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SRE with Java Microservices

Patterns for Reliable Microservices in the Enterprise

Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo Beijing

SRE with Java Microservices

Copyright © 2020 Jonathan Schneider. All rights reserved.

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October 2020: First Edition


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4. Charting and Alerting.

5. Safe, Multicloud Continuous Delivery.


“To production and beyond!”

—Buzz Lightyear (paraphrasing)

I know Buzz said “to infinity and beyond,” but that whole notion never sat well with me as a child. How could you go beyond infinity? It was only later in life, when I became a software engineer, that it dawned on me—software is never complete. It’s never finished. It’s...infinite. Buzz missed his calling in software!

Software has no end. Software is like the oceans, the stars, and the bugs in your code: endless! Hopefully, that’s not controversial. The last few decades have seen all of us in the software field pivot around this insight: the endless tail of software maintenance is the most expensive part of what we do. A good deal of the significant movements in software figure around that. Testing and continuous integration. Continuous delivery. Cloud computing. Microservices. It’s not hard to get to production the first time, but these practices optimize for the many subsequent trips to production. They optimize for day two. They optimize for cycle time: how quickly can you take an idea and see it delivered into production, from concept to customer? They optimize for “and beyond.”

This insight—that software has no end—introduces a ton of new practices and puts the lie to as many existing practices. It changes the focus from the initial development and MVP to the maintenance and management of that software. The focus is on pro‐duction.

I love production. You should love production. You should go to production, as early and often as possible. Bring the kids. Bring the family. The weather’s amazing.

Great software engineers build for production and for the return trip. They build for the endless journey. It is no longer acceptable to wring our collective hands and throw our code over the proverbial wall: “Well, it works on my machine! Now you deploy it!” There’s a whole new frontier out there—production—that demands a dif‐ferent set of skills. Site reliability engineering (SRE) is, according to Ben Treynor,

founder of Google’s site reliability team, “what happens when a software engineer is tasked with what used to be called operations.” SREs share a lot of skills with tradi‐tional software engineers, but they target them differently, with an eye on production. Spring Boot developers can and should develop SRE skills, and few know the ropes better than this book’s author, Jonathan Schneider. Spring Boot succeeds by being laser-focused on production. It is extraordinary because it, along with frameworks like Dropwizard, is built stem to stern for production. It supports easy aggregation of metrics with Micrometer, so-called fat .jar deployments, the Actuator management endpoints, application life cycle events, 12 Factor-style configuration, and more. Spring Cloud is a set of Spring Boot extensions designed to support the microservices architecture. And all that is to say nothing of the rich platform support. Spring Boot is container-native. It and platforms like Cloud Foundry or Kubernetes are two sides of the same coin. Spring Boot supports graceful shutdown, health groups, liveness and readiness probes, Docker image generation (leveraging CNCF buildpacks), and so much more.

And I’ll bet you didn’t know about most of those features! But Jonathan knows. Jona‐than lives and breathes this stuff. He created the Micrometer project, a dimensional metrics framework that supports dozens of different metrics and monitoring plat‐forms, and then helped integrate it into Spring Boot’s Actuator module, and into countless other third-party open source projects. I’ve watched him work on metrics, continuous delivery tools like Spinnaker, and observability tools like Micrometer, and generally pave the path to production for others. He’s got years of experience in lever‐aging Spring and Spring Boot at a global scale, and while he can sling Spring Data repositories and craft HTTP APIs with the best of them, his genius is in the way he builds for that endless journey.

And now we can learn from him in this book.

Chapter 1 is a manifesto of sorts—read this to get in the right frame of mind for the book. I should’ve read this chapter first!

I should’ve, but I didn’t. I skipped ahead to Chapter 2, which introduces instrumenta‐tion and metrics. While I was eager to read the book cover to cover, I was most exci‐ted about this chapter. It’s not surprising that the creator of Micrometer could so well articulate the concepts in this chapter. Chapters 2 through 4 are a few hours very well spent. They’re brilliant. 5/5: would (and did) read again.

Chapter 5 introduces the clouds, core concepts, types of platforms, and patterns unique to these platforms. This chapter was one of the most insightful for me. It starts slowly, and the next thing you know, you’re up to your deployment scripts in a gamechanging discussion of continuous delivery, canary analysis, and more. Read this chapter twice.

x | Foreword

Chapter 6 gives you a framework and specific solutions to understand your codebase and its dependencies. I’ve never seen all these concerns presented in a comprehensive framework like this.

Chapter 7 is a fitting closing chapter to an amazing book in that it looks at the inter‐actions of deployed services in production. By this point you’ll have learned how to get the software to production and how to observe services and their source code. This chapter is all about the service interactions and the dynamics of load on an architecture.

I learned something new in every chapter. The book is full of the wisdom of a true cloud native, and one that I think the community needs. Jonathan is a fantastic guide on the endless journey to production...and beyond.

Spring Developer Advocate Spring team, VMware San Francisco, CA

July 2020 Foreword | xi


This book presents a phased approach to building and deploying more reliable Java microservices. The capabilities presented in each chapter are meant to be followed in order, each building upon the capabilities of earlier chapters. There are five phases in this journey:

1. Measure and monitor your services for availability.

2. Add debuggability signals that allow you to ask questions about periods of unavailability.

3. Improve your software delivery pipeline to limit the chance of introducing more failure.

4. Build the capability to observe the state of deployed assets all the way down to source code.

5. Add just enough traffic management to bring your services up to a level of availa‐bility you are satisfied with.

Our goal isn’t to build a perfect system, to eliminate all failure. Our goal is to end with a highly reliable system and avoid spending time in the space of diminishing returns.

Avoiding diminishing returns is why we will spend so much time talking about effec‐tive measurement and monitoring, and why this discipline precedes all others.

If you are in engineering management, Chapter 1 is your mission statement: to build an application platform renowned for its reliability and the culture of an effective platform engineering team that can deliver these capabilities to a broader engineering organization.

The chapters that follow contain the blueprints for achieving this mission, targeted at engineers. This book is intentionally narrowed in scope to Java microservices pre‐cisely so that I can offer detailed advice on how to go about this, including specific measurements battle-tested for Java microservices, code samples, and other

idiosyncracies like dependency management concerns that are unique to the Java vir‐tual machine (JVM). Its focus is on immediate actionability.

My Journey

My professional journey in software engineering forms an arc that led me to write this book:

• A scrappy custom software startup

• A traditional insurance company called Shelter Insurance in Missouri

• Netflix in Silicon Valley

• A Spring team engineer working remotely

• A Gradle engineer

When I left Shelter Insurance, despite my efforts, I didn’t understand public cloud. In almost seven years there, I had interacted with the same group of named virtual machines (bare metal actually, originally). I was used to quarterly release cycles and extensive manual testing before releases. I felt like leaders emphasized and reempha‐sized how “hard” we expected code freezes to be leading up to releases, how after a release a code freeze wasn’t as hard as we would have liked, etc. I had never experi‐enced production monitoring of an application—that was the responsibility of a net‐work operations center, a room my badge didn’t provide access to because I didn’t need to know what happened there. This organization was successful by most meas‐ures. It has changed significantly in some ways since then, and little in others. I’m thankful for the opportunity to have learned under some fantastic engineers there.

At Netflix I learned valuable lessons about engineering and culture. I left after a time with a great sense of hope that some of these same practices could be applied to a company like Shelter Insurance, and joined the Spring team. When I founded the open source metrics library Micrometer, it was with a deep appreciation of the fact that organizations are on a journey. Rather than supporting just the best-in-class monitoring systems of today, Micrometer’s first five monitoring system implementa‐tions contained three legacy monitoring systems that I knew were still in significant use.

A couple of years working with and advising enterprises of various sizes on applica‐tion monitoring and delivery automation with Spinnaker gave me an idea of both the diversity of organizational dynamics and their commonalities. It is my understanding of the commonalities, those practices and techniques that every enterprise could ben‐efit from, that form the substance of this book. Every enterprise Java organization can apply these techniques, given a bit of time and practice. That includes your organization.

xiv | Preface

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.

Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program ele‐ments such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.

Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.

Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values deter‐mined by context.

This element signifies a tip or suggestion.

This element signifies a general note.

This element indicates a warning or caution.

Preface | xv

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xvi | Preface


Olga Kundzich

What I didn’t know before writing this book is how much voices from an author’s circle of colleagues find their way into a book. It makes complete sense, of course. We influence each other simply by working together! Olga’s insightful views on a wide range of topics have probably had the greatest single influence on my think‐ing in the last couple of years, and her voice is everywhere in this book (or at least the best approximation of it I can represent). Thoughts you’ll find on “the application platform,” continuous delivery (no no, not continuous deployment—I kept confusing the two), asset inventory, monitoring, and elements of traffic management are heavily influenced by her. Thank you Olga for investing so much energy into this book.

Troy Gaines

To Troy I owe my initial introduction to dependency management, build auto‐mation, continuous integration, unit testing, and so many other essential skills. He was an early and significant influence in my growth as a software developer, as I know he has been to many others. Thank you, old friend, for taking the time to review this work as well.

Tommy Ludwig

Tommy is one of the rare telemetry experts that contributes to both distributed tracing and aggregated metrics technologies. It is so common that contributors in the observability space are hyper-focused on one area of it, and Tommy is one of the few that floats between them. To put it mildly, I dreaded Tommy’s review of Chapter 3, but was happy to find that we had more in common on this than I expected. Thanks for pointing out the more nuanced view of distributed tracing tag cardinality that made its way into Chapter 3.

Sam Snyder

I haven’t known Sam for long, but it didn’t take long for me to understand that Sam is an excellent mentor and patient teacher. Thank you Sam for agreeing to subject yourself to the arduous task of reviewing a technical book, and leaving so much positive and encouraging feedback.

Mike McGarr

I received an email out of the blue from Mike in 2014 that, a short time later, resulted in me packing everything up and moving to California. That email set me on a course that changed everything. I came to know so many experts at Net‐flix that accelerated me through the learning process because Mike took a chance on me. It radically changed the way I view software development and operations. Mike is also just a fantastic human being—a kind and inquisitive friend and leader. Thanks, Mike.

Preface | xvii

Josh Long

Once in the book, I quoted a typical Josh Long phrase about there being “no place like” production. I thought I was being cheeky and fun. And then Josh wrote a foreword that features Buzz Lightyear…Josh is an unstoppable ball of energy. Thank you Josh for injecting a bit of that energy into this work.

xviii | Preface


The Application Platform

Martin Fowler and James Lewis, who initially proposed the term microservices, define the architecture in their seminal blog post as:

…a particular way of designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services. While there is no precise definition of this architectural style, there are certain common characteristics around organization around business capa‐bility, automated deployment, intelligence in the endpoints, and decentralized control of languages and data.

Adopting microservices promises to accelerate software development by separating applications into independently developed and deployed components produced by independent teams. It reduces the need to coordinate and plan large-scale software releases. Each microservice is built by an independent team to meet a specific busi‐ness need (for internal or external customers). Microservices are deployed in a redundant, horizontally scaled way across different cloud resources and communicate with each other over the network using different protocols.

A number of challenges arise due to this architecture that haven’t been seen previ‐ously in monolithic applications. Monolithic applications used to be primarily deployed on the same server and infrequently released as a carefully choreographed event. The software release process was the main source of change and instability in the system. In microservices, communications and data transfer costs introduce addi‐tional latencies and potential to degrade end-user experience. A chain of tens or hun‐dreds of microservices now work together to create that experience. Microservices are released independently of each other, but each one can inadvertently impact other microservices and therefore the end-user experience, too.

Managing these types of distributed systems requires new practices, tools, and engi‐neering culture. Accelerating software releases doesn’t need to come at the cost of stability and safety. In fact, these go hand in hand. This chapter introduces the culture

of an effective platform engineering team and describes the basic building blocks of reliable systems.

Platform Engineering Culture

To manage microservices, an organization needs to standardize specific communica‐tion protocols and supporting frameworks. A lot of inefficiencies arise if each team needs to maintain its own full stack development, as does friction when communicat‐ing with other parts of a distributed application. In practice, standardization leads to a platform team that is focused on providing these services to the rest of the teams, who are in turn focused on developing software to meet business needs.

We want to provide guardrails, not gates.

—Dianne Marsh, director of engineering tools at Net ix

Instead of building gates, allow teams to build solutions that work for them first, learn from them, and generalize to the rest of the organization.

Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.

—Conway’s Law

Figure 1-1 shows an engineering organization built around specialties. One group specializes in user interface and experience design, another building backend serv‐ices, another managing the database, another working on business process automa‐tion, and another managing network resources.

Figure 1-1. Organization built around technical silos

The lesson often taken from Conway’s Law is that cross-functional teams, as in Figure 1-2, can iterate faster. After all, when team structure is aligned to technical specialization, any new business requirement will require coordination across all of these specializations.

Figure 1-2. Cross-functional teams

There is obviously waste in this system as well though, specifically that specialists on each team are developing capabilities independently of one another. Netflix did not have dedicated site reliability engineers per team, as Google promotes in Site Reliabil‐ity Engineering edited by Betsy Beyer et al. (O’Reilly). Perhaps because of a greater degree of homogenity to the type of software being written by product teams (mostly Java, mostly stateless horizontally scaled microservices), the centralization of product engineering functions was more efficient. Does your organization more resemble Google, working on very different types of products from automated cars to search to mobile hardware to browsers? Or does it more resemble Netflix, composed of a series of business applications written in a handful of languages running on a limited vari‐ety of platforms?

Cross-functional teams and completely siloed teams are just on the opposite ends of a spectrum. Effective platform engineering can reduce the need for a specialist per team for some set of problems. An organization with dedicated platform engineering is more of a hybrid, like in Figure 1-3. A central platform engineering team is stron‐gest when it views product teams as customers that need to be constantly won over and exercises little to no control over the behavior of its customers.

1-3. Product teams with dedicated platform engineering

For example, when monitoring instrumentation is distributed throughout the organi‐zation as a common library included in each microservice, it shares the hard-won knowledge of availability indicators known to be broadly applicable. Each product team can spend just a little time adding availability indicators that are unique to its business domain. It can communicate with the central monitoring team for informa‐tion and advice on how to build effective signals as necessary.

At Netflix, the strongest cultural current was “freedom and responsibility,” defined in a somewhat famous culture deck from 2001. I was a member of the engineering tools team but we could not require that everyone else adopt a particular build tool. A small team of engineers managed Cassandra clusters on behalf of many product teams. There is an efficiency to this concentration of build tool or Cassandra skill, a natural communication hub through which undifferentiated problems with these products flowed and lessons were transferred to product-focused teams.

The build tools team at Netflix, at its smallest point, was just two engineers serving the interests of roughly 700 other engineers while transitioning between recom‐mended build tools (Ant to Gradle) and performing two major Java upgrades (Java 6 to 7 and then Java 7 to 8), among other daily routines. Each product team completely owned its build. Because of “freedom and responsibility,” we could not set a hard date for when we would completely retire Ant-based build tooling. We could not set a hard date for when every team had to upgrade its version of Java (except to the extent that a new Oracle licensing model did this for us). The cultural imperative drove us to 4 | Chapter1:TheApplicationPlatform


focus so heavily on developer experience that product teams wanted to migrate with us. It required a level of effort and empathy that could only be guaranteed by abso‐lutely preventing us from setting hard requirements.

When a platform engineer like myself serves the interests of so many diverse product teams in a focused technical speciality like build tooling, inevitably patterns emerge. My team saw the same script playing out over and over again with binary dependency problems, plug-in versioning, release workflow problems, etc. We worked initially to automate the discovery of these patterns and emit warnings in build output. Without the freedom-and-responsibility culture, perhaps we would have skipped warnings and just failed the build, requiring product teams to fix issues. This would have been satisfying to the build tools team—we wouldn’t be responsible for answering ques‐tions related to failures that we tried to warn teams about. But from the product team perspective, every “lesson” the build tools team learned would be disruptive to them at random points in time, and especially disruptive when they had more pressing (if temporary) priorities.

The softer, non-failing warning approach was shockingly ineffective. Teams rarely paid any attention to successful build logs, regardless of how many warnings were emitted. And even if they did see the warnings, attempting to fix them incurred risk: a working build with warnings is better than a misbehaving one without warnings. As a result, carefully crafted deprecation warnings could go ignored for months or years.

The “guardrails not gates” approach required our build tools team to think about how we could share our knowledge with product teams in a way that was visible to them, required little time and effort to act on, and reduced the risk of coming along with us on the paved path. The tooling that emerged from this was almost over the top in its focus on developer experience.

First, we wrote tooling that could rewrite the Groovy code of Gradle builds to autore‐mediate common patterns. This was much more difficult than just emitting warnings in the log. It required making indentation-preserving abstract syntax tree modifications to imperative build logic, an impossible problem to solve in gen‐eral, but surprisingly effective in specific cases. Autoremediation was opt-in though, through the use of a simple command that product teams could run to accept recommendations.

Next, we wrote monitoring instrumentation that reported patterns that were poten‐tially remediable but for which product teams did not accept the recommendation. We could monitor each harmful pattern in the organization over time, watch as it declined in impact as teams accepted remediations. When we reached the long tail of a small number of teams that just wouldn’t opt in, we knew who they were, so we could walk over to their desks and work with them one on one to hear their concerns and help them move forward. (I did this enough that I started carrying my own mouse around. There was a suspicious correlation between Netflix engineers who

used trackballs and Netflix engineers who were on the long tail of accepting remedia‐tions.) Ultimately, this proactive communication established a bond of trust that made future recommendations from us seem less risky.

We went to fairly extreme lengths to improve the visibility of recommendations without resorting to breaking builds to get developers’ attention. Build output was carefully colorized and stylized, sometimes with visual indicators like Unicode check marks and X marks that were hard to miss. Recommendations always appeared at the end of the build because we knew that they were the last thing emitted on the termi‐nal and our CI tools by default scrolled to the end of the log output when engineers examined build output. We taught Jenkins how to masquerade as a TTY terminal to colorize build output but ignore cursor movement escape sequences to still serialize build task progress.

Crafting this kind of experience was technically costly, but compare it with the two options:

Freedom and responsibility culture

Led us to build self-help autoremediation with monitoring that helped us under‐stand and communicate with the teams that struggled.

Centralized control culture

We probably would have been led to break builds eagerly because we “owned” the build experience. Teams would have been distracted from their other priorities to accommodate our desire for a consistent build experience. Every change, because it lacked autoremediation, would have generated far more questions to us as the build tools team. The total amount of toil for every change would have been far greater.

An effective platform engineering team cares deeply about developer experience, a singular focus that is at least as keen as the focus product teams place on customer experience. This should be no surprise: in a well-calibrated platform engineering organization, developers are the customer! The presence of a healthy product man‐agement discipline, expert user experience designers, and UI engineers and designers that care deeply about their craft should all be indicators of a platform engineering team that is aligned for the benefit of their customer developers.

More detail on team structure is out of the scope of this book, but refer to Team Top‐ologies by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais (IT Revolution Press) for a thorough treatment of the topic.

Once the team is culturally calibrated, the question becomes how to prioritize capa‐bilities that a platform engineering team can deliver to its customer base. The remain‐der of this book is a call to action, delivered in capabilities ordered from (in my view) most essential to less essential.

6 | Chapter1:TheApplicationPlatform


Monitoring your application infrastructure requires the least organizational commit‐ment of all the stages on the journey to more resilient systems. As we’ll show in the subsequent chapters, framework-level monitoring instrumentation has matured to such an extent that you really just need to turn it on and start taking advantage. The cost-benefit ratio has been skewed so heavily toward benefit that if you do nothing else in this book, start monitoring your production applications now. Chapter 2 will discuss metrics building blocks, and Chapter 4 will provide the specific charts and alerts you can employ, mostly based on instrumentation that Java frameworks pro‐vide without you having to do any additional work.

Metrics, logs, and distributed tracing are three forms of observability that enable the measure of service availability and aid in debugging complex distributed systems problems. Before going further in the workings of any of these, it is useful to under‐stand what capabilities each enables.

Monitoring for Availability

Availability signals measure the overall state of the system and whether that system is functioning as intended in the large. It is quantified by service level indicators (SLIs). These indicators include signals for the health of the system (e.g., resource consump‐tion) and business metrics like number of sandwiches sold or streaming video starts per second. SLIs are tested against a threshold called a service level objective (SLO) that sets an upper or lower bound on the range of an SLI. SLOs in turn are a some‐what more restrictive or conservative estimate than a threshold you agree upon with your business partners about a level of service you are expected to provide, or what’s known as a service level agreement (SLA). The idea is that an SLO should provide some amount of advance warning of an impending violation of an SLA so that you don’t actually get to the point where you violate that SLA.

Metrics are the primary observability tool for measuring availability. They are a measure of SLIs. Metrics are the most common availability signal because they repre‐sent an aggregation of all activity happening in the system. They are cheap enough to not require sampling (discarding some portion of the data to limit overhead), which risks discarding important indicators of unavailability.

Metrics are numerical values arranged in a time series representing a sample at a par‐ticular time or an aggregate of individual events that have occurred in an interval:


Metrics should have a fixed cost irrespective of throughput. For example, a metric that counts executions of a particular block of code should only ship the number of executions seen in an interval regardless of how many there are. By this I mean that a metric should ship “N requests were observed” at publish time, not “I saw a request N distinct times” throughout the publishing interval.

Metrics data

Metrics data cannot be used to reason about the performance or function of any individual request. Metrics telemetry trades off reasoning about an individual request for the application’s behavior across all requests in an interval.

To effectively monitor the availability of a Java microservice, a variety of availability signals need to be monitored. Common signals are given in Chapter 4, but in general they fall into four categories, known together as the L-USE method:1


This is a measure of how much time was spent executing a block of code. For the common REST-based microservice, REST endpoint latency is a useful measure of the availability of the application, particularly max latency. This will be discussed in greater detail in “Latency” on page 153.


A measure of how much of a finite resource is consumed. Processor utilization is a common utilization indicator. See “CPU Utilization” on page 170.


Saturation is a measurement of extra work that can’t be serviced. “Garbage Col‐lection Pause Times” on page 161 shows how to measure the Java heap, which during times of excessive memory pressure leads to a buildup of work that can‐not be completed. It’s also common to monitor pools like database connection pools, request pools, etc.


In addition to looking at purely performance-related concerns, it is essential to find a way to quantify the error ratio relative to total throughput. Measurements of error include unanticipated exceptions yielding unsuccessful HTTP responses on a service endpoint (see “Errors” on page 148), but also more indirect meas‐ures like the ratio of requests attempted against an open circuit breaker (see “Cir‐cuit Breakers” on page 280).

1 I first learned of the USE criteria from Brendan Gregg’s description of his method for monitoring Unix sys‐tems. In that context, latency measurement isn’t as granular, thus the missing L.

Utilization and saturation may seem similar at first, and internalizing the difference will have an impact on how you think about charting and alerting on resources that can be measured both ways. A great example is JVM memory. You can measure JVM memory as a utilization metric by reporting on the amount of bytes consumed in each memory space. You can also measure JVM memory in terms of the proportion of time spent garbage collecting it relative to doing anything else, which is a measure of saturation. In most cases, when both utilization and saturation measurements are possible, the saturation metric leads to better-defined alert thresholds. It’s hard to alert when memory utilization exceeds 95% of a space (because garbage collection will bring that utilization rate back below this threshold), but if memory utilization routinely and frequently exceeds 95%, the garbage collector will kick in more fre‐quently, more time will be spent proportionally doing garbage collection than any‐thing else, and the saturation measurement will thus be higher.

Some common availability signals are listed in Table 1-1

Table 1-1. Examples of availability signals


of available heap space

of total requests to the

Max latency for a REST endpoint <100 ms

Google has a much more prescriptive view on how to use SLOs.

Google’s approach to SLOs

Site Reliability Engineering by Betsy Beyer et al. (O’Reilly) presents service availability as a tension between competing organizational imperatives: to deliver new features and to run the existing feature set reliably. It proposes that product teams and dedica‐ted site reliability engineers agree on an error budget that provides a measurable objective for how unreliable a service is allowed to be within a given window of time. Exceeding this objective should refocus the team on reliability over feature develop‐ment until the objective is met.

The Google view on SLOs is explained in great detail in the “Alerting on SLOs” chap‐ter in The Site Reliability Workbook edited by Betsy Beyer et al. (O’Reilly). Basically, Google engineers alert on the probability that an error budget is going to be depleted in any given time frame, and they react in an organizational way by shifting engineer‐ing resources from feature development to reliability as necessary. The word “error” in this case means exceeding any SLO. This might mean exceeding an acceptable ratio of server failed outcomes in a RESTful microservice, but could also mean exceeding an acceptable latency threshold, getting too close to overwhelming file descriptors on

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Mature animals most subject: Causes in horse, mechanical, chemical, microbian irritants alkalies, acids, caustics, hot mashes, ferments, fungi, rank grasses, excess of chlorophyll, clover, alfalfa, acrid vegetables, bacterial infection secondary, acrid insects in food; symptomatic of gastritis, pharyngitis, diseased teeth, specific fevers. Symptoms: Congestion and tumefaction of buccal mucosa, lips and salivary glands; Epithelial desquamation; fœtor; salivation; froth; papules; vesicles. Prognosis. Treatment: Cool soft food; antiseptics; wet applications to skin; derivatives.

This is much more common in the adult than in suckling domestic animals. None of the domestic mammals or birds can be considered immune from it, but as its causes and manifestations differ somewhat it seems well to consider it separately in the different genera.


Causes. These may be classed as mechanical, chemical, microbian and other irritants. In the horse it is often due to the reckless administration of irritant liquids as remedies. Owing to the length of the soft palate the horse can refuse to swallow any liquid as long as he chooses, and some of the worst cases of stomatitis I have seen resulted from the retention in the mouth of caustic alkaline liquids given under the name of “weak lye.” Strong acids and caustic salts dissolved in too little water or other excipient, or suspended in liquids in which they cannot dissolve, or made into boluses which are crushed between the teeth are not infrequent conditions. Too hot mashes given to a hungry horse is another cause of this trouble. Fermented or decomposed food is often most irritating. Coachmen will sometimes induce it by attaching to the bit bags of spicy or irritant agents, to cause frothing and make the animal appear spirited.

Fungi in fodders are among the common causes. The rust of wheat (puccinia graminis), the caries of wheat (tilletia caries), the blight (erysiphe communis), ergot (claviceps purpurea), the fungus of rape (polydesmus excitiosus) and the moulds (penicillium and puccinia) have all been noticed to coincide with stomatitis, and charged with producing it. On the other hand, at given times, one or other of these cryptogams has been present extensively in the fodder without any visible resultant stomatitis. The apparent paradox may be explained by the fact that these fungi vary greatly in the irritant or harmless nature of their products according to the conditions under which they have grown, and the stage of their development at which they were secured and preserved. Ergot notoriously differs in strength in different years, on different soils, under various degrees of sunshine,

shade, cloud, fog, etc. In different States in the Mississippi valley it is not uncommon to find stomatitis in horses in winter, fed on ergoted hay, while cattle devouring the same fodder have dry gangrene of feet, tail and ears. Yet in other seasons the ergot fails to produce these lesions. Rank grown, watery vegetation, especially if it contains an excess of chlorophyll is liable to cause stomatitis. Red and white clover, trefoil, hybrid and purple clover, and alfalfa have all acted more or less in this way, though in many cases, the food has become musty or attacked by bacterial ferments. Some of the strongly aromatic plants, and those containing acrid principles (cicuta virosa, œnanthe crocata, mustard, etc.) cause buccal inflammation and salivation.

The irritation in many such cases is not due to one agent only, the vegetable or other irritant may be the starting point, acting but as a temporary irritant, the action of which is supplemented and aggravated by the subsequent attacks of bacterial ferments on the inflamed, weakened or abraded tissues. The bacteria present in the mouth, food or water would have had no effect whatever upon the healthy mucosa, while they make serious inroads on the diseased. On the other hand the vegetable, mechanical or chemical irritant would have had but a transient effect, but for the supplementary action of the bacteria.

In horses that have the bad habit of retaining masses of half masticated food in the cheeks the growth of cryptogams is greatly enhanced and such food often becomes violently irritating.

Among other mechanical causes may be named pointed or barbed hairs or spines (barley awns, spikes, thorns, etc.) which, lodging in a gland orifice, or in a wound of the gum or mucosa, form a source of irritation or a centre for bacterial growth and abscess.

Again, irritants of animal origin must be named. These are not taken by choice, but when lodged in fodder, or in the pastures they are taken in inadvertently with the food. In this way poisonous insects, and especially hairy caterpillars, cantharides, potato bugs, etc., gain access to the mouth.

It must not be overlooked that stomatitis occurs as an extension, sympathetic affection or sequel of diseases of other organs. Gastritis is usually attended by redness and congestive tenderness of the tongue, especially of the tip and margins, and other parts of the

buccal mucosa, notably the palate just back of the incisors, are often involved. In other cases it appears as a complication of pharyngitis, laryngitis, of affections of the lower air passages, of the teeth and periodontal membrane or of the salivary glands.

It appears also in a specific form in certain fevers, as in horsepox, pustulous stomatitis, aphthous fever and even in strangles. Mercurial stomatitis, rarely seen at the present time, is one of the worst forms of the disease, and like the infectious forms will be treated separately.

Lesions and Symptoms. At the outset and in the slighter forms of congestion there is merely heat and dryness of the buccal mucosa. Redness may show on the thinner and more delicate portions of the membrane, as under the tongue, on the frænum, and on the sublingual crest. But elsewhere it is hidden by the thickness of the epithelium, and the manifestations are merely those of suppressed secretion with local hyperthermia.

As the congestion is increased there is seen, even at this early stage, a slight thickening or tumefaction of the mucosa, especially on the gums, lips, the sublingual area, the orifices of the salivary glands, and the palate back of the upper incisors. On the dorsum of the tongue, the cheeks and lips, generally the lack of loose connective tissue tends to prevent the swelling.

With the advance of the inflammation the redness of the mucosa extends, at first in points and circumscribed patches, and later over the entire surface. The epithelium drying and degenerating in its surface layers forms with the mucus a sticky gummy film on the surface, which, mingling with decomposing alimentary matters gives out a heavy, offensive or even fœtid odor.

The different parts of the mouth are now tender to the touch, and this, with the fœtor and even bitterness of the bacterial products combine with the general systemic disturbance in impairing or abolishing appetite. In any case mastication becomes slow and infrequent, and morsels of food are the more likely to be retained, to aggravate the local condition by their decomposition.

The dry stage is followed by the period of hypersecretion, and in this the salivary glands take a prominent part, so that ptyalism (slobbering) becomes the most marked feature of the disease. The

saliva mixed with the increasing secretion of mucus and the abundance of proliferating and shedding epithelium, escapes from the lips and falls in stringy masses in the manger and front of the stall. When there is much motion of the jaws and tongue it accumulates as a froth around the lips.

A careful examination of the mucosa will sometimes detect slight conical elevations with red areolæ, representing the tumefied orifices of the obstructed mucous follicles, and later these may show as minute erosions. Even vesicles have been noticed (Weber, Dieckerhoff, Kosters), but when these are present one should carefully exclude the specific stomatites such as horsepox, contagious pustular stomatitis, aphthous fever, etc.

Erosions of the mucosa and desquamation of the epithelium have been noticed in horses fed on purple (hybrid) clover, buckwheat or ergot, and in some of these cases the inflammation has extended (in white faces especially) to the skin of the face, the mucosa of the nose, and the adjacent glands, and as complications icterus, constipation, colics, polyuria, albuminuria and paresis of the hind limbs have been observed. These latter are common symptoms of cryptogamic poisoning.

Prognosis. In uncomplicated cases the disease is not a grave one, lasting only during the continued application of the local irritant, and recovering more or less speedily when that has been removed. Complications are dangerous only when due to some specific disease poison (glanders, actinomycosis, strangles, etc.), and even poisoning by the usual cryptogams of leafy or musty plants is rarely persistent in its effects.

Treatment. This resolves itself into the removal of the irritant cause and the soothing of the irritation. When the cause has been definitely ascertained the first step is easy.

In the direction of soothing treatment, a careful selection of diet stands first. Fibrous hay and even hard oats, barley or corn may have to be withheld, and green food, or better still, bran mashes, gruels, pulped roots or fruits allowed. Scalded hay or oats, ensilage, sliced roots, or ground feed may often be taken readily when the same aliments in their natural condition would be rejected or eaten sparingly.

Medicinal treatment may often be given in the drinking water which should always be allowed in abundance, pure and clean. In the way of medication chlorate of potash, not to exceed one-half to one ounce per day according to the size of the animal, may be added, together with an antiseptic (carbolic acid, borax, permanganate of potash, common salt, naphthol, creolin, hyposulphite of soda). In case of severe swelling, a cap made to fit the head with strips wet in alum and vinegar or other astringent solution maintained against the intermaxillary space may be desirable. Support for the tongue may be necessary as mentioned under glossitis.

In case of complications on the side of the bowels, liver or kidneys, laxatives, diuretics and antiseptic agents may be called for.


Dense resistant mucosa protective: Affection usually circumscribed. Action of violent irritants, and toxins of specific fevers. Mechanical irritants. Symptoms: Salivation; congestion; eruptions; erosions; ergot; acrid vegetables; caustics. Treatment: Astringents; antiseptics; refrigerants; derivatives; tonics. Removal of foreign bodies. Lesions and symptoms in sheep.

The mouth of the ox as Cadeae well says has a cuticular epithelium too thick and resistant to be easily attacked by microbes. It follows that infected inflammations are far more frequently circumscribed than in the thinner and softer buccal mucosa of the horse. The more general buccal inflammations come more particularly from the use of food that is too hot or that contains strongly irritant agents. The thickness of the buccal epithelium however, is no barrier to the local action of poisons operating from within as in rinderpest, or aphthous fever, or in malignant catarrh, nor is it an insuperable barrier to the local planting of the germs of cow pox, anthrax, actinomycosis, or cryptogamic aphtha (muguet). The wounds inflicted by fibrous food make infection atria for such germs, hence the great liability to such local inflammations, in winter when the animals are on dry feeding. For the same reason, perhaps, the prominent portions of the buccal mucosa,—the papillæ—are sometimes irritated themselves while serving as protectors for the general mucous surface, and hence they become specially involved in inflammation, which constituted the “barbs” of the old farriers. Utz records a buccal inflammation occurring in herds fed on green trefoil, first cutting, showing that even in cattle this agent may determine a general stomatitis.

Symptoms. These do not differ from those of the horse, and resemble, though often in a milder form, the buccal manifestations of aphthous fever. There is the difficulty of mastication and indisposition to take in fibrous aliment, the drivelling of saliva from the mouth, or its accumulation in froth around the lips, the frequent movement of the tongue and jaws, and the congestive redness, papular eruption, vesication, or even erosion of the affected mucous membrane. It is always necessary to guard against confounding the

simple stomatitis, and the slighter infected inflammations, from the more violent infections above referred to. The special diagnostic symptoms must be found under the respective headings. The aphthous fever is not to be expected in American herds, but the stomatitis which is associated with ergot in the food is met more particularly in winter and spring, and must not be confounded with the specific disease, on the one hand nor with the simpler forms of buccal inflammation on the other. In the case of ergoted fodder the signs of ergotism in other situations will be found, in the affected animals, such for example as necrotic sloughs and sores around the top of the hoof, sloughing of the hoof or of one or more digits, or of the metatarsus, of the tip of the tail or ear; abortions, convulsions, delirium, lethargy or paralysis. If not seen in the same animals some of these forms may be observed in other members of the herd. Then the buccal lesions are in themselves characteristic: soft, whitish, raised patches of the epithelium (rarely blisters) are followed by desquamation and exposure of the red, vascular surface beneath, and this tends to persist if the ergoted fodder is persisted in.

Treatment. Simple stomatitis of the ox generally tends to spontaneous and early recovery. The simplest astringent and antiseptic treatment is usually sufficient to bring about a healthy action. Borax given in the drinking water, not to exceed four ounces per day, or the same amount mixed with syrup or honey and smeared occasionally on the tongue, or hyposulphite or sulphite of soda, or weak solutions of carbolic acid will usually suffice, after the irritant cause has been removed. Vinegar, or highly diluted mineral acids may be used but are somewhat hurtful to the teeth. Decoctions of blackberry bark or solutions of other vegetable astringents may be used as alternatives. When there is evidence of irritant matters in the stomach or bowels, a saline laxative will be advisable to be followed by vegetable bitters or other tonics. Thorns and other foreign bodies imbedded in the tongue or other part of the mouth must be discovered and removed.


The more delicate buccal mucosa in these animals would render them more subject to inflammations, but this is more than counterbalanced by the mode of prehension of aliments, not by the tongue, but by the delicately sensitive lips, and further by the daintiness and care with which these animals select their food. The treatment would not differ materially from that prescribed for the ox.


Causes: burns; spiced food; bones; sepsis; ferments; pin caterpillar; dental and gastric troubles. Symptoms: careful prehension and mastication; congestion; swelling; eruption; erosion; furred tongue; stringy salivation; fœtor; swelling of lips, cheeks, intermaxillary space, and pharynx. Treatment: demulcent foods; antiseptics; derivatives; tonics; care of teeth and gums.

Causes. Hot food is a common cause in hungry dogs. Spiced food in house dogs fed scraps from the table tend to congestion of mouth and stomach alike. Irritation through wounds with bones, especially in old dogs with failing teeth, and in exceptional cases the impaction of a bone between the right and left upper molars are additional causes. Putrid meat must also be recognized as a factor, the septic microbes seizing upon the wounds and spreading from this as an infecting centre. Lactic acid and other irritant products developed through fermentation of particles of food retained about the gums and cheeks soften the epithelium and irritate the sub-epithelial tissue, causing congestion. Megnin draws attention to the fact that the pin caterpillar (bombyx pinivora) found on the stalks of couch grass (Triticum repeus) produces buccal irritation when chewed and swallowed to induce vomiting. As in other animals more or less buccal congestion attends on gastric congestion and inflammation. Dental troubles are often sufficient causes.

Symptoms. The animal becomes dainty with regard to his food, picking up the smaller or softer pieces and rejecting the larger or harder. Mastication is painful and selection is made of moist or soft articles which can be swallowed without chewing or insalivation. The mouth is red and hot, and at times the mucous membrane eroded, or blistered, the lesions concentrating especially on the gums and around the borders of the tongue. The dorsum of the tongue is furred, whitish, yellowish or brownish. Saliva collects in the mouth and escapes in filmy strings from its commissures, and the odor of the mouth becomes increasingly foul. Swelling of the lips, cheeks or intermaxillary space marks the worst cases.

Treatment. Withdraw all irritant and offensive aliments. Give soups, mushes, scraped or pounded lean meat in small quantities, washing out the mouth after each meal with a 20 per cent. solution of permanganate of potash or borax or a two per cent. solution of carbolic acid. Cadeac advises against chlorate of potash on account of its known tendency to bring about hæmoglobinæmia in dogs. A laxative and bitters may be called for in case of gastritis or indigestion, and any morbid condition of the teeth must be attended to. Decayed teeth may be removed. Tartar especially must be cleaned off by the aid of a small wooden or even a steel spud and a hard brush with chalk will be useful. A weak solution of hydrochloric acid is usually employed to loosen the tartar, but this is injurious to the structure of the teeth and had best be avoided if possible. Tincture of myrrh is especially valuable both as a gum-tonic and as a deodorant and antiseptic. This may be rubbed on the irritated gums as often as the mouth is washed.


Causes: Irritants; ferments; noose on jaw; specific poisons. Symptoms: Careful feeding; thirst; frothy lips; champ jaws; redness; swelling; fœtor. Treatment: Cooling, astringent, antiseptic lotions; mushy food; derivative; tonics.

Causes. Swine suffer from simple stomatitis when exposed to thermal, mechanical or chemical irritants. Food that is too hot, or that which is hard and fibrous, or that which contains spikes and awns, capable of entering and irritating gland ducts or sores, or food which is fermented or putrid, food or medicine of an irritant character. The habit of catching and holding swine with a running noose over the upper jaw, and the forcing of the jaws apart with a piece of wood in search of the cysticercus cellulosa are further causes. In several specific infectious diseases inflammation of the mucous membrane with eruption or erosion is not uncommon. Thus aphthous fever is marked by vesicular eruption, muguet by epithelial proliferation and desquamation, hog cholera and swine plague by circumscribed spots of necrosis and erosion. Patches of false membrane are not unknown, and local anthrax, tubercle and actinomycosis are to be met with. Inflammation may start from decaying teeth.

Symptoms are like as in other animals, refusal of food, or a disposition to eat sparingly, to select soft or liquid aliments, to swallow hard materials half chewed or to drop them, to champ the jaws, and to seek cold water. Accumulation of froth around the lips is often seen, and the mouth is red, angry, dry, and hot, and exhales a bad odor.

Treatment does not differ materially from that adopted in other animals. Cooling, astringent, antiseptic lotions, honey and vinegar,

and in case of spongy or eroded mucosa, tincture of myrrh daily or oftener. Soft feeding, gruels, pulped roots, or well kept ensilage may be used, and clean, cool water should be constantly within reach. In case of overloaded stomach or indigestion a laxative followed by bitter tonics will be in order.


Causes: hurried breathing; local irritants; exposure; filthy roost. Symptoms: gaping; roupy cry; epithelial pellicle on tongue, larnyx. or angle of the bill. Treatment: pick off pellicle; smear it often with glycerized antiseptic. Remove accessory and exciting causes.

This form of inflammation of the tongue of birds is characterized by the increased production and desiccation of the epithelium so that it takes on a horny appearance. According to Cadeac it may accompany various inflammatory affections of the air passages, which cause hurried breathing with persistently open bill, and thus entail evaporation of the moisture. More commonly it has its primary cause in local inflammation of the surface in connection with damp, cold, draughty hen-roosts, and above all, the accumulation of decomposing manure and the exhalation of impure gas. Even in such cases the abnormal breathing with the bill open is an accessory cause of the affection.

Symptoms. The breathing with open bill should lead to examination of the tongue, but above all if at intervals the bird with a sudden jerk of the head emits a loud shrill, raucous sound, which reminds one of the cough of croup. The tip and sides of the tongue are found to be the seat of a hard, dry, and closely adherent epithelial pellicle, which suggests a false membrane.

Treatment. The common recourse is to pick or scrape off the indurated epithelial mass, leaving a raw, bleeding surface exposed. This is then treated with a solution of borax, or chlorate of potash. Cadeac deprecates this treatment as useless and dangerous, and advises the disintegration of the dry epithelial mass with a needle taking care not to prick nor scratch the subjacent sensitive tissue, and to wash with a 5 per cent. solution of chlorate of potash. A still

more humane and effective method is to make a solution of hyposulphite of soda in glycerine and brush over the affected surface at frequent intervals. This may be conveniently applied through the drinking water.

In case of implication of the lower air passages or lungs, the treatment must be directed to them, and soft, warm, sloppy food and the inhalation of water vapor will prove of great advantage. Secure clean, sweet, dry pens, pure air, and sunshine. (See pseudo membranous enteritis.)


Division of circumscribed buccal inflammations: palatitis; gnathitis gingivitis; glossitis. Causes: injuries; acrid; venomous or caustic agents; diseased teeth; foreign bodies in gland ducts; malformed jaws; infections, etc. Symptoms: salivation; difficult prehension and mastication; dropping half masticated morsels; distinctive indications of different caustics; abrasion; abscess; slough; infective disease lesions. Treatment: for palatitis, massage by hard corn ears, scarification, laxatives; for gnathitis, care for teeth and ducts, astringent washes, eliminate mercury; for glossitis, remove cause, use antidote to venom, or to chemical irritant, astringent, antiseptic lotions or electuaries, evacuate abscess, soft, cool diet, elevate the head, suspend the tongue.

Localized inflammations in the buccal cavity are named according to the portion of the lining membrane attacked;—palatitis if seated in the roof of the mouth; gnathitis if restricted to the cheeks; gingivitis if to the gums; and glossitis if to the tongue.

Palatitis. Lampas. Congestion of the hard palate behind the upper front teeth. This is usually seen in young horses during the period of shedding the teeth and is caused by the irritation and vascularity consequent on teething. The red and tender membrane projects beyond the level of the wearing surfaces of the upper incisors, and may materially interfere with the taking in of food. A common practice in such cases is to feed unshelled Indian corn, the nibbling of which seems to improve the circulation in the periodontal membrane and by sympathy in the adjacent palate. Superficial incisions with the lancet or knife will usually relieve, and may be followed by mild astringent lotions if necessary. If apparently associated with costiveness or gastric or intestinal irritation a dose of physic will be demanded. Nothing can excuse the inhuman and useless practice of burning the parts with a hot iron.

Gnathitis. Inflammation of the Cheeks. Usually resulting as a distinct affection from irregular or overgrown teeth, or the entrance of vegetable spikes into the gland ducts, these cause local swelling and tenderness, slow imperfect mastication, dropping of food half chewed, accumulation of food between the cheeks and teeth, thickening, induration and sloughing of the mucous membrane with excessive fœtor.

Treatment. Consists in correcting the state of the teeth and ducts and using one of the washes recommended for glossitis.

Gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums. This is either connected with the eruption of the teeth in young animals and to be corrected by lancing the swollen gums and giving attention to the diet and bowels; or it is due to scissor-teeth or to the wear of the teeth down to the gums in old horses; or it is dependent on diseased teeth, or mercurial poisoning, under which subjects it will be more conveniently considered. Barley awns or other irritants must be extracted.

Glossitis, Inflammation of the Tongue. Causes. Mostly the result of violence with bits, ropes, etc., with the teeth, or with the hand in giving medicine; of scalding food, of acrid plants in the food: of irritant drugs (ammonia, turpentine, croton, lye, etc.), or of sharp, pointed bodies (needles, pins, thorns, barley and other barbs, etc.) which perforate the organ. In exceptional cases leech and snake bites are met with especially in cattle, owing to the tongue being exposed when taking in food. Local infections and those of the specific forms, determine and maintain glossitis.

Symptoms: Free flow of saliva, difficulty in taking in food or drinking, and red, swollen, tender state of the tongue, which in bad cases hangs from between the lips. The mucous membrane may be white, (from muriatic acid, alkalies, etc.), black, (from oil of vitriol, lunar caustic, etc.), yellow, (from nitric acid, etc.), or of other colors according to the nature of the irritant. It may be raised in blisters, may present red, angry sores where the epithelium has dropped off; may become firm and indurated from excessive exudation; may swell and fluctuate at a given point from the formation of an abscess; or may become gangrenous in part and drop off. Breathing is difficult and noisy from pressure on the soft palate. There is usually little fever and death is rare unless there is general septic infection.

Treatment will depend on the cause of injury. In all cases seek for foreign bodies imbedded in the organ and remove them. If snake bites are observed use ammonia or potassium permanganate locally and generally, or cholesterin as a local application. If the irritation has resulted from mineral acids, wash out with calcined magnesia lime water, or bicarbonate of soda or potash. If from alkalies (lye) use weak vinegar. If from caustic salts employ white of egg, vegetable-gluten, boiled linseed, slippery elm, or other compound of albumen or sheathing agent. In ordinary cases use cold astringent lotions, such as vinegar and water; vinegar and honey; borax, boric or carbolic acid, chlorate of potash, alum or tannin and honey. Poultices applied around the throat and beneath the lower jaw are often of great value. The bowels may be relieved if necessary by injections, as it is usually difficult to give anything by the mouth. If ulcers form touch them daily with a stick of lunar caustic or with a fine brush dipped in a solution of ten grains of that agent in an ounce of distilled water. For sloughs use a lotion of permanganate of potash, one drachm to one pint of water, or one of carbolic acid, one part to fifty of water. If an abscess forms give a free exit to the pus with the lancet, and afterward support the system by soft nourishing diet, and use disinfectants locally. As in all cases of stomatitis, the food must be cold gruels or mashes, or finely sliced roots will often be relished.

The mechanical expedient of supporting the tongue in a bag is essential in all bad cases, as if allowed to hang pendulous from the mouth inflammation and swelling are dangerously aggravated.


Causes: in horse, ox, dog; rough, fibrous food, blistering ointments, bacteria. Symptoms: general stomatitis, and special; papules with grayish centres and red areolæ, vesiculation, ulceration. Treatment: Astringent, antiseptic, derivative, tonic, stimulant.

This is a rare affection in ruminants where the thickness of the epithelial covering appears to be a barrier to infection or injury, while it is common in the more delicate and sensitive buccal mucosa of the horse and dog. In the horse the ingestion of irritant plants with the food and the penetration of vegetable barbs into the mucous follicles may be charged with causing the disease, while in both horse and dog the licking of blistering ointments and the local action of fungi and bacteria are factors in different cases.

Symptoms. With the ordinary symptoms of stomatitis, there appear minute firm, whitish, circular elevations representing the openings of the inflamed mucous or salivary follicles, having a reddish areola, and grayish white vesicular centre. They may amount to a line or more in diameter, and on bursting leave red cores or ulcers. The whole mouth may be affected or the disease may be confined to the lips, gums or tongue.

Treatment. Beside the general astringent washes, this affection is greatly benefited by the local use of antiseptics, as sulphite or hyposulphite of soda, 2 drachms in a quart of water. Borax, permanganate of potash, carbolic acid or other antiseptic in suitable solution may be substituted. Saline laxatives are often useful to remove sources of irritation in stomach and intestines, and iron salts (chloride or nitrate) in full and frequently repeated doses may be given internally. Ulcers may be cauterized and soft food and pure water given from an elevated manger.


Causes: specific disease poisons; debility; rachitis; cancer; chronic suppuration; irritation mechanical, chemical, thermic, venomous, etc. Symptoms: difficult, imperfect prehension and mastication, salivation, bleeding, swollen, puffy epithelium, blisters, extending erosions, deep or spreading. Duration. Treatment: correct constitutional fault, tonics, soft, digestible food, antiseptics, mild caustics.

This is characterized by the formation of necrotic spots and patches of the buccal epithelium, with desquamation, and the formation of more or less rodent ulcers of the sub-epithelial mucosa. Like other ulcerative processes it is usually due to microbic invasion, and in this way it may supervene on other and simpler forms of stomatitis. It also varies in its manifestations and nature according to the genus of animal, and the specific microbe present.

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