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Rideau Glen Ladies Golf League season starter
submitted by Joan Beauregard Rideau Glen Ladies Golf League is back in the swing, with 153 enthusiastic players, a new record for our league.
The 2023 season kicked off with the usual Meet ‘n Greet in April, and we’re now into our regular round of weekly play, tournaments and fundays. So far, the weather-gods have favoured us, and we’ve had full fields each week.
May brings the annual Havelin Tournament, our alternate shot, stroke-play event that pits balanced teams for a lovely trophy and bragging rights! This tournament has a history going back to 1970 when the trophy was donated by the Havelin family. Always popular with golfers of all levels, we had 46 ardent ladies cheering each other on and a good time was had by all. After a chilly start, the wind held off and the sun eventually warmed us all up. Our winners were: 1st Place - Brenda Macumber and Louise Scherer; 2nd Place - Janne Ristkes and Belinda Nelson. Congratulations to our winners!
Looking forward to June, we have 2 Thursday tournaments: the Jean Hyndman on June 15th and the Super Seniors on June 22nd.
Our end-of-May fun day started with a hidden-holes tournament with scores ad- justed by removing the strokecounts of 3 holes randomly selected. What absolutely beautiful weather to kick off our first month-end event. Thanks to all who came out to play and enjoy a tasty, social lunch ably catered by Pam and Don Miller of Just Home Cooking. During lunch, our league co-ordinator Mary welcomed everyone then gave a few League updates and announcements. Last, but not least, presentations of recognition awards and prizes for the tournament. Recognition pins for Birdies went to Leslie Cheal, Georgia Crawford, Su Ouellette, Judy DeGrosbois, Sandy Ochoski , and Susan Sampson. Our fun-day tournament winners were Donna Lush (Front) and Bonnie Thibaudeau (Back), and Runners-up Marg McCornoch (Front) and Marie Coady (Back). Closest to the flower basket winners were Janette Fattizzo (Front) and Doreen O'Sullivan (Back). Doreen actually hit the basket, I guess you can't get any closer than that. . . Closest to the Pin (Hole no. 7) was Suzanne Nesbitt.
A great start to a new season and lots more to come!