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Talk with the suppliers
We continued a series of very successful Zoom sessions through June and July this year. It is an excellent way of reinforcing that essential partnership between retailer and supplier.
We involved mainly plant growers but added two allied goods suppliers as well. I do believe we tend to overlook the importance of our allied suppliers at times. Plants need help to grow and flourish. Independent Garden Centres, i.e., you, are best placed to advise your customers on these products.
It is interesting to see Garden Centres sales growth in giftware and even clothing over the years. Some centres are now devoting more space and effort into gifts and homewares than traditional gift shops. It is clearly paying off in terms of profit with careful management and control. Remember what Debra Templar says though: “Don’t let your giftware have a Birthday!”
Winter is a time to plan, so make the most of it and be ready for a super spring.