NFB FINANCIAL UPDATE Issue 79 March/April 2015
rom the inside, things look a little testy in good old SA. Whilst we remain a remarkable place to be, the tailwinds of a booming China, with a global resource super cycle supporting our markets and economy, are all but over for the medium term. These have to an extent been lessened by a recovering US and a “we-can'tquite–make-up-our-minds” Eurozone which is showing signs of mild recovery, aided by the finite Euro QE announced recently. The headwinds come in various guises. These include a twin deficit, a need to borrow, a risk of further downgrades by an ever present bunch of ratings agencies (the same ones who missed the Global Meltdown), ridiculous labour law and a government intent on self-destruction, led by a shortage of power (electricity), a desperate need to hang on to power (political), a shortage of integrity, a need to govern foreign ownership of property (we call this Fixed investment, as compared to the riskier, rather flighty portfolio investment which comes and goes just as fast), and interference and mischief when
Mike Estment CFP professional BA / CEO - NFB Financial Services Group
financial services group
embarrassed by all manner of good (read the DA's rather successful Western Cape, Power Generation from outside Eskom). Notwithstanding these rather gloomy realities, we have a new MacGyver. He is called Nhlanhla Nene. Well educated, brave and surrounded by competent folk at National Treasury and the SARB, Nene has managed to still (albeit temporarily) the ratings ferrets, proposing a budget which doesn't target any particular part of the economy and seems to be sticking to his guns and the law as well as policy. All is not lost! We have shown, against all odds and repeatedly over the last number of decades, that we are an amazing bunch. Politically, economically, even a few times on the sports fields, we have surprised the naysayers and delivered results way above our fighting weight and we will again. In this forecast, time is of the essence, and by saying time, I mean lots of it. So, MacGyver, in his maiden Budget Speech has thrown us an unexpected opportunity/lifeline. Each of us can take up to R11 million offshore annually (well there goes my bonus!). This has to be carefully considered. On average, South Africans, particularly those who are fifty and older are under-exposed to real offshore investments. Most of us, advised by an NFB advisor, have exposure “automatically” through two onshore investment themes. By simply investing in leading equities (mostly constituents of the ALSI40), one gains exposure to companies which are globally active, with costs in rands and hard currency, but earnings mainly derived in hard currency. The other way we gain exposure is through the use of Collective Investments (previously called Unit Trusts) and Endowments, where the fund manager is allowed to take up to 25% of the funds under management offshore. These investments gain exposure to genuine offshore shares, cash, bonds and a small component of property. However, unlike personal foreign allowances, these investments are broadly referred to as “asset swaps”. This now dated term still means that should the Government change their minds, they could be forcibly repatriated, giving the investor the benefit of exposure, but no certainty of this always being the case. We therefore, whilst taking up these reasonably substantial offshore positions taken by
portfolio managers, still prefer the “real thing”, being the taking up of personal foreign allowances. I personally also like to agree with my clients that these investments are strategic in nature. What I mean by this is that they need to perform in their overseas currency, rather than being a tactical bet against the short or even medium term ramblings of the Rand versus the US Dollar or Pound. Given the volatility of the Rand and its recent weakness, perhaps an appropriate approach would be to opt for a regular and ongoing take-up of this opportunity rather than a big bang approach. I clearly remember the fear and haste a few years ago when the currency collapsed to levels we are almost back to. Those same naysayers were taking every possible cent to Aussie and were packing for Perth. A while later, when the Rand had recovered to R6/US$, they weren't too sure where to next. I would encourage you to discuss this opportunity with your wealth manager at NFB. Don't look a gift horse… Finally we have been offered, and want all clients to accept, the TFSA. This Tax Free Savings Account is rather bothersome in the short term given its limits and lifetime cap. However, multiply the annual limit by the total number of folk in your family, let this go on for ten or twenty years and you will have a really attractive, top-performing piece of the portfolio. It will be tax-free inside the portfolio, tax-free on withdrawal and is definitely something we would recommend. My recommendation would be to invest as aggressively as possible, given the long term intended nature of the product. Whilst you have ready access at any time to the money, it should remain invested, growing aggressively (with the corresponding volatility) until you, or your spouse or heirs need it. It will form part of your estate one day, but hopefully you will get to enjoy some of it and spend it wisely! The offering is brand new and I have suggested to my colleagues and clients that we let the dust settle and then decide which proposition to back. They promise to offer favourably low costs and there is sure to be competition between suppliers. We look forward to helping clients and their families optimize this opportunity.
fortune favours the well advised