How to Know Without Fail If You Have PMDD or PMS?
Click HERE To Discover How You Can Cure Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Naturally On Your Own If you know something about PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder as is its full title, then you have probably wondered - What is the difference between PMDD and PMS/PMT and whether do you have PMDD, as they seem remarkably similar in many ways! This is quite a reasonable and logical question, so in this article we will breakdown PMS Vs PMDD so you can determine the truth of the matter if you are researching this for yourself, or for a loved one. The simple but not exactly accurate answer to this is that PMDD is like PMS on steroids. It is much bigger, more encompassing, and the symptoms are a lot worse. Since both derive from the same hormonal reasons they can bee seen as linked conditions. If you have PMDD you basically have PMS, just a lot worse to the point of it really damaging your life!
The long version is that PMDD is a specific disorder according to the medical community that has some strict criteria for a woman to be diagnosed as such. The criteria are this: You must have at least five of the below symptoms during the last week of your menstrual cycle in order to have PMDD. These symptoms must also be gone within a couple of days of the onset of bleeding. Not only this, they must also not be present in the first week after you being to menstruate. If you have PMDD, you also have to have at least one of the five symptoms be one of the first four listings below.
Much depressed mood, feelings of absolute hopelessness, or selfdestructive and loathing thoughts Greatly increased anxiety, tension, and feeling on edge Marked affective liability (e.g., feeling suddenly sad or tearful or increased sensitivity to rejection) Persistent and marked irritability and anger or greater chances of interpersonal conflicts Decreased interest in usual activities (e.g., work, school, friends, hobbies) Finding it very difficult to concentrate on even simple tasks Lack of energy, lethargy and so forth Change in appetite from overeating to total loss of appetite Insomnia or way too much sleep (hypersomnia) A subjective sense of being overwhelmed or out of control Physical symptoms such as tenderness or swelling of the breasts, headaches, joint or muscle pain, a sensation of bloating, or weight gain
In addition to this, a woman must also have these symptoms to such a degree it is actually interfering with their life, be it school, work, family time, friendships, and so forth. Lastly, these symptoms must show for two menstrual cycles back to back at least for it to be classified as PMDD. Now you know exactly how to diagnose Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, it is still important to note that PMS Vs PMDD is not that big a dividing line.
If you do not have PMDD by the criteria above but still have very bad PMS then the same methods of treating PMDD can apply to your condition as well. So if you either have PMDD or very bad PMS, click HERE to learn more about natural ways of completely eliminating PMDD forever! Watch this Video HERE from Dr. Keith Grisham – What is the difference between PMS and PMDD, and how do I know whether I have PMDD or just very bad PMS? By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years. She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE