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Calling all artists!
In recognition of the importance of the Arts, the North Dundas Times would like to begin featuring the talent of local artists in print. First, we need artists to come forward and show their talent! Each “Arts Profile” would feature an example work by a local artist, as well as a short biography of the artist.
There is no doubt that North Dundas is rich in the arts. An organization that already exists is the North Dundas Arts Council (NDAC), which was founded in 2012 by Ann Brady, Gail Storring, and Derrick Reeve. “Over the years, it has seen members come and go, and when COVID hit, we went into hibernation,” Ann told the Times. “Now, with our Winchester Open Mic Night program up and running and doing extremely well, we are revitalizing our Board with some very dynamic and committed new members, and excited about the plans we are developing.” NDAC is also set to announce, shortly, a program showcasing local visual artists' works in select public spaces.

The support of the local community is critical in supporting the arts. “Back in around 2012-13, SD&G produced an economic development report that identified Arts and Culture as the ‘fourth pillar of economic development’, something we hope our new Councillors will pursue after this upcoming election,” said Ann.

While North Dundas has no shortage of artists who are bold in expressing their talent, many more are bound to be keeping their skills a secret for fear of judgement. The quality of art is in the eye of the beholder, and art is meant to be shared and appreciated. There is truly no such thing as “good” or “bad” art, and sharing with other artists is important.
“It is important to connect with other artists to share our experiences of being artists and get helpful advice on a piece we are working on or to gain new techniques and share our goals,” said area portrait artist Laura Mayer. “Having a connection with other artists gives us valuable support and encouragement.”
Artists looking to explore more of what North Dundas has to offer can visit the website of the North Dundas Arts Council at https://www.facebook.com/ NorthDundasArtsCouncil. Any artists looking to be featured in an Arts Profile in the North Dundas Times should get in touch by emailing brandon@ndtimes.ca. All types of art are welcome, and you may get to see your art in print!