The objective of the Yamada O’Regan Secondary School Scholarships is to advance Ngāi Tahu secondary school students to complete the school year and successfully attain a secondary school qualification.
The Yamada O’Regan Secondary School Scholarship is named after Masashi Yamada and Tā Tipene O’Regan, these scholarships are a representation of cross-cultural friendship and profound generosity.
To be eligible for a Yamada O’Regan Secondary School Scholarship you must:
• Be a registered Ngāi Tahu member
• Be enrolled at a secondary school studying in years 10, 11, 12 or 13
• Be achieving academic success in at least three school subjects
• Be involved in whānau, hapū or iwi-related activities
• Demonstrate leadership qualities
• Be able to explain the difficulties/hardships that may prevent you from completing your current school year and or successful attainment of a secondary school qualification
Kā Pūtea Grants and the Proof of Engagement Grants aim to support higher learning and promote connection with Ngāi Tahutanga.
Available to all registered Ngāi Tahu enrolled in NZQA Tertiary level study or an international equivalent.
Entitlements are:
• $250.00 for your first year of full-time study
• $500.00 for every subsequent year of full-time study
This grant is pro-rata, meaning that the full amount of funding awarded is determined by the overall number of credits/EFTS that you are enrolled in. To receive the maximum grant amount, an applicant must be enrolled in full-time study at 120 or more credits.
The Proof of Engagement Grant is a second layer to the Kā Pūtea Grant and was created to encourage whānau to connect, engage and give back to Ngāi Tahu regardless of their location.
There are three cultural levels of engagement. The selection of which level to meet is usually determined by the year of tertiary study you are enrolled in with the aim of progressing your Ngāi Tahutanga journey.
Level One is for those students who are beginning their journey of engagement with the iwi. To qualify for this level students must provide evidence of engagement such as:
• Completing an online Te Reo course/ Incorporating a Te Reo paper with your studies
• Learning your pepeha
• Registering with at least one of your affiliated Papatipu Rūnanga.
The grant at this level is $250.
Level Two is for students who can show connectedness to the iwi.
To qualify for this level students must provide evidence of connectedness such as:
• Making contact with your Papatipu Rūnanga and taking part in hui,
• Mentoring other Ngāi Tahu students as part of your studies.
The grant at this level is $500.
To apply for this level, you must provide evidence for both Level One and Two.
Level Three is for students who are actively engaged with Ngāi Tahu and demonstrate reciprocity.
To qualify for this level students must evidence reciprocity through things such as:
• Supporting Papatipu Rūnanga or Taurahere groups i.e., Rangatahi Representative on a Ngāi Tahu Committee
• Volunteering or being a kaimahi at an iwi or marae event such as Hui-a-iwi, Hui-a-tau, wānanga or Papatipu Rūnanga hui.
The grant for this level is $1,000.
This grant is pro-rata, meaning that the full amount of funding awarded is determined by the overall number of credits/EFTS that you are enrolled in. To receive the maximum grant amount, an applicant must be enrolled in full-time study at 120 or more credits.
The Ka Pūtea Scholarships aim is to support higher learning and promote connection with Ngāi Tahutanga.
Kā Pūtea Scholarships are available to all registered Ngāi Tahu members who are currently enrolled and studying towards a NZQA recognised tertiary qualification or an international equivalent.
Kā Pūtea Scholarships are awarded based on applicants’ academic achievements and their engagement with whānau, hapū and iwi-related activities.
Kā Pūtea Scholarships are not available to first year students who are eligible for the Fees Free initiative or recipients of the Matakahi Cadetship.
There are 58 Undergraduate Targeted Scholarships available, these are worth up to $1,500 each.
Applications that are unsuccessful within the category above (Undergraduate Targeted Scholarship) will be forwarded to and considered by the Papatipu Rūnanga that are identified by the applicant.
There are 24 Postgraduate Scholarships available:
• Honours (12) valued up to $3,000 per scholarship
• Masters (8) valued up to $5,000 per scholarship
• Doctorate (4) valued up to $10,000 per scholarship
Postgraduate Scholarships are assessed based on academic excellence in the applicant’s targeted area of tertiary study; and proven contribution(s) of postgraduate research to Ngāi Tahu.
The purpose of this fund is to support students who have the opportunity to obtain qualifications that are of an exceptional nature i.e., students studying overseas at a prestigious institute.
Exceptional Scholarships are discretionary in nature and applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
All applications need to provide evidence of engagement and connectedness and or reciprocity to whānau, hapū and iwi.
Kā Pūtea Scholarships are pro-rata, meaning that the overall amount awarded is based on the number of credits that an applicant is enrolled in. Applicants must be enrolled in at least 120 credits to receive the scholarship amounts.
The Mazzetta Company Scholarship Fund is a trust for the advancement of education.
Scholarships aim to support registered Ngāi Tahu whānau and other Māori in their career development in the fishing and/or seafood industry. This includes but is not limited to commercial fishing and processing, marine biology, aquaculture, marine science, sea fisheries and freshwater fisheries.
To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must:
• be of Māori descent.
• be engaged in or seeking to engage in the fishing industry.
• be seeking to advance their education in fishing, preferably in areas related to commercial fishing and processing.
Tahua Taunaki Akonga/Learner Support Fund is a programme which offers tuition sessions to Ngāi Tahu tamariki.
It provides additional support for tamariki in all education settings.
For your child to be eligible for tuition funding, they must be:
• Registered on the Ngāi Tahu (Whakapapa) register.
• Attending school*; and
• Aged between 5 and 21.
*Must be enrolled at a New Zealand Primary or Secondary school, or be in a Ministry of Education approved New Zealand Home School Programme, or be enrolled through the correspondence school and be a resident in New Zealand, or if the applicant resides outside of New Zealand, he/she must be enrolled in an equivalent educational setting that is approved by the government in the applicant’s country of residence.
Please note: Learner Support Fund is utilised to compliment what is offered already within the classroom. It is important to note that a Teacher Aide will not be funded.
The amount of funding available (per financial year) for tuition support is as follows:
• $470 (+ GST where applicable) is available to tamariki who meet the eligibility criteria above
• $940 (+ GST where applicable) is available to tamariki who meet the eligibility criteria above, and one of the following criteria:
• is seeking remedial support (the child must be at a remedial level in the subject area where tuition is sought as evidenced by the pre-tuition assessment report)
• is studying at NCEA level (or equivalent) and needs support in two or more subject areas (a pre-tuition assessment report must be completed for each subject where tuition is sought).
Overseas residents are eligible for the equivalent amount of NZ$470 (incl. GST) or NZ$940 (incl. GST) depending on which criteria are met.
Funds are available to provide support for whānau of children with special educational needs. The fund will pay the cost of specialist learning assessments
The maximum amount of funding available for a specialist learning assessment is $940 +GST (where applicable) per child per financial year.
Funding for specialist learning assessments will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The purpose of this grant is to recognise regional, national and international achievement in sport.
Any enrolled Ngāi Tahu member chosen to represent their region for a specific event is entitled to a $250 contribution towards their participation costs.
Any enrolled Ngāi Tahu person chosen to represent at a regional event for a specific sport, is entitled to a $250.00 contribution towards their participation costs.
Any enrolled Ngāi Tahu chosen to represent their region at a national event for a specific sport, is entitled to a $500.00 contribution towards their participation costs.
Any enrolled Ngāi Tahu chosen to represent at an International event for a specific sport, is entitled to a $1,000.00 contribution towards their participation costs.
• Applicants must be registered on the Ngāi Tahu (Whakapapa) register.
• Applications can be submitted at any time on the official application form.
• The number of applications per person is limited to one per year. However, if you were selected to represent at a regional level and then selected to represent at a national level, providing you are chosen for the same sport, you are then eligible to apply for the grant, within the 12month period. The same applies if you are chosen to represent at a national level and then selected to represent at an international level, providing you are chosen for the same sport, you are then eligible to apply for the grant, within the 12month period.
• All required documentation must be supplied.
The purpose of this grant is to provide assistance to registered Ngāi Tahu members towards essential living costs in situations of financial hardship.
To be eligible to apply you must:
• Be registered on the Ngāi Tahu (Whakapapa) register.
• Be willing to provide all necessary documents required to process the application.
• Show evidence of financial hardship.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu staff are not eligible to apply. This grant provides up to $750 and applications are limited to one per person per year. (Note: There is a 12 month stand down period from date of approval.)
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu staff are not eligible to apply.
In 2005, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu established the Ngāi Tahu Fund to ensure whānau have the ability to access resources to strengthen Ngāi Tahu cultural excellence through sustainability, innovation and tenacity.
Registered tribal members and Ngāi Tahu associated groups can apply for funding for projects designed to meet specific cultural objectives including building cultural knowledge and encouraging cultural practices and leadership. The growth of tribal cultural capacity is essential to protect and preserve our culture for the future.
The following areas are key priority areas of the Ngāi Tahu Fund, as identified in the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy.
• Whakapapa- kinship
• Tikanga- protocols and customs
• Te reo- language
• Mahi toi- creative expression
• Whenua- landscape, place, and locality
• Mahinga kai- food gathering practices
• Ngā uara- values and beliefs
• Ā kāinga, Ā hapū, Ā Iwi- community engagement and participation
• Mana tangata- self-determination, self-confidence, self-purpose, self-transcendence
• To have strong sustainable Ngāi Tahu cultural leadership across all pillars.
• Ensuring intergenerational ownership, sustainability, and growth of cultural practices across all pillars.
• To have the resources available to engage the strategy to be successful (human, fiscal, natural, archival, etc.)
• All generations of Ngāi Tahu engage, value, celebrate and protect the integrity and uniqueness of Ngāi Tahu culture.
• Promote new forms of Ngāi Tahu cultural expression.
1. Small Projects – up to $5,000
• To support small local initiatives
• No legal entity required
• Individuals may apply
2. Medium Projects – $5,000 to $30,000
• To support local, regional, and national initiatives
• Legal entity required
• Individuals cannot apply for this funding
• Multiple year funding considered
3. Large Projects – $30,000 and over
• Legal entity required
• Individuals cannot apply for this funding
• Multiple year funding considered
Taiawatea is a Ngāi Tahu rangatahi fund which aims to help shape rangatahi to be strong, vibrant champions of Ngāi Tahu culture. It also aims to empower Ngāi Tahu rangatahi to connect and express their leadership in Ngāi Tahutanga.
Rangatahi who are aged 13-25 can apply for funding to start cultural projects aimed at strengthening their Ngāi Tahutanga and/or to support their attendance at regional and national cultural events.
To be eligible, your project or participation at a cultural event must align with at least one of the following pillars:
• Whakapapa – kinship
• Tikanga – protocols and customs
• Te reo – language
• Mahi Toi – creative expression
• Whenua – landscape, place, and locality
• Mahinga kai – customary food gathering, species protection and restoration
• Ngā uara – values and beliefs
• Ā kāinga, ā hapū, ā iwi – community engagement and participation; and
• Mana tangata – self-determination and self-confidence
Applications will be considered from registered Ngāi Tahu rangatahi aged 13-25 and Ngāi Tahu associated groups that are made up of registered Ngāi Tahu rangatahi.
Mahinga kai, wāhi tapu and other taonga are of paramount importance, being the cornerstone of the spiritual, historical, cultural, social and economic well-being of Ngāi Tahu.
Protecting, enhancing, utilising and maintaining mahinga kai areas, resources and species and the rights of Ngāi Tahu to access these is the basis of the Mahinga Kai Enhancement Fund.
Legal entities with a significant Ngāi Tahu association may apply.
The following outlines the key criteria by which applications to the MKE Fund will be assessed:
• Charitable Purposes – the MKE Fund only funds projects / activities that have a charitable purpose as determined in accordance with relevant New Zealand laws.
• Ngāi Tahu Statutory Authority- projects undertaken in areas where Ngāi Tahu maintain statutory authority, control, ownership and influence over mahinga kai places and species will be favoured and preferred.
• Tribal Significance of Place or Species- projects that are representative of tribally significant mahinga kai places and species will be favoured and preferred.
• Customary Use – the degree to which the project will provide for the protection of customary use rights and enhancement of opportunities to exercise such rights will be considered.
• Appropriate Local Drivers- projects must have the support of local kaitiaki rūnanga/ whānau to be eligible for funding.
• Project Sustainability and Self Sufficiency- projects displaying evidence of a collaborative approach to resourcing and funding with sources of funding outside the MKE Fund will be favourably considered; this is on the basis that external / other sources of funding for projects will increase their long-term viability and sustainability.
• Culturally Appropriate Management Frameworks - projects providing opportunities for management and implementation according to Ngāi Tahu tikanga (e.g., customary area management tools) will be favoured and preferred.
• Current Knowledge, Research and Advocacy- the ability of projects to demonstrate benefits related to knowledge, research and advocacy will be considered.
• State and Health of the Mahinga Kai Area or Species –consideration will be given to the overall health and wellbeing of the mahinga kai area or species in terms of priority for action.
Established in 2015, the Pēpi Pack initiative was developed by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu as an approach to whānau ora and tamariki ora. The wahakura, which are lovingly made by a group of Ngāi Tahu weavers, are designed to encourage safe sleeping for new-borns.
The packs are a way to connect pēpi with Ngāi Tahu from birth and help them to grow a strong cultural connection to our iwi – Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri a muri ake nei.
Pēpi packs are available to expectant parents, before the pēpi is born.
To receive a Pēpi Pack, expectant parents must complete the pre-registration form at least four weeks prior to the expected due date of the pēpi.
Please note that due to customs restrictions and regulations, wahakura (made from harakeke) are not included in the Pēpi Packs sent to whānau overseas.
We also require a verified document from your midwife or general practitioner which shows the following:
• Name of expectant māma
• Expected due date of pēpi; and
• Your midwife or GP’s contact details
Once pēpi is here:
If your pēpi has already arrived and is registered with the Whakapapa unit before they are 12 months old, they are entitled to receive a partial Pēpi Pack which includes a pounamu pendant and a personalized Whakapapa Scroll, which traces their whakapapa back to their 1848 Kaumātua – as shown in the Blue Book.
The School Starter Pack supports Ngāi Tahu tamariki begin the next step in their education journey.
Each School Starter Pack is made up of an assortment of practical and taonga items to ease financial pressures for whānau.
The packs also offer an opportunity for young Ngāi Tahu to connect with their iwi – Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri a muri ake nei.
Parents or caregivers can apply for their Ngāi Tahu registered tamariki who are turning 5 years old and enrolled in a primary school. Tamariki can live in New Zealand or overseas.
Kaumātua grants are available to registered Ngāi Tahu members who are 65 years old or will turn 65 before 31 December of that year. The grant aims to support kaumātua with general expenses.
There is no application process for this grant. However, we require that your contact details are kept up to date and that we have your approved bank details on record for the grant payment.
Kaumātua grants can be paid into your Whai Rawa account if you have one or into your nominated bank account.
Towards the end of each year, letters are sent to all eligible kaumātua on the Ngāi Tahu database. The purpose of these letters is to check that we have the correct bank details to pay the grant into.
If you are registered with Ngāi Tahu, aged 65 or over and you do not receive a letter from us by the end of September, please ring the Contact Centre on 0800 524 8248 to check that we have your up-to-date details.
Contact Us:
PO Box 13-046
Christchurch 8024
Phone: 0800 524 8248
Email: funds@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Web: www.ngaitahu.iwi.nz