16 minute read
Soothing Separation Helping Anxious Dogs to Cope
by Julie Peterson S eparation anxiety is a common tory of traumatic separation, inexperience canine problem, diagnosed in as with being alone, excessive greetings and many as 40 percent of dogs seen by prolonged departures by owners, relocation veterinary behavioral specialists. When and changes in routine or family structure. the dog is left alone, it may serenade the Symptoms vary in scope and degree, neighbors, soil the house or cause damage. but SAS is painful for both dog and parent. Stories abound of unstuffed couches, dugRepeatedly returning home to complaints up floors, destroyed window coverings and from neighbors or considerable damage dog injury from chewing out of a crate or can cause owners to surrender their dogs. trying to escape through windows.
In an article on separation anxiety syndrome (SAS) in the Journal of American Veterinary Medicine, Stefanie Schwartz, DVM, cites several studies that agree on common risk factors for SAS in dogs: his
Get the Diagnosis
If a dog is acting out, an assessment is needed to ensure that what seems like SAS isn’t caused by underlying conditions. Boredom, illness or canine cognitive dysfunction could result in actions and symptoms such as pacing or excessive salivating that mimic anxiety. If SAS is diagnosed, owners must understand that dogs aren’t exacting revenge and should never be punished for behavior exhibited when they are terrified, advise veterinarians.
Natural Solutions
Human Tricks
A 2018 study in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior suggests that petting a dog for one minute before leaving may make the dog calmer during separation. Some dogs feel safest when left in a crate covered with a blanket. The human attitude toward separation can be felt by the dog, as well, but some dogs simply need more help coping.
Changing the brain might be the way to go. Calmer Canine is a device that sends targeted, pulsed, electromagnetic field (tPEMF) signals to the dog’s brain. Unlike approaches like medications, supplements and cannabidiol (CBD) that have to be administered repeatedly as needed, “the dog gets two, 15-minute treatments per day for four to six weeks,” says veterinarian Judy Korman, at Assisi Animal Health, in New York City and Santa Fe, New Mexico. A 2019 pilot study of nine dogs that she conducted in cooperation with the North Carolina State University of Veterinary Medicine, which developed the device, showed that the tPEMF signals reduced anxiety and restored calm.
“I’ve tried medication and natural supplements, and have found that what works

Common risk factors for separation anxiety syndrome in dogs include history of traumatic separation, inexperience with being alone, excessive greetings and prolonged departures by owners, relocation and changes in routine or family structure.
best for all three of my dogs is plenty of exercise. Long walks, especially in new locations with new smells, are a favorite,” says Kimberly Gauthier, a blogger at Keep the Tail Wagging and Dog Mom Style, in Marysville, Washington.
There is a physiological reason for engaging in walks guided by the dog’s nose. “The more the dog is able to take in scent, the more it triggers the seeking part of the brain, the more enriching life is for the dog and the more it calms them down,” says Mittsy Voiles, a behavior specialist at the Lake Mills Veterinary Clinic, in Wisconsin.
Food and Supplements
Good nutrition allows dogs to be more successful citizens. “If you make the baseline fundamentals good, it gives the dog the ability to think, process its environment and have less anxiety,” says holistic veterinarian Catherine Alinovi, at Healthy Pawsibilities, in Clearwater, Florida. Processed kibble with food coloring is doggie junk food. “Kibble Quandary: A Fresh Look at Pet Food,” at NaturalAwakenings.com, suggests healthier feeding options.
How a dog is fed can also have an impact. Putting food in puzzle toys facilitates a brain exercise that improves confidence. “Dogs who spend part of their day working out puzzles are really engaging that opportunistic scavenger part of their biology,” says Voiles.
Commonly, pet owners are turning to the hemp plant derivative CBD as a calming aid. For those considering nutraceuticals, herbs and supplements, a holistic veterinarian can make recommendations.
Diffusing calming essential oils may relax some dogs, but a mild scent for humans could supersaturate a dog’s olfactory organ, preventing them from smelling what’s necessary. Learning how to use essential oils safely around pets is critical. But the pacifying scent of natural pheromones that mimic the comfort of nursing are hard to beat; pheromone-based products in sprays, diffusers, wipes and collars can be found in natural-health stores and pet stores. “It’s effective for dogs who need to feel safe or when adjusting to a new environment,” says Voiles.
ThunderShirts, special blankets and Dog TV are tried by many, but no one option works for every dog. “When people try things and don’t get improvement, they should seek a holistic veterinarian who can help figure out what is going on,” says Alinovi.
Julie Peterson writes about wellness and the environment. Reach out at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.
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calendar of events
Dearest Readers, while many events have been postponed, many others will proceed online. Please visit the location’s website or Facebook page for up-to-date information.
MONDAY, JUNE 1 Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am & 6-7pm. Also Mon, Jun 6, 15, 22, 29. The “yoga of awareness,” kundalini yoga awakens participants to their full potential. Experience tuning in, warmups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation, meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. Please bring a mask to class. $15. Register online. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St Johns Ave, Jax. 904- 381-8686. Seventh-wonder.com/events. Virtual Death Café – 6:30pm. Death Café of NE Florida’s community gathering hosted by Nada Frazier, founder of The Sacred Servant. Join people from across the nation and talk about life/death. Zoom meeting link: Nada@TheSacredServant. com. Info: Facebook, MeetUP, DeathCafe.com, TheSacredServant.com.
TUESDAY, JUNE 2 Twin Hearts Meditation – 6-7pm. Also Tue, Jun 16. Advanced meditation technique developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, aimed at achieving illumination of universal consciousness. Instructor: Falli Shah. Free. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St Johns Ave, Jax. 904-381-8686. Seventh-wonder.com.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 Live, Virtual Mudra Vigyan – 10-11am. Also Wed, Jun 10, 17, 24. The “science of gestures,” mudras awaken cosmic energies and purify the mind, body and soul. These finger postures will be taught by Dr Kamal Parikh, MD. $10. Register online. Password-protected ZOOM meeting details will be sent 24 hours before class. 904-381-8686. Seventh-wonder.com.
Transcendental Meditation Free Introductory
Talk Online – 6:30pm. The most effective meditation technique is also the easiest and most enjoyable to practice. Reduce stress, normalize blood pressure, develop creativity, memory, intelligence and inner peace. Register for video conference at 904-375- 9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org. Virtual Prayer/Meditation – 7pm. Also Thu, Jun 11, 18, 25. Gathering on UJB’s Facebook page, led by Unity of Jacksonville Beach spiritual leader Nada Frazier on 6/4, 6/11, 6/25; Rev Janice Ryalls on 6/18. All are invited. Love offerings welcome. 904-246-1300. UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com.
SATURDAY, JUNE 6 Find Your Spirit Animal – 1:30-3:30pm. Join Grandmother Sun Spirit for a sacred Native shamanic spiritual journey. Follow the drum beat deep within Mother Earth to identify with a new animal spirit guide or hear personal guidance messages from beloved ones. Bring a towel, blanket or yoga mat to lay on for a deeper experience. Limited seating. Register: SpiritualServices.online. Andrew Jackson Davis Bldg, Cassadaga. 386-503-4930. Rev.Judi. Weaver@gmail.com. Talking Stick Circle – 5pm. Native American gathering to share ancient teachings and drum circle. Open the four corners, hear messages from Native Elders, play instruments in alignment with the heartbeat of Mother Earth and share thoughts from circle participants. 386-503-4930. Rev.Judi. Weaver@gmail.com. SpiritualServices.online. SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Pranayama & Yoga Nidra Meditation – 10-11am, pranayama’s guided breathing focuses on the conscious awareness of breath and increases oxygen to internal organs to promote healing. 11:15am12:15pm, yoga nidra is a guided meditation; nidra is a Sanskrit term meaning “sleep”. With instructor Elizabeth Henrichson. $20. Register online. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St Johns Ave, Jax. 904- 381-8686. Seventh-wonder.com/events.
Virtual Services-Unity of Jacksonville Beach
– 10:30am. Also Sun, Jun 14, 21, 28. Join UJB spiritual leader Nada Frazier on UJB’s Facebook page, via Facebook Live for spiritual lessons, prayer and meditation on 6/7, 6/14; guest speaker Rev Lisa Solwold on 6/21; guest speaker Rev Kelly Isola on 6/28. Love offerings welcome. 904-246-1300. UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com. FRIDAY, JUNE 12 Virtual UJB Women of the Circle Gathering – 7pm. Unity of Jacksonville Beach welcomes all to this community gathering, held the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Zoom meeting link/info: NadaUJB@gmail.com. 904-246-1300.

SATURDAY, JUNE 13 Inspirational Speaking and Writing with the Help of the Spirit World– 10:30am-1pm. Online class. $36. International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge. 407-247-7823. ifsk.org.
SUNDAY, JUNE 14 Online Book Discussion Group – 2-4:30pm. Surviving Death, by Leslie Kean, Section 1: Is There Life Before Birth? $11. International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge. 407-247-7823. ifsk.org. THURSDAY, JUNE 18
Transcendental Meditation Free Introductory
Talk Online – Noon. The most effective meditation technique is also the easiest and most enjoyable to practice. Reduce stress, normalize blood pressure, develop creativity, memory, intelligence and inner peace. Register for video conference at 904-375- 9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org.
FRIDAY, JUNE 19 3-Day Healing Retreat – Jun 19-21. Part 1: “Release and Recharge.” Only two spots left. Designed to help participants with their deepest needs. Learn about releasing blockages, karma debt, cord cutting, clear chakras and meridians. Limited seating to follow COVID19 regulations. $400 includes meals, drinks, snacks. $50 non-refundable deposit. Spiritual Uplifts, 2186 Park Ave, Orange Park. 904-292-4555.
SUNDAY, JUNE 21 Vegan, Indian Cooking Class – 4-6pm. Seventh Wonder spa owner Falli Shah and her husband, Sunny Shah, prepare a fresh meal in front of attendees, hosted on a lovely outdoor deck overlooking their garden. $20. Register online. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St Johns Ave, Jax. 904-381-8686. Seventh-wonder.com/events. THURSDAY, JUNE 25 Ten-Week Tarot Class – 7-9:30pm. Also offered Jun 28. Information and assignments will help attendees learn the meaning of the cards, including mythology, numerology and the tree of life. Past life regression through tarot will also be taught. $40/class or $325 in advance (save $75). Limited seating to follow COVID19 regulations. Spiritual Uplifts, 2186 Park Ave, Orange Park. 904-292-4555.
FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Virtual UJB Women of the Circle Gathering – 7pm. Unity of Jacksonville Beach welcomes all to this community gathering, held the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Zoom meeting link/info: NadaUJB@gmail.com. 904-246-1300. SATURDAY, JUNE 27 33-Day Cleansing Class – 10:30am. Every Saturday. A workshop designed for participants to discover themselves by raising their frequency and cleansing their energy field. Learn different techniques to help create a positive and abundanceflowing life. Spiritual Uplifts, 2186 Park Ave, Orange Park. 904-292-4555. Inspirational Speaking and Writing with the Help of the Spirit World– 10:30am-1pm. Online class. $36. International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge. 407-247-7823. ifsk.org. Online Book Discussion Group – 2-4:30pm. Surviving Death, by Leslie Kean, Section 1: Is There Life Before Birth? $11. International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge. 407-247-7823. ifsk.org.
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community resource guide
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Ads@NAJax.com to request our media kit.
A WAY OF LIFE ACUPUNCTURE 4337 Pablo Oaks Ct, Bldg 200, Jacksonville • 904-373-8415 Dr Christine Yastrzemski, NCCAOM, AP Dr Jen Hart, DACM, AP AP2255 AP4076 Our Acupuncturist Physicians are NCCAOM Board Certified specializing in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. We offer the highest quality of care while customizing treatments that best suit your needs. See ad, page 17.
HYDROPONIC UNIQUE GOODS 8622 Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville 904-829-4847 • JaxHugs.com H e m p i s a l l relaxation without i n t o x i c a t i o n , research shows numerous health benefits. Garden and hydroponic supplies: Leading brands of soil, nutrients, grow tents and LED lights.
ROOTSCBD 904-420-7550 JaxRootsCBD.com RootsCBD is a family business providing high quality CBD products supplied by farms they know. They will soon sell products grown on their own farm. See ad, page 23.
THE SACRED SERVANT Nada Frazier, End of Life Doula 904-402-7061 • TheSacredServant.com Certified end-of-life doula (nonmedical, holistic) services, training EOL doulas, and supporting people, family and caregivers around illness and end of life issues. Planning and guidance through times of transformative change.
JACKSONVILLE HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER Dr Jon Repole, DC, CFMP 9957 Moorings Dr, Ste 403 Jacksonville (Mandarin) 904-268-6568 • DrRepole.com Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Find the cause of your health challenge. Our office will create a doctor supervised custom-tailored health program that will include the following: meal planning, supplemental prescriptions, detoxification guidance, food/lifestyle coaching, exercise prescriptions, accountability, on-line patient portal, and more. We utilize the most advanced diagnostics testing available to aid both our diagnoses and treatment. See ad, page 8.
MIND BODY & BEYOND CENTER 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300 Jacksonville • 904-992-9930 MindBodyAndBeyondCenter.com Comprehensive. Integrative. Transformative. Strategies for developing awareness and understanding. Harmonize the mind and the body and spirit will f o l l o w. We l l n e s s t i p s , customized meal plans, healthy recipes that are adaptable for the entire family, cooking classes & fitness professionals to help you meet your goals. Find greater intuitive and creative ability, have a fuller expression of love, enhance your sense of self-worth and bring spiritual qualities into your life. #MM35640 See ad, page 21.
HERBS LAURENCE LAYNE, LMT, HERBALIST Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop St Augustine 904-826-1965 • HealingWatersClinic.com MA0010746 MM005595 A holistic center specializing in pain relief and chronic healthissues. Certified in neuromuscular and deep tissue bodywork, myofascial therapy, craniosacral balancing, east-west herbalism. Offering attunement energy healing since 1978. See ad, page 15.
HOLISTIC WELLNESS SPA SEVENTH WONDER HOLISTIC SPA 4236 St John’s Ave, Jacksonville 904-381-8686 • Seventh-Wonder.com A true sanctuary away from the stresses of the world since 2002. Offering: Ayurveda consultation and services, natural alternatives to facelift, massages, facials, eyebrow threading/tinting, reiki, pranic healing, ear coning, sauna, and a Himalayan salt room.
INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE A. SCHAEFFER-PAUTZ, MD Board Certified in Internal and Integrative Medicine Persephone Healing Arts Center 485 6th Ave N, Jacksonville Beach 904-246-3583 • DrPautz.com Medical practice emphasizing highest quality personalized care, integrating spiritual, emotional and physical. Practicing naturopathy, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine. Monthly open house and lecture. See ad on back cover.
FIRST COAST INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Megan Weigel, DNP 14215 Spartina Ct, Jacksonville 904-543-3510 FirstCoastIntegrativeMedicine.com A holistic, heart-centered and evidence-based approach to care for people living with neurological conditions and symptoms. Dr Weigel has nearly 20 years experience in neurology and neurological care. See ad, page 7.
TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION CENTERS • Karen & Herb Bandy, Certified Teachers 904-375-9517 • Jacksonville@TM.org • Regine de Toledo & Richard Pinto, Certified Teachers 904-826-3838 • StAugustine@TM.org The TM technique is an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based practice for eliminating stress, increasing well-being and expanding consciousness. Certified Teachers give individual instruction and ongoing support. See ad, page 23.
CERTIFIED MEDICAL MARIJUANA DOCTORS 10695 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville 904-299-5300 2085 A1A S, St. Augustine 904-299-7373 CMMDR.com Patients with a qualifying medical condition can become a Florida medical marijuana patient in two easy steps and gain access to Florida Medical Marijuana Dispensary discounts, deals and special savings. License number OS8874. See ad, page 28.
THE KARMA CASTLE 1437 N US Hwy 1, Ste C8, Ormond Beach TheKarmaCastle.com Psychic & Mediumship Development classes and workshops, Kundalini Yoga classes for all levels. Mediumship Demonstrations, Group Meditations, and Spiritually oriented events. Private Psychic and Mediumship Readings with International Psychic & Medium, Carl Seaver. Healing Sessions and Meditation Instruction with Spiritual Healer, Shannon MacDonald. Hours by appointment. See website to schedule appointments, and view the Calendar for events.
SPIRITUAL UPLIFTS 2186 Park Ave, Ste 102, Orange Park 904-292-4555 SpiritualUplifts.com Metaphysical services, including life coaching, spiritual readings, energy work, crystal healings, biomat, aura photography, chakra and astrology reports and more. World-renowned speakers and demonstrations to further your spiritual journey. See ad, page 27.
HEALTH BY DESIGN Dr Kristy A Harvell 2002 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville 904-363-3374 • HealthByDesignFL.com Nutrition Response Testing™ gets to the underlying cause of your condition by testing for food sensitivities, heavy metals, and chemical toxins. A Clinical Nutrition Program will be designed for your individual needs. See ad, page 17.
PSYCHIC CHANNEL REV JUDI WEAVER Heart 4 Souls Inc, Ormond Beach Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com 386-503-4930 • Heart4Souls.com Channeled spirit messages, crystal light healer, divine personal guidance, shamanic practitioner, spiritual counseling, guided meditations, home/property blessings, vision quest journeys. For individuals or groups—in person, virtual/on-line, phone or energy distance.
UNITY CHURCH FOR CREATIVE LIVING IN ST JOHNS 2777 Race Track Rd, St Johns 904-287-1505 • UnityInJax.com Unity offers positive, practical teachings that s u p p o r t s p i r i t u a l evolution and abundant living. They take an e x t r e m e l y p o s i t i v e approach to life, emphasizing our Oneness in God and the goodness in people and all life. Join to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. See ad, page 5.
UNITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH 106 6th St N, Jacksonville Beach (at Players by the Sea Theatre) 904-246-1300 UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com Unity of Jacksonville Beach honors all paths to God. Unity welcomes those who might call themselves spiritual but n o t r e l i g i o u s . We welcome seekers and people of all faith traditions. Sunday services at 10:30 am, silent meditation at 10:10 am. Unity explores spiritual teachings through metaphysical study, prayer, meditation and more… Join us! See ad, page 22.
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