save or spend will be a likely muting of inflationary pressure, making it easier for the Reserve Bank and MPC to keep rates where they are, perhaps even lowering them! This again alleviates pressure on those of us with mortgages, rentals or overdrafts, again resulting in greater discretionary spending capacity in households. On the risk side, shares and businesses in general with exposure to mining, mining infrastructure, oil, fuel and the like will be vulnerable to these companies cutting
Mike Estment CFP professional BA / CEO - NFB Financial Services Group
financial services group
spending, probably dividends and also employees. Take a quick look at the USA's recent rather promising recovery and you realize that the “fracking” industry has been a massive employer, giving the US economy and the Fed a welcome assist in getting itself out of the shtuck! Fracking has a much higher cost profile to traditional “OPEC” type oil. As the price of crude oil has plummeted many have already, or shortly will, become marginal. This, some say, is the strategy of the Saudi's, capable of biting the bullet, still making money, although much less in the short term, but by allowing supply to exceed demand, scaring miners, entrepreneurs and financiers back into the closet! This might well result in the crude oil price recovering towards the end of the year. The other point worth mentioning is the shape of the bounce back after oil prices drop in any material fashion. Each time this has happened in the last few decades, the correction has been fast and very rewarding to those brave enough to take on the might of the market. On the local front it is pleasing to see business luminaries expressing their disdain at the State of the Nation, our president and politics and civil service at large. The damage being done by poor planning, pathetic delivery and then the everpresent corruption button has gone to a point where many worry it could become irreversible. The Eskom saga is the most obvious and well recorded of these. Big business, already under severe supply constraints has warned government to go elsewhere to find capacity. Retail consumers and small business are the next natural prey. We went out to dinner the other evening, rather unexpectedly I might add, as a result of a non-scheduled power outage. On my wife phoning, holding on for the customary twenty minutes, and eventually getting to enquire about the cause of the meltdown, a rather unpleasant official let us know it was not load shedding, but a fault in our suburb. So we packed the family into our car and went off to our local diner, where we were completely snookered as they were without power, and given the stoves were powered by electricity, which stupidly they had assumed could be relied upon, they
had to close. Sending waiters, cooks, cleaners, owners and customers off into the dark. Their fridges being off for the duration, currently not too long (four hours seems the norm) manage to keep the produce good for another day's business. Small blessings! The guys next door must be ex-Zimbabwean. They had gaspowered stoves. Delighted (pun intended) we pounced on a table and enjoyed the beginnings of a great meal. Unfortunately, at about midway, the lights went out. The building managers had omitted to fill the diesel generator's fuel tanks. This resulted in the restaurant closing, asking its patrons to acknowledge their debts (no power to run the credit card machines or internet), and to return in the morning to settle same! Living around the corner, this was no problem for us (or the restaurant). I'm not sure everybody acted with the same sense of community. This is a small, but demonstrative example of what might lie ahead. Escalate these blackouts to days on end and the ball game looks scary. This electricity supply mess, highly obvious to all and sundry now, has seemed to pop out of nowhere. I am worried about Medupi and Kusile's equivalent facilities or utilities in the area of water, hospitals, bridges, airports, harbours, rail infrastructure, to name a few. Each of these facilities are expected to be available for existing, never mind foreign businesses to elect to take the capital and other risks so desperately needed to get South Africa onto a growth trajectory it is well capable of and creating the jobs and tax revenues which allow the economy to grow as it should. Sorry that I open the batting on such a somber note. On the subject of batting, congratulations to AB de Villiers on his superb record breaking innings at the Wanderers! Oh! By the way, any guesses who the owners of the building are where the power failure happened and the diesel tanks were unfilled? The Government Pension Fund (PIC)! A final note: certain changes have been announced in the reporting and taxation of trusts. We would strongly suggest you consult with your tax advisors in this regard.
fortune favours the well advised