3 minute read
Leading From the Heart at Yoga Den Southside Studio
by Erin Lehn
Connor James, owner of Yoga Den learned that her daughter practiced at Yoga Southside, in Jacksonville, got his Den Southside.” James took this as a good first taste of yoga in his early teens sign. Soon after he arrived in Jacksonville, while visiting family in Jamaica. “One of James signed up for his first class at that my favorite cousins, a yoga instructor, studio. “The minute I stepped into the convinced me to practice with her on that space, I knew I was home.” trip.” While he found the experience relaxYoga Den became James’ sanctuary, ing, James admits he didn’t give it much and after practicing yoga almost daily for thought afterward. a year, he enrolled in the teacher training
Around the time of James’ high school program. “I wanted a deeper understanding graduation, his yoga instructor cousin of how this breathing and movement was moved to South Florida. Again, she perchanging my life so much,” says this yogi, suaded him to do yoga. This time, somewho began teaching at Yoga Den Fleming thing clicked. Soon, he was taking daily Island as soon as he completed the course. yoga classes in the months leading up to After a few months of teaching backhis first semester at the University of North to-back classes, James became Yoga Den Florida. “Yoga was becoming an integral Fleming Island’s studio manager. “I loved part of my life,” recalls James. “I knew I’d being able to support myself through colwant to continue taking classes when I lege doing something that was so aligned moved to Jacksonville.” with my values,” says James.
James began researching Jacksonville After graduation, James began an yoga studios and discovered that Yoga Den extensive job search and eventually accepted Southside catered to university students a position at a company in West Palm Beach. due to its proximity to the school. “Around “It was a really stressful sales job, and while this same time, I sat next to a woman who I learned a lot, the most important thing I was taking her first yoga class after being learned was that I missed teaching yoga.” in a car accident. We began chatting and I Soon after this realization, James was back in Jacksonville attending a Satsang concert. “I looked around at all the people surrounding me. Again, I had that strong feeling that I was home.” Unable to ignore this strong inner calling, James immediately secured a new place to live in Jacksonville and within days was back teaching at Yoga Den, this time at the Southside studio. James, now owner of Yoga Den Southside, is in awe of how much synchronicity played a part in his career path. That, and his ability to stay true to his heart. “The overarching theme of my life is about making choices from a place of love. How can I create more love in the world? Staying at that other job, I had to fight my heart— every day. I knew I couldn’t continue that path any longer.”
However, the Yoga Den philosophy was always something James could wrap his heart around. “The core of our community is inclusivity and a willingness to accept anyone regardless of ability, disability, race, gender or sexual orientation. This is a community that doesn’t have to work hard to see the best in others. We’re all on our mats for different reasons. Why we’re there doesn’t matter. It’s inspiring to be a part of it. It’s so nourishing for the soul.”
Even with the COVID-19 outbreak, the Yoga Den team strives to uphold those standards—whether it’s through online class offerings or ensuring emotional and physical safety in the studio space. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to create a space where that beautiful, magical, collective yoga experience can occur,” assures James, who adds that the addition of the CASPR (Clean Air and Surface Pathogen Reduction) system, along with implementing other important safety protocols, helps his studio maintain those high standards.
James feels confident that Yoga Den Southside is a safe and healthy place for people to practice. “We’re so grateful to have the online platform, but there’s nothing like being in the studio, smelling the incense, hearing the giggles and sighs. It feels so good to be back in our vibe.”

Yoga Den Southside studio is located at 4195 Southside Blvd., Ste. 102, in Jacksonville. For more information, call 904-888-6880 or visit Yoga-Den.com. See ad, page 2.