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Theory and Statistical Applications of Stochastic Processes
Series Editor Nikolaos Limnios
Theory and Statistical Applications of Stochastic Processes
Yuliya Mishura Georgiy Shevchenko
First published 2017 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2017953309
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Let (Ω, F , P) beaprobabilityspace.Here, Ω isasamplespace,i.e.acollectionof allpossibleoutcomesorresultsoftheexperiment,and F isa σ -field;inotherwords, (Ω, F ) isameasurablespace,and P isaprobabilitymeasureon F .Let (S , Σ) be anothermeasurablespacewith σ -field Σ,andletusconsiderthefunctionsdefined onthespace (Ω, F ) andtakingtheirvaluesin (S , Σ).Recallthenotionofrandom variable.
D EFINITION 1.1.– A randomvariable ontheprobabilityspace (Ω, F ) withthevalues inthemeasurablespace (S , Σ) isameasurablemap Ω ξ →S ,i.e.amapforwhichthe followingconditionholds:thepre-image ξ 1 (B ) ofanyset B ∈ Σ belongsto F Equivalentformsofthisdefinitionare:forany B ∈ Σ,wehavethat
2)Thepriceofcertainassetsonafinancialmarket.Here, (Ω, F ) candependon themodelofthemarket,andthespace S ,asarule,coincideswith R+ =[0, +∞).
3)Coordinatesofamovingairplaneatsomemomentoftime.Peopleuse differentcoordinatesystemstodeterminethecoordinatesoftheairplanethathas threecoordinatesatanytime.Thecoordinatesaretimedependentandrandom,to someextent,becausetheyareundertheinfluenceofmanyfactors,someofwhichare random.Here, S = R3 fortheCartesiansystem,or S = R2 × [0, 2π ] forthe cylindricalsystem,or S = R × [0,π ] × [0, 2π ] forthesphericalsystem.
Now,weformalizethenotionofastochastic(random)process,definedon (Ω, F , P).Wewilltreatarandomprocessasasetofrandomvariables.Thatsaid, introducetheparameterset T withelements t : t ∈ T.
D EFINITION 1.2.– Stochasticprocessontheprobabilityspace (Ω, F , P), parameterizedbytheset T andtakingvaluesinthemeasurablespace (S , Σ),isaset ofrandomvariablesoftheform
Xt = {Xt (ω ),t ∈ T,ω ∈ Ω}, where Xt (ω ): T × Ω → S .
Thus,eachparametervalue t ∈ T isassociatedwiththerandomvariable Xt taking itsvaluein S .Sometimes,wecall S aphasespace.Theoriginofthetermcomes fromthephysicalapplicationsofstochasticprocesses,ratherthanfromthephysical problemswhichstimulatedthedevelopmentofthetheoryofstochasticprocessestoa largeextent.
Thelastdesignationisthebestinthesensethatitdescribestheentireprocessas asetoftherandomvariables.Thedefinitionofarandomprocesscanberewrittenas follows:forany t ∈ T andanyset B ∈ Σ
X 1 t (B ) ∈F .
Anotherform:forany t ∈ T andanyset B ∈ Σ
{ω : Xt (ω ) ∈ B }∈F
Ingeneral,thespace S candependonthevalueof t, S = St ,but,inthisbook, space S willbefixedforanyfixedstochasticprocess X = {Xt ,t ∈ T}.If S = R, thentheprocessiscalledrealorreal-valued.Additionally,weassumeinthiscase that Σ= B (R),i.e. (S , Σ)=(R, B (R)),where B (S ) isaBorel σ -fieldon S .If
S = C,theprocessiscalledcomplexorcomplex-valued,andif S = Rd ,d> 1, theprocessiscalledvectororvector-valued.Inthiscase, (S , Σ)=(C, B (C)) and (S , Σ)=(Rd , B (Rd )),respectively.
Concerningtheparameterset T,asarule,itisinterpretedasatimeset.Ifthetime parameteriscontinuous,thenusuallyeither T =[a,b],or [a, +∞) or R.Ifthetime parameterisdiscrete,thenusuallyeither T = N =1, 2, 3,...,or T = Z+ = N ∪ 0 or T = Z.
Theparametersetcanbemultidimensional,e.g. T = Rm ,m> 1.Inthiscase, wecalltheprocessarandomfield.Theparametersetcanalsobemixed,thesocalledtime–spaceset,becausewecanconsidertheprocessesoftheform X (t,x)= X (t,x,ω ),where (t,x) ∈ R+ × Rd .Inthiscase,weinterpret t astimeand x ∈ Rd asthecoordinateinthespace Rd
Let X = {Xn ,n ∈ Z+ } bearandomwalk, Xn = n i=0 ξi ,andtherandom variables {ξi ,i ≥ 0} bemutuallyindependent.Evidently,forany 0 ≤ n1 <n2 < ...<nk ,therandomvariables
aremutuallyindependent;therefore, X isaprocesswithdiscretetimeandindependent increments.Randomprocesseswithcontinuoustimeandindependentincrementsare consideredindetailinChapter2.
Let {Xt ,t ∈ T} beastochasticprocesswiththevaluesinsomeset S .Introduce thenotation S T = {y = y (t),t ∈ T} forthefamilyofallfunctionsdefinedon T andtakingvaluesin S .Anothernotationcanbe S T = ×t∈T St ,withall St = S or simply S T = ×t∈T S ,whichemphasizesthatanyelementfrom S T iscreatedinsuch awaythatwetakeallpointsfrom T,assigningapointfrom S toeachofthem.For example,wecanconsider S [0,∞) or S [0,T ] forany T> 0.Now,thetrajectoriesofa randomprocess X belongtotheset S T .Thus,consideringthetrajectoriesaselements oftheset S T ,wegetthemapping X :Ω →S T ,thattransformsanyelementof Ω intosomeelementof S T .Wewouldliketoaddressthequestionofthemeasurability ofthismapping.Tothisend,weneedtofinda σ -field ΣT ofsubsetsof S T suchthat themapping X is F -ΣT -measurable,andthis σ -fieldshouldbethesmallestpossible. First,letusproveanauxiliarylemma.
L EMMA 1.1.– Let Q and R betwospaces.Assumethat Q isequippedwith σ -field F ,and R isequippedwith σ -field G ,where G isgeneratedbysomeclass K ,i.e. G = σ (K ).Then,themapping f : Q→R is F -G -measurableifandonlyifitis F -K -measurable,i.e.forany A ∈ K ,thepre-imageis f 1 (A) ∈F .
P ROOF.–Necessityisevident.Toprovesufficiency,weshouldcheckthat,inthecase wherethepre-imagesofallsetsfrom K undermapping f belongto F ,thepre-images ofallsetsfrom G undermapping f belongto F aswell.Introducethefamilyofsets
K1 = {B ∈G : f 1 (B ) ∈F}
Thepropertiesofpre-imagesimplythat K1 isa σ -field.Indeed,
f 1 ∞ n=1 Bn = ∞ n=1
f 1 (Bn ) ∈F ,
if f 1 (Bn ) ∈F ,
f 1 (C2 \ C1 )= f 1 (C2 ) \ f 1 (C1 ) ∈F , if f 1 (C1 ) ∈F ,i =1, 2,and f 1 (R)= Q∈F .Itmeansthat K1 ⊃ σ (K )= G , whencetheprooffollows.
Therefore,tocharacterizethemeasurabilityofthetrajectories,wemustfinda “reasonable”subclassofsetsof S T ,theinverseimagesofwhichbelongto F .
D EFINITION 1.6.– Letthepoint t0 ∈ T andtheset A ⊂S ,A ∈ Σ befixed. Elementarycylinder withbase A overpoint t0 isthefollowingsetfrom S T :
C (t0 ,A)= {y = y (t) ∈S T : y (t0 ) ∈ A}.
If S = R and A issomeinterval,then C (t0 ,A) isrepresentedschematicallyin Figure1.4.Elementarycylinderconsistsofthefunctionswhosevaluesatpoint t0 belongtotheset A.
Let Kel betheclassofelementarycylinders,and Kel = σ (Kel ),withthe σ -field beinggeneratedbytheelementarycylinders.
T HEOREM 1.1.– Foranystochasticprocess X = {Xt ,t ∈ T},themapping X : Ω → S T ,whichassignstoanyelement ω ∈ Ω thecorrespondingtrajectory X ( ,ω ), is F –Kel -measurable.
P ROOF.–Accordingtolemma1.1,itissufficienttocheckthatthemapping X is F –Kel -measurable.Lettheset C (t0 ,A) ∈ Kel .Then,thepre-image X 1 (C (t0 ,A))= {ω ∈ Ω: X (t0 ,ω ) ∈ A}∈F ,andthetheoremisproved.
C OROLLARY 1.1.– The σ -field Kel ,generatedbytheelementarycylinders,isthe smallest σ -field ΣT suchthatforanystochasticprocess X ,themapping ω →{Xt (Ω),t ∈ T} is F -ΣT -measurable.
Let X = {Xt ,t ∈ T} beastochasticprocesstakingitsvaluesinthemeasurable space (S , Σ).Forany k ≥ 0,considerthespace S (k ) ,thatis,aCartesianproductof S : S (k ) = S×S× ... ×S k = ×k i=1 S .
R EMARK 1.2.–Assumenowthat S = R andconsiderthecharacteristicfunctionsthat correspondtothefinite-dimensionaldistributionsofstochasticprocess X .Denote
ψ (λ1 ,...,λk ; t1 ,...,tk )=Eexp ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ i k j =1 λj Xtj ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ ,
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In Line, from muzzle to muzzle 15 yards.
In Column of Route 177 ” ” Sub-divisions 87 ” ” Divisions 87 ” ” Half battery 72 ”
A Gun, or Waggon, with 4 Horses covers 11 yards of ground, from front to rear.
For every additional pair of Horses 4 yards should be added.
A Battery of 6 Guns, when limbered up at full intervals, occupies from
Right to left 78 yards.
Front to rear 26 yards.
On each flank, 22 additional yards should be allowed.
A battery of 6 Guns, when unlimbered for Action, at full intervals, occupies from
Right to left 78 yards.
Front to rear 37 yards.
The space required for reversing a Gun with 4 Horses is 9 yards, and for a Waggon about 8 yards.
A Block, or Trail. J Tire, or Streak. g Portfire clipper q Handspike shoe.
B Cheeks, or Brackets. K Rivets. h Locking plate. r Handspike pin.
C Axletree. L Tire, or Streak bolts. i Trail plate bolt. s Handspike ring.
D Ogee. a Eye, or Capsquare bolts. k Trail plate. t Axletree arms.
E Trunnion holes. b Capsquares. l Trail plate eye. u Dragwashers.
F Wheel. c Axletree bands. m Chain eye bolt. v Nave hoops.
G Felly. d Bracket bolts. n Locking chain. w Elevating screw.
H Spokes. e Transom bolts. o Breast, or advancing chain. x Handles of elevating screw.
I Nave. f Trunnion plates. p Trail handles. y Elevating screw box.
P 9 PR B F C .
Section 5. Method of performing the duties of serving ordnance.
Section 6. Ranges.
Section 7. Method of laying a piece of ordnance.
Section 8. Limbering up.
F ( , , ) | Halt: Limber up.
Section 9. Unlimbering, or coming into action.
To the front, rear, right or left. The reverse of limbering up.
Section 10. Moving with the Prolonge.
P .
T .
Nos. 1
Right about face.
H . Front.
U P .
P .
Nos. 3
A Drive on.
Section 11. Mounting field ordnance, with the materials belonging to the battery.
Section 12. Dismounting field ordnance, with the materials belonging to the battery.
Section 13. Shifting shafts.
Section 14. Disengaging a shaft horse, when he falls, or is disabled in action.
Section 15. Changing wheels, when the lifting jack is not at hand.
Section 16. Shifting the medium 12 pounder.
Section 17. To remove disabled field artillery.
Section 18. Exercise with Drag-ropes.
1. A light 6 pounder with its limber requires 15 men, six of whom are told off entirely for the drag-ropes, the other men at the gun also assisting in manning them: No. 9 is always in the shafts, and No. 8 at the point of the shaft, near side. A 9 pounder requires additional men, and a double set of drag-ropes.
2. The drag-rope men are numbered off from 10 upward. Nos. 10, 12, 14, are with the left drag-rope; 11, 13, 15, with the right; 10, 11, carry the drag-ropes.
3. The gun being limbered up, and the detachment and drag-rope men in the order of march, at the word “H ,” Nos. 8 and 9 get into their places; 10 and 11 move outside the gun detachments to the rear, and hook on to the gun drag-washers, passing the end of the drag-ropes at once to the front.
The Nos. then man the drag-ropes as follows:—Nos. 10 and 11 outside, close to the drag-washer; 2, 12, 3, and 13 the centre of the drag-rope; 4, 14, 5, and 15 the front; 6 and 7 the ends The gun detachments inside, and the drag-rope men outside. No. 1 at the point of the shafts, off-side. At the word “U ,” Nos. 10 and 11
unhook, coil up the drag-ropes; and the whole then form the order of march.
4. At the word “A ,” whether to the “ ,” “ ,” “ ,” or “ ,” the drag-ropes are at once quitted; Nos. 10 and 11 unhook, and coil them up; and the whole of the drag-rope men retire with the limber, forming in front of it two deep, as they were numbered off. In limbering up, the drag-rope men form the order of march, and wait for the word to hook on.
A battery of Artillery is generally composed of six pieces of ordnance, to which a Company of Artillery is attached. The number of ammunition, forge, and store waggons varies according to the nature of the ordnance.
Section 19. Fitting of saddles, bridles, harness, &c.
Section 20. Harnessing.
Section 21. Carrying forage.
Section 22. Instruction for Drivers.
Section 23. Parade, and inspection.
The Battery, limbered up, is told off by sub-divisions, divisions, and half batteries.
One gun and its waggon constitute a sub-division.
Two sub-divisions ” a division.
Three sub-divisions ” a half battery.
The battery is numbered from right to left by sub-divisions. It is then told off into three divisions. No. 1 the right; No. 2 the centre; No. 3 the left. Sub-divisions Nos 1, 3, and 5 are also distinguished as right sub-divisions of divisions; and Nos. 2, 4, and 6 the left; the two centre sub-divisions are also to be named. It is also told off into half batteries, and these are distinguished by right, centre, and left subdivisions of half batteries. The gun of direction should always be
named. A flank gun is generally named with a battery of four guns, and the right centre gun with a battery of six guns.
Spare carriages, with the battery, form a third, and, if necessary, a fourth line, in rear. The forge and store-waggon always in the centre, and the ammunition waggons on the flanks, covering those in the front line.
Section 24. Posts, and duties of Officers, and mounted Noncommissioned officers, &c., at exercise.
Second Captain.
In line, limbered up.—One horse’s length in rear of the centre.
In column.—Two horses’ length from the centre on the reverse flank.
In action.—He assists the Captain in general superintendence.
He dresses all points of formation, gives the word “Steady,” when they have been correctly taken up, and the formation completed. When required he commands a division.
In line, limbered up.—The senior on the right of the right division; the second on the left of the left division; the junior on the right of the centre division.
In column of route.—On the pivot flanks of their leading subdivisions.
In column of divisions.—On the pivot flanks of their respective divisions.
In column of half-batteries.—The subaltern of the centre division, on the pivot flank of the leading half battery. The others continue on the same flank of their sub-divisions as when in line.
In action.—Between the guns of their divisions, a little in rear. They command the divisions to which they are attached, dressing in line with, and close to the leaders, and always with the guns.
In shifting from one flank to the other —It is always along the front, and at a canter; and in joining the new sub-division, the officer always turns his horse’s head inwards.
Staff Serjeants.
In line, limbered up.—The senior on the right of the marker of the right division. The junior on the left of the marker of the left division.
In column of route.—One on the reverse flank of the leading gun; the other on the pivot flank of the rear carriage.
In column of divisions.—One between the guns of the leading, the other between the guns of the rear division.
In column of half-batteries.—On the reverse flank of the waggons of each half battery.
They take up points in changes of position. In line formations, 10 yards from the flank sub-divisions; in column formations, 10 yards in front and rear. They dress the markers when there is no staff officer; and the limbers and waggons in action.
In line, limbered up.—In line with the leaders of the waggons, and covering their officers.
In column of route.—With their leading waggons covering their officers. (Without waggons, covering their officers, and in line with the centre horses of the gun.)
In column of divisions, and half-batteries.—They cover their officers. (Without waggons, on the reverse flank of their divisions.)
In action.—Those of the right, and centre divisions on the right of the leaders of the limbers of their right sub-divisions. The marker of the left division, on the left of the leaders of the limber of the left subdivision.
They take up points in changes of position; in line formations, for the sub-division nearest the one of formation; in column formations, for the pivot sub-division.
Farriers, and Artificers.
The farrier is generally attached to the forge; but when the battery is limbered up he is in the centre, in rear of the second captain. The other artificers are told off in the gun detachments when not mounted.
In line, limbered up.—On the right of the battery, in line with it, one horse’s length distant.
In column.—One horse’s length in front.
During manœuvres.—One with the commander; the other in rear of the battery.
Section 25. B .
1. To advance. Commanding officer’s word of command repeated by officers.
[16]T —M .
The officer, and marker of the subdivision of direction take up points.
2. To retire.
R ( ) —M .
3. To come into action.
A .
Senior staff-serjeants.—Left reverse.
4. To diminish (or increase) intervals on the march.
To diminish.
H , , — -
Nos. 1. Right (or left) half turn—Trot —Front turn—Trot—(except No. 1 of