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Handbook for DNA Encoded Chemistry Theory and Applications for Exploring Chemical Space and Drug Discovery 1st Edition Robert A. Goodnow Jr.

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A HAndbook for dnA-EncodEd cHEmistry

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

A handbook for DNA-encoded chemistry : theory and applications for exploring chemical space and drug discovery / edited by Robert A. Goodnow, Jr. p. ; cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN-13: 978-1-118-48768-6 (cloth)

I. Goodnow, Robert A., Jr., editor of compilation.

[DNLM: 1. Combinatorial Chemistry Techniques–methods. 2. DNA–chemical synthesis. 3. Drug Discovery–methods. 4. Gene Library. 5. Small Molecule Libraries–chemical synthesis. QV 744] RS420


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The concept for this book came about after the rejection of an invitation to write a book about combinatorial chemistry. Although a highly interesting field of chemistry, the initial invitation was declined upon the assumption that excellent books already exist in sufficient numbers on various subjects of combinatorial chemistry. However, upon further reflection, the editor realized that a new chapter in the story of combinatorial chemistry had begun with the emergence and development of DNA-encoded chemistry methods. Despite the existence of publications about the concept and practice of DNAencoded chemistry since 1992 by Brenner and Lerner and DNA-directed chemistry roughly a decade later, the editor found no single, authoritative summary of the theories, practice, and results of DNA-encoded chemistry. Therefore, it seemed a worthy endeavor to recruit experts in the field and create a handbook summarizing theories, methods, and results for this exciting, new field. It is hoped that this handbook will provide a good understanding of the practice of DNA-encoded and DNA-directed chemistry and that such chemistry methods will be more widely embraced and developed by a large community of scientists.

Readers may notice some overlap and/or repetition among various chapters. The editor has tended to allow such commonality as a means not only to highlight the multiple points of view and interpretation on this new technology as it has been applied to organic chemistry and drug discovery, but also as a means to indicate those results which have been received with particular interest by those skilled in the art.

Whenever one is approached by an editor of a project of this sort, a contributing author likely feels an initial sense of recognition, quickly followed by the sobering reality of the work that lies ahead to complete a high-quality chapter. Indeed, there is also an element of trust that the project has been well conceived and appropriately considered. Thus, those authors whose work is reflected here have given not only their insight and expertise on various aspects of DNA-encoded chemistry methods and technology but also their trust and persistence to deliver a finished product. Contributing authors must also wait to see the fruits of their efforts in print. For those reasons, I am deeply grateful to the contributing authors who have dedicated their time, expertise, and patience to this project.

In addition, I am deeply grateful to the proofreaders, whose efforts have immeasurably improved the quality and accuracy of the information and language contained herein. They are Dr. Paul Gillespie of Roche, Dr. Anthony Keefe of X-Chem, Inc., Dr. Brian Moloney of eMolecules Inc., and Dr. Andrew Ferguson of AstraZeneca. Each has contributed in a different way, dedicating his own valuable time to this project. Dr. Ferguson reviewed the entire manuscript with a careful, strict, and critical eye in a short timeframe. Dr. Moloney’s review of the small molecule costing analysis of Chapter 18 is much appreciated. Dr. Keefe provided expert scientific criticism and challenge for many chapters. Finally, and above all others, Dr. Gillespie tirelessly provided a startling level of detailed perceptivity on each chapter’s logic, compositional style, and representation of scientific literature. I am fortunate to have worked with such diversely skilled reviewers; readers are fortunate to encounter this handbook after their diligent efforts.

Robert A. Goodnow, Jr. March 2014

GoodChem Consulting, LLC


introductory commEnt 1

The identification of potent and selective lead molecules is the essential first step in any drug discovery research project. Historically, successful drug discovery has focused on a small number of so-called tractable target classes, including G-protein coupled receptors, ion channels, nuclear receptors, kinases, and other enzymes. Until the 1980s, lead molecules were identified through traditional medicinal chemistry approaches, typically through chemical modification of a known bioactive compound. The molecular biology revolution resulted in a huge increase in the number of putative target proteins for drug discovery. This was accompanied by the development of combinatorial chemistry methods to generate very large chemical libraries, which in turn was accompanied by the development of technologies for High-Throughput Screening (HTS) to enable the rapid and cost-effective screening of these large, often several million molecules in size, compound libraries against large numbers of drug targets. HTS, sometimes termed diversity screening, rapidly became embedded as a primary method for lead discovery within the pharmaceutical industry, and more recently there has been the transfer of this technology platform into the academic sector through the huge growth in academic drug discovery centers. Alongside the growth in HTS, advances in biophysics technologies and structural biology have led to the development of methods for the screening of small-molecule fragments and the complementary use of structural biology techniques to guide medicinal chemists in the optimization of such molecules.

The establishment of these technology platforms required huge investment in compound stores and distribution systems, screening automation and detection systems, assay technologies, and systems to generate large quantities of biological reagents to support fragment-based drug discovery and diversity screening. This investment led to the generation of novel, potent, and selective lead molecules, with appropriate physicochemical and safety properties, for many drug targets. However, there remain a significant number of drug targets for which the identification of novel molecules for use as target validation probes or as the starting points for the development of a drug candidate remains a major challenge. Existing compound collections have been built around the chemistry history of the field, and while successful at identifying lead molecules for the major target classes, in many cases these libraries have not successfully led to the generation of hit molecules for novel target classes or for so-called intractable target families. Advances in fragment screening have provided a mechanism for the design of novel molecules against protein targets, but while there have been recent advances in the development of such methods for screening membrane proteins, the implementation of

this methodology remains in its infancy. As a consequence, there continues to be significant interest in the development of novel chemistries and compounds to enhance the quality of existing compound libraries, with a particular focus on physicochemical properties and lead-likeness, and in novel screening paradigms to enhance the overall success of lead discovery.

DNA-encoded library technology involves the creation of huge libraries of molecules covalently attached to DNA tags, using water-based combinatorial chemistry, and the subsequent screening of those libraries against soluble proteins using affinity selection. While DNA-encoded library technology was first described in the early 1990s, it is only in recent years that this technology platform has been considered as an attractive approach for lead discovery. This hugely valuable handbook provides a comprehensive review of the history and capabilities of DNA-encoded library technology. I will not attempt to review these here but would like to highlight the technology developments that have enabled this capability and the potential applications of DNA-encoded library technology as part of a broad portfolio of lead discovery paradigms.

As part of a broad portfolio of lead discovery paradigms, DNA-encoded library technology offers a number of attractions compared to other methods:

• DNA-encoded library selections require a few micrograms of protein; hence they do not require the investments in reagent generation and scale-up associated with other screening paradigms.

• A DNA-encoded library of 100 million or more molecules can be stored in an Eppendorf tube in a standard laboratory freezer; hence it does not require the investment in compound management and distribution infrastructure associated with existing small-molecule compound libraries.

• A DNA-encoded library selection can be performed on the laboratory bench, again avoiding the infrastructure investments required to support high-throughput screening or fragment discovery.

• As a consequence of the simplicity of a DNA-encoded library screen, it becomes possible to run multiple screens in parallel to identify molecules with enriched pharmacology. For example, selectivity can be engineered into hit molecules through the performance of parallel screens against the drug target and a selectivity target and the subsequent identification of molecules for progression with the required pharmacological profile.

• Through affinity-based selection, it is possible to identify molecules that bind to both orthosteric and allosteric sites within the same screen, thus identifying compounds with a novel mechanism of action.

• As a consequence of the use of combinatorial chemistry in library design, it is typical to gain deep insights into the structure–activity relationships of hit molecules generated in a DNA-encoded library selection.

• The combinatorial nature of DNA-encoded library chemistry enables the rapid exploration of new chemistries, leading to the tantalizing prospect that the use of such libraries may increase the success of lead identification for novel, and perhaps so-called intractable, target families.

Considering these attractions of DNA-encoded library technology, one can ask the question as to why the method has not become embedded within the field. The success of DNA-encoded technology relies upon the quality and diversity of the chemical libraries, the availability of next-generation DNA sequencing methods, and the development of informatics tools to identify high-affinity binding molecules from the library. Initially, the size and quality of DNA-encoded libraries were relatively poor, the molecules tended to be large and lipophilic and the libraries relatively small. To a large extent, this has been addressed through the ongoing development of new water-based synthetic chemistry methods, through improvements in library design, and through the availability of larger numbers of chemical building blocks. The ability to identify hit molecules in a DNA-encoded library screen relies upon the power of DNA sequencing to identify hit molecules. The revolution in DNA sequencing methodologies has dramatically reduced the costs and timelines for the analysis of the output of DNA-encoded library screens, enabling the sequencing of many hundred thousand hits for a few hundred dollars. Together with improvements in informatics, this has created a data analysis capability to rapidly understand screening data to identify molecules of interest. These developments are described in detail throughout this handbook. A final limitation to the application of this technology relies upon the defining nature of the selection paradigm. DNA-encoded library screens identify hit molecules through affinity selection. This requires that selections are performed on purified protein. While there have been some reports of the use of DNA-encoded library technology for screening of targets within a membrane or whole cell environment, the primary use of the technology has been for the screening of soluble protein targets, thus limiting the broad application of the platform for all target types.

Looking toward the future, one can anticipate an increasing acceptance of the value of DNA-encoded library technology as part of a portfolio of technologies, alongside high-throughput screening, structure-based drug discovery/fragment screening, virtual screening, and other methods for the generation of lead molecules for drug discovery. This handbook will provide an invaluable guide to scientists interested in learning, developing, and applying this technology.

Stephen Rees 2014

introductory commEnt 2

Medicinal chemistry plays a critical role in the early research essential for the discovery of both lead compounds and the chemical tool compounds that allow us to modulate important protein targets and gain a deeper understanding of disease biology. Many different methods are available for lead identification, and the methods used vary according to the different target classes, gene families, mechanisms of actions, and currently available knowledge. The variety of techniques to identify starting points for drug discovery projects can include some or all of the following: high-throughput, virtual and phenotypic screening, fragment-based design, de novo design, and directed screening of compound sets created with specific pharmacophores. Medicinal chemists have become skilled in data analysis, hit evaluation, and prioritization of active compound series based on the physicochemical properties needed for specific biological targets. Although these lead identification techniques are state of the art and often successful, they have not been able to reliably deliver multiple chemical series for every important biological target.

A very exciting technology that has revolutionized combinatorial chemistry, DNA-encoded library technology, is described in this book compiled brilliantly by Robert Goodnow. Although DNA-encoded library technology has been around for over 20 years, only recently has it gotten the attention it deserves within the realm of drug discovery. This technology entails creating libraries with tens to hundreds of millions of small molecules that can be pooled together and screened against protein targets under multiple conditions to obtain active compounds based on target affinity. The DNA encoding allows for the identification of hits that are present in very small amounts. To decode the assay hits, the DNA tags are amplified using PCR technology and then sequenced using one of the quickly evolving techniques for DNA sequencing. The power of using an affinity-based screening technology is that it allows the unbiased discovery of different families of compounds with a variety of mechanisms of modulating the protein. Because the technology requires chemists to expand the synthetic techniques available for generating the libraries in solvents compatible with DNA (e.g., water) and the informatics tools required to interrogate massive, complex data sets can, at first, appear daunting, the uptake of the technology as a universal technique has not yet occurred. A Handbook for DNA-Encoded Chemistry aims to provide a tutorial from start to finish on the important aspects of using DNA as a decoding method in the screening of billions of compounds. The experts have done an

excellent job of reducing the available information into one reference that will serve to lower the barrier to utilizing this important technology in pursuit of medicines to cure unmet medical needs.

Founder & Chief Scientific Officer at JanAush, LLC karen.lackey@janaush.com

introductory commEnt 3

A new solutIon for An old Problem: fIndIng

A needle In the hAystACk

In the era of molecular medicine, with an aging population and a briskly increasing demand for more, better, and safer drugs, the identification of suitable bioactive molecules appears to be an insurmountable needle-in-a-haystack problem. Thanks to the striking sensitivity and specificity of small-molecule DNA-encoding/decoding, today DNA-Encoded Chemical Library (DECL) technology holds a concrete promise to elegantly tackle this formidable task. The appeal of DECL technology mainly relies on the unrivalled opportunity to rapidly synthesize and probe by means of simple affinitycapture selection procedures chemical libraries of unprecedented size in a single test tube [1–6].

To date, display techniques employing such principles as phage display [7, 8], ribosome display [9, 10], yeast display [11], covalent display [12], mRNA display [13, 14], and other conceptually analogous methodologies [15, 16] profoundly impact the way novel drugs are discovered, yielding new and more efficacious classes of therapeutic agents (e.g., antibody drug conjugates) [17, 18]. DNA-encoded library technology aims to extend the realm and the potential of these display approaches to the en masse interrogation of small synthetic organic molecules.

In sharp contrast to traditional screening drug discovery methodologies (e.g., high-throughput screening), in which compound libraries are individually probed (i.e., one molecule at a time) in specific functional or binding assays, in display selection mode the compound library is interrogated as a whole, imposing the same selection pressure on all library members at the same time. Selection strategies offer massive, practical benefits over conventional approaches. First, time and costs for selection are to a first approximation independent of the library size, since all library members are interrogated simultaneously. By contrast, screening efforts tend to increase linearly with the number of compounds to screen, due to the discrete nature of the assays. Besides this radical minimization of the costs (and robotic needs) for each drug discovery campaign, the affinity-based capture of encoded molecules on a preimmobilized target protein does not require the development of expensive and cumbersome functional assays. Therefore, affinity-based selection procedures are independent of the nature of the target or its biological functions, thus allowing the targeting of components involved in protein–protein interactions or other targets that may be particularly challenging to tackle with conventional drug discovery techniques [19, 20].

Selection experiments (often termed “panning”, in analogy to the gold-mining method of washing gravel in a pan to separate gold from contaminants) can be routinely performed in parallel, applying different experimental conditions (e.g., using various immobilization strategies, coating density, washing steps, repanning), or adopting alternative protocols (e.g., presence of competitors, related proteins, cofactors, and other substrates) and hits can be rapidly validated by semiautomated “on-DNA” resynthesis and testing (e.g., biosensor-based hit validation) [21], without facing complex solubility issues of the compound or buffer incompatibility problems.

DECL technology development undoubtedly profited from the recent and stunning high-throughput sequencing advances. Today, cutting-edge, deep-sequencing platforms are capable of collecting millions to billions of DNA-sequence reads per run in just a week [22–24], thus allowing the simultaneous deconvolution of multiple panning experiments using libraries containing millions of compounds in a single shot. Employing DNA-encoded strategies, researchers are quickly provided with instant (structure–activity relationship) databases after each selection experiment: an invaluable set of information for medicinal chemistry optimization of the selected structures and/or the design of successive DNA-encoded affinity maturation libraries [1, 2, 25].

As it is essential to achieve a sufficient degree of sequencing coverage after decoding with respect to library size, sequencing throughput itself poses the natural limit for the largest library that can be conveniently probed [26]. However, the steady increase in deep-sequencing throughput and the jaw-dropping drop in per-base sequencing prices will soon allow the routine interrogation of libraries comprising up to hundreds of millions of compounds.

On the other hand, the performance of a DNA-encoded library ultimately depends on the design and purity of its member compounds. Therefore, while library size exclusively depends on the number of combinatorial split-and-pool steps and building blocks employed, the gain in size and chemical diversity often correspond to an unwanted increase of the average molecular weight, beyond the generally accepted drug-like criteria (e.g., according to Lipinski’s rule of 5) [27, 28], and decrease of library quality, due to incomplete reactions [3].

In this light, DECLs synthesized by the combinatorial assembly of two or three different sets of building blocks (typically including up to a few million compounds) usually display structures that are better in line with the current drug-like and medicinal chemistry requirements. In summary, as shown by this book, DNA-encoded chemical library technologies are rapidly moving beyond the proof-of-concept phase. Outstanding developments have been accomplished over the last decade [4].

While we are waiting for the next drug candidate in the clinic stemming from a DNA-encoded chemical library, scientists are already dreaming about a future where ready-to-screen libraries comprising millions of chemical compounds can be routinely designed on-demand, synthesized, and interrogated en masse, using fully integrated platforms on which synthetic DNA-encoded molecules such as chemical genes evolve through the panning steps of the process [29–32] as components of an artificial immune system that quickly yields small-molecule hits against exceptionally diverse biomacromolecular targets.

If modern drug discovery is a real needle-in-the-haystack search, so far there have been only two apparent ways out: reduce the size of the haystack or improve our procedure for evaluating more candidates. However, DNA-encoded chemical libraries provide an innovative alternative solution to this old problem: washing the haystack away, the needle(s) always remains at the bottom of the test tube. Only time will tell if DECL technology will fulfill this promise and play a central role in third millennium drug discovery campaigns as well as in pharmaceutical sciences [33, 34]. The availability of this handbook extends the awareness and power of this technique to a wider audience.

Independent Technology Expert & Consultant luca.mannocci@DECLTechnology.com; web: www.decltechnology.com


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Raksha A. Acharya

EnVivo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Watertown, MA, USA

Steffen P. Creaser

Genzyme Corp. Cambridge, MA, USA

John A. Feinberg

Formerly of Roche Nutley, NJ, USA

Currently of Accelrys, Inc. Bedminster, NJ, USA

Andrew W. Fraley

Moderna Therapeutics Cambridge, MA, USA

Robert A. Goodnow, Jr.

Chemistry Innovation Centre

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Waltham, MA, USA

GoodChem Consulting, LLC Gillette, NJ, USA

Stephen P. Hale

Ensemble Therapeutics Cambridge, MA, USA

Anthony D. Keefe

X-Chem Pharmaceuticals Waltham, MA, USA

Agnieszka Kowalczyk Formerly of Roche Nutley, NJ, USA

Karen Lackey JanAush, LLC Charleston, SC, USA


G. John Langley

Department of Chemistry

University of Southampton Southampton, UK

David R. Liu

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Harvard University

Cambridge, MA, USA

Kin-Chun Luk Discovery Chemistry

Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.

Nutley, NJ, USA

Luca Mannocci

Independent Technology Expert & Consultant

Zurich, Switzerland

Lynn M. McGregor

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Harvard University

Cambridge, MA, USA

Samu Melkko

Centre for Proteomic Chemistry, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research

Novartis Pharma AG

Basel, Switzerland

Dario Neri

Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences

ETH Zurich

Zürich, Switzerland

Johannes Ottl

Centre for Proteomic Chemistry, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research

Novartis Pharma AG

Basel, Switzerland

Zhengwei Peng

Formerly of Roche

Nutley, NJ, USA

Currently of Merck & Co. Rahway, NJ, USA

George L. Perkins

PerkinElmer, Inc.

Branford, CT, USA

John Proudfoot

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Ridgefield, CT, USA

Stephen Rees

AstraZeneca, LLC

Alderley Park, UK

Alexander Lee Satz

Molecular Design and Chemical Biology

F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.

Basel, Switzerland

Jörg Scheuermann

Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences

ETH Zurich

Zürich, Switzerland

Sung-Sau So

Formerly of Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.

Nutley, NJ, USA

Currently of Merck & Co.

Kenilworth, NJ, USA

Charles Wartchow

Formerly of Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.

Roche Discovery Technologies

Nutley, NJ, USA

Currently of Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research Emeryville, CA, USA

Yixin Zhang

B CUBE, Center for Molecule Bioengineering Technische Universität Dresden Dresden, Germany

Just EnougH knowlEdgE…

Agnieszka kowalczyk

Formerly of Roche, Nutley, NJ, USA

1.1 IntroduCtIon

At the heart of DNA-Encoded Library (DEL) technology lies Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), a molecule that encodes genetic information in all living organisms. It provides a set of instructions, a blueprint for the development and functioning of an organism. In scientific literature, DNA is too often treated as a schematic, two-ribbon spiral. This model does not convey sufficient information for chemists involved in the production of a DEL. The intent of this chapter is to provide “just enough knowledge” about DNA structure, composition, characteristics, and chemical as well as enzymatic operations so that practitioners may fully embrace DEL technology. Whereas a highly detailed and referenced discussion of these topics is beyond the scope of this chapter, highlighting a few key, basic concepts should assist newcomers to this field. Those wishing for in-depth discussion are advised to search the plethora of textbooks, handbooks, and online materials. For those readers for whom this chapter may seem simplistic and too basic, they are urged to proceed to Chapter 2.

A Handbook for DNA-Encoded Chemistry: Theory and Applications for Exploring Chemical Space and Drug Discovery, First Edition. Edited by Robert

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Warwick Film Productions, Ltd. LP43786.

Washcloth rev. number 2. MP25656.

Wastewater bonanza. MP25711.

Water expands into gas. MP25561.

Wattmeter actions. MP25528.

Ways to establish instant rapport. MP25979.

W. C. Sidenius and the Lumia Theatre. MU9020.

We are making music. R584014.

The Web. R583192.

Web of danger. R582727.

Web of intrigue. LP43653.

Wednesday movie of the week. LP43718.

We explore the marsh. MP25703.

Weighing close. MP25989.

Weill, Kurt. LP43688.

Weinberger, Jon. MU9168.

Weintraub. LP43788.

The Weird number (rational numbers). LP43753.

Weisse Traume. R584011.

Welcome to Arrow Beach. LP43678.

Welco United Canada, Ltd. LP43739.

Well oiled. R584819.

We may never pass this way again. MU9155.

We’re having a heat wave. LP43968.

We’re not afraid anymore. MU9143.

Westlake, Donald E. LP43679.

Weston Woods Studios, Inc. LP43665. LP43682. LP43683. LP43684. LP43758.

Westward Productions. LP43709. LP43803.

Whack Baugh—ABC version. MP26006.

Whack Baugh—day of tournament. MP25649.

Whack Laura Baugh. MP26009.

What can Parda Federal Credit Union do for you. MU9154.

What do we look like to others. LP43669.

What d’ya know. R584969.

What is business. LP43671.

What’s a nice girl like you? LP43725.

What’s your I.Q.?, no. 14. R584969.

Wheatstone bridge—resistive. MP25516.

Wheels of fate. R582965.

When a girl’s beautiful. R591417.

When I grow up. MP25509 - MP25512. MP25615.

Where have all the mothers gone? MP25921.

Where there’s life. R593022.

Whipple, Dorothy. LF178.

White dawn. LP43732. White dream.


Whitelight. MP25507.

Who done it. MU9149.

Why wait till Uncle Kevin dies. LP43917.

The widow and the rogue. LP43860.

The Widowmaker. LP43858.

Wiener, Gloria. LP43771.

Wien Film. R583553. R584011.

Wild frontier. R590896.

Wild harvest. R587025.

Wild in the sky. LP43780.

Wild kingdom. MP25767. MP25768.

Wild science. LP43781.

Wiley (John) and Sons, Inc. MP25801. MP25802.

Will. LP43843.

Williams, George. MP25823.

Williams, Margaret. LP43908.

Williams (Paul) Company, Inc. MP25711.

William Tell. R583202.

Wilson, Anthony. LP43711.

Wimmen’s rights. LP43953.

Wings of the wind. R583814.

Winter. MP25563. Winter-lift. MP25566.

Wintle, Julian. LF163.

Wir machen Musik. R584014.

Wistful widow of Wagon Gap. R590971.

Wizan (Joe)-Vashon Productions. LP43763.

Wolff, Ruth. LP43913. Wolper Productions. MP25544. MP25584. Wolrab Productions.


Wombat Productions, Inc. MP25736.

Woman for hire. LP43649.

Woman on the beach. R584160.

Women are no angels. R583553.

Women for sale. LP43854. LP43855.

Women’s Film Project. MP25727.

Woodcrafters Rowls NBC/CBS. MP25883.

The Wordworks. MP25629 - MP25633. MP25671.

World Film Services. LP43762.

World Film Services, Ltd. LP43777.

World food problem. R584095.

World premiere. LP43707 - LP43710. LP43803 - LP43805.

World’s a balloon. LP43662.

The World’s greatest freak show. LP43692.

Worldwide Church of God.

MP25588 - MP25608. MP25628. MP25634. MP25679 - MP25687. MP25764. MP25803.

Woroner Films, Inc.

MP25721. MP25722. MP25757. MP25758. MP25759. MP25812. MP25813. MP25814. MP25948. MP25993 - MP25996.

Worthless. LP43946.

Wotta knight. R590795. Wyoming. R582737.

Xerox Corporation.

LP43690 - LP43694.

LP43746 - LP43754.


LP43890 - LP43903.

LP43922 - LP43927.

Xerox Films.

LP43690 - LP43694.

LP43746 - LP43754.


LP43890 - LP43903.

LP43922 - LP43927.

X–1 closes in. R587220.

YYale University. School of Medicine. Department of Anatomy. MP25958.

Yale University. School of Medicine. Section of Orthopedic Surgery. MP25958.

Yankee Doodle Cricket. LP43793.

Yetta the yenta. LP43964.

Yollen, Jane. LP43693.

Yorkin, Bud. LP43835 - LP43853.

Young, Collier. LP43940.

The Young lovers. LF181.

You pack your own chute. MP25635.

Your doctors—1947. MP26040.

Your new job. LP43668.

Zandy’s bride. LP43745.

Zero: something for nothing. LP43750.

Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. MP26000. MP26001. MP26002. Zululand. R583812.

The 3 R’s go modern. R593731.

5 fingers of death. LP43939.

11 Harrowhouse. LP43879.

029 data transcribing device. MP25774. 60 minutes. MP26027 - MP26033. 99 and 44/100% dead. LP43763.

129 card data recorder. MP25773.

1975 Charger Special Edition. MP26050.


1975 Chevrolet Camaro. MP25822.

1975 Chevrolet El Camino. MP25821.

1975 Chrysler Cordoba. MP26051.

1975 Cordoba versus Monte Carlo and Cougar. MP26051.

1975 Coronet. MP26073.

1975 Dart. MP26077.

1975 Dart S.B. versus Granada and Nova LN. MP26054.

1975 Dodge Monaco. MP26074.

1975 Dodge Pickup—the best of both. MP26053.

1975 Fury, 1975 Coronet. MP26070.

1975 Fury Sport, Fury Salon, Fury Custom, Road Runner. MP26076.

1975 intermediate model body highlights. MP26048.

1975 Oldsmobile Cutlass. MP26024.

1975 Oldsmobile Eighty-eight. MP26023.

1975 Oldsmobile Ninety-eight. MP26022.

1975 Oldsmobile Omega.


1975 Oldsmobile Starfire. MP26020.

1975 Oldsmobile Toronado. MP26019.

1975 Plymouth Gran Fury. MP26075.

1975 Pontiac. MP25968 - MP25975.

1975 Valiant and Duster. MP26068.

1975 Valiant Brougham versus Granada and Nova LN. MP26052.

1975 Ventura. MP25975.

30,000 rooms and I have the key. LP43832.

80,000 suspects. LF202.

$100,000 nickel. LP43824.


A list of domestic and foreign motion pictures registered during the period covered by this issue, arranged by registration number.




The October man. A Two Cities film. Released by J. Arthur Rank & General Film Distributors, Ltd. Distributed by Eagle Lion. England. 95 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 6Oct47; LF158.


Father came too! Independent Artists. Distributed by the Rank Organisation. England. 93 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © Independent Artists (Production) Ltd.; 9Feb64 (in notice: 1963); LF159.


Waltz of the toreadors. Independent Artists. Distributed by the Rank Organisation. England. 105 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Based on the play, La Valse des toreadors, by Jean Anouilh. © Independent Artists (Production) Ltd.; 14May62; LF160.


The Fast lady. Independent Artists. A Walter Reade Organization, Inc. presentation. Distributed by the Rank Organisation. England. 95 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Independent Artists (Production) Ltd.; 24Feb63 (in notice: 1962); LF161.


This sporting life. Independent Artists. Distributed by the Rank Organisation. England. 134 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. Based on the novel by David Storey. © Independent Artists (Production) Ltd.; 17Mar63; LF162.


Bitter harvest. Independent Artists. Made by Julian Wintle & Leslie Parkyn. Distributed by the Rank Organisation. England. 96 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Based on the novel, Twenty thousand streets under the sky, by Patrick Hamilton. © Independent Artists (Production) Ltd.; 10Nov63; LF163.


Esther Waters. Independent Producers, Ltd. England. 108 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the novel by George Moore. © Independent Producers, Ltd.; 1Nov48; LF164.


Seance on a wet afternoon. Beaver Films, Ltd. Distributed by the Rank Organisation. England. 121 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. Based on the novel by Mark McShane. © Beaver Films, Ltd.; 5Jul64; LF165.


To Paris with love. A Two Cities film. Distributed by General Film Distributors, Ltd. & J. Arthur Rank Organisation. England. 78 min., sd., color, 16 mm. From a story by Sterling Noel. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 7Feb55 (in notice: 1954); LF166.


On the beat. The Rank Organisation. England. 106 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 30Dec62; LF167.


Tiara Tahiti. The Rank Organisation England. 101 min., sd., color, 35 mm. Based on the novel by Geoffrey Cotterell. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 27Aug62; LF168.


The Royal ballet. Poetic Films, Ltd. in association with the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Ltd. Made by Paul Czinner. Released by Showcorporation & Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 132 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 7Jan60 (in notice: 1959); LF169.


The Early bird. The Rank Organisation. England. 98 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 26Dec65; LF170.


Der Rosenkavalier. Poetic Films, Ltd. Made by Paul Czinner & the Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd. Released by Schoenfeld Films Distributing Corporation. England. 190 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 9Jul62 (in notice: 1961); LF171.


A Stitch in time. The Rank Organisation. England. 94 min., sd., b&w, 35 mm. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 29Dec63; LF172.


Doctor in love. The Rank Organisation. Released by Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 97 min., sd., color, 16 mm. From the

novel by Richard Gordon. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 22Aug60; LF173.


Rooney. The Rank Organisation. England. 88 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the novel by Catherine Cookson. Appl. au: The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 21Apr58; LF174.


Make mine mink. The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd. Released by Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 80 min., sd., b&w, 35 mm. Based on the play, Breath of Spring, by Peter Coke. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 1Aug60; LF175.


Mad about men. Distributed by General Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 85 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Appl. au: Group Film Productions, Ltd. © Group Film Productions, Ltd.; 20Dec54; LF176.


A Night to remember. Walter Reade Organization, Inc. Released by Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 123 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the book by Walter Lord. Appl. au: The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd. © The Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 18Aug58; LF177.


One good turn. A Two Cities film. Distributed by General Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 95 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From an original story by Dorothy Whipple. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 17Jan55 (in notice: 1954); LF178.


Man of the moment. Released by J. Arthur Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 89 min., sd., b&w, 35 mm. From an original story by Maurice Cowan. Appl. au: Group Film Productions, Ltd. © Group Film Productions, Ltd.; 10Oct55; LF179.


One jump ahead. A Kenilworth-Fortress production. Distributed by General Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 65 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the novel by Robert Chapman. Appl. au: Kenilworth Film Productions, Ltd. © Kenilworth Film Productions, Ltd.; 9May55 (in notice: 1954); LF180.


The Young lovers. A Universal-International release. England. 96 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. Appl. au: Group Film Productions, Ltd. © Group Film Productions, Ltd.; 27Sep54; LF181.


The Lost people. A Pentagon production. England. 100 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. Based on the play, Cockpit, by Bridget Boland. Appl. au: General Film Distributors, Ltd. © General Film Distributors, Ltd.; 26Sep49; LF182.


The Dark man. An Independent Artists picture. Distributed by the J. Arthur Rank Organisation. England. 91 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. Appl. au: Independent Artists, Ltd. © Independent Artists, Ltd.; 26Feb51 (in notice: 1950); LF183.


Three sisters. Alan Clore Films, Ltd., with the National Theatre Company in association with British Lion Films, Ltd. Released by

AFT Distributing Corporation. United Kingdom. 165 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © Alan Clore Films, Ltd.; 2Nov70; LF184.


A Queen is crowned. J. Arthur Rank Organisation. England. 82 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Appl. au.: Gaumont British Distributors, Ltd. © Gaumont British Distributors, Ltd.; 8Jun53; LF185.


The Long memory. J. Arthur Rank Organisation. England. 93 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the novel by Howard Clewes. Appl. au.: British Film Makers, Ltd. © British Film Makers, Ltd.; 23Feb53 (in notice: 1952); LF186.


Curtain up. Constellation Films. Released by the J. Arthur Rank Organisation. England. 82 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. Adapted from the play On Monday next, by Philip King. © Constellation Films, Ltd.; 2Jun52; LF187.


Passage home. J. Arthur Rank Organisation. Distributed by General Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 102 min., sd., b&w, 35 mm. Based on the novel by Richard Armstrong. Appl. au.: Group Film Productions, Ltd. © Group Film Productions, Ltd.; 16May55; LF188.


It started in Paradise. J. Arthur Rank Organisation. Distributed by General Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 91 min., sd., color, 35 mm. Appl. au.: British Film Makers, Ltd. © British Film Makers, Ltd.; 24Nov52; LF189.


The Three Musketeers. Film Trust, S. A. Released by Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation. France. 105 min., sd., color, 35 mm. Add. ti.; The Queen’s diamonds; Diamonds of the Queen. Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas. © Film Trust, S. A.; 13Dec73; LF190.


Follow that camel. Rank Organisation. England. 95 min., sd., color, 35 mm. Appl. au.: Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. © Rank Film Distributors, Ltd.; 6Jan68 (in notice: 1967); LF191.


Turn the key softly. J. Arthur Rank Organisation. Distributed by General Film Distributors, Ltd. England. 81 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the novel by John Brophy. Appl. au.: Chiltern Film Productions, Ltd. © Chiltern Film Productions, Ltd.; 1Jun53; LF192.


The League of gentlemen. Allied Film Makers, Ltd. Released by Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. & Kingsley International. England. 114 min., sd., b&w, 35 mm. From the novel by John Boland. © A.F.M. Productions, Ltd.; 18Apr60; LF193.


Don’t lose your head. Rank Organisation. England. 90 min., sd., color, 35 mm. Appl. au.: Rank Film Distributors, Ltd. © Rank Film Distributors, Ltd.; 26Mar67; LF194.


The Intelligence men; or, M.I.5 plus 2 equals 0. Rank Organisation. England. 103 min., sd., color, 35 mm. Appl. au.: Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd. © Rank Organisation Film Productions, Ltd.; 18Apr65; LF195.

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