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NGIV’s 118th Annual General Meeting
Our thanks to all those members who were able to join us for our 118th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 22 November 2022.
The AGM was held at Mansfield’s Propagation Nursery and, for those unable to attend in person, it was also streamed live online. It provided the opportunity to give all attendees a report on NGIV’s operating performance, financial position and achievements during the 2021/22 financial year. At the same time, we said goodbye to several NGIV Directors and welcomed new ones NGIV’s President Simon Gomme chaired the AGM and presented a summary of what was an extraordinary year due to the ongoing pandemic. He thanked the Board of Directors and the NGIV team for their contributions, highlighting the leadership efforts of NGIV CEO Craig Taberner in what had been another difficult but successful year for the association.
In thanking the NGIV Board for their continued support and commitment, Craig said, “We have a Board with expertise and insight that spans the entire horticultural industry, and their input, professionalism and competency has been invaluable.”
There was special mention of the outgoing directors Symone Brown, Joel Vanderuit and Adrian McCarthy, all of whom had to step down from the NGIV Board after two terms in office, as per the constitution.
All three were acknowledged for their great contributions to NGIV during what has been a most challenging period for not only their businesses but the association itself, as we came to grips with the impacts of the pandemic.
In his report, the president made special mention of Scott Buckland who had stepped down during the year due to ill health, and well wishes for a speedy recovery were extended. Simon added that Scott would always be welcome to return to the Board when he’s in a position to do so.
Board elections
Simon Gomme was re-elected as president for a further term, while Steve Biemond (owner, Biemond Nurseries), Sarah Burgess (owner, Ausflora Pacific), Ian Firth (manager, Warners Nurseries) and Matthew Mills (COO, The Diggers Club) were elected unopposed as directors for three-year terms. It’s always wonderful to welcome new faces, new thinking and fresh impetus on to the Board of Directors.
The AGM concluded on a bright note, with Simon reminding attendees that we are entering a phase of significant industry growth as highlighted in the Realisation of Growth Opportunities report. Plants and, more broadly greenlife, are being appreciated in ever-increasing numbers by a new audience; it’s an exciting time to be part of our industry.