4 minute read
Stress testing equipment brings support close to home
verse heart event happens.”
During a stress test, the patient walks on a treadmill that begins slowly and increases gradually in speed and incline. During the test a patient’s heart rate, blood pressure and the heart’s rhythm and electrical activity is monitored.
“This piece of equipment is a key part of WDMH’s cardiology program,” notes Kristen Casselman, Managing Director, WDMH Foundation. “The current equipment was at the end of its life span and the new equipment will ensure uninterrupted delivery of service.
It also integrates into Epic, WDMH’s new clinical information system, providing information for clinicians at their fingertips.”
Baldwin's Birds
A mystery bird appears
submitted by Jane Adams
The cardiac team at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) is proud to care for patients with heart concerns. A new Stress Test Machine ensures that those patients will not have to travel to Ottawa for important tests.
“Stress testing is used for the diagnosis of heart disease or abnormal heart rhythms,” explains Karie Neddo, a Registered Cardiology Technologist at WDMH. “It is a minimally-invasive test to diagnose blockages in the heart and can help diagnose issues before an actual ad-
Health Matters
“We are so grateful to the WDMH Foundation donors,” sums up Karie Neddo. “You are all awesome and your generous gift will help us to continually provide compassionate care!”
The new stress test machine costs $53,459.75.
We are now well into the New Year and all the questions that it has already posed, in respect to some of our avian friends and who they might be. We have had a bird, about the same size as a Junco, come and visit on a couple of occasions who definitely is not one of them, and whose colors do not give it a clear clue as to what it is. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a really clear well defined picture of it, and despite the help of a couple of more qualified local people than my own very amateurish self, I/we still do not know what it is. The beak suggests Grosbeak family, a Bunting or even a Finch, but between us it still remains a mystery. I am still awaiting its return to try and get more details from a decent picture, so my fi ngers are crossed, but not very hopeful!

At one time, my research conversations began to get quite technical regarding the pigmentation of the feathers and all the other scientific factors and theories that could contribute to this odd bird. It is a bit above my head, so I won’t take up your time on the mat- ter, but just thought that I would mention it in passing! You have probably had the same sort of quandary, when spotting birds at your feeders too. Hopefully you have, or will, find the answers by just referring to your own bird books or even the dreaded internet! Which ever one it is, I hope that you enjoy what you discover. Stay safe and well. Cheers,
John Baldwin
What is one of the most common health problems that develops in people as they age, and also one of the least discussed? The answer is chronic swelling of the legs. At best, it’s a natural consequence of aging. But also known as peripheral edema, there can be medical, nutritional, or lifestyle causes and serious health consequences.
Edema is a general term meaning swelling. Peripheral edema occurs in the legs, ankles, feet, as well as arms and hands. Swelling in other parts of the body include pulmonary edema (in the lungs), cerebral edema (in the brain), and macular edema (in the eye). It’s a medical emergency when the lungs or brain are affected, and a life-altering condition when vision is impacted.
But in the legs, while victims must deal with pain, weakness, and limitations on mobility, for many, there is a sense of stigma, when once shapely or muscular legs have become less sightly. That’s at least one reason why there’s not a lot of information about how many people are suffering from the condition. In the minds of sufferers, it doesn’t warrant a visit to the doctor, and clothes can help conceal the issue, if not make it go away.
One research team at the University of Rochester used data from the American Health and Retirement Study, a nationally representative longitudinal survey of about 20,000 U.S. adults over the age of 51, to estimate prevalence of the condition, which they found to be 19-20% of survey respondents.

They also found social disparities among those reporting lower limb edema. Blacks/African Americans and other racial minorities, women, and less wealthy individuals were more affected. As is the case with many other health conditions, the researchers reported, “Minority racial status and lower wealth could be associated with peripheral edema for multiple reasons, including higher rates of other chronic health conditions as well as lower access to healthy foods and preventive care services.”
What is causing edema is not always easy to determine. For the individuals involved, it can be hard to know if the swelling is the result of fluid gathering in the tissue. Or is it from the buildup of fat? Known as Lipedema, it is fat, not fluid, that occurs in the limbs, and in the early stage, people do not typically have diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. But peripheral edema is an accumulation of fluid.

Causes of fluid buildup can be long periods of sitting or standing. Pregnant women can develop the condition, as can people with low levels of protein in the diet.
But more sinister causes are also common, including chronic lung diseases or congestive heart failure, when the heart muscle doesn't pump well. Chronic venous insufficiency occurs when leg veins fail to carry blood back up to the heart. When valves that normally ensure blood flows toward the heart don't work well, gravity takes over, causing blood to pool in the legs.
Depending on the cause, the treatment should be tailored. This is not the time for armchair medicine. An accurate diagnosis depends on a full medical history and potentially a battery of tests to pinpoint the issue.

Keep in mind, it’s better to treat the underlying cause than the symptom. Raising the affected limbs will help. Diuretics can also help but need to be used with care as removing too much fluid too quickly can, among other things, impair kidney function.
Attention to diet, consistent moderate exercise, and maintenance of a healthy weight should be the goal –early in life, and all lifelong.