interlude NAT IONAL
Carolyn C. Nelson NFMC’s 32nd President
President’s Welcome to New Venture Welcome to NFMC Interlude, a summer online mini-publication of NFMC. It’s a long time from March to October so we are trying a new method of communicating with our membership during the summer. This will be a combination publication for all members – senior, student/collegiate, and junior. I have asked all the division chairman, First Vice President, Treasurer, Presidents’ Council chairman and the two editors to write several paragraphs to help you get started with your new club year and make you aware of some of the changes that have happened recently. The fall issue of Music Clubs Magazine will have a full story with pictures of our wonderful NFMC conference in Portland in June.
Summer 2014
As you prepare for the coming club year, keep in mind that it is a biennial year and there are some very nice competitive awards available at all levels. Our website is, look under competitions and awards and copy the C&A Chart. Individual application forms and rules can be found under publications. We would love to give all the available awards to deserving students.
FEDERATION NOTES: The National president’s theme and song are the same as last year. Song: “How Can I Keep from Singing” Theme: “And All who Listened Understood…That was Music” 2015 National Music Week Theme: Music…Heartbeat of the Soul Website: Facebook: National Federation of Music Clubs (page) and NFMC (group) SOME IMPORTANT ADDRESS CHANGES: • Drs. George and Ouida Keck, 2112 Hinson Road, Little Rock, AR 72212 • NFMC Secretary: Melanie Perez, 604 Bridget Street, Metairie LA 70003, (504) 669-3361 • NFMC Junior Composers Chairman: Karen Bourne, 397 Riviera Circle, Dakota Dunes, SD 57049 The newly revised NFMC Directory (July 2014) is now available electronically from Headquarters. Please check this latest version for current contact information for all division, department, committee members. There are a number of telephone and email changes. I hope you appreciate and enjoy this new publication.
DATES TO REMEMBER: ELLIS COMPETITION March 27-28, 2015 Belhaven University, Jackson, MS YOUNG ARTIST COMPETITION June 15-17, 2015 North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND NFMC 58TH BIENNIAL CONVENTION June 16-20, 2015 Holiday Inn, Fargo, ND
2014 Rose Kay Fellows; Carolyn C. Nelson
Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
Barbara Hildebrand, NFMC Treasurer
Michael Edwards,
NFMC Vice President
FROM THE FIRST VICE PRESIDENT, MICHAEL EDWARDS After a successful Conference held in Portland Oregon in June, Federation is now preparing for a new year. This is one of the busiest times of the year for your First Vice President. With a new year and a new budget over 100 emails went out to officers and chairmen notifying them of their allocations for the year. All officers and chairmen have to stay within their budget! My next job is to send updated information and request forms for liability insurance to the state chairmen. We now have liability insurance information on our website at nfmc-music. org. There is a one page summary of our policy and a list of the chairman for each state with their contact information. This year there were over 1000 policies. Remember protect your assets – purchase liability insurance. Finally, I have been working closely with Carolyn during this transition year from one administration to the next. Carolyn has provided me with a detailed list of offices that will have to be filled next June in Fargo. Some chairmen are elected by the Board of Directors while others are appointed by the President. Please contact me if there is a committee you would like serve. Have a great year!
Carole Langley, Chairman
Council of State Presidents
CALLING ALL STATE AND LOCAL CLUB PRESIDENTS It was delightful to meet so many of you in Portland a few weeks ago, and now I look forward to meeting even more of you when we gather in Fargo next year! The time we spend together at national meetings is important and very helpful as we seek to serve all of our Federation members. So now it’s time to check out what’s available to help you on the Federation website at There you’ll find interesting information about our organization, great program ideas, the forms we need to enter competitions and ways to report our club’s fun programs and activities. The NFMC Directory has been sent to you as an attachment and you’ll really want to download it so you can correspond with some of those other “interesting new friends” you made from other states! If you don't have the 2013-15 NFMC Manual, order it from Headquarters, it's only a dollar. Stay in touch with me and your state’s NFMC Board Member(s). We are all happy to help you in any way we can. And finally – keep your NFMC connection alive. Share with your members how important NFMC has been through the years and what great opportunities NFMC still offers today. Finally, let’s encourage every club in the USA to celebrate our great musical heritage three times each year by celebrating the Parade of American Music in November, Founders Day in January or February and National Music Week the first full week in May. Plan your celebration any way you choose, but do it. Your members will enjoy being a part of this great nation of music!
All About the Money There are three (3) changes dealing with Festivals effective immediately: FESTIVAL CHAIRMAN: 1. Please note that NFMC festival fees for 20142015 will be $2.00 per entrant per event entered. $1.50 of the fee will go toward the Online Festival Management System. 2. A teacher may not charge festival fees in excess of the amount established by area festival chairman/committee. State Boards may set a financial penalty for failure to comply. 3. Begin Now: For each festival entrant please request birth date and full birth name as this information will be necessary for online festival registration. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS BY STATE TREASURERS AND CHAIRMAN: 1. Where do I send dues and contributions? Send FI 8-10 form along with FI 8-1 Sr. Club; FI 8-2 Student Club; FI 8-3 Junior Club; FI 8-4 Individual Membership forms to NFMC Headquarters. Dues will remain the same. 2. Where do I send State Liability Insurance payment? Send to Michael Edwards, NFMC VicePresident 3. Where do I send Festival report and fees? Send Festival Report (JR 3-7) along with check payable to NFMC to Barbara Hildebrand, NFMC treasurer. Remember festival fees are $2.00 per entrant. 4. Where do I send request for payment of Scholarships and/or Awards? Send to Barbara Hildebrand, NFMC treasurer. 5. Where can I find current forms? The NFMC website: Let this be the best year yet for NFMC!
Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
ARTS DIVISION Kay Hawthrone,
Arts Division Chairman
The Arts Division is looking forward to hearing from many of you next spring. We discussed at our meeting in Portland the importance of the reports that you send to us, and we pledge to make good use of the information you send. We realize that clubs cannot participate in all the departments. But if your club has some good ideas about programming or working in a certain area, we hope you will share that with other clubs. If a reporting form does not address your particular situation, feel free to change it to fit your needs.
Division Chairman
The American Music Division seeks to stimulate the appreciation, creation, performance, and study of American Music in all its historical and contemporary styles and contexts - including art, popular music, the music of ethnic groups, minorities, and the full range of activities associated with American Music. It’s time to plan programs for your upcoming fall meetings, so be sure to include American Music! NFMC American Music Division awards annual monetary awards or certificates for participation in: • NFMC/ASCAP - Yearlong celebration of American Music (AM2) • Summer Festivals – Open to summer music festivals, centers and camps in the United States for performance and promotion of American Music (AM4)
ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Carolyn C. Nelson Division Chairman
• Junior Clubs Award – To encourage the interest of Junior Club members in performing, promoting, and studying American Music (AM5) • American Women Composer –presenting programs featuring music written by American Women composers (AM6) • Educational Institutions – Privately or state supported college, university or school of music, for the performance and promotion of American Music (AM3)
The Administrative Division consists of a number of structural groups.
• Folk Music – To encourage local club performance and promotion of our heritage and history through music (AM7-2)
The NFMC Bylaws and Standing Rules have been updated since the meeting in Portland. You should be able to download just the revised pages. If you do not have a copy of the entire publications, you can download those for no charge.
• Professor Rudolf R.A. Schramm Parade of American Music – Celebration during the month of November, American Music Month (AM1-1)
The Protocol committee works mainly at the national meetings. The object is to keep things flowing smoothly and make sure all special places are reserved. Naomi Sanchez is the chairman but I have just appointed Marcia Chaplin to be the vice-chairman. There will be an update report on the Archives project in the fall issue of MCM. Dr. George Keck and a group of professional archivists spent the first week in July at the national headquarters working on that project. The headquarters committee is following through on interior decorating of the headquarters and the office committee is pleased with the staff we currently have. Please keep in mind that we only have 2.5 staff to do the work for over 137,000 NFMC members.
Sharing American Music from sea to shining sea…
A Parliamentary Predicament Although the NFMC and your state bylaws control the structure of your organization, sometimes the answer is just not there. This happened at the Executive Committee meeting in Portland. We got into a discussion and wanted more time to ponder the situation. A motion had been made. We needed Roberts Rules of Order and our parliamentarian, Dr. Bierbaum. Here was his solution to our problem. A motion was made to “postpone indefinitely”, the effect of which was to “kill” the main motion. We could not “postpone to a future time” or “table” as the time until our next meeting was more than a calendar quarter. So, the motion was “postpone indefinitely” which means that the motion may now be re-introduced, either in its original form or a revised version, at any future meeting of the Executive committee. The question of the topic remains “dead” until some member of the Executive committee re-introduces it as a new main motion.
Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
We need your help in finding entrants for our many competitions! We love giving away money to deserving and talented musicians.
Competitions & Awards Chariman
Competitions and Awards News PUBLICATION REVISION You can now download the revised 2014-15 Competitions and Awards Chart from the NFMC web-site. Please print a copy and share it with prospective competition entrants. 2015 will be a Biennial year when we have the Student/Collegiate Auditions, the Young Artist Competition, and the Ellis Duo Piano Competition as well as additional biennial awards in Dance, Composition, Piano, Collaborative Piano, Piano Pedagogy, Sacred Music, Opera, Chamber Music, and Conducting. With the Student/Collegiate Auditions and so many other awards available for college age students, this is a good time to encourage all colleges and universities in your state to become federated. By doing this, they are making it possible for their students to participate in these NFMC competitions. AWARD INCREASES When you look at the revised chart, you will note some increases in the following awards which were approved by the Board at the Portland Conference: • Lana M. Bailey Piano Concerto Award: the addition of a $200 Second Place award • Marilyn Caldwell Piano Award: 1st Place increase to $600, 2nd Place to $300
• Ruth Morse Wilson Handbell Award: Increase to $400 • NFMC Carey Wilson Music Therapy Scholarship: Increase to $400 • Summer Music Center Award increases, effective with the 2015 season: – Aspen School of Music: Increase to $500 – Eastern Music Festival: Increase to $400 – Inspiration Point Fine Arts Center Opera in the Ozarks: Increase to $2000 – Marrowstone Music Festival: Increase to $500 – Rocky Ridge Music Center: Increase to $500
Music Week
Our celebrations for National Music Week for 2014 are over, but the memories linger on in the reports, pictures and communications from our state chairmen. We had a successful year with 12 states reporting. For the Essay Contest we had over 100 essays from eleven states.
Dance of Life Music – the Soul MAY 4-11, 2014 rtbeat of the Music – Hea MAY 3-10, 2015
Looking forward to hearing from even more of you next year. Mary Ellen Ulmer,
National Music Week Chairman
This has been a productive year for NFMC with steady financial growth to support our goals. Our Federation has one hundred and seven (107) named award endowments. Each endowment supports a specific award for junior, student/collegiate, and/or adult winners, and that translates to one hundred and seven (107) award opportunities for Federation youth and adults. With steady growth in NFMC investments, every endowment produced earnings to comfortably support its award thus no need for award reductions this year.
Cel ebr at ed
* The Music Week report was not included in the Portland reports because of the timing of the Music Week celebration.
Finance Division Chairman
In June, the NFMC Board of Directors approved a proposal to transfer $29,536 from the 2013-14 NFMC Endowment earnings to the Ruth Morse Wilson Handbell Endowment, the Carey Wil-son/NFMC Music Therapy Endowment and to six Summer Music Center endowments. As awards are supported entirely from each named-endowment’s earnings, the approved funds transferred to the designated endowment accounts will enable them to produce additional earn-ings for increased award amounts in 2014-15. It is exciting to see the endowments grow, and we look forward to the increased awards produced by this important 2014 Board action.
– The Walden School: Increase to $500
Happy New Year!! New year for National Music Week that is. “Music… Heartbeat of the Soul” is our theme for 2015. Programs and activities should be scheduled during the week of May 3-10.
Lana M. Bailey
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Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
Division Chairman
The Von Trapps performed at the NFMC convention in Portland.
Student Auditions, one of NFMC's most prestigious awards, will be held in Spring 2015. There are 13 categories with a $3,000 first prize in each category. Student members should enter first in the state and then the winner of the state audition will be sent to national. Please consult the NFMC website for information and application forms. In addition, there are many other scholarships and awards in the Student/ Collegiate Division, including the Ellis
Duo Piano Competition. All information is available on the website, State Student/Collegiate chairman should be planning to federate all colleges and universities in the state in order to extend the many benefits that NFMC can offer to Student members. Please contact the national S/C Division chairman for help or suggestions.
Ruth Ann McChesney, Division Chairman
A Look at the Numbers Do you realize you are part of an organization with 135,774 members? NFMC is still the world's largest philanthropic music organization with a focus on American music and musicians! While Senior membership was down only 146 members, we lost 51 Senior clubs, a trend that must not continue. Junior membership was up 1,466 but we lost 506 Junior Clubs. Obviously, some clubs are gaining in membership and doing something right!! (It helps to have someone like Sally Palmer, president of Washington State, working to get the Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra of 500 members to join as an Associate Junior Club!!) Our Membership and Education Division meeting at the NFMC Conference in Portland discussed the need for better Orientation and Leadership skills to make new members aware of the opportunities available for all ages and encourage future leadership in clubs. Citizenship requirements for awards and scholarships dominated much of the time and that will be further studied by a committee appointed by President Nelson.
REMEMBER: Membership and Education starts with “ME”. Each of us can be enthusiastic about NFMC and share that with other music lovers!
Junior Division Chairman
LATEST JUNIOR DIVISION NEWS • 104,232 Junior Members and 5,296 Junior Clubs • A second place award of $200 added to the Bailey Piano Concerto Award and the Marilyn Caldwell Piano Awards have been increased to $600 and $300. • New rules for combining Musical Theater and Art Song Solo Events along with the addition of a Drum Set Solo Event to appear in the 2017 Bulletin. • Task force established to study the Federation Cup Plan. Results to be reported in Fargo, 2015. • Look for a poster for Junior Composers. Coming soon. • Acceptable media for competitions – must be submitted in DVD, CD (playable on a CD player) or streaming format. Read applications carefully. ATTENTION ALL FESTIVAL TEACHERS: • Standing Rule – “Teachers may not charge festival entry fees in excess of the amount established by the area festival chairman/committee. State Boards may set a financial penalty for failure to comply.” ANY AMOUNT BEYOND THE ESTABLISHED ENTRY FEE MUST BE LISTED SEPARTELY. FAILURE TO DO SO IS IN VIOLATION OF EXEMPTION REQUIREMENTS OF THE 501- c – 3 TAX CODE. For questions contact the Junior Division Chairman at
Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
Music Clubs Magazine Editor
Periodicals Committee Greetings from the group formerly known as the Editorial Board. At the Portland conference, we decided to rename ourselves into something that better fits our mission, so, pending a standing rules change, we will now be known as the Periodicals Committee. Our membership has slightly altered. Pat Grantier has agreed to complete Mary Angela Strasser’s term as Junior Keynotes editor, and Connie Randall, chairman of the Periodicals Committee, has taken her place as State News Editor for Music Clubs Magazine, where I continue as editor of Music Clubs Magazine. Our email addresses are for junior news; for regional and state news; and or for everything else pertaining to NFMC. We are already hard at work on the autumn magazines. Besides covering the Portland conference, I am writing about the redecoration of the Headquarters building. You will get a history lesson from my recent interview with the granddaughter of Gertrude Seiberling, ninth NFMC president and author of our Collect. I have several contest winners to spotlight and am hoping for more. Please send us the news you want to share with everyone in the Federation and we’ll do our best to give you the coverage you want and deserve.
Sandra B Anderson Public Relations Division Chairman
10 EASY PROJECTS Here are 10 easy projects that Senior Club Members can use to enhance their image in the community. Now is the time to try new techniques to spread the word about all the wonderful things that you do in your organizations.
1. Create bookmarks with your club activities for the year
Junior Keynotes Editor
I am honored to have been appointed Junior Keynotes editor for this year. The lately departed editor, Mary Angela Strasser, was a soulful character and a fun lady. I first met her when she was national guest at a NDFMC convention. At that meeting, she shared a program on choral reading along with a booklet of readings to use with club members or students. We had such fun with the choral readings that I asked Mary Angela for permission to reprint her booklet for use with our Bismarck Mandan Federated Club members. She gladly assented. If you would like a copy, I'd be glad to share those I have left.
Both Mary Angela and her husband dedicated themselves to editing Junior Keynotes as long as they were able. As you know, this is a volunteer job, so their dedication was borne of love. I will count on you to contribute material to keep this magazine relevant and useful. I already owe publisher Rich Westcott high praise for his time and patience. All magazine submissions must be sent electronically to my e-mail address, patg@ All photos in jpeg. That will make my job much easier. Thank you.
NATIONAL FEDERATION of MUSIC CLUBS 1646 West Smith Valley Road, Greenwood, IN 46142 317-882-4003 // email: // The National Federation of Music Clubs is a tax-exempt, non-profit philanthropic and educational organization dedicated to music education and promotion of the creative and performing arts in America since 1898. The Federation was designated on the Official Roster of the United Nations in 1949, the only music organization thus accredited as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), and was chartered by the U.S. Congress on August 9, 1982. The mission of the Federation is to support and develop American music and musicians.
2. Meet with your local Chamber of Commerce – Let them know about all of your music events 3. Invite your local business personnel to a meeting to learn about your great music organization and events 4. Find out if your TV station allows local announcements and Public Service listings of music activities 5. Give a yearly music award for some local business or political personnel that supports your music programs 6. Have student and Junior performances on a regular schedule to bring about more awareness of your planned events 7. Prepare brochures to distribute at visitors centers and local businesses 8. Design and give or sell bumper stickers 9. Have your activity schedule posted in the newspaper regularly 10. If your town has a magazine,post articles regularly about your club activities Have a Great Year!
Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.