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Data Science and Digital Business Fausto Pedro García
Yang[70]statedthatMCDAcanbeusedtoperformmulti-attributeperformance assessmentamongalternatives,wherethereisnosingleattributemeasuringthe overallperformance.ThedevelopmentofMCDAhelpsthecomparisoninagroupof choicesunderuncertainenvironment.Also,theevidentialreasoning(ER)approach canbeusedtomodelandaggregatethedecisionmaker ’spreferencelogicallyinto theassessment.Dongetal.[18]pointsoutthatbothLCAandMCDAcanbe introducedintoassessment,sothatthethreeaspectsofenergy,environmentand economycanbejudgedtogetherfordifferenttypesofgreenenergyapplications. ThenormalizedmodelofMCDAproblemis, max A Ar F ðAÞ
Here, A isanalternativeapproach(i.e.,decisionvariable)anditbelongstoasetof alternatives Ar ¼ A1 ; A2 ; ...; Am fg,inwhicheveryelementisacontrolledvariable andhastosatisfycertainconstraintconditions. FAðÞ isanattributevectorfunction FAðÞ¼ f1 A ðÞ; f2 A ðÞ; ; fn ðAÞ ½ T ,where fj A ðÞðj ¼ 1; 2; ; nÞ istheattributevalue
of A approachundertheattributes C1 ; C2 ; ; Cn ðÞ.AnMCDAproblemcanalsobe expressedbyamatrix D ¼ðfij Þm n ,where fij istheevaluationvalueofapproach Ai underthe jth attribute, i 2 I ¼ 1; 2; ...; m fg isthesetofalternativeindicators,and j 2 J ¼ 1; 2; ...; n fg isthesetofattributeindicators.Thevalueof fij canbeeither quantitativeorqualitative(suchasgood,bad,high,low).Therefore,therowvector fi ¼ fi1 ; fi2 ; ; fin ðÞ isthevalueofapproach Ai undereveryattribute,thecolumn vector fj ¼ f1j ; f2j ; ; fmj isthevalueofeveryapproachonthe jth attribute.
20.EUITRE(2010)EuropeanParliament,DecentralizedEnergySystems,DirectorateGeneral forInternalPolicyDepartmentA:EconomicandScienti ficPolicyIndustry,Researchand Energy
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WOOD, IRVING FRANCIS.[2] Heroes of early Israel. il *$2 Macmillan 220.9
“‘Heroes of early Israel’ is one of the Great leaders series. It seeks to tell in a popular manner the stories of the old Hebrew heroes whose lives are too often lost for the young in the more difficult portions of the Bible.”—N Y Times
Booklist 17:93 D ’20
“The book is intended especially for use in schools, but many will like to put it into the hands of their children as an introduction to Biblical study.” Hildegarde Hawthorne
N Y Times p9 D 12 ’20 70w
WOOD, LEONARD. Leonard Wood on national issues; comp. by Evan J. David. pa *$1.25 (8c) Doubleday 308
“In compiling this book the object has been to collect representative statements from the speeches and writings of General Leonard Wood on national problems.” (Compiler’s introd.) Among
the subjects covered are: How Cuba won self-determination; Capital, labor and the golden rule; American women—today and tomorrow; War and peace; The league of nations; The farmer his rights and wrongs; Teachers, moulders of the future; Immigration without assimilation: Americanization. In addition to the compiler’s introduction there is a foreword by Edward S. Van Zile.
WOODBERRY, GEORGE EDWARD. Roamer, and other poems. *$1.75 Harcourt 811
The greater part of the book is taken up by “The roamer, ” a long poem in four books symbolizing the soul’s pilgrimage through the ages and its upward progress. A sonnet sequence, Ideal passion, Poems of the great war, and a group of Sonnets and lyrics complete the volume.
“For those who like conventional, idealistic poetry.”
Booklist 16:339 Jl ’20
“Mr Woodberry’s lines are penned with such precision, dignity, and grace, and express so noble an enterprise, that one feels they should not be allowed to perish without protest. And yet they fail to stir. Is it that Mr Woodberry is too much merely the inheritor of Victorian maladies and philosophies?” L. M. R.
Freeman 2:21 S 15 ’20 320w
“As an occasional poet Mr Woodberry is not exciting after the occasion has passed; in the present period of enforced listlessness toward the war, his poems on that occasion, at least, seem good work thrown away, seem good words robbed of their right to ring. Mr Woodberry is more surely a poet when he is a Platonist, as in ‘Ideal passion,’ on the whole the most vibrant portion of his recent output.” Mark Van Doren
Nation 111:sup415 O 13 ’20 220w
“Professor Woodberry’s book must be accounted one of the genuine poetical achievements of the year, but it will hardly make a wide appeal to this generation.” H. S. Gorman
N Y Times 25:18 Jl 25 ’20 380w
“‘Ideal passion’ is excellent, while the ‘Roamer’ is valuable only to specialists in literature or disciples of Mr Woodberry. The shorter poems in the volume are vastly better than the ‘Roamer,’ but attain no equality with ‘Ideal passion.’” O. W. Firkins
Review 3:170 Ag 25 ’20 800w
WOODHOUSE, HENRY. Textbook of applied aeronautic engineering. il *$6 Century 629.1
“The bulk of this book is devoted to a description of existing machines, but in the first chapter the author declares that for
commercial success the aeroplane should be built to carry twenty tons of useful load, and considers how this can be done. Other chapters consist largely of reprints of papers and documents, many from American sources, relating to aeroplane and seaplane engineering in the U.S.A. navy, the theory of flight, rigging, alinement, maintenance and repairs, and the value of plywood in fuselage construction.” The Times [London] Lit Sup
Boston Transcript p6 S 1 ’20 400w
Cordage and cordage hemp and fibres. (Pitman’s common commodities and industries ser.) il $1
Pitman 677
An introductory chapter suggesting something of the early history of cordage is followed by: Definition of cordage and sources of fibres; Classification of fibres; The cultivation of hemp; Retting, breaking and scutching; The cultivation of plants for hard fibres; The preparing and spinning machinery for hemp and other soft fibres; The preparing and spinning machinery for manila and other hard fibres; Twines, cords and lines; Ropes and rope-making; Yarn numbering; Marketing. There are 31 illustrations and an index. The
authors are connected with the Dundee technical college and school of art.
N Y P L New Tech Bks p41 Ap ’20 50w
WOODS, ARTHUR. Policeman and public.
*$1.35 Yale univ. press 352.2
“‘The policeman and public,’ by Lieut.-Col. Arthur Woods, former police commissioner of New York city, places in book form the author’s lectures in the Dodge course at Yale on the ‘Responsibilities of citizenship.’ Points discussed are: The puzzling law; The policeman as Judge; The people’s advocate; Methods of law enforcement; Esprit de corps; Reward and punishment; Grafting; Influence; Police leadership; and The public’s part.” Springf’d Republican
“Throughout the book is a sympathetic discussion of the problems from the standpoint of the policeman. At the same time Mr Woods appreciates the reasons for the sometimes hostile attitude of the public toward the police.” J. L. Gillin
Am J Soc 25:794 My ’20 600w
Reviewed by
G. H. McCaffrey
Am Pol Sci R 14:527 Ag ’20 340w
“A popular and interesting presentation of the problems and methods of the police, and of the ways in which the public may cooperate to add effectiveness to the service.”
Booklist 16:190 Mr ’20
“Colonel Woods has done a great service to the policemen of the entire country by putting their case fairly before the public.”
Boston Transcript p4 Ap 21 ’20 120w
“The little book is instructive and intensely interesting.”
Cath World 111:118 Ap ’20 220w
Outlook 124:203 F 4 ’20 70w
“Entertaining and instructive, not only to those connected with an important branch of municipal government and to applicants for places therein but to the public generally.”
Springf’d Republican p6 D 30 ’19 300w
“They are made lively reading by a mass of illustrative anecdotes.”
WOODS, GLENN H. Public school orchestras and bands. il $2 Ditson 785
In realization of the growing importance of music in our educational curriculum this book is offered to meet in particular the needs of the teacher who has no knowledge of instrumental music. It emphasizes three essentials for the instrumental work in the public school system: that the instruments for the band and orchestra be supplied to the children; that the work begin in the lower grades of the elementary schools and be carried through the high school; and that the instruction be given by special teachers of instrumental music. Among the contents are: Importance of instrumental instruction; Preparation of teachers: How to organize instrumental instruction; Instruction in the elementary schools; Instruction in the high schools; Conducting; Suggestions about tuning; How to assemble an orchestra score; Transposition; List of band and orchestra music, and instruction books. There is an appendix and numerous illustrations.
“For music leaders who lack professional training this book will be most helpful. It is practical, concise, and is written by one who has first-hand knowledge of the problem.”
WOODWORTH, HERBERT G. In the shadow of Lantern street. *$1.75 (1½c) Small
The hero of this story is a little boy in China when the story opens. He knows nothing of his parentage and believes himself to be Chinese. But he really is white and his American father, altho unwilling to recognize his son, still takes him, at sixteen, back to the United States and educates him. Most of the story is taken up with the tale of the young man ’ s striving to accommodate himself to American ideals, especially in relation to women. Two women come into his life, Bess and Barbara. To Bess he found marriage to mean the reversal of the Chinese idea her husband was to become her chattel. Fortunately he found out in time and with Barbara is promised the happiness that comes with love that means partnership.
“It is apparent that Mr Woodworth knows China well, for he has framed in these early pages a picture that is very foreign and that contains a large number of realistic details. If Mr Woodworth had succeeded in keeping his entire novel as vivid as these early chapters it would have been no mean achievement.”
D. L. M.
Boston Transcript p9 My 8 ’20 1000w
“There is some good material in the book, but the treatment lacks color, and shows no sense either of dramatic values, of style or of character. Such faint interest as the story has flickers out entirely as soon as the hero leaves China, which he does on the sixty-third page. ”
“The early portions of the narrative are interesting because of an atmosphere of adventure and exploration; the later phases are speculative and analytical.”
− + + N Y Times 25:4 Mr 7 ’20 300w
Springf’d Republican p11a S 5 ’20 250w
WOOLF, LEONARD SIDNEY. Empire and commerce in Africa; a study in economic imperialism. *$7 Macmillan 960
(Eng ed 20–3421)
“Omitting consideration of Egypt, Mr Woolf records in detail the history of those portions of Africa which fell under the influence of European imperialism. Separate chapters are devoted to Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli, Abyssinia, Zanzibar, and the Belgian Congo. In all cases the sequence of events as disclosed by the narrative is much the same. The awakening of covetous desire in the hearts of European statesmen; the entering wedge of commercial or financial enterprize, ostensibly promoted by private initiative but in reality fostered by the state; the eventual declaration by the home government of its intention to guarantee the integrity of the economic advantages thus gained by its citizens; the marking out of spheres of influence; the friction aroused between the powers by the crossing of imperialistic purposes, and the threat of war; the adjustment of these international differences by the devious methods of diplomacy, and the final emergence of the victor secure in the possession of the spoils. No patriotic bias is shown in the record. France, Italy, England, Germany, and Belgium are accused impartially of sordid
motives and heartless conduct. A generous equipment of maps illustrates the text, and a reproduction of the necessary documents lends support to the narrative of diplomatic intrigue.” Am Econ R
“A high order of merit is shown by the writer in his skillful disentangling of the strands of intrigue in which the imperialistic aims of the rival states are involved, and in the accomplishment of his main intent: to set forth clearly the sequence of events which discloses the true purpose of Europe in its penetration into Africa. Even those readers who cannot agree that a single motive actuates the modern state in its imperial policy will find this study of the progress of empire in Africa illuminating and suggestive.” E. S. Furniss
Am Econ R 10:575 S ’20 1100w
Reviewed by W. E. B. Du Bois
Nation 111:352 S 25 ’20 580w
“This is a book of great value and startling candor. It will remind some of a Veblen satire, but it is more concrete and human than that.” W. E. B. Du Bois
Survey 44:310 My 29 ’20 700w
“The merits of the book are that it bears evidence of much research, though always on the one side and directed to proving what the author wants to prove, and that it is not greatly disfigured by indiscriminate abuse or by anti-patriotic bias.”
WOOLF, VIRGINIA (STEPHEN) (MRS LEONARD WOOLF). Night and day. *$2.25 Doran
A long and slow-moving story dealing with a criss-crossing of love affairs. Katharine Hilbery, granddaughter of the poet Alardyce, is engaged with her mother in writing the poet’s life. Her father is editor of a literary review and all her associations are of a literary character. In secret however her predilections are for mathematics and she spends lonely midnight hours with Euclid. She becomes engaged to William Rodney, author of poetic dramas, altho she feels herself drawn to Ralph Denham, a masterful young man of no family or position. Ralph maintains a platonic friendship with Mary Datchet, a suffrage worker, who loves him and refuses his lukewarm offer of marriage for that reason. Katharine’s cousin Cassandra comes to town and captivates William, setting Katharine free to marry Ralph. This leaves everyone provided for except Mary, who continues to devote her life to causes. Considerable care is devoted to the delineation of minor characters.
“It is impossible to refrain from comparing ‘Night and day’ with the novels of Miss Austen. There are moments, indeed, when one is almost tempted to cry it Miss Austen up-to-date. It is extremely cultivated, distinguished and brilliant, but above all deliberate. There is not a chapter where one is unconscious of the writer, of her personality, her point of view, and her control of the situation.” K. M.
Ath p1227 N 21 ’19 1350w
“The half expressed thought, the interrupted sentences by which the action of ‘Night and day’ proceeds, are baffling. Carry this sort of thing a few steps further and you have Maeterlinck. Yet even this intent study of a fragmentary and delicate thing strikes one as in the spirit of Tennyson’s ‘flower in the crannied wall’ whose complete comprehension means comprehension of what God and man is.” R. M. Underhill
Bookm 51:685 Ag ’20 350w
“‘Night and day’ is perhaps less fine than ‘The voyage out’; it is not quite all of a piece as the other book almost miraculously is, or perhaps the ancient fact that comedy is less impressive than tragedy weighs in its effect. But it is an ample book.” C. M. Rourke
New Repub 22:320 My 5 ’20 350w
“This novel of Mrs Woolf’s is profoundly irritating. She has devoted such fine ability, such remarkable understanding, to the description of the doings of people profoundly unimportant and insignificant.”
N Y Evening Post p22 O 23 ’20 200w
“All of the characters are drawn with art; their thoughts and actions are minutely observed and dissected. In point of literary style the book is distinctive.”
N Y Times p20 D 5 ’20 450w
“The narrative moves tardily along, and to the story, as such, one becomes somewhat indifferent. But in fresh characterization of its people and in charming pictures of England, especially of London, the work never fails.”
Springf’d Republican p8 D 7 ’20 200w
“Round each scene and round the tale as a whole sound sympathetic notes, that are not definitely struck, but respond to those which are. We feel the dignity of a love-story worthily told. We see much more than we are shown. ‘Night and day’ is a book full of wisdom.” The Times [London] Lit Sup p607 O 30 ’19 1250w
Voyage out. *$2.25 (1½c) Doran
In this kaleidoscopic picture of real life, people come and go with all their commonplace attributes. They are natural people and act naturally without any dramatic high lights to throw them into relief. To make the events transpire in a little world of their own a shipboard is chosen and a tourist’s hotel on a South-American mountain side. Helen Ambrose, wife of a Greek scholar, is put in charge of a niece, twenty years her junior, who at the age of twentyfour is still a child in world wisdom and experience. Helen, with rare insight and good sense, undertakes to initiate her into a larger life. In
South America they meet the tourists a variety of types compressed into a miniature world. Here Rachel unfolds and the greatest of experiences, love, comes her way, and there it all ends. Rachel falls a victim to the treacherous climate.
“To the reviewer, the opportunity to read about people who are real, but intelligent, is an unusual delight. These people employ selfcontrol and common sense, even as you and I, and the plot proceeds without misunderstanding or murder.” R. M. Underhill
Bookm 51:685 Ag ’20 350w
“The story is strangely lacking in construction. It has neither beginning nor end nor single point of view, but it is thoroly interesting, a distinctly unusual book.”
Ind 103:53 Jl 10 ’20 250w
“For all its tragic interest ‘The voyage out’ is not low-keyed; it even has a slight buoyancy of tone, as if clear perception itself brought a continual zest to its writer. Mrs Woolf has the diversity of power which makes the great writer of narrative.” C. M. Rourke
New Repub 22:320 My 5 ’20 1150w
“This English novel gives promise in its opening chapters of much entertainment. Later, the reader is disappointed. That the author knows her London in its most interesting aspects there can be no doubt. But aside from a certain cleverness which, being all in one key, palls on one after going through a hundred pages of it there is little in this offering to make it stand out from the ruck of mediocre novels which make far less literary pretension.”
N Y Times 25:308 Je 13 ’20 450w
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton
Review 3:318 O 13 ’20 620w
“As a first novel, it shows promise but is not well-rounded. Portrayal of women and scholarly elderly men is keen and well handled; that of younger and ‘red-blooded’ young men somewhat unsatisfactory.”
Springf’d Republican p9a Jl 4 ’20 380w
Clothing: choice, care, cost. (Lippincott’s family life ser.) il *$2 Lippincott 646
“This book faces the every-day living conditions of the people and treats clothing in its selection, use, care and cost. It is the result of many years of personal experience in technical and popular instruction in textiles and clothing to college students, ... to women ’ s clubs, to young wage earners, ... to buyers and managers in the retail trade, and recently, during the war, as a textile specialist in the service of the government among home keepers and extension leaders.” (Preface) Contents: Thrift in clothing; Woolen and worsted clothing; Cotton clothing; Silk clothing; Linen for clothing and household; Clothing accessories; Clothing and health; Intelligent shopping; Serviceable clothing; The clothing budget and the
wardrobe; The care, repair and renovation of clothing; Dyeing, laundry and spot removal; A clothing information bureau; Planning for clothing progress; Appendix made-over garments, with charts, bibliography, glossary; Illustrations and index.
“Useful to students, housekeepers and retail dealers.”
Booklist 17:102 D ’20
WORKS, JOHN DOWNEY. Juridical reform.
*$1.50 (3c) Neale 347
“A critical comparison of pleading and practice under the common law and equity systems of practice, the English judicature acts, and codes of the several states of this country, with a view to greater efficiency and economy. ” (Sub-title) “This little book is intended not only to point out some of the changes in the laws of pleading, practice, and procedure, necessary to mitigate present conditions resulting in interminable delays and enormous expense in maintaining the courts and the administration of justice, but also to show that a large part of the delays, and consequent unnecessary expense of litigation, is not brought about by defective laws alone but by the dilatory and faulty administration of the laws we have.”
(Preface) Contents: Courts; Actions; Pleadings; The demurrer; Empaneling juries; Examination of witnesses; Taking cases under advisement; Briefs; Written opinions; Findings; Continuances; Appeals; Rules of court; Reports of decisions; Efficiency; Appendix.
“He writes with an apparent knowledge of his subject and with a high degree of common sense and authority.”
Boston Transcript p6 Ja 28 ’20 120w
“There is much in this little volume that entitles it to the attention of every voter, certainly of every public-spirited lawyer.” E: S. Corwin
Review 3:449 N 10 ’20 380w
WRAY, W. J., and FERGUSON, R. W., eds.
Day continuation school at work. *$3 (*8s 6d)
Longmans 374.8
“The editors have brought together the discussions of twelve individual contributors, each paper constituting a chapter of the book and dealing with some more or less specific phase of the writer’s experience in organizing and conducting the scheme of training described. The introductory chapter, written by one of the editors, is a general discussion of the necessity for continued education and the relation of day continuation schools to the national educational system. The next chapter is a rather full description of the plan of administration of a girls’ continuation school, written by the head-mistress. This is followed by a similar account of a boys’ school by its head-master. In each case explicit statements are made concerning the curriculum, grading, discipline, and the usual problems of administration. The several chapters following, each written by an instructor in one or the other of these schools, take up such topics as Problems of class teaching in a boys’
day continuation school, The teaching of mathematics and science in a day continuation school for boys, Physical training in a girls’ school, and Arts and crafts. The last two chapters present the employers’ own statement of their attitude toward continuation education and their impressions of the value of the plan here described.” School R
School R 28:714
N ’20 400w
“‘A day continuation school at work’ has particularly interesting sections dealing with camp and outdoor schools, but it does not achieve quite the modern spirit.” Spec 125:404 S 25 ’20 100w
Reviewed by M. C. Calkins
Survey 45:610 Ja 22 ’21 520w
WRIGHT, GEORGE E. Practical views on psychic phenomena. *$1.60 (4c) Harcourt 130
There is still much confusion of thought, even among people of considerable general culture, on the subject of super-normal phenomena, says the author. In order to help the reader to steer clear, on the one hand, of illogical skepticism and, on the other, of
unreasoning credulity, the book endeavors to lay down the broad lines on which an examination of the published records in the chief departments of psychical research should be carried out, and to summarize briefly the evidence and put forward the conclusions to which they have led the author. Contents: Evidence in general; Telepathy; Physical phenomena; Materialization and spirit photography; Communication with the disembodied: (1) the methods; (2) the evidence; Conclusion.
“This sensible and restrained introduction for the layman gives an unbiased summary of the evidence in the case for psychical research.”
Reviewed by Joseph Jastrow
3:42 Jl 14 ’20 950w
“He approaches the whole subject in a singularly cautious spirit; and his careful and candid examination of the nature of evidence in psychical research and of different theories is worth reading.”
“In ‘The young man and teaching,’ by Henry Parks Wright, the author, who is dean of Yale college, discusses every aspect of the teaching profession, laying particular emphasis on the psychological qualifications of the man who would devote his life to teaching. Among the chapter headings are the following: Teaching as a profession; Objections to the vocation considered; Personal qualifications; Educational preparation; Instruction; Government; Rules and penalties; Teaching in college, and others.” N Y Times
Booklist 16:332 Jl ’20
“His book is thorough and suggestive.”
Boston Transcript p11 Ap 3 ’20 130w
Cleveland p55 My ’20 50w
N Y Times 25:296 Je 6 ’20 100w
“Some of the author’s sentiments are tinged with those of the ‘old school,’ but a majority of his thoughts about teaching are strictly up to date and unquestionably true.”