ng3 January/February 2016
N OT T I N G H A M ’ S A W A R D W I N N I N G
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倀爀漀瘀椀搀椀渀最 䰀攀最愀氀 䔀砀瀀攀爀琀椀猀攀 椀渀 䴀愀瀀瀀攀爀氀攀礀㨀 䌀漀渀瘀攀礀愀渀挀椀渀最 䰀愀猀琀椀渀最 倀漀眀攀爀猀 漀昀 䄀琀琀漀爀渀攀礀 䐀攀戀琀 刀攀挀漀瘀攀爀礀 圀椀氀氀猀Ⰰ 倀爀漀戀愀琀攀 ☀ 吀爀甀猀琀猀 䐀椀猀瀀甀琀攀 刀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 䘀愀洀椀氀礀 ☀ 䴀愀琀爀椀洀漀渀椀愀氀 䄀挀挀椀搀攀渀琀猀 ☀ 倀攀爀猀漀渀愀氀 䤀渀樀甀爀礀 䘀椀渀愀渀挀椀愀氀 匀攀爀瘀椀挀攀猀 䌀漀爀瀀漀爀愀琀攀 ☀ 䌀漀洀洀攀爀挀椀愀氀 䰀愀渀搀氀漀爀搀 ☀ 吀攀渀愀渀琀 䌀漀洀洀攀爀挀椀愀氀 倀爀漀瀀攀爀琀礀 䴀漀琀漀爀椀猀琀 䐀攀昀攀渀挀攀
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Mapperley Property Management LTD Specialist Property Services for Nottinghamshire: • Receiving a poor service from your current Property Management Company/Freeholder/Residents Company? • Want to challenge Service Charges? • Do you want to acquire the Right to Manage (RTM)? • Do you have a Leasehold dispute and may need Tribunal Representation? • Do you need general Leasehold Advice? • Need to find a quality Lettings Agent? To book your free consultation……. 0115 960 7410 Registered in England and Wales Company No. 7368022 Data Protection Act 1998 - Register Entry Registration No. Z2416297 Mapperley Property Management Limited is a member of The Property Redress Scheme - Member No. PRS002148
FOR SALE.......
Sell your unwanted items for FREE. Call 0115 926 9777 WANTED: Garaged car from the 1970/80’s for project (eg: Ford, VW). If you own a vehicle and are looking to clear garage space please call. Any make/model considered. 01158 401 645 Magimix Le Duo Combi Juicer. Chrome. Centrifugal and citrus options. Includes all attachments & instructions. £40. 07800 633101 Shrubs & Trees To Re-home. Range from 2 to 20 yrs old. Buddleia, ash, hawthorne, horse chestnut, thuja, laurel, hebe etc. All grown in pots. Collection only. 0115 911 0277 Soft Dog Bed. Medium size. £10. 0115 926 9323 Bradcott Duchess Caravan Awning. 15ft. Grey & maroon. VGC. Offers. 0115 920 4728 Babyliss Big Hair. Used once. VGC. £20. 0115 928 3389 Babyliss Curling Wand. VGC. £10. 0115 928 3389 Superser Calor Heater. Small type with Calor bottle. In new condition. £60. 0115 998 1613 Pirelli Angel ST 180/55zr17 Tyre. Never fitted. £80 ono. 07894 078815 Ladies Bulova Quartz Diamond Watch. Boxed with cert. Cost £179. Never worn. £80 ono. 07894 078815 T Sport Kickboxing Black Leather 16oz Boxing Gloves. Head guard & foot guards. £60 ono. 07894 078815 R & G Aero Crash Protectors. Complete with all fittings/teardrop shaped bobbins for Suzuki GSF1250 GT (faired version) £75 ono. 07894 078815 LG White Microwave 700 watt. Good condition. £15 ono. 0115 987 7660 Mothercare Cot. Light oak. Only used twice. Inc. mattress. £50. 0115 963 1866 Fishing Tackle. Penn Senator big game reel £15. Ten Beechcaster fixed spool £10. Intrepid Surfcast fixed spool £8. Abu fixed spool £5. Prince fixed spool £5 & Rolls Royce centrepin £10. ono. 0115 947 0224 Doc Martin Work Boots. Black size 11. New in box. £45 ono. Yamaha Keyboard. With stand. VGC. £40 ono. 0115 984 7050 Costa Swivel Chair & Foot Stool. Red leather effect. Unused. £55 ono. 0115 961 4174 Bramley Hedge Figures. All boxed. Includes rare ones. Prices from £20. 0115 928 6596
Solid Oak 4 Seater Table. Can extend to 8. Includes 4 chairs & 3 sets of chair covers. £40 ono. 07519 157058 Dark Wood Leaded Dresser/Display Unit. With drop down drinks cabinet. VGC. £150 ono. 0115 926 7940 Framed Oil Picture. Mountain, lake & forest scene. VGC. £15. 0115 926 7940 One Pair Cut Glass Decanters. Excellent condition. £20. 0115 926 7940 Camera Collector? Vintage Brownie, instamatic & polaroid land camera. Offers. Call after 6pm. 0115 927 6401 Ready, Steady Cook Stand Mixer. VGC. Inc. all attachments & instructions. £50 ono. 0115 928 1039 Sainsburys Electric Steamer. Large. 3 tiers. Good cond. £10. 0115 928 1039 Nokia 7500 (on Orange). With charger. £15. 07928 299871 Various Brand New Cushions. Different fabrics available. £2 each. 0115 916 0753 Nathan TV & DVD. Combined cabinet. Teak. As new. £25 ono. 01773 629100 Bosch Electric Hedge Cutter. AHS45/16 high power. Brand new, boxed. Unwanted gift. Offers around £50. 0115 987 7660 WANTED: Books. I can collect unwanted books. 0115 972 5705/07522 539327 Beige Fireplace Surround. Inc. mantelpiece, back plate & hearth. Cost over £500. Ex cond. £250 ono. 0115 955 6231 Chair & Footstool. Red leather effect. Not used. From Argos. Cost £148.99. Will accept £50. 0115 961 4174 Duchess Caravan Awning. To fit up to 15ft caravan. Barley used. VGC. Offers. 0115 920 4728 Chevrolet Orlando Wheel. As new, with serviceable tyre. £40. 0115 963 4390 Two Fireside Chairs. Excellent quality. As new, never used. Ideal for lounge/conservatory. £100 the pair. 0115 938 9375 Logs For Sale. £4 per bag - collected or £5 per bag delivered. Minimum delivery 10 bags. Appleton Dale Conservation Group. 07891 136 093
Simply call us on 0115 926 9777 or e: Ads will appear in next available edition. Max 3 ads per person. Re-call for each edition
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Please mention ng3 when responding to adverts
HAPPY 2016
TO ALL OUR READERS!!! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday full of laughter and love! January is traditionally a month when we set ourself goals for getting fit, shedding pounds, drinking less booze, the list goes reality it’s probably the worse time of year for deprivation of any kind. In this edition we have some light hearted advice to help you get through these dark months with a smile on your face. We have another amazing £50 meal to be won this month so get your entries in... Happy Reading Ali, Cat, Sarah & Francine
Urgent -
classifieds 4 pets 7 special occasions
a helping hand 11 helping hand directory 12 - 13 home and garden 15 crossword 24 sudoku 34 business, IT & finance 48 safer neighbourhoods 50 eat, drink & be merry! 51 recipes 52 kids 53 kids diary 55 free time 57 community diary 60 - 62 looking good, feeling great 63 useful information 68 puzzle solutions 68 index / list of advertisers 70
Kitten Food Appeal
A local animal charity that provides a lifeline to abandoned domestic animals and wildlife, is urgently appealing for food donations to feed a recent intake of 21 kittens. Animal Accident Rescue Unit came to the rescue of the kittens from various parts of Nottinghamshire; some had been abandoned, some just born to young mothers – all needed vet checks, medication and food – like Oleg (pictured), modelling in an empty cat food box!
in its foster care, so many more kittens are expected over the coming months. Readers can help by donating kitten food. All you have to do is contact Chris on 07949 780918 or email Your help would be very much appreciated. The charity’s main telephone number is 0115 9321555, and website is
Martins Farm
ian & Feed Supplies Equestr
As Chris Bull, pet food co-ordinator for the charity, explains: ‘We’ve a lot of tiny mouths to feed and really would appreciate donations of kitten food. Any brand is fine, as long as it’s kitten, not adult, food. The first year of a cat’s life has periods of significant growth. The food they eat must contain the correct levels of nutrition to help them become strong.’
Tack Shop • Country Clothing • Accessories Animal Feed • Supplements • Hay/Straw Shavings • Electric Fencing • Gates Fencing Materials • Rug Room
In addition, the charity has several pregnant cats
Dorket Head Farm, Arnold, NG5 8PU
Tel: 0115 926 8703
To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
Mother of the Bride or Groom or attending a race meeting or special event in 2016? At the Head in the Crowd Boutique we are now stocking Michaela Louisa, Renata and Glitz mother of the bride and groom outfits and occasion and cocktail dresses. We design and make all of our hats, hatinators and fascinators in our boutique, so unlike many other outfit providers where you only get the choice of one or two hats to match the outfit you buy, if you come to us to purchase your outfit, you can choose from dozens of hats, hatinators and fascinators to match your outfit choice, giving you the chance to complete your look with the headpiece that you really want and not one that is just off the shelf.
If you already have your outfit, thats not a problem, bring it along to our boutique and we can colour match to your outfit and make you a hat that is really special, there is no extra charge for colour matching. We also have a wonderful selection of shoes, handbags and jewellery to complete your look. Make your big events in 2016 a day to remember, as our name suggests, we aim to make you stand out as 'The Head in the Crowd'
Now Stocking • Michaela Louisa • Renata • Glitz • Moda in Pelle shoes and matching handbags • Park Lane Jewellery • JayLey Faux Fur • Southcombe Ladies Leather Gloves • Peach Accessories Handbags WWW.THEHEADINTHECROWD.CO.UK • ENQUIRY@THEHEADINTHECROWD.CO.UK • 0115 7270747
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Valentine’s Day
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Come and browse high-quality plants and gifts at our new shop in Woodthorpe Park.
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a helping hand Business directory A professional and friendly service in the comfort of your own home. I also give FREE talks to local community groups
• Single Will £97 • Mirror Wills £177 • Lasting Power of Attorney £350 (+ registration fee if applicable) No VAT T: 0115 878 0417 E: W:
Join our directory of trusted traders • Recognised Age UK brand
Healthy Volunteers Required For study into physical activity & knee pain in osteoarthritis If you are 45 yrs + and have knee pain, please get in touch Dr Mary O’Hanlon 07803 619027
• Potential to grow your business • Promoted by Age UK staff and volunteers • Online directory • Dedicated Freephone
To join our directory please text
TRADE to 60060 (Messages charged at your standard network rate)
Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire is a registered charity. Registered Charity Number 1067881.
Adopt with Family Care, Nottingham and give a loving, lifelong home to a child like Holly. e Com to an g n o l a tion rma o Inf ing in Even 2016
0115 9603010 We have regular Information Evenings throughout the year at our office from 7-9pm. Our first evenings are 19th January, 23 February and 22 March.
To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
a helping hand - group directory
If you run a support group or organisation and want people to know about it, why not list it here? If your group is not-for-profit or a charity then your listing is free. All other groups pay just £5+vat per edition. Please get in touch either by phone on 0115 9269777 or email: Breathe Easy - a support network for people with a respiratory condition, their families, friends & carers. The Nottingham North Branch welcomes people from Arnold, Gedling, Carlton, Mapperley & Sherwood areas. We meet the 2nd Thurs each month at St Georges Comm Centre, Victoria St, Netherfield at 1.30pm. Further info from Jim Bennett 847 7639.
Nottingham Prostate Cancer Support Group - if you are affected by Prostate Cancer and would like to talk to
others in a similar situation, you are welcome to join our group. We meet at the Nottingham City Hospital between 7 and 9pm on the 2nd Thursday every other month. Partners always welcome. For further information either ring Self Help Nottingham on 0115 911 1661 or email NottsGOSH - (Nottingham Gynae - Oncology Support & Help group) offer support in the aftermath of various gynae cancers. Support, information, understanding or simply a cup of tea. Meetings are held bi-monthly on the last Tues of the month at Maggies Cancer Care Centre, Notts City Hospital from 6.30-8.30pm. For more info call Sue Mills on 0115 969 1169 ext 56162 Nottingham Miscarriage Support - For anyone affected by the loss of a baby during pregnancy who would like to meet with other women and men who have shared similar experiences. Meet 3rd Thursday monthly 7-9pm at Sherwood Methodist Church, Devon Drive. For info contact Kymm 0115 8449484 or 07870 771326 or Depression - group meeting every month in Arnold, also one to one meetings available, limited spaces available. To find out more or to book your place please call Roxanne on 07988 083224 or email: Positive Outcomes - a self help group for people who aim to control their drinking - cutting down or cutting it out. Meet Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm, Nottingham City Centre. For group contact details: Self Help Nottingham Information Line 0115 911 1661 (Mon-Fri 9am - 1pm) or email:
ADHD - a support group for adults with ADHD. Meet 3rd Monday of month 7 - 9pm in Nottingham City Centre. Call 0115 982 2573 for more info.
Cutting Back - Self-help group for women who self-harm. Weekly meetings in City Centre. For more information call
07930 713530 or email: Coping with Anxiety - meet first & third Tuesday, 7pm til 9pm, monthly at Sherwood Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Sherwood. For more info call Albert Godfrey on 0115 967 9409 or email: Debt Help & Advice - The Debt Advice Network is a registered charity offering free, impartial, professional, face-toface advice to people with debt problems. Contact your local counsellor David Hall on 07973 113882 or email: david.hall@ Framework’s EVE Works - Helps unemployed people into work/training/volunteering. We help remove barriers to work. For free 1-2-1 appointments and training eg. confidence building/interveiw skills. Tel: 0800 111 4262 or email: eve@ ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - MESH is Nottingham’s self help group for people with ME/CFS. We have socials & run weekly relaxation, gentle moves & breathing sessions. Some joint events with people who have fibromyalgia. Contact Richard on 0115 925 2586 or email:
Marie Curie Helper service - Provided FREE of charge to people with any terminal illness and their carers. For a few
hours each week, our trained volunteers will visit people in their homes offering companionship and support tailored to their needs. To request the service, call 0845 304 8730 or email: Visit helper for more information.
Alcoholics Anonymous - every Sunday 5pm - 7pm at Sherwood Community Centre. Just turn up. Relate Nottinghamshire - Offers family counselling, relationship counselling, sex therapy and young peoples counselling. Costs negotiated according to income. Tel: 0115 958 4278 from 9am to 9pm. Aphasia Self Help Group - meet monthly at Sherwood Community Centre. For more information contact Sam or Alison on 0115 962 1153
Carer’s Support Group - meet alternate Fridays 10am - 12pm at Sherwood Community Centre. Contact Sam or
Alison: 0115 962 1153.
Nottingham Arthritis Care Self Help Group - meet the last Friday every month, 11am -1pm at Sherwood Community Centre. Contact the Arthritis Care Office: 0115 952 5522.
Over The Rainbow Parkinsons Support Group - support for ANYONE affected by Parkinsons Disease. Our aims are to enjoy life & have fun. Monthly meeting with buffet lunch 11am - 1pm, 2nd Saturday at Southwell. Email: or call Sandra & Michael on 01636 812399 Nottingham Self Help Group for People who Stammer - meet alternate Tuesdays at Sherwood Community Centre. Contact Mathew: 0115 953 2177.
Sherwood Lunch Club - £3.20 for a 3 course meal with tea or coffee. Contact Sam or Alison: 0115 9621153. Irish Community Cancer Group - self help group for people affected by cancer in the Irish community. Meet the last Wed of the month 10.30am - 12.30pm at Self Help Nottingham, NG1 2EG. For more info call 0115 911 1661
Tea Dance - run by Nottingham Osteoporosis Society. Every Thursday 1.30pm - 4pm at Sherwood Community Centre. £2.50 includes tea and biscuits. All welcome.
a helping hand - group directory
Contact the Elderly - If you want to make a difference to the lives of elderly people in your local community, why not
consider volunteering for Contact the Elderly? We are a national charity tackling acute loneliness among isolated older people, aged 75 and over, by organising free, monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties. Please contact Pamela Walker on 0121 603 1331 or for more info. Mark Spencer MP for Sherwood Advice Surgeries - Please phone the constituency office on 0115 968 1186 for an appointment or email Surgery 2nd Saturday monthly (10am-12pm) at Under One Roof, Vine Terrace, Hucknall, NG15 7HN. Carewatch in Nottingham - is a friendship centre for over 55’s living in the Nottingham area. We are open weekdays from 9.30am - 2.30pm & offer hot meals, drinks & snacks as well as activities like easy exercise, card making, speakers, bingo & party days. Based at St Augustine’s Church Hall, Westville Gardens, off Woodborough Road, Nottingham, NG3 4QF. Tel: 0115 9856959 Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) Peer Support Group - offers help and support if you have been diagnosed with PBC - an autoimmune liver disease. Meet every first Tuesday of the month - 7pm - 8.30pm or contact Self Help Nottingham’s Information Line 0115 911 1661 (Mon-Fri 9am - 1pm) or email: Loss of someone to suicide? - Loss is a self help support group for those who have experienced the suicide of a family member or someone close. For more information call 0115 911 1661 (mon - fri 9am-1pm) or visit
SMART Recovery Groups - help people to gain control over their drinking, drugs and other addictions. Peer-led
meetings are held in Nottingham on Thursday evenings & Saturday mornings. New groups are also starting in the County. For meeting details please visit or contact Self Help Nottingham’s Information Line 0115 911 1661 (Mon-Fri 9am - 1pm) or email:
Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Ileostomy & Internal Pouch Support Group - a charity which is a self help group for people with these medical conditions. For more information please go to Heydays Day Services - accredited day service provider. Socialising and activities for over 65’s. Mon, Wed & Thurs 10am - 3.30pm.Two course hot meal & daily refreshments. Tel: 0115 952 1421 (see our facebook page)
Notts Peer to Peer Network - information for users of Mental Health services in Nottinghamshire and their carers.
Gateway Drop In, for mutual support, information, occasional outings and talks at St Peter’s Church, NG1 2NW (next to M&S) every Wed 1.30 to 3.30pm. For more information email: or write: Self Help Nottingham, Ormiston House, 32-36 Pelham St, NG1 2EG or visit: Chernobyl Children’s Life Line (CCLL) Nottingham - providing respite care holidays for children from Belarus & Ukraine who are affected by the ongoing consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Interested? Tel: 01949 842383 or email: or visit:
Bariatric Support Group Nottingham - Nottingham’s first support group for those who are waiting for, or have had any type of bariatric surgery. Carers, friends and family welcome. We meet 2nd Tues of the month 7pm - 9pm at the Hyson Green Community Centre, 37a Gregory Boulevard, Hyson Green, NG7 6BE. For more infol: 0754 621 5757 1pm - 4pm
Dizzy Self Help Group - is for anyone in the Nottingham area with balance problems, whatever the cause. The group’s bi-monthly meetings are a social occasion, with speakers on a variety of topics, to provide an opportunity to meet fellow sufferers and for mutual support. Meetings take place between 2 and 4pm at Self -Help Nottingham, 32-34 Pelham Street, Nottingham. Just turn up at a meeting or ring Jeff on 0115 8451360
Recovery from Separation & Divorce Course - an 8 week course starting soon to help anyone struggling with the effects of relationship breakdown. At a city centre location. Contact Judy or Phil on 0115 779 1315 or email: judy. Adoption Open Evening - first Thursday monthly. Adopt Together opens it’s doors for anyone considering adoption. Come along for a chat with our friendly adoption team between 5.30pm - 7.30pm at our West Bridgford office, 7 Colwick Rd, West Bridgford, NG2 5FR. Presentation at 6.30pm. For more info visit or 0115 9558811 Hard of Hearing/Deaf - Hard of Hearing Social Group (2nd and 4th Friday, 10am-2pm), Social Night (1st and
3rd Thursday, 7pm till late) and lip-reading classes (days and evening). For further details phone 0115 970 0516, text 07817275253, or email Smile! Stop Hate Crime - raises awareness and tackles disability hate crime. People with learning disabilities should not have to put up with harrassment and violence. REPORT it to the police on 101. FREE legal advice clinic - at the CORE centre, Calverton every Tuesday 9.30 - 12.30pm. Lauren is a specialist family resolution lawyer and offers a minimum 45 min confidential free meeting. Call Lauren on 07990 806086 or email: Allsorts - Do you have physical or sensory disabilities? Want to meet new people? Aged 18-40? Have fun with like minded people, join Nottinghamshire Allsorts. email: or visit: Connecting Families - for family matters. We are passionate about parenting. Providing solutions through courses and personalised support. Contact Eileen Mignott for information on 07877 583529 or email: Dyslexia Action, Nottingham - specialist tuition for literacy and numeracy for all ages. Full psychological assessments. Exam access arrangements. Awareness training for schools, colleges, work-based trainers and employers. Our Nottingham Office is based at 2 King Street, NG1 2AS. Please phone 0115 948 3849 for more information and a free consultation.
a helping hand
If you need to arrange a funeral, 0115 987 1237 contact us on
0115 987 1237 Over 20 years of experience helping families with a bereavement has enabled us to develop selection easy to arrange, affordable, allFamily bereavement is a time of stress and sorrow, whenayour Weofoffer three funeral options: thoughts are, understandably, with your departed loved one; inclusive packages with no hidden extras. The Lilac Funeral £2,500 taking care of funeral arrangements can add further unwanted stress and anxiety at an already trying time. Nottinghamshire Funeral Service will help alleviate the burden with our simple to understand, all-inclusive funeral options.
The Carlton Funeral
funeral options – each at an additional cost, we offer those
The Newstead Funeral
You can contact us 24 hours a day. The Nottinghamshire We organise funerals for all faiths. The Rose Funeral £2,800 Funeral £2,800 Personalised funeral plans. Whilst other Funeral Service Providers offer a whole host of
Youprice. may be concerned about where to start. Don’t same options – butFuneral they are covered by the all-inclusive The Orchid £3,500 Judge for yourself, visit our website for a full list of Funeralgive Services price comparison worry, us and a call and we can or call us to discuss your requirments, we look forward to hearing from you.
go through the options that suit you and your family.
Nottinghamshire Funeral Service Ltd., 11a Bexon Court, Foxhill Road East, Carlton NG4 1SQ •
“A meadow and woodland for remembrance in Sherwood Forest in the County of Nottinghamshire” 9 miles north of Notts City Centre | Salterford Lane, Calverton. NG14 6NZ Member of the Association of Natural Burial Grounds Tel 01623 882210 (Op 2) or 07800 635037 E: |
Disclaimer & Copyright Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of material in this publication, the editor can accept no responsiblity for the veracity of claims made by contributors in either editorial or advertising content. ng magazines is an independent organisation. All text, images and design in this publication are subject to copyright. Any unauthorised duplication is strictly prohibited.
Competition Winners
Congratulations to: Adele Murray who won theatre tickets; Helen Wayte who won £25 on the postcode lottery; Kirsty Hatton & Mrs G Hurrell who both won a meal for two, Claire Cautrell who won a family day out. Thanks to our sponsors Theatre Royal, Lobster Pot, Riverbank & Drayton Manor
Please mention ng3 when responding to adverts
home & garden
Leaking flat roof problems? Solve them once and for all with
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To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
Survivor of Alton Towers Smiler Crash Says Injury Is Not Worth The Compensation Leah Washington, one of the survivors of the Smiler crash at Alton Towers in June this year has spoken out about how her life has changed since the accident and highlighted that the compensation payment she received is not a windfall, whilst also discussing the abuse she has endured online. Leah described how she has received upsetting messages from people through social media who said they would be prepared to lose a leg for £1 million compensation, after having to have her leg amputated after the crash. “People say ‘Oh, I’d lose a leg for millions of pounds’, but they wouldn’t because they don’t understand everything else that comes along with it - the pain, the physio, the learning to walk again,” she said. “It is so much and so not worth the money.” Wayne Vickers, Personal Injury solicitor at Rothera Dowson says: “The purpose of claiming damages is to restore an injured person to the position they were in before being harmed through another’s negligence, or breach of duty. A catastrophic injury may well result in a significant damages settlement; however, there is a misconception within society that such settlements are akin to winning the lottery. The public, probably due to misreporting by some in the media, do not really appreciate that when an injured person brings a successful personal injury claim, following life changing injuries, the majority of the damages may be needed to fund future costs, relating to care; rehabilitation; equipment; accommodation; and even retraining, which may enable the injured person to return to the workplace.
The actual sum received for the injury may be relatively small in comparison. We, as a society, tend to see a significant damages settlement as a pot of cash, rather than thinking how the money will be spent. The alternative to claiming damages would be for the state and so us as tax payers, to pick up the bill. This is because an injured person may have no option but to claim state benefits if they are unable to work because of their injuries. They may also need to receive treatment and rehabilitation via the NHS. Thankfully, the majority of accidents do not result in catastrophic injuries. Regardless as to the seriousness of the injuries sustained, we need to remember that innocent accident victims do not ask to be injured. It is only correct and proper that in a just society, where a person is injured through no fault of their own, they should be adequately compensated, to allow them to return to normality, which is particularly the case when injuries are life changing”. If you need to seek any Personal Injury advice please contact Rothera Dowson’s Personal Injury Solicitor Wayne Vickers on 0115 9100 600.
home & garden
SINES GLASS (Mapperley)
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0115 8599957 07833 222467 Professional Painter & Decorator 4 Langley Avenue, Arnold, Nottingham, NG56NN
Daniel Waters
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Decorating Services
honest, reliable, clean & tidy work free quotations & advice call Rich on:
0115 953 2003 ~ 07734 405879
Mob: 07969 690435 E:
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Over 20 years experience
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Steve Earnshaw
Electrical Services Electrical Installation:
Sockets, lighting, cookers, showers, spot lights, security lights etc...
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Over 25 years experience No job too small
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Contact David on
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City & Guilds qualified Over 30 years experience
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Shower & Bathroom Problems Leaking Shower Structures Tiles Trays Doors & mould & damp issues Damage Repair
Shower Repairs Service & Newly Installed Electric Mixer Power Shower & Shower Pumps
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Greg Drozdowski
Approved Chimney Sweep Member of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps HETAS Approved Stove Installation Chimney Lining Bird Guards Supplied and Fitted CRB clearance and Full Public Liability Insurance
Tel: 01623 401128 or 07711 441459
For further advice or a complete new look for your garden call Dave Farnsworth for a quote on
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repair or replace door locks, window locks, handles & hinges, work undertaken in and around the Nottingham area Andy Woodford - Over 28 years experience
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Grout & About
For professional wall and oor tiling at affordable prices contact:
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Tel/Fax: 0115 956 9776 Mobile: 07855 806 259
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All work carried out is fully guaranteed.
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Electrical, plastering and joinery services also available. Emergency call out 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.
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P.G Stapleton
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Have you considered? Just like the rest of your property your trees may need some maintenance from time to time? Are your trees too tall, unsafe or untidy? Are they blocking light from yours, or your neighbour’s property? With o v e r 25 years of experience working with trees in your area I would be pleased to offer you free advice and a free quotation.
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January/February Crossword (answers on page 68)
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Fully qualified and insured, independent local Gas Safe registered plumbing and heating engineer. Over 20 years’ experience in the service, repair and installation of domestic gas central heating. l l l l l l
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Call Mark Orridge on 0115 859 6036 or 07976 157216
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NG Ad November 2015:260 x 85 copy 1
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Need inspired deas ? Tile I k
ITY - FREE LOCAL DELIVERY LOWER PRICES - PERFECT QUAL With over 50 Roomset Displays East Midlands Ceramics Showrooms, Southglade Business Park, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, NG5 9RA (opposite Bulwell Common Golf Course)
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Phil Chapman
At EMC Tiles, we work closely with leading tile manufacturers from across Europe to bring customers the best of Digital • Freeviewour • DAB• Freesat current tile fashion, Tuning • TV Installations choice and finish. Keeping ahead of the latest trends, we are able to provide a huge selection of ceramic tiles that reflects the abundance the market has to offer.
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Furthermore, EMC provides award winning
FREE Estimates advice, as recognised|byFully the Tileinsured Association,
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which ranges from suggesting the best use of tiles in your home and finding creative
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solutions to calculating quantities, stocking the right accessories and even arranging fixing by a qualified professional for you. And, if you want some inspiration, our showrooms are the perfect starting point whether you plan to follow the season’s monochrome trend, colour yourself happy with vibrant tiles that will stand the test of time or opt for a textured natural wood-effect, limestone or marble finish. We update our roomset displays regularly to create a catwalk of fantastic ideas that you can draw from. Whatever you have in mind, EMC will help you achieve the perfect combination of fashion and function, topped off by free local delivery.
54 Roseleigh Ave, Mapperley, NG3
To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
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DMI ROOFING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE No Job Too Small Will Beat Any Genuine Quote! • Roofing & Roof Repairs • Chimneys & All Pointing Work • Fascias, Soffits, Guttering • Home/garden maintenance • Patios/Walkways • Fencing Work
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25 Years Experience Friendly Reliable Service Good Quality Clean Work Free Estimates • Competitive Rates
Call Glen Birch
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SALE NOW ON!! * terms & conditions apply
Mapperley - 471 Westdale Lane, NG3 6DH Tel: 0115 8372640 Gedling - 94A Main Road, NG4 3HG Tel: 0115 9988223 Shops also at Wollaton and Kirkby In AshďŹ eld
0115 927 27 99 Certified Chimney Sweep (member of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps 25299) Hetas Registered Installer (Fireplaces & Stoves 15836) Sweeping across Nottingham for the last 13 years
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ELECTRICIAN a a a a a a a a
Call Andy at Redhill Electrical on
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To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
Sliding Door Wardrobes Celebrates 20 Years In Business! On the 20th anniversary of Sliding Door Wardobes Ltd trading, they celebrate their busiest year so far. The success of this business lies in the fact that at its core has always been customer satisfaction and value for money. There’s that extra reassurance with a family business that there is always someone on the end of the phone, should the need arise.
Just like the big companies, everything is guaranteed for 10 years, but because Sliding Door Wardrobes Ltd produce exclusively sliding door wardrobes there is an incredible array of choice with literally thousands of permutations. The time from ordering to installation is two weeks! This is because everything is made in-house, phew… Long waiting times are now a thing of the past. Drop in sometime… have a look around!
Sliding Door Wardobes Ltd have stayed away from crazy offers that often don’t ring true, and instead have an ‘honest pricing policy’. What you see is what you get, so customers can rely on competitive pricing!
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ROOFER Est. 30 years, With over 27 years experience, we specialise in: · Block paving drives and paths · Driveway and patio cleaning · Fencing · Gates · Walls built and re pointed · Artificial Grass supplied and laid Also specialise in garden decking
Reliable and honest service, please contact Joseph Manning:
0115 910 7682 • 07970 997374
CIS Registered Repairs and Re-roofs Flat roofs UPVC Fascias Fully Insured Quality work References available Competitive work
Free Quotes and Advice Call Mick 0115 845 1808 07941327357
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Mapperley A erial & S atellite S pecialist
079122 906 26 To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
Lester Mathews by Bob Massey
Arthur Lester Matthews was born 3rd December 1900 at 180 Hucknall Road Nottingham. He was the only son of Percy Lester Matthews, a lace dresser, and his wife Mary. They were a relatively well off family employing a servant, Nellie Lovett, who also looked after the new arrival. The family moved to 52 Ebers Road, Mapperley by 1911 where the young Lester, as he was known, spent his childhood. He did not want to follow in his fathers footsteps but instead became an actor. Lester mainly played dashing or temperamental leads. By 1930 the talking pictures had arrived and Lester was keen to try his hand at this new medium. He was soon getting bit parts in the very early films and in 1931 he took the part of Brian Nash in a British short film called the The Limping Man. The same year, Lester met and married a fellow actor Anne Grey. He appeared in four other films in 1931 as well as four more in 1932. In 1933 Lester made a staggering ten films followed by five more in 1934. He was now specialising in adventure, crime and horror films. With 24 films to his credit in four years he decided to try his luck in Hollywood. He set sail for America with his wife on the SS Dinteldyk on 18th December 1934. On their arrival he was signed straight away and given a contract by Universal Pictures. He immediately started making films in America. His first was The Werewolf in London, a classic horror film made in 1935. Two other films followed the same year with seven more in 1936.
Lester made another 17 films up to the start of World War Two. In 1938 he and Anne Grey divorced. Although Ann had been making films in England since 1928 her career never really took off in America. By the time she retired from the screen in 1939 and returned to Britain she had appeared in 44 films most of them made in Britain. Lester chose to say in America and continued to make films throughout the war having completed a further 40 films by the end of the war. Lester re-married in the 1940’s to Frances Walper. He appeared in films right up to 1974. In 1951 he also tried his hand at television. He first appeared in an episode of the US TV series Racket Squad that year. His early television appearances included Fireside Theatre in 1951 and Omnibus in 1953. He appeared in another 55 TV series during his career including well known programmes such as The Beverly Hillbillies, The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The Lucy Show, 77 Sunset Strip, Bonanza, Rawhide and the Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu. Overall he made nearly 200 films during his long career spanning some 43 years. Lester died at the age of 74 on 6th June 1975 at his home in Los Angeles. This was just a year after making his last film, Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes. At his request he was cremated and his ashes scattered in the Pacific Ocean.
I am researching the history of the Mapperley area and would be pleased to hear from anyone with details of the people and places now long gone. Email: or visit: or post via NG Mags
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All joinery work undertaken by a time served tradesman with 25 years experience.
All internal & external doors, hard & soft wood, supplied & fitted. All types of wood flooring fitted | Kitchens supplied and fitted. Happy to undertake any job, large or small.
Call Brendan for friendly advice and a quote
0115 966 6125 or 07956 859452
Covering Mapperley & surrounding areas Rewires
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0115 779 4586 OR 07902 036 836
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Honest, Reliable Service, contact John for a free quote
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To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
home & garden M J Cleaning Services
Domestic | Office | Pubs
All cleans to a high standard Fully insured References available
For a free quote call
0115 847 9389 07814 902154
Handyman Services
Most households jobs/repairs undertaken
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For a quote/advice ring Jason on
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How to Play Fill in the grid so that every
Over 30 years experience REFERENCES AVAILABLE
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row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9 with no repetition!!
Solution on page 68
PHIL SARGEANT Painter & Decorator Mob: 07890
750585 Tel: 0115 960 7438
E: 34
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Engine Size Interim Service
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In need of a new patio or driveway? We specialise in the following: ✓ All types of paving ✓ Garden Patios ✓ Garden Walls ✓ Decorative Steps
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HAYDN INTERIORS LTD KITCHENS | BEDROOMS | BATHROOMS Value & Quality have never been more affordable
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We are a family business established for over 30 years Open Monday - Friday 9.30 - 5.00 & Saturday 10.00 - 2.00
0115 962 2600 Haydn Road, Sherwood, Nottingham
To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
Financial Information and Advice Service by Age UK Notts Are you aged 18+ living in North, Mid or South Nottinghamshire? Did you know that you are eligible to free, independent, professional and confidential financial information and advice on a range of subjects? If you are: • Considering your present or future care needs (or those of a relative) • Worried about the financial implications on you and your family • Want to make the most of your assets and retain your financial independence in later life Then, Age UK Notts’ Financial Information and Advice Service for self-funder is for you. Our trained advisers can offer up-to-date, professional and confidential advice on: • Options for paying for long term care including deferred payment agreements, financial solutions and ways to use property • Choosing a care home • Power of Attorney and/or Courts of Protection • Assessing entitlement to state benefits • Equity release • Pensions and annuities • Investments and savings • Tax planning • Care services that can be delivered in your home, and much more besides For more information or to access this service, please contact 0115 859 9209 or email
The Recovery from Separation & Divorce course gives help and support, as well as practical tools, to get through your relationship breakdown and divorce. It is a safe, non-judgmental environment to meet others who are in the same situation, which allows discussions and questions whilst grappling with important issues. The course has been developed by divorcees with different specialties: a judge, solicitors, communications experts, counsellors, family life experts, and mediation advisers. It has been helping thousands of people recover from relationship breakdown. All the people that run and help with the course have been through divorce and separation themselves and have a passion to help others recover completely from the impact that relationship breakdown brings. Although the RSD course is run in a church building in the city centre, it is specifically designed for people who may not go to church or who do not want to discuss faith issues. The setting is welcoming, relaxed and unthreatening. What others have said after being on this course:“I now feel less like a failure, less like a social pariah and less as if I have let myself and others down”. “I wish I’d come on this course before now”. “I’m excited about finding myself, investing in and nurturing the relationships that matter to me”. The courses run over an eight week period. They ask for a small donation of £30 towards refreshments and materials, however bursaries are available for people under financial pressure. If you would like more information please contact Judy Collinge on 0115 779 1315 or email: judy.collinge@ or visit the website: rsd
Registered Charity No: 1067881
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References Supplied Competitive Prices Local Tradesman
For all your general building work Plastering | Tiling | Patios & Block Paving | Extensions
For a FREE quote please call: 0115 952 6874 // 07759 487940 Over 21 years British Gas experience
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ACS Qualified & time served Gas Engineer Competitive rates for installation of full systems, condensing boilers & other appliances. Specialist for older appliance, system repairs & servicing. Landlord safety certificates
Call Mike on
0115 840 2047 | 07968 314312
Stacks dropped or capped | Ridges re-bed | re-pointing | insurance work
Slating & Tiling | Flat roofs: new or repair | guttering etc... PAY NOTHING UNTIL ABSOLUTELY SATISFIED! Tel: (0115)
993 1792 Mob: 07752 772410
Incorporating Aerial Force
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0115 911 4716 or 07866 857644 52 Second Avenue, Carlton
To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
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Are you looking for expert advice, quality workmanship with competitive prices? Well look no further; Mark Severn is here to help you with all your specialist ground work needs. Mark has been in his trade for 22 years. All Grounds is a local, friendly business specialising in hard landscaping, fencing and paving. Mark also does footings and foundations for extensions. If you want your home and garden to have a whole new look please call Mark now for a free quotation on 0115 952 4729 or 07870 271643.
WA Builders your friendly local builders
Call for a FREE quotation
For all your building requirements • Building Alterations • Loft Conversions • House Extensions • Re-Roofing • Kitchen Design & Installation • Garage Conversions • Carpentry & Joinery Services • Plastering & Drylining/Partitions
Telephone 07889 072804 Email:
• Boiler & Fire Servicing • Central Heating • Bathroom Installations • Gas Safety Checks
01636 830 302
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Helping you create the perfect home...
Conservatory Roof Upgrades & Repairs
After A fantastic new performance roof system available,
retains heat in winter months and reduces heat in the summer months.
Full conservatory valet also available
If you are involved in a choir, singing group or band then we would love to hear from you. Every month, space permitting, we will include the latest news, concert information and forthcoming events. You just need to email us at: by the first Friday of the month.
If you enjoy singing then Carlton Male Voice Choir is looking for new members. You don’t need to be able to read music (you will be issued with CD’s) or be an ‘opera’ singer, just keen and reliable. We are a friendly, good humoured bunch with a good social life. We meet every Wednesday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Gedling Road Methodist Church, Carlton. For more information please cal Roland Radford on 01159 874941 or visit our website: no. 516024
Bingham and District Choral Society On 6th January 2016 we begin rehearsing for our Spring Concert, which we will perform jointly with Mansfield Choral Society in Southwell Minster in May. We will be singing the beautiful Fauré Requiem and Poulenc Gloria. If you would like to sing with us, do come and join us for our weekly rehearsals at Carnarvon School, Nursery Rd, Bingham each Wednesday evening from 7.15 to 9.30. There are no auditions and you will receive lots of support and a warm welcome. For further details, contact Janet Chapman on 0115 9332834. Nottingham Symphonic Wind Orchestra is one of the leading amateur wind orchestras in the UK. Guided by musical director Keiron Anderson, highlights include broadcasts on Radio 3 and Classic FM. Concerts are given in support of charity with over £100,000 raised since 1987. In 2016 NSWO are supporting Rainbows Hospice.
Nottingham Bluecoat Singers are an inclusive group of singers who perform at a dozen or more concerts and events each year in Nottingham. There are around 40 members. We have an excellent Musical Director in Lynda Harvey and an equally wonderful pianist in John Sands. The choir performs for a number of local organisations and charities, both for their enjoyment and to raise funds for their good causes. Our audiences frequently complement us on the breadth of our repertoire and the quality of our singing. There are now a number of vacancies for good singers. We can usually take on more men, especially tenors. But also we have a vacancy for an alto or mezzo. Rehearsals are held at The Temple Centre on Nottingham Rd in Nuthall each Friday evening at 7.30pm. Please turn up on a Friday evening if you are interested or ring Jean Krzeminski on 0115 930 5052 to find out more information. Our website is Mirabilé forthcoming concert: Saturday 13th February 2016: Concert at Nottingham Castle for enquiries or audition details please contact: We rehearse on Monday 8-10pm in West Bridgford. Next Concert Stage and Screen Spectacular Saturday 6th February 7:30 pm The Crossing Church and Centre, Newcastle Street, Worksop, S20 2AT Tickets £10, conc £9, under 16s £4 available from Windblowers 0115 9410543 and The Crossing - 01909 475421.
roundup Gem
Connection Ladies are preparing for our Third “Be A Gem For A Day” which is to take place at The Long Eaton School, Thoresby Road, Long Eaton, NG10 3NP on Saturday May 14th. This event is becoming increasingly popular and is open to ladies of all ages who would like to join us for a day full of fun and a chance to sing in unaccompanied four part harmony with our award winning chorus. Ladies wishing to participate in this event will need to register for a place by contacting Maralyn on; 01332 761394 or 07917 312281 or email; The day costs £25; this includes an information pack, drinks and a lavish buffet lunch. To save disappointment early booking is recommended.
The Gilbert and Sullivan opera "The Sorcerer" is being performed at the Ravenshead Village Hall between Tuesday 16th February and Saturday 20th February 2016. For full details and tickets please ring Karen Turner on 01623 796928
Join a choir in 2016!
If you have been thinking of joining a choir, come along in the New Year to Ruddington and District Choral Society. We will be singing the Nelson Mass by Haydn and the Vivaldi Gloria, both great pieces and enjoyable to sing, with rehearsals starting in January. We meet Monday evenings at St Peter’s Junior School, Ruddington NG11 6GB at 7 15 pm. You can come along to try it out before deciding to join. Phone 0115 9211451 and see Woodthorpe Singers very warmly welcomes our website new members, of all abilities, both gentlemen ruddingtonanddistrictchoralsociety/ and ladies. No auditions, no need to be able to read music. We sing a variety of light classical music and show songs. Rehearsals are in St Mark’s Church Hall, De Vere Gardens, Woodthorpe on Mondays 8.00 - 9.30pm., weekly, term time only, culminating in a fund raising Concert for a chosen charity and a social evening for our members. For more information please ring our Musical Director Marjorie Rogers on 0115 9313965 Come and Sing
the Dream of Gerontius with the
In Accord Chamber Choir Director:Jon Wakefield
Saturday March 12th 2016 St Martin’s Church, Trevose Gardens Sherwood, NG5 3FU For more details call 0115 960 6236
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D.J.Hill Electrician
Toilets | Sinks | Showers Baths | Manholes | Smelly Drains Unblock & CCTV surveys Call Aaron on
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Painting - Internal & External, Plastering, Tiling, Plumbing & Bathrooms, Carpentry General Household Repairs
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07748 497 286 0115 9200738
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APPLIANCE REPAIRS • Cooker • Washing Machines • Dishwasher • Tumble Dryers • Fridge Freezers
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0115 963 1111 To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
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business, IT & finance Two Female World Champions from Nottingham Don’t Get a £100.00 Penalty Self Assessment Deadline 31 Jan 2016 If you are Self Employed or a Contractor Landlord - Partnership - Ltd Company We have an Accounting Service providing everything your business needs. All for one fixed monthly fee. Call us for more details or to arrange a free consultation on
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Power lifting comprises of 9 lifts; 3 lifts of each of the following disciplines - squat, bench press and dead lift, for which a maximum score in each discipline must be achieved. Patricia and Beverly compete in different age categories. Beverly is a junior at just 18 years old and Patricia a master at 53 years old. Beverly is currently at Leeds University having worked part time at Redhill Leisure Centre whilst at college and Patricia is a fitness instructor for Gedling Borough Council.
Tel: 0115 926 5556
Patricia is constantly promoting this sport and invites anyone to give it a go. In addition she also offers an excellent mobile sports massage.
If you would like more information about how to get into the sport email: Mbsolutions7@
384a Gedling Road Arnold NG5 6PD
Small lock-up for storage. Arnold area. Needs to have vehicle access.
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Patricia Wetton and Beverly Stanforth recently competed in the WPC World Power Lifting Championships in Portugal and both came away World Champions in their class.
Patricia would like to thank her coach Rikki Jefferies (FB Nottingham Personal Training), Dave “Bull Dog Beattie” and finally a huge thank you to her sponsors Chelwood Contract Services Mapperley, and Nazim Karimjee retired.
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business, IT & finance
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from your Neighbourhood Beat Team....
Staying visible while cycling at night When the days are shorter it is more important than ever to ensure your bicycle is not only road worthy but also kitted correctly for night use.
reflective wrist bands and gloves and, if wearing a back pack or rucksack, ensure it has reflective strips or areas for greater visibility.
PC James North 07702 141861
Did you know that if you are on the roads when it’s dark your bicycle is legally required to have both lights and reflectors fitted?
PC Andy Cochran 07792 437359
Here are some other legal requirements for cycling on roads at night:
We also recommend you wear a rear light on your back pack or your helmet for extra visibility. The additional height of the light will be at eye level for most motorists
PC Brian Dacunha 07792 437358
• Your front light must be white and have a 110 degree visibility • Your rear light must be red • Front and rear lights are allowed to flash • You must also have a red rear reflector and BS6102/2 amber reflectors on the front and rear of each pedal
BEAT TEAMS Mapperley Ward
St Ann’s Ward PC Jeanette Stasuik 07792 437306 PC Paul Whant 07792 437361 PC Paul Deane 07792 437357
Find your Safer Neighbourhoods team by entering your postcode on the homepage of www.
You should also ensure the batteries in your lights are always in full working order and not running low. Staying visible on the roads during the winter months is important; it doesn’t cost the earth and can help you have many hours of safe cycling.
It is good practice to use your rear light when cycling during the autumn and winter months as the weather can change quickly and being as visible as possible on the road should be a priority. Hi-viz clothing is also an ideal way of staying visible during dusk and dark nights. Reflective clothing is a highly effective way of being seen on the busy roads, especially when it is worn on parts of the body that move. Consider adding reflective items to body parts that move, i.e. shoes with reflective strips, Special Constabulary Recruitment - Are you interested in becoming a Special Constable? To find out more about our pre-recruitment awareness events please contact us on 101 ext: 800 2429 or visit and follow the Specials link
The Embankment is a newly refurbished venue, situated on Trent Bridge. It was clear from the moment we walked in that the team at The Embankment are proud of the heritage of their building. Formerly the Boots “No.2” store in the company’s home city it also became the firm’s social club. The pub has been tastefully refurbished and adorned with Boots memorabilia, pharmaceutical antiques and striking wall art, some of which includes photographs of the local area from bygone years. The £600,000 investment is said to have ‘transformed the worst bits of the old interior and made a virtue of the best’. Original features - like the parquet floor, oak panelling, and stained glass - have been brought back to life, and complimented with contemporary features. With two bars, a restaurant, a conservatory, function rooms plus a planned gig venue downstairs, it lends itself well to community use. The adults only ‘Dispensary’ bar is particularly attractive and atmospheric, walking comfortably down the line between contemporary and tradition, and showcasing an excellent selection of real ale and craft beer. Their aim is to produce traditional food but with a Mediterranean twist and some British-style tapas – things like mini fishand-chips or cottage pie. We ate from the Sunday lunch menu. Starters were £2.95 to £3.95. We chose Serrano ham bruschetta topped with honey dressed watercress & pomegranate. A delight!
For mains our choices were steak, stilton & stout pie £9.95, chicken tikka masala £8.50 (both these were filling and delicious) or bangers & mash with onion gravy for £7.95 (chosen and enjoyed by our children). Our family were looked after well by Ryan. The meal was good quality and affordable and the place relaxing and casual. A good, honest venue serving great value food. In terms of The Embankment as a venue for your events like business seminars, conferences and meetings, team activities, training days, weddings, family celebrations and themed events they are happy to help you to plan your event and ensure you don’t pay more than you need to. The Embankment is a unique venue for all occasions. Relaxing and informal, within a great building with a fascinating history. Give it a try!
*Free parking for up to 60 cars.
WIN £50 MEAL Just answer the following question: Which famous Nottingham based company were located at The Embankment?
Answer:.................................................................................. Name:.................................................................................... DEADLINE House no.& Postcode:........................................................... 31st Email:..................................................................................... March Contact Number:................................................................... SEND YOUR ANSWERS TO: 5A STANHOPE CRESCENT, ARNOLD, NOTTINGHAM NG5 7AZ Tick this box if you do not wish to be contacted about future offers and discounts.
(Entrance off Bathley Street) • 282 - 284 • Arkwright Street • Trent Bridge West Bridgford
Cooking the Book!
m Recipe
Corsican Lamb Stew
sf ro
We have been following the story of Alec and his amazing cookery book, the sale of which is funding his month long trip to Borneo later this year. The book looks fantastic so we decided to test drive some of the recipes... Chocolate Brownies
r es
ti n g P e o p l e
This recipe was given by French This is Sarah Beeny’s recipe that beat Gordon Ramsay’s on the F Word. Living restaurant, Nottingham
1.2kg cubed lamb (shoulder or leg) olive oil 1 head garlic - chopped 1 tin chopped tomatoes 1tsp caster sugar 2 tbsp tomato puree 2 onions - chopped 20g plain flour thyme - few sprigs 1 tsp marjoram 2 or 3 bay leaves 2 tbsp chopped parsley 35cl red wine optional - 50g extra fine capers or 100g olives or both! 500g farfalle 50g grated parmesan Method Use a cast iron pot with lid. Brown lamb in olive oil. Remove meat, discard fat. Add more oil, fry onion & garlic gently. Do not allow to brown. Add meat along with all other ingredients, season with salt & pepper. Top up with water to bring liquid level with meat. Bring to simmering, cook 45 mins to 1 hour depending on age of lamb. Serve with pasta and cheese. Serves 6.
4oz melted butter 10oz caster sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla essence 4oz plain flour 5 tbsp cocoa Method Sieve flour & salt into a bowl. Add sugar. Mix eggs together then pour into the mixture. Add melted butter & vanilla essence. Stir. Pour into a well greased 8” spring form cake tin. Place in pre-heated oven (170°C) for about 30 mins. Check after 25 mins.
Curried Carrot Soup Michael Caines, a Michelin star chef, kindly contributed this recipe. 500g carrots - peeled & chopped small 150g onions - chopped 150g unsalted butter 2 cloves garlic - peeled & crushed 1 tsp cumin seeds 2g madras curry powder 300ml chicken stock 500ml water 1 bouquet garnie fresh coriander leaves Method Sweat onion, garlic & carrots in a saucepan with a pinch of salt for 5 mins. Careful not to brown. Meanwhile toast cumin seeds in a dry pan. Then add madras powder & toasted cumin seeds to the vegetables & sweat for 2 mins. Add the stock, water and bouquet garnie. Bring to boil & add a little salt. Reduce to simmer for 30 mins. Then blend to a fine purée, pass through a sieve, return to a clean pan, season and garnish with coriander leaves. There are still a few books for sale. They cost £10 each and all proceeds go towards helping Alec go to Borneo for a month to work with local communities. If you would like a copy please email:
WIN.... A PAIR OF TICKETS Just answer the following.....
What colour hair does Annie have?
Send your answer & contact details on or before Friday 11 March 2016 to:
ng magazines, 5a Stanhope Crescent, Arnold, NG5 7AZ
will be at the Royal Concert Hall from Mon 21 March - Sat 26 March 2016 For tickets and info:
0115 989 5555
All correct answers will be entered into a draw. The winner will be notified by Monday 14 March 2016. The performance is for Monday 21 March 2016 at 7.30pm.
Disco Lights to hire Ideal for parties Call Gary on 07977 457567
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kids Egg-citing discovery made in Porchester Junior School’s compost heap!
Porchester Pupils Help Friend Ellie Raise Money for Diabetes UK
Children at Porchester Junior School discovered a mysterious large egg in their compost heap in the school playground on Monday.
Porchester Junior School pupils held a non-uniform ‘onesie’ day to help their friend Ellie Ross to raise money for Diabetes UK.
The mind-boggling egg led to a week of studies linked to the curriculum including egg poetry, measuring in maths, the structure of eggs and experiments in science. The pupils also tried to imagine what kind of extinct animal could have laid an egg of that size by studying natural history and thought about the most effective ways they could employ to protect it in school.
Ellie, age 7 and a pupil at the school has a family member with Type 1 Diabetes and along with her mum wanted to do something to raise money and awareness. As well as the ‘onesie’ day which raised £160, Ellie also did a sponsored 7 mile walk in the Peak District which raised £360!
Anne Ingle, Deputy Head at the school said that the egg story allowed the children to learn about serious subjects in a fun way. “It created a real buzz around school, children became researchers, scientists and historians. They were able to take real life events and use them in their studies and created some superb report writing and a news article too.” Mrs Ingle said that at the end of the week a professor who ‘appeared’ to be from the Natural History Museum came to collect the egg. His name? - Professor Oeuf of course!
Ellie said, “I was really happy to see everyone at school in ‘onesies’- I was really happy!” It was widely agreed at Porchester Junior School that Head Teacher Graham Cullen, looked the silliest in his Batman ‘onesie’. He said, “It was great to see the school taking part in the fundraising, and for such a good cause. It has helped the staff to talk about Diabetes in a meaningful way to pupils who now have a greater understanding. We are grateful to everyone that played a part to raise the money to help Ellie in her quest.” World Diabetes Day is held on November 14th each year and says its aims are ‘education and prevention’ of the condition.
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If you run a group or club for kids and you want it publicising, this is the page for you. If your group is not-for-profit or a charity then your listing is free. All other groups pay just £5+vat (150 characters) per edition. Please get in touch either by phone on 0115 9269777 or email:
Outdoor Play Meeting - every Thursday 10am - 12 noon at Woodthorpe Grange Park. Meet at the Mansfield Road gates for nature activities, games and general mucking about in the fresh air. Find us on Facebook: or email: Marcia Jones School of Dance - Street, Tap, Ballet & Modern Theatre Classes. Every Wednesday, St James Church, Mapperley. For more info tel: 0115 9226499 or visit Shake, Rattle & Rhyme - songs, movement & rhyme for babies to pre-schoolers. Monday, St Marks Church Hall, Woodthorpe, 10am - 11am: Thur, Westdale Lane Community Centre. 10am-11am. Call Jo on 0115 960 9599. Tumble Tots - Britain’s leading National Active Physical Play Programme for children from crawling to 7 years. Visit for details. St Judes Toddler Group - Tues & Thurs (term time only), 9.30am - 11.15am at St Judes Church Hall, Woodborough Rd. Call Jenny on 0115 985 6131. Dance Divaz - Dance for fun to latest chart hits and get fit at the same time. Classes priced £4 each from age 3 to adults, held every Monday at Arnold Welfare (opp Greyhound pub). Also Street classes with J on a Friday at Arnold Mill School age from 6 to 18. For class times and more information see or call 07954 418481. Iona School Toddler Group - a gentle & supportive session for parents/carers and their little ones. Tues & Wed 9.30am - 11.30am (term time only) at Iona School, 310 Sneinton Dale. Call 0115 941 5295 or We are a registered charity. Mapperley Methodist Playgroup - Every Thurs 10am - 12 at Mapperley Methodist Church, Woodborough Rd, Mapperley (ring for Hall). Relaxed play for babies and toddlers. £2 per family, includes tea and biscuits. Contact Elaine on 07815 026650. Bread & Bitter Bump to Baby Group - Monday (except Bank Holidays) 10 - 12. Friendly, busy group. Suitable from bump to crawling. Small play area with baby toys. Special offers during the group. Various events organised. Some weeks “chill and chat”. FREE admission. Contact Paula for details 07967 252784 or 1st Nottingham Boys’ Brigade and Girls Association- Every Monday night (term time): 5.30pm - 8pm. Open to all ages 5-14 yrs - boys and girls. At St Andrew’s Community Hall, Chestnut Grove, Nottingham, NG3 5AD. Contact: or 0115 912 0098 Nottingham Boys Choir - does your son enjoy singing? NBC rehearses in St Paul’s Church, Carlton on Wednesday evenings 6.15 - 7.30pm. Take a look at our website: or just drop in on a rehearsal. It’s great fun! Little Lambs Baby & Toddler Group- A fun and friendly group for babies and pre-schoolers. Friday 2-4pm (term time) at The Good Shepherd Church Social Centre, 3 Thackeray’s Lane, Woodthorpe, NG5 4HT. £3 per family. E: or visit littlelambswoodthorpe Nottingham Sea Cadets - Waterside Way, Nottingham, NG2 4DP. T: 0115 958 0528. E: W: Tues & Thurs eves 7pm - 9.15pm. Absolute Triathlon Club - Expert swim, bike & run coaching for ages 8 - 14yrs, all abilities. We meet Thursdays 5pm - 7.15pm(term time) at Southglade Leisure Centre, Bestwood. Call 0115 960 7912 or visit for more information. Notts & Arnold Amateur Cricket Club - Autumn & Winter programme now running. Junior training: Mon & Fri 6-8pm at Bar Lane Community Centre, Unit B1/Bar Lane Ind Est/Bar La, Nottingham NG6 0JA. Contact Andrew Claye 07834 488663. Air Cadets - 2418 Sherwood Squadron - activities include flying, gliding, shooting.For 13-18yr olds. Tues & Thurs 7-9pm. Wesley St, Carrington. Tel: 0115 962 3318 or Good Shepherd Pre-School - OFSTED registered for children aged 30 mths upwards. Children from all families welcome. Please contact Melanie Saunders on 07971 382837 for info. Carlton Lifesaving Club - Sats 5pm - 6pm at Carlton Forum Leisure Centre.8yrs +. For more info call 0115 808 4508 or visit Gedling Colliery Cricket Club - run Kwik cricket sessions for 7 to 11 yr olds, along with hardball teams for ages 11-15. Please contact Andrew on 07891 654978 for details.
e g a P story
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free time
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free time A Big THANK YOU from the Rotary Club of Mapperley and Arnold
We would like to say a big thanks to the people in our local community who generously donated to our recent Christmas Float - the generosity plus the efforts of club members helped us to collect a fantastic amount. Please rest assured this money will go towards the many charity projects we are involved with. If you are interested in joining our club or indeed have a charitable project that we can support you with - please contact our membership services chairperson Gordon Wallis on 01159263013. Thank you all and good wishes for 2016....
Remembrance Day Has New Significance for Pupils at Porchester Junior School
Porchester Junior School pupils know that they have a good caretaker at their Standhill Road school. But most of them didn’t know that Shaun Martwich who keeps their school in tip top condition was also a military man. That is until he turned up in uniform to help the children recognise Remembrance Day. The school always holds a ceremony to remember those of past and present conflicts and plants a poppy garden with handmade poppies and messages from the children. But this year their new site manager Shaun, who served for 35 years in the Parachute Regiment brought home to children and staff just how important the ceremony is. Children wrote messages on their handmade poppies saying ‘Lest we forget’ and ‘We will remember them’ before planting them in the school garden.
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free time story
Snippets from Hi Vol. 1 - Arnold &
s originally A selection of article ng3 magazines. published in ng5 and
Snippets from History Vol.1 Arnold & Mapperley by Bob Massey
Bob Massey
In aid of
Registered charity 1157579 Committed to improving the lives of people with MS by providing the tools to enable recovery .
Let’s share the French tradition of the
The Kings’ Cakes (La galette des rois) (cake to celebrate the Epiphany, twelve days following the celebration of Christmas)
On Saturday 9 January 2016 From 4.30pm till 7.30pm
A collection of articles on local history that have appeared in ng3 and ng5 magazines since 2007.
Limited Availability £4.95 + postage (or collect from ng mags office) To order your copy of this book please email: or call ng magazines on 0115 9269777
French baking, bric a brac, tombola and much more Hosted by
The “Waggon and Horses” Pub 260 Mansfield Rd, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8JY Tel. 0115 920 9926 Plenty of parking and buses: NCT 87, Trent Barton: Pronto, Sherwood Arrow...
“The Nottingham Frogs”
French Speaking Group in Nottingham thenottinghamfrogs/
Bingham Model Railway Club were recently visited by a photographer from a national model railway magazine. He was so impressed by what he saw that he has already planned another visit. If you would like to see what so impressed him why not go along for a visit to their exclusive Newton Clubrooms? They have members from all over Nottingham and beyond. The club meet Tues from 10.30am and Thurs from 7.30pm. If you would like to arrange a visit or for more information please call Graham on 01949 877779 or email:
Nottingham Flower Club
Feb 25 - Social evening & club demonstration Mar 24 - “Yesterday Today and Tomorrow” by David mason
Bluecoat School, NG8 5GY
Doors open: 6.45pm for 7.15pm All Welcome. Visitors £5 Info:
The Dover Beck Flower Club
Burton Joyce Village Hall 7 for 7.30pm - Visitors always welcome
Jan 21st - AGM (members only) Feb 18th - 25th Anniversary “Celebrations” - Lee Berrill (visitors £6) For more information and tickets please call 0115
966 4771
To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
Community Diary
If you run a group or club and want people to know about it, why not list it here? If your group is not-for-profit or a charity then your listing is free. All other groups pay £5+vat (150 characters) per edition. Please get in touch either by phone on 0115 9269777 or email: Yoga - Mondays, Carrington. St John’s NG5 2DP Fun, uplifting, aerobic, relaxing, meditative. Contact - 07760886393 or or for details.
Mapperley Artists - meet at Haywood Rd Community Centre, 46 Haywood Rd. Wed 9.30am and Thursday 1.30pm. Call John Tanner on 0115 960 2614.
Pranyog Yoga Classes - every Tuesday 6pm - 7.30pm. At Raja Sahib Temple, 196a Mansfield Rd, NG3 4GG. Classes are FREE with £2 donation for venue/heating/lighting. Tel 07803 149781 or visit
Porchester Garden Club - a social club for keen gardeners, meet on last Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm at Haywood
Rd Community Centre, 46 Haywood Rd. Call Mrs Tanner on 0115 960 2614. Mapperley & Arnold Rotary Club - meet Wednesdays@ 6.30pm at Mapperley Golf Club. For more info contact the secretary Peter Radford on 0115 966 3385 French Tutors - offering tuition to suit all ages and abilities. Helping to improve your language skills for everyday life. For more information please email: Coffee Morning - every Tuesday - 10am til 1pm. Refreshments and a good old chat. New Testament Church, 173-175 Carlton Road, NG3 2FX. Notts Fuchsia Society - encourages the growing & displaying of Fuchsias. We meet at Wollaton Park Community Centre, Harrow Rd, Wollaton Park, NG8 1FG on the 4th Tuesday monthly from 7.15pm - 9.30pm for talks & demonstrations. All welcome. For more info call Derek on 0115 975 3365. Arnold Local History Group - all new visitors or members welcome. We meet 3rd Tuesday of the month with a break in July, August & Sept. Meetings at Bonington House (Labour Club), High St, Arnold. Details: Email: or tel: 0115 920 4780. Mapperley Knit & Natter Club - first Monday of each month. 7 - 9pm at Haywood Rd Community Centre, 46 Haywood Rd. For more information call Ann Mathews on 0115 927 9365. Sherwood Clarinets - an informal group that meets to play together on Tuesdays - 7.45pm-9.45pm at Calverton Baptist Church Hall. During the year we arrange concerts to support charities. If you enjoy playing clarinet & are of Grade 4 standard or above, why not come along? Contact Sue: for more details. Nova - new friends for single people. Call at the Mapperley Plains Social Club, Mapperley Top, Thursdays from 8pm & pick up our programme of monthly social events. For info: or phone Paul on 9404147. Arnold Arts Society - at the Pond Hills Arts Society, Pond Hills Lane, Arnold. Meetings are on Tuesday/Thursday mornings and Wednesday evenings. For more info call Eric Wileman on 01623 793923. Sherwood Chorus - is an informal choir consisting of people who enjoy singing but cannot read music. Meet every Monday at 7pm - 9pm at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre, 403 Mansfield Rd, Carrington, NG5 2DP. For more info email: or just turn up. Admission £2 towards room hire. Coffee Morning - at the Wesleyan Reform Church, corner of Burford/Furlong Street, Arnold. On the 2nd Saturday of each month. 10am - 11.30am. Cakes, home-made marmalade etc on sale. Nottingham Playgoers - Interested in Theatre? We read the plays, visit the theatre & discuss them afterwards. We’re a very friendly group meeting Tuesday evenings 7-9pm at the Mechanics, North Sherwood St, Nott’ham. Contact Sue Cullen on 0115 847 8423. Arnold & District Camera Club - meet every two weeks on Thursday eve at Pond Hills Community Centre. Photography skills from the complete beginner to the accomplished amateur. For more info call Phil Howcroft on 0115 956 3850. Friends of Coppice Park - meet every 2nd Saturday of the month, 11am - 2pm at the park to work or play. All welcome. For more info call June on 0115 960 5540. Rotary Club of Sherwood Sunrisers - every Tues morning 7 - 8.30am at The Park Inn, Mansfield Road. For more info call Alan Bush on 07833 232215. Classic Cars, Bikes & Custom - Likeminded enthusiasts meet at Cafe Janais, Cattle Market, Nott’ham. 2nd & 4th Wed every month. For info call Brian on 07836 794541. Prospect Players - meet at 7.30pm on Tues & Fri at the Pondhills Lane Community Centre, Arnold from September to May. For more info call Donna Atherton on 953 2049 or visit Spanish Mums in Nottingham - *join us on facebook* Are you a Spanish parent living in Nottingham? Would you like to meet other Spanish parents? Then we’d love to hear from you. Contact Susana on Mapperley Scrabble Club - Arrive at 6.30pm every Thurs at Haywood Rd Community Centre. Newcomers & experienced players welcome.For more info contact Greg on 07910 048162 or visit Trent Valley Ladies Probus Club - meet at midday first Monday each month for lunch & a talk. Contact Angela Stanley on 01159 619502. South Notts Alive & Kicking - Every Thurs at Arnold Liberal Club. 7.30pm-11.15pm. South Notts N.C.D.S.W is for the divorced, separated & widowed. Hand in friendship to all. Tel Geoff or Margaret on 0115 9141076/07806 608032. Complementary Therapies, Health and Well-Being - Every 4th Tuesday, 7.30 to 10pm, Arnold Library Meeting Room. Entrance fee. Refreshments. Contact- Jacky 01636 815739, Jayne 0115 926 2068.
Community Diary cont..... Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt - lectures held 6 times a year -plus special events & trips. New members welcome - expect a warm, friendly welcome. For further info call 01246 276771 or Roundabout Social Club - for 50+ single, separated, widowed & divorced. Every Wed & a full monthly programme at Federation House, Claremont Road, Sherwood. 8pm -11pm. Tel: June 01773 777 204/07764 412942 or Gem Connection Ladies Barbershop Chorus - meet every Thursday at The Harrington Middle School, Derby Road, Long Eaton, NG10 4BJ from 7.30pm - 10pm. Please visit our website: for more information or just pop along & see us at one of our rehearsals - you’ll be made most welcome.
Coffee & Cake - every Wednesday 10.30-12noon at Foxhill Evangelical Church, Hill View Rd, Carlton. Drop in for a cup of tea/coffee, a cake and a chat. Nottingham Flower Club - Invites you to discover a new talent by joining us on a Thursday evening at the Bluecoat School, NG8 5GY. For dates of meetings contact Jane Walden - 0115 937 5343.
Card Games Club - Tired of people taking Bridge too seriously? Tichu is a less complex card game than bridge, more
strategic than poker, & above all great fun. We are a small informal card playing group meeting once a fortnight, & enjoy the challenge of the cards & the social side of the game. New members welcome. Contact
City of Nottingham Probus Club - a club for men over 65, meeting at The New Mechanics Institute, North Sherwood
St, Notts on 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10am, meetings start at 10.30am. Interesting talks on many subjects plus optional lunch. Just turn up or call Robin on 0115 916 4774 or email:
Nottingham Organ Society - Bonington Theatre. 1st Monday in the month at 7.30pm. Come along and listen to an evening of light musical entertainment. Tickets available at the Bonington Theatre, Arnold, Nottingham. Call 0115 956 0733
Nottingham Rotaract - 18-30 ish - Want to meet people? Try new activities and help in your local community, nationally and internationally through volunteering and fundraising? We meet 7pm central Nottingham on 1st and 3rd Thurs monthly. Visit for further details. The Nottingham Mechanics - 3 North Sherwood St, Nottingham, NG1 4EZ. A centre for everyone. Meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere. A host of groups to join including music, Writers’ Club, Poetry Society, Family History, Keep Fit, Film Shows etc. For membership details contat: or 0115 941 7353 National Council of Women - Nottingham & Notts Branch - meet last Monday in month 1.30pm for 2pm-3.30pm at Sherwood Methodist Church, Devon Drive, Sherwood. For more info call 0115 950 3733.
French speaking group - French speakers, native or not, meet monthly at various venues in & around Nottingham to keep up with the language. Good conversation French required. Join our group on Facebook: “The Nottingham Frogs” or email A bientot. Grand Central Chorus - Sing in harmony with the GCC. Every Wed, 7.15pm at Harrington School, Long Eaton, NG10 4BJ. Visit or call Martin on 07855 270803 or just turn up. All teach by ear materials supplied. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust Gedling Local Members’ Group - meets regularly throughout the year for local walks &
hosts an informative talks programme each autumn/winter in Burton Joyce. For details of activities & events please visit: or contact Gay Wood on 0115 920 5940 Nottingham Socialising - social group for 20 - 40’s. Events include pub nights, quizzes, walks, classical concerts and any other social event - find us on facebook. The Nottingham Group of the Hardy Plant Society - welcomes everyone interested in plants & gardening. Meet 2nd Friday monthly from Sept-April at St Paul’s Church Hall, Boundary Rd, West Bridgford. Doors open @ 7pm for a 7.30pm start. For more info visit:, email: or call Carol on 0115 914 2474 Nottingham Cactus & Succulent Society - meet on 1st Wed monthly at Beeston Methodist Church Hall, Queens Rd, Beeston, NG9 2FF. Doors open 7pm finish 9.30pm. Friendly group, outside speakers. All welcome. Further details please call 013325 11970 or go to
Bootlace Buddies - Bootlace Buddies is a small and friendly walking club for single people born in the 1950s and 1960s. We walk in the local area on Sundays and sometimes walk or cycle on Wednesdays. For more information visit www.
Arnold Townswomens Guild - meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Meeting Rooms of Arnold Library. New members are always welcome. For more details please contact 0115 960 2596 or Burton Joyce Bowls Club - The Poplars Sports Ground, Station Road. Further information on 0115 844 7167 Embroiderers’ Guild - anyone interested in stitching and textiles is welcome. Meet at The Nottingham Mechanics, North Sherwood St, Nottingham on 1st Tuesday each month at 1.30 3.30pm. For more info contact Jenny on 01623 491331.
Nottingham Backgammon Club - Meet Mondays at 8.30pm at The Lion, Mosely St, NG7 7FQ. No membership fees, no playing fees. The Lion is a Real Ale Pub. Call Keith Gray - 07717 058856 for more info.
Community Diary cont.....
Soroptimist International - a group of women who meet 1st & 3rd Monday monthly at Willoughby Hall, Notts University
Main Campus. We carry out projects to support women & girls at local & international level. Join us for fun, friendship & to help with these projects. For more info & contact: Saturday Singers - singing is good for you. Come and try us. Members from all over Nottingham. Meet Belgrave Rooms, 25 Goldsmith St, Nottm. 9.30am-12pm. No auditions, all welcome. Lunch available on premises. Phone 0115 931 3965 or Making Tracks Walking Group - is for single adults aged 40+ who share a love for the outdoors. We walk every Sunday throughout the year in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire & Leicestershire. Own transport essential. For more information visit: All new members welcome. Robin Hood Probus Club - For men who are retired, partly retired or nearing retirement. Monthly meeting on 3rd Tuesday at Ramsdale Park Golf Centre, Calverton. Speaker & lunch. Do come along and meet a group of very interestimg, like minded people. Call Derek 962 1932 or Wollaton Historical & Conservation Society - meet at 7.30pm on the 4th Wednesday of the month at St Leonard’s Community Centre, Bramcote Lane, Wollaton Village. Bus no.30/parking at rear. For more info. call Angela Gilbert 0115 928 3414 or see website Friends of Nottingham Museums - monthly meetings with speakers, held on Saturdays at 2pm in Studio 1, Nottingham Castle. Further info: Janet Livesley 0115 922 1734 Bonington Players - meet for rehearsals at 7.45pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from August to May at the Old Peoples Welfare Centre, Nottingham Road, Arnold. Productions are staged at the Bonington Theatre, Arnold. For more info call Linda on 0115 953 2807 or visit
Kindred Spirits at Age UK Notts - over 150 social activities a month in and around Nottingham, including coffee mornings, day trips, walks and exercise classes to name but a few! Call 0115 841 4473 to find out more. Phoenix Friends Group - we are a thriving group of outgoing, young at heart people mostly over 50 years of age, who enjoy a wide range of activities. If you are interested in forming new friendships & boosting your social life we would be delighted to hear from you. No membership charges. For further details email: New Life Friendship Club - for active over 50’s. Full programme of events each month - day trips, theatre, strolls, walks, meals out, places of interest. For further details contact Joan 929 0902, or email: newlife.notts@
Lace City Chorus - UK/Netherlands’ Women’s 2014 Barbershop Champions - rehearsals every Weds, Frank Seely School, Calverton. All welcome, including potential members. Singing courses held. Call Lynn 07909 684178. See Carlton Male Voice Choir - is currently looking for beginners and experienced singers to join the choir in concerts in the UK and abroad. Wives travel too. For details call 01623 471401 or 01623 633881 or
Friends of Bestwood Country Park - a community group for all interested in supporting the Park.For more details check or email Visit our park community cafe 10-noon Saturdays at Dynamo House, off Park Road, Bestwood Village. Nottingham City Petanque Club - play French boules at Valley Road, Sherwood, NG5 3HU opposite the Fiveways pub on Tuesdays at 7pm and Sundays at 2pm. Visit or leave a message on 07972 424052. New members welcome, first 3 vists free. Arnold Branch of the U3A - for retired or semi-retired people. Meet at 1.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month at Arnold Methodist Church - or Mike Anthony 0115 920 8906 Bonington Film Club - Membership £1 per year. Film admission £2.50. Films shown regularly to members in the Bonington Theatre. To join contact Pauline Allan: 0115 967 6722 or
Light Exercise - Gedling Asian Elders Association. Light exercise (chair exercise) £3 including tea, biscuits & freshly
prepared meal.. Every Tues 11am -2pm. St Marks Church Hall, De-Vere Gardens, Woodthorpe. Tel Surjitsingh on 0115 958 3244 for more information. Patterns & Plains Patchwork & Quilting Group - meet 2nd & 4th Weds monthly - 7.30pm - 9.30pm at the Salvation Army Hall, Arnold. Call 0115 9939106 after 7pm for info. New members welcome. Nottingham CHA Walking Group - would like to invite new members to local weekday or weekend walks further afield. For more details please call 0115 927 4869 or email: Nottingham Oddfellows - are you lonely & want to get out and meet people in a social & friendly atmosphere? Come along & meet us on the first Friday monthly @ 11am - Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood St, NG1 4EZ. For more info call Karen on 01949 843727 or All welcome. The Major Oak Chorus - gents, sing in four part harmony with the MOC, every Tues at 7.30pm at Lindsay Morgan Hall, Marshall Hill Drive, Mapperley, NG3 6FY. For more info call Paul: 07966 910201 or visit: Hucknall Round Table - we are a group of ordinary guys who get to do extraordinary things. Members have the chance to embrace life to the full& in turn support their local community. Do more. Learn more. For more info contact Daniel Hayes on 07889 725 836 or email: secretary@ Nottinghack - a place where you can make anything. Free open evening 6.30-9.30pm every Wed at Unit F6, BizSpace, Roden House Business Centre, Nottingham, NG3 1JH. For more info visit:
looking good, feeling great
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Be Kind To Yourself The first couple of months of the new year can be cold, dark and miserable. Party season is over. You’ve drunk far too much, eaten your own body weight in chocolate oranges, not moved off the settee for a fortnight (reaching for the remote doesn’t count!) and spent the GNP of a small country on presents. Does it really make sense to suddenly pledge to lose 3 stone in three weeks, join a gym and go every night and not spend another penny until next December? I don’t think so!! A few years ago I decided to give up making resolutions on new years eve. The pattern was the same every year. Setting myself up to fail, then beating myself up when, surprise, surprise, I achieved nothing. As a general rule January and February can be pretty bleak. Depriving yourself of things that make you happy doesn’t help. Forget resolutions and instead focus on being nice to yourself. I recently came across an old Facebook page called “Be Kind To Yourself Challenge”. All you had to do was come up with one complementary thing about yourself every day for a month. What a lovely idea. It beats starving yourself anyway. If you must set yourself some goals for 2016 then at least make them realistic. Be honest with yourself.
Setting rules like no chocolate/alcohol/ spending money for four weeks rarely works. Instead why not try avoiding chocolate from Monday to Thursday? Knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel makes a massive psychological difference. Same goes for exercise. Think about what you enjoy. I tried a Zumba class once. Never again. I was awful. But plenty of people love it. And if you love something you are much more likely to stick with it. If you hate the idea of a gym then maybe long walks would work. Small changes can make a big difference. There are loads of great apps to help you achieve goals. Here at ng magazines we have all done the C25K. None of us could run at all let alone 5k. We all used the app , gradually building up at our own pace and it works! We can all now run 5k without stopping. So let’s enjoy these first few months of 2016. Let’s celebrate what we have! Let’s take small, realistic steps towards our goals. If we feel like a bar of chocolate then lets have one! Eat well, sleep lots, drink plenty of water, move more, be mindful of your surroundings, say one nice thing about yourself everyday and things suddenly don’t seem too bad. © Ali Wale
looking good, feeling great
To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
looking good, feeling great
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28/02/2016 To advertise call 0115 926 9777 or email:
useful information
Useful Information Gedling Borough Council.........0115 901 3901 Notts County Council...............0300 500 8080 Notts City Council.....................0115 915 5555 Council Tax...............................0115 901 3950 Housing Benefits......................0115 901 3970 Waste & Recycling...................0115 901 3621 Tax Credits...............................0845 300 3900 Leisure Centres Arnold.......................................0115 956 0733 Redhill......................................0115 956 9996 Carlton......................................0115 987 2333 Calverton..................................0115 965 3781 Richard Herrod Centre.............0115 961 2949 Police.......................................101 QMC Hospital...........................0115 924 9924 City Hospital.............................0115 969 1169 NHS Direct................................0845 4647
Local Taxis DG Taxis........................................01159 500 500 Budget Mini buses.........................0115 962 6572 Local Community Centres ACNA .......................................0115 969 1364 Blue Bell Hill..............................0115 947 6722 Mapperley.................................0115 953 2104 Pakistan....................................0115 958 2973 Doctors Sherrington Park......................0115 985 8552 Mapperley Park........................0115 841 2022 Local Councillors Rosemary Healy.......................07534 344699 Leslie Ayoola............................07508 492381 Chris Tansley............................07534 943471
National Rail Enquiries..............08457 484950 Nottingham City Transport........0115 950 6070 Emergency Utilities Electric.....................................0800 056 8090 Nott’ham East Midlands Airport.08719199000 DVLA........................................0870 240 0009 Gas...........................................0800 111 999 Water........................................0800 783 4444
Crossword Solution
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looking good, feeling great Nottingham is named as England’s official ‘Home of Sport’
Nottingham has been announced as England’s official Home of Sport, following a national campaign by tourism board VisitEngland, in a bid to find England’s top sporting destination. Having received more nominations than any other English destination, Nottingham was the ‘People’s Choice’ going into the public vote, and then went on to be a clear winner with 38% of the overall vote. James Berresford, VisitEngland’s Chief Executive, says: “Live sporting events are great drivers for tourism, worth £3.2 billion to the sector. With this accolade, Nottingham has been put firmly on the tourist trail as a must-visit destination for any sports fan. As the site of our glorious Ashes win this summer, the setting for the critically acclaimed I Believe in Miracles film and the home to the National Water Sports Centre, Nottingham offers visitors plenty to see and do.” Simon Starr, Director of Sport Nottinghamshire, said: “I am absolutely delighted that Nottingham has been recognised as England’s Home of Sport. We are blessed with fantastic and iconic facilities, great teams, great coaches and some amazing athletes but more than that, Nottingham is a city that lives and breathes its sport. The title is well deserved and I hope it will help to inspire even more people in Nottingham to lead healthy and active lives” Councillor Dave Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, Nottingham City Council, said: “Nottingham is a very worthy winner of this accolade, being voted England’s Home of Sport 2015. Our city offers world-class sporting facilities and events for both local people and for visitors to the area. I’m particularly pleased that we were the ‘people’s choice’ as it shows how proud the people of Nottingham are of their city’s sporting achievements.”
A New Year. A New Start
Start Dancin' Mapperley Plains Social Club A New Course starting for the New Year
This will be a 7-week course in
Quickstep and Rumba starting on
Thursday January 7th 2016 Beginners start at 7.00 pm
Intermediates at 7.45 pm
Advanced at 8.30 pm Foxtrot Workshop on
Sunday February 14th First session starts at 2.00 pm
To register: email: Phone: 07760 112277
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NG3 Index of Advertisers Accountants/Book Keeping Alan’s Accounting Ashbys Accountancy Select Accountancy
48 48 49
Adoption Agencies Family Care
Aerials/TV’s/Audio ADI Aerials Carlton Aerials Phil Chapman Mapperley Aerials
29 39 27 31
Bathrooms/Kitchens/Bedrooms DD Joinery Haydn Interiors Ltd Shower Doctor SLR Installations Sliding Door Wardrobes
Equestrian Martins Farm Estate Agents/Lettings Mapperley Prop. Manage. Smooth Moves Tristram’s Lettings
Photography/Restoration Detail Photography
3 6 72
Plastering Richard Brooks C J Plastering GM Plastering Matt the Plasterer
23 18 17 44
Plumbing,Heating, Air Con Agua Gas P.Byrne B & M Plumbing Coles P & H MCB Plumbing PHS Plumbing Tony Jones Plumbing Woodthorpe Plumbing
45 22 40 17 46 28 31 26
Property Maintenance Services DD Joinery DF Garden & Property M A Britton JJ’s Jobs
45 21 44 18
Removals/House Clearance ACS Removals
Restaurants/Takeaways/Pubs The Embankment Spice
51 1
Schools/Colleges New College Nottingham
Fireplaces/Woodburners/Stoves Homesweep 21 Flooring/Carpets Brightwood Flooring The Little Carpet Co.
19 29
45 37 21 20 30
Foot Health The Foot Studio Suzanne Gratton-Fisher
66 63
Blinds/Curtains/Shutters E.M PLantation Blinds
Funeral Services/Celebrants Notts Funeral Services
Building / Roofers / Fascias AKJ Contracts Arnold Building & Roofing B & P Paving Bilborough Building Canterburys DMI Roofing Ernehale Roofing John White Builders Nottingham No Leak Nottm Roofing Service J Powers Builders PG Stapleton Roofer Mick RSJ Roofing Smithchilds Construction W A Builders
Garden Centres Woodthorpe Park Plants
21 17 36 19 41 28 39 39 34 22 46 23 31 15 47 40
Gardening/Groundwork/Paving All Ground Services Anderson Gardening Ascot Landscapes Aurora B & P Paving DF Garden & Property Heatherview Landscapes Kerb Appeal LittleGreen Landscapes Marriots Gardens Walkerscapes WRS
40 46 31 18 36 21 25 45 33 22 28 33
Gas Engineer Thermix
Solicitors Rothera Dowson
Glass Specialist Sines Glass
18 35
Hair & Beauty Daisy Dora Mychelle Caroline Hair
67 63
Tiling/Tile Retailers emc Tiles Grout & About JNB Tiling
27 21 44
Health & Fitness Cambridge Weight-loss Gedling Leisure Slimming World Summers in Time Woodthorpe Tennis Club
69 67 66 53 63
Tree Surgeons Charnwood Trees WRS
23 33
Trade Directories Age UK British Gypsum
11 15
Home Improvements Jason Craddock Man about the House Tony Smith Handyman
34 46 25
Travel Agents Forest Travel
Tuition/Courses Robert Doughty Guitar
Will Writers ALH Legal Rothera Dowson
11 2
Burial Grounds Tithe Green Car Sales/Repairs Super Mechanick Promech Care/Support Services Age UK
Chimney Sweeps Homesweep Supersweep
21 29
Cleaners:Homes, Windows, Carpets Chewing Services Derwent Cleaning Dustbusters JWS MJ Cleaning
44 17 18 23 34
Computer Repairs/Sales Sola
Dance/Drama classes Start Dancing Summers in Time
69 53
Day Nurseries Hollies Day Nursery Dentures/Dentists Harrison Dental Your SmileDenture Clinic
Joiners/Timberwork Beecroft Joiners DD Joiners Hopewells Glen Myers M.Thompson
33 45 18 46 20
Kids Activities Tumble Tots
Milliners The Head in the Crowd
66 65
Opticians Specsavers
Oven Cleaning/Repairs Ovenu
Painting/Decorating Glen Birch Chris’ Decorating James Richard Martin Phil Sargeant Paul Thorpe Paul Tinsley Waters Colours
28 27 44 23 34 18 25 17
Domestic Appliance Engineers C. Moore Ltd 18 Notts Appliance Repairs 45 Drainage/Pipe Clearance ADK Drains
Electricians Steve Earnshaw DElectrix D J Hill Electrical LV Electrical Perkins & Son Redhill Electrical Sols
20 26 44 22 33 29
Scooters/Electric Bikes: Sales/ Repairs Kens Auto Spares 63
Windows/Doors/Conservatories K & A Windows 19 Window Repair Man 21
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