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Alien Harem 1st Edition Misty Vixen

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If this is your first time reading Alien Harem, you can safely ignore this disclaimer.

If you’re a fan and you read Alien Harem in its original incarnation, i.e. episodic short stories, then you might be wondering what’s different between that version and this one, I want to be clear.

Not much.

This first novel covers episodes one through six, plus the two bonus short stories in Collection Two and The Complete First Season.

I hope this helps you decide whether or not it’s worth purchasing!

Table of Contents










“Ugh, you've got to be kiddingme!”

James stared morosely at his laptop, bathed in its white glow, as it was the only source of light in the room at the moment. He sighed miserably as he read the numbers again. It had been a bad month for sales. One in a string of them. As he stared at the abysmal numbers, he wondered how he had gotten to where he was now, what had gone wrong.

He was a romance author.

He'd been writing since his early teens but he'd only gotten any good at it in the last couple of years, after he'd graduated high school. He'd started posting in online forums and to websites dedicated to such activities. He'd spent five years gathering up a following there, though he received a lot of hate mail because he was only interested in writing about romantic encounters between humans and aliens, and there were a lot of bigots out there. Once he'd graduated high school, he felt confident enough to try and start submitting to publishers.

That had eaten up two years of his life.

He'd started fresh, working on brand new material once he realized how terrible his older work was, and had written six new novels over the course of those two years, working jobs he fucking hated while still living with his parents to save money. Unfortunately, he didn't have anything to show for it by the time he was twenty. No one wanted to sign him. Most of the places he tried to publish wouldn't even give him a rejection slip, they just fucking ignored him. So, finally, he'd turned to the self-publishing market.

The ability to self-publish had been around for centuries at this point. The big problem was that anyone could do it, and almost everyone seemed to take a crack at it. There were millions of romance novels out there by now. How to compete? He'd uploaded his six novels and started writing new ones. At first, he gained little

traction. But then, suddenly, after a solid year of hammering away at it and four more new novels, something happened. Lightning struck. He had sales, lots of them. Within a month, he quit his job and got his own place.

Unfortunately, he'd acted too soon. His lightning streak didn't stick. It went on for six months...and then the numbers began to dwindle. And they had continued dwindling over the past six months. Which left him in a small apartment, twenty two years old, and nearly broke. The larger question of how he had arrived here was still a mystery. There was no discernible reason why his sales had dropped off. He couldn't figure it out in the slightest. He thought it might be because he'd hit upon some small market of human/alien relationship lovers and he'd simply hit the cap in selling to everyone who is into that.

But that didn't account for the fact that his new novels, (he'd written another four over the past year), weren't selling either. The old customers should be returning to buy his new releases. It wasn't like he was getting worse as a writer, at least he didn't think so. He was at least as good as he was before. It didn't make any sense. How he arrived at this current specific situation, on the other hand, was his fault. He'd been glancing at his sales only occasionally all month. Normally he checked every day and kept a running total, to see what kind of amount he had to work with, but the sales were so abysmal that he couldn't bring himself to do it every day, then it had only been once every week...and now he’d finally brought himself to check on it, as rent was due tomorrow. The amount was pretty low, even by the standards he'd had to set recently.

Two hundred and eight credits, to be credited to his account at midnight tonight.

Two hundred and eight.

He had fifty credits sitting in his account right now, and rent was six hundred. There was no way he was going to be able to make this work, at all. James supposed that the only lucky part of this was that he wouldn't have to default on a contract or anything. Technically, each time he paid 'rent', it was just a quick renegotiation

of a one-month lease. He could move out tomorrow if he had to. And it looked like he'd have to.

Unless there was some giant surge of sales today, which didn't seem very likely. He jerked slightly as his door buzzed.

Someone had come to see him. He frowned, checking the clock. It felt earlier than it was, only because he liked to sleep in a lot. It was almost one in the afternoon. With a sigh, he stood up and moved to the door. Before checking to see who it was, he flipped on the lights, squinting, then looked through the peep hole.

He saw a smiling, pale face, brown hair, and glowing white eyes. Aria had come to visit him. Well, that was really nice at least.

He opened the door.

“Hey,” he said, stepping out of the way to let her in.

“ like shit,” she replied.

“Thanks,” James muttered, closing the door once she was in.

“Sorry...didn't come out right. I mean...are you okay?”

“Not really.”

“How about we go out to breakfast and you tell me about it? And then I'll tell you the thing I came to tell you,” she replied brightly.

“Um...okay. Let me go take a quick shower first. I just got up.”

“Yeah, I only got up an hour ago. Well, hurry up. My news is exciting! At least, I think it's exciting. I'm pretty sure you'll think it's exciting, too.”

He couldn't help but smile. “All right.”

James quickly gathered up some fresh boxers and socks, then a pair of black cargo pants and a black t-shirt and headed into his bathroom. His apartment was pretty small. There were really just two rooms, a bathroom and another room that served as bedroom, living room, kitchen, and office, all of it crammed into one area. It suited him well enough, since he was never a person that needed a whole lot of space.

Honestly, it sort of helped him. James was the kind of person who liked being able to keep track of everything and, if the mood took him, to clean his whole living space all in one go. So it was ultimately easier this way. And now he would lose it. He stepped into

his small bathroom. All it had was a toilet, a sink, and a shower stall crammed into one small area. He closed the door, though he didn't lock it. As always, he had that hope that Aria would do something sexually exhilarating, something crazy and hot.

Like sneaking into the shower with him.

He'd more than welcome it. James thought of her as he turned on the shower, stripped down and stepped inside. They'd known each other for a year now. They had met a pretty loose 'creator's convention', thrown last year on the space station they were on. It wasn't very well organized and really it seemed like an excuse for creative people to get together and complain about how shitty and fickle basically all creative industries were. It often seemed that you were either a mega bestseller or you were scraping by.

She was a digital artist. She was fantastic at drawing with a tablet and stylus pen. He thought she was very talented and she had even started providing cover art for his romance novels. She did it gratis, as they had quickly become good friends. He'd learned that she lived in a large, converted area, (he thought it might have once been a store of some kind but he'd never been able to find out for sure), with three other women, all of whom were aliens, even to each other, and all of whom were trying to make it as creative types.

Over the past year, he'd spent a lot of time over there, and gotten to know and like all of them. And they liked him, as far as he could tell. Even Elora, a standoffish dysil who seemed to have anger problems, had taken to him. At first there had been a bit of tension, though now he thought he might have been imagining that. On top of all of them being attractive women (one of them was an actual model), they were all older than him.

Here he was, some awkward twenty two year old human who sat around and wrote books all day and they were almost all in their thirties. At twenty seven, Aria was the youngest of them. He'd had a crush on all of them, for various reasons, but mainly he was attracted to Aria. He'd always had a thing for alien women, but xenians seemed to hold a special place in his heart for some reason. Although he'd developed a huge crush on Aria, he'd never been able

to actually work up the nerve to ask her out. It didn't seem like she'd be interested.

If she was, wouldn't she ask him first?

After five minutes of washing off and waking up, James killed the water and grabbed a towel. He dried off, stepped out, and dressed. Feeling a bit better about his day ahead, he stepped back out of the bathroom.

Aria was sitting on his bed. She looked over and smiled at him. He realized there was something...odd about her smile. Not bad, more like...expectant. Like she was going to tell him something that was a surprise and she couldn't wait to see his reaction. He wondered what kind of news she had for him.

Maybe today was the day she'd ask him out.

That would certainly make him feel better.

“So, where do you want to eat?” he asked.

“I thought we'd got to the same place we always go,” she replied, standing.

“Sounds good.”

They left his apartment.

Their 'usual' place had been Aria's favorite restaurant for a dozen years now. Like James, she had grown up on the space station they called home. The place was a diner called Lem's. It was a place that had been started up by a xenian cook fifteen years ago, looking for make a name for himself. The station they lived on was technically a human station, but it was close enough to xenian space that the population was about forty percent xenian. It was a colony station that was several decades old and home to several thousand, orbiting around a pretty nice blue-green world that the explorers had dubbed Emerald.

Lem's had a nice little hole-in-the-wall atmosphere to it. A dozen booths shoved around the walls, another dozen tables spread across the interior. There weren't many people around, since the lunch rush had no doubt cleared out maybe fifteen minutes ago. Which was just

the way James liked it. He didn't really like being around too many people all at once. Especially if he didn't know them. At this point, they were regulars here.

The pair of them slid into a booth. When she'd first brought him here, James had been a little nervous, since a lot of xenian food was poisonous to humans and vice-versa. But Aria insisted that Lem also cooked and served human food too. He was a smart businessman. And she'd been right. Not only did he serve human food here, he served good human food. When the waitress came out, a cute young xenian that was probably just out of high school, they both ordered their usual. Soda and a burger, though Aria's burger used some other kind of meat and veggies.

“So...why are you glum?” Aria asked.

He sighed. “It's embarrassing,” he replied.

“Oh, come on. Like we've never been embarrassed in front of each other. Remember that time I laughed so hard I peed myself?”

He snorted. “Yeah...okay, fine. Fair enough. My sales have pretty much dropped off. I barely made over two hundred credits this month.”

She winced. “Man...I'm really sorry.”

“Yeah...I'm not going to be able to pay my rent. Not even close. Ugh...I'm going to have to move back in with my fucking parents,” he replied.

Aria brightened, like she was about to say something, but then their food came. The waitress set down their drinks and burgers.

“This is actually great,” Aria said in between bites as she dug into her burger. “Man, I am starving. Haven't eaten since last night...”

“Why is my getting evicted great?” James replied. She held up one finger and he chuckled and decided to start eating his own burger. He was pretty hungry too. For a moment, the pair of them simply ate. When her burger was mostly gone, Aria downed half her soda and wiped her mouth.

“Okay,” she said, fixing him with her glowing white eyes and a bright smile. “This is why it's so cool. I've been talking with the girls

and we're all in agreement: we want to ask you to move in with us,” she said.

James stared at her for a moment. “Seriously?” he asked, feeling a mixture of joy and hope (and a bit of fear) settle over him.


“That's...fantastic. Yeah, I'd love to. Uh, what kind of rent would I be looking at? And where would I live? I thought there were only the four bedrooms,” he replied.

“There's some living space available. We had a room that we just threw a bunch of random crap into when we moved in originally. Once we started talking about this, we sorted through it, sold off or threw away most of it since it was useless, and reorganized the rest. It's about bedroom sized. We'd charge you a hundred a month. Also, you'd really probably have to buy your own food, just like the rest of, what do you say?”

“I say yes, of course yes.” He hesitated and frowned.


“It won't be like...weird, will it? I mean, I've never lived with a woman not related to me before and I'm...not the most socially knowledgeable person.”

Aria laughed. “Relax. We all love you. You'll do fine. And...” She hesitated now, chewing on her lower lip. “Well, uh, there's another reason we're asking you to move in.”

“What reason?” he asked. He had no idea what she might be talking about.

“I...” she looked around. “It's...private. Let's go back to your place and talk about it.”

“Um, okay.”

They finished their meal and paid, then left Lem's and began walking back through the space station. James looked around the station, trying to reason out what she could possibly have to say, his mind wandering. The station was actually a pretty decent looking place. Overhead, the lights were closer to sunshine than simple lights, the walls were painted a cool blue-white color and the floors were all carpeted. There were also lots of plants and trees planted

and through the main thoroughfare of the station, they had a little creek running.

It was a nice place.

While they walked, James snuck glances at Aria. She was looked particularly good today. Her brunette hair was pulled into a hot little ponytail, something he always liked for some reason. She wore a tight fitting blue t-shirt and pink jogging shorts that really showed off her lithe frame. Xenians were naturally short and petite. At five foot four, she was actually a little on the tall side. The xenians were technologically-enhanced beings. They had nodes of silver technology fitted across their bodies and their eyes glowed with an inner white light. As he looked at her, James found himself again very confused by the racism his species had.

Although technically humans and the other half dozen or so species of the galaxy lived in relative harmony together, it was still very socially unacceptable to be in a relationship with an alien. He'd never really understood why and ultimately figured that it was just a new form of bigotry. He thought most of the species were quite attractive.

Also, based on his own experiences, they were generally nice, fun, and caring.

They made it back to his apartment and once they were inside, he sat down in his rolling computer chair and Aria sat on his bed.

“So...” he said after a moment passed.

She laughed nervously and chewed on her lower lip again. It was a really sexy thing to do, he thought.

“ I guess I should come out and say it. It's kind of weird to just, you know, say. Heh, I'm so nervous...Okay, the, uh, other reason we're asking you to move in with us is because we've come up with a way to make money.”


“Like you, we're all having trouble making ends meet, you know? And none of us want to go back to 'real' jobs, as the masses like to call them. As if what we're doing isn't real. And we were just thinking about stuff we could do to make money, just throwing all kinds of ideas out. This was one night about a week ago. It was an

off night for all of us and we were smoking some weed and eating pizza and we had talked about all kinds stuff. And then we'd all kind of run out of steam. And then Elora laughed. I asked her 'What? Did you think of something?' She just laughed again and said, 'Hell yeah! Let's make a porno!'

“I sat up immediately and so did Sera. She was right. And so, uh...that's what, um, that's the reason we want you to move in.”

“Wait...let me get this, and your three roommates...want to have sex with me...and film it?” he asked.

“And sell it online,” Aria replied. “We figured you'd be, well, thrilled. I's kind of obvious that you like us.”

“Is it?” he asked.

She laughed. “Well, duh! I mean, it was a little surprising, given, you know, the whole human/not human thing, but we're all hot and obviously not all humans are turned off by aliens. And we totally notice when you check us out.”

“Oh...uh, sorry about that.”

“Don't be! It's nice to be noticed in a not gross or weird way. And we like you, too, you know. I mean, we're all down for this.”

“You really are? All four of you are down to have sex with me on camera and have other people watch it?” he asked.

“Yes. I wouldn't be here asking if we weren't. I mean, well, Oriana was nervous about it, at first. Not because of you, she actually likes you a lot, but the whole, you know, camera thing. And I figured you'd be nervous about it, too.”

“I am, honestly,” James admitted.

“It's perfectly fine. We found a few programs that will kind of...scramble your face a bit. Like, it'll look natural, but it sort of changes the nature of faces so that you don't really look like you. Changes your bone structure just a bit, your hair color, eye color. It's awesome. So...uh, what do you say?” she asked.

“I say that...this sounds really, really awesome. I mean, what else would I say? I'd be getting to, wow, this is weird to just say, you're right, have sex with you and your friends and make money. But...well, I guess my only concern is that, who would pay for this? I mean, can we actually expect to make any money off of it?”

“Yes!” Aria said, brightening considerably. “I've actually done a lot of research on this. We've already set up a website. Alien Harem. And-”

“Wait, hold up, you're calling it Alien Harem?” he asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Isn't that, I don't know...demeaning?”

She shrugged. “Probably. But I'm sure it'll help the sales. It's got that sort of taboo, forbidden angle, you know? And it's not like we're all actuallyyour sex slaves or anything. But the market for human on alien sex is actually really starved. We've looked over it and we couldn't find very much. I mean, there's obviously some stuff out there, and they seem to be making fucking bank! We have all the right resources to get in on this. We've got the website, we've got two cameras. We even gave up the game room to set up a,” she laughed, “a 'fuck room', as Elora calls it. We bought a bed and soundproofing so we don't wake the neighbors and lots of pillows and blankets. We're all ready and willing, all that's left is a willing human.”

“And you chose me...” James said.

“We did! You've been such a great friend ever since you got to know us. Obviously it's more than just the fact that you don't hate us. You like spending time around us, you've helped us out before, you've listened to me and Elora bitch about our jobs for months and months now. Plus, you know, you're really cute.”

“I am?” he asked. James had never thought he was all that much to look at. He was just shy of six feet, a bit on the skinny side with messy brown hair and uncoordinated clothing.

“You are. We all think so. Hell, even Sera thinks so and I don't think I've ever heard her say that about anyone. You know how she is.”

“Yeah. She's always so...stoic.”

“So, I mean, yeah. We've got this all figured out.”

“I guess you do. Obviously I can't get any of you pregnant. And as far as I know there's no way for us to give each other STDs, even if we had any.”

“All of us are clean and you're right, it doesn't work that way.”

“What about Sera? She's like...eight feet tall. How can I fuck her?”

Aria laughed. “Like you'd fuck the rest of us. Get on top and thrust! Trust me, it'll work. And it'll be hot too. Like really hot. Another reason we asked you was because you. We trust you not to let it get weird or not to be demeaning or demanding. I've seen guys get strange when sex gets involved. Sometimes they just assume it's okay to have sex whenever theywant regardless of how you feel. Or they get really jealous and mean. And we feel that you won't do any of that. I mean, you'll understand that this doesn't mean we're exclusive to each other.”

“Yeah,” he agreed. “That pretty much sounds like me. I've never been particularly possessive or demanding.”

“Exactly! So, any other questions?”

“Um...not at the moment. Other then, will you help me move my stuff? Technically, they have to give me three days, I think, to move out, if I don't renew.”

“Yeah, sure! We can definitely help with that. We've actually found a mobile loader and have secured it. All we need to do is pay for it. We're willing to go fifty-fifty on it with you, since this is a, uh, mutually beneficial arrangement.”

“Perfect. Uh...well, I guess I should start gathering stuff up. Do you think we could get it all done today?”

“Actually, I was thinking we could shoot the first episode today. We can get your stuff tomorrow can sleep in my bed, if you wanted.”

“Uh, wow. Okay. Well, let me get a few essentials and we'll go.”

Aria nodded and stood. “Perfect.”

He began packing. …

He managed to get a suitcase worth of stuff. Mainly it was just clothes, but he also grabbed his laptop, toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. James still felt like he was in a daze as he followed Aria across the station.

Was this really happening?

Was he really going to shoot a porno?

“You know, there is one thing that worries me,” he said.

“What?” Aria asked.

“I don't really have like...I don't know, the right equipment for this kind of work. Or the right body, really. I'm not exactly a picture of physical stamina.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes. “I'm sure you look fine naked. And besides, I'm convinced that there's a lot of people out there who are sick of all the ripped guys with perfect bodies. There's like a million porns out there like that. Think about it. When you fantasize about being someone like that, you have to change almost everything about yourself. But when you see someone like you having sex, someone more regular looking, it isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination. It's sort of like, 'Hey, I could be having that sex.' You know what I mean?”

“That actually makes a lot of sense,” James replied. They came to Aria's place. It was in a quieter side of the station. For the most part, the area was made of some factories and storage places. Not a lot really happened, which is just the way the four ladies living there liked it. James had to admit, he liked the idea of it too. As he walked in through the front door and into the huge, open living room, he realized that he'd had fantasies like this. He'd thought about fucking all of the women here.

Now it was actually going to happen.

They had a really weird but also really cool setup. They'd converted almost the entire first floor into one huge open room. Right in front of the door was the living area. They had a huge flatscreen mounted on the wall, a pair of big couches, a gigantic beanbag, a couple of tables and chairs spread out in front of it. The right side of the room had previously been unoccupied but it was obvious they had moved all the gaming stuff out there. They liked to play old school tabletop role playing games pretty frequently and also collected old board games. A huge dining table surrounded by chairs and a large pair of shelves packed with gaming gear took up that area now. Finally, there was an open-faced kitchen to the right.

The only one currently present was Elora. She was a dysil, which meant she had orange skin, little horns growing from her forehead, and yes, even a tail. Some of the more ridiculous human conservatives had likened them to devils of old. She was currently crashed out in the beanbag with a lit joint, watching something on the TV.

“Hey you two,” she said, leaning her head back to look at them. “So, did Aria talk you into fucking the shit out of all of us?” she asked.

James chuckled awkwardly and felt his cheeks start to flush. “Um...”

“That's a yes,” Elora said, grinning around her blunt. She got up off the beanbag and faced him. She was a very, very fine example of a beautiful dysil woman. She was a few inches over five and a half feet and had very curvy build. Right now, her fiery red hair was down, framing her beautiful face. She had vivid blue eyes, which always stuck out on her, since, naturally, all dysil had red eyes. At the moment, she was just wearing a thin tanktop, no bra, and her panties. Her very thick thighs were on display, as were here large breasts, her nipples obvious through thin fabric. She took a deep pull on the blunt, then stubbed it out in an ashtray.

“I have to admit,” she said as she approached them, “I've always kind of wanted to jump you, to see what kind of a fuck you could provide.”

“I wish I had known this before,” James replied, still feeling very awkward.

“I would have but I wasn't sure how the other girls felt about you. It could've made everything complicated. Plus, I wasn't sure how you felt about me. I mean, I knew you wanted to fuck me. That much was obvious, but I didn't know if you wanted to get, you know, serious. Cause I'm not really the relationship type.”

James looked at her for a moment longer, trying to think of something to say to that, then he glanced over at Aria.

“Stop teasing him,” Aria said. “Come on, James, I'll let you store your things in my room for now,” she added, heading deeper into the house.

Along the back wall, there were two doors. One led to a bathroom and the other led to what had once been the game room and was now the fuck room. In between these two doors was a stairway leading up to the second story. James followed Aria up it.

“Don't hop on his dick too early. We don't have the cameras fully set up yet,” Elora called after them, eliciting a sigh from Aria.

The second story was, at first glance, one big hallway with a lot of doors. Some rearrangement had gone on, James understood, when the women had moved in. When they had first rented the place out, they'd had more money to throw around. There were five bedrooms up there and three bathrooms, though one of them was private, custom-made for Sera who, being an avix, was almost eight feet tall. They walked down to Aria's bedroom and stepped inside. Her bedroom was fairly small and cozy. She had a double-wide bed in one corner with dresser drawers built into the frame and very large desk with all sorts of gear spread across it taking up the rest of the space.

James set his stuff down at the foot of the bed.

“Where's Sera and Oriana?” he asked.

“Oriana is off at her studio practicing. She's got a show coming up in a few weeks. Sera had a photo shoot down on Emerald. Avix swimwear, I think. Plus I'm pretty sure she's doing a few nudes for a website on the side,” Aria replied.

“That sounds fun,” James said, sitting down on the end of her bed. Aria joined him, sitting next to him. She rested her head on his shoulder.

“It must be,” she replied.

“So, uh, how will this website work?” he asked.

“It'll be subscription based. We figure we'll offer three tiers. Five credits a month will get you access to dirty pictures. Ten credits a month will get you access to shorter clips. Like, blowjobs or maybe two of us making out or eating each other out or something.”

“Wait, you girls are gonna go down on each other?”

“Oh yeah, definitely. And have sex, too. We've all been fucking around with each other for as long as we've been friends.”

“I wish I had known that sooner.”

“I bet. And the final tier, fifteen credits a month, will get you access to all of it. The first thing I thought we should do is actually set up the site. We didn't really want to go ahead with it until we had you onboard. And we wanted you to help with it.”

“You did?” James asked.

“Yeah. We wanted you to be involved from the beginning. We've got kind of a tight-knit group dynamic thing going on and we wanted you to become a part of that.”

“I'd really like that, actually. And I appreciate that.”

“Good!” She stood up and took his hand, pulling him up as well. “Come on! The first thing we need to do is take pictures of us so they can be manipulated. I've already gone through most of the boring stuff. You know, registering the site, setting it up to take credits, and doing the 'heavy lifting' as it were of the actual design of the site.”

“Was that hard? I mean, did you have to register as a business or something?” James replied as they left her room and began to head back downstairs.

“No, actually. It's pretty simple. Technically it's registered in Sera's name. Since everyone knows her as her pseudonym, Bex, no one should be able to figure it out. And no one will be able to actually see who the site is registered too, at least, like, no one from the public. So we've got that covered,” Aria answered.

“ really think this will work?” he asked. “You think this will make money?”

“That's what we're hoping. Ultimately, we hope to make like, I dunno, two or three videos a week and post them to the site, maybe more, depending on popularity. The income from this will cover our bills, ideally, and free us all up to do what we actually care about. For me it's making art, for you it’s writing books, Elora will make music, and so on and so forth.”

“Sounds like paradise,” James murmured.

“That's what we're hoping for.”

She led him into what was now the fuck room. It was about the size of an average bedroom, maybe a bit smaller. Most of the space was taken up by a bed done up in soft, pink cloth. The floor was

carpeted in something black and soft, the walls done in red. There were a few lights attached to the walls. In one corner there was a desk with a camera and a laptop on it. Elora was sitting at the desk, messing with the camera.

“Hey you two, done screwing already?” she asked without looking up.

“We didn't fuck,” Aria said, sighing. “We're here to take the pictures. I'd figure we'd get you and me done, then Oriana when she gets home.”

“What about Sera?” James asked.

“She figured you'd say yes so she had us take her pictures before she left for the shoot,” Aria replied. “How about I show you the site? Move your enormous ass.”

“She's just jealous of my beautiful ass,” Elora said, standing up and taking the camera with her.

“Well, it is pretty nice,” Aria admitted as she sat down. “Come here, James. This is what we've got so far,” she said as she turned on the laptop.

James stood beside her. He still felt like this was all happening so fast. He glanced over at Elora, who was bent over, adjusting the blankets on the bed. She did have a thick and absolutely beautiful ass. The thought of fucking her doggystyle suddenly filled his mind and he turned back to the laptop, trying to control himself.

“Here it is,” Aria said.

“Wow,” James replied.

The site looked great. It was simple but not in a bad way. The name of the site, ALIEN HAREM, was done in pink lettering along the top against a red velvet background. Below it were five empty rectangles and below each rectangle was a nameplate. All were currently empty. Below that, at the bottom of the page, was a brief description of the site.

Welcome to Alien Harem! Here, you can see the smoking hot sexual exploits of four alien sluts who live with and service their humanmateallday,everyday...

“Uh...okay, wow,” James said, his eyebrows shooting up. “That's a little, um...”

“Blunt?” Aria replied, she laughed. “Yeah, Elora wrote it.”

“Hey, it's porn,” she replied. They both looked over at her. She was lying on the bed now. “I wrote what made sense. People like porn if it has at least some semblance of a narrative. And what's hotter than that?”

“Maybe...” James murmured. He looked at Aria. “You're really okay with this narrative? Allof you?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Aria replied. “We all talked it over and it made the most sense. It's not like it's real or anything. I mean, again, it's not like we're actuallyyour slaves or something. I mean...are you okay with this? We didkind of rush at you with this...”

“No, it's fine. I mean, I do think it will sell. Well...I mean, probably. And I'm okay with it. It's just, this is kind of...counterintuitive, I guess.”

“Most the rules are upside down in porn,” Elora offered. “Now, quit worrying so much and take a sexy picture of me and Aria,” she said, standing up.

“Should be easy,” James replied.

“Well, thank you,” Elora said as she moved over against one of the walls.

She took off her tanktop and tossed it aside, freeing her very large orange breasts. James found his eyes magnetized to them. She stood before him, hands on her hips, grinning. “Been a bit since you've seen a pair?” she asked.

“Awhile,” he replied.

“Didn't you have a girlfriend?” she asked as she stretched.

“Yeah. Had. Didn't work out,” he replied, going and grabbing the camera.

“Why not?” Aria asked. “You never talked about this.”

“It...was painful. We started dating right after I began to experience some real success. When things began collapsing, well...when it became obvious that I was going to continue pursuing my failing career as a writer, she left.”

“What a bitch,” Elora said, shaking her head, making her breasts jiggle nicely.

“No, wasn't her fault. I don't mean to make it sound like she was just in it for the money. She just...needed someone who could reliably hold up that part of the relationship. And I wasn't that person. It was a fair decision to make. And, well, we of all people should know how difficult it is to date creative types,” James replied.

Elora snorted. “That's why I don't date. I just fuck. Which you're going to find out, living here, cutie. Now,” she placed one hand behind her head and the other over her breasts, “take my picture,” she said.

James nodded. He'd had a photography class in high school and knew at least the primitive basics of framing a shot. He raised the camera to his eye, selecting the photograph function, centered Elora, took a step to the right, then one slightly back to the left, then one forward, then he snapped the photo. He called up the image on the camera's screen.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“Whoa, perfect,” Aria said after she and Elora had come to join him.

“I do look good,” Elora replied. “Okay,” she said, taking off her panties. “Time to do the nudes. That one was just what you get to see on the front page to tantalize you. Also,” she added as she moved back against the wall, fully naked now, “start thinking of your porn name.”

“ name?” he replied.

“Yeah. Duh. We're not using our own names. I'm going to be Ares.”

“Whoa, really? That's...awesome.”

She smiled. “I know, right? I love it. I did some research into human myths and I thought it'd be pretty sweet. Okay, let's do this.”

Elora struck a pose, putting her hands behind her head and thrusting her impressive chest out, spreading her legs a little bit to show off her smooth, shaved pussy. James stared at and for a few seconds was utterly consumed by the thought that he had absolutely no idea this was going to be happening when he got out of bed today. Then he raised his camera and snapped a picture. They took a look at it and Elora nodded.

“Perfect. Okay, heading to the bed now.”

She crawled onto the bed and faced away from him, on her hands and knees, showing off her thick, well-padded orange ass. She looked back over her shoulder at him and offered him a dark, seductive grin.

“You're really good at this stuff,” he said as he snapped the next pic.

“Guess it comes naturally,” Elora replied. She got off the bed and checked the picture. “Great. I think that'll do for now. You're turn, Aria.”

“Okay,” she replied, standing up and stripping down. Elora stood next to James, both of them watching her strip.

“Bet you've been wanting to see this for about a year now,” she said as the petite xenian got out of her clothing.

“I'd be lying if I said anything but emphatically yes,” James replied.

“She is pretty fucking hot,” Elora said.

The dysil was right. As he'd always known, Aria was extremely attractive. She was down to her bra and panties now. She looked at them watching her, rolled her eyes and took off her sports bra, tossing it aside, freeing her beautiful, high, firm breasts. She then pulled down her panties and tossed them aside too, standing naked before them.

“Well, James, what do you think? Was it worth the wait?” she asked.

“Very, very worth it,” he replied, staring at her.

Her hips had a nice curve to them and her thighs were trim and athletic. All her smooth, milky white skin was very attractive and the nodes of technology that studded the surface of that skin made her look very uniquely attractive. Like Elora, her pussy was smooth and bald, a trim pink line between her thighs.

“Let's do this,” she said.

The first pose she struck was to place one hand over her vagina, another covering her breasts. Once that was done, she struck another pose, placing her hands on her knees and leaning forward, her breasts between her arms.

“Holy shit, you're hot,” James murmured as he took the next picture.

“Thank you,” she replied, straightening up once he had the picture.

The next pose she took up was lying on her side on the bed, head propped on one hand, one leg drawn up, heel on her knee.

“So, what's your porn name?” James asked as he took the final picture.

“Evie,” she replied.

“Sexy,” he said.

She laughed. “Thanks. Let me see.”

Once she checked the picture and nodded, they both turned and looked at James. “Your turn,” Elora said with a big grin.

“Uh...all right,” he replied, knowing that this was coming.

He stripped down to his boxers, both women watching him as he did. It felt very odd getting naked in front of two women. He'd only ever been naked in front of two other women in his life, both of them girlfriends.

He got into position, then frowned.

“I can't, uh, think of any pose that wouldn't look stupid,” he said.

“Hmm...I've got an idea,” Elora said. She came to stand next to him, placed an arm across his shoulders, reached down, grabbed his wrist and brought it up to one of her bulbous breasts. He felt a shiver of excitement flow through him as he got a handful of Elora's huge breast.

“There,” she said. “Look at the camera. And try not to look so...stoned.”

“Uh, what?” he replied.

“I dunno, I think it's a good look. I think it's a look a lot of guys will identify with. I mean, think about it, that whole 'been there, done that, and I wasn't impressed' look is so lame,” Aria said as she focused the camera. “Look at him. He looks like he's just out of his mind with happiness at touching your boob, which he should be, because your boobs are awesome. This is probably how most guys

react when they touch boobs, despite what they might think. Now, James, cutie, look at the camera,” she said.

“Okay,” James replied, still feeling in a daze.

He faced the camera, trying to smile, and Aria snapped a picture. “There, perfect. Okay, take your boxers off.”

James nodded, swallowed nervously, then took his boxers off. Now was the moment of truth. He'd never felt particularly confident about the size of his dick. He knew there were relatively easy treatments to get it enlarged nowadays, and he could have even afforded it in the better months, but somehow it felt...wrong. In researching for his romance novels, which, as he grew older, took more erotic turns, he'd come across lots and lots of message boards on the net that spoke at length about the subject of sex.

Something seemed to come up time and again.

Women were more concerned with the package as a whole than the package between your legs. Were you not an asshole? Did you know how to use your fingers and tongue? Were you a good kisser? Were you fair? Were you decent looking? A good person? Caring? There were so many things to take into consideration that you could fail at one, two, or even three of these and still be a decent partner. To artificially boost his cock seemed like it was denying all of that.

“So...this is me,” he said.

“Not bad,” Elora said. “That looks rock hard.”

“Well, I am touching your breast,” he replied. She laughed. “Very true.”

Suddenly, the door opened. Oriana stood in it, wearing a skintight dancer's outfit. “Hey, are you guys starting without me?” she asked.

“Sort of,” Aria said. “Perfect timing, though. Can you take these next pictures?”

“Yeah, sure...I take it you said yes, James?” she asked.

“Uh-huh,” he replied.

Oriana was a quine. They were an aquatic race with smooth gray skin, a bald head, and large, luminous black eyes. She was several inches taller than he was, probably just shy of six and a half feet tall, and her body was nice and shapely. She had thick,

powerful, athletic thighs and sexy, good-sized breasts, maybe a cup size smaller than Elora's. He could also just make out the gill slits above her collarbones. Quine normally lived underwater, but they could have surgery done to make it so that they could live permanently on land.

As such, they were kind of rare.

Aria passed off the camera to Oriana and came to stand next to James. They had him place an arm over each of their shoulders. Even with two naked, beautiful women that he was apparently going to get to fuck soon standing beside him, he still felt really weird about having his picture taken naked. But he trusted in their customization software. Oriana took the picture, then the girls had another idea. They both got down on their knees and had him place his hands on the backs of their heads. He did, watching as they leaned in and kissed either side of his erect cock. He felt another shudder of excitement move through him.

Oriana snapped the final picture.

“Okay...we should shoot the first one,” Aria said, standing up. “I kind of feel like, you know, it's time,” she said.

“Right now?” James asked, laughing nervously.

“Yeah. We want the first videos with each of us to be kind of, you know, special. There's sort of like a...spark, kind of like magic, when two people have sex for the first time. And, well, you and I have been kind of dancing around the issue for like a year now,” Aria replied, and he could tell she was nervous too. “I mean...obviously...right?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he replied. “I...didn't know how to ask.”

“This is perfect,” Elora said. “You both are so nervous and awkward...this is gonna be great.”

“It might not last long,” James warned. “I's been awhile, you know?”

“Don't worry, you'll do fine. Just try to last as long as you can. Whatever we lose in length we'll make up for in passion, I'm sure,” Elora said. She motioned for Oriana to join her and took the camera from her when she did. “All right, quiet on the set. You two...” she

raised the camera. “Get to work,” she said. “We're rolling now. I'll edit out this intro.”

“Uh...okay,” James replied, feeling his heart hammering in his chest as he looked over at Aria, who was staring back at him, smiling nervously at him.

How many times had he fantasized about this?

How many times had he fallen asleep after jerking off to this exact thing?

They each took a step closer to each other, then embraced. James leaned in and kissed Aria for the first time. She responded immediately, pressing her lips against his and wrapping her arms around him, holding him tight, pressing her breasts against his bare chest. He felt passion hit him like a live wire, igniting him. He ran his hands slowly down her back as they started making out, reaching down and getting a good grip on her firm ass. Aria moaned softly as she deepened the kiss and they were both breathing heavily now.

Carefully, he guided her over to the bed. Then, as if in reaction to this, she pulled him down onto it, on top of her. They shifted position so that she was on top, continued to make out, to run their hands all over each other's bodies, touching all the places you normally aren't allowed to. He slipped a hand in between them, gently massaging her firm breast, feeling her nipple press into his palm. As he did this, Aria opened his lips with hers and slipped her tongue into his mouth, gently probing. He immediately met it with his own, twining them together, tasting her, feeling a rush of emotions. He held her closer to him, his heart racing.

Dozens of thoughts seemed to be filling his head, as if chasing each other. Was this going to look lame? What if he got too nervous and couldn't keep it up? What if he said something stupid? Was it going to be weird, doing it with an alien? He'd only ever had sex with humans, and even then only with two of them...

None of his fears or doubts seemed to really gain any traction though. He was making out with Aria, his best friend who he'd had a crush on for a year now, and they were naked and going to have sex very soon.

Speaking of sex...

He gently pushed her off of him, onto her back, and kept kissing her. Then he slipped his hand down, in between her thighs, which she opened for him. Calling back on what he'd learned from his only two girlfriends and his research, he slipped his fingertip in between the lips of her pussy, finding the small, wet nub of her clit, and began to massage it gently. Aria broke the kiss, moaning loudly as he did this.

He smiled, intensely aroused at the knowledge that he was pleasuring her, and decided he wanted to keep going, to pleasure her even more. He kissed her again, then lowered his head, shifting position, and began to suck on one of her nipples. She let out a louder moan as he did this, then cried out again as he started making little circles with his fingertip, going gradually faster and harder. She groaned in raw pleasure, thrusting her hips up against his hand, panting now. He began licking her nipple and went even harder and faster.

“Oh, oh...ohfuckI'mcoming!” she shrieked suddenly.

He glanced down, spying a hot spray of feminine juices escaping her pussy, staining the pink blanket. James looked back up at her and saw that she was looking down at him, a kind of desperate need in her glowing eyes.

“Fuck me now,” she begged. “Please.”

How could he say no? James responded by doing, quickly getting on top of her, in between her trim, athletic thighs. Aria reached down in between them and guided his cock into her hot, wet opening. James groaned loudly as he slid smoothly into her alien vagina. The pleasure was immediate and immense as he started thrusting into her, burying himself deeper and deeper until skin met skin and he was entirely sheathed within her. The sexual rapture he was experiencing felt more powerful than any other before.

It utterly blew away his expectations set by his previous sexual encounters. He and Aria both grunted in passionate, sexual unity as they made love. He buried himself inside of her tight, wet pussy over and over again, thrusting wildly into her, eliciting impassioned cries of bliss from her. He was fully aware of her, the way her body felt, her skin, pressing against him, hot and sweaty and nude. He could

even feel the flat, dull metal stud embedded in her right thigh rubbing against him as he had sex with her.

James did keep it up for as long as he could, but time seemed to move differently now and ultimately, when his orgasm came, there was no stopping it. Aria seemed to sense it, somehow knowing that it was coming. She reached down in between them and began to rub her clit with one hand and, with the other, wrapped it around the back of his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. Everything seemed to happen all at once.

He felt Aria begin to come, felt her muscles start to tremble and tighten and release. Then, a gush of hot liquids, sex juices escaping from around his cock, spraying his thighs and balls. Finally, a powerful gushing climax that began within himself, causing him to shout hoarsely in pleasure as the first sharp burst of his orgasm forcefully ejected a thick load of his seed from the tip of his cock, burying it deep within Aria's alien pussy. He moaned, his muscles going rigid, save for his hips, which thrust involuntarily with each fresh jolt of the orgasm. Aria cried out even louder than he did as he thrust deeper and deeper into her, complimenting her own climax.

James's seed left him in several thick spurts that sent sexual rapture careening through his body, slowly filling up Aria's tight depths. He could feel his dick kicking and spasming violently, held firmly in place by her pink opening, until it had drained completely. At this instant, he collapsed, naked and sweaty and trembling, against her, both of them gasping for breath.

“Damn, I feltthat one,” Elora said.

They both looked over at her. The camera was down. Both she and Oriana were staring intently at them now.

“I knew there'd be a spark,” she continued, grinning. “Man, I hope the sex looks half that good when we fuck, James.”

“Was it really that good?” Aria asked.

“You have to see this. But you two relax, I'll get it uploaded to the laptop and start editing it,” Elora said.

“I'll uh...I need a shower,” Oriana said, a little breathlessly.

“She's gonna masturbate,” Elora said.

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Zooecia uniserial; with marginal spines. Branches arising from the top of a zooecium


6. Zooecia uniserial; branches arising just below the large aperture. An ovicell may be developed above the orifice of a modified zooecium

Eucratea chelata

Zooecia somewhat pear-shaped; orifice small, semicircular Huxleya fragilis

7. Colony erect 8

Zooecia in several layers forming confused masses 30

Colony entirely adherent,[602] the zooecia usually in a single layer


Erect Cheilostomata.

8. Branches cylindrical, calcareous, divided by chitinous joints. Orifices arranged all round the branch

Cellaria (Fig. 239, A)

Branches flexible, jointed or unjointed. Orifices not arranged all round the branch. 9

Calcareous, unjointed, rigid 21

9. Branches leaf-like, flattened 10

Branches not leaf-like 11

10. Avicularia resembling birds' heads, movable

Bugula (Fig. 233)

Avicularia not resembling birds' heads, unstalked; or absent. Colony broadly leaf-shaped, composed of a single layer or of two layers of zooecia

Flustra (Fig. 232)

11. Zooecia in pairs, at the same level

12. Branches numerous, straight. Zooecia back to back, with an oblique aperture. No avicularia

Gemellaria loricata

Branches delicate, curved. A pair of stalked avicularia between each two pairs of zooecia

Notamia (= Epistomia) bursaria 13. Avicularia or vibracula conspicuous

14. Avicularia resembling birds' heads, movable. Vibracula absent

large, unstalked. Vibracula present or absent

Avicularia inconspicuous. Setae of the vibracula large, very conspicuous, on oblique vibracular zooecia, which almost cover the backs of the branches

Caberea (Fig. 242)

15. Zooecia in two series, alternate, with one or several conspicuously long marginal spines


Zooecia in two or more series. Aperture occupying most of the front of the zooecium. Colony often spiral. Avicularia usually large

Bugula (Fig. 233)

16. Zooecia long, narrow below, commonly in triplets, with two lateral avicularia to each triplet. Fornix present.

Menipea ternata

Zooecia biserial, a considerable number forming an internode separated by a joint (often inconspicuous) from

the next internode. Lateral avicularia usually large.

Vibracular zooecia on the back or sides of the branches

Scrupocellaria (Fig. 254)

17. Characters as in Scrupocellaria (No. 16), but with inconspicuous avicularia. A branched fornix

Scrupocellaria reptans

Vibracula absent 18

18. A single, short, marginal spine; or none 19

Marginal spines present 20

19. Characters as in No. 6 Eucratea chelata, Huxleya fragilis

Zooecia biserial. Aperture large, the semicircular orifice at its upper end, where there is commonly a short spine

Cellularia peachii

Zooecia in one or two series. Branches originating from the backs of the zooecia, and facing in the opposite direction to the parent branch. Aperture small

Scruparia clavata

20. One or more conspicuously long marginal spines. Avicularia present or absent


Zooecia uniserial (see No. 5) Brettia

Zooecia biserial, in short internodes. An inconspicuous avicularium below the aperture. Fornix present

Menipea jeffreysii

21. Colony consisting of a network of narrow branches, the zooecia opening only on one of their surfaces


Colony large, brittle, composed of contorted plates, uniting irregularly, usually composed of two layers of zooecia.

Orifice large, indented laterally

Lepralia foliacea

Branches delicate, cylindrical 22

Branches or lobes coarser, not necessarily cylindrical 24

22. Branches composed of four rows of zooecia 23

Zooecia in more than four regular, longitudinal rows. Peristome raised, and, with the ovicell, forming a swelling on the surface of the branch

Escharoides quincuncialis

23. Orifice circular. A row of pores round the margin of the zooecium. A median pore resembling a small orifice below the true orifice. Small lateral avicularia

Porina borealis

Orifice surrounded by a peristome, produced into a mucro beneath the orifice. No pores

24. Zooecia arranged in regular series 25 Zooecia irregularly heaped, their long axes often perpendicular to the surface of the colony. Mucro largely developed, concealing the form of the orifice, and bearing an avicularium

25. Orifice with a sinus; or peristome interrupted or extended below into a sinus-like outgrowth, which usually includes a small avicularium

26. Orifice with a sinus Schizoporella (Fig. 239, B) Peristome interrupted or extended below 27

27. Branches of various forms. Surface of the older parts very even. Secondary orifice rather long, usually wider above, enclosing a small avicularium below, and appearing as a hole in the even surface of the branch

Palmicellaria elegans

Porella (Fig. 255, B, C)

A prominent tooth projects into the orifice from its lower side. Zooecia with thin walls

Smittia landsborovii (Fig. 239, C)

No tooth in the orifice, at the side of which is a small avicularium. Old zooecia with thick walls. Colony composed of a short stem and flattened branches

Escharoides rosacea

28. A tooth projects from the lower side into the large, subcircular orifice, on each side of which is a small oval avicularium (colony erect or encrusting)

Mucronella pavonella

No tooth: mucro sometimes present 29

29. Branches cylindrical. Old zooecia with thick walls. Orifice in young zooecia longer than broad; beneath it a median pore, and in some cases a lateral avicularium with vibraculoid mandible

Diporula verrucosa

A distinct mucro, which may bear an avicularium above Palmicellaria

Encrusting Cheilostomata.

30. Usually growing on a small univalve shell. Orifice longer than broad, indented laterally. Mucro present

Lepralia edax

One or two conspicuous processes, each bearing an avicularium, near the orifice, which is often concealed. Avicularia in many cases found on other parts of the colony


31. Zooecia distant; or in single rows 32 Zooecia forming continuous expansions 36

32. An oval aperture, larger than the orifice 33

No aperture 34

33. A tubular process below the aperture, in some cases: zooecia very narrow below

Eucratea chelata, var. repens No tubular process below the aperture Membranipora

34. Peristome much raised below, collar-like Phylactella

Peristome not much raised below 35

35. Zooecia minute, much narrowed below. Orifice small, usually with a sinus Hippothoa

Zooecia not narrowed below. Orifice with a sinus Schizoporella

36. Zooecia partly separated by a thin calcareous crust. Colonies small

Zooecia contiguous

37. Zooecia pear-shaped. Orifice with a sinus Hippothoa expansa

Zooecia ovoid. Orifice subcircular, with a tubular peristome Lagenipora socialis

38. Orifice close to the upper end of the zooecium (unless crowned by an ovicell). Front of the zooecium marked by transverse or radiating furrows or lines. The very young zooecium may possess a membranous area, which becomes roofed in by the union of two lateral series of converging bars (Fig. 257)

39. Furrows with uniserial rows of pores (often minute), which

are rarely irregular

Cribrilina (Fig. 257, A)

No rows of pores. Distinct transverse lines or spaces and a median longitudinal suture between the bars

Membraniporella (Fig. 257, B)

40. Zooecia arranged in regular series 41

Zooecia irregularly[603] heaped together (cf. No. 30) Cellepora

41. Primary orifice conspicuous; with a sinus, or with a peristome extended or interrupted below, and sometimes simulating a sinus 42

Neither sinus[604] nor interrupted peristome

Surface of the old zooecia much thickened, so that the secondary orifice does not project beyond the most prominent parts of the zooecium. Secondary orifice concealing the primary orifice, wider above, enclosing a small avicularium below


Porella (Fig. 255, B, C)

42. Primary orifice with a sinus, but no tooth 43

A prominent tooth projects into the orifice from its lower side. Peristome interrupted or with a sinus. Surface of the old zooecia not much thickened


43. Orifice with a sinus and long spines. Peristome interrupted. Ovicell with a wedge-shaped or linear longitudinal fissure. Avicularia generally present, the avicularian zooecium conspicuous.


Orifice semicircular. Vibracula present, near the orifice.

Mastigophora (Fig. 241, B)

Orifice semicircular or subcircular. No vibracula; avicularia with vibraculoid mandibles may occur

Schizoporella (Fig. 239, B)

44. Zooecium with a median pore; or completely tubular above 45

Zooecium with no median pore. The orifice may be partially surrounded by a collar-like development of the peristome, but it is not completely tubular 49

45. Orifice not tubular. A median pore

Microporella (Fig. 241, A)

46. Zooecia

47. Orifice markedly tubular. Median pore conspicuous Porina tubulosa

Colony very small. Zooecia irregularly arranged, with no median pore Celleporella

48. Zooecia very convex, with a granular surface; ovicells set far back. Orifice wider than long

Mucronella microstoma

Young zooecia with stellate pores. A minute avicularium, or merely a pore, on the upper and lower sides of the orifice in some zooecia.

Anarthropora monodon

49. Front of zooecium with an elevated margin, enclosing an area

51. Avicularian or vibracular zooecia replacing an ordinary zooecium, or at least situated between the zooecia


Avicularia and vibracula absent, or if present not replacing a zooecium


52. Vibracula present. Colonies small. A pair of longitudinal slits within the area

Setosella vulnerata

Very large avicularia present. Ovicell closed by a movable lid. Orifice subcircular, with a minute lateral tooth on each side.

Thalamoporella[605] (Steganoporella) smittii

53. Orifice semicircular, quite at the upper end of the zooecium; usually with a knob on each side

Micropora coriacea[606] (Fig. 256, C)

A transverse chitinous plate lies immediately below the operculum. A vibraculoid spine may occur

Megapora ringens

54. Area entirely membranous, usually bordered by spines.

Membranipora (including Electra[607]) (Fig. 256, A)

Membranous portion reduced to a small portion, which may be variously lobed, enclosing the orifice.

Membranipora (other species) (Fig. 256, B)

55. Peristome present. No mucro 56

Peristome absent; or if present, with a mucro 57

See also Mucronella pavonella, No. 28).

56. Peristome collar-like, much raised below and at the sides of the orifice, deficient above. No avicularia

Orifice large, longer than broad. Peristome not deficient


above the orifice

57. Wall of zooecium thin, shiny, and without pores 58

Not agreeing with the characters given under No. 58 59

58. A minute avicularium above the orifice, or where an ovicell is present, situated at the summit of that structure. Zooecia not quite contiguous. Mucro sometimes present.

Chorizopora brongniartii

No avicularia. Ovicells on rudimentary zooecia, lying in a plane superficial to that of the rest of the colony. Zooecia long.

Schizoporella hyalina

59. A more or less distinct mucro or prominence beneath the orifice. 60

Mucro rarely present. Orifice nearly always longer than broad, or nearly circular, usually large, and slightly indented laterally.

60. A tooth projects into the orifice from its lower side 61 No tooth 62

61. Colony glistening. Orifice much obscured by the mucro and by stout spines developed from the peristome. Tooth (concealed in old zooecia) large, strongly curved to one side.

Rhynchopora (Rhynchozoon[608]) bispinosa

Tooth of the lower margin of the orifice symmetrical, sometimes bifid. Avicularia may be present laterally, but are not developed on the mucro

Mucronella (Fig. 255, A)

62. Orifice at least half the width of the zooecium, bordered below by a well-developed prominence or "umbo." Surface


of the zooecium strongly areolated round the margin


Orifice considerably less than half the width of the zooecium.

Schizoporella (Fig. 239, B)

Encrusting Cyclostomata.

63. Colony erect. Branches of two or one series of zooecia, divided at intervals by chitinous joints. Ovicells pearshaped.

Crisia (Fig. 237)

Colony erect, unjointed 69

Colony in the main adherent; or circular; or lobed

64. Colony more or less circular, discoidal or cup-shaped, sometimes forming secondary colonies by marginal budding 65

Colonies not circular

65. Zooecia separated by calcified interspaces, which may contain large pores, often difficult to distinguish from the orifices 66

No large pores as above. Orifices not spiny. Zooecia nearly always contiguous, except where an ovicell is developed

66. Colony composed of one or more convex discs, bearing radial ridges, each composed of many zooecia

Colony encircled by a thin calcareous lamina, which gives rise to new zooecia, its centre usually devoid of zooecia when adult, and often bearing the orifice(s) of the ovicell. Zooecial orifices often spiny.



67. Zooecia with a long, tubular, free portion, in some cases curved in a horizontal plane. Colony fan-shaped until a late stage.

Tubulipora flabellaris

Tubular portion absent, or for the most part curved in a vertical plane. Some of the orifices may be closed by a calcareous plate. Colony circular or bluntly lobed


68. Zooecia in one or few series, forming a linear or branched colony, which is closely adherent, but may give rise to short erect portions. Branches narrow, but often broadening at their ends. Zooecia usually with a free upper end


Colony broadly lobed, some of the zooecia in transverse or oblique ridges composed of contiguous zooecia, arranged like a row of organ-pipes

Idmonea serpens

Colony broadly lobed, or fan-shaped; zooecia in many series, which are not arranged like organ-pipes


69. Well branched. Orifices confined to one surface of the colony

70. Zooecia in transverse rows, their upper ends united in the manner of a row of organ-pipes. Ovicell (when present) an inflation of the front of the branch

Idmonea atlantica

Zooecia not in regular transverse rows. Ovicell (when present) large, mostly on the back of the branch


71. Branches cylindrical, their ends massive and raised into radial ridges, which carry the orifices

Domopora stellata

Ends of zooecia tubular, arranged all round the branch.


Encrusting Ctenostomata.

72. Colony entirely adherent, or forming thick, soft, erect lobes 73

Colony erect, well-branched, dark and opaque, resembling seaweed. Zooecia with a long tubular free portion

Anguinella palmata

73. Orifice large, with two distinct lips. A variable number of stout, brown spines. Encrusting

Flustrella hispida

Orifice small, rounded, borne by a more or less distinct papilla. Encrusting or erect. Zooecia crowded, rarely in single lines.


Orifice small, rounded. Zooecia widely separated, connected by narrow tubes


74. Axis of colony erect, usually branched 75 Axis creeping 79

75. Zooecia in elongated clusters, which occur at intervals 76 Zooecia not grouped; or in irregular groups; or in whorls 78

76. Zooecia regularly biserial 77

Zooecia long, less regularly arranged. Polypide with a gizzard.

Bowerbankia (Fig. 238)

77. Clusters of zooecia very regular, occurring immediately below a bifurcation of the axis. Zooecium with a broad base, not movable.

Amathia lendigera

Zooecia arranged like the pinnules of a leaf, with a constricted base, and movable on the branch

Mimosella gracilis

78. Main stem zigzag. Branchlets delicate, many ending in sharp points. Zooecia small, ovoid

Vesicularia spinosa

Axis jointed. Zooecia small, in small clusters. Polypide without a gizzard

Valkeria uva, var. cuscuta

Zooecia in whorls, attached to the axis by thread-like stalks, much longer than themselves

Hippuraria egertoni

79. Zooecia pear-shaped, produced at the lower end into a distinct stalk. Gizzard absent

Zooecia not distinctly stalked, although sometimes constricted at the base

80. Stalk long. Zooecium movable on its stalk, compressed, with a membranous area on one side. Twelve or more tentacles. Usually found on Crustacea


Stalk variable. Zooecium very transparent; orifice bilabiate. Ten to sixteen tentacles

Farrella repens

Zooecium very small, much elongated and narrow. Eight tentacles.

Valkeria tremula

(See also Arachnidium, No. 73).

81. Zooecia short, minute, with a few short spines on each side of its broadened base. Upper end tubular

Buskia nitens

Zooecia elongated 82

82. Zooecia transparent 84

Zooecia brown, often quite opaque 83

83. Zooecia large (about 1⁄16 inch long), distant, constricted at the base, bearing scattered bristles. Usually found on Crabs or Hydroids.

Avenella fusca

Zooecia tall, cylindrical, not constricted at the base.


84. Zooecia minute. Axis dilating at intervals into swellings, from which new zooecia originate. These may give rise to new stolons, or directly to new zooecia. No gizzard. Found in brackish or fresh water

Victorella pavida

Axis not dilated, as above 85

85. Zooecia small, in small groups. No gizzard Valkeria uva Zooecia long, scattered or in groups. Gizzard present. Bowerbankia (creeping forms)

It is highly probable that the Ctenostome genus Hypophorella[610] will before long be added to the British Fauna. The animal consists of delicate stolons, which give off small zooecia at intervals; and it is known to excavate passages in the substance of the tubes of certain Polychaet worms (Chaetopterus and Lanice).


Since the Chapter on the Chaetognatha was printed the following list[611] of "The Known Chaetognaths of American Waters" has appeared:—

1. Sagitta elegans Verr. This species resembles S. bipunctata (vide pp. 191 and 193), but differs in size, in the relative proportions of caudal and body segments, and in the presence of diverticula from the intestine.

2. Sagitta flaccida Con. This species resembles S. hexaptera (vide p. 193); it is, however, smaller (length, 1.3-1.8 cm.) and has more spines (anterior, 7-8, posterior, 10-12), and its tail segment is relatively smaller.

3. Sagitta tenuis Con. Length, 5.25 mm.; hooks, 7-8; anterior spines, 4-5; posterior spines, 7-10.

4. Sagitta hispida[612] Con. Length, 7-11 mm.; hooks, 8-9; anterior spines, 4-5; posterior spines, 8-15; tail segment onethird body length; intestine with two diverticula; sensory hairs very numerous.

5. Sagitta hexaptera (vide p. 193).

6. Krohnia hamata (vide p. 194).

7. Spadella maxima Con. Length, 5.2 cm.; hooks, 6; anterior spines, 3-5; posterior spines, 5-7; epidermal thickenings round the neck.

8. Spadella draco (vide p. 194).

9. Spadella schizoptera[612] Con. An opaque, yellowish-brown species living among algae. Length, 4 mm.; hooks, 8; anterior spines, 4-6; posterior spines wanting. Caudal segment occupies one-half the body length.

Professor Verrill states that the name S. gracilis (vide p. 191) was due to a clerical error, the species really referred to being S. elegans.


Every reference is to the page: words in italics are names of genera or species; figures in italics indicate that the reference relates to systematic position; figures in thick type refer to an illustration; f. = and in following page or pages; n. = note.

Acanella, as host, 298

Acanthobdella, 395

Acanthocephala, 123, 124, 174 f.; embryology, 179; classification, 181

Acanthocotyle, 73

Acanthodrilidae, 357, 362, 381, 383, 384

Acanthodrilus, 356, 363, 366, 372, 382, 384; chaetae, 350

Acanthozoon, 20

Accessory gut, of Polychaeta, 305

Aceros, 19

Achaeta, 445

Acholoe, 297

Aciculum, 247; fossil, 302

Acmostoma, 50

Acoela, 42; occurrence and habits, 43; reproduction, 47; classification, 49

Acotylea, 16 f., 17, 18

Acrorhynchus, 49; occurrence, 44

Actinotrocha larva, 458

Actinurus, 201, 222

Acyclus, 221

Adaptation, of Trematodes, 52, 62; of Cestodes, 74; of Nematodes, 161

Adherent, 523

Adineta, 204, 222, 227

Adventitious avicularia, 482

Aeolosoma, 349, 353, 354, 360, 370, 374, 375

Aetea, 518, 525

Agassiz, on Syllidae, 280

Alaurina claparedii, 49

Albertia, 204, 210, 213, 224, 227

Alciope, 315

Alciopids (Alciopina), 314; head, 263; parapodium, 265; habit, 291; light-organs, 294

Alciopina parasitica, 298

Alcyonella, 494, 505, 518

Alcyonellea, 518

Alcyonidium, 477, 480, 492, 518, 532; structure of zooecium, 469; reproduction, 507, 508; larva, 510, 511

Alimentary canal—see Digestive System

Alitta, 317

Allantonema, 131, 150, 151, 161

Allman, on Polyzoa, 474, 475

Alloeocoela, 43; habits, 46; reproduction, 47; classification, 50

Alloiogenesis, 66 n.

Allolobophora, 351, 367, 369, 371, 386, 389, 390 f.; cocoons, 365

Allostoma pallidum, 50

Alluroides, 379

Allurus, 351, 366, 370, 389; cocoons, 365 Alma, 352 f., 387

Alternation of generations, 66, 81, 281

Amathia, 481, 518, 532

Ammocharidae, 258, 325

Ammotrypane, 273, 331; intestine, 271

Ampharete, 330

Ampharetidae, 258, 330

Amphibia, Trematodes of, 55, 62, 71, 72; Nematodes of, 163

Amphichaeta, 377

Amphicoerus, 49

Amphicora, 339

Amphicorine, gill, 261

Amphicorinidae, 258, 339

Amphicteis, 330

Amphictenidae, 258, 330

Amphiglena, 273, 339

Amphileptus, 235

Amphilina, 91

Amphinome, eye of, 255; A. smaragdina, colour, 293

Amphinomidae, 258, 318; shape, 259; caruncle, 260, 273 n.; head, 262, 263; parapodium, 264; cirri, 265; chaetae, 267, 267; in Lepas, 297

Amphiporus, 102, 114; British species, 110

Amphiptyches, 77

Amphistomatidae, 73

Amphistomum, 71, 73; A. hominis, 63

Amphitrite, 327, 328; gill, 329

Ampullaria, Temnocephala with, 53

Anachaeta, 350, 376, 395

Anal, cirri, 259; funnel, 259, 332, 333; vesicles, 358, 436

Anangian worms, 253

Anarthropora, 529

Ancylostomum, 143, 163

Andrews, on Sipunculus, 417, 426

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