North Forsyth 2011 Baseball & Softball Fans Guide

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Number of years at Nor th Forsyth: 2 years Number of years coaching: 13 years Philosophy: “The key is not the will to win…..everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.” – Bobby Knight “My philosophy on coac hing is based on this quote. I have to prepare a team for every situation and I have to find athletes who want to prepare to win. The preparation (practice) is the hardest part of my job." Educational Background: Cherryville High Sc hool-1993 Appalac hian State University- 1997- BS Appalac hian State University- 1998 – MA Comments about this year’s team: “We would be a very good JV team, but we will have to compete on the varsity level. We have no seniors and a few juniors on the team. Our team is very young with some talent. We expect to compete in every game; with an eye on finishing in the top 4 of the conference." Biggest challenge as a coach: "Not having enough talent to field a JV team. With so few senior and junior baseball players in the sc hool, the biggest c hallenge will be to compete with very young players."

Years at North Forsyth: 5 Years coaching softball: 9 Coaching Philosophy: “To always play solid defense--this w i l l g i v e y o u a c h a n c e a t w i n n i n g .” E d u c a t io n: Methodist University-Undergrad Gardner-Webb University-Masters Comments on this year’s team: “We have a veteran group t h a t i s re a l l y c o m m i t t e d , a n d t h e y a l l t ru l y l o v e t h e g a m e o f s o f t b a l l .” Bi g g e s t c h a l l e n g e a s a c o a c h : “ G i v i n g a w a y ru n s t h a t a re n o t e a r n e d .”

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