2 minute read


New nursery project offers free diagnostics to all production nurseries

By Andrew Manners

All commercial production nurseries can now receive six free diagnostic samples each calendar year via the diagnostic service, Grow Help Australia. This service is supported by the Hort Innovation and Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), the levy funded project ‘Resourcing, supporting, and assessing biosecurity in nursery production’ (NY20000).

Included in the testing are molecular identifications, where knowledge of the exact species will help growers to manage the problem more effectively. This service continues to help growers minimise losses and total discarded plants, and better manage and prevent future outbreaks. Any additional samples submitted are then charged at a much-reduced cost.

All commercial production nurseries across Australia can submit samples to Grow Help, based in Brisbane, as long as they are not subject to specific quarantine restrictions. For example, solanaceous hosts from Perth cannot be sent because of the tomato potato psyllid unless plants are treated appropriately. Refer to your state’s plant biosecurity organisation for more information.

Plant pest and disease diagnostics is complex, potentially with many causes to plant health problems. We aim to provide preliminary results to clients within a week. Depending on the tests that have to be completed and the type of pathogen isolated, it can take several weeks to get your results, sometimes longer in certain circumstances. We work to update you on new results that become available as soon as we can.

You can send us photos to growhelp@daf.qld.gov.au if you have a query about whether it is worthwhile submitting a sample. We will do our best to provide general advice in this way, but samples are often required before specific advice can be given. Annual surveys of clients indicate that recommendations are helpful and have provided assistance to better manage pests and diseases, reduce crop loss and costs associated with managing the problem.

Nursery diagnostics is just one aspect of the levy funded project. They are also completing research to better understand the effect of nursery practice on pests and diseases present on plants post-sale. This will involve assessing the effect of hygiene on pest and disease incidence to better understand the value of best practice management of nursery stock.

In addition, the project will continue producing new resources (factsheets, management plans, Nursery Papers and webinars) on various pests, diseases and plant health issues to be included in the Australia Plant Production Standard. In addition, old factsheets and pest management plans will also be updated. These resources will be highlighted through various means including the YourLevy@Work website and eNewsletter. Keep an eye out for more updates.

More information

If you have any queries about the project, please contact project lead and DAF Principal Entomologist, Horticulture and Forestry Science, Andrew Manners, at e: andrew.manners@daf.qld.gov.au.

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