6 minute read
For Sale
Delta 10" Table Saw (Model 36-325C) $400. (613)258-2604
Websters Library of World Greatest Music Composers VOL16, includes 16 classical albums. Best offer. 613567-8533
Electric Wheel Chair
Asking $1500.00 dollars or best offer, it was used for two years it is in good shape. Phone number 613-258-7703
Cedar posts and rails for sale. Jon 613-227-3650.
4X4 round bales of hay and straw for sale. Jon 613-227-3650.
Champion generator, 4000 WATT, like new, 4 plug 15 amp, 120/240 volt 3 prong plug $340. nadfudt@gmail.com
R.V. screened room add on to extend your space. Good condition, no longer needed. $200. nadfudt@gmail.com
Cedars for hedging, 2' tp 10', Tamarac & Spruce. Call Jim after 6pm 613-258-3561
Firewood for sale. Cut, split, seasoned, mixed hardwood. $105/face cord. Call Ken 613 323 5503 20230201
Dry firewood for sale $110 a cord plus delivery fee. Call or text Jon 613-2273650
For Sale: Never used 1/3 horsepower Emerson motor. $100 firm. Call Reg - 613 258 7606
Wheelchair, Fuse 5.0 with accessories; Shower chair with coasters & commode. $375 each. Call 613-5678533.
Start a book club in time for cooler weather in a hamlet near walking trails and parkettes. Our hall is well equipped for any gathering or celebration, and we offer very competitive rates. http://burrittsrapids. com
Looking to harvest cedar trees for hedges off acreages from landowners. Please call Joanne 613-799-0958
Experienced+local farming family looking to buy a farm. Min. 10ac tillable with a liveable house. Open to creative solutions. davidrbailie@gmail.com.
Looking to rent farmland for cash crops. Call or text Mitch @ 613-262-1204.
For Rent
Property for rent for spring & fall deer & turkey hunting. Call Jim after 6pm 613-258-3561
Community Events
North Grenville Highschool, Tues., April 18 at 7pmJoin NG Parent Council's mental health workshop with Dr. Laura Armstrong. Learn how to support children and youth facing emotional, behavioural, or social challenges.
St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 319 Prescott St. is offering an Alpha Course on Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm, April 20-June 22, dinner included. Weekly registration is $5.00. email Rev. Samer Kandalaft at reverend@ stpaulskemptville.ca
April 22: Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 319 Prescott Street, Kemptville, two seatings 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm. Featuring salad, dessert and beverage. Adults: $15.00, Children 4-10: $10.00, Children 3 and under: Free. Take-out also available. For advance tickets please email fundraising@stpaulskemptville.ca or call 613715-3049. Limited tickets available at the door.
KLUB 67 Euchre – Fun, social card playing every 2nd and 4th Wednesday monthly at 1PM, September to May. Location: Kemptville Legion, 100 Reuben Cres, Kemptville. Everyone welcome $5., cash prizes.
BREAKFAST, Kemptville Legion! Every 3rd Saturday from 8-10am - $8 for adults, $6 for children 10 and under. Euchre will be held following breakfast, registration starts at 11:30 am.
Kemptville Legion: Now Open Fridays 1-7. Free Pool and Darts. Everyone Welcome
BINGO, Kemptville Legion, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, doors open at noon
North Grenville Duplicate Bridge Club Bridge, Masonic Lodge 311 Van Buren Kemptville, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 12:15. All Levels of bridge players are welcome. Info call 613-795-7155
BID EUCHRE on Monday, March 27 and every two weeks after until May 22 at Pierce's Corners, 3048 Pierce Road. Registration starts at 1:00 p.m. and play starts at 1:30 p.m. $5 per player. For information contact debiar@ymail.com.
EUCHRE on Tuesday, April 4 and every two weeks after until May 30 at Pierce's Corners, 3048 Pierce Road. Registration starts at 1:00 p.m. and play starts at 1:30 p.m. $5 per player. For information contact debiar@ymail.com.
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku

Solution to last week’s Crossword

Ice Storm 2023

North Grenville Public Library
Volunteers Needed
We are an enthusiastic, dedicated group of volunteers who love the Library. We are looking for likeminded people to join us. Meetings are once a month with summers and December off. If you enjoy taking notes, perhaps you would enjoy being our secretary. If you have IT experience, perhaps you could manage our on-line presence. If you are interested in learning more about our group, please call 613-258-1576.
Beauty in disaster
What is the best nutritional advice ever given?
How long has this column recommended a highfiber diet? Since March 1978 when readers were informed that processed foods create a “slow assembly line” in the bowels. Now some of the world’s most highly regarded nutritional scientists at Imperial College London say dietary fiber is “the best health advice of all time!”

What is it about fiber that is so important? Soluble fiber dissolves in the stomach and can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Insoluble fiber passes through the digestive system, supporting a faster assembly line that moves waste out, reducing the risks for hemorrhoids and colon disease that creep up when hard stools loiter the bowels.
Experts agree that women need about 25-30 grams of fiber daily, and men about 30-35 grams. Children need substantial fiber too. But on average, North Americans are consuming only 15 grams of fiber a day.
Instead, most people are choosing too much processed food – white flour, sugar, low-quality breakfast cereal, chips, pies, processed meat, and ready meals, to name a few. One must shake the head when the benefits of fiber have been known for so long.
Dr. Denis Burkitt, an Irish researcher, reported decades ago that even disadvantaged populations in Africa consumed large amounts of fiber and had healthy bowel movements. Unlike better off Europeans, they did not suffer from constipation, and it was rare to see appendicitis and large bowel problems.
Most people won’t remember the King George V battleship chasing the German battleship Bismarck in World War II. But the British captain was also a medical expert. He brought sacks of bran on board to fight the common ailment at sea of constipation. The bowels of the battleship and the sailors performed very well!
Going back further in history, Hippocrates, who lived from 460-370 BC, told the people of Athens that to keep healthy, they should have large bulky bowel movements. He scrutinized the stools of his patients to diagnose problems and recommended bread, fruits and vegetables.
Today, we know that whole wheat, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber. Bananas, tomatoes, prunes, celery and roasted almonds are also good choices. Don’t forget the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” The reason? An apple can contain over 3 grams of fiber.
Be sure you’re not fooled by food labels. Look for the words “whole grain” or “whole wheat” on bread. One slice contains about two grams of fiber. Breads that are labelled “multigrain” may contain little or no fiber.
How do you know if you’re getting sufficient fiber? Be like Hippocrates and have a look in the toilet bowl. Small, hard, stools are a problem. A high fiber diet will result in regular soft stools having the texture of bananas.
Fiber also fights obesity.
Good nutrition for babies, children, and teens
submitted by Saman Shaikh, RD., M.Sc. Leeds, Grenville and Lanark DHU
Good nutrition is vital through the life cycle. For infants, breastmilk is the only food or drink they need for the first 6 months of life, as well as vitamin D supplement while breastfeeding.
At 6 months, it is time to begin adding solid foods. Iron is an important nutrient at this age, so start with iron rich foods, including red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, beans and lentils, and iron-fortified infant cereal. There is no need to delay starting common allergen foods, such as nuts or eggs. Introduce them one at a time and wait two days before introducing another one.
Offer your baby a range of nutritious, texture-appropriate foods from your family meals that they can eat using their hands, and let them explore. Always supervise your baby while they’re eating, and pay attention to their hunger cues.
Once solid foods are established at around 12 months of age, offer a variety of foods from the Canada’s Food Guide, including vegetables and fruit, protein foods, and whole grains. Establish a schedule of regular meals and snacks. Children can also start homogenized milk starting around 9 – 12 months of age.
Picky eating can be quite common in children. Remember, caregivers are responsible for what, where and when to offer food, and kids are responsible for how much or whether they will eat. Be patient. It can take up to 10-15 exposures before a child may accept a food. Involve children in meal planning and preparation, have meals together whenever possible, be a positive role model, and offer a variety of foods without pressure, keeping mealtimes pleasant and free from distractions.
Nutrition is also impor-
One apple loaded with fiber has a filling effect. Wait a few minutes after eating one to note how it eliminates the hunger reflex.
Get “fiber smart” and begin the day with a bowl of high fiber cereal along with a banana, blueberries, or other fruits and nuts. Then select meals at lunch and dinner that provide more fiber. Pass on the processed options. Desserts don’t need to be loaded with unhealthy calories. Apple crumble is an example of a high fiber dessert.
No one can claim that fiber is bad for your health. But keep in mind that adding too much fiber too quickly could cause a commotion in the bowels in the form of intestinal gas and bloating. Increase fiber in the diet gradually.
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