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Ready for Growth Program –supporting Victoria’s businesses in 2023
The Ready for Growth (R4G) program was launched last year to provide support for businesses in identifying barriers to growth and facilitated support to identify services and programs to address these barriers.
The program is being delivered by Business Victoria with partner and world-leading financial services organisation, BDO Australia. It will support 1000 businesses and is available until 1 June 2024.
Participants will receive tailored advice and support from an expert growth facilitator matched to your business with relevant industry experience. These growth facilitators will provide advice that may help to improve your business performance, solve operational challenges, or help you make the right decisions and changes.
The program is currently accepting Expressions of Interests from eligible businesses to assist in accelerating growth, accessing new markets, and creating jobs in Victoria. Businesses can self-nominate their participation in R4G through an Expression of Interest form available on the Business Victoria website.
There are no out-of-pocket expenses to participate in Ready for Growth; however, participating businesses will be required to commit a minimum of 7 to 14 hours over the course of several months to work with an expert Growth Facilitator to realise their growth goals.
Small Business Victoria has partnered with BDO Australia to deliver the expert facilitation services to support participants with tailored advisory services.
Ready for Growth will help businesses to:
» develop a Growth Action Plan
» build capabilities for growth
» find grants and programs across Victorian and Federal Governments and industry groups to support growth
» improve connections to networks and ecosystems
» connect to peers through the Ready for Growth Alumni Network.
start your Ready for Growth journey
Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) if you meet the following the program requirements:
» are a legally structured business in Victoria
» have been in operation for at least three years
» have more than four employees and fewer than 200 employees
» have an annual revenue of less than $20 million.
Ready for Growth will help you define your business goals, build capability and develop a detailed understanding of your business needs to achieve maximum growth potential.
Review the latest case studies on the Business Victoria website to see how other Victorian businesses have benefited from the program and find out more about the participant guidelines and registration process at business.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/ ready-for-growth.
More information
Please review the latest case-study to see how other Victorian businesses have benefited from the program. More information on the Participant Guidelines and registration process can be found on the Ready for Growth webpage.