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Oxford Mills Guiding Trip Unit hosts Stampede Day & BBQ this Sunday

by Ann Lalonde

Bon Voyage to the Oxford Mills Pathfinders and Rangers! With just a few short weeks to go before departing on the adventure of a lifetime, the Guiding Trip Unit is hosting their farewell fundraiser, Stampede Day & Rib BBQ, this Sunday, June 18, at the Kemptville Legion. There is something for everyone at this event! These youth are super excited about travelling to Alberta to take in the sights and sounds of the Calgary Stampede, they wanted to bring a version of it to Kemptville. Giddy ‘up!


1pm kicks off the event at the Kemptville Legion with an Adult (16+) horseshoe tournament.

2pm Chuckwagon Scavenger Hunt participants will meet at the Kemptville Youth Centre. Teams of up to 6 people are encouraged to pull their homemade chuckwagon downtown as they walk around downtown Kemptville and decipher clues to get to the final destination in time for the next activity.

3pm Rodeo Games will take place behind the Legion, including barrel racing and ‘bull’ roping. No live animals here, but you are welcome to ride your broomstick or pool noodle horse! Plenty of great prizes for these activities at Stampede Day. We thank many local businesses for the ongoing support and supplying great prizes!

4pm Line Dancing begins inside followed by the Grandstand Show. The public is encouraged to sing or perform on stage too! Our very own Pathfinder, and winner of Kemptville’s Got Talent, Keeley Brown, will be playing her guitar and singing her way to stardom.

5pm Enjoy a delicious Rib BBQ while the Grandstand Show continues featuring acoustic performer and songwriter, John Wilberforce. Bring your cowboy appetite to this BBQ and fill your plate with homemade buns, baked potatoes, coleslaw, baked beans and cobbler for dessert for only $25. Hotdogs and Vegan wieners are also available for $10.

Takeout also available. To reserve your tickets, call 613-229-1575, or email oxfordmillstripunit@gmail. com or find our advertisement on Facebook. The Guiding Trip Unit wants to extend their appreciation to the whole community for their generosity and support throughout the last year and $20,000 of fundraising! They look forward to seeing you at their Farewell Fundraiser – Stampede Day and Rib BBQ this Sunday.

Tickets available at: Royal Canadian Legion Branch 212, Kemptville Bowling, Moose Mart, 515 Prescott Street, B&H Foodliner, Jonsson's Independent Grocer, Fast Eddies Diner, R. Rose Automotive, Kemptville Lions Club Members, Turcotte General Store, Heckston Follow the draws at: facebook.com/kemptvillelions

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