18 minute read
Sandra Marinella on the Healing Power of Writing Our Stories
by Sandra Yeyati
An award-winning teacher and author of The Story You Need to Tell: Writing to Heal from Trauma, Illness, or Loss, Sandra Marinella has empowered thousands of people to use stories, poems and journal writing to find greater well-being and resilience in their lives. Prompted by a breast cancer diagnosis and her own journal, she helps people connect with their truth and move beyond entrenched negative emotions and thoughts.
What is the power of story and personal writing?
We all have stories in our minds that play over and over again. They define who we are. In recent years, neuroscience has led us to this powerful understanding that we are quite flexible as human beings. After we become conscious of our stories and how we’re using them in our lives, we can rework and reframe them, and choose to see them in a positive or better light. We can change and grow our stories to become better people with greater well-being.
How do we get unstuck from playing out stories in our minds?
A story that keeps looping, one that you are obsessed with, is generally being replayed in the emotional centers, or right side, of your brain, and you don’t have much control over it. To get unstuck, you need to voice this story and complete it. Writing it down and sifting through it later can help. Once you do this, you can be logical and choose how you’re going to interpret, frame and live with it. In the book, I talk about Chris, whose sister was homeless and died. He was struggling with that story. It was going around in his mind, over and over, all the time. He was in pain and grieving from the loss of his sister. It took him a while before he decided to rewrite the story as fiction, telling it in the way he wished it had come out. In the process, he was able to better understand his loss, make peace with it and set it free.
How do we edit our stories while remaining grounded in reality?
We do not want to lie to ourselves. We want to know our truth, but there is so much wisdom in what we call “positive illusions”. If we can choose to take a hard story and see it in a very positive way, we can find threads of it that we can weave through our truth, and let that help us grow and make our vision of our story better.
If we don’t tell others or write our stories, can they harm us?
Yes. I think they can, but I don’t want to underestimate the value of silence. When we are facing trauma, we need space and time and silence to be able to wrap our heads around the hard things that are happening to us. But then, breaking the silence is cathartic. It releases the pain. It helps us establish not only that we have the pain, but how we can bear it. Later, we can come back to those words and reflect on them—that’s when we come to understand more about where we are, what we think, what we feel and how we can move forward and rewrite and regrow our stories in positive ways.
Do you have any recommendations for those suffering in these trying times?
I’ve interviewed many war veterans, and they said that when they were out in the midst of warfare, they had to put their thoughts and emotions on hold so that they could move forward and be strong. That’s why many of them were falling apart with PTSD afterwards. I also interviewed a few soldiers who carried journals into war and found it extremely helpful to be able to scream, yell and release their words into them. We should be giving all healthcare workers journals and online support on how to write and how to take care of themselves. Counseling and therapy are wonderful, and I wish we could provide it to everybody all the time, but we can’t; and journal writing, or any kind of therapeutic writing, is such a wonderful backup for a human being to have when they are struggling. Keeping a pandemic journal might prove to be not only a healthy choice for our times, but a treasure historically for our grandchildren.
Sandra Yeyati, J.D., is a freelance writer. Reach her at SandraYeyati@gmail.com.
Dearest Readers, while many events have been postponed, many others will proceed online. Please visit the location’s website or Facebook page for up-to-date information.
Transcendental Meditation – Noon. Introductory talk by video teleconference. The TM technique is a uniquely simple, natural, effortless procedure that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, maximize mental clarity and improve health. This video conference gives all the information needed to make an informed decision about learning the TM technique. Register: 904-375-9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org. Virtual Prayer/Meditation Gathering – 7:07pm. Led by UJB Spiritual Leader Nada Frazier at the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOf JacksonvilleBeach.com.
Truth Beyond Your Imagination – Guidance and Channel Circle. Join to investigate the “Truth Beyond” Your Imagination. This is an exploration of communication, enlightenment experiences and techniques that will provide you with essential information to learn from, grow through and to unite, thereby elevating our community’s consciousness and expansion of your personal existence. $25. Andrew Jackson Davis Bld, 1112 Stevens St, Cassadaga. Info: 386-503-4930. Rev.Judi.Weaver@ gmail.com. Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. Yoga of awareness using drishti, mudras, asanas and chanting with Ashley Ireland. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381- 8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com.
Virtual Services: Unity of Jacksonville Beach – 10:30am. Join guest speaker Rev Judi Elia for spiritual lessons, prayer, and meditation via Facebook Live every Sunday on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904- 246-1300. UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com.
Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. With Ashley Ireland. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381- 8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com.
Virtual Unity World Day of Prayer: From Fear to
Faith – 7:07pm. Unity of Jacksonville Beach (UJB). Join Spiritual Leader Nada Frazier to celebrate World Day of Prayer on UJBs Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOf JacksonvilleBeach.com.
Unity World Day of Prayer: From Fear to Faith
– All day. Visit website for a schedule of events happening throughout the day via Facebook Live and ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. With Ashley Ireland. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381- 8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com.
How the Spirit World Interacts With Us In Our
Daily Life – 2-3:30pm. $36. International Online class hosted by Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge. Register: 407-247-7823 or ifsk.org.
Virtual Services: Unity of Jacksonville Beach – 10:30am. Join UJB Spiritual Leader Nada Frazier for “Calling All Lightworkers: Part I” for spiritual lessons, prayer, and meditation via Facebook Live every Sunday on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904- 246-1300. UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com.
Virtual Death Café of NE Florida – Community gathering hosted by Nada Frazier, Founder of The Sacred Servant. Join people from across the nation and talk about life/death. See Death Café of NE Florida’s Facebook page, Deathcafe.com, MeetUP, and TheSacredServant.com for more info. To attend, email Nada@TheSacredServant.com for Zoom meeting link.
Mediumship Sessions with Karen Whisperer
– Sept 17-19. Karen serves as a bridge between worlds. She works with loved ones who have crossed over to communicate their messages. Karen delivers insightful messages from a person’s loved ones as well as their Angels and Guides in order to support their healing, growth and spiritual development. Animal communication sessions are also available. $150/one-hour session. Mind Body and Beyond Center, 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300, Jacksonville. 904-992-9930. MindBodyAndBeyondCenter.com. Persephone Healing Arts Center Open House – 5:30pm & 8pm. Must RSVP in advance to schedule your 20 minute individual slot with Dr. Pautz to tour the center due to the pandemic. 485 6th Ave N, Jacksonville Bch. 904-246-3583. Virtual Prayer/Meditation Gathering – 7pm. Led by Rev. Janice Ryalls on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com. Anxiety Around Flu Season – 6:30pm. Workshop with Dr. Kristy Harvell. Anxious about how to take care of yourself during flu season? Worried about staying healthy and still being healthy? Presented by Health by Design. 2002 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville. Free. Register: Tiny.cc/magadevents. Info: HealthByDesignfl.com. Transcendental Meditation – 6:30pm. Introductory talk by video teleconference. The TM technique is a uniquely simple, natural, effortless procedure that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, maximize mental clarity and improve health. This video conference gives all the information needed to make an informed decision about learning the TM technique. Register: 904-375-9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org. An Intimate Evening of Mediumship – 7-8:30pm. Online Messages and Connections from The Spirit World with International Psychic and Mediums Carl Seaver & Dolores Rilho. This online only event is limited to 25 seats. Secure your seat by prepaying for your ticket at this link: CarlSeaver.com/eventsclasses. $45. Link and password provided once your ticket is reserved.
Autism Mom Virtual Retreat – Sept 19-20. Twodays of mindful self-care. Body, mind, heart and soul healing focus with fellow Autism moms. Guest speaker: Dr. Pautz. Yoga class included. Hosted by Violett Counseling and Consulting Services. Register: 610-241-5114 or Debrav@ViolettCounselingAnd Consulting.com. Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. With Ashley Ireland. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381- 8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com.
Virtual Services: Unity of Jacksonville Beach – 10:30am. Join UJB Spiritual Leader Nada Frazier for “Calling All Lightworkers: Part II” for spiritual lessons, prayer, and meditation via Facebook Live every Sunday on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904- 246-1300. UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com.
Autumn Equinox Alignment/Activation Medita
tion – 2-4pm. Join Rev. Judi Weaver/Grandmother Sun Spirit for this Autumn Soulabration. Call in the four corners, unify our heart vibrations, and journey deep within our souls for cleansing, healing, personal guidance and activation of your crystalline DNA. Bring an instrument if desired and a towel or yoga mat to lie on. $20. Ormond Bch. Preregistration required: 386-503-4930 or Rev.Judi.Weaver@ gmail.com. Info: SpiritualServices.online. Mediumship Gallery – 2-4pm. Maybe you didn’t get to say goodbye. Maybe you’d like to hear a “Hello from Heaven”. Join for love-based Mediumship Gallery. $40/person (18 and up only). Mind, Body and Beyond Center, 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300, Jacksonville. 904-992-9930. MindBodyAnd BeyondCenter.com.
Twin Hearts Meditation – 6-7pm. Developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, this advanced meditation technique is aimed at achieving illumination of universal consciousness. This is a free service by instructor Falli Shah, to bring more positive awareness and harmony to the community. Bring a mask. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904- 381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.
How to Eat While Traveling for the Holidays – 6:30pm. Do you find yourself falling into old habits when you travel? Are your food options limited at family gatherings? Coach Andrea has the solutions, tips, and hacks to keep you on the right road. $10 for the workshop, handouts, and recording of the event. Hosted by Health by Design. Register: Tiny. cc/magadevents. Info: HealthByDesignfl.com.
Unity of Jacksonville Beach Women of the Circle
Virtual Gathering – All are welcome to virtually attend this community gathering held the fourth Friday of the month. To attend, email: NadaUJB@gmail.com for Zoom meeting link/info or call 904-246-1300. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26

Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. With Ashley Ireland. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381- 8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com.
How the Spirit World Interacts With Us In Our
Daily Life – 10:30am-1pm. $36. International Online class hosted by Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge. Register: 407-247-7823 or ifsk.org.
Virtual Services: Unity of Jacksonville Beach
– 10:30am. Join guest speaker Rev Lisa Solwold for spiritual lessons, prayer, and meditation via Facebook Live every Sunday on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOfJacksonville Beach.com.
Virtual Heart4Souls Spiritual Guidance – 2pm. Rev. Judy Weaver will provide an overall message that has been laid on her heart, followed by a live channeling session where universal light beings will provide guidance and answer your questions for spiritual wisdom and support you with the expansion of your soul. Questions or requests to hear from specific entities (God Source, Arch Angels, Masters, Spirit Guides, Lemurian’s, etc.) for session consideration. Preregister: Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com. Info: SpiritualServices.online or 386-503-4930.
Prosperity Plus II: Harnessing Your Invisible
Power – 7pm. A 10-week experiment in abundant living taught “virtually” by globally renowned spiritual teacher and best-selling author, Mary Morrissey and facilitated by Helen Sylvester via ZOOM. This is a Tithing class. Digital class materials cost $39. Registration required. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287- 1505. UnityInJax.com.
ECKANKAR The Path of Spiritual Freedom All ECK events are currently suspended. For strength, peace, and calm . . . “Sing HU once or twice a day for ten or fteen minutes to spiritualize your state of consciousness.” —Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul 904-725-7760 • www.TheSoundofSoul.org
Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Ser
vice – 10:30 am. Join on Facebook Live to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or visit the YouTube Channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287- 1505. UnityInJax.com.
Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Got Events? Get Noticed! Advertise in our calendar!
community resource guide
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Ads@NAJax.com to request our media kit.
A WAY OF LIFE ACUPUNCTURE 4337 Pablo Oaks Ct, Bldg 200, Jacksonville • 904-373-8415 Dr Christine Yastrzemski, NCCAOM, AP AP2255 AP4076 NCCAOM Board Certified Acupuncture Physician specializing in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. We offer the highest quality of care while customizing treatments that best suit your needs. See ad, page 6.
HYDROPONIC UNIQUE GOODS 8622 Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville 904-829-4847 • JaxHugs.com H e m p i s a l l relaxation without i n t o x i c a t i o n , research shows numerous health benefits. Garden and hydroponic supplies: Leading brands of soil, nutrients, grow tents and LED lights.
THE SACRED SERVANT Nada Frazier, End of Life Doula 904-402-7061 • TheSacredServant.com Certified end-of-life doula (nonmedical, holistic) services, training EOL doulas, and supporting people, family and caregivers around illness and end of life issues. Planning and guidance through times of transformative change.
JACKSONVILLE HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER Dr Jon Repole, DC, CFMP 9957 Moorings Dr, Ste 403 Jacksonville (Mandarin) 904-268-6568 • DrRepole.com Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Find the cause of your health challenge. Our office will create a doctor supervised custom-tailored health program that will include the following: meal planning, supplemental prescriptions, detoxification guidance, food/lifestyle coaching, exercise prescriptions, accountability, on-line patient portal, and more. We utilize the most advanced diagnostics testing available to aid both our diagnoses and treatment. See ad, page 6. GROCERY
NATIVE SUN 1585 3rd St North, Jacksonville Beach 904-853-5497 NativeSunJax.com J a x B e a c h ’s c o m m u n i t y organic grocer, local food and essential items. Order online for curbside p/u.
MIND BODY & BEYOND CENTER 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300 Jacksonville • 904-992-9930 MindBodyAndBeyondCenter.com Comprehensive. Integrative. Transformative. Strategies for developing awareness and understanding. Harmonize the mind and the body and spirit will f o l l o w. We l l n e s s t i p s , customized meal plans, healthy recipes that are adaptable for the entire family, cooking classes & fitness professionals to help you meet your goals. Find greater intuitive and creative ability, have a fuller expression of love, enhance your sense of self-worth and bring spiritual qualities into your life. #MM35640 See ad, page 15.
LAURENCE LAYNE, LMT, HERBALIST Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop 26 Clark St, St. Augustine 904-826-1965 • HealingWatersClinic.com MA0010746 MM005595 A holistic center specializing in pain relief and chronic healthissues. Certified in neuromuscular and deep tissue bodywork, myofascial therapy, craniosacral balancing, east-west herbalism. Offering attunement energy healing since 1978. See ad, page 14.
SEVENTH WONDER HOLISTIC SPA 4236 St John’s Ave, Jacksonville 904-381-8686 • Seventh-Wonder.com A true sanctuary away from the stresses of the world since 2002. Offering: Ayurveda consultation and services, natural alternatives to facelift, massages, facials, eyebrow threading/tinting, reiki, pranic healing, ear coning, sauna, and a Himalayan salt room. A. SCHAEFFER-PAUTZ, MD Board Certified in Internal and Integrative Medicine Persephone Healing Arts Center 485 6th Ave N, Jacksonville Beach 904-246-3583 • DrPautz.com Medical practice emphasizing highest quality personalized care, integrating spiritual, emotional and physical. Practicing naturopathy, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine. Monthly open house and lecture. See ad on back cover.
FIRST COAST INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Megan Weigel, DNP 14215 Spartina Ct, Jacksonville 904-543-3510 FirstCoastIntegrativeMedicine.com A holistic, heart-centered and evidence-based approach to care for people living with neurological conditions and symptoms. Dr Weigel has nearly 20 years experience in neurology and neurological care. See ad, page 8.
CARING PALMS MASSAGE AND REIKI Brian Dean, LMT MM40693, MA36835 476 Osceola Ave, Jacksonville Beach 904-246-2206 • CaringPalms.com Professional massage and energy work. Many styles of massage, Reiki, meditation, mediumship, massage & Reiki classes. Continuing education for Florida LMTs. See ad, page 14.
TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION CENTERS • Karen & Herb Bandy, Certified Teachers 904-375-9517 • Jacksonville@TM.org • Regine de Toledo & Richard Pinto, Certified Teachers 904-826-3838 • StAugustine@TM.org The TM technique is an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based practice for eliminating stress, increasing well-being and expanding consciousness. Certified Teachers give individual instruction and ongoing support. See ad, page 19.
CERTIFIED MEDICAL MARIJUANA DOCTORS 10695 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville 904-299-5300 2085 A1A S, St. Augustine 904-299-7373 CMMDR.com Patients with a qualifying medical condition can become a Florida medical marijuana patient in two easy steps and gain access to Florida Medical Marijuana Dispensary discounts, deals and special savings. License number OS8874. See ad, page 26.
THE KARMA CASTLE 1437 N US Hwy 1, Ste C8, Ormond Beach TheKarmaCastle.com Psychic & Mediumship Development classes and workshops, Kundalini Yoga classes for all levels. Mediumship Demonstrations, Group Meditations, and Spiritually oriented events. Private Psychic and Mediumship Readings with International Psychic & Medium, Carl Seaver. Healing Sessions and Meditation Instruction with Spiritual Healer, Shannon MacDonald. Hours by appointment. See website to schedule appointments, and view the Calendar for events.
SPIRITUAL UPLIFTS 2186 Park Ave, Ste 102, Orange Park 904-292-4555 SpiritualUplifts.com Metaphysical services, including life coaching, spiritual readings, energy work, crystal healings, biomat, aura photography, chakra and astrology reports and more. World-renowned speakers and demonstrations to further your spiritual journey. See ad, page 8. HEALTH BY DESIGN Dr Kristy A Harvell 2002 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville 904-363-3374 • HealthByDesignFL.com Nutrition Response Testing™ gets to the underlying cause of your condition by testing for food sensitivities, heavy metals, and chemical toxins. A Clinical Nutrition Program will be designed for your individual needs. See ad, page 21.
REV JUDI WEAVER Heart 4 Souls Inc, Ormond Beach Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com 386-503-4930 • Heart4Souls.com Channeled spirit messages, crystal light healer, divine personal guidance, shamanic practitioner, spiritual counseling, guided meditations, home/property blessings, vision quest journeys. For individuals or groups—in person, virtual/on-line, phone or energy distance.
UNITY CHURCH FOR CREATIVE LIVING IN ST JOHNS 2777 Race Track Rd, St Johns 904-287-1505 • UnityInJax.com Unity offers positive, practical teachings that s u p p o r t s p i r i t u a l evolution and abundant living. They take an e x t r e m e l y p o s i t i v e approach to life, emphasizing our Oneness in God and the goodness in people and all life. Join to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. See ad, page 5. UNITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH All Services Virtual 904-246-1300 UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com Unity of Jacksonville Beach honors all paths to God. Unity welcomes those who might call themselves spiritual but n o t r e l i g i o u s . We welcome seekers and people of all faith traditions. Sunday services at 10:30 am, silent meditation at 10:10 am. Unity explores spiritual teachings through metaphysical study, prayer, meditation and more… Join us! See ad, page 19.
YOGA DEN Mandarin | Fleming Island | Southside | Avondale | Golf Village | San Pablo | Bayard | Yoga-Den.com Founded in 2002, all Yoga Den teachers are graduates of YogaDen’s nationally accredited 200- hour TT Program. Members may use their key tags at all locations with Passport Membership. Hundreds of weekly classes. Our philosophy is No Judgement, and all levels will feel welcome. See ad, page 2.
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~E. M. Forster