NG14 May/June 2017

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ng14 May/June 2017


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Dear Readers


This month Abby aka The Fishwife’s Kitchen has given us some fabulous recipes that include ingredients that can be found growing wild. With summer well and truly on the way we love a good evening walk in the sunshine. Now we will be keeping our eyes peeled for wild garlic, elderflowers and nettles so we can make these delicious recipes. We all love a good holiday - whether it’s a staycation or the trip of a lifetime. Reading Ella’s History page really made us appreciate how lucky we are, with the choices we have these days. Wherever you go and whatever you do - ENJOY!! Happy Reading Ali, Cat, Sarah & Francine

looking good, feeling great


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helping hand directory


free time community diary

21 24-26

business, IT & finance

eat, drink & be merry! 30 recipes 30-31 home & garden 34 classifieds 36-37 crossword 56 sudoku 68 pets 70 kids 73 kids diary useful information puzzle solutions safer neighbourhoods index / list of advertisers

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Are you beach ready? I write these articles a couple of months in advance so there is unfortunately a chance that, by the time you read this, we have already seen the best weather that our British Summer has to offer us this year but I have my fingers crossed that it isn’t the case. You might be asking yourself, what does a psychotherapist know about getting beach ready? Surely someone who deals with matters of the mind isn’t going to be of much use in helping me to look good in a bikini? You’d be quite right – there are other people far more knowledgeable than me in matters of diet and exercise to help you look your best on the beach if that is what you want to do. I am speaking to the rest of you. Those of you who would maybe like to put in the time and effort to diet and exercise but know that realistically, that’s probably not going to happen this year. Should you resign yourself to buying a cheap tent from Decathlon and wearing that on the beach?No. I firmly believe that everyone has the right to feel comfortable in their own skin, no matter what size they are, no matter whether they have scars, stretch marks, folds of skin or any of the other bodily attributes that tend to get airbrushed out of media coverage. That doesn’t mean that if you wish to change your shape or lose weight that you shouldn’t try to do that - just that it doesn’t help you to feel bad about yourself right now. Very few people manage to make positive changes to their lifestyles or their lives by beating themselves up and tearing themselves to shreds. In actual fact, that is more likely to get in the way of positive change – after all, who feels like doing something positive for themselves after taking a verbal battering? One of the most important things you can do for your own body confidence is forget all about the

images that you get fed through the media every single day. Those images are not a true reflection of how real people look – even the people in those images don’t look like that in real life. The images are so digitally manipulated – stretched, slimmed down, every single human flaw edited out at the click of a mouse – that you will never be able to achieve that in real life and will only make yourself miserable trying. Nobody is perfect, not even the models that smile down on us from the billboards, and you will find it much easier to be at ease with yourself physically if you no longer try to live up to such unrealistic standards. In reality, when you are sat on the beach in your swimsuit, no one will actually be paying as much attention to you as you think they are. We tend to think that everyone is looking at us, most likely thinking negative thoughts about how we look or what we are doing, but really those people are doing exactly what you are doing, sat there wondering what everyone is thinking of them in their swimsuit. The truth is, most people are usually too busy thinking about their own stuff and their own lives to be paying too much attention to you and your life. Just to finish, whilst writing this article I came across a great tip for body confidence and I love it. The tip is... smile more. If you catch someone looking your way, give them a big smile as though you are brimming with confidence – not only will the other person think that you are indeed brimming with confidence, you will make yourself feel better too. Wear what you like on the beach as long as you wear it with a huge smile and spend more time having fun and enjoying your life than worrying about what you look like.

Marie Scott is a CBT therapist and psychotherapist, based at Maple House Clinic in Eastwood, NG16 3BD. She deals with issues such as anxiety, depression, stress and anger amongst many others. For more information about Marie and the issues she can help with, please visit or give her a call on 07791 894227. Marie provides all clients a safe and confidential space in which to deal with their issues.

looking good, feeling great


Available for men & ladies of all ages BRONZE LEVEL

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Mondays 10am - 12pm. £7 per session including equipment, balls & a coffee or soft drink. Every Thursday evening 6pm - 7pm only £5 per person & balls.


Saturday Mornings 10am - 12pm. ONLY £5 per person. Just roll up. Junior Holiday Club (every school holiday) 10am until 3pm. 5 Hrs tuition incl. on course coaching & lunch. £20 per session.

Oakmere Golf Club, Oaks Lane, Oxton, Notts. NG25 0RH 0115 965 3545 12

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looking good, feeling great in Ope Ma ni n So ppe g on rle y

Gertie’s Fashion Agency Huge stock of pre-loved & new fashion Recycle surplus clothes & accessories gertiesfashionagency 01158 376 676

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Competition Winners

Congratulations to: E.Rosillo & J Davis who won theatre tickets; P Gough who won £25 cash; A Baxter who won a £50 meal; S Naylor, J Gordon, K Kennedy, W Conibear & G Middlemass who won cinema tickets.

Thanks to our sponsors; Theatre Royal, Georges Great British Kitchen & Savoy Cinema

To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


Furthermore, if carbohydrate sources are replaced

The thing about carbs

with large amounts of animal protein, it may lead to Don’t settle for a diet plan, upgrade your the formation of kidney stones (4). This effect can be Whether it’s “no carbs before Marbs” or a general counteracted somewhat by increasing water intake. need for weight loss, low carbohydrate diets are fast health instead becoming the latest way to shift those stubborn pounds. What does it look like Is there substance behind this method or is it just another trendy fad of the weight loss industry?Registered nutritional therapist, Evatrends Humphries, mBANT, With the rise of food such DipION, as “eating clean” CNCH, gives the low down on behind and “lean in us15”, nutrition is the fastscience becoming a the hot low carbohydrate diet.

Going low carb doesn’t mean completely avoiding carbohydrate sources, rather it would entail forgoing comprehensive assessment of your relative vast amounts of processed carbohydrates in favour of vegetables. requirements are made so the advice given is

general sugar containing foods including cereals,

Breakfast cereals can be substituted with lower carb spendsuch an hour about meals as antalking omelette withyourself. roasted vegetables and wilted spinach. This style of eating would promote weight loss but that’s science almost secondary to the added Evidence based benefit of feeling great thanks to the extra nutrient load.

topic. We Nottingham based nutritionist, Eva Whatasked are carbs? Carbohydrates or starch containing foodstuffs Humphries, toare givesugar us the low down on what you can that are the preferred fuel source of the body. Grains, expect from a nutritional therapy consultation. bread and potatoes all fall into this category as do chocolateexpect and sweets. Don’t a diet plan

By limiting carbohydrate consumption, the body is

Let’s biggest misconception out of the themain way: forcedget to the utilise alternative energy sources, the end for result of nutritional therapyfat. is not a diet plan. method which is to start burning Sure, you will get some recommendations of what to Thebut lownot carb therefore hypothesises eat indiet a prescriptive manner. that by taking away one fuel source, another is used, in turn promoting Behind every nutritionist is a real person that, weight loss. occasionally, eats cake, chocolate and all of that tasty The pros lowlikely carb crave. diets We know what a perfect stuff you of will Research carried out by the University of Michigan diet looks like but also understand mayeffective not be indicates that low carbohydrates diets this are an realistic for everyone. weight loss tool and may even help to control type 2 diabetes (1).

For this reason, there are no perfect diet plans, only Another study by Tulan University didn’t just echo the steady progress get ayou to your diet health same findings butthat alsowill touted lowcloser carbohydrate as a more effective weight loss tool than low fat diets (2). goals. The cons of low carb diets It’s personal A review conducted by the British Journal of Nutrition noted weight loss as a positive effect of low carbohydrate

diets but also recognised increase in cholesterol There is another huge issuean with diet plans: they don’t levelsinto (3).account It is therefore whether low take individualinconclusive requirements. carbohydrates diets are beneficial or harmful for those During a high nutritional therapy with existing cholesterol levels. consultation, a

completely unique to you.

Practically, by replacing most of the pasta in a typical Your digestive energy spaghetti bolognesehealth, meal with veggieslevels, such as hormones peas and and eating are allcontent considered any broccoli, the habits carbohydrate wouldalongside be naturally reduced. symptoms you may be presenting with. This may

sound like a lot of data but in reality you just get to

therapists look for the 1.Qualified Saslow LR, nutritional Mason AE, Kim S, Goldmanwill V, Ploutz-Snyder R, Bayandorian H, Daubenmier Hecht FM, Moskowitz JT (2017) An clinical research to J,support your health goals. online intervention comparing a very low-carbohydrate ketogenic This nerdy data, is the real scientific evidence that diet and lifestyle recommendations versus a plate method diet in underpins each recommendation So, controlled if we tell overweight individuals with type 2 diabetes: amade. randomized youJournal to eatoftwo more portions ofdoi: green veg a day, be trial. Medical Internet Research, 10.2196/jmir.5806 sure to know there is a research paper to back up that

2. Bazzano LA, Hu T, Reynolds K, Yao L, Bunol C, Liu Y, Chen CS, recommendation. Klag MJ, Whelton PK, He J (2014) Effects of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets: a randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine, 161: 309-318.

What can nutritional therapy help with?

3. Mansoor N, Vinknes KJ, Veierød MB, Retterstøl K (2016) Effects therapy overall ofNutritional low-carbohydrate diets is v. about low-fat upgrading diets on bodyyour weight and health. cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Nutrition, 115: 466-479.

Energy, digestive and skin health, as well as cognitive

4. Tracy CR, Best S, Bagrodia A, Poindexter JR, Adams-Huet B, function may N, allPakbeCY,improved withAnimal the protein help of Sakhaee K, Maalouf Pearle MS (2014) and a the risk of kidney stones: atherapist. comparative metabolic study of animal qualified nutritional protein sources. Journal of Urology, 192: 137-141.

EvaHumphries HumphriesisisaaNottingham Nottinghambased basednutritionist, nutritionist,founder founderofofWholefood WholefoodWarrior Warrior Eva andappreciator appreciatorofofgood good food. Eva holds health wellbeing on topics including and food. Eva holds health andand wellbeing talkstalks on topics including the the basics of nutrition, improving and detoxing. basics of nutrition, improving energyenergy and detoxing. moreinformation. information. Visit

wholefwarrior wholefwarrior

Wholefood Warrior Wholefood Warrior

wholefoodwarrior wholefoodwarrior

looking good, feeling great Do you feel that you struggle with low energy because your sleep patterns are all over the place? Do you feel irritated, and keep forgetting things & you’re not able to get things done because of brain fog? Do you reach for sugary food, coffee or junk food to keep you going as you are lacking energy - which is causing your tummy to feel bloated?

Would you like support & help to sleep better, reduce brain fog, lose weight and get rid of your bloated tummy...? Would you like to know more about the 21 day Clean Your Gut and Feel Amazing programme

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I will be in touch and share more information with you.

There is another way out of feeling low, frustrated and disappointed and that is with TLC and support! I’m Claire and I’m looking forward to helping you! MEMBERSHIP










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To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


National Trust

(Nottingham Centre)

Nottingham Centre members have plenty of activities to look forward to over the summer months, including excursions, walks and holidays. Coach Excursions These include a trip to Coventry Cathedral and Leicester Guildhall, Hughenden Manor (NT), Lichfield Cathedral and the National Memorial Arboretum, and in September, Waddesden Manor(NT). Walks Several walks are planned, some of which start from Nottingham by public transport (that’s my kind of walk) to places of particular interest. In June there’s a walk from Bonsall to Rowsley in Derbyshire, in July, a walk from Knowle to Packwood House(NT), in August it’s Crich Stand to Cromford Mill, and finally, in September, Greetham to Edith Weston via Rutland Water. Holidays The short walking holiday in May has become a popular annual event. This year members will enjoy the beauty of Tintern and the Wye Valley. Two other holidays are planned: one in June - ‘Southern Delights’ will explore Hayling Island and Hampshire, while the break in September offers an opportunity to visit Lancashire Hotspots – in particular the Hotspots of Manchester! Garden Group Visits planned for this popular group include Thoresby Hall Gardens and Chatsworth RHS Flower Show. Local and Family History Group In addition to the delights listed above this group offers visits to Ruddington Museums, Stoneywell, the charming recently acquired Arts and Crafts house in Leicestershire (NT), and Beauvale Priory in Nottinghamshire.

The South Notts Flower Club Edwalton Church Hall, Wellin Lane NG12 4AP

9 May


Artistic Impressions by June

13 June Pots of Style by Beverley Artis Meetings start at 7.30pm. £6. All welcome.

For more information Tel. 923 2615


Summer 2017

At the Nottingham Centre there is something for everyone! Donations As supporters of National Trust members are delighted to be able to donate to various properties in need. In 2017 the following sums will be given to NT properties in the East Midlands: To Belton House - £700.00 towards the purchase of two urns and plinths for the gardens. To Stoneywell - £500.00 for a wooden display cart for outdoor use. To Monksthorpe Chapel, Gunby,Lincs. - £1120.00 towards restoration of the baptistry The National Trust Nottingham Centre is a friendly organisation: visitors are always welcome to talks, which take place at the Nottingham Mechanics, North Sherwood Street, Nottingham. To join you must be a member of National Trust. Cost is £6.00 for a single person, £10.00 for two people living at the same address. A bargain! Excursions and holidays are popular and quickly get booked up with priority given to Nottingham Centre members, but non members may be put on a waiting list. For more information about activities and membership contact: Barbara Mcdonald: 0115 9757800 or email: bmcdonald351@btinternet. com or visit the Nottingham Centre website:www.

Nottingham Flower Club May 11 - club workshop May 25 - “A Life In Flowers” by Emma Rimmington June 6 - club competitions June 22 - “Infinite” by Pauline Foster

Bluecoat School, NG8 5GY

Doors open: 6.45pm for 7.15pm All Welcome. Visitors £6 Info:

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a helping hand



“A meadow and woodland for remembrance in Sherwood Forest in the County of Nottinghamshire” 9 miles north of Notts City Centre | Salterford Lane, Calverton. NG14 6NZ Member of the Association of Natural Burial Grounds Tel 01623 882210 (Op 2) or 07800 635037 E: |

Arnold Shopmobility Scooters available weekdays 9am - 1.45pm (Wed’s 9am-12 noon) Also wheelchairs for daily & weekly hire. For details call 0115 966 1331

£127 £197

If you need to arrange a funeral, 0115 987 1237 contact us on

0115 987 1237 Over 20 years of experience helping families with a bereavement has enabled us to develop selection easy to arrange, affordable, allFamily bereavement is a time of stress and sorrow, whenayour Weofoffer three funeral options: thoughts are, understandably, with your departed loved one; inclusive packages with no hidden extras. The Lilac Funeral £2,500 taking care of funeral arrangements can add further unwanted stress and anxiety at an already trying time. Nottinghamshire Funeral Service will help alleviate the burden with our simple to understand, all-inclusive funeral options.

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You can contact us 24 hours a day. The Nottinghamshire We organise funerals for all faiths. The Rose Funeral £2,800 Funeral £2,800 Personalised funeral plans. Whilst other Funeral Service Providers offer a whole host of

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go through the options that suit you and your family.

Nottinghamshire Funeral Service Ltd., 11a Bexon Court, Foxhill Road East, Carlton NG4 1SQ •

To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:

17 35

ng14 - helping hand group directory

If you run a support group or organisation and want people to know about it, why not list it here? If your group is not-for-profit or a charity then your listing is free. All other groups pay just £5+vat per edition. Please get in touch either by phone on 0115 9269777 or email: Nottingham Prostate Cancer Support Group - if you are affected by Prostate Cancer and would like to talk to

others in a similar situation, you are welcome to join our group. We meet at the Nottingham City Hospital between 7 and 9pm on the 2nd Thursday every other month. Partners always welcome. For further information contact Self Help UK on 0115 911 1661 Nottingham Miscarriage Support - For anyone affected by the loss of a baby during pregnancy who would like to meet with other women and men who have shared similar experiences. Meet 3rd Thursday monthly 7-9pm at Sherwood Methodist Church, Devon Drive. For info contact Kymm 0115 8449484 or 07870 771326 or Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) Peer Support Group - offers help and support if you have been diagnosed with PBC - an autoimmune liver disease. Meet every first Tuesday of the month - 7pm - 8.30pm at Antenna, 15 Beck St, NG3 3BP. For info contact Wendy -

ADHD - a support group for adults with ADHD. Meet 3rd Monday of month 7 - 9pm in Nottingham City Centre. Call 0115 982 2573 for more info. Cutting Back - Self-help group for women who self-harm. Weekly meetings in City Centre. For more information call 07930 713530 or email: Dyslexia Action, Nottingham - specialist tuition for literacy and numeracy for all ages. Full psychological assessments. Exam access arrangements. Awareness training for schools, colleges, work-based trainers and employers. Our Nottingham Office is based at 2 King Street, NG1 2AS. Please phone 0115 948 3849 for more information and a free consultation.

Debt Help & Advice - The Debt Advice Network is a registered charity offering free, impartial, professional, face-toface advice to people with debt problems. Contact your local counsellor: or call 07973 113 882 Framework’s EVE Works - Helps unemployed people into work/training/volunteering. We help remove barriers to work. For free 1-2-1 appointments and training eg. confidence building/interveiw skills. Tel: 0800 111 4262 or email: eve@ Marie Curie Helper service - Provided FREE to people with terminal illness & their carers. For a few hours each week, our trained volunteers visit people at home offering companionship & support tailored to their needs. To request the service, call 0845 304 8730 or email: Visit for more info. Aphasia Self Help Group - meet monthly at Sherwood Community Centre. For more information contact Sam or Alison on 0115 962 1153

Alcoholics Anonymous - every Sunday 5pm - 7pm at Sherwood Community Centre. Just turn up. Carer’s Support Group - meet alternate Fridays 10am - 12pm at Sherwood Community Centre. Contact Sam or

Alison: 0115 962 1153.

ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - MESH is Nottingham’s self help group for people with ME/CFS. We have socials & run weekly relaxation, gentle moves & breathing sessions. Some joint events with people who have fibromyalgia. Contact Richard on 0115 925 2586 or email: Nottingham Arthritis Care Self Help Group - we support people with any type of arthritis. We meet last Friday of each month at Sherwood Community Centre from 11am - 1pm. For more info call Muriel Weisz on 0115 920 9100

Gateway Women - a group to support women who don’t have children by circumstances not by choice. http:// was started by Jody Day. The Nottingham group meet 1st Saturday of the month at Patisserie Valerie at 11am. For more info contact Sally on 07796 318046. Nottingham Self Help Group for People who Stammer - meet alternate Tuesdays at Sherwood Community Centre. Contact Mathew: 0115 953 2177. Hard of Hearing/Deaf - Hard of Hearing Social Group (2nd and 4th Friday, 10am-2pm), Social Night (1st and 3rd Thursday, 7pm till late) and lip-reading classes (days and evening). For further details phone 0115 970 0516, text 07817275253, or email Sherwood Lunch Club - £3.20 for a 3 course meal with tea or coffee. Contact Sam or Alison: 0115 9621153. Nottingham Breast Cancer Support Group - Meet on 3rd Tuesday of each month at Nottingham City Hospital in the main waiting room at the Breast Institute from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Our aim is to offer emotional, mutual and practical support to each other, partners, family and friends. For more info call Jackie Wheeler on 01949 20460. Irish Community Cancer Group - self help group for people affected by cancer in the Irish community. Meet the last Wed of the month 10.30am - 12.30pm at Self Help Nottingham, NG1 2EG. For more info call 0115 911 1661

Allsorts - Do you have physical or sensory disabilities? Want to meet new people? Aged 18-40? Have fun with like minded people, join Nottinghamshire Allsorts. email: or visit:

Relate Nottinghamshire - Offers family counselling, relationship counselling, sex therapy and young peoples counselling. Costs

negotiated according to income. Tel: 0115 958 4278 from 9am to 9pm.

Bariatric Support Group Nottingham - Nottingham’s first support group for those who are waiting for, or have had any type of bariatric surgery. Carers, friends and family welcome. We meet 2nd Tues of the month 7pm - 9pm at the Hyson Green Community Centre, 37a Gregory Boulevard, Hyson Green, NG7 6BE. For more infol: 0754 621 5757 1pm - 4pm

ng14 - helping hand group directory

Contact the Elderly - are a national charity tackling acute loneliness among isolated older people, aged 75 and

over, by organising free, monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties. Interested in volunteering? Please contact Pamela Walker on 0121 603 1331 or for more info. Kings Money Advice Centre - offers free, impartial debt advice. Please go to or phone 0115 920 7399. Carewatch in Nottingham - is a friendship centre for over 55’s living in the Nottingham area. We are open weekdays from 9.30am - 2.30pm & offer hot meals, drinks & snacks as well as activities like easy exercise, card making, speakers, bingo & party days. Based at St Augustine’s Church Hall, Westville Gardens, off Woodborough Road, Nottingham, NG3 4QF. Tel: 0115 9856959 Depression - group meeting every month in Arnold, also one to one meetings available, limited spaces available. To find out more or to book your place please call Roxanne on 07988 083224 or email: Coping with Anxiety - meet first & third Tuesday, 7pm til 9pm, monthly at Sherwood Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Sherwood. For more info call Albert Godfrey on 0115 967 9409 or email: Connecting Families - for family matters. We are passionate about parenting. Providing solutions through courses and personalised support. Contact Eileen Mignott for information on 07877 583529 or email: Loss of someone to suicide? - Loss is a self help support group for those who have experienced the suicide of a family member or someone close. For more information call 0115 911 1661 (mon - fri 9am-1pm) or visit SMART Recovery Groups - help people to gain control over their drinking, drugs and other addictions. Peer-led meetings are held in Nottingham on Thursday evenings & Saturday mornings. New groups are also starting in the County. For meeting details please contact Self Help UK on 0115 911 1661 Aching Arms - is a charity that brings comfort following the loss of a baby during pregnancy, at birth or shortly after. For more information visit

Nottingham Counselling Service - not-for-profit service providing high quality affordable counselling for anyone

aged 16 & over in the Nottinghamshire area. Accredited services include individual, couples & employer assistance counselling. To find out more call 0115 950 1743 or email: Located at Unit 5, Victoria Centre, Kent St, NG1 3LZ. Open 9am-8pm weekdays. Minimal waiting times. Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Ileostomy & Internal Pouch Support Group - a charity which is a self help group for people with these medical conditions. For more information please go to Over The Rainbow Parkinsons Support Group - support for ANYONE affected by Parkinsons Disease. Our aims are to enjoy life & have fun. Monthly meeting with buffet lunch 11am - 1pm, 2nd Saturday at Southwell. Email: or call Sandra & Michael on 01636 812399 Heydays Day Services - accredited day service provider. Socialising and activities for over 65’s. Mon, Wed & Thurs 10am - 3.30pm.Two course hot meal & daily refreshments. Tel: 0115 952 1421 (see our facebook page)

Smile! Stop Hate Crime - raises awareness and tackles disability hate crime. People with learning disabilities should not have to put up with harrassment and violence. REPORT it to the police on 101. Nottingham Adult Sibling Group - do you have a brother or sister with life-long learning disability or autism? Would you like to meet others with similar experiences? Come along to our support group & gain information & support as a sibling. To register to attend the group visit Notts Peer to Peer Network - information for users of Mental Health services in Nottinghamshire and their carers. Gateway Drop In, for mutual support, information, occasional outings and talks at St Peter’s Church, NG1 2NW (next to M&S) every Wed 1.30 to 3.30pm. For more information contact Self Help UK on 0115 911 1661

Chernobyl Children’s Life Line (CCLL) Nottingham - providing respite care holidays for children from Belarus & Ukraine who are affected by the ongoing consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Interested? Tel: 01949 842383 or email: or visit:

Dizzy Self Help Group - for anyone in Notts area with balance problems, whatever the cause. The group’s meetings

are a social occasion, with speakers on a variety of topics, to provide an opportunity to meet fellow sufferers & for mutual support. Meet at The City Mission, Parliament St. For more info ring Jeff on 0115 8451360. Adoption Open Evening - first Thursday monthly. Adopt Together opens it’s doors for anyone considering adoption. Come along for a chat with our friendly adoption team between 6pm - 7.30pm at our West Bridgford office, 7 Colwick Rd, West Bridgford, NG2 5FR. For more info visit or 0115 9558811 Recover from Separation & Divorce Course - an 8 week course starting soon to help anyone struggling with the effects of relationship breakdown. At a city centre location. Contact Judy or Phil on 0115 779 1315 or email: judy. MS Society - Nottingham and District Branch Drop-in meeting, the 2nd Wednesday every month at Brookfields Garden Centre, Mapperley Plains from 2pm - 3.30pm. We meet in the rear of the cafe. It’s an informal event with a friendly group of people affected by MS including carers and family. No charge, no need to book. Just turn up or contact Doug for more information. Tel: 0115 966 3582 Breathe Easy Gedling - a support network for people with a respiratory condition, their families, friends & carers. We meet the 2nd Tues each month from 1pm-3pm at the Scout Hut, Calverton Road, Arnold, NG5 8DP Connecting Families - for family matters. We are passionate about parenting. Providing solutions through courses and personalised support. Contact Eileen Mignott for information on 07877 583529 or email:

a helping hand

Calverton & District Funeral Service 24 hour service | Modern fleet & horse drawn funerals Motorcycle funerals | Green burials Private chapel of rest 20 St Wilfrid’s Square, Calverton, Nottingham, NG14 6FP

Tel: 0115 965 5588

Proprietors: Craig Henderson & Simon Bodkin With Golden Charter pre-paid funerals Funeral plans to suit everyone

Your local independent funeral service Serving Calverton, Woodborough, Oxton, Lambley, Epperstone, Lowdham, Burton Joyce, Arnold, Ravenshead and the surrounding areas.

WIN £25 CASH!!! but you have to be quick.....

entries must be received on or before Friday 12 May 2017.*

Simply text/email/post the ID code and your post code for a chance to WIN


NG14MJ17 Text: 07745 260524 Email: Post: Post Code Check, 5a Stanhope Crescent, Arnold, NG5 4AZ *entries received after this date will not be counted


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free time

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free time


SPRING Art Exhibition & Sale Saturday 24th June 2017 2pm – 4pm Methodist Church Wollaton Avenue, Gedling, NG4 4HX

Refreshments, various stalls, raffle Please come and support us!

Arnolds History

A new course

Changing Arnold The town in 3 eras of its history 3 sessions 15th May, 22nd May and 5th June 7.15pm – 9.15pm Course £15

Arnold Library meeting Room (entrance via leisure centre) Come and learn about Arnolds past

Pondhills Community Centre, Pondhills Lane, Arnold,NG5 8DR

Sat 6 and Sun 7 May 10am - 4.30pm


Stuck in a rut? Life getting you down? Are you looking for ways to improve your wellbeing? The WEA, commissioned by the Department for Education are undertaking research and asking: Can community learning courses help people better manage issues like stress, not sleeping, finding it hard to go out, worrying or feeling anxious, sad or low? If you are 19+ and think you have mild to moderate mental health, contact us to arrange a friendly Information and Advice session. If you are found to be suitable to volunteer we will offer you a (free) 5 week art or craft course. For more information contact Caroline: Telephone: 0115 9628410 / 07827 355917 Email:

Old and new students welcome No previous knowledge required contact for details


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free time

It’s out now - and it’s FREE!

Another record for the Notts Guided Walks booklets

Demand continues to grow for the Notts Guided Walks booklet with 8000 printed for 2017 supported by a great website. Most of the walks are short - the longest is 8 miles. There is a large section in the book for health walks, perfect for less able or recovering walkers. These walks are taken by trained leaders as part of a national scheme. Recently published research on the benefits of easy exercise is featured in the booklet and on the website. Remember just a small amount of regular exercise can make a massive difference!

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Lowdham Horticultural Society

Annual Plant Sale plants | shrubs| summer bedding

Saturday 20 May 9am - 11am - free entry Lowdham Village Hall Car Park

To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


NG14 Community Diary

If you run a group or club and want people to know about it, why not list it here? If your group is not-for-profit or a charity then your listing is free. All other groups pay just £5+vat per edition. Please get in touch either by phone on 0115 9269777 or email: Woodborough W.I - meet on 3rd Monday every month at Woodborough Village Hall at 7.30pm. For more information call President, Yvonne O’Donnell on 0115 965 5482.

Burton Joyce and Bulcote W.I - meet on 2nd Thursday every month at 7.00pm in Burton Joyce Village Hall. Visitors

welcome. Contact number: 0115 931 2313. Lowdham Pantomime Group - meet every Wednesday, 8pm - 10pm from Sept - February. Children from 10 yrs. See website for further details: or contact the secretary: Jan Fish - 0115 966 4207 Complementary Therapies, Health and Well-Being - Every 4th Tues every other month (Jan, March, May, July, Sept) 7.30 to 10pm, Arnold Library Meeting Room. Entrance fee. Refreshments. Contact- Jacky 01636 815739, Jayne 0115 926 2068. Roundabout Social Club - for 50+ single, separated, widowed & divorced. Every Wed & a full monthly programme at Federation House, Claremont Road, Sherwood. 8pm -11pm. Tel: June 01773 777 204 or South Notts Alive & Kicking - Every Thurs at Arnold Liberal Club. 7.30pm-11.15pm. South Notts N.C.D.S.W is for the divorced, separated & widowed. Hand in friendship to all. Tel 01949 358154. Embroiderers’ Guild - anyone interested in stitching and textiles is welcome. We meet at The Nottingham Mechanics, North Sherwood St, Nottingham (close to the Royal Centre) on 1st Tuesday each month at 1.30 - 3.30pm. For more info contact Jenny on 01623 491331. Woodcarving Club - Tuesdays: 1.30 - 3.30pm & 7 - 9pm at Sherbrook Scout Camp, Mansfield Lane, Calverton (Sept to mid-June). Small friendly group, beginners very welcome. Tools & tuition provided. Contact Brian - 0115 841 6996 Nottingham Flower Club - Invites you to discover a new talent by joining us on a Thursday evening at the Bluecoat School, NG8 5GY. For dates of meetings contact Jane Walden - 0115 937 5343. Patterns & Plains Patchwork & Quilting Group - meet 2nd & 4th Weds monthly - 7.30pm - 9.30pm at the Salvation Army Hall, Arnold. Call 0115 9939106 after 7pm for info. New members welcome. Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt - lectures held 6 times a year -plus special events & trips. New members welcome - expect a warm, friendly welcome. For further info call 01246 276771 or Woodborough Bridge Club - meets every Thursday evening, 7pm at Woodborough Village Hall, Lingwood Lane. Friendly duplicate bridge; also opportunities for pairs events, match play & classes. Contact Jane (0115 965 2595) or enquiries@ See National Council of Women - Nottingham & Notts Branch - meet last Monday in month 10.30-12pm followed by lunch 12.30-2.30pm at Masonic Hall, West Bridgford. For more info call 0115 950 3733. City of Nottingham Probus Club - a club for men over 65, meeting at The New Mechanics Institute, North Sherwood St, Notts on 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10am, meetings start at 10.30am. Interesting talks on many subjects plus optional lunch. Just turn up or call Robin on 0115 916 4774 or email: Nottingham Socialising - social group for 20 - 40’s. Events include pub nights, quizzes, walks, classical concerts and any other social event - find us on facebook. Kindred Spirits Notts - Many social activities a month in & around Nottinghamshire, including coffee mornings, day trips & exercise classes. There are no fees. Find out more by calling 0115 844 0011. Bootlace Buddies - Bootlace Buddies is a small friendly walking club for single people born in the 50s and 60s. We walk in the local area on Sundays and sometimes walk or cycle on Wednesdays. For more info visit French speaking group - French speakers, native or not, meet monthly at various venues in & around Nottingham to keep up with the language. Good conversation French required. Join our group on Facebook: “The Nottingham Frogs” or email A bientot. Nova - new friends for single people. Call at the Mapperley Plains Social Club, Mapperley Top, Thursdays from 8pm & pick up our programme of monthly social events. For info: or phone Paul on 07973 872213. Chair Based Exercise - new members welcome. Free weekly classes at 1.45pm Tuesdays & seated yoga class Thurs 2pm-3pm at The CORE Centre, 17 St Wilfred’s Square, Calverton. Call 0115 847 0551 for info on our other classes. Burton Joyce Players - put on two plays and a pantomime each year. We rehearse on Monday and Wednesday evenings in Burton Joyce village hall. For more details contact Mel Reynolds on Burton Joyce Community Market - takes place in Burton Joyce Village Hall, NG14 5EY second Saturday morning of every month from 10am-12.30pm. Entry is free & there is a wide range of stalls. Funds raised from table hire goes towards the upkeep of the hall. Any enquiries to: Sally Smith on 0115 9312766. Robin Hood Probus Club - For men who are retired, partly retired or nearing retirement. Monthly meeting on 3rd Tuesday at The Vale Hotel, Mansfield Rd, Daybrook. Speaker & lunch. Do come along and meet a group of very interestimg, like minded people. Call Bob 0115 822 4642 or Nottingham Backgammon Club - Meet Mondays at 8.30pm at The Lion, Mosely St, NG7 7FQ. No membership fees, no playing fees. The Lion is a Real Ale Pub. Call Keith Gray - 07717 058856 for more info. The Nottingham Group of the Hardy Plant Society - for everyone interested in plants & gardening. Meet 2nd Friday monthly from Sept - April at St Paul’s Church Hall, Boundary Rd, NG2. Doors open at 7pm with a speaker at each meeting. For further info go to; email hps.nottingham. or phone Carol on 0115 914 2474. The British Sugarcraft Guild - meet 2nd Friday of month (except Dec) at 7.30pm, Burton Joyce Village Hall, Trent Lane. Visitors & new members always welcome. No experience necessary. For more info call Jackie: 07708 035311 or Nottingham Secular Society - meets on last Monday of every month at the Canal House, 48-52 Canal St, NG1 7EH. For details of meetings/speakers/debates see our website: www.

NG14 Community Diary cont.....

Burton Joyce Bowls Club - the Poplars Sports Ground, Station Road. For further info 0115 8447 167 Woodborough Bridge Club - meet every Thursday, 7pm at Woodborough Village Hall. EBU affliated. Visitors welcome.

Contact Jane on 0115 965 2595 or Lambley Historical Society - meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7.30pm in the Lowdham W.I. Hall. New members or visitors are always welcome. For information call Kay Winfield: 0115 9313646 or John Smith: 0115 9313066 Lowdham WI - meet at 7.30pm on 2nd Monday of the month (except January) at Lowdham WI Hall. Visitors welcome. For more information call 0115 966 3035 BJU3A - educational/ cultural/ social activities for retired/ semi-retired people of any age. Monthly meeting and 30+ interest groups. Meetings - 1.45pm at BJ Village Hall. For further information contact 0115 931 4290 or visit website Lambley WI - meet 2nd Monday every month at 7.30pm in Lambley Village Hall. Visitors always welcome. Contact Michelle: michelle.church156@btinternet or call 0115 779 3623 Notts Fuchsia Society - encourages the growing & displaying of Fuchsias. We meet at Wollaton Park Community Centre, Harrow Rd, Wollaton Park, NG8 1FG on the 4th Tuesday monthly from 7.15pm - 9.30pm for talks & demonstrations. All welcome. For more info call Derek on 0115 975 3365. Soroptimist International - a group of women who meet 1st & 3rd Monday monthly at Willoughby Hall, Notts University Main Campus. We carry out projects to support women & girls at local & international level. Join us for fun, friendship & to help with these projects. For more info & contact: Trent Valley Art Group - meets on Monday afternoons 1.30 - 3.30 in Burton Joyce & surrounding areas. We paint and sketch out of doors in fine weather and work indoors in winter weather. We take part in local art exhibitions & events working with beginners & more advanced students. For more info call 0115 931 2422 to speak to the tutor. Making Tracks Walking Group - is for single adults aged 40+ who share a love for the outdoors. We walk every Sunday throughout the year in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire & Leicestershire. Own transport essential. For more information visit: All new members welcome. Nottingham Rotaract - 18-30 ish - Want to meet people? Try new activities & help in your local community, nationally & internationally through volunteering and fundraising? We meet 7pm central Nottingham on 1st and 3rd Thursday each month. Visit for further details. Nottingham Cactus & Succulent Society - meet on 1st Wednesday monthly at Beeston Methodist Church Hall, Queens Rd, Beeston, NG9 2FF. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm finish 9.30pm. Friendly group, outside speakers. All welcome. Further details please call 013325 11970 or go to Nottingham City Petanque Club - play French boules at Valley Road, Sherwood, NG5 3HU entrance opposite former Fiveways pub. Meet Tuesdays at 7pm and Sundays at 2pm. Visit or leave a message on 07972 424052. Suitable for all ages. New members welcome, first 3 vists free. Nottingham Organ Society - Bonington Theatre. 1st Monday in the month at 7.30pm. Come along and listen to an evening of light musical entertainment. Tickets available at the Bonington Theatre, Arnold, Nottingham. Call 0115 956 0733 New Life Friendship Club - for active over 50’s. Full programme of events each month - (daytime only) day trips, theatre, strolls, walks, meals out, places of interest. For further details contact Joan 929 0902, or email: Lowdham Bowls Club - join us for casual or competitive sport and all year round social activities. We are on Main Street next to the village hall, opposite The Old Ship Inn. For further information call Steve on 0115 931 2889. Nottingham Oddfellows - are you lonely & want to get out and meet people in a social & friendly atmosphere? Come along & meet us on the first Friday monthly @ 11am - Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood St, NG1 4EZ. For more info call Karen on 01949 843727 or All welcome. Lowdham History Society - meet at 7.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month (Sept - April) in the Lowdham WI Hall. New members & visitirs always welcome to hear varied & interesting speakers. For more info call Maureen Handley: 0115 966 9462 Dover Beck Flower Club - meet 3rd Thursday monthly at Burton Joyce Village Hall. For more info call 0115 965 4745. Nottingham Writers’ Club - meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays (evenings) monthly in the city centre. We welcome everyone who loves to write - aspiring, published or unpublished - and all genres are catered for. For information please contact Phil on 0115 938 4098 Seated Yoga Class - Thursdays 2-3pm at The CORE Centre, 17 St Wilfred’s Square, Calverton. Free. New members very welcome. Call 0115 847 0551 or just turn up! Lowdham Bridge Club - come and meet some friendly folk on a Monday morning & have an enjoyable game of Rubber Acol Bridge at Lowdham WI Hall 10am - 12.30pm. Contact Harry Healey on 966 3434 or email: harrychrishealey@gmail. com for further details. All levels & abilities welcome. £10 introductory fee + £2 weekly table fee. Includes refreshments. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust Gedling Local Members’ Group - meets regularly throughout the year for local walks & hosts an informative talks programme each autumn/winter in Burton Joyce. For details of activities & events please visit: or contact Gary Wood on 0115 920 5940 Nottingham CHA Walking Group - would like to invite new members to local weekday or weekend walks further afield. For more details please call 0115 927 4869 or email: Friends of Nottingham Museums - monthly meetings with speakers, held on Saturdays at 2pm in Studio 1, Nottingham Castle. Further info: Janet Livesley 0115 922 1734 Woodthorpe Huffers & Puffers Running Club - for all abilities - 2 miles to marathon! Meet at Thackerays Lane Park (behind Vale pub) 3 times a week. Learn to Run courses if you are new to running as well as walking group. See website for details:

free time Dover Beck Flower Club

Burton Joyce Village Hall, NG14 5EY 7pm - Visitors welcome (£7)

May 18th - “Astrological” Joan Woodhead June 15 - “Indigo & Oranges” - Julie Cook For more information and tickets please call 0115

965 4745

NG14 Community Diary cont..... Get Going In Gedling - provides volunteer-led short health walks most days of the week. If you enjoy walking and

socialising, how about joining us. These walks are a great way to start exercising in a safe and supportive environment. For more info call Fiona Hextall on 0115 901 3635 or visit and search for Get Going in Gedling. Woodborough Art Club - small, friendly group of artists of all abilities. Meet Thurs 10am - 12 noon at The Institute, Row Lane, Woodborough. We have a permanent exhibition of our work. Varied programme of demos & tutor once a month. We take part in Woodborough Street Market & have an exhibition every Xmas. We look forward to welcoming new members. For more info call Joyce Andrews: 01159 653832 or call in to see us. Arnold Local History Group - all new visitors or members welcome. We meet 3rd Tuesday of the month with a break in July, August & December. Meetings at Bonington House (Labour Club), High St, Arnold. Details: Email: or tel: 0115 920 0626 or write to:144 Surgeys Lane, Arnold, NG5 8GB Duke of Edinburgh Open Award Group - meet once a fortnight, Wednesdays 7pm-8.30pm at Rolls Royce Leisure, Watnall Rd, Hucknall. Open to all ages from 13 ½ to 23 yrs. For more info Chris on 07906 312673.

Burton Joyce Senior Citizens’ Club - meeting on the first Tuesday of each month in the Old Church Hall, Main Street, Burton Joyce at 7pm except February and August when we have outings. We have a varied programme of talks & activities throughout the year. Visitors and new members always welcome. For more info call Rachel on 0115 931 2413 Ellenismos Greek Dancing - Monday evenings 8pm-9.30pm at St Mary’s Church Hall, Wollaton Park Road. New

members welcome, call Margaret on 01332 391608 or email: Phoenix Friendship Clubs, Nottingham Locksley - Tues evening is DANCE NIGHT. Put your glad rags on and join us. Have fun and keep fit. Entry £3.50. Try for 3 weeks then if you like it, annual membership £5, then £3 per week. At Oakleigh Lodge, 11 Highbury Rd, NG6 9DD. For more info: Arthur 07775 725670 or Trish 07816 216418. EVERYONE WELCOME The Nottingham Mechanics - 3 North Sherwood St, Nottingham, NG1 4EZ. A centre for everyone. Meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere. A host of groups to join including music, Writers’ Club, Poetry Society, Family History, Keep Fit, Film Shows etc. For membership details contat: or 0115 941 7353 Bishops Eight Square Dance Club - for people who want to make new friends, have some fun, take gentle exercise and learn how to square dance. We meet every Thursday at The Old School, Cropwell Bishop at 7.30pm. For more info call Kath - 01949 860843 Calverton Cricket Club - welcomes players and juniors (age 14+) to indoor nets at Nottingham High School. Every Tuesday 7.15 - 8.15pm. Begins on 10 January until 28 March 2017. Contact Richard Lee 077344 11010 or Scott Andrew 07965 4539402 Nottingham Folk Dance Group - meets Tues at .7.15pm at Lambley Village Hall, Lambley Primary School, Catfoot Ln, Lambley, NG4 4QF. New members, singles & couples welcome. No experience necessary. For more info call Mary Hill: 0115 967 3878 or visit Nottinghack - a place where you can make anything. Free open evening 6.30-9.30pm every Wed at Unit F6, BizSpace, Roden House Business Centre, Nottingham, NG3 1JH. For more info visit:

Nottingham BikeWorks Roles Out New C&G Bike Mechanic Courses N o t - f o r - p r o f i t organisation, Nottingham BikeWorks are delighted to roll out a new training provision from highly regarded training body, City and Guilds. Executive Director, Tom Barber was himself inspired to learn a new skill and take a career change; his love for bikes, resulted in him quitting his 9-5 and opting for a vocation of passion. “I’ve always cycled everywhere and been interested in bikes” says Tom. “So when the idea to start Nottingham BikeWorks gathered momentum it seemed too good an opportunity to miss.” Tom and co-founder Anthony Hopwood, had a clear desire to help disadvantaged children and adults in the local community learn new, practical and usable skills around bicycle repair and maintenance. These hands-on courses have gone from strength to strength since being rolled out in 2015, and the new City and Guilds offerings are another big step down this path. NBW offers 3 C&G courses: Entry Level 3 suitable for those with little or no experience; the more advanced Level 1; and finally Level 2. This 10 day course is a recognised professional, industry standard qualification. To ensure the centre could meet the standards of City and Guilds, Nottingham BikeWorks called upon neighbouring bicycle brand Raleigh, who helped to supply the workshop with 12 identical Raleigh Strada 3, specially selected for their reliability and quality. These bikes will be stripped down and rebuilt multiple times so NBW needed a bike that would stand the test of time. For more information on these City and Guild courses and others offered by Nottingham BikeWorks, please contact them 0115 979 2433; or email; or visit their website uk.


Gong Hey Fat Choy! Here come the Dragons!

The 2017 Dragon Boat Challenge takes place on Sunday 6th August as part of the annual Riverside Festival and is one of the largest and most eagerly anticipated team events in the region. Up to 50 crews from all over the East Midlands are expected to battle it out over the 200m race course. They will all be seeking to knock CR Civil Engineering off their pedestal as reigning champions whilst raising important funds for the hospice. No previous experience is required to take part, just plenty of team spirit. The dragon boats, qualified helms and all racing equipment are provided and each crew is guaranteed a minimum of three races. Teams and spectators also benefit from being part of one of the region’s largest family festivals with a bustling fair and vibrant mix of music, dance, crafts and food from around the world, staged by Nottingham City Council. The Challenge’s official charity, Rainbows, is the only children's hospice in the East Midlands. By taking part in the Dragon Boat Challenge to raise money for Rainbows, you will be helping families from Nottinghamshire and across the region to make the most of the time they have left together and create memories they can treasure forever. For more information and an entry form please call Gable Events on 01780 470718 or visit nottingham

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Have Your Fill From Nature’s Larder Foraging has, of course, been a part of the human eating experience from the beginning, but in modern times you are more likely to pop to your local supermarket or, if you’re feeling adventurous, to your local farmers’ market for your supply of veg, fruit and salad than you are to grab a bag and head into the woodlands and hedgerows. But in recent years the appetite for foraging has grown in strength, as people enjoy the authenticity of local, seasonal, usually indigenous and, of course, free, food. So in demand has foraged produce become, wild mushrooms in particular, that some places have banned people from picking for personal use altogether, as restaurants and markets have employed those in the know to hunt out the best sites or have turned a blind eye to their sources and picking has been on an almost industrial scale, spoiling the fun for the rest of us. But there is still much to be found in the English countryside, if you just take the time to look. The pièce de résistance of foraging for many is the amazing array of wild mushrooms and fungi that appear from late summer to late autumn. I used to go mushroom hunting a lot when I was younger, morels, chanterelles, field mushrooms and boletes, but I find as I’ve got older I have

become increasingly risk averse and am no longer prepared to take a chance on mistaking my innocuous field mushroom for the deadly similar Deathcap. Whilst there isn’t much to beat wild fungi on the flavour front, I strongly recommend you only gather them with a qualified expert at your side, or better still, pop to a local market and find the farmed versions. Even without mushrooms though, you’ll find a host of edible species in the fields, woods and hedgerows from early spring to late autumn, favourites such as elderflower and wild garlic, nettles, blackberries, sloes and rosehips and the less well known wild sorrel, mallow and fat hen - perfect for creating your own salads, cordials, jams, beers and soups, pretty much for free. There are rules though! Never pick or eat anything you are unsure of, if in doubt, leave well alone, only take from plentiful supplies and never dig up or remove any kind of plant, take only what you intend to eat and always seek permission from the landowner if you are on private land. You can find further advice from the Woodland Trust on-line. If you do fancy dipping into nature’s larder though, here are a few really simple recipes to get you started.

Abby Brennan is a former café-owner, food writer, speaker and small/start-up food-business mentor. You can find her blog at

Wild Garlic and Nettle Soup (April/May)

Elderflower Cordial (June/July)

Bramble Jam (August/ September)

Play around with the recipe as you see fit, a dash of white wine and/ or double cream (at the end) make great additions. (Caution, unless you know you are gathering “dead nettles” with the white or purple flowers, make sure you wear gloves, the sting goes once the nettles are cooked but not before!)

Ingredients 2.5 kg white caster sugar 2 lemons (unwaxed or washed, zested and sliced) 20 fresh elderflower heads (trim off the stalks) 85g citric acid (most chemists sell this)

Ingredients 450g brambles (wild blackberries), rinsed well. 450g white granulated sugar (blackberries can be low in pectin so you might what to improve your chances of a good set by using “jam sugar” which has pectin added) Juice of 1 large lemon.

Ingredients (serves 4-6) 1 tbsp vegetable oil 25g butter 1 onion finely diced 1 leek, 1 celery stick & 1 carrot finely diced (the last optional) 1 small potato, peeled and diced Approx 1 ltr of good chicken or veg stock Roughly 300g young nettle leaves (washed) Roughly 200g wild garlic leaves (washed) 3 tbsp milk Method Heat oil & butter in a large pan, add onion & potato (& other veg if using) add a generous pinch of salt, stir well & allow to sweat for around 15 - 20 mins on a low heat. Add stock & simmer for 10 mins then add nettles (in batches) and garlic leaves. Simmer for a couple of minutes. Remove from the heat & blend using a stick blender. Return to the heat & add milk (or cream). Season to taste. You can also use the young wild garlic stems as a side dish, simply place in a pan with a tight fitting a lid, add a splash of water & a knob of butter & let the stems & leaves steam for a few minutes until wilted.

(makes about 4 litres)

Method Put sugar & 1.5 litres water into a large saucepan. Heat gently (without boiling) until all sugar is dissolved. Bring the pan to a boil then remove from the heat. Gently rinse the flowerheads in a washing-up bowl or bucket to remove any dirt & insects, shake off the excess water & add the flowers, lemon slices, zest & citric acid to the syrup. Stir well, cover & leave to infuse for 24 hrs. Line a colander with a clean tea-towel or piece of muslin & place over a large bowl, ladle in the syrup and allow to drip slowly through. Discard any bits and then use a funnel to fill freshly sterilised bottles. The cordial will keep for about 4 weeks in the fridge. Add to soda water or sparkling white wine for a refreshing summer drink.

(should make a couple of jars)

Method Put the brambles in a pan & add the lemon juice, simmer gently for around 15mins. When the fruit is cooked, add the sugar & cook over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved. Turn the heat up & bring to a boil, keep at a rolling boil, & keep stirring for around 15 minutes until setting point is reached. (Either a temp of 104.5C or when a spoonful of jam dropped on a freezing cold saucer wrinkles and sets when pushed with your finger). Fill your sterilised jars with the jam, seal & allow to cool before storing in the fridge.

Wildy Good by Cat Hedges

Welcoming isn't the word, this place is marvellous. The staff were great, the food delicious and the decor modern and inviting. The kids (6 & 8) were spoilt with paper chef's hats to colour, stickers and sweets on top of the usual kids menu to colour and crayons which kept them occupied and happy throughout the whole meal. Wildwood are a small collection of restaurants that serve freshly prepared food with a European theme. As the name might suggest they are very conscious of their social and environmental responsibilities with regards to the food they source, how their restaurants are run and the work they do in the local community. In fact they protect 1 acre of rain forest per year per restaurant, so right now they are protecting 19 acres!! We started our meal with Toasted Focaccia Bread (£3.95), ‘melt in the mouth’ Meatballs with tomato sauce and melted cheese (£5.65) and the Baked Mushrooms with melted gorgonzola cheese, spinach, walnuts and focaccia (£5.95) absolutely delicious. For mains the kids chose Breaded Chicken, Chips and Peas (£5.95 with a dessert) from the kids menu, with real chicken strips they went down a treat. My teenager decided on the Margherita Pizza (£7.75) which was absolutely amazing as it was cooked in a

proper pizza oven and reminded us of Italy. Brett had the Sirloin Steak (£15.95) which was cooked to perfection and served with a delicious peppercorn sauce. I went for the Wild Boar & Chorizo Burger(£11.65) with jalapenos and mayo, it was absolutely scrummy and a great twist on a classic. We were all suitably stuffed but couldn't resist the desserts! The kids had ice cream as part of the kids menu and were spoilt again with cones, sprinkles, sauce and marshmallows! Brett chose the Mixed Berry Crumble (£5.50) from the specials board which was delicious and being a chocoholic I had the Chocolate Honeycomb Fudgecake (£5.75) which was divine and I will definitely be returning but not just for that!

WIN £50 MEAL Just answer the following question:

How many acres of rainforest are Wildwood protecting? Answer:.................................................................................. Name:.................................................................................... House no.& Postcode:........................................................... Email:..................................................................................... Contact Number:................................................................... SEND YOUR ANSWERS TO: 5A STANHOPE CRESCENT, ARNOLD, NOTTINGHAM NG5 7AZ


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will be at the Theatre Royal from 3rd to 7th October 2017 For tickets and info: 0115 989 5555 All correct answers will be entered into a draw. The winner will be notified by Monday 25 Sept 2017. The performance is 7.30pm.

Woodborough an ancient Sherwood Forest village had three manors as far back as 1,000 years ago. The history of these manors, this village, its lands, buildings, people and events have been comprehensively recorded on our website at: We are also building a THEMED PHOTO ALBUMS website which currently has more than 3,600 photos and will have over 4,500 by completion. This new site can be accessed from the HOME page of our above website. Please feel free to comment or correct what information we have provided and any feedback will be acknowledged.

Please contact us at:

To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


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CARPET CLEANING By a Trading Standards approved company Approved by


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To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


FOR SALE.......

Sell your unwanted items for FREE. Call 0115 926 9777 Magimix Le Duo Combi Juicer. Chrome. Centrifugal and citrus options. Includes all attachments & instructions. £25. 07800 633101 GIANT Kids Mountain Bike. Good condition. Suit 10-14yrs. £30. 07800 633101 Garden 2 Seater Swing Chair. Green/white. £30 (frame may need dismantling). 0115 960 5122 (ng3) Pair of 15 Pane Glass Dividing Doors. £15 ono. 0115 929 3557 White Bathroom Cabinet. With sliding mirror doors. 30.5”x20”x6”. £25. 0115 840 3847 Wheelbarrow. With soft tyres. £20. 0115 840 3847 Glass Topped Large TV Stand. L 134cm x W 50cm x H 55cm. £20. 0115 952 8056 Solid Oak Flooring. 20mm thick. Approx. 4 sqr mtrs left over from my living room. £125 ono. 07894 078815 Apple iPad Air. Silver. 32gb. In box with charger. Ex.cond. £225 ono. 07894 078815 Suzuki M1800R Full Exhaust for B.O.S.S. Been on bike for 800 miles only. £285 ono. 07894 078815 HTO1 Battery Long Reach Hedge Trimmer. Includes 1 x extra battery. £50. 01773 786028 BRYSS 12 Ltr Dehumidifier. Used once. Half price. £75. 01773 786028 Jay-be Folding Bed. With duvet. As new. £75. 01773 786028 Adagio Seated Walk-In Bath. 5 yrs old, cost £4800, rarely used, good working order. Easy to enter, use & fill. £800. 01159 287647. Garden Gate. Strong timber. Treated 4ft H x 3ft W. Unused. £15. 07434 417841 Timber. 4” x 2” x 10ft long - 10 lengths. £25. 07434 417841 White Soft Close Toilet Seat (Cavalier). Brand new. £9. 07757 285888 Electric Cement Mixer. Used once. £100 boxed. 01773 779414 Garden Gate. Strong timber. Treated. 6ft H x 3ft W. Unused. £25. 07804 828017 Food Processor. 1.2L, 500 watts. 2 speed with pulse function. VGC. £15. 0115 950 1358 Mini Chopper. 120 watts. As new. £5. 0115 950 1358

WANTED. Any old fishing gear wanted by collector. Reels, tackle, full set-ups. Also men’s watches. Cash waiting. 07855 994605 Merritt Sewing Machine. Ex.cond. And brand new fabric cutting board. £50 for both. 0115 965 5680 3 Piece Suite. Draylon. Beige 3 seat settee, 2 chairs. Ex.cond. £150 ono. 0115 9202 731 Knightsbridge Cane Furniture. Cost £1000. Needs recovering. Bargain £250. 0115 966 1154 Cardale Garage Door. Used, bare wood, ready to stain. 4m x 260mm x 2m105mm. With frame & Stanley door opener. Cost £2800. Bargain £450. 0115 966 1154 Old Books. 238 old books to sell. Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Lawrence etc..Open to offers. 07497 341316 Halogen Oven. Unwanted gift, still boxed. £25. 0115 919 7630 Mahogany Corner Cocktail Cabinet. 6ft high. VGC. £75. 07989 621771 Large Solid Mahogany Coffee Table. 3ft x 3ft. Very heavy. £75. 07989 621771 Football Referee’s Kit. Never worn. Size medium. Inc. stop watch, whistle & cards. £40 ono. 0115 923 3189 Ladies Dark Brown Faux Fur Jacket. Never worn. Size 14. £40 ono. 0115 923 3189 Brother Overlock Machines. For threading. £150. 0115 962 2714 Expanding Mannequins. For sizes 12, 14, 16 & 18. With cover. £70. 0115 962 2714 Gents New Leather Jacket. Size 42. £70. 0115 962 2714 Garden Groom Safety Hedge Trimmer. Immaculate condition. £40. 0115 965 5680 Cane Chair. £20. 0115 981 7160 Cane Sofa. 4ft long. £40. 0115 981 7160 Teak Dresser/Display Unit. 2 cupboards & drawers. Part glazed. £75. 0115 981 7160 Masport Petrol Lawn Mower. Briggs & Stratton engine. 350 18 cut. Self propelled. £400 new. Want £175 no offers. 0115 963 5427 Retro Style Dining Room Display Unit. Medium brown wood. 3 drawers, 2 cupboards. Approx.120cm H x 125cm W. £50 ono. 0115 833 2654

Simply call us on 0115 926 9777 or e: Ads will appear in next available edition. Max 3 ads per person. Re-call for each edition

FOR SALE.......

Sell your unwanted items for FREE. Call 0115 926 9777 80 x Jigsaw Puzzles. 500-1000 pieces 50p to £1.50. 07751 444056. Logic Radio/CD Player. Inc. usb port. Almost new. £5. 07751 444056. Beldray Metal Step. Height 5ft2”. £4. 07751 444056. 2 Tier Rabbit Hutch. Good cond. 5ft x 3.5ft. Was £250 new. Wanting £30. 01773 771264 Bresser Lyra Telescope. Ex. cond. As new. 4 lenses. inc. a 3 x Barlow lenses, 2 compasses & guide to universe book. Viewing recommended. 01773 530047/07484 095133 Bowls Equipment. 4x Thomas Taylor woods size 4; 4 wood holder; 2 tier wheeled bag with handle; bowls lifter; 2 measures & other items inc.waterproof coat & cricket jumper. Asking £70 ono. 01773 530047/07484 095133 Quest Leisure Windsor Porch Awning. VGC. £100 ono. 07751 444056. Set of 3 Suitcases. Never used. Good condition. £25. 0115 876 0703 4 Berth Tent, Table (seats 4), 2 Ring Cooker (with grill), Double Air Bed (with pump), Food larder & Cooker Stand . All as new & boxed. £200. 0115 920 8549/0794 1958809 Contents of 1990s Craftman’s Garage for sale:. Black & Decker H552 2 speed hammer action drill; Black & Decker D390A finishing sander; Bosch PHO Planer; Black & Decker BD5385E electronic auto scrolling saw, variable speed; Black & Decker DN66 plunge router; Draper FS325A 13’ fretsaw; Clarkes CBG 6RC bench grinder (right hand guard missing); Black & Decker KS/850 1110W circular saw; Mitre saw framing guide 550mm; Draper D13/5A 5 speed bench press drill (solenoid switch control needs replacing); Black & Decker workmate + 3 boxes of various tools & materials. £290. NOT SOLD INDIVIDUALLY. 0115 928 6042 3 Pairs Curtains. Dark brown with gold, floral design. 2000mm drop x 1500mm wide each curtain. Ex. cond. £60. 01949 829199 Folding Bike. With gears & mud guards. As new with protective covers. Small wheels. £160. 0115 928 2467 Unused Magnet Stainless Steel Splashback. 60cm x 80cm. £20. 0115 878 1054

WANTED. Horizontal framed picture of Last Supper. Other formats considered. Also Bubble Boy picture wanted. 0115 956 8471 Metal Shed. 6ft x 4ft. Plus 6 x slabs. All free to take away. 01773 768755 Thomson Wide Screen 38” TV. Good working order. £25. 07724 410109 84 Books. Mostly paperbacks by James Patterson & co-authors + several Patterson book shots. All good cond. Suitable for car boot/market. £20. 0115 953 3266 17 Ordnance Survey Maps. £20. 01773 786742 Bowls. Set of 4 woods. Taylor Elite. Size 4. Plus bag. £40. 0115 928 6475 Singer Sewing Machine. Model 6235. Lovely cabinet with stool & drawer. £150. 01623 793852 Power Plus Electric Mower. £50. 01623 793852 Petrol Hedge Strimmer. £40. 01623 793852 Stannah Stairlift. Takes up to 160kg. Needs to be dismantled & collected. FREE. 0115 976 0847 Indoor Water Feature. With elephant figures & flowers. Brand new water pump. Cost £65. Accept £35 ono. 0115 9621529 Actim 31 Day Wall Clock. Black cased. 15” drop, 9” wide. £20 ono. 0115 9621529 Car Ramps. Good condition. £20. 07787 982245 Bosch Washing Machine & Separate Dryer. 7 mth use only. Cost £764. Will accept £255. Can deliver. 07587 421812 Bosch Fridge. Under counter. Frost free. Ex.cond. Cost £324. Will accept £75. 07587 421812 Medium Size Indoor Rabbit Cage. £10. 07913 737710 Pet Carrier. £5. 07913 737710 Jumbo Dog Cage/Crate. As new though tray slightly cracked). £80 ono. 07913 737710 Riding Equipment For Sale. New & used. All good cond. Boots, jodpurs, hat + much more... Sell total package £250 or can sell individual items. Call for detailed list & more info. 0115 984 7498

Simply call us on 0115 926 9777 or e: Ads will appear in next available edition. Max 3 ads per person. Re-call for each edition

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Quality made-to-measure fitted wardrobes

- 100’s of designs - Free design & quote - 10 year guarantee - Family business over 20 years - We only use our own fitters - Honest pricing policy - All made in-house - Fit within 3 weeks of order - Installation within 1 day Book your free design visit now

0115 975 6633 - Sliding Door Wardrobes & Bedroom Furniture Factory showroom: Southglade Business Park, off Hucknall Road, Nottingham NG5 9RA


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K&L Landscapes Garden Design & Construction All Aspects of Garden Maintenance

Fencing & Gates Tree Work Gardens Cleared & Rubbish Removed

For a FREE quote call

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Unlimited designs of doors to choose from - all at the same price All double glazing repairs and we also do Soffit & Fascias


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To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


TAROSCOPES Air signs- Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Earth signs- Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus

So, what’s next? You’ve been working hard, and making progress. But, as with all endeavours, you’ve reached a plateau. The momentum’s slowed, your focus has drifted; it’s hard to stay 100% motivated 100% of the time. So, relax. CHILL. Then set a new goal; small, but tempting enough to get that bit back between your teeth. Soon you’ll be charging forth again.

Stop waiting for things to go wrong… You can be your own worst enemy, you know. Determined to prepare for the worst to the point it can infect the good times you should be enjoying. If you must adhere to this ‘vigilant’ energy then invest it productively: making improvements to your home, work or creative projects. Success attracts success; there’s more to come if you’ll let it in.

Fire signs- Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Water signs- Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

(Four of Swords, Two of Wands, Knight of Swords)

(The Moon, The Tower, Seven of Cups) Home truths come home to roost. Fears get amplified when suppressed. You’re going to draw one of your anxieties into the light and vanquish it, with great relief. There might be a discovery, and you might feel disappointment or confusion as the dust settles. But know that it’s better out than in, and the scene is now clear for you to continue on firmer, truer foundations.

(Ten of Cups, Temperance, Ace of Wands)

(Seven of Swords, The Hanged Man, Three of Wands) Get help with what’s troubling you. There’s something you don’t know, or won’t acknowledge, that’s keeping you in limbo. Life will remain in suspension until you face it and change your perspective about a situation. New perspective = new direction. Stop banging your head on a wall and talk to someone else about it; their angle or input will prove the key to enlightenment.

Kerry Ward is a Nottingham based tarot reader, and Cosmopolitan magazine’s tarot expert, with over 20 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at or follow her at Kerry will be doing readings in person at The Tarot Van, in the courtyard of Nottingham Industrial Museum, from 12-3pm on Sunday 28th May and Sunday 25th June.

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A Nottinghamshire based company All aspects of ground works undertaken • All types of Paving inc. block paving • Driveways and pathways • Fencing • Tarmac • Drainage • Tree felling Give us a call for a free quote on: 0115 9536245 or 075 8104 0179 To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:




We specialise in the following: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

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Does flooring too! Did you know The Little Carpet Company does a wide range of hard flooring as well as our famous carpet service?

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PROVIDING YOU WITH 34 YEARS OF SERVICE Over the years we have seen both Big + Small double glazing businesses come and go! But going into our 35th year we have stuck to our ethos of offering fantastic products and services to our local community, being big enough to matter, but small enough to care that our customers return time + time + time again!

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Helping you create the perfect home...


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Logan: s w ie v e R Bur ton f Him The Last o Before Robert Downey Jr. was Ironman, before Chris Hemsworth embodied Thor and Chris Evans became Captain America, there was a man who became so absorbed in his character that when I mention the name Wolverine it is his face that pops into your head. Of course I am talking about Hugh Jackman. With almost two decades as the character coming to a tearful end, is the conqueror of nerd’s hearts across the world going to get the farewell he deserves? Or another X Men Origins: Wolverine sized mess? The story takes place in a dark, dreary future where the team of mutants is no more. Mutants as a whole aren’t really a thing anymore, with no new mutant being born in the last decade or so. In a world with no metal flinging maniacs to fight, Wolvey is left to care for the old and troubled Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart). Wolvey’s body is slowly failing him, with his iconic healing factor mysteriously failing him more and more each day. That is until a little girl is flung into his world, hurtling Logan, the Professor and this little girl on a bloody road trip as they try to escape a robotically enhanced army of douches. Hugh Jackman as Logan knocks it out of the damn park. With such a long history of playing the character, it could’ve been easy for Jackman to revert to type; scream in a vicious rage, slash some fools, rinse off the blood and repeat. But this film takes these beloved characters on a more personal journey. Jackman is allowed to unveil a new, more vulnerable and human side to the living weapon that is the Wolverine. He does this fantastically, showing a 200 year old man at the end of his rope, barely managing to keep a grasp on surviving at all times. Almost all the acting in this film was stellar. Patrick Stewart returning as the iconic “Q-ball” leader of the X Men gets to show a completely new and devastating side that painfully humanises a character that up until this point has been an untouchable paragon of light and reason.

Newcomers, Dafne Keen as the little girl Laura and Boyd Holbrook as the leading force of the afore mentioned army of robotically enhanced douches, also slipped into their roles effortlessly. As the film took a more personal look at icons of the X Men universe there wasn’t as much action as in past X Men films. However, the action there was, was gory and intense giving fans the blood soaked Wolverine they have been clawing for ever since the first X Men movie. Without the grand gestures of an all action film Wolverine didn’t get the dramatic send off such a beloved character deserves. However the unforgivingly gritty world, emotionally charged dialogue and stellar acting gave me a real sense of closure for the character as I said goodbye to one of the first superheroes I ever saw grace, or should I say drunkenly claw his way, onto the silver screen. Logan= 8.5/10 © Sam Burton (aged 19)

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/100% Local & family-owned ...& we care about our customers from the point of sale right through to the finished installation. Windows • Patio Doors • Composite Doors • Bi-Folding Doors Conservatories • Soffits • Fascias & Guttering • Small Extensions and more...

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Get in touch

Mr and Mrs Berry

Our show home: 243 Trowell Road, Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2EP.

(0115) 928 7984 Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday 9am - 3pm, Sunday 10am - 3pm

To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


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Martin Page your local

Tree Surgeon

Have you considered your trees may need some maintenance from time to time. Are your trees maybe too tall ? blocking light, unsafe or untidy? Or maybe you need to remove that stubborn stump. Do your hedges, Conifers or shrubs need trimming. With 30 years of experience working with trees in your area, I would be pleased to offer you free advise and a free quotation.

I also sell high quality firewood logs

call me now on

Fully insured Local family business Clean& tidy service

01159 068680 ConstantlyRecommended

To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


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New Admissions Policy at Clumber Park NOTTINGHAM


Over 30 years experience REFERENCES AVAILABLE


07775 744 445 • 0115 779 6251

Clumber Park is a special and important place, which is why it’s one of only a handful of Grade I registered parks in the country and is enjoyed by so many. We are changing the way we admit visitors to the Park. We are doing this by removing the pay barrier around the Walled Kitchen Garden so that everyone who comes to Clumber Park can enjoy it, and by modifying our admissions model from pay-per-car to pay-perhead. The change came into effect on 4 January 2017. This change marks the start of a £8.5m programme of revitalisation of Clumber Park that will include restoring areas of heathland and important habitats for wildlife which have been badly damaged by cars and erosion, bringing the historic Walled Kitchen Garden and Pleasure Grounds to life, opening up views that have been lost, protecting ancient trees and investing in and improving visitor facilities. National Trust members will continue to benefit from free entry. Further information about Clumber Park Revitalised is available on our website at photo: National Levenson



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EXTERIOR CLEANING SPECIALISTS STEAM CLEANING AND PRESSURE WASHING - fully insured Cleaning of Driveways - Roofs - Stone - Cladding Decking | Render soft washing | Paint removal free quote & sample clean call: 07498 562872 or 0800 292 23 25

Specialists in modern and traditional upholstery

New sofas, suites, chairs and footstools made to order. Also Curtains and Roman Blinds We reupholster Parker Knoll, Cintique, Ercol, Conservatory furniture, Chair pads and much more.

We also make new sofas and suites, visit us at Floralands Garden Centre, Lambley NG4 4QL to see a selection of our best sellers

Hundreds of fabrics to choose from.

Tel 0115 920 5550 mob 07872 626 786 |

Opening Times: Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm or Southwell Mkt Saturdays

To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


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Hardwood & Engineered Wood Floors Parquet Sanding & Refinishing of Existing Floors

Toilets | Sinks | Showers Baths | Manholes | Smelly Drains Unblock & CCTV surveys Call Aaron on

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repair or replace door locks, window locks, handles & hinges, work undertaken in and around the Nottingham area Andy Woodford - Over 28 years experience

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01159 532008 Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly & Monthly House Cleans • Carpet & Upholstery Cleans One Off Cleans & Spring Cleans • Moving In/Moving Out Domestic & Commercial Cleaning Window Cleaning • All Staff DBS (CRB) Checked Your home will be thoroughly cleaned by a team of experienced cleaners, who will ensure that no area of your home is overlooked. Whether it be a one-off clean, blitz clean or a regular cleaning service with a frequency that suits you. During each clean, Maid Service Ltd will:

• Dust skirting boards, light fixtures & furniture • Dust sills, shelves, blinds & décor • Remove cobwebs • Vacuum/Mop all floors, carpets, rugs and stairs • Vacuum furniture including under all cushions • Clean glass surfaces | Window Cleaning

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Passionate about about plants plants Passionate

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Your local Garden Centre Hilltop Nurseries is a family run business with over 40 years experience in growing a wide variety of plants and what’s more, we are based in Gedling right on your doorstep!

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To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:

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Hil Hill ov ove var var ba bas


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Stonebridge Fireplaces • Gas fires • Electric • Fires • Woodburning & multifuel stoves • All types of fireplaces FULL INSTALLATION SERVICE BY QUALIFIED GAS SAFE & HETAS ENGINEERS Opening Times: Mon-Fri 9-5pm Sat 9-4pm • Sun 12-4pm • (Bank Holidays 11-4pm)

Daleside Road ( opposite Virgin Media) Colwick, Nottingham NG2 4DH 0115 9852828

May/June Crossword (answers on page 76)


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Roofing Services Over 20 yrs experience

All aspects of roofing Repairs, Full Roofs, Flat Roofs Slates, Tiles, Upvc Fascias, Velux All work fully guaranteed & staff vetted

For a Free Quote call Terry

0115 891 0114 07961 511138



01159 875024

“from roots to shoots”

TREES • Section Felling • Reducing • Target Pruning • Deadwooding • Pollarding

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HEDGES Hedge Removal • Trimming • Reducing • Planting • Hedge Laying •


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To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


Radcliffe on Trent Male Voice Choir is offering a

If you are involved in a choir, singing group or band then we would love to hear from you. You just need to email us at: ali@ngmagazines. by the first Friday of the month.

Free Six Week Singing Course – “Learn to sing in Harmony'. Would you like to know what voice type you are (Bass, Baritone, Tenor), how to control breathing, blend your voice in harmony or find your way round a musical score? Then this is the course for you! No previous experience required, just an enthusiasm for singing and a willingness to work to improve. There are no obligations. Just come and enjoy the experience and, if at the end of the course you want to join our choir you will be made most welcome. The course runs to 1st June, and starts at 7.15pm in the Methodist Church, Shelford Road, Radcliffe on Trent NG12 2AB. For more information, please contact Dai Roberts on 0194981460 or any Choir members.

Bingham and District Choral Society News... Spring Concert with Newark Choral Society on May 13th (further details at Summer Singing: There will be four rehearsals, culminating in a 45 minute lunchtime performance at St Mary’s Church, Newark on 17th June. The cost will be £20pp and anyone who would like to sing with us will be warmly welcomed. It would be an ideal opportunity to give our choir a try if you have been thinking of joining. The rehearsals will take place at Carnarvon School, Nursery Rd Bingham NG13 8EH on May 24 & 31, June 7 & 14 - 7.15 - 9.30pm. For a registration form, please contact Janet Chapman on 0115 9332834.

The Rock’n’Soul Singers We continue to enjoy our singing as we go from strength to strength and with an ever increasing reportoire of pop and rock songs. We meet on Wednesday evenings to rehearse at Underwood church from 7.15pm-8.45pm. We were pleased to have recently help raise £600 towards a member of our choir’s charitable trip to Guateala and Costa Rica. Olivia thanks everyone who supported this concert and we all give her our very best wishes for a sucessful and fulfilling trip!

Upcoming events... Saturday July 8th: Underwood Festival during the afternoon Sunday July 16th: Patchings Arts Festival Saturday July 22nd: 7pm at Brinsley St James the Great church as part of the church’s Great Weekend Further information, tickets and contact details please see our website

Gem Connection Ladies Barbershop Chorus - meet every Thurs at The Harrington Middle School, Derby Road, Long Eaton, NG10 4BJ; 7.30pm - 10pm. Please visit: www. for more info or just pop along & see us at one of our rehearsals - you’ll be made most welcome. Bestwood Male Voice Choir - Why not join Bestwood Male Voice Choir? Come to a rehearsal, no obligation or pressure, Tues from 7.30pm-9.30pm at Hucknall URC Church, Farleys Grove, NG15 6FG. For more details contact Colin Pursglove on 0115 979 4842 or visit Grand Central Chorus - Sing in harmony every Wed, 7.15pm at Harrington School, Long Eaton, NG10 4BJ. Visit www. or call Martin on 07855 270803 or just turn up. All teach by ear materials supplied. Sherwood Clarinets - an informal group that meets to play together on Tues, 7.45pm-9.45pm at Calverton Baptist Church Hall. During the year we arrange concerts to support charities. If you enjoy playing clarinet & are of Grade 4 standard or above, why not come along? Contact Sue: ellis. for more details. Sherwood Chorus - is a friendly, relaxed group of people who enjoy singing but do not read music. Meet every Mon (excl. Bank Holidays) 7-9pm at the Sherwood Methodist Church, Devon Drive, Sherwood, NG5 2EN. Admission £2 towards room hire. Please email to ensure up-to-date details and for further information. Saturday Singers - singing is good for you. Come & try us. Members from all over Nottingham. Meet Belgrave Rooms, 25 Goldsmith St, Nottm. 9.30am-12pm. No auditions, all welcome. Lunch available. Phone 0115 931 3965 or www. Lace City Chorus - UK/Netherlands’ Women’s 2014 Barbershop Champions - rehearsals every Weds, Frank Seely School, Calverton. All welcome. Singing courses held. Call Lynn 07909 684178. See Carlton Male Voice Choir - Are you interested in singing? Come and join us. Wednesdays 7.30pm - 9.30pm at Gedling Road Methodist Church, NG4 3EX. For details call 0115 987 4941 or visit The Major Oak Chorus - gents, sing in four part harmony with the MOC, every Tues at 7.30pm at Carlton Central School, Foxhill Rd, Carlton. For more info call Paul: 07966 910201 or visit: Woodthorpe Singers - warmly welcomes members of all abilities. No auditions or need to read music. Rehearsals in St Mark’s Church Hall, De Vere Gardens, Woodthorpe. Mon, 8-9.45pm, term time only. For info contact our musical director Tina Hewitt on 07742 670732. The Carousel Singers - ladies choir, well est. singing a great variety of music. No auditions/no previous experience. Meet in Grangewood Church, Grangewood Rd, Wollaton on Fri, 7.157.30pm. For more info call Sue England on 0115 925 7928. Trent Valley Singers -a friendly mixed choir. Meet Thurs 1.30-3.30pm at Burton Joyce Comm.Church Hall. We sing a varied programme from classical to show songs. No auditions. Ability to read music not required. Call Heather 0115 844 0872 or Marjorie 0115 931 3965. Kings Community Choir - every Mon 7.30pm-9pm (term time). Open to everyone, come along, have a sing & bring friends. Kings Centre, NG5 7JX or call 0115 967 9997. Brinsley Community Choir - pop, soul, rock RnB. Now on Tues 7pm-9pm @ Brinsley Church, Church Ln, NG16 5AB. £5 per session. No audition process. For more info call Charlotte - 07581 020959. Cranmer Company of Singers - want to sing more in 2017? Annual Come & Sing event at Bottesford Church on 14 April. Faure Requiem. Datesaver for now. More details later. Singsation Children’s Choir - Ages 5-14. Saturdays 10am11am. Eastwood Town Hall, 120 Nottingham Rd, NG16 3GD. For more info call Charlotte on 07581 020959.

Ruddington Choral present Music to Hear – light choral music for Spring

Saturday 20th May - 7.30pm St Peter’s Church, Ruddington NG11 6HA

Tickets: £10 drink & programme. Available from choir members (0115 9211451) or on the door.

Woodthorpe Singers

Spring Charity Concert Saturday 6th May at 7.30pm St. Mark's Church De Vere Gardens, Woodthorpe All proceeds in aid of Asthma UK Tickets: £6 inc. refreshments Gem Connection Ladies

The Gem’s are busy preparing for their next Show...

Saturday 3rd June

Long Eaton School, Long Eaton Tickets: £10 00 from or Julia: 0115 946 0046

The Gem’s will be out and about around your area throughout the year raising funds for the chorus with their very popular Teddy Stalls. If you have and cuddly toys to donate, please contact Iola on 01332 550663.

Choral Society takes on a new direction!

The Summer concert in June will be the first concert new artistic director, Ellie Martin has programmed, and it will be a more informal café style concert working through a variety of different styles. Ellie hopes to teach the choir to grow in confidence as singers and to perfect the technical skills required to sing well. The choir hopes to welcome new members ready for the informal summer concert.

For more info visit


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Burton on the Air by Bob Massey

I have often wondered about my interest in computers; was it the engineer in me or was it genetic in some way? In the 1920s my grandfather, like me, was into the latest technology, although in his case it was radio. Radio was a new thing. Radio sets were expensive but you could buy a set of ear phones, build yourself a crystal set, as they were called, and be able to tune into the local transmissions. Magazines had instructions of how to put them together and my grandfather was in his element with bits of wire coils and the like, taking over my grandmother’s kitchen!! In 1924, a new radio station transmitting from Nottingham went on the air. It was called 5NG and was situated at 4 Bridlesmith Gate in the city. The building, which still exists today, was once the Dog and Bear pub.

were broadcast from venues like the Albert Hall around the city and in local villages. By 1926 the station was well established and more outside broadcasts were considered. This increased the audiences, who wanted to hear themselves on the radio and see this strange new media at work. On Thursday 8th April 1926 a musical play, the first of its type, was broadcast by the Nottingham station, 5NG. The play was called “Cupid the Pilot” written by Arnold D Sykes and the music by local music hall star, Billy Merrin. It featured local artists Miss L A Mumford as the hon. Beryl Hermitage and Mr A B Cragg as the inventer, and Mr A D Sykes (the shows writer) as the Sheik. Other parts were played by Mr J Henry, P Stansby, R Fenson, J Shelton, A S Barnes, J H Krause, and F Bunney together with Misses B Willamson, I Lees, J Mayfield, W Wells, A Herrod and Mrs E Weeley. The music was provided by Billy Merrin and his orchestra. This outside broadcast was transmitted live in front of an audience and all from a single microphone! The venue for this ground breaking work was none other than Burton Joyce Village Hall where the local audience, according to the report in the Nottingham Post, received the rendition with great enthusiasm and applause.

5NG was part of the new British Broadcasting Company and the 16th to open around the country. They began broadcasting on 16th September, 1924 and became Nottingham’s first local radio station transmitting from a single studio 18’ by 35’ fitted with a single microphone and music provided by a gramophone. A second microphone had been provided exclusively for the new policy of outside broadcasts. Concerts and other events

Why this particular venue was chosen, when theatres and cinemas abounded in the area, is unknown. At least Burton Joyce can claim to have been in the forefront of the latest in technology and entertainment for a short while in the 1920s.

If you are a budding historian and would like to contribute regular articles for the magazine we would love to hear from you. Please call 0115 926 9777 or email:










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A lovely but overlooked cat is appealing to readers for a home! ‘Miaow, I’m Tinkerbell. I’m 3 years old, but I had a rough life before Animal Accident Rescue Unit helped me. I was shy and nervous, but my patient fosterer has helped me – all I need is a nice, quiet home without young children or pets. I’m not interested in going outside, but that may change once I settle in. I so hope someone will give me a chance because I am affectionate … just hear me purr!’ Like all the charity’s cats, Tinkerbell has been FIV/FeLV-tested and is negative. She is spayed, flea and worm treated, micro-chipped and litter-trained, plus vaccinated for one year – with the new owner responsible for annual vaccinations. The charity recommends all cats are kept indoors for 6-8 weeks, to allow bonding time with the new owner/home, and safely kept indoors at night. To discover more on Tinkerbell, contact the Adoption Officer at, who will reply as soon as possible. All potential adoptions need a successful homecheck. Cats are not rehomed on or near busy roads, unless indoor-only. Animal Accident Rescue Unit is volunteer-run, and constantly needs cat fosterers. With no premises, animals are fostered in volunteers’ homes around Nottingham. The charity does not cover healthy strays/unwanted pets, but helps neglected, injured and vulnerable animals and birds. Anyone finding an animal needing emergency transport to a vet should leave a detailed message on 0115-9321555. For all rescued animals needing homes, see

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Veterinary Nurses A Veterinary Nurse or VN works as a member of the veterinary team, providing expert nursing care for sick animals and works in close partnership with the vets. VN’s carry out technical work and are skilled in undertaking a range of diagnostic tests, medical treatments and minor surgical procedures, under veterinary direction. They take blood tests and place patients on intravenous drips, they can redress wounds and alongside the vet, monitor and maintain the anesthetics during a pet’s surgery. VN’s also look after inpatients and patients recovering after surgery - these animals need extra special care and our nurses give that extra love and care to help make the pets feel more at ease.

To train to be a VN you can either do a vocational course within a practice or enroll at college and do a full time degree course. After qualifying you are eligible to be enrolled onto the RCVS list of registered Veterinary Nurses. As well as working in a practice - with small, exotic, equine and large animal patients, VNs can also work in industry, research and education roles. Locally Nottingham Trent Uni and Bottle Green training at Melbourne both run nursing courses. Alternatively the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon or British Veterinary Nursing Association websites give more information/links.

At Oak House our nurses play a significant role in the education of owners about maintaining the health of their pets. They give specific advice about caring for your new puppy or kitten and they run clinics to help support owners to get their pets to lose weight or demonstrate how to look after your pet’s teeth by brushing.

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To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:


e g a P story



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WHAT’S NEW AT WEST MIDLAND SAFARI PARK? Staff at West Midland Safari Park have a fun-filled 2017 planned for their visitors, with brand new events, some exciting new arrivals and the chance to meet the latest babies. The Park’s busy events calendar has been updated to include four new exciting conservation weeks, where guests will get the chance to take part in unique VIP experiences, enter competitions to win some amazing money-can’t-buy prizes and learn just what they can do to help, even from the comfort of their own sofa. This year, the Park will be hosting Protect Bats Week from 6-14 May and Protect Lions Week from 17-25 June. There will also be Rhino Week for May half term, to support Save the Rhino International. As well as the new events, guests can come face-to-face with the newest arrivals at the Park - 2016’s babies! Ekozu, the southern white rhino calf, will most likely be charging around the four-mile safari. Then there is the chance to meet the pack of 22 African painted dogs, 14 of which were born in July - the biggest litter the Park has seen.

In August and September, the Park welcomed Embu and Emali, two baby Rothschild’s giraffes. Then on 14 January 2017, another baby giraffe was born. Named ‘Fennessy’ by his keepers, the baby boy already stood at six-feet-tall when he was born. Also new for 2017, a family of gigantic pterosaurs soared into the grounds of West Midland Safari Park and made it their new home. With a wing span averaging around 11 metres, quetzalcoatlus was the largest animal to have ever taken to the skies. West Midland Safari Park is open daily for its summer season from 11 February until 3 November 2017. The standard admission charge is £23.00 for adults, £18.00 for children aged 3-15 and £21.00 for concessions. Admission includes a voucher for a return visit or safari gift. Prices also include admission to the four-mile safari, Discovery Trail exhibits, animal encounters, African Village and live shows. Theme Park rides charged extra in all cases. Further information is available from the Park’s official website or by telephone 01299 402114 You can follow the progress of the baby rhino on the Safari Park’s official Facebook page:

Win 1 of 5 family passes Just answer the following question:

How many baby giraffes does WMSP have? Answer:.................................................................................. Name:.................................................................................... House no / Postcode:............................................................. Email:..................................................................................... Contact Number:................................................................... SEND YOUR ANSWER TO: 5A STANHOPE CRESCENT, ARNOLD, NG5 7AZ Tick this box if you do not wish to be contacted about future offers and discounts.


*Each ticket is valid for four people to visit on one occasion (theme park rides not included). Tickets also include admission to the four-mile, self-drive safari, Discovery Trail exhibits, animal encounters, African Village and live shows. Children under 3 years admitted free (Rides extra). Lots more info:


If you run a group or club for kids and you want it publicising, this is the page for you. If your group is not-for-profit or a charity then your listing is free. All other groups pay just £5+vat per edition. Please get in touch either by phone on 0115 9269777 or email: Mum2MuM Market Nearly New Sales - 10 June & 16 Sept: 2pm-4pm at The Good Shepherd Church. Email: for more info or to book a stall. Calverton Under 5’s Toddler Group - meets Tues 1.30 - 3pm (term time) at The Community Room, Manor Park Infant School, Flatts Lane, Calverton. £1.25 per family inc refreshments. Contact Pauline on 07973 220052 Calverton Toy Library - Baptist Church Hall, The Nook - Mon 1.30pm-3pm, Thurs 9.30am-11am. £1.50 per family inc refreshments. Contact Pauline on 07973 220052. Lowdham Colts Youth Football Club- FA Charter Standard Club - Ages 5-18. Friendly, fun football. Midweek evening training & Saturday league football. Academy (5 to 7yrs) 9.30am Sat on Lowdham Playing Fields. For more info: or call Dave Johnson on 07733 310201. Email: Calverton Cricket Club - Juniors age 7-14. Indoor nets at Nottingham High School. Every Tues 6.15pm-7.15pm, begins on 10 January until 28 March. Contact Richard Lee 07734411010 or Scott Andrew 07965 4539402 Absolute Triathlon Club - Expert swim, bike & run coaching for ages 8 - 14yrs, all abilities. We meet Thursdays 5pm - 7.15pm(term time) at Southglade Leisure Centre, Bestwood. Call 0115 960 7912 or visit for more information. St Helen’s Baby & Toddler Group - Old Church Hall, Main Street, Burton Joyce (next to chip shop). Mon & Thurs 9.30am - 11am (term time), email: The Windmill Kindergarten Pre-School Playgroup - a small friendly group offering a safe and stimulating environment for children from 2 yrs to school age. Open Mon-Fri (term time only) from 9am to 3pm at the Free Church, Chesterfield Drive, Burton Joyce. Call Linda on 07800 509190. Army Cadets - challenge yourself and learn new skills: fieldcraft, navigation, camping, expeditions, shooting, sport, BTEC, DofE and much more. Young people 12yrs to 18yrs. For more information visit to find your nearest Detachment or tel: 0115 9837645 Air Cadets - 2418 Sherwood Squadron - activities include flying, gliding, shooting.For 13-18yr olds. Tues & Thurs 7-9pm. Wesley St, Carrington. Tel: 0115 962 3318 or Carlton Lifesaving Club - Sats 5pm - 6pm at Carlton Forum Leisure Centre.8yrs +. For more info call 0115 808 4508 or visit Gedling Colliery Cricket Club - run Kwik cricket sessions for 7 to 11 yr olds, along with hardball teams for ages 11-15. Please contact Andrew on 07891 654978 for details. Shake, Rattle & Rhyme - songs, movement & rhyme for babies to pre-schoolers. Mon, St Marks Church Hall, Woodthorpe, 10am - 11am: Thur, Westdale Lane Comm. Centre. 9.45am - 10.45am. Call Jo on 0115 960 9599 or Ruth on 07779 699564 or Rainbows, Brownies & Guides - for information on groups in NG14 call free on 0800 169 5901 or visit Bleasby Playgroup - a friendly baby & toddler group for parents & carers. Meet at Bleasby Village Hall Mondays 9.15-11.15am, term time only. Come & join us for fun play & craft activities followed by singing/storytime. £2 per family inc.snack & drink for all. Contact Victoria: 079866 10692 Nottingham BMX Race Track - Nottingham Outlaws BMX club run coaching sessions Saturdays: 9.30am onwards. Gates Thur (Spring/Summer) & Sun (Winter). Also BMX races. For more or facebook: Nottinghamoutlawsbmxclub or visit www. Sellers Wood Drive, Bulwell. Lowdham Preschool - preschool education for 2-5 year olds in Lowdham Village Hall. Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9 - 3pm, Tues 9-1pm with breakfast club from 7.30am each day. Rated “Outstanding in all areas” by Ofsted. Specialising in outdoor play, language & arts. Contact 07432 775965 or visit www. Sing and Play - baby & toddler group for parents/carers. Meet @ Methodist Chapel, Main Street, Lowdham. Wed 10am-11.30am, term time only. Play & crafts, snack for children then a singalong with piano. £1 per family. Just turn up or contact Jeanette on 07925 011821 Lowdham and Epperstone Happy Tots - two village toddler groups; meet on Monday 9.45 - 11.15am Eppertone Village Hall and on Friday 9.30 - 11am Lowdham WI Hall. Contact us at or

Funded places available for 2, 3 & 4 year olds Open weekdays


07969 544 137 Call today and arrange a visit We are rated


KIDS DIARY cont.....

Nottingham Boys Choir - does your son enjoy singing? NBC rehearses in St Paul’s Church, Carlton on Wednesday evenings 6.15 - 7.30pm. Take a look at our website: or just drop in on a rehearsal. It’s great fun! Beavers, Cubs & Scouts - in Calvertom, Burton Joyce & Trentside (Lowdham) & Beavers & Cubs in Woodborough. Contact 0115 952 3617 for more information. Nottingham Sea Cadets - Waterside Way, Nottingham, NG2 4DP. T: 0115 958 0528. E: W: Tues & Thurs 7pm - 9.15pm. Notts & Arnold Amateur Cricket Club - Indoor at Basford Bar Lane Community Centre, Unit B1, Bar Lane Ind Est, Bar La, NG6 0JA. Oct-March. Mon 6-7pm soft ball & 7-8pm hard ball net. Fri 6.307.30pm club training night. New members always welcome. Contact Andrew Claye 07834 488663 Calverton MWFC - Calverton MWFC providing great facilities for boys and girls, and adult football. Check out the website: Rhyme, Rattle & Roll - at Burton Joyce library alternate Wednesdays from 10.30 to 11am. Bring your babies and toddlers and make some noise with us. Ring 0115 931 3360 for further information. Lambley Mother and Toddler Group - a friendly and welcoming baby and toddler group (0-5 yrs) for parents and carers. Every Tuesday 9.30 - 11.20am in Lambley Village Hall’s committee room. Inside and outside play, craft activities, singing/stories. £2.50 per family, includes snack for children and hotArnold drinks for adults. Cubs, For more information please-contact Jen on 0115Fri 931 4420.Panther Grp 2nd Beavers, Scouts & Explorers Beavers 6.30-7.45 | Cubs Calverton And Bingham Swimming Club - offer lessons at Calverton & training sessions most 7-8.30pm Tues | Cubs Otter Grp 7-8.30pm Thurs | Scouts 7.30-9pm Wed | Explorers 8-9.30pm Fri. weekdays at Calverton, Bingham, Southwell, Cotgrave or Portland depending on ability & space. For Contact Noel Yeatman 0115 956 9865/0787505 6784 more info email: or check out the website: Air Cadets - 138 Sqn, Carlton TA Centre, Carlton, NG4 3DX. Tues & Thurs 6.45pm-9pm. Girls & boys 12-17yrs. Drill, flying, sports, adventure training, Duke of Edinburgh, BTECs & much more. Tel: 0115 940 4308 Woodborough Pre-school - we are open Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri (closed Wed). 9.15am til 3.30pm daily. Woodborough Village Hall. £3.40 ph. 2.5 yrs upwards. Govt. places available. Full & part time places available. Email: woodboroughpreschool@ Tel: 0115 965 5895.

useful information Useful Information

Crossword Solution

Gedling Borough Council.........0115 901 3901 Notts County Council...............0300 500 8080 Newark & Sherwood D C.........01636 650000 Tax Credits...............................0845 300 3900 Leisure Centres Arnold.......................................0115 901 3690 Southwell Leisure Centre.........01636 813000 Redhill......................................0115 901 3630 Carlton......................................0115 987 2333 Calverton..................................0115 901 3800 Richard Herrod Centre.............0115 961 2949 Lakeside Tower.........................0115 967 1444 Police........................................101 QMC Hospital...........................0115 924 9924 City Hospital.............................0115 969 1169 NHS Direct................................111 Emergency Utilities Electric.....................................0800 056 8090 Gas...........................................0800 111 999 Water........................................0800 783 4444


National Rail Enquiries..............08457 484950 Traveline...................................0871 200 2233 Nottingham City Transport........0115 950 6070 Nott’ham East Midlands Airport.08719199000 DVLA........................................0870 240 0009 Local Taxis Gedling Taxis............................0115 940 0121 Local Community Centres/Village Halls The Core, Calverton.................0115 847 0551 Calverton Oasis........................0115 965 5140 Woodborough Village Hall........0115 965 3985 Lowdham Village Hall...............0115 966 3596 Burton Joyce Village Hall.........0115 931 2424 Chemists Lowdham Pharmacy..............,..0115 966 3228 Burrows Close Pharmacy.........0115 931 2096 Libraries Burton Joyce.........................,..0115 931 3360 Lowdham..................................0115 966 4348 Calverton..................................0115 965 2580 Arnold.......................................0115 920 2247

Local MP - Mark Spencer.........0115 968 1186


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HOW TO CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BEAT TEAM Carlton Police Station Cavendish Road, Carlton, NG4 3DZ Tel: 101

CALVERTON & WOODBOROUGH PC 2280 Whild PCSO 8248 Kennedy PCSO 4764 Szeluk Tel: 101 ext: 853 4161 Email: gedling.northnpa@ BURTON JOYCE PC Nicholas Spence (3014) Tel: 07525 226444 PCSO James Lievesley (8907) Tel: 07525 226777 Tel: 101 ext: 811 6668 Email: gedling.southnpa@ LOWDHAM PC Gary Sipson (3116) Tel: 07525 226575 PCSO Charlotte Appleby (4678) Tel: 07595 009276 PCSO Liam Batey (4683) Tel: 07525 226758 Tel: 101 ext: 856 3370 Email: sherwoodsnt@

from your Neighbourhood Beat Team.... Stay safe summer



can rise rapidly, which can make dogs very distressed.

The clocks have leapt forward and with lighter and longer evenings, it’s important to ensure your home is secured – especially with the weather improving as we head into the summer months.

When the weather is warm owners should always ensure that your pets have plenty of cool, fresh drinking water available to them. Cars, conservatories and caravans are not suitable for dogs to be left in.

With the April heatwave giving us all a taste of what’s hopefully to come for 2017, it’s good to be prepared and ensure your property is secure. Security outside your home Many of you will have gone on bike rides, gone to the local park with friends and family and had your first BBQ of the year recently. It’s important whilst you aren’t in your property that you ensure that is secure. Ensure your doors and windows are shut and that your keys are kept in a safe place and out of sight, when outside. By leaving your house open in the warmer climate it can entice thieves to your belongings, so please don’t let them have this opportunity. Dogs trapped in hot cars Please do not leave dogs in cars – even for a few minutes – as temperatures inside vehicles

Find your Safer Neighbourhoods team by entering your postcode on the homepage of www.

If the animal is starting to show distress but the situation is not life threatening, try to locate the owner to make them aware. If you are in a car park anywhere that may have a public address system, ask for an announcement to be put out. In the meantime, please contact the police on 101, giving as much information as you can about the vehicle, registration number and location as officers can arrange to attend and try to make contact with the registered keeper of the vehicle to make them aware. If the matter is getting near life or death for the animal please call Nottinghamshire Police on 999 stressing the urgency. If you would like to speak to your local police, call us on 101. There is also plenty of information and advice guides on our website: http://www. advice

Police Constable Recruitment – Are you interested in becoming a PC? To find out more about our events and how to apply please visit:

NG14 Index of Advertisers


Select Accounting


Aerials/TV’s/Audio Phil Chapman

Artificial Grass Super-Grass

54 60

Bathrooms/Kitchens/Bedrooms Haydn Interiors Ltd Revival Beds Shower Doctor Sliding Door Wardrobes Toledo

Bed & Breakfasts Willow House B & B

Blinds/Curtains/Shutters Bella Blinds

Building / Roofers / Fascias B Feeney Canterburys No Leak Roofing Nottm Roofing Service Property Dev. Ltd SBS Property Services

Burial Grounds Tithe Green

Simon Trumper

Car Scouts Promech Garage T.I.M Motors

Chimney Sweeps Homesweep SuperSweep

Cleaners: home, carpets, windows, drives Aquablast Brooklands Drive Cleaning Chewing Services Derwent Carpet Cleaning Dustbusters Ecology Cleaning Gleam Supreme Maid Service MJ Cleaning Services

Computer Repairs/Sales/ Tuition Sola Computers


Princess River Cruises

Day Nurseries/Pre-Schools Arnold St Mary’s

Dentists/Denture Clinics Kevin Manners

Design & Print Nottingham Print

C.Moore Notts Appliance Repairs

Drainage/Pipe Clearance

Equestrian F Martin Sellors Ltd


35 47 52 57 34 39

43 63 50 54 35 64 53 43 35 68 41 66 55 46


Events/Gigs/Shows Jockey Club


Ace Fencing Premier Fencing

Fireplaces/Woodburners/ Stoves Homesweep Stonebridge Fireplaces


Brightwood Flooring The Little Carpet Co.

Foot Practitioners Fixing Feet @ Home Mobile Foot Clinic

Funeral Directors/Plans Calverton & District Funeral Notts Funeral Services JB Doors

Garden Centres/Nurseries Hilltop Nurseries

B & P Paving Fusion Gardens Green Thumb Handitec Internet Gardener K & L Landscapes Nottinghamshire Drives Premier Paving Resin Drives Smart Blox WRS

Golf Clubs

Oakmere Golf Club

Health & Fitness Clubbercise Gedling Leisure Notts Guided Walks Pilates with Claire Total Gym Solutions

Home Improvements Horticultural Engineers




Sellors Ltd

Beecroft Joiners Glen Myers

Ladies Fashion

Gerties Fashion Agency




35 41

Chris’ Decorating CMD Decorating James P & D Paul Tinsley


Pest Control

61 34

Pet/Animal Food

70 5

9 41 35

MW Pest Control Sellors Ltd


GM Plastering Paul James Plastering

Plumbing,Heating, Air Con Agua Gas B & M Plumbing M Church Coles P & H Domestic Plumbing Kings of Nottingham Mapperley Plumbing & Heat. Stonebridge Heating Centre

Removals/House Clearance 54 56 54 44 13 13 20 17 46 55


Jason Craddock



Garage Repairs/Garage Doors



Domestic App. Engineer

R2D Electrical Stator-electrical



Car Repairs/Sales/Parts




Buying/ Selling

ADK Drains

8 67 46 38 69

Estate Agents/Lettings

42 68 1 53 3 39 61 68 7 65 34

A & K Removals Andy the Van Man

57 34 65 46 61 6 43 66 4 53

Restaurants/Takeaways/Bars Dolcino Wildwood

Schools/Colleges New College Notts

Tree Surgeons Charnwood Trees Tindle Tree Care WRS


Oak Tree Upholstery


Oak House Vets

Will Writers

ALH Will Writers

33 32 21 51 57 34 53 71 17

Windows/Doors/Conservatories A & M Windows Acorn Windows Apollo Windows East Midlands Windows Window Repair Man

2,12 13 15 23 15 11 35 5 43 54 13 79 57 41 35 52 35 5 46 61

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39 49 51 45 54

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