Te Panui Runaka A monthly newsletter of Ka–i Tahu news, views and events – ura ru – nanga | te ru – nanga o nga–ti waewae | te ru – nanga o makaawhio | te nga–i tu – a–huriri ru – nanga Kaiko – – – – – – te hapu o ngati wheke | te taumutu runanga | te runanga o koukourarata | wairewa runanga – nuku ru – nanga | te Ru – nanga o arowhenua | te ru – nanga o waihao | te ru – nanga o moeraki | ka–ti huirapa ru – naka ki puketeraki o – – – – – – – – – nanga te Runanga o otakou | Hokonui runanga | waihopai runaka | oraka aparima runaka | awarua ru
Waru | December 2013
The winner of our December colouring competition is Ngaru Pare-ngā-tai Jules Hepi, aged 8, from Ngāti Wheke.
Tēnei marama • West Coast waharoa blessed pg 4
• Colac Bay memories pg 21
• Revitalising language pg 14
• Hui-ā-Tau photos pg 28-29
• Korako-Karetai whānau reunion pg 17-18
Te Matatini 2015 pg 33
Nā te Kaiwhakahaere At this year’s Hui-ā-Tau at Arowhenua Marae, you could feel the close spirit of whanaungatanga and kotahitanga. The marae was filled with laughter, with whānau enjoying each other’s company. It was awesome watching and listening to our kaumātua reminiscing the ‘good old days’ at Arowhenua. It’s moments like this, that you can take time to reflect on the amazing mahi everyone is doing for the iwi and for each other. To see whānau happy, makes me feel that we are doing the right thing and heading in the right direction. We had an estimated 200 people at Arowhenua and over 100 people across the three satellite hubs, in Arahura, Waihopai and Ōtākou. Whānau were presented with an update on the different projects and initiatives undertaken by Te Rūnanga Group in the 2012-2013 financial year. The Open Forum presentation was well received and whānau took the opportunity to ask their questions and seek clarification on iwi kaupapa.
We have received positive feedback via the questionnaire handed out at the hui. There is a clear message from whānau that Hui-ā-Tau should be longer than half a day to enable an opportunity to have a more indepth discussion on issues and iwi projects. Also, whānau thought this year’s hui was well presented and very informative and they are pleased with the continued growth of the iwi.
Lincoln University. The research will monitor contaminants leaching through the soil profile into the waterways. Environmental and cultural aspirations have been the top priorities for Mana Whenua and through this research we will gain valuable insight into the impact we are having on the environment. The research is forward-thinking and will allow us to better manage our farming businesses.
As always, the kai was absolutely delicious. A big thank you and acknowledgement to the whānau at Arowhenua Marae for their manaakitanga and hard work put in to organise another successful Huiā-Tau. Kāti Huirapa, kua ora te iwi i a koutou. Ka nui te mihi.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone an enjoyable summer holiday. Please time take to relax and enjoy the company of whānau and friends. Please be safe and let’s hope Tamanui-te-rā comes out to play throughout the summer break.
Later that day, Kotahi Mano Kāika organised a poiuka (softball) game for whānau from Ōtautahi, Arowhenua and Ōtepoti. I hear it was an afternoon of fun and a bit of a mixture of whakawhanaungatanga and whakataetae (competition). Congratulations to the whānau from Ōtepoti who won the game.
E te iwi, nāia te mihi o te Kirihimete me ngā mihi o te Tau Hou ki a koutou katoa. Kia tau te manaakitanga o te wāhi ngaro ki runga i a koutou. Ngā mihi,
Earlier this month at the Ngāi Tahu farms in Eyrewell, we were joined by the Minister for the Environment, Amy Adams, to launch a joint research project between Ngāi Tahu Farming and
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae Rā whānau
A special acknowledgement
Aroha Blacktopp, Caroline Parker, Chela Mason, Dane Tumahai, Francois Tumahai, Honey Tauwhare, Huck Tainui, Helena Mason, Jamie Whittle, Judith Turanga, Kaleb Mason, Karen Mason, Kim Mason, Missy Campbell, Ned Tauwhare, Santana Tainui, Shaquelle Culling, Tahlay Meihana Eiffe, Tenaya Meihana Eiffe and Tauwera Weepu.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae would like give special recognition to Joe Mason, for the continued mahi he does in and around our community - especially within the rūnanga. We would also like to acknowledge him for organising the trophies for Te Ahurei o Te Tai o Poutini held in 2012; and for gifting the trophy named after his late mother Maia Onekura Katene, carved by Jamie Whittle.
NZ Coastal conference
The New Zealand Coastal Society conference held in Hokitika on 20 November was opened by Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae. The three-day conference featured presentations by professors, doctors, lawyers, scientists and other delegates on topics related to the New Zealand environment. The NZ Coastal Policy statement of 2010 reads as follows: “A policy statement to set national priorities for the coastal environment of New Zealand – integrated planning and management,
coastal hazards, indigenous biodiversity, water quality, natural character, natural features and landscapes, public access, The Treaty of Waitangi, tangata whenua, Māori heritage, ports and aquaculture.” It was a very educational conference and was of benefit to many of our whānau. The conference came to an end with a special performance from Hokitika Primary School kapa haka followed by closing karakia from Ngāti Waewae.
Launch of Poutini Waiora
Cycle trail
Ngāti Waewae whānau attended the launch of the rebranding of Rata Te Āwhina to its new name Poutini Waiora in November. There were stalls for promotion and fundraising from kura to kaumātua and good health and wellbeing.
Ngāti Waewae whānau had the pleasure and privilege of being part of the West Coast Wilderness Trail opening for the Greymouth to Kūmara section of the cycle way. Joe Mason was present to help celebrate and officially bless the day with karakia. The opening of the Greymouth – Hokitika section of the West Coast Wilderness Trail brought people young and old to Kūmara, where festivities celebrated the little mining town’s history and the potential economic boost from tourists using the new cycle trail. Kūmara residents dressed in period costumes, promoted their businesses and enjoyed performances from a variety of musicians and entertainers, while a vintage bicycle race and a street parade topped off the official ribbon-cutting ceremony.
The official launch of Poutini Waiora was followed by the unveiling of the signage by kaumātua, colleagues and Dr Melissa Cragg, Te Kaihautū of Poutini Waiora. The event concluded with kapa haka performances from Arahura Kohanga Reo, Ngāti Waewae whānau, Hokitika Primary and Westland High Schools.
Rūnanga business
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae will be closed for the Christmas holidays from 16 December until 6 January. We would like to wish all our Kāi Tahu whānau a very safe and happy Christmas and all the very best for 2014.
May the New Year bring many more Kāi Tahu events where all whānau can catch up. Ngā mihi o te wā me te Tau Hou.
Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio He pēpi
Nau mai, haere mai ki Nixon Brent Paitoto Condon, a first beautiful son for Nikki-Leigh Wilson-Beazley and Hayden Condon, who both hail from South Westland. Nixon arrived on 6 November weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces. He is a very special first moko for Kara Edwards and Terry Beazley, and the late Brent Mahuika. He is also the first mokopuna tuarua for Helen and Ian Rasmussen, and Joe Edwards.
Nixon Brent Paitoto Condon.
Kāi Tahu whānui, tēnā koutou
Rātou ki ā rātou, tātou anō ki a tātou. Tēnā anō tātou katoa. Te wā kirihimete is fast approaching and as usual it has been extremely busy – and it’s unlikely to be slowing down anytime soon. No wonder they refer to this time of year as the “silly season.”
Nei rā te mihi manahau o Kāti Māhaki ki Makaawhio ki a koutou. Nei rā hoki kā roimata takiwai o te hapū nei ki a rātou kua hika mai, kua hika atu, rātou kua hīkoi atu ki te taha a kā mātua tīpuna ki tua o te ārai. E auē koutou, haere, haere, haere atu rā. Moe mai koutou i te rakimārie.
Te Ara Tawhito o Hinetamatea-Copeland Track Early last month, Kāti Māhaki, together with the Department of Conservation, community members and Tā Tipene and Lady Sandra O’Regan gathered at the Karangarua end of the Copland Track – Te Ara Tawhito o Hinetamatea, which traverses from the West Coast to The Hermitage – to bless and open the new waharoa and historical interpretation panels. After a mihi whakatau from our kaiwhakahaere, Paul Madgwick and our tumuaki, Susan Wallace (who stood in for her father, Upoko Rūnanga Richard Wallace), did karakia before handing over to Tā Tipene to officiate the opening, cut the ribbon, unveil and bless the panels.
Once everyone had regrouped at Kairaumati, we had the honour of helping with the DOC opening of the very impressive $2 million upgrade of their visitor facilities, including a new carpark, huge wetland sewerage system and beautiful landscaping, all leading to that iconic mirror view of the lake and Aoraki/Horokoau (Mts Cook and Tasman). Tā Tipene and Susan teamed up again, and with the help of little helpers, opened the new facilities. Finally, we headed over the hills to Franz Josef – Waiau for another special occasion – welcoming home 12 healthy rōwi kiwi for release back into the Ōkārito forest. Among the 12 rōwi was the 200th bird saved through the Operation Nest Egg (ONE) programme.
From the waharoa, representatives of Kāti Māhaki joined others aboard the waiting helicopters to fly high up the track to Welcome Flat for the reopening of the refurbished hut. To be fair, ‘hut’ does not adequately describe this alpine home away from home, and there aren’t many that have the added benefit of hot pools. Again, Tā Tipene did the honours, with karakia from Susan.
ONE involves taking the eggs from nests before the stoats feast on them, hatching them at the Wildlife Centre at Franz, and then rearing them on predator-free Motuara Island in the Marlborough Sounds until they are big enough to fend for themselves. Tā Tipene and Lady Sandra got to hold these special birds and to name the 200th bird.
Kāti Māhaki and our predecessors have had a very close association with Te Ara Tawhito o Hinetamatea – from its discovery by Hinetamatea in ancient times, to when the trail was re-cut 100 years ago and the first huts built, right through to present day.
At the end of a wonderful and full-on day there were farewells, thanks and gifts, before we headed home. Nei rā te mihi kākaunui ki a kōrua, Tā Tipene kōrua ko Lady Sandra.
Due to limited helicopter seats, not all of our ope were able to fly up to the hut. So those who stayed behind treated themselves to an invigorating walk around Lake Matheson – Kairaumati, our next destination.
He hōnore nui ki te nohotahi, ki te mahitahi mātou i tō kōrua taha. E kore kā mihi e mutu.
Tā Tipene and his little helpers Karera Wallace-Jones and Hariata Russell, cut the ribbon at Lake Matheson, watched by Tutoko and Susan Wallace.
Tā Tipene listens as Susan Wallace recites karakia over the kiwi.
Wānaka rakatahi-mahika kai
We have a number of wānaka and hui coming up over the next few months, so please save the dates and mark your calendars. Nau mai, haere mai.
Mark 21-23 March on your calendar now. More details will follow in the New Year.
Hui rūnanganui-executive meetings
Apologies to our members who have been waiting for our final edition of Ka tangi te kōkō, which was to have been sent by now. We are still planning to send it but it will be closer to Christmas. We welcome contributions from whānau, so please send any news and photos to Susan.Wallace@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or post a hard copy to P. O. Box 225, Hokitika 7842.
Our 2014 hui schedule is still a work in progress, however, we have firmed up our first hui which coincides with the anniversary of the opening of our marae. The hui will be held on Saturday 25 January at our marae, with an overnight stay planned. Members are welcome to attend, but should RSVP for catering purposes.
In addition to our quarterly newsletter, you can stay in touch, catch up on news or keep abreast of what’s happening through our web page: www.makaawhio. maori.nz, Facebook, our blog: makaawhio.blogspot.co.nz or twitter: @makaawhio, or pick up the phone and give us a call on phone 03 755 7885 or 0800 955 007.
We are currently reassessing our waiata sessions and will advise in the New Year how we intend to proceed.
Kūmara races
Come and join us in our tent at the Kūmara races on 11 January.
Rūnanga office hours
Our office will be closing on Friday 20 December and will reopen on 6 January 2014. Before closing, I would like to extend our seasons greeting to you all on behalf of Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio and to wish you all the best for a joyous, peaceful and safe holiday season.
Hīkoi whakapapa
Planning is well underway for our hīkoi whakapapa on 17-19 January, here on Te Tai o Poutini. The hīkoi will take us from Hokitika to Jacksons and back. Mark the dates on your calendar and book a seat now.
Kia tau te maukāroko ki ruka i te whenua, he whakaaro pai ki kā tākata katoa. Let there be peace and tranquility on earth and goodwill to all people. He mihi manahau, he mihi matakuikui, he mihi mō te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou ki a koutou katoa. Cheerful, joyous, Christmas and New Year greetings to all. Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki hoki. Mauri ora.
Makaawhio annual picnic and sports day
Join us on Waitangi Day at Woodstock Domain, Rimu for our annual picnic and sports day. It’s always a really great day of fun, competition, whakawhānaukataka and kai. Nau mai, haere mai.
Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke He pēpi
The Hutana and Phillips whānau have had many new additions over the last 2 months. Congratulations to Briana Hutana and Joe Waitoa on birth of their son, Breeze Hutana-Waitoa, born 11 October; and to Te Rauhina Hutana and Mel on the birth of their twin girls, Te Ahorangi and Atarangi , born on 13 November.
Rāpaki is pleased to announce that Brett Lee has been invited to attend the prestigious Te Panekiretanga Institute of Excellence for Te Reo Māori. This course is tutored by the tohunga of te reo Timoti Karetū, Wharehuia Milroy and Pou Temara and other prominent te reo me ōna tikanga leaders. Only 25 positions are made available annually and are filled by invitation only. The intensive course covers a 12-month period. Good luck Brett.
Congratulations also, to Courtney Ohara-Phillips and Haley Ohara-Phillips on the birth of their daughter, Manawa Ohara-Phillips on 18 November; and to Eddie Piripiri and Nardia on the birth of their daughter on 23 November – and a special congratulations to pōua Kāhu on the birth of his first moko. It’s been a Ngāti Wheke boom.
Just as you will follow in the footsteps of your Ngāi Tahu peers, who have previously completed this course, you may also inspire others from Rāpaki to follow in your footsteps.
Rā whānau
Ko te pae tawhiti, whaia kia tata Ko te pae tata, whakamaua kia tina Nei rā ka mihi o Te Rāpaki o Te Rakaiwhakaputa ki a koe Tēnā koe Brett.
Happy birthday to Amelia Phillips, daughter of Lyle Phillips and Kirsty Gardner, who celebrated her first birthday on 28 November.
Te Waipounamu kapa haka
Saturday 2 November saw several Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke descendants standing in either junior, intermediate or senior teams. The junior and intermediate sections were competitive. Junior Section results: Te Ahikaaroa Mātātahi tutored by Rangimarie and Tauira Takurua featured Anaru Takurua, Shara, Nevaeh and Timi Pirikahu were first. Aunty Maata’s (née Briggs) mokopuna Bella Wilson performed with Te Whatukura from Nelson who placed second and Te Kura Hoa o Wairau from Blenheim placed third.
In the intermediate section competition was tight with half a mark separating first and second places. Hera Putiputi Takurua, Waiariki and Hineamaru Paraone stood proudly with their cousins in Amokura, who placed second to Te Whatukura from Nelson. The team from Queenstown placed third. Rāpaki was strongly represented on and off stage. Tau kē whānau.
Waitangi Day 2014
Parihaka commemorations
We will be holding a community day again on 6 February at the marae to celebrate Waitangi Day. Nau mai hoki mai.
Lyttelton Community House has organised Parihaka commemorations for the past six years. On Tuesday 5 November, Rāpaki joined Lyttelton Community House to host inaugural Parihaka commemorations at the memorial located in the Rāpaki church ūrupa. The event remembered the tragedies that occurred during the Parihaka campaign. Ruakere Hond was our distinguished guest on this auspicious occasion.
Wānaka ora
We are looking to have a whānau get together on Saturday 18 January to start a series of wānaka that will begin discussions about our tikanga and kawa for our marae, Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke. Contact the marae office if you are interested in finding out more.
Waitaha secondary schools kapa haka
On Saturday 26 October Waitaha secondary schools competed to represent Waitaha at the national secondary schools kapa haka event to be held in Gisborne in 2014. Hera Putiputi Takurua performed in Te Puawaitanga who were first and Ngā Toka Hapai placed second. Waiariki Paraone placed second as Kaitātaki Tane for Kimihia who placed third overall. Only the teams who placed first and second will represent Waitaha at the nationals next year. Congratulations to all those rakatahi who stood.
Taiohi achievements
We’re proud of some of our students who took out prizes at their schools this year. Hera Putiputi Takurua won the award for best all-round Māori student at Hagley Community College for the year; Waiariki Paraone was first in Year 11 te reo Māori and in Māori performing arts at Linwood College; and Nepya Shirt won an arts award art Hagley Community College.
Waiariki Paraone.
Hera Putiputi Takurua.
Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga Rā whānau
The final Healthy Day at the Pā
Michael Crofts has recovered from his three-week hospital stay since the Tuahiwi School 150th reunion. He and his wife Joan flew home to Melbourne on Saturday 23 November.
The final Healthy Day at the Pā for the year was held on Friday 29 November and will begin again in January 2014, on the last Friday of the month, beginning at 10am. Everyone is welcome. Bring enough kai for two, not 22. A review of Te Kaupapa o Te Haahi Ratana was presented on Saturday 30 November at Tuahiwi Marae. Nā Aroha Reriti-Crofts.
Michael celebrated his 74th birthday with whānau and friends at Tim’s place.
Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi
Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi Trust Board of Trustees had a surprise visitor during their recent governance hui. Settled in to their hui on Yaldhurst road, next door to a café owned by a whānau member, they were amazed to see The Governor-General, Lt Gen The Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae walk through the door. The Governor General was on his way to the Hororata Highland Games and as he had some time up his sleeve, he decided to drop in – totally off the cuff no preparation, no nothing. He just came in, so we took advantage of the photo. Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi Trust is a kaupapa Māori provider of a range of health, education and social services that promote the health education, culture, history and wellbeing of Māori/women and their whānau. Nā Kim Manahi.
From left, Haneta Pierce, Alison Bourn, Kim Manahi, Sir Jerry Mateparae, Aroha Reriti-Crofts, Inu Farrah, Vicki Ratana.
Te Rūnanga o Wairewa Photo library
Memataka – membership database
It would be wonderful to see as many different whānau as possible, so we would absolutely love to hear from you.
We have increasing numbers of rejecting emails and returned post. Stay up-to-date with what’s happening, and notify changes by emailing the rūnanga office at wairewa@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
We are building up a library of photographs that we can use on various pieces of communication – the website, our annual reports, pānui and so on. We have many but we also need consent before we can use them. If you have any photos of whānau at the marae, lake, or other appropriate locations and you would be happy for us to use them from time to time, please email them to Wairewapanui@ngaitahu.iwi.nz. We will then get in touch with you to organise a written consent.
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, ekari taku toa he toa takitini – A single person cannot match a combined force. Nau mai tauti mai ki Wairewa. We wish to extend a warm welcome to new members and to ask you to encourage any whānau not registered to do so. It is also important that you encourage one another who are registered, to update us with any change of details as they occur.
Senior citizens hui
The senior citizens hui started at Wairewa three years ago as an initiative from the local Wairewa community. Wairewa Rūnanga was more than happy to tautoko the community and provide the venue and manaakitanga. This year the hui was held on 17 November at Wairewa Marae.
Former residents come from far and wide to attend. Participants bring along old photos and diaries and just have a good catch up. Each year numbers have grown and it is estimated that this year there were around 140 people. It is a great opportunity to grow relationships with the locals. Manuhiri report that they get a lot out of participating in the pōwhiri and being on the marae and it is a great opportunity for us to engage with the local community.
Anyone of any age is welcome to gather, to meet and greet and share memories of the area. The event tends to attract the 60 plus age group and therefore has become known as the senior citizens hui. Most of the attendees have close ties with the area and many of them have grown up nearby and have known each other their whole lives.
Manuhiri coming on to the marae.
Manuhiri seated for the formal part of the hui.
Annual tuna heke hui
Working bee
Wairewa executive committee
Only Aunty Polly and Maire Kipa attended this working bee and they worked until 2.30 am Sunday. Kā mihi nui ki a kōrua. Let’s get more whānau at the next one. It’s a great way to meet whānau, get to know one another, and for tamariki to play with their cousins. Don’t be shy, come out, even if it is just for a few hours. If you haven’t connected much with your marae in the past, a working bee is a great time to start. With rights come obligations, and this is a good way to show you are keen to contribute and be part of something special.
The annual tuna heke hui was held on Wednesday 11 December at Wairewa Marae. The mahinga kai kōmiti members are: Riki Nicholas, Iaean Cranwell and Charles Zimmerman. This hui will be followed up in 2014 with mahinga kai hui in June and December. We look forward to seeing whānau, who are keen to be involved, at those meetings.
Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive
The Wairewa executive committee has been confirmed as follows: James Daniels – Te Rūnanga Representative Iaean Cranwell – Alt Te Rūnanga Representative Maire Kipa – Chair John Boyles – Secretary Riki Nicholas – Treasurer Executive committee: Charlie Zimmerman, Theo Bunker, Te Aroha Thompson, Iaean Cranwell.
Wairewa Ka Pūtea scholarship
Congratulations to Alvina Edwards who is the recipient of the Wairewa Kā Pūtea scholarship.
Uta – contributions
Meri Kirihimete
Te kopa iti a Raureka – the small purse of Raureka. Even if it is small we really appreciate your contributions for Te Pānui Rūnaka. Please email any photos and information as it comes to light. Births, deaths, weddings, achievements, something you want to share. We can’t promise that we will be able to include everything but we will do our best. Again please email wairewa@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or post a hard copy to Wairewa Rūnanga, PO Box 2845 Christchurch 8013.
E te whānau Meri Kirihimete. Wishing you all a safe and happy festive season. There are two big events planned for next year – Waitangi Day and Matariki. We are hoping to work on these with the local community. It would be great to have as many whānau on board and involved as possible, so watch this space or contact the office (email Wairewapanui@ngaitahu.iwi. nz) if you would like to part of the working group. Kā mihi ki a koutou katoa. 8
Te Taumutu Rūnanga Tū Toka Tū Ariki wānanga
Tū Toka, Tū Ariki wānanga - wāhanga kirihimete. From 19-22 Hakihea at Te Awhitu, Taumutu. Me mahi ngātahi te taiaha me te mahi toi ( mau rākau, kohatu, raranga, mahinga kai / ika ) - tāne ora whānau ora. Nā Te Mairiki Williams.
Taiaha Wānanga - changing lives.
Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata Ngā mate
Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata would like to extend our heartfelt aroha to all of our whānauka who have lost loved ones over the past months. Nō reira koutou o te huka wairua haere atu rā, moe mai rā i kā peka o tō
tātou nei ūkaipō. Mā te Atua koutou katoa e manaaki e tiaki. Āpiti hono tātai hono rātou ki a rātou ka moe, āpiti hono tātai hono tātou te huka ora ka noho, pai mārire.
He pēpi
Congratulations to Holly and Manaia Cunningham on the birth of their new son, Kaahu-Waiarangi Edwin Cunningham. Kaahu, weighing 7.1 pounds with lots of hair, was born on 2 October at the Lincoln Maternity hospital. Kaahu is the brother of Tāmati and Amelia Cunningham and is the sixth mokopuna for Elizabeth and Michael Cunningham, and second mokopuna for Diana and Chris Dyer. Four weeks after his birth he attended his first wānanga at Koukourārata with his mātua. Kaahu Waiarangi Edwin Cunningham.
Nei te rau tāwhiri o Koukourārata
Another month is done and dusted and here we are at the business end of the year. Where does the time go? It’s been a very full year with many comings and goings in the bay. A big mihi to everyone who has contributed to the life of the marae and rūnanga and a special mention to our chair, Charles Crofts, for his ongoing leadership. We would also like to thank Peter Ramsden, Doug Timothy and Riki Lewis for their mahi with our māra kai and reserve projects; and Wade WeretaOsborn and Kylie Deer for their contributions to the marae and manaaki of our manuhiri. We have a special
mihi to Te Aroha Daken for her wonderful meals and upkeep of our marae. Acknowledgement and thanks is also extended to Gloria-Rose Wereta-Osborn (who recently resigned from Manawhenua ki Waitaha), for her diligent representation on this board; to outgoing secretary, Reita Presley and outgoing treasurer, Graeme Page, for their contributions to the rūnanga. A warm welcome is extended to incoming secretary, Manaia Cunningham and incoming treasurer, Linda Grennell. Thanks is also extended to all our whānau who 9
have supported, attended and contributed to the various hui held over the year.
Remember to slip, slop, slap and wear a hat if you’re outside and on behalf of Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata, kā mihi o te wā ki a koutou katoa ahakoa nō hea, ko wai, ka tau te manaaki o te Atua kei ruka i a koe, koutou ko tō whānau i te wā whakatā kei te heke mai nei. Ko te tūmanako ka pūāwai o koutou hiahia ka wawatatia e koutou i tēnei wā. Merry Christmas and a very Happy and prosperous New Year.
Looking out the office window, all the signs are good for a nice long summer – the evidence is there in cabbage trees that flowered early in late October, early November. So to everyone, have a safe and happy holiday season.
Waka ama wānaka
On Labour Day, Craig Pauling was kaihautū for the first waka ama wānanga held at Koukourārata. We hope it will be one of many. Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata purchased a waka ama earlier this year so the wānanga gave the whānau a chance to learn more about waka ama and water safety, plus the opportunity to see how fast our waka can go. Before anyone could get into the waka there was a comprehensive safety briefing by Craig, which set a positive and confident tone for the wānanga.
the Twilight races ki Whakaraupō. In order to do this, we will be transporting our waka ama to Naval Point in Lyttelton to help facilitate training – in particular to practice flipping exercises. Koukourārata whānau who are interested in being part of these wānaka must contact the rūnanga office so we can co-ordinate practice details. Nō reira, ko tēnei te mihinui ki a Craig Pauling nō Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki mō tōna mātauranga kua hōmai ki a mātau. He māringanui nō mātau i tāna taenga mai ki Koukourārata. Ko te tūmanako, ka huihui anō tātau. Tama tū, tama ora, tama noho, tama mate. Nā Manaia Cunningham.
Twelve taiohi from Koukourārata and the motu attended this inaugural waka ama training and everyone is keen for another one. Our goal is to enter a strong team into
Getting ready for the waka ama action.
Craig Pauling gives the whānau some paddling tips.
2013 Hui-ā-Tau
Nāia te mihi maioha e pāorooro atu ana i Te Pōhue ki a koutou o Kāti Huirapa ki Arowhenua mō ō koutou aroha, ō koutou manaaki i tau i ruka i a mātou te whānau o Koukourārata i tae atu ki te Hui-ā-Tau, ā tō tātou nei pākihi me kī, ko Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Our thanks to Arowhenua for the manaaki given to our whānau, who travelled to the Hui-ā-Tau this year (some from as far as Kirikiriroa/Hamilton). Although only one day focusing on the Pūrongo-ā-Tau, our whānau enjoyed their time in the beautiful rohe of Kāti Huirapa ki Arowhenua. Manaia Cunningham and Dione Payne enjoy the spoils of the hākari at the 2013 Hui-ā-Tau.
Whānau visit
Tāua Airini Payne recently had a wonderful surprise visit from her mokopuna Trei, Tūrāhui and Tāne Payne and their parents Matiu and Dione. The family called in for a couple of nights on their way to the Hui-ā-Tau in Arowhenua. It was wonderful to have them all back in the bay, even if for a brief moment. We’re looking forward to a longer visit in the near future. From left, Tāua Airini Payne with her mokopuna Tūrāhui, Trei and Tāne.
Reverse walking the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage walk
Our scaled-down backpack weight was around seven kilograms. For the 31 days it took us to reach Pamplona by foot, we wore the same clothes every day while walking, and changed into a different set of clothes in the evening. Food was readily available across the land with traditional paella or bread, cheese, salami, olivetopped tapa’s or potato tortilla the common menu items, which we always washed down with a local red vino.
Brent and Claire Ruru have been travelling the globe the last five years. Here, Brent continues his travel diary, highlighting the couple’s second experience on the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage Walk in Spain. Having cycled most of the Camino de Santiago across Spain one way, we knew that we were half way through the adventure, so a couple of days later, we were back on the Camino walking the 800 kilometres in reverse – from Compostela to Pamplona. People walking toward Santiago often gave us strange looks – they must have thought we were crazy to be walking the trail in reverse.
We saw many wonderful sights along the way. The Leon cathedral, which had over 2000 square metres of stained glass and the French-influenced Gothic masterpiece, Santa Maria de la Regia. Both took our breath away. Fields filled with sunflowers broke up the brown of the summer-scorched countryside.
Accommodation varied on the Camino, ranging from Albergues, which are a type of pilgrim backpacking hostel through to one, two or three-star hotels. We gradually became accustomed to dormitory life and all that went with it – semi-nudity, body odour, nightly snoring and rummaging through belongings at all hours of the night. A few times we sought the comforts of our own personal space and stayed in a one-star hotel but by the time we had laundered our clothes in the hand basin, the bathroom resembled a laundry.
We averaged between 20-24 kilometres per day. When we arrived at Pamplona, the San Fermin festival was in full swing. We debated whether or not to participate in the running of the bulls. We purchased the red and white apparel being worn, saluted citizens with the sangria being drunk and overcame our fear to do it.
The Leon Cathedral at sunset.
At Cruz de Ferro.
After that, we had three days of walking to go, the last 26 kilometres where we had previously started biking from Roncesvalles and over the Pyrenees, out of Spain and into France to finish at St-Jean-Pied-de-Port. The Camino de Santiago was a journey of moments – a countryside with breathtaking scenery, mouth-watering cuisine and amazing culture. We made many new friendships with people who have passion for life and our own passion for living didn’t stop there. We then pointed our noses toward East Africa to trek among gorillas and to complete a safari across the African savannah. However before that, there was a Kiwi haka to be done on Africa’s roof top, Mount Kilimanjaro. Another story for another time. Nā Brent Ruru Footnote: Brent Ruru is a professional speaker, mentor and funeral celebrant (www.brentruru.com) and can be contacted at brentruru@gmail.com or 027 511 0249.
The Leon lay-abouts.
Standing tall in a wheat field.
Arriving at St Jean at the end of our walk.
Doing the Alto del Perdon without bikes.
Marae bookings
Te Pānui Rūnaka contributions
Summer is nearly here and with it our marae bookings are starting to pick up. To save disappointment please book early. Contact the rūnanga office on 365 3281 or email koukourarata@ngaitahu.iwi.nz if you wish to make a booking.
Many thanks to our roving reporters, Manaia Cunningham, the Payne whānau and Brent Ruru for their story contributions. If you have stories for Te Pānui Rūnaka please send them to the rūnaka office (contact details can be found at the back of this edition). Don’t be shy, without your stories we can’t submit a column. We look forward to hearing from you.
Ōnuku Rūnanga Important dates:
Friday 20 December – rūnanga office closes Tuesday 14 January – rūnanga office reopens Thursday 6 February – Waitangi Day Sunday 9 February – rūnanga meeting.
Summer fun
Tamariki from Ōnuku enjoying themselves in Akaroa Harbour last summer.
One of these boats is not like the other one.
Meri Kirihimete
Kyra Tainui has resigned as treasurer and director of Te Kāhui o Ōnuku Charitable Company after many years of volunteered time. She always ensured the company’s pūtea was recorded and accounted for. Thank you very much Kyra for your outstanding work that enabled us to feel confident in our accountability.
Another year is drawing to a close and we are looking forward to some winding down time after a busy and productive year. A fully engaged portfolio management system keeps the office busy, with events such as Whenua Fest, Strengthening Communities, Whaikōrero Wānanga, digital archiving, Mahinga Kai Cultural Park planning and redevelopment plans all on the go.
Sadly this year we lost three beautiful wahine toa at Ōnuku. Bernice Tainui passed away in February, followed closely by Moana Boardman and then Donna Robinson. Our love and strength is with all of these families as they continue to grieve their loss.
Our full annual report was published this year including our structures, goals, objectives and Statement of Intent for the rūnanga. It’s a document that those who were involved with can be proud of.
We wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer holiday and hope that Christmas brings you together with loved ones and pleasant memories. Ngā mihi, Ōnuku Executive and Operations.
Te Rūnanga and executive elections were held this year. Ngaire Tainui was successfully reappointed as our representative, with Rik Tainui as her alternate. Donna Tainui and Nige Robinson have stepped into new roles as chair and deputy respectively, Ngaire is treasurer and Rochelle Tainui was re-appointed secretary. Our office space has been sold, so we are looking for new premises in the New Year. Some plans are in the pipeline and we are hoping to secure our new premises before Christmas. We are waiting with baited breath to hear the Lotteries Commissions decision on our funding application for the redevelopment of the wharekai. Our plan is for this project to start in March 2014. Many months of hard work has gone into the planning and funding sources for this redevelopment, so all fingers and toes are crossed at this end.
Ōnuku church overlooking Akaroa harbour.
Te Rūnanga o Waihao Revitalising language
Kāika Reo ki Te Tihi o Maru are a rōpū of whānau who are committed to revitalising the intergenerational reo of our tūpuna for our tamariki and mokopuna. We meet each Sunday afternoon between 2pm and 4pm, taking turns to host the whānau rōpū in our homes.
We also wish to thank marae managers, Steve and Graeme Lane for their tautoko in ensuring our stay was a memorable one. Our whānau enjoyed a weekend of waiata, kōrero, haka and whakawhanaungatanga. Our tamariki have outstanding role models in our rōpū and I thank each and every family for their commitment and dedication to our kaupapa, he taonga te reo mō ngā uri ā muri ake nei.
On the weekend of 2-3 November, our rōpū visited Waihao Marae. This was a special noho for many of our whānau, who have ancestral connections to Waihao. Two of our tāua, Libya Foote and Rosina Hix shared many memories of their earlier years.
Our noho would not have been complete without a visit to Te Ana Rock Art Centre. We cannot thank our hosts Amanda Symon, Karl Russell and Wetere Home enough. Their valuable knowledge and passion for the kaupapa ignited a flame within our tamariki to find out more about their tūpuna. For all of us to be able to go out to the Taniwha site at Ōpihi with Wetere was just superb. It is incredible to think all of this is right on our doorstep.
We had a superb welcome from Wendy Heath and Ūpoko Rūnaka, Te Wera King. They made us feel so welcome and shared their stories of the history of the marae and their whānau.
For any enquiries about our rōpū, contact Aaron Donaldson on 6861547 (donaldsons@xtra.co.nz) or Quentin Hix 6861736.
Whānau visiting the Ōpihi Taniwha rock art site.
Whānau at Waihao Marae.
Te Rūnanga o Moeraki Rā whānau
Happy birthday to Maria Tipa and Betsy Williams for 8 December from the whānau. Nā Sam Mako.
Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki Mana Pounamu awards
Congratulations to our rangatahi, who received 2014 Mana Pounamu awards: Hannah Kerr (Kavanagh College), Joshua Te Tau (Otago Boys High School), James Bungard (East Otago High School) and Meghan Scanlan (Roxburgh Area School). Well done everyone. From Left; Jim Ellison, Robyne Ellison, Meghan Scanlan and Jane Ellison at the 2014 Mana Pounamu awards.
Rūnaka general meetings
Christmas and New Year office hours
Our 2014 rūnaka general meetings will be held as follows: Sunday 9 March; Sunday 25 May; Sunday 24 August; and Sunday 2 November will be a combined meeting and annual general meeting
The office will be closed from Friday 20 December and will reopen on Monday 6 January.
Directors sought for Puketeraki Ltd
Our website is now live and we hope you get lots of useful information from it. If you have any photos you would like added to the gallery, please email them to: admin@puketeraki.co.nz. If you click on Shop you can view some of the merchandise we have had printed with our new logo.
Expressions of interest are being sought from both a rūnaka member and an independent person for two director appointments on the Pūketeraki Ltd Board. Please contact Justine at admin@puketeraki.co.nz or go to the members section of our website for more information. Nominations close 5pm Wednesday 15 January with the director’s election meeting to be held 6pm Friday 31 January, at Puketeraki Marae.
Waka fun day
Waka club event
Website and merchandise
The last te reo and waka fun day was so successful we are doing it all again on Sunday 23 February. As there is no January Te Pānui Rūnaka, you will need to make a note of this date now, if you want to register for this event. It is fun, physical and educational (and free). Contact Justine at admin@puketeraki.co.nz.
The Hauteruruku ki Puketeraki Waka Club will hold a whānau, waka and water activities event on 28-29 December. Contact Suzi Flack 021 257 6048 for details and registration.
Whakapapa wānanga
The current whakapapa wānanga series will finish on Friday 31 January – Saturday 1 February. Look out for the pānui in the New Year on our website and email.
Christmas Eve church service
This season the Christmas service at Hui te Rangiora Church will be held on Christmas Eve. The time is still to be confirmed so keep in touch with us closer to the date.
Purchase of land in Puketeraki
The rūnaka has acquired 2/3 of a 1.4 hectare block of bare land next to the marae for the purpose of securing the boundaries of the marae, church and urupā and opportunities for future development.
Section 21, Block X11, Coast Road, Karitāne.
Hui te Rangiora Church, Puketeraki.
Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou Exploring patterns of long-range migration in Māori tradition. This was a great opportunity for some whānau members to catch up with Atholl and reminisce on the Aramoana smelter protests of the early 1980s, the Waitangi Tribunal hearings at Ōtākou in 1987, and the carving of the poutokomanawa Pukekura in 1990.
Kia ora koutou, we have had an exciting month on the pā and we’ve hosted some amazing hui, including Portobello School, Te Muaupoko (the Peninsula schools’ Māori extension programme), and the New Zealand Historical Association’s biennial conference dinner. This was especially exciting, as Atholl Anderson gave the Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikaheke keynote speech on
Toroa update
Eight of the 27 chicks to hatch were fly-struck during the 2012/13 season but we removed all maggots and cleaned the infected areas with a strong antiseptic and with luck all fly-blown chicks survived.
Albatross/Toroa 2013/14 season Laying has finished with a total of 33 eggs laid, similar numbers to the previous season’s 37 eggs. This large species of albatross (northern royal) are biennial breeders, so generally the pairs nesting this season did not breed last year (and vice-versa).
After about a month, royal albatross chicks go into their post-guard stage (from February-September). This post-guard stage wasn’t without its problems during the previous season, when two chicks required long-term supplementary feeding (four times a week). However both fledged successfully.
By shining a torch through the egg (“candling”) we can determine fertility of the egg, and of the 32 eggs ‘candled’ so far, all are fertile (the last remaining egg isn’t old enough yet to see any embryonic development). We are hopeful of seeing a good number of fledglings depart the headland in September next year.
Another chick that fledged was seen floundering in the water just off the headland and a boat was dispatched to retrieve it. It was apparent that its underbelly was not waterproof and therefore not providing the buoyancy that albatrosses require. It was returned to Pukekura where it was seen furiously preening that area of its body before it fledged successfully on its second attempt.
Breeding summary In the 2012/13 Toroa breeding season, we had a total of thirty five pairs (33 female-male pairs and two femalefemale pairs) that produced a total of 37 eggs. Although 31 of those eggs were fertile we lost some of these during warm weather (where ground temperatures can reach over 40 degrees and heat stressed birds accidentally crush their egg). One pair went through ‘a divorce’ during incubation and deserted their egg before we realised what was going on (that particular male is nesting again in this 2013/14 season, but with his new partner).
One of the last chicks to leave developed an eye infection just prior to fledging. It required several weeks of treatment and supplementary feeding as its parents had stopped coming in for the season. Eventually we decided its best chance of survival was for it to go to sea, where the salt water environment should aid recovery of its eye. We took that bird about one kilometre to sea and released it. We were pleased to see it take flight a short time later.
We used an incubator for eggs at risk of breakage or desertion (generally caused by long incubation shifts). We also placed hatching eggs in it over the late January to mid-February period, when fly strike is a huge problem for us.
Both female-female pairs and 24 other pairs successfully raised a chick to fledging age with the last chick fledging on the 14 October. The first egg laid for the 2013/14 season was just 12 days later and this long breeding cycle is one of the main reasons why this species are biennial breeders. Nā Lyndon Perriman, head ranger, Taiaroa Head.
onsite at the marae, plastering Moeraki pebbles onto the exterior of the new buildings, and she is looking tino ātaahua.
The final plastering of Hākuiao is underway. After waiting for the weather to warm up, the plasterer is
Korako-Karetai whānau reunion
The Korako-Karetai whānau held a wānanga at Ōtākou over Labour Weekend. Over 60 whānau attended and the weather was lovely. Tawhiri Matea held off until just after we all left.
Over the weekend whānau made two special trips out to Pukekura. One on the Saturday night to see kororā (little blue penguin) come ashore on Takiharuru (Pilots Beach) and another on Sunday morning to climb the hill and see the toroa (albatross) cruising above the headland, before heading back down to Takiharuru for a planting mission.
Whānau participated in whakapapa and harakeke workshops, while tamariki played in the beautiful grounds of the marae. Alan Harnett came along to teach us a thing or two about bone carving. The tamariki were fascinated and stoked when Alan presented every one of them with their very own taonga. Thanks Alan.
The whānau have been working with the Otago Peninsula Trust and Air New Zealand on a plan to regenerate the whenua there to its former glory providing a revitalised environment for everyone – especially the wildlife. Thanks to Pukekura and Otago Peninsula Trusts and especially Mary Laurenson our very own hilltop kaitiaki.
The food was amazing, kōura (crayfish), pākirikiri (blue cod), tuna (eel) and some very delicious heihei (chicken). Debbie Williams along with Gail and Justin Thompson, were the most skilful and good humoured ringa wera – an example to us all.
From left, Saffron, Tai, Magnus, Izzy, Tuari, Kerofern, Jordan, Storm, Talia, Ada, Girvan, Kaydiah, Abby and Tahlia Christiansen.
Alan Harnett with fascinated tamariki and Anna Kemp.
Tāua Dierdre Carroll and tāua Mary Laurenson.
Makareta and Katerina Coote.
Hei whakatepe noa i ēnei kōrero ko tā mātou takarure i ngā mihi ā mātou ake ki a koutou i haere mai nei i wīwī, i wāwā ki te kawe mai i ō koutou whakaaro ki tō tātou māpihi maurea. To conclude this account a reiteration of our own thanks to all who came from scattered places to convey your ideas about our treasure.
An enormous kia ora must go to Natalie Karaitiana and the team at the beautiful Ōtākou Marae. We had a wonderful, easy stay, and felt very safe and relaxed. Thanks also to Bill Karaitiana for facilitating proceedings; and to Anna Gorham and her lovely daughters for leading the harakeke workshop. Most of all kia ora to the whānau who made it this time. Thanks for bringing yourselves, your kaumātua and your tamariki – especially the gorgeous pēpi.
If you would like to receive our weekly e-panui, please email glenys.russell@tro.org.nz.
From left, Bill Karaitiana, Storm and Tahlia Christiansen, Gisele Laven and Magnus.
Treaty Festival 2014
There is an opportunity for whānau and community groups to hold stalls to sell their wares. If you would like to book a stall please contact the rūnaka office.
In 2014, Ōtākou will host the Ngāi Tahu Treaty Festival. Planning is underway and we’re looking at things in a slightly different way from previous years. The theme for the day is Whanaungatanga. This is an opportunity to explore relationships with partners and ourselves. The festival will have a whānau atmosphere, so bring your sunscreen and picnic blankets.
Please note that Ōtākou will not provide a hākari on the day; instead, there will be a number of kai stalls, and spaces for whānau to enjoy picnic lunches they may wish to bring.
Timeline for the day: 10am pōwhiri 10.45am kapu tī 11am forum, stalls, entertainment 3pm poroporoakī
Make sure you bring cash if you wish to purchase kai or merchandise.
Te Rūnanga o Hokonui Karaka mai manu tītī Taki mai manu weka. Tū teitei te mauka nui Te mauka Aoraki. Rere atu te wai o Waitaki Ki ruka te mania pākihi whakatekateka o Waitaha. Tū mai Kāi Tahu Kāti Mamoe me Waitaha nui tonu
E tū, e tū, e tū Tīhei mauri ora Ka nui te mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa. Hai ārahi i te mahi i tēnei tau, me te whai i te reo Māori. E te hunga mate ki te hunga mate, e te hunga ora ki te hunga ora, tēnei tātou te hunga ora. Nō reira e te whānau whānui, kia mau kia ita kia kore ai e karo kia pupuri! Kia ora tātou.
Rōpū Taiohi
Our new tamariki programme is going from strength-tostrength and we are getting new additions every session. We have moved the venue to the bigger Hamilton Park facility, which is better suited for a crowd of tamariki. One of the main things tamariki wanted to do while at the programme was learn to play the traditional ball game, ki-o-rahi.
With finer weather we were able to get the kits out and give it a go and we’ve decided to have a Christmas party for the last session for this year on 15 December. If you have a child, or know of any children who might like to come along to kī-o-rahi next year, please contact the office.
Left rear, Shelby Phillipson and Jenna Cox (left front) joining Tenesha Wetherall (centre rear), Netta Karetai (centre right) and Logan Kumeroa (right) on the exercise equipment.
Left rear, Tenesha Wetherall and left front, Ace Kawenga with Dahna Byron (right rear) and Gloria Kawenga (front) getting creative.
A well-deserved kai break.
Health days
Office housekeeping
Health days will finish for the year with the annual Christmas party on 12 December. We have had a great year and it’s a real pleasure to have kaumātua here on a regular basis. We haven’t yet decided a start-back date for 2014 but all existing kaumātua will get a pānui mailed out to advise. If you are in the Gore District and think you would like to come along next year, please phone the office and we will assist in getting you here.
The office will close for Christmas on 20 December. If you require anything please ring and leave a message or email Hokonui.office@ngaitahu.iwi.nz as these will be cleared on a regular basis. The office will reopen on 6 January. All Hokonui staff and whānau wish everybody a safe Merry Christmas and New Year.
Waihōpai Rūnaka Congratulations
Congratulations to James Humm, who has been named 2014 head boy at Verdon College in Invercargill. Verdon is a Catholic school with a roll of 650 Students. James plays rugby, cricket and basketball and is captain of the Senior A basketball team.
He has represented Southland and the South Island in basketball. Next year he will also captain the First XI cricket team. James achieved NCEA Level One with Excellence and is well on track to gain NCEA Level Two with Excellence. His is very interested in the sciences, particularly chemistry.
Rūnaka news
Last but not least, the cooks did a fantastic job. Well done Team Waihōpai.
To all the birthday people this month I hope you all had or have a wonderful, wonderful day – arohanui. To any whānau who have added a new pepī, congratulations – arohanui to you all.
This week we have a graduation for the Southland College of Education teachers’ training school. We’ve also just finished another tikaka wānaka in the Invercargill Prison - well done Team Waihōpai.
Did you all enjoy the Hui-ā-Tau at Arowhenua? We did at Waihōpai; we had lots more people than last time and everybody enjoyed themselves, A big thank you to our tāua me pōua, who took time out of their busy lives to come up and be surrounded by Ngāi Tahu whānau - ngā mihi aroha – and also to the young ones who came up as well. Awesome guys. Also a big thank you to our electric man, Rodney. Thank you once again for your expertise in setting up of the sound system and pushing the questions through.
We have lots of end of year meetings happening and on top of that, it’s just about Christmas. Boy-o-boy time flies when you don’t want it to. Well that’s all from me folks, take care, look after yourselves and your whānau. Arohanui Kāi Tahu whānau. Te Ika a Maui me Te Waka a Māui. Merry Xmas to you all. Nā Squirrell on the Hill.
Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka Congratulations
most people outside Japan were learning martial arts very badly from books. His classic Japanese style was passed down to many Judoka (students), who went on to win national titles. In my case, Charlie had a profound influence on my career both in Judo and in life. Those who knew the quiet man also knew his spirit, wisdom and determination for life. He touched many of us in the deep south and we are forever grateful for his contribution.”
Marama Pankhurst Stirling (Charlie) (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Mamoe, Te Whānau-a-Apanui) was post-humously inducted into the NZ Marital Arts Hall of Fame on 2 November, in recognition of his personal achievement, dedication and outstanding service to the martial arts community. “Charlie was a very reserved person. He spoke few words in a low, husky voice but he was a very astute instructor. Charlie travelled to Japan in the early sixties, around the time of the Tokyo Olympics 1964, and trained at the Kodokan (Judo Academy). Technically, he was one of the best in New Zealand at a time when
As remembered by Ivor Endicott-Davies, chairman Judo Federation Academy Kodokan (Japan) and president of the Judo Federation Academy NSW (Australia). Nā Sakura Marama-Kahutaiki Stirling.
NZMA Hall of Fame award plaque.
Marama Pankhurst Stirling.
From the rūnaka
Riverton Primary School visit to Takutai O Te Tītī Marae
Meri Kirihimete to all our members, whānau and friends from the executive and staff. It is hard to believe that the end of the year is approaching and that we will soon be winding down for the festive season. This is a time for us to reflect on the past year and enjoy some relaxed time with our whānau.
On Wednesday 6 November the local primary school paid a visit to Takutai o Te Tītī Marae. Conditions were perfect and organized outdoor activities were able to proceed as planned. Tamariki were split into groups and spent time at several different activity stations.
If you have enjoyed a birthday in the last month, or have new additions to your whānau, congratulations and very best wishes for the year ahead.
Activities included chalk art, native plantings, environmental education, kī-o-rahi, stick games, ukulele and learning about the cycle of the tītī. It was awesome to see tamariki buzzing about from station to station laughing and having fun. Everyone had a great time and it was wonderful to see the marae brought to life by these fantastic young people.
Over the past month, the office staff have been busy organizing the printing and distribution of the annual report. By now everybody should have a copy of this document, received either electronically or by hard copy. If however, you have not received one they can be downloaded from the Ngāi Tahu website or alternatively, please contact the office for a hard copy.
A big, ‘thank you’ to all the volunteers. Your time and energy is much appreciated and was instrumental in making this day a huge success.
Colac Bay memories
The following is the text of an email sent by Peter Belsham reminiscing about his childhood in Colac Bay. Peter now lives in Nelson. “Hinetui Point is where the whales used to get washed ashore and my father taught me how to pick the ambergris up. I initially made the mistake of picking this black stuff off the beach with my hands and I couldn’t get rid of the smell for days. Dad used to take the ambergris home and send it to Holloways Hardware in Invercargill. They would send it on to France where it was used as a base in perfume production.
Royd Crengle and I used to ride right round Colac Bay hill, where the late Bill Cleaver was running the farm. Royd rode a big grey horse called Sandy and my horse was called Dillon. When Royd took off, I didn’t have a hope in hell of holding Dillon and I had to cling on for dear life. We would leave Colac Bay in boats and set off for the Mutton Bird Islands and sometimes it got really rough. In those days the roads to Riverton, Pahia and Orepuki were gravel and we would travel to Riverton for the annual rowing regatta. By the time we got there we were covered in dust but our hair would be slicked down with plenty of Brylcreme to look good for the girls. The train came from Tuatapere and we used to catch it at 8am at ColacBay to go to Invercargill. It was a long trip then and we didn’t get into Invercargill until 10am.
As kids, we climbed up Colac Bay hill to the trig station. There were cattle at the top and we had to climb over a fence and run like hell to avoid them. We would climb up onto the trig station and admire the views. What a marvelous sight at the top, right across to Rakiura, Codfish Island and back towards Bluff.
I remember the cattle drives’ from Tuatapere to Lorneville Cattle yards too. We were told to keep indoors on those occasions. There were always some that took to the bush and this pleased the locals greatly as my father was a hunter and a good shot, so we all lived on beef for quite a while. I cherish these memories and will never forget them. We grew up in a great place.” Nā Peter Belsham.
We used to follow the railway line towards Wakipatu and sandhills, where the crawly ponds were. What fun we had catching them and lighting a fire to cook them for a feast. We paddled flat-bottomed boats in Lake George, despite being told never to go there; and we pulled flounder nets on the beach at Colac Bay. What big flounders we used to catch. They went straight into the pan. Boy we lived good!
Aparima College senior netball
During the first week of September, a team of 10 girls from Aparima College headed to Christchurch to compete in the South Island Secondary Schools’ netball tournament. They were lucky to get there as one of their major fundraising efforts fell through, but the community rallied and with support from them and the local rūnaka, the team was back on track.
“Members of the Oraka-Aparima Rūnaka committee were just magic. They were there when we needed them most,” says captain, Devon Winders, who led the team to a high-performing seventh placing out of 32 teams. Devon herself was named in the South Island tournament team. “We had no expectations of support from the rūnaka committee when we reached out for assistance.
We had been let down at the eleventh hour so the committee had very little notice”.
Devon Winders was the glue that held the team together, despite being hampered by an injured knee.
The team was blown away when the rūnaka stepped forward to help with valuable financial support to supplement the fundraising the girls had already done.
The tournament will be in Invercargill next year and the Aparima College girls are positioned well to compete again not only because of the fantastic young talent coming through in this team but because of the generous support they get from a community they are so proud to represent.
The team was laden with young talent, with six of the ten girls under 16 playing against teams from much larger schools that were fielding teams of 17 and 18-yearolds. Rachel Dawson and Leah Thompson anchored the defence end, tearing into the opposition to bring their team through to win the first pool and end in the top 16. The shooting duo of Jessica Monteith and Kelly Shearing showed their experience and class, turning their defences inside out with speed and teamwork. Packed into the midcourt, the youngest members of the team were the constant stars, growing in confidence and winning six out of eight Player of the Game awards given out during the tournament.
Finally a big thanks to all of the volunteers who have contributed to the mahi of the rūnaka over the last year. Your presence is vital to our existence. The successes of the various projects both on-going and new, is testament to your dedication and commitment to Ōraka Aparima whānau. Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi.
Showing some real tenacity, Sarah Menzies, Christina Grove, Ebony Turner, Taylor Anderson and Kataraina Harris never gave up, coming out of nowhere to present themselves for the ball on attack, and snatching intercepts off their opposition. All the while, captain
The Aparima College senior netball team ready to compete in Christchurch.
Office hours
Have a joyful and safe Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Our office closes at 5pm on Friday 20 December and reopens at 9am Monday 13 January 2014.
Taurahere Groups Ngāi Tahu ki Waikato
He pēpi Fallon Wharerauaruhe Dansay Stevens was born at home on the 1 August weighing a healthy 9 pounds. Fallon is the first pēpi for Tony Stevens and Georgie Dansay (Tūwharetoa) and a first moko for Jane Stevens and Dave Macpherson. Congratulations to all the whānau, the koru of new life has unfurled to give the whānau such joy after the grief of losing Phyllis, Ron and Peter Stevens in three short years.
Tony Stevens and Georgie Dansay and their baby, Fallon.
Design competition
• Can be used as a small design such as on a pocket and also a large design across the back of the T-shirt or vest, or on a large banner • Is easily screen-printed.
Young and old are invited to be a part of the creation of a strong symbol of our identity as Kāi Tahu Ki Waikato. We are looking for a design that can be easily recognised as Kāi Tahu but one that also includes the special aspects of the whenua we live in, in the mighty Waikato.
Send your design in on a PDF to our email address kaitahu.waikato@gmail.com or on a plain white A4 page for ease of viewing and printing, and we will send an email back to show that we have received it and can print it. The completion will close on 20 March 2014. A prize of $100 will be given for the final design.
The ultimate use of the design will be for clothing, banners, publications and our Facebook site. The design needs to include: • One colour print, pounamu green. To initially be used on a black T-shirt or vest
I would like to express my immense gratitude to Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu for supporting me through my studies. I was blessed to be awarded a scholarship this year as well as receiving a grant the year before. It has been a long hard road to complete my Bachelor degree in Iwi Environmental Management and the financial support that I received has been invaluable. I am now looking forward to utilising opportunities that enable me to contribute back to our whānau, hapū and iwi. Issues that risk diluting our shared connection to Papatūānuku must be identified. Rangatiratanga as tangata whenua must be exerted if our children are to have any hope for a decent life in this world of unprecedented climate change. Our tīpuna have left us a legacy of adapting and living sustainably with the whenua. It is our inherent responsibility as kaitiaki to
Brendon Tangiroa.
ensure the whakapapa that binds all things physical and spiritual is maintained so that we can educate the corporate mind that we are not separate, but part of the whenua. Nā Brendon Tangiroa .
Ngāi Tahu ki Tāmaki Makaurau
Amma NZ visits Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae Amma New Zealand devotees (mostly nationals of India) had the privilege of being welcomed onto Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae in Otara, Auckland on Friday 8 November. Secretary of Amma New Zealand, Patricia Wylie, (of Ngāi Tahu descent through her father, Albert Wylie, and Afghani descent through her mother, Florence Mahomet), organised for the rōpū to attend the opening evening of the Ngāi Tahu ki Tāmaki Makaurau annual Hui-ā-Tau. This year the kaupapa was Healthy Living.
support Amma’s humanitarian activities. Amma (meaning Mother) is a significant Indian spiritual leader, known throughout the world for her selfless love and compassion toward all beings. Her entire life has been dedicated to alleviating the pain of the poor, and those suffering physically and emotionally. Amma inspires, uplifts, and transforms through her embrace, her wisdom and through her charities, known as Embracing the World.® She has embraced and comforted more than 32 million people worldwide.
For most of the group, it was the first time onto a marae and our first pōwhiri. Kaumātua Kukupa Tirikatene and the Ngāi Tahu ki Tāmaki Makaurau committee warmly welcomed us with much aroha and we were able to share the wairua of our two cultures.
Chandra began by speaking in his mother tongue Malayalam. He then translated into English so that all understood the content of his address. For our waiata, following Chandra’s address, we sang a bhajan (devotional song) called “Om Namaha Shivaya” meaning “I bow down to everything that is good and to whom-soever is doing it”.
Our senior disciple, Chandra Kurup was our speaker on the paepae and represented our Amma NZ group (registered as Mata Amritanandamayi Satsang Group Inc). It is a non-profit and charitable organisation founded to promote Sri Mata Amritanandamayi’s universal message of Aroha, in New Zealand. We regularly organise NZ fundraising programmes to
After the pōwhiri, we were welcomed with the hongi, which was enjoyed by all of our devotees – a very new experience. Then followed a warm connection time between my Ngāi Tahu family and my Indian family, as we waited for dinner. Also during this time, Kukupa gave a blessing on our taonga (our banner “Invite Amma to Aotearoa NZ”).
Our spiritual leader has never visited Aotearoa before and we are all dedicated to bringing her here so that she can offer her blessing (darshan) to the people of Aotearoa. Around 8pm a delicious dinner was served in the wharekai. That gave us more time to connect with our new friends over kai. Usually our women do all the cooking for our events, so it was wonderful to be able to sit down and receive from our hosts. Following kai, we returned to the wharenui for a very enlightening talk from Kukupa on the meaning and symbolism of some of the pou (carvings) in the beautiful Ngā Kete whare.
Lastly we engaged in whakawhanaungatanga and then to complete Amma NZ’s presence at the hui, we sang a bhajan “Jai Jai Ma” for everyone there. Then pomarie – sleep-time for those staying and all the Amma NZ folk headed home. Small steps….perhaps next year we will sleep over in the whare. Thank you to my Ngāi Tahu whānau in Auckland. Tihei mauri ora – celebrate the breath of life that we share.
Manuhiri gather in the wharenui.
Kukupa Tirikatene welcoming our manuhiri.
Welcoming our guests.
Kai time!
If you would like to know more about Amma NZ, check our website www.amma.org.nz Nā Patricia Wylie.
Our waiata, reo, haka and history
Kihere Aumua-Jahnke (16, Ngāi Tahu – Waihao)
“ I really enjoyed the kapa haka and learning more about the whenua and our history. The activity I liked the most was gathering kaimoana and cooking it in the kelp bag.”
MANAWA HOU Tō tātou Ngāi Tahutanga Next hīkoi
Monday - Thursday, 20-23 January Ōtākou Marae, Dunedin For rangatahi in years 11,12 and 13 Check out our website www.ngaitahu.iwi.nz/whanau/ manawa-hou/ for more information, registration forms and a gear list. To register your mokopuna or tamariki email us at manawa.hou@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or call 0800 524 8248. 25 Registrations close Wednesday January 15th 2014.
The Office Office Closing
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu offices at Wigram will be closed for the Christmas-New Year break from 12 noon on Friday 20 December and will reopen at 9am on Monday 13 January.
And remember, we have no issue of Te Pānui Rūnaka in January. Our first issue for 2014 will be in February.
• To have strong sustainable Ngāi Tahu cultural leadership across all pillars • Ensure intergenerational ownership, sustainability, and growth of cultural practices across all pillars • To have the resources available to engage the strategy to be successful (human, fiscal, natural archival and so on) • All generations of Ngāi Tahu engage, value, celebrate and protect the integrity and uniqueness of Ngāi Tahu culture • Promote new forms of Ngāi Tahu cultural expression.
Calling for project applications now
The Ngāi Tahu Fund is available to Ngāi Tahu whānau, rūnanga and hapū to help revitalise, strengthen and grow Ngāi Tahutanga. Do you have a cultural project that you, your whānau or marae wish to run? Get in touch with us to see how the Ngāi Tahu Fund may be able to help.
The following areas are key priority areas of the Ngāi Tahu Fund, as identified in the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy and all projects must be aligned with at least one of these. 1. Whakapapa – kinship 2. Tikanga – protocols and customs 3. Te reo – language 4. Mahi toi – creative expression 5. Whenua – landscape, place and locality 6. Mahinga kai – food gathering practices 7. Ngā uara – values and beliefs 8. Ā kāinga, ā hapū, ā iwi – community engagement and participation 9. Mana tangata – self-determination, selfconfidence, self-purpose, self-transcendence.
Applications close Friday 28 March 2014. Any applications received after 28 March 2014 will not be accepted. Note: The Ngāi Tahu Fund Assessment Committee meet in May to make decisions on all applications. Project timelines should commence after this time. Please contact us urgently if this is going to be an issue for you. Call 0800 942 472 today and find out how to apply. Email funds@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or visit www.ngaitahufund.com
Please note - Changes to the Ngāi Tahu Fund application
All applications must show how they aim to increase cultural knowledge and participation of Ngāi Tahu whānui. Applications must also clearly identify what cultural knowledge is involved in the project and demonstrate how the proposed project contributes to building cultural knowledge and participation.
In June 2012 the Ngāi Tahu Fund Committee adopted the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy as its guiding document and changed our application requirements to align with this strategy. These are changes you need to be aware of if you are considering making an application to the Ngāi Tahu Fund. All applications must demonstrate how projects meet the following objectives:
Successful Hui-ā-Tau
While the kōrero is the focus of this year’s Hui-ā-Tau, whānau made the most of the occasion and the Kotahi Mano Kāika team organised a te reo softball tournament in Temuka. Three teams headed to the dugout following the hui and played softball in a full immersion te reo environment.
Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua hosted Ngāi Tahu for Huiā-Tau on Saturday 23 November. The meeting was also streamed live to Ōtākou Marae, Arahura Marae and Murihiku Marae so whānau could connect via a web-link. The one-day event was all about the kōrero (conversations), with members hearing short presentations, followed by questions and answers. Around two hundred whānau attended Arowhenua, and another 100 participated via the satellite hubs, with everyone enjoying the catch-up.
Turn to next page for photos.
conservation. She is currently involved with a group of rangatahi who are working with the local council and the Department of Conservation in the restoration of Waihirere Domain in Gisborne. As part of the project, they are ridding the domain of plant and animal pests and planting more native trees and rongoā species to attract birdlife. They also hope to improve the water quality of the Waihirere Stream.
Saving to fulfil dreams
Tahua Pihema (Kāti Huirapa ki Puketeraki) recently received a book from her tāua, Raana Kerekere Tangira, called “The Young New Zealanders Guide to Entrepreneurship” by Dr Ian Hunter. The book contained an entry form for a competition run by Young Enterprise Trust. As part of entering the competition, Tahua had to write her personal goal and she provided the following:
Law is also a possibility, as Tahua loves the idea of helping her people with the legal side of dealing with our kaupapa Māori – whenua, moana, tangata. All up, she is an excellent role model and her Whai Rawa savings are bound to come in handy as she works towards fulfilling her dreams.
“As a Year 9 student this year, I’m considering a number of different pathways, but whichever one I choose, my aspiration is to be the unequivocal best in that, or those fields.”
Get your contributions in by 31 December to get your matched savings. * Maximum matched savings $200 (inclusive of RSCT). Child members (under 16) need $50, adult members aged 16-64 need to save $200. Contact us for more details or for a copy of the new 2013 investment statement.
On the strength of this she won a prize in the competition, much to the delight of her parents, Joe and Huia Pihema (Ngāi Tahu). Ka wani kē Tahua. Tahua, who lives with her whānau in Gisborne and attends Gisborne Girls High School, is also a winner with Whai Rawa; she will be getting her $200 matched savings in her Whai Rawa account, as her whānau have already contributed the $50 required for child members to get full matched savings.* Tahua has a passion for kapa haka, dance and drama, and she is an avid reader. She is a keen netball player and recently trialled for the regional Māori netball team. Along with representing her school in Kī-o-rahi and touch rugby, she is also a medal-winning waka ama enthusiast and was well placed in the Tairawhiti Secondary Schools regional kapa haka competitions. With a bright future ahead and given her love of science and maths, Tahua is considering studying radiography at Otago University once she has finished school. Her second choice, she says, would be to work in
Tahua Pihema with her competition prize.
• Weekly activities each Friday from 10am– 12:30pm. Fridays are mainly attended by one adult from each family with their pre-school children • Whole whānau activities on last Sunday of each month from 10am–1pm. Each Friday a different whānau is responsible for planning the day’s activities. This includes emailing the group with details of the kaupapa for the hui, where we will be meeting, kupu hou, kīwaha, whakataukī and any resources that are needed.
KMK Kāika Reo Funding
Nei rā he kōrero nā tētahi puna kua whiwhi tautoko mai i te Kotahi Mano Kāika, Kāika Reo Funding.
Highlights for 2013 for Te Puna Reo o Ngā Mata Riki • Noho at Kōkiri Te Tai Poutini, walking in the bush, going into caves, learning how to make a fire, toasting marshmallows and rock climbing • Waka Ama – many of the tuakana of the group have been participating in weekly sessions of waka ama, and many will be competing at the South Island competitions
Te Puna Reo o Ngā Mata Riki Is a group of te reo speaking whānau based in Ōtautahi Christchurch who meet regularly to support each other in maintaining Te Reo Māori as the first language in the home. Next year we will continue our regular activities:
• Iwi taketake – learning about different cultures each week, the Puna has travelled to Japan, Spain, Italy, Australia and the Cook Islands. Each Friday session we would learn how to say hello from each country. • This year we have seen many of our pēpi enter into the world of kura, so the puna has been to many pōwhiri at various schools. • We have our own tohu, which has been something we have wanted for a while.
We attend hui in the wider community and also hui organised through Kotahi Mano Kāika. We also hold an annual whānau hui at the beginning of the year to identify the various kaupapa matua for the upcoming year, and break the year up into separate wāhanga.
Kura Reo Kāi Tahu
Kia Kūrapa
E kā ākoka, e kā manukura o te reo Ka tū anō te Kura Reo Kāi Tahu ki Arowhenua, 12-16 Iwa 2014. Haramai ki te ako, ki te whakapakari i tō reo Māori. Me noho Māori mai, me reo Māori mai kia ako tahi ai tātou ko kā uri a Tahu i tō tātou mita, kawa, tikaka hoki, kia kore ai e mate-a-moa nei.
Keen to get started with te reo? Or maybe brush up on those basic skills you’ve already learnt? Kia Kūrapa is a safe, supportive learning environment for all learners whether you are an absolute beginner or if you already have some te reo, this is the wānaka for you.
Kura Reo Kāi Tahu is an annual event not to be missed. Kura Reo Kāi Tahu caters to the whole whānau – classes for adults and supervised activities for tamariki and pēpi. This year there will be te reo lessons/ activities for tamariki too. Nau mai, haere mai, enjoy this opportunity to spend time with other te reo speaking families; learning, laughing, enjoying, celebrating and using our language. Kura Reo Kāi Tahu is a total immersion wānaka. To ensure the integrity of this wānaka tamariki must be able to converse in te reo Māori.
31 January(Iwa) – 2 February(Kahuru) (Starts Friday, 5pm pōwhiri and finishes Sunday 2pm)
Kai hea:
Te Rau Aroha Marae, Awarua (Bluff)
Te Utu:
$30 (18yrs +) $20 (Rakatahi and Tamariki) $80 (Whānau 2 Adults and 3 kids)
Kaiako: Hana O’Regan, Lynne Te Aika and participants from the Aoraki Matatū programme. We are limited to a maximum of 50 participants. First priority will be given to participants who are registered Ngāi Tahu members. We will provide activities for tamariki (aged two and over) but there are limited places. Registration of tamariki is essential.
Starts Sunday 12 January and finishes Thursday 16 January. For more information and registration forms visit our kmk.maori.nz web-site or contact Paulette or Brett: paulette@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or brett.lee@ngaitahu. iwi.nz
I te 23 o Whitu i roko a Temuka i te reo hākinakina e karawhiua ana! I hui ētahi whānau ki Temuka i muri i te Hui-a-Tau ki te tākaro poiuka. Ko tēnei te whakataetae poiuka tuatahi, ā, i huihui kā tima e toru ki Gunnion Square.
Ko Tima Ōtepoti hoki tētahi kapa i tae atu ki Temuka. He kaitākaro hou, he kaitākaro o mua hoki ētahi. Ko Taikawa Tamaiti-Eliffe te kaihautū, ā, nāna i akiaki tōna tima kia eke panuku. E toru kā kemu. Ko Karuna Thurlow te kaitautau o te whakataetae. He mihi matakuikui ki a ia mō tana tautoko ki te kaupapa. Ka toa a Tima Ōtepoti, ekari ko te tino toa o te hui - ko kā whānau e haere ana ki te tākaro ki te mātakitaki, ki te tautoko, ki te kōrerorero i te reo Māori i ruka i te whanaukataka.
Ko Kapa Tata tētahi tima e purei poiuka ana i Ōtautahi. Kaha rawa tēnei tima ki te kōrero Māori i ia kēmu, ā, ka whakatipu ā rātou tamariki i te reo Māori. Ko Ally O’Keefe te toki poiuka wahine o te rā, nō taua tima ia. Te tere hoki o te whiu o te kaiepa, ko Gaynor Hakaria. Ko Opihi tētahi atu tima. Nō Arowhenua ētahi kaitākaro, nō wāhi kē ētahi atu. I tūhonohono tēnei tima, ā, i kite mātou i te hua o te tima nei. Ko Hori Mataki te toki poiuka tāne o te rā.
Kaua e māharahara whānau, ka tū anō tētahi whakataetae poiuka ā te tau 2014. Ko te tūmanako ka whakawhānui te whakataetae, ā, ka tūhonohono ētahi atu whānau, tima, hāpu ki te whakataetae.
On Saturday the 23 November upon completion of Huia-Tau at Arowhenua, Kotahi Mano Kāika hosted the inaugural poiuka/softball tournament. There were three teams, Kapa Tata (a Christchurch-based social team), Opihi (a combination of locals and distant relatives) and Ōtepoti (a Dunedin-based team full of hand-outs).
Those at the beginning of their te reo journey felt comfortable to inject kupu Māori in to their sentences, whilst also being inspired by the whānau who are actively raising their tamariki with te reo. A huge mihi to Karuna for being the official scorer and also those who came along to support. Thanks also to our whanauka from Arowhenua Marae for sharing the left-over kai. Without a doubt we will continue playing poiuka and we hope that more teams will join in the next tournament. Keep an eye on the web-site and Te Pānui Rūnaka for details or contact Victoria Campbell to register your interest future events.
The weather was fantastic and the poiuka was not that bad either. There were many laughs on and off the field. It was awesome to hear te reo Māori being spoken – joking, teasing and encouraging. The kids enjoyed doing their thing at the park while their parents attempted to demonstrate high class skills and agility on the field. Playing poiuka gave whānau the opportunity to learn and practice kīwaha and kupu Māori.
Rōpū poiuka – softball group.
Reo o te wā (language of the season) Marama: Kaupeka:
Waru (December) Iwa (January) Raumati (Summer).
Pāraerae Aihikirīmi Huamata Tau hou
Jandals Ice cream Salad New Year.
Kupu: Tama-nui-te-rā
The Sun
Kā mihi o te tau hou Happy new year, greetings for the new year.
Kotahi Mano Kāika events calendar INITIATIVE Kura Reo Kāi Tahu Kia Kūrapa ki Awarua Aoraki Matatū KMK Funding Round Closing
12-16 Iwa, Arowhenua 31 Iwa (January) – 2nd Kahuru (February) 28 Kahuru – 2nd Kahuru-Kai-Paeka 21 Kahuru (February)
For the whole whānau, must all be speakers of te reo. This is a full immersion wānaka. Beginners-Intermediate levels Intermediate/advanced adult learners interested in developing their teaching skills. Kā Manukura o te reo Whānau reo Kāika reo
For all inquiries, registration forms or information on KMK initiatives please call the free phone 0800 KAI TAHU (0800 5248 242) or check out our website www.kmk.maori.nz
Pānui Te Matatini 2015 – Ngā Pākihi Whakatekateka o Waitaha Cultural Council
Te Matatini 2015 is on the distant horizon and the planning work of the Waitaha Cultural Council, as host of the festival, is gaining impetus. The Waitaha executive has been meeting with Te Matatini and our other key stakeholders Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and the Christchurch City Council (CCC).
volunteer workforce. Our volunteer kaimahi will be crucial to ensure we can manaaki our manuhiri with the best of our southern kai and to have the venue looking beautiful, the event running smoothly and do all the jobs that need to be done for New Zealand’s premier cultural festival.
As chair of the Waitaha Cultural Council I have invited Te Rūnanga and the CCC to form a governance group. Tā Mark Solomon, Mayor Lianne Dalziel and myself are on the group which is called Te Kāhui Pūtuitanga. We will meet regularly to ensure the partner relationships are maintained and our collective commitments to Te Matatini are being met.
It is a huge task with up to 400 kaimahi needed to support the kaupapa through a host of different roles from car parking duties through to hosting our manuhiri. There will be full training offered to volunteers, so if you are able to volunteer or interested in finding out more information, please register your interest online at www. waitahacc.co.nz
The Office of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu has offered support to the Cultural Council which we have accepted. In particular they will help to ensure Ngāi Tahu whānui is well informed and aware of the festival and opportunities to engage and participate in the festival. The CCC will also have a critical support role.
The Cultural Council is also planning roadshows around the motu in February next year to update whānau about progress, how they can participate and to invite registrations for volunteers. We will be in touch with further details. Ngā manaakitanga, Ranui Ngarimu.
A key factor in the success of the Cultural Council’s hosting responsibilities will be the ability to create a
Papatipu Rūnanga Te Matatini Wānanga
in Te Matatini related kaupapa. This wānanga will be an opportunity for rūnanga to discuss their aspirations around engaging in Te Matatini 2015, identify projects that will support this and how this might be supported by the Office of Te Rūnanga. Further details will follow.
The Office of Te Rūnanga extends an invitation to Papatipu Rūnanga to attend a wānanga on 31 January 2014 at Wigram, Christchurch. The Waitaha Cultural Council is in the process of developing a plan which will identify ways in which Ngāi Tahu whānau can engage
Note – the closing date for applications for permits to build, and entry permits for non Rakiura Mäori (except for whänau) is 5pm 14 January. Permits for Rakiura Mäori and their whänau to enter the islands must be received by 12 noon on permit day.
Rakiura Administering Body Annual General Meeting
Elections will be held to fill three vacancies on the Administering Body. Nominations for these positions must be on the appropriate form and be received by the Administering Body no later than 5pm on 14 January. No late nominations will be accepted. Work programs under consideration by the Administering Body for the 2014 year will be presented at the meeting.
The annual general meeting of the Rakiura Administering Body will be held at Murihiku Marae, Tramway Road, Invercargill on 1 February starting at 11.30am. Light refreshments will be available at the conclusion of the Non-Rakiura Mäori business at 12.30pm, before the resumption of the meeting for Rakiura Mäori.
Nomination forms and application for permit forms are available from the secretary, Rakiura Administering Body, PO Box 316, Invercargill or Email: RTIABcontact@gmail.com
Permits to enter the Rakiura Tïtï Islands (former Crown islands) in accordance with the Rakiura Tïtï Islands Bylaws 2005 will be dealt with at this meeting. Applications for permits must be in writing in the form set out in the Bylaws and must be received on time.
All correspondence to be forwarded to: The secretary, Rakiura Tïtï Islands Administering Body, PO Box 316, Invercargill. Nā Tane Davis, chairman, Rakiura Tïtï Islands Administering Body.
Participants The hīkoi is for rangatahi in years 11, 12, 13 (senior secondary students), who are registered with Kāi Tahu, demonstrate leadership potential for their community and are committed to the kaupapa of Manawa Hou. Please be aware that some activities will include physical challenges, so a basic level of fitness and swimming skills will be required. Rangatahi should be confident in the water and be able to swim at least 50 meters.
Manawa Hou
The purpose of Manawa Hou is to grow and develop our younger iwi members. This hīkoi will leave Dunedin on Monday 20 January and will be based at Ōtākou Marae until Thursday 23 January. The hīkoi will be based around place-based learning and will incorporate waka ama, kapa haka and Ngāi Tahu history around the Ōtākou peninsula. The learning is to be situated outdoors in the natural environment, on our marae and in other places of cultural significance.
How to apply Ngāi Tahu whānau and papatipu rūnanga with rangatahi in this age group can register their interest with Kristy Bedi on 0800 524 8248 or by email on manawa.hou@ ngaitahu.iwi.nz. We’ll get back to you with important things – like how to get there, consent forms, a gear list and a brief for caregivers/parents.
Activities Each of the activities are designed to broaden rangatahi knowledge and interest in Ngāi Tahu history. During the three-day experience rangatahi will be involved in a range of activities including: • Exploring Ngāi Tahutanga, te reo and tikanga through place-based activities •
Increasing rangatahi involvement, awareness and connectivity with the local takiwā
Meeting other Kāi Tahu rangatahi
Engaging with tribal leadership at a whānau, hapū and iwi level.
Check out the Manawa Hou Facebook album for photos and more information.
Manawa Hou rōpū pull the waka ashore.
He Toki students working with Kaiapoi Pā Trust
He Toki students have contributed to some of Kaiapoi Pā Trust’s restoration work. He Toki students tidied up the Kaiapoi Pā monument and built a replica fighting platform (pūwhara) at Te Kōhanga o Kaikai-a-Waro Pā site within the Pegasus Town golf course.
“This is hopefully the start of an on-going relationship” says the He Toki ki te Rika co-ordinator, Hemi Te Hemi.
He Toki students working at the pā site.
He Toki and the Kaiapoi Pā Trust are already talking about the next jobs, and have their eyes on repairing the lookout platform at Kaiapoi Pā.
“It’s a great chance for our students to gain the work experience they need and contribute to the local community at the same time.”
100% Free home insulation packages with Right House
Are you eligible? The Healthy Housing eligibility criteria set down by EECA has changed from previous schemes. To be eligible insulation recipients have to satisfy one of the following criteria in addition to the home being insulating meeting the eligibility criteria. The home has residents who are: • Under 17 years of age; or • Over 65 years of age; or • Suffer from a health condition related to housing conditions; and • Hold a Community Services Card (CSC) or are verified as low income. The home itself is: • Not insulated or is inadequately insulated; • Pre 2000 in construction; and • Can be safely insulated.
Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes is an insulation programme that gives New Zealanders the opportunity to make their homes warmer, drier and more energy efficient for free. Right House has an allocation of 750 homes in the greater Christchurch area and another 750 in the greater Dunedin region. Due to expected demand, Right House will be working on a first in first served basis. Find out if you are eligible below. For whānau living in Dunedin and Christchurch there is a pamphlet with this issue of Te Pānui Rūnaka you can fill in and return to Right House. You may be wondering what all the fuss is over something you can’t even see? When a house is draughty with no insulation it makes it difficult to heat. Having good insulation is extremely important and can improve the health of your whānau. It helps keep your home warm and dry, making it much more comfortable and healthy for you and your tamariki.
State houses do not qualify but rentals do so long as the land lord consents and we would expect the land lord to hold the rent. One of the key differences is the ability to insulate homes of people without a CSC but who are verified as low income. If you don’t have a CSC but think you maybe low income get in touch with Right House and they will explain how to verify your income. If you qualify get in touch with Right House by emailing Healthy-Homes@righthouse.co.nz or calling 0800 744 569.
According to the latest health survey done by the Ministry of Health, Māori children are 55 per cent more likely to develop asthma. The World Health Organistion recommends that your house be heated to a minimum of 18 degrees in order for your whānau to be healthy and comfortable. If you qualify under the Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart programme insulation is free.
Kai Hau Kai
Kai Hau Kai is an art project initiated by Simon Kaan that invites Ngāi Tahu whānui to contribute short video clips of Mahinga Kai practices. Video clips include such things as sharing a meal, spearing patiki, plucking tītī, digging for cockles, singing a waiata, recording a conversation or recalling a memory. You can view the videos on www.kaihaukai.co.nz On Saturday 30 November in Christchurch Simon Kann ran an event that focused on exploring the concept of sharing of food, and its importance in creating and maintaining social and economic relationships. Below are some photos from the event. To see some of the beautiful kai and hear the kōrero visit the Ngāi Tahu youtube channel (www.youtube.com/ngaitahutv).
For contributions to Te Pānui Rūnaka, email:
tpr@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or phone: Adrienne Rewi 0800 524 8248 For photographs and graphics please send to: Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu P O Box 13-046, CHRISTCHURCH ISSN 1175-2483 Opinions expressed in Te Pānui Rūnaka are those of the writers and not necessarily endorsed by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Graphic Design by Ariki Creative.
Rūnaka Directory
Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke (Rāpaki) Ph: 03 328 9415 Em: Rapaki@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Kaikōura Rūnanga Ph: 03 319 6523 Em: Adan.tehuia@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata Ph: 03 365 3281 Em: koukourarata@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Taumutu Rūnanga Ph: 03 371 2660 Em: taumutu@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Wairewa Rūnanga Ph: 03 377 1513 Em: wairewa@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Ōnuku Rūnanga Ph: 03 366 4379 Em: onuku@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Ngāti Waewae Rūnanga Ph/fax : 03 755 6451 Em: Hamiria.Hutana@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga Ph: 03 313 5543 Em: tuahiwi.marae@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio Ph: 03 755 7885 Em: Susan.wallace@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua Ph: 03 615 9646 Em: arowhenua@xtra.co.nz
Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki Ph: 03 465 7300 Em: admin@puketeraki.co.nz
Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka Ph/fax: 03 974 0215 Em: office@orakaaparima.org.nz
Hokonui Rūnanga Ph: 03 208 7954 Em: Hokonui.office@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Awarua Rūnanga Ph: 03 212 8652 Em: awarua@xtra.co.nz
Taurahere Rōpū
Te Rūnanga o Waihao Ph: 03 689 4726 Em: waihaomanager@gmail.com Te Rūnanga o Moeraki Ph: 03 439 4816 Em: moeraki.runanga@xtra.co.nz Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou Ph: 03 478 0352 Em: glenys.russell@tro.org.nz
Waihōpai Rūnaka Ph: 03 216 9074 Em: info@waihopai.org.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki te Tai Tokerau Janet Hetaraka Ph: 09 438 6203 Em: wakataua@xtra.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Te Matau A Maui Zaayana Akurangi Ph: 022-1362060 ngaitahukitematauamaui@live.com
Ngāi Tahu ki Whanganui-ā-Tara Angela Wallace Ph: 04 2322423 or 0272453619 Em: walla@tpk.govt.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Whakatāne Pauline Cottrell Ph: 07 307 1469 Em: paulinecottrell@maxnet.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Tāmaki Makaurau Sue Nicoll Ph: (09) 5702405 Em: lady.susie@yahoo.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Whanganui Corinne Te Au Watson Ph: 06 3484809 Em: lakiula@xtra.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Wairau Paula Jowers Ph: 03 5785083 Em: peajay@xtra.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Waikato Jane Stevens Ph: 07 8245992 Em: kaitahu.waikato@gmail.com
Ngāi Tahu ki Rotorua Anita Smith Ph: 07 345 8375 or 021 0365107 Em: masmith@slingshot.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Horowhenua – Kāpiti Amiria Whiterod Ph: 06 364 5992 Em: amiriaw@raukawa.iwi.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Te Tairāwhiti Vernice Waata-Amai Ph: 06 868 7195 Em: waatv@tpk.govt.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Tauranga Moana Joe Briggs Ph: 07 578 5997 Kim Rahiri - kimmie@kinect.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Taranaki Virginia Hina Ph: 0211353493 taranaki.ngāitahu07@hotmail.com
Te Kupeka a Tahu, Brisbane Vicky Rose Ph: 0061450305217 Em: qldkaitahu@gmail.com
Ngāi Tahu ki Wairarapa Karen Bast Ph: 06 378 8737 Em: maungateitei_hikurangi_ aorangi@yahoo.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Waikawa Trish Little Mobile : 027 0268 6790 Em: waikawamarae@xtra.co.nz
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Whakaahua Tipuna/Whanau
This photograph is of te iwi kāika (the home people), at Rāpaki, possibly in 1978 at a hui to formulate and develop the kaupapa for the Murihiku Trust proposals. We do have names for some people but not all; and we would be very interested to learn more about the hui, especially the correct date. If you are able to provide names or information about this photo, please contact Tania Nutira or Robyn Walsh, Ngāi Tahu Archives Unit on 0800 KĀI TAHU (0800 524 8248).